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Volume 33, Issue 52011 Special Section: 2010 Copper Mountain Conference
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • 3600 University City Science Center Philadelphia, PA
  • United States
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3D Composite Finite Elements for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients

For scalar and vector-valued elliptic boundary value problems with discontinuous coefficients across geometrically complicated interfaces, a composite finite element approach is developed. Composite basis functions are constructed, mimicking the ...

Methods for Pricing American Options under Regime Switching

We analyze a number of techniques for pricing American options under a regime switching stochastic process. The techniques analyzed include both explicit and implicit discretizations with the focus being on methods which are unconditionally stable. In ...

An Online Method for Interpolating Linear Parametric Reduced-Order Models

A two-step online method is proposed for interpolating projection-based linear parametric reduced-order models (ROMs) in order to construct a new ROM for a new set of parameter values. The first step of this method transforms each precomputed ROM into a ...

Duality Based A Posteriori Error Estimation for Quasi-Periodic Solutions Using Time Averages

We propose an a posteriori error estimation technique for the computation of average functionals of solutions for nonlinear time dependent problems based on duality techniques. The exact solution is assumed to have a periodic or quasi-periodic behavior ...

Time Discretization Schemes for Poincaré Waves in Finite-Element Shallow-Water Models

The finite-element spatial discretization of the linear shallow-water equations is examined in the context of several temporal discretization schemes. Three finite-element pairs are considered, namely, the $P^{}_{0}-P^{}_{1}$, $P^{NC}_{1}-P^{}_{1}$, and ...

Nonadiabatic Transitions Through Tilted Avoided Crossings

We investigate the transition of a quantum wave-packet through a one-dimensional avoided crossing of molecular energy levels when the energy levels at the crossing point are tilted. Using superadiabatic representations, and an approximation of the ...

A Higher Order Scheme for a Tangentially Stabilized Plane Curve Shortening Flow with a Driving Force

We introduce a new higher order scheme for computing a tangentially stabilized curve shortening flow with a driving force represented by an intrinsic partial differential equation for an evolving curve position vector. Our new scheme is a combination of ...

Tensor-Train Decomposition

A simple nonrecursive form of the tensor decomposition in $d$ dimensions is presented. It does not inherently suffer from the curse of dimensionality, it has asymptotically the same number of parameters as the canonical decomposition, but it is stable ...

A General Framework for Deriving Integral Preserving Numerical Methods for PDEs

A general procedure for constructing conservative numerical integrators for time-dependent partial differential equations is presented. In particular, linearly implicit methods preserving a time discretized version of the invariant are developed for ...

Fast Evaluation of Multiquadric RBF Sums by a Cartesian Treecode

A treecode is presented for evaluating sums defined in terms of the multiquadric radial basis function (RBF), $\phi({\bf x}) = (|{\bf x}|^2+c^2)^{1/2}$, where ${\bf x} \in \mathbb{R}^3$ and $c \ge 0$. Given a set of $N$ nodes, evaluating an RBF sum ...

A Well-Balanced Symplecticity-Preserving Gas-Kinetic Scheme for Hydrodynamic Equations under Gravitational Field

A well-balanced scheme for an isolated gravitational hydrodynamic system is defined as a scheme which exactly preserves an isothermal hydrostatic solution. In this paper, a well-balanced gas-kinetic symplecticity-preserving BGK (SP-BGK) scheme is ...

Algorithms for Area Preserving Flows

We propose efficient and accurate algorithms for computing certain area preserving geometric motions of curves in the plane, such as area preserving motion by curvature. These schemes are based on a new class of diffusion generated motion algorithms ...

A Third Order Accurate Fast Marching Method for the Eikonal Equation in Two Dimensions

In this paper, we develop a third order accurate fast marching method for the solution of the eikonal equation in two dimensions. There have been two obstacles to extending the fast marching method to higher orders of accuracy. The first obstacle is ...

Stable and Spectrally Accurate Schemes for the Navier-Stokes Equations

In this paper, we present an accurate, efficient and stable numerical method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (NSEs). The method is based on (1) an equivalent pressure Poisson equation formulation of the NSE with proper pressure boundary ...

Schur Complement Preconditioners for Surface Integral-Equation Formulations of Dielectric Problems Solved with the Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm

Surface integral-equation methods accelerated with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) provide a suitable mechanism for electromagnetic analysis of real-life dielectric problems. Unlike the perfect-electric-conductor case, discretizations of ...

A Fast Iterative Method for Solving the Eikonal Equation on Triangulated Surfaces

This paper presents an efficient, fine-grained parallel algorithm for solving the Eikonal equation on triangular meshes. The Eikonal equation, and the broader class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations to which it belongs, have a wide range of applications from ...

Interpolatory Projection Methods for Parameterized Model Reduction

We provide a unifying projection-based framework for structure-preserving interpolatory model reduction of parameterized linear dynamical systems, i.e., systems having a structured dependence on parameters that we wish to retain in the reduced-order ...

A Sinc Function Analogue of Chebfun

Chebfun is an established software system for computing with functions of a real variable, but its capabilities for handling functions with singularities are limited. Here an analogous system is described based on sinc function expansions instead of ...

Geometric Properties of the Icosahedral-Hexagonal Grid on the Two-Sphere

An icosahedral-hexagonal grid on the two-sphere is created by dividing the faces of an icosahedron and projecting the vertices onto the sphere. This grid and its Voronoi tessellation have several desirable features for numerical simulations of physical ...

A Comparison of the Dispersion and Dissipation Errors of Gauss and Gauss-Lobatto Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Methods

We examine the dispersion and dissipation properties of the Gauss and Gauss-Lobatto discontinuous Galerkin spectral element methods (DGSEMs), for linear wave propagation problems. We show that the inherent underintegration in the Gauss-Lobatto variant ...

An Algorithm for the Principal Component Analysis of Large Data Sets

Recently popularized randomized methods for principal component analysis (PCA) efficiently and reliably produce nearly optimal accuracy—even on parallel processors—unlike the classical (deterministic) alternatives. We adapt one of these randomized ...

Nonsymmetric Preconditioner Updates in Newton-Krylov Methods for Nonlinear Systems

Newton-Krylov methods, a combination of Newton-like methods and Krylov subspace methods for solving the Newton equations, often need adequate preconditioning in order to be successful. Approximations of the Jacobian matrices are required to form ...

Interpolating Irregularly Spaced Observations for Filtering Turbulent Complex Systems

We present a numerically fast reduced filtering strategy, the Fourier domain Kalman filter with appropriate interpolations to account for irregularly spaced observations of complex turbulent signals. The design of such a reduced filter involves: (i) ...

Optimal Control of Stochastic Flow over a Backward-Facing Step Using Reduced-Order Modeling

We explore a stochastic optimal control problem for incompressible flow in a channel by using reduced-order modeling (ROM) based on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The control acts on a portion of the boundary and has a stochastic perturbation. ...

Superconvergence of Discontinuous Galerkin Solutions for Delay Differential Equations of Pantograph Type

This paper is concerned with the superconvergence of the discontinuous Galerkin solutions for delay differential equations with proportional delays vanishing at $t = 0$. Two types of superconvergence are analyzed here. The first is based on ...

Special Section: 2010 Copper Mountain Conference

The biennial Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods was held April 4–9, 2010. This meeting included more than 140 presentations covering many scientific computing areas, such as uncertainty quantification, optimization, Markov chains, saddle-...

Estimates of the Norm of the Error in Solving Linear Systems with FOM and GMRES

We provide formulas for the norm of the error when solving nonsymmetric linear systems with the full orthogonalization method (FOM) and the generalized minimum residual method (GMRES) as well as relations between the error norm and the residual norm. ...

Algebraic Multigrid for Linear Systems Obtained by Explicit Element Reduction

We consider sparse linear systems, where a set of “interior” degrees of freedom have been eliminated in order to reduce the problem size. This elimination is assumed to be local, so the “interior” principal submatrix is block-diagonal, and the resulting ...

Peano—A Traversal and Storage Scheme for Octree-Like Adaptive Cartesian Multiscale Grids

Almost all approaches to solving partial differential equations (PDEs) are based upon a spatial discretization of the computational domain—a grid. This paper presents an algorithm to generate, store, and traverse a hierarchy of $d$-dimensional Cartesian ...

Analysis of Augmented Lagrangian-Based Preconditioners for the Steady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations

We analyze a class of modified augmented Lagrangian-based preconditioners for both stable and stabilized finite element discretizations of the steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We study the eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrices ...
