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Aging in Place Together: The Journey Towards Adoption and Acceptance of Stairlifts in Multi-Resident Homes

Published: 18 October 2021 Publication History


Stairlifts are a widely-used technology in the home that help people with mobility issues to go up and down stairs. However, it is unclear how stairlifts are experienced by all household members and what this understanding implies for home healthcare technologies. We investigated the impact of stairlift installations on older adults' households in the UK through a qualitative study investigating the lived experience of the adoption and acceptance of this technology. Interviews and focus groups with primary users, household residents and service providers showed how the wider household identify misalignments between simplified stairlift installation models from service providers and describe a more complex, nuanced emotional journey which involves decision making, conflict and trauma and catharsis and independence. Findings provide transferrable outcomes for the smart home domain by highlighting the multi-resident home, the emotional intrusiveness of home healthcare technologies and the diversity that comes with providing care, unique to every household.

Supplementary Material

ZIP File (v5cscw320aux.pdf.zip)
Summary of stairlift emotional journeys for each study household.


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  1. Aging in Place Together: The Journey Towards Adoption and Acceptance of Stairlifts in Multi-Resident Homes



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      Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 5, Issue CSCW2
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      Published: 18 October 2021
      Published in PACMHCI Volume 5, Issue CSCW2


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      1. aging in place
      2. assistive technology
      3. care
      4. health
      5. households
      6. multi-resident homes
      7. older adults
      8. stairlifts
      9. user studies


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