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Tesseract: Querying Spatial Design Recordings by Manipulating Worlds in Miniature

Published: 19 April 2023 Publication History


New immersive 3D design tools enable the creation of spatial design recordings, capturing collaborative design activities. By reviewing captured spatial design sessions, which include user activities, workflows, and tool use, users can reflect on their own design processes, learn new workflows, and understand others’ design rationale. However, finding interesting moments in design activities can be challenging: they contain multimodal data (such as user motion and logged events) occurring over time which can be difficult to specify when searching, and are typically distributed over many sessions or recordings. We present Tesseract, a Worlds-in-Miniature-based system to expressively query VR spatial design recordings. Tesseract consists of the Search Cube interface acting as a centralized stage-to-search container, and four querying tools for specifying multimodal data to enable users to find interesting moments in past design activities. We studied ten participants who used Tesseract and found support for our miniature-based stage-to-search approach.

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