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Designing for those who are Overlooked - Investigating long-term Impacts of Social Robotics for People with Advanced Dementia, Caregivers and Relatives in a Secured Care Environment

Published: 10 January 2025 Publication History


This paper presents the results of a long-term exploratory study that examined the social and emotional impact of using a social robot with a variety of applications to promote activities for people with advanced dementia and their caregivers. Qualitative data was collected over 10-months in a secured care environment in which we explored the appropriation of a social robot by 23 participants, including 13 PwAD, their family members, and professional caregivers. Our findings indicate that the use of the social robot demonstrated the potential to improve well-being, engagement, and social interaction of PwAD, even demonstrating the ability to create new memories and experiences. We discuss requirements and challenges in integrating social robots into secured care environments to provide a nuanced understanding for future research aiming for appropriate and inclusive care outcomes and socially embedded innovations that address the social actors involved and thus contribute to practical solutions for professional care.


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Index Terms

  1. Designing for those who are Overlooked - Investigating long-term Impacts of Social Robotics for People with Advanced Dementia, Caregivers and Relatives in a Secured Care Environment



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        cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
        Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 9, Issue 1
        January 2025
        938 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Published: 10 January 2025
        Published in PACMHCI Volume 9, Issue 1


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        Author Tags

        1. advanced dementia
        2. dementia
        3. health
        4. prevention
        5. secured care environment
        6. social robots


        • Research-article

        Funding Sources

        • Association of Substitute Health Funds (in German: Verband der Ersatzkassen e.V. (vdek)


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