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10.1145/1840784.1840808acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesiiixConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Reconsideration of the simulated work task situation: a context instrument for evaluation of information retrieval interaction

Published: 18 August 2010 Publication History


The present paper reports on the initial study and the preliminary findings of how the concept of simulated work task situation is reported used in the research literature. The overall objective of the study is in a systematic manner to learn how and for what types of evaluations the concept is applied. In particular we are interested to learn whether the recommendations for how to apply simulated work task situations are followed.
The preliminary findings indicate a need for clarifications of the recommendations of how to use simulated work task situations. Particularly with respect to 'realism' of the simulated work task situations, which is emphasised through the need for tailoring of the simulated work task situations towards the group of study participant to ensure the depicted situations are realistic and interesting from the participants' point of view. Likewise it seems that the recommendation to involve the study participants' own information needs (to function as baseline of search interaction) is generally neglected in the reported studies.


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  • (2022)A reference dependence approach to enhancing early prediction of session behavior and satisfactionProceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries10.1145/3529372.3533294(1-5)Online publication date: 20-Jun-2022
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  1. Reconsideration of the simulated work task situation: a context instrument for evaluation of information retrieval interaction



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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    IIiX '10: Proceedings of the third symposium on Information interaction in context
    August 2010
    408 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 18 August 2010


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    Author Tags

    1. interactive information retrieval
    2. methods and methodologies
    3. simulated work task situations.
    4. systems evaluation
    5. user studies


    • Research-article


    IIiX 2010
    IIiX 2010: Information Interaction in Context Symposium
    August 18 - 21, 2010
    New Jersey, New Brunswick, USA

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    Overall Acceptance Rate 21 of 45 submissions, 47%


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    • (2021)Deconstructing search tasks in interactive information retrievalInformation Processing and Management: an International Journal10.1016/j.ipm.2021.10252258:3Online publication date: 1-May-2021
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