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Approximation by Meshes with Spherical Faces

Published: 19 November 2024 Publication History


Meshes with spherical faces and circular edges are an attractive alternative to polyhedral meshes for applications in architecture and design. Approximation of a given surface by such a mesh needs to consider the visual appearance, approximation quality, the position and orientation of circular intersections of neighboring faces and the existence of a torsion free support structure that is formed by the planes of circular edges. The latter requirement implies that the mesh simultaneously defines a second mesh whose faces lie on the same spheres as the faces of the first mesh. It is a discretization of the two envelopes of a sphere congruence, i.e., a two-parameter family of spheres. We relate such sphere congruences to torsal parameterizations of associated line congruences. Turning practical requirements into properties of such a line congruence, we optimize line and sphere congruence as a basis for computing a mesh with spherical triangular or quadrilateral faces that approximates a given reference surface.


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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 43, Issue 6
December 2024
1828 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 19 November 2024
Published in TOG Volume 43, Issue 6

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Author Tags

  1. discrete differential geometry
  2. architectural geometry
  3. computational design
  4. sphere geometry
  5. sphere mesh
  6. spherical panels


  • Research-article

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