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Designing Deep Reinforcement Learning for Human Parameter Exploration
Software tools for generating digital sound often present users with high-dimensional, parametric interfaces, that may not facilitate exploration of diverse sound designs. In this article, we propose to investigate artificial agents using deep ...
A Longitudinal Study of Pervasive Display Personalisation
- Mateusz Mikusz,
- Peter Shaw,
- Nigel Davies,
- Petteri Nurmi,
- Sarah Clinch,
- Ludwig Trotter,
- Ivan Elhart,
- Marc Langheinrich,
- Adrian Friday
Widespread sensing devices enable a world in which physical spaces become personalised in the presence of mobile users. An important example of such personalisation is the use of pervasive displays to show content that matches the requirements of ...
Detecting Depression and Predicting its Onset Using Longitudinal Symptoms Captured by Passive Sensing: A Machine Learning Approach With Robust Feature Selection
- Prerna Chikersal,
- Afsaneh Doryab,
- Michael Tumminia,
- Daniella K. Villalba,
- Janine M. Dutcher,
- Xinwen Liu,
- Sheldon Cohen,
- Kasey G. Creswell,
- Jennifer Mankoff,
- J. David Creswell,
- Mayank Goel,
- Anind K. Dey
We present a machine learning approach that uses data from smartphones and fitness trackers of 138 college students to identify students that experienced depressive symptoms at the end of the semester and students whose depressive symptoms worsened over ...
The Matter of Tools: Designing, Using and Reflecting on New Tools for Emerging eTextile Craft Practices
Tools, as extensions of hand and mind, prescribe defining properties for a practice. We anchor our tools research within a case study of electronic textiles (eTextiles), combining textile materials and electronic and computational functionality. While ...
Machete: Easy, Efficient, and Precise Continuous Custom Gesture Segmentation
- Eugene M. Taranta II,
- Corey R. Pittman,
- Mehran Maghoumi,
- Mykola Maslych,
- Yasmine M. Moolenaar,
- Joseph J. Laviola Jr
We present Machete, a straightforward segmenter one can use to isolate custom gestures in continuous input. Machete uses traditional continuous dynamic programming with a novel dissimilarity measure to align incoming data with gesture class templates in ...
Fast and Secure Authentication in Virtual Reality Using Coordinated 3D Manipulation and Pointing
There is a growing need for usable and secure authentication in immersive virtual reality (VR). Established concepts (e.g., 2D authentication schemes) are vulnerable to observation attacks, and most alternatives are relatively slow. We present RubikAuth, ...
The Nudge Puzzle: Matching Nudge Interventions to Cybersecurity Decisions
Nudging is a promising approach, in terms of influencing people to make advisable choices in a range of domains, including cybersecurity. However, the processes underlying the concept and the nudge’s effectiveness in different contexts, and in the long ...
Filtering and Informing the Design Space: Towards Design-Space Thinking
Building on the concept “prototypes that filter the design space,” we establish how other kinds of design artifacts and activities (e.g., sketching, tests, concept posters, metaphors, design tools) are equally critical in filtering the design space. We ...