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The Impact of Near-Future Mixed Reality Contact Lenses on Users' Lives via an Immersive Speculative Enactment and Focus Groups

Published: 07 October 2024 Publication History


In this paper we investigate the impact of near-future Mixed Reality (MR) contact lenses on users’ everyday lives via an Immersive Speculative Enactment (ISE) and focus groups. If or when MR technology advances to the same level of ubiquitousness of current smartphones, this is likely to have a large impact on people’s everyday lives. To gain qualitative insight on this impact, we created an ISE in which participants could experience a simulated MR lens prototype together in groups of four, thereby expanding the ISE method to multiple participants for the first time. This was followed by a focus group, in which the impact of the MR lenses was discussed. Participants raised concerns about the future of social interactions and expressing agency over the device, while also recognising how it could have practical applications. Based on these findings we formulate three guidelines for future MR contact lenses.

Supplemental Material

PDF File
List of possible MR applications presented to participants during the focus group.


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  1. The Impact of Near-Future Mixed Reality Contact Lenses on Users' Lives via an Immersive Speculative Enactment and Focus Groups



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        SUI '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction
        October 2024
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        Published: 07 October 2024


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        1. AR
        2. Augmented reality
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        4. MR
        5. XR
        6. contact lenses
        7. extended reality
        8. immersive speculative enactment
        9. mixed reality


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