1 Introduction
Simulating elastic materials that exhibit directional effects requires the use of anisotropic (i.e., transversely isotropic) constitutive models that describe this rotationally invariant but direction-dependent behavior. However, existing expressions of these anisotropic energies are highly non-linear, which precludes inversion safety when simulating with finite elements (FEs) due to the occurrence of spurious stable states under large deformations.
A notable exception is the recent
\(I_4\)-invariant-based expression of anisotropic elastic energy by Kim et al. [
2019], which is appealing for its seemingly simple and low-order invariant-expressible form that can be optimized efficiently. Notably the formulation subsumes a rotation-variant polar factorization, and the gradient (force) can become singular. Polar factorization hinders proper analytic expression of the energy gradient due to the occurrence of a fourth-order rotation-gradient tensor, where the rotation matrix from which this tensor is defined will be computed
numerically, for example, via
singular value decomposition (SVD).
1 Force singularity will halt a simulation, which happens when an FE enters a physically degenerate configuration such as being collapsed to a point, line, or undergoing inversion with large deformations. Thus, while appealing for its simplicity, the
\(I_4\)-invariant-based formulation of anisotropic elastic energy lacks sufficient analytic description due to a fundamental reliance on iterative/numerical procedures to compute polar factorization and can suffer from force singularities, which are the two core problems that we aim to address in this article.
We propose to analyze and extend the
\(I_4\)-invariant-based formulation of anisotropic elasticity by using analytic rotations [Lin et al.
2022], where we show that the complete Hessian expression of this invariant can be obtained in proper closed form. Standard Cauchy-Green invariants are adopted to evaluate rotation factors as in the work of Lin et al. [
2022], from which we also identify new invariants that are required to arrive at a novel (and fully differentiable) expression of
\(I_4\). We then derive a closed-form expression of its Hessian for optimization with Newton-type solvers that require second derivatives. We also propose two solutions to eliminate singularities via mollification or regularization, which are designed to ensure that forces are gracefully bounded, and where the energy function is at least
\(C^1\) (and piecewise
\(C^2\)) continuous for all geometric configurations of an FE. We thus extend and supplement the definition of any energy written in terms of the
\(I_4\)-invariant by using these solutions for addressing the incompleteness of the analytic description and singularities.
Our analysis presents numerous applications and benefits by providing a general approach with which the various forms of anisotropy (cf. Figure
1) can be expressed and simulated. A simple, fast, and robust
anisotropic As-Rigid-As-Possible (ARAP) energy is made possible with our
\(I_4\) Hessian expression by addressing singularities. We in turn use these expressions to show that this anisotropic ARAP energy is a ‘baseline’ parametric description of both passive and active elastic constitutive models in invariant-expressible forms, much like corotational elasticity is largely established as the prototypical rotation-invariant model of isotropic elasticity. An even deeper implication of our analysis is that our
\(I_4\)-invariant formulation can be used to rewrite several common anisotropic and isotropic energies including anisotropic ARAP [Alexa et al.
2000; Kim et al.
2019; Sorkine and Alexa
2007], the Baraff-Witkin cloth model [Kim
2020], and shape targeting for simulating active elasticity models [Ichim et al.
2017; Klár et al.
2020a], in lower-order form, with the added benefit of faster performance in terms of solver convergence rates. Orthotropic- and generally anisotropic materials (see Figure
1), which exhibit unique response along prescribed directions, can likewise be expressed and thus understood in terms of our novel formulation of transverse isotropy.
A summary of our primary contributions is as follows:
A closed-form expression of the anisotropic invariant \(I_{4}\) to enable proper analytic description of its gradients;
an approach to identify and resolve singularities associated with \(I_{4}\) for ensuring numerical stability of energies based on this invariant; and
novel expressions for rewriting several common hyperelastic energies in simpler and faster invariant-expressible forms.
2 Background
In this section, we review the formulations of invariants that encompass all possible isotropic and anisotropic hyperelastic
2 FE energies before presenting our
\(I_4\)-invariant formulation. For notation, we will represent scalars as italic letters (
\(J\)), vectors as bold lowercase letters (
\(\mathbf {x}\)), and matrices as bold uppercase letters (
\(\mathbf {M}\)).
Our starting point is the recently proposed fundamental set of strain measures from Smith et al. [
which are
isotropic invariants of the deformation gradient
\(\mathbf {F}=\mathbf {R}\mathbf {S}\) admitting polar factorization to obtain the scaling
\(\mathbf {S}= \mathbf {R}^T\mathbf {F}\) and a rotation factor
\(\mathbf {R}\). This
\(\mathbf {F}\) is a matrix encoding the change-of-shape within an FE and is used to describe
local deformation (cf. Figure
2). The strain measures are designed to expand the space of invariant-expressible isotropic hyperelastic FE energies into the inversion-safe regime, leading to a systematic method for obtaining analytic eigensystems for minimization with projected Newton solvers. Building on Equation (
1), Kim et al. [
2019] extend the fundamental set by advocating
as the strain measure expanding the aforementioned energy space with inversion-safe
anisotropic energies. The vector
\(\mathbf {a}\) prescribes the direction of the anisotropic force, which also represents the
locally preferred direction of material response to deformation.
Our focus is expanding the broader applicability of
\(I_4\) by recasting the formulation of Kim et al. [
2019] into the framework of analytic rotations [Lin et al.
2022] to address several practical challenges associated with this invariant for arriving at a general rotation-invariant model of anisotropy. For brevity, we refer the readers to the work of Bonet and Wood [
2008], Kim and Eberle [
2022], and Sifakis and Barbic [
2012], as well as that of Marsden and Hughes [
1994], for an extensive treatment of background literature and theory about the pertinent topic of continuum mechanics in computer graphics and engineering for simulating hyperelastic materials with FEs.
2.1 The Derivatives of Arbitrary I4 Energies
Analyzing and simulating the deformation behavior of a given elastic material will require the analytic expressions for the stress and Hessian of the potential energy function associated with this material.
3 These stress and Hessian expressions are essential for determining the spatial derivatives of the energy. Thus, for a given set of invariants
\(\mathcal {I}\), an energy
\(\Psi (\mathcal {I})\) that is expressed in terms of these invariants will have first- and second-order spatial derivatives of the form
\({\partial \Psi }/{\partial \mathbf {F}}\) and
\({\partial ^2 \Psi }/{\partial \mathbf {F}^2}\) are the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress (PK1) and Hessian, respectively. It is from this PK1 and Hessian that one obtains the energy gradient (force)
\(\partial \Psi /\partial \mathbf {x}\) and force-Jacobian
\(\partial ^2 \Psi /\partial \mathbf {x}^2\) (via tensor contraction ‘
\(:\)’ with the change-of-basis tensor
\({\partial \mathbf {F}}/{\partial \mathbf {x}}\)) as partial derivatives of the scalar potential
\(\Psi\) w.r.t. positions
\(\mathbf {x}\). These derivatives are most commonly used for time integration in FE simulations.
However, an energy expression that is written purely in terms of
\(I_4\) (i.e.,
\(\Psi (\mathcal {I} = \lbrace {I_4\rbrace }) \rightarrow \Psi _{4}\)) will have a PK1 of the form (cf. Equation (28) in the work of Kim et al. [
\(\mathbf {A}= \mathbf {a}\mathbf {a}^T\). Equation (
7) presents two impeding difficulties. The first is that it contains a fourth-order rotation gradient tensor
\(\tfrac{\partial \mathbf {R}}{\partial \mathbf {F}}\), where the rotation
\(\mathbf {R}=\mathbf {U}\mathbf {V}^T\) is assumed to come from a rotation-variant polar decomposition that is computed
numerically (e.g., via SVD
\(\mathbf {F}=\mathbf {U}\Sigma \mathbf {V}^T)\) [Twigg and Kačić-Alesić
2010; Sorkine-Hornung and Rabinovich
2016; Higham
2008; Irving et al.
2004; McAdams et al.
2011b]. Thus, proper closed-form description of this rotation gradient is at best unwieldy, which also hinders exact derivation of the gradient and Hessian (see also the work of Gao et al. [
2009] and Papadopoulo and Lourakis [
2000] for examples of numerical approximations). The second challenge relates to the behavior of the energy, which exhibits singularities (infinitely large forces) that can make minimization intractable. This issue occurs, for example, during FE inversion when two singular values
\(\sigma _i\) of
\(\mathbf {F}\) are equal in magnitude but with opposite signs, where
\(\textrm {diag}(\Sigma) = (\sigma _1, \ldots , \sigma _d)\).
2.2 Inversion-Safe Anisotropic ARAP Energy
Faced with these issues, Kim et al. [
2019] analyze several existing anisotropic energies to construct an inversion-safe energy of the form
To our knowledge, Equation (
9) is the only anisotropic ARAP model that is inversion safe, which Kim et al. [
2019] define as the property of having a single stable state under large (e.g., flip-inducing) deformations of FEs. The step function
\(\mathcal {S}(x)\) detects element inversion, which is based on the sign information of the singular values of
\(\mathbf {F}\) via
\(I_4\). Its effect is to mask the high-order rotation-gradient tensor from the PK1
and the respective Hessian, where
\(\delta (I_4) = \partial \mathcal {S}(I_4)/\partial \mathbf {F}\) is the Dirac delta function that ensures that forces no longer explode to infinity. Anisotropy of material response is determined by the higher-order invariant
where this response is along the vector
\(\mathbf {a}\). It is noteworthy that this invariant
\(I_5\) is not inversion safe (information about the sign of the smallest singular value
\(\sigma _d\) is lost) due to the squaring implied by the right Cauchy-Green tensor
\(\mathbf {C}= \mathbf {F}^T\mathbf {F}= \mathbf {S}^2 = \mathbf {V}\Sigma ^2\mathbf {V}^T\). Thus, inversion-safe anisotropic ARAP relies on the step function for capturing sign information that indicates element inversion from
\(I_4\) to arrive at a perhaps more palatable expression of the PK1 (and thereby the Hessian), and with the effect of masking singularities that arise during anisotropic FE inversion or collapse.
2.3 Challenges with \(\Psi_AA\)-Energy Minimization
The constitutive law in Equation (
9) is a highly versatile and practical model, but it unfortunately suffers from three key drawbacks that limit broader applicability.
The first drawback is that this energy is discontinuous at either
\(I_4 = 0\) or
\(I_5 = 0\), which are two new sources of singularity. This follows the fact that
\(I_4 = 0\) does not generally imply
\(I_5 = 0\) and vice versa since, for example,
\(I_5\) is a weighted norm (i.e., involving a linear combination of the columns) of
\(\mathbf {S}^2\) rather than
\(\mathbf {S}\) as in the case of
\(I_4\). Singularity thus shows itself once more due to a scaling by
\(\delta (I_4 = 0) = \infty\) or a division-by-zero when
\(I_5 = 0\) as shown in Equation (
7). Patching the discontinuity with the missing value is proposed for overcoming this drawback by using a PK1 expression without the
\(\delta\)-terms (see Equation (36) in the work of Kim et al. [2019]). However, solutions computed at
\(I_4=0\) for minimization are then not congruent with the local energy landscape around this configuration due to the aforementioned discontinuity, leading to solver divergence.
The second drawback is that minimization of Equation (
9) is numerically unstable due to a potential for division-by-zero as
\(\sqrt {I_5} \rightarrow 0\), which will also severely impact an iterative solver’s rate of convergence since forces become intractably large.
The third drawback of Equation (
9) is that it does not possess what we call the
characteristic symmetry, which we detail in Section
5. Broadly, this property refers to the ability to reproduce isotropy from anisotropy by a summation of energies/terms that are parameterized by orthonormal vectors forming a basis of the same dimension as the FE.
Thus, Equation (
9) is potentially unstable, as it still suffers from singularities that are fatal or will severely impact performance during minimization. The model also does not satisfy a key condition of symmetry, which we show to be vital for expanding the broader applicability of this energy.
6 Results
In this section, we present discussions about our analysis and combine with experiments to characterize the behavior of our energies and performance. We optimized our energies using a projected Newton solver with line search. The
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) method is used to solve the linear system arising in each Newton iteration, which we implement with the Eigen library. In our testing for the convergence of the Newton solver, we employed a dynamic simulation with a value of
\(10^{-2}L\Delta t\) and a static simulation with a value of
\(10^{-4}L\), where
\(L\) represents the length of the diagonal of the bounding box of the object being simulated, and
\(\Delta t\) is the size of the timestep. Additionally, we set
\(\delta =10^{-6}\) as our PCG threshold. A standard diagonal preconditioner is used for PCG. Our results are produced on an Ubuntu system with a 20-core 3.8-GHZ Intel Core I9 CPU and 32 GB of RAM. A summary of our timings is also provided in Table
1 for reference.
Inversion-Safe ARAP. Figure
4 shows the result of reproducing the standard ‘scramble’ benchmark test that is common in FEM literature (see, e.g., the work of Lin et al. [
2022], Sin et al. [
2013], Smith et al. [
2018], and Stomakhin et al. [
2012]). The benchmark is simulated with an isotropic energy that is constructed using Equation (
39) with
\(d=3\) orthogonal anisotropy directions
\(\mathbf {u}_i\). We randomly position the vertices of the Armadillo within a cube whose volume is twice that of the Armadillo’s rest volume, except a small subset of vertices on the hands and feet which remain in their original positions. This benchmark demonstrates the overall robustness of our method, showing our ability to withstand inversion and flattening for recovering the original rest configuration gracefully. In contrast, using the anisotropic ARAP energy proposed by Kim et al. [
2019] (cf. Equation (
9)) in the same manner fails at the very first step, which highlights the significance of our analysis. The result of Figure
4 also provides further evidence for the validity and practical utility of our finding in Equation (
5 provides a visual demonstration of another practically challenging scenario, where the Stanford Bunny is inverted such that all of its elements are in a singularity-inducing state. We use this experiment (same energy as in Figure
4) as a way to to provide further insight into the practical utility, robustness, and potential applications of our model under unique and challenging conditions. Our method successfully recovers the original bunny shape when using either of our solutions that we propose to address singularity.
We further test our anisotropic rewriting of the isotropic ARAP energy (Equation (
39)) with a pulling and compression test, where we also include volume preservation by adding the term
\(\tfrac{\lambda }{2}(J-1)^2\) to our energy as in previous works (e.g., those of Lin et al. [
2022], Smith et al. [
2018], and Stomakhin et al. [
2012]). We simulate a cylinder that is pulled in one instance and compressed in another. We vary Poisson’s ratio
\(\nu =0,0.3,0.49\) across three distinct values while maintaining Young’s modulus
\(E=1\mathrm{e}4\) at a constant. Our results are shown in Figure
6, which demonstrate the range of material behaviors that are achieved with our method while also penalizing volume loss.
Singularity-Fixing solutions. To analyze the
\(I_4\)-energy profile near singularity, we plot several graphs in Figures
7 and
8 which characterize the original (unfiltered) behavior of
\(I_4\) as well as our singularity-fixing solutions discussed in Section
4. The unfiltered energy (cf. Equation (
21)) can be observed to clearly shoot off to infinity as
\(\alpha \rightarrow 0\). Our first solution (Equation (
33)) will ensure that the local
\(I_4\)-force magnitudes are smoothly attenuated to zero near singularity by using the mollifier. Figure
8 shows our aberration barrier profile corresponding to our second solution (Equation (
34)), which guarantees, by construction, that the material exhibits a very strong reaction to extreme deformations in the direction of singularity. This is a property unique to this solution; using Equation (
33) will allow the material to deform to the singularity state
\(\alpha \approx 0\) while absorbing a finite amount of energy. In contrast, Equation (
34) prevents the material from deforming toward the singularity state by injecting a finite amount of energy. In contrast to the work of Kim et al. [
2019], our solutions ensure that singularities are eliminated in practically all configurations of an FE by guaranteeing energy smoothness everywhere and thus robustness (with additional safeguards) against any potential for failure.
Anisotropic ARAP Revisited. As another validation of our formulation of
\(I_4\), we simulate an octopus model resembling the experiment in the work of Kim et al. [
2019] to show our ability to likewise model anisotropic stiffening effects. We model the main body of the octopus using isotropic material
\(\Psi _{i{\rm\small ARAP}}\) (see Figure
9(a)). We also define fibers along each of the tentacles for modeling localized control of anisotropic stiffness with
\(\Psi _{i{\rm\small ARAP}} + \tfrac{\gamma }{2}(I_4(\mathbf {a}) - 1)^2\), where
\(\gamma\) is a parameter controlling this stiffness. As shown in Figure
9(b), stiffening of the tentacles leads to a natural increase in rigidity or slackness along their span, while the bending behavior in the other directions remains the same. Conversely, increasing the general the stiffness of the isotropic model representing the octopus body will have a global effect on the model (see Figure
9(c)), unlike the localized changes observed when we stiffen only the tentacle fibers. The benefit of our analysis is that we now have the
\(I_4\) Hessian expression, which allows us to directly employ this invariant for simulation.
Cloth Simulation. To evaluate our model for cloth simulation with decoupled control over stretch and shear, we set up two scenarios for analyzing stretching and draped motion which are shown in Figures 10 through 12. We compare our
\(I_4\)-based model in Equation (
51) with the FEM formulation of Baraff-Witkin cloth by Kim [
2020] (cf. Equation (
45)), which is well known and widely recognized in the field. In both scenarios, our model is able to produce comparable deformation behavior, and with faster performance given the lower-order nature of our energy. Table
2 also shows that our method yields a lower number of Newton and PCG iterations most of the time, which is significant yielding up to 1.28 to
\(2.91\times\) speedup over the model by Kim [
2020]. We use
\(\mathbf {a}= [1, 1]\) and
\(\mathbf {b}= [1, -1]\) in Figures
10 and
12 (normalized) as our anisotropy vectors since using the canonical basis vectors reduces the amount of wrinkling observed when compared to the case of any other pair of orthonormal bases. Overall, our model provides a more efficient and general solution for cloth simulation, with comparable quality of results to the state of the art [Kim
2020]. We have compared our results against those of Kim [
2020] by using implementations with
and without analytic eigensystems for completeness, as we found the approach using explicit/numerical projections of the full element Hessian (prior to global assembly) to be generally faster than analytically projecting the eigensystems of individual energy terms as described in the work of Kim [
2020]. This difference in performance may be due to the modifications of the local energy landscape (curvature) caused by the term-by-term analytic projections versus full element Hessian projection. Moreover, the sign and magnitude of each eigenvalue of the (full) Hessian may change dramatically as multiple Hessian terms are incrementally added together, where the severity of this change is dependent on the number of terms.
Active Elasticity Using Shape Targets. Building on a template hexahedral mesh, we conduct two demonstrations for evaluating our shape targeting energy in Equation (
65). The first example optimizes energy over a sequence of target matrices per element. Here we effectively optimize the deformation process by driving the model to achieve specific given shape transformations over time. In the second example, we interact with a model containing pre-specified shape targets, forcefully manipulating the template by pushing on both cheeks of the retargeted face. Our results are shown in Figure
13, which are implemented following the hexahedral FE formulation described in the work of Irving et al. [
2006]. These examples showcase the versatility of our approach in dynamically controlling and optimizing mesh deformations by using shape targets.
Parameterization. Figure
14 shows a different application of our analysis, this time for accomplishing the task of parameterizing (i.e., fitting a texture to) a mesh, where we have used the 2D version of Equation (
39) with two anisotropy directions and
\(\mathbf {F}\in \rm I\!R^{2\times 2}\). The parameterization is initialized with Tutte embedding. In Figure
14(a), we show the result of standard (isotropic) parameterization, where the anisotropy directions correspond to the canonical basis vectors with
\(\mathbf {u}_1 = [1, 0]\) and
\(\mathbf {u}_2 = [0, 1]\). In Figure
14(b), we show the result we obtain after multiplying all
\(\mathbf {u}_1\)-related terms in the energy by a factor of
\(10\times\). We further rotate both vectors
\(\mathbf {u}_i\) by 45 degrees and show the result in Figure
14(c) as a demonstration of the generality of our fully differentiable and robust expressions of
Generating Caricatured Models from Curvature. We also apply our method to generate exaggerated artistic versions of 3D models by amplifying the characteristic traits based on curvature. Our results are shown in Figure
15. For a given model, we first compute the normal and curvature at each surface vertex. These attributes are then propagated to the interior vertices of the respective tetrahedral mesh by solving the Laplace equation with the surface attributes as the boundary condition such that we can calculate the average curvature value and normal vector for each tetrahedron using information stored at the vertices. We then minimize the energy
\(\beta\) represents the degree to which curvature characteristics should be emphasized. If
\(\beta\) is positive, regions with positive curvature expand, whereas those with negative curvature contract, and vice versa. The variable
\(c\) denotes the ratio of element curvature to the object’s average curvature, and
\(\mathbf {n}\) is the normal direction. Equation (
66) is in fact just one form of Equation (
65), where
\(2(1-\lambda _1)={{\beta }}c\),
\(\mathbf {v}_1=\mathbf {n}\), and
\(\lambda _{2,3} = 1\) with
\(\mathbf {v}_{2,3}\) representing any unit vectors forming an orthonormal basis with
\(\mathbf {n}\).