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10.1145/3548606.3559375acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

GearBox: Optimal-size Shard Committees by Leveraging the Safety-Liveness Dichotomy

Published: 07 November 2022 Publication History


Sharding is an emerging technique to overcome scalability issues on blockchain based public ledgers. Without sharding, every node in the network has to listen to and process all ledger protocol messages. The basic idea of sharding is to parallelize the ledger protocol: the nodes are divided into smaller subsets that each take care of a fraction of the original load by executing lighter instances of the ledger protocol, also called shards. The smaller the shards, the higher the efficiency, as by increasing parallelism there is less overhead in the shard consensus.
In this vein, we propose a novel approach that leverages the sharding safety-liveness dichotomy. We separate the liveness and safety in shard consensus, allowing us to dynamically tune shard parameters to achieve essentially optimal efficiency for the current corruption ratio of the system. We start by sampling a relatively small shard (possibly with a small honesty ratio), and we carefully trade-off safety for liveness in the consensus mechanism to tolerate small honesty without losing safety. However, for a shard to be live, a higher honesty ratio is required in the worst case. To detect liveness failures, we use a so-called control chain that is always live and safe. Shards that are detected to be not live are resampled with increased shard size and liveness tolerance until they are live, ensuring that all shards are always safe and run with optimal efficiency. As a concrete example, considering a population of 10K parties with at most 30% corruption and 60-bit security, previous designs required over 5800 parties in each shard to guarantee security. Our design requires only 1713 parties in the worst case with maximal corruption, and in the optimistic case works with only~35 parties without compromising security.
Moreover, in this highly concurrent execution setting, it is paramount to guarantee that both the sharded ledger protocol and its sub protocols (i.e., the shards) are secure under composition. To prove the security of our approach, we present ideal functionalities capturing a sharded ledger as well as ideal functionalities capturing the control chain and individual shard consensus, which needs adjustable liveness. We further formalize our protocols and prove that they securely realize the sharded ledger functionality in the UC framework.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (CCS22-fp0274.mp4)
Video of Christian Matt presenting the paper "GearBox: Optimal-size Shard Committees by Leveraging the Safety-Liveness Dichotomy". After giving an overview of how existing sharding approaches work, concrete numbers for the minimal committee sizes on shards are presented, concluding that substantially smaller shard sizes are only possible if less honesty is guaranteed in the shards. The video then introduces the safety-liveness dichotomy, which allows to guarantee safety and liveness for different corruption thresholds. It is then explained that substantially smaller shard sizes can be achieved by guaranteeing safety for higher thresholds than liveness. This ensures that shards are always safe, but only live if the corruption is way lower. It is then argued that lower than worst-case corruptions are realistic to assume in a blockchain setting. Finally, the video explains how a control chain can be used to monitor liveness of shards and restart deadlocked ones.


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