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Beyond the conventional transistor

Published: 01 March 2002 Publication History


This paper focuses on approaches to continuing CMOS scaling by introducing new device structures and new materials. Starting from an analysis of the sources of improvements in device performance, we present technology options for achieving these performance enhancements. These options include high-dielectric-constant (high-k) gate dielectric, metal gate electrode, double-gate FET, and strained-silicon FET. Nanotechnology is examined in the context of continuing the progress in electronic systems enabled by silicon microelectronics technology. The carbon nanotube field-effect transistor is examined as an example of the evaluation process required to identify suitable nanotechnologies for such purposes.


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cover image IBM Journal of Research and Development
IBM Journal of Research and Development  Volume 46, Issue 2-3
March 2002
236 pages


IBM Corp.

United States

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Accepted: 06 March 2002
Published: 01 March 2002
Received: 06 November 2001


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