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GazeForm: Dynamic Gaze-adaptive Touch Surface for Eyes-free Interaction in Airliner Cockpits

Published: 08 June 2018 Publication History


An increasing number of domains, including aeronautics, are adopting touchscreens. However, several drawbacks limit their operational use, in particular, eyes-free interaction is almost impossible making it difficult to perform other tasks simultaneously. We introduce GazeForm, an adaptive touch interface with shape-changing capacity that offers an adapted interaction modality according to gaze direction. When the user's eyes are focused on interaction, the surface is flat and the system acts as a touchscreen. When eyes are directed towards another area, physical knobs emerge from the surface. Compared to a touch only mode, experimental results showed that GazeForm generated a lower subjective mental workload and a higher efficiency of execution (20% faster). Furthermore, GazeForm required less visual attention and participants were able to concentrate more on a secondary monitoring task. Complementary interviews with pilots led us to explore timings and levels of control for using gaze to adapt modality.

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  1. GazeForm: Dynamic Gaze-adaptive Touch Surface for Eyes-free Interaction in Airliner Cockpits



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    DIS '18: Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference
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    Published: 08 June 2018


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    1. adaptive interfaces
    2. critical contexts
    3. eye-tracking
    4. eyes-free interaction
    5. shape-changing interfaces
    6. tei
    7. touchscreens


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