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RepliGES and GEStory: Visual Tools for Systematizing and Consolidating Knowledge on User-Defined Gestures

Published: 06 June 2022 Publication History


The body of knowledge accumulated by gesture elicitation studies (GES), although useful, large, and extensive, is also heterogeneous, scattered in the scientific literature across different venues and fields of research, and difficult to generalize to other contexts of use represented by different gesture types, sensing devices, applications, and user categories. To address such aspects, we introduce RepliGES, a conceptual space that supports (1) replications of gesture elicitation studies to confirm, extend, and complete previous findings, (2) reuse of previously elicited gesture sets to enable new discoveries, and (3) extension and generalization of previous findings with new methods of analysis and for new user populations towards consolidated knowledge of user-defined gestures. Based on RepliGES, we introduce GEStory, an interactive design space and visual tool, to structure, visualize and identify user-defined gestures from a number of 216 published gesture elicitation studies.

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AVI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
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