While pro-independence sovereignty aspirations remain at the center of politics in the Basque Cou... more While pro-independence sovereignty aspirations remain at the center of politics in the Basque Country/Euskal Herria*, it is not very clear
what the public's opinion is regarding sovereignty, self-government, independence, and other issues cutting across them.
Naziometroa aims to assess public opinions and perceptions in these areas and to do so over time
With the aim to win support for its political project, Basque nationalism has traditionally sough... more With the aim to win support for its political project, Basque nationalism has traditionally sought to get an increasingly larger number of people to share a national identity. However, in the twenty first century, we can appreciate another discourse, which goes beyond national sentiment, and includes aspects that are more related to social and personal wellbeing. This second discourse has given rise to a new attitude to the independence of the Basque Country, which can now be shared by people who are not necessarily Basque nationalists, but are, on the other hand, interested in a project for a state as it could afford them personal benefits. This study explores how both discourses are spread and whether there has been a perceptible change in the attitude to independence in non-Basque nationalist sectors.
All nationalist movements make use of a variety of aspects (language,
history, race, etc.) of the... more All nationalist movements make use of a variety of aspects (language, history, race, etc.) of the territory claimed as a nation to build their discourse on said nation, and, though these discourses are often presented as something permanent and unchanging over time, they can change depending on the historical context. This is indicated by the Basque nationalist movement’s two main discourses on the nation, as well as by what appears to be a tendency towards a new discourse currently being developed within this movement. The new discourse seems to have adopted the concept of democracy as a key element in its theorization.
All nationalist movements make use of a variety of aspects (language, history, race, etc.) of the... more All nationalist movements make use of a variety of aspects (language, history, race, etc.) of the territory claimed as a nation to build their discourse on said nation, and, though these discourses are often presented as something permanent and unchanging over time, they can change depending on the historical context. This is indicated by the Basque nationalist movement's two main discourses on the nation, as well as by what appears to be a tendency towards a new discourse currently being developed within this movement. The new discourse seems to have adopted the concept of democracy as a key element in its theorization.
Lan honetan Hego Euskal Herriko gazteen ikasketa politikoak aztertzen dira. Ikuspegi kualitatibo ... more Lan honetan Hego Euskal Herriko gazteen ikasketa politikoak aztertzen dira. Ikuspegi kualitatibo batetik, sakoneko elkarrizketen eta eztabaida taldeen bidez, politikarekin harreman askotarikoa duten gazteen ibilbideak dira ikergai. Alde batetik, aktibismo politikoaren eredu desberdinetan aritzen diren gazteen ikasketa politikoak aztertu dira, batzuek politikarekiko lotura ohikoagoa eta beste batzuek berritzaileagoa dutelarik. Bestetik, euren burua politikatik at ikusten duten gazteen ibilbideak ere ikertu dira, politikarekiko hartu-eman hori behatu nahian. Horretarako, gazteen profil bietan, gazteen sozializazio politikoa, gazteek politikari aitortzen dioten zentzua, eta gazteen eskutik sortzen ari den politikagintza berritua jorratzen dira.
In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This artic... more In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This article aims at studying the reasons leading up to this unilateral decision which had been taken without prior negotiations or agreements. To this end, a large part of existing bibliography on the subject was consulted and most of the documents released by ETA in recent years, including those for internal use, were also reviewed. In our opinion, ETA reached this decision on the basis of two conclusions and an overall view of the state of affairs. The first of these conclusions found that the two main channels opened up in 1975 to reach its tactical goals, namely, negotiation with Spain and a national front, had been fully exploited. The second concerns the great difficulty in continuing to defend armed struggle on the grounds that it helps reinforce these two channels. Moreover, the belief that it is possible to make greater advances without, rather than with, armed activity, was widespread, paradoxical as that might seem. Forty years after its political positioning with respect to post-Franco Spain, convinced that both channels had been exhausted, and of its limited legitimacy to explore new ones in its capacity as a political movement, ETA reassessed the situation, and once again changed its discourse and practice, with an aim to attaining its strategic goals.
In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This artic... more In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This article aims at studying the reasons leading up to this unilateral decision which had been taken without prior negotiations or agreements. To this end, a large part of existing bibliography on the subject was consulted and most of the documents released by ETA in recent years, including those for internal use, were also reviewed. In our opinion, ETA reached this decision on the basis of two conclusions and an overall view of the state of affairs. The first of these conclusions found that the two main channels opened up in 1975 to reach its tactical goals, namely, negotiation with Spain and a national front, had been fully exploited. The second concerns the great difficulty in continuing to defend armed struggle on the grounds that it helps reinforce these two channels. Moreover, the belief that it is possible to make greater advances without, rather than with, armed activity, was widespread, paradoxical as that might seem. Forty years after its political positioning with respect to post-Franco Spain, convinced that both channels had been exhausted, and of its limited legitimacy to explore new ones in its capacity as a political movement, ETA reassessed the situation, and once again changed its discourse and practice, with an aim to attaining its strategic goals.
Esteban Galarza, M.L. (koord.), Amaia Agirre Miguélez et al. (2020): Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik. EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua., 2020
Aniztasuna gure gizarteetako errealitate ukaezina eta aberasgarria da. Modu berean, ugariak dira ... more Aniztasuna gure gizarteetako errealitate ukaezina eta aberasgarria da. Modu berean, ugariak dira herrialde guztietan dauden jatorri, genero, hizkuntza, klase, ingurune-justizia edo bestelako aldagaiekin loturiko bereizkeriak eta bazterketa soziala. Horien kontra neurri eraginkorrak behar dira eta nahitaezkoa da berariazko ikerkuntza garatzea. “Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik” izenburua izan duen ikerketa honen arreta-gunea Euskal Herriko eta, bereziki, Gipuzkoako gizarte-mugimenduen eta herri eragileen artean bultzatzen ari diren ekintzak izan dira, sinetsirik baikaude informazio hori komunitateak nola ehuntzen diren jakiteko nahitaezkoa dela. Era berean, uste dugu euskal gizartea, dituen ezaugarriengatik, leku aproposa dela hau bezalako ikerketak egiteko.
Following on from the "Euskal Estatuari Bidea Zabaltzen" project, the Ipar Hegoa Foundation and t... more Following on from the "Euskal Estatuari Bidea Zabaltzen" project, the Ipar Hegoa Foundation and the Parte Hartuz research group from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) extended their collaboration, and their complicity gave rise to the study in hand. We decided to continue the research and take it beyond the question of the need for and feasibility of the Basque State. As can be appreciated, the result is a study of the opinion and adhesion generated by the issue of a Basque State, as well as an analysis of the different discourses.
La investigación recoge cuatro tipos de análisis:
a) Análisis cuantitativo: utilizando los datos ... more La investigación recoge cuatro tipos de análisis: a) Análisis cuantitativo: utilizando los datos de la encuesta sobre el Estado Vasco realizada en toda Euskal Herria. b) Análisis cualitativo: mediante las opiniones expresadas en los grupos de discusión que se organizaron en todo el territorio de Euskal Herria para tratar el tema del Estado Vasco. c) Análisis de casos: opiniones de empresarias y empresarios favorables a la creación del Estado Vasco y las razones que argumentan para defender esta postura. d) Análisis de casos: tomando como punto de partida el euskara y la cultura en euskara, opiniones y actitudes sobre el Estado Vasco expresadas por diversos agentes de lo que viene llamándose Euskalgintza.
Lanak lau azterketa biltzen ditu:
a) Azterketa kuantitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuar... more Lanak lau azterketa biltzen ditu: a) Azterketa kuantitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuari buruz egindako inkesta bateko datuak erabiliz. b) Azterketa kualitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuari buruz hitz egiteko antolatu ziren eztabaida taldeetako iritziak erabiliz. c) Kasu azterketa: Euskal Estatuaren alde dauden enpresaburuen iritziak eta arrazoiak jarrera hori izateko. d) Kasu azterketa: euskara eta euskal kultura kontuan harturik, Euskal Estatuaren aurrean Euskalgintzako eragileek izan ditzaketen jarrera eta iritziak.
50eko hamarkadan Euskal Herrian ernatzen hasi zen diskurtso aber-tzaleak, arrazaren ordez, hizkun... more 50eko hamarkadan Euskal Herrian ernatzen hasi zen diskurtso aber-tzaleak, arrazaren ordez, hizkuntza jo zuen naziotasunaren faktore nagusi. Testuinguruaren aldaketarekin, ordea, 80ko hamarkadan sektore abertzale batzuek zalantzan jarri zuten teorizazio hura: hartara, euskarak abertzaleak kohesionatzeko eta kide berriak erakartzeko duen gaitasuna kolokan jartzen hasi ziren gero eta gehiago. Aldi berean, joera hark kezka sortu zuen abertzaleen barneko sektore euskaltzaleenetan: euskara desagertzeko arriskuaren aurrean, hizkuntzarekiko konpromiso falta leporatu zioten diskurtso abertzaleari. Euskararen garrantzia azpimarratu nahi duten iritzi-joera horiek islatuko ditugu artikulu honetan. The revolutionary Basque nationalism's discourse born in the 50s recognized language, instead of race, as the first factor of nationality. With the change of context, however, some Basque nationalists questioned that theory in the 80s: the capacity of the Basque language to unite the Basque nationalist community and to attract new members was questioned more and more. At the same time, that trend created concern in some nationalist sectors (the most pro Basque language): in face of Euskara's extinction, the nationalist movement was accused of a lack of commitment to the language. This article reflects these trends that focus on the importance of the Basque language.
Horrela aurkeztu nahi izaten badira ere, nazioak ez dira homogeneoak denboran. Aitzitik, aldatu e... more Horrela aurkeztu nahi izaten badira ere, nazioak ez dira homogeneoak denboran. Aitzitik, aldatu egi-ten dira testuinguruaren arabera eta nazioa teo-rizatu duen nazionalismoaren argitan. Euskal nazionalis-moak ederki islatzen du esandakoa: 120 urteko ibilbidean bi diskurtso klasiko ondu ditu, eta esan liteke hirugarren bat lantzen hasita dagoela. Diskurtso horietako bakoitzak testuinguru jakin bati erantzun izan dio eta, testuingurua aldatzean, aurreko diskurtsoa kolokan jarri du. Inondik ere, gaur egun halako kinka batean egongo ginateke. Egoera berri honetan demokrazia kontzeptua giltzarri da azken aldiko hainbat aldaketa ulertzeko, eta euskal nazioa-ren teorizazio berrian ere halaxe dela ematen du. Alde edo kontra egon, gaur egungo diskurtsoak eta eztabaidak haren inguruan harilkatzen dira, neurri handi batean. Nolanahi ere, nazionalismoak harreman gatazkatsua izan du, askotan, de-mokraziarekin; eta, gaur egun ere, ikusten ari gara eskuineko nazionalismo baztertzaileak pizten ari direla Europa guztian.
While pro-independence sovereignty aspirations remain at the center of politics in the Basque Cou... more While pro-independence sovereignty aspirations remain at the center of politics in the Basque Country/Euskal Herria*, it is not very clear
what the public's opinion is regarding sovereignty, self-government, independence, and other issues cutting across them.
Naziometroa aims to assess public opinions and perceptions in these areas and to do so over time
With the aim to win support for its political project, Basque nationalism has traditionally sough... more With the aim to win support for its political project, Basque nationalism has traditionally sought to get an increasingly larger number of people to share a national identity. However, in the twenty first century, we can appreciate another discourse, which goes beyond national sentiment, and includes aspects that are more related to social and personal wellbeing. This second discourse has given rise to a new attitude to the independence of the Basque Country, which can now be shared by people who are not necessarily Basque nationalists, but are, on the other hand, interested in a project for a state as it could afford them personal benefits. This study explores how both discourses are spread and whether there has been a perceptible change in the attitude to independence in non-Basque nationalist sectors.
All nationalist movements make use of a variety of aspects (language,
history, race, etc.) of the... more All nationalist movements make use of a variety of aspects (language, history, race, etc.) of the territory claimed as a nation to build their discourse on said nation, and, though these discourses are often presented as something permanent and unchanging over time, they can change depending on the historical context. This is indicated by the Basque nationalist movement’s two main discourses on the nation, as well as by what appears to be a tendency towards a new discourse currently being developed within this movement. The new discourse seems to have adopted the concept of democracy as a key element in its theorization.
All nationalist movements make use of a variety of aspects (language, history, race, etc.) of the... more All nationalist movements make use of a variety of aspects (language, history, race, etc.) of the territory claimed as a nation to build their discourse on said nation, and, though these discourses are often presented as something permanent and unchanging over time, they can change depending on the historical context. This is indicated by the Basque nationalist movement's two main discourses on the nation, as well as by what appears to be a tendency towards a new discourse currently being developed within this movement. The new discourse seems to have adopted the concept of democracy as a key element in its theorization.
Lan honetan Hego Euskal Herriko gazteen ikasketa politikoak aztertzen dira. Ikuspegi kualitatibo ... more Lan honetan Hego Euskal Herriko gazteen ikasketa politikoak aztertzen dira. Ikuspegi kualitatibo batetik, sakoneko elkarrizketen eta eztabaida taldeen bidez, politikarekin harreman askotarikoa duten gazteen ibilbideak dira ikergai. Alde batetik, aktibismo politikoaren eredu desberdinetan aritzen diren gazteen ikasketa politikoak aztertu dira, batzuek politikarekiko lotura ohikoagoa eta beste batzuek berritzaileagoa dutelarik. Bestetik, euren burua politikatik at ikusten duten gazteen ibilbideak ere ikertu dira, politikarekiko hartu-eman hori behatu nahian. Horretarako, gazteen profil bietan, gazteen sozializazio politikoa, gazteek politikari aitortzen dioten zentzua, eta gazteen eskutik sortzen ari den politikagintza berritua jorratzen dira.
In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This artic... more In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This article aims at studying the reasons leading up to this unilateral decision which had been taken without prior negotiations or agreements. To this end, a large part of existing bibliography on the subject was consulted and most of the documents released by ETA in recent years, including those for internal use, were also reviewed. In our opinion, ETA reached this decision on the basis of two conclusions and an overall view of the state of affairs. The first of these conclusions found that the two main channels opened up in 1975 to reach its tactical goals, namely, negotiation with Spain and a national front, had been fully exploited. The second concerns the great difficulty in continuing to defend armed struggle on the grounds that it helps reinforce these two channels. Moreover, the belief that it is possible to make greater advances without, rather than with, armed activity, was widespread, paradoxical as that might seem. Forty years after its political positioning with respect to post-Franco Spain, convinced that both channels had been exhausted, and of its limited legitimacy to explore new ones in its capacity as a political movement, ETA reassessed the situation, and once again changed its discourse and practice, with an aim to attaining its strategic goals.
In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This artic... more In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This article aims at studying the reasons leading up to this unilateral decision which had been taken without prior negotiations or agreements. To this end, a large part of existing bibliography on the subject was consulted and most of the documents released by ETA in recent years, including those for internal use, were also reviewed. In our opinion, ETA reached this decision on the basis of two conclusions and an overall view of the state of affairs. The first of these conclusions found that the two main channels opened up in 1975 to reach its tactical goals, namely, negotiation with Spain and a national front, had been fully exploited. The second concerns the great difficulty in continuing to defend armed struggle on the grounds that it helps reinforce these two channels. Moreover, the belief that it is possible to make greater advances without, rather than with, armed activity, was widespread, paradoxical as that might seem. Forty years after its political positioning with respect to post-Franco Spain, convinced that both channels had been exhausted, and of its limited legitimacy to explore new ones in its capacity as a political movement, ETA reassessed the situation, and once again changed its discourse and practice, with an aim to attaining its strategic goals.
Esteban Galarza, M.L. (koord.), Amaia Agirre Miguélez et al. (2020): Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik. EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua., 2020
Aniztasuna gure gizarteetako errealitate ukaezina eta aberasgarria da. Modu berean, ugariak dira ... more Aniztasuna gure gizarteetako errealitate ukaezina eta aberasgarria da. Modu berean, ugariak dira herrialde guztietan dauden jatorri, genero, hizkuntza, klase, ingurune-justizia edo bestelako aldagaiekin loturiko bereizkeriak eta bazterketa soziala. Horien kontra neurri eraginkorrak behar dira eta nahitaezkoa da berariazko ikerkuntza garatzea. “Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik” izenburua izan duen ikerketa honen arreta-gunea Euskal Herriko eta, bereziki, Gipuzkoako gizarte-mugimenduen eta herri eragileen artean bultzatzen ari diren ekintzak izan dira, sinetsirik baikaude informazio hori komunitateak nola ehuntzen diren jakiteko nahitaezkoa dela. Era berean, uste dugu euskal gizartea, dituen ezaugarriengatik, leku aproposa dela hau bezalako ikerketak egiteko.
Following on from the "Euskal Estatuari Bidea Zabaltzen" project, the Ipar Hegoa Foundation and t... more Following on from the "Euskal Estatuari Bidea Zabaltzen" project, the Ipar Hegoa Foundation and the Parte Hartuz research group from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) extended their collaboration, and their complicity gave rise to the study in hand. We decided to continue the research and take it beyond the question of the need for and feasibility of the Basque State. As can be appreciated, the result is a study of the opinion and adhesion generated by the issue of a Basque State, as well as an analysis of the different discourses.
La investigación recoge cuatro tipos de análisis:
a) Análisis cuantitativo: utilizando los datos ... more La investigación recoge cuatro tipos de análisis: a) Análisis cuantitativo: utilizando los datos de la encuesta sobre el Estado Vasco realizada en toda Euskal Herria. b) Análisis cualitativo: mediante las opiniones expresadas en los grupos de discusión que se organizaron en todo el territorio de Euskal Herria para tratar el tema del Estado Vasco. c) Análisis de casos: opiniones de empresarias y empresarios favorables a la creación del Estado Vasco y las razones que argumentan para defender esta postura. d) Análisis de casos: tomando como punto de partida el euskara y la cultura en euskara, opiniones y actitudes sobre el Estado Vasco expresadas por diversos agentes de lo que viene llamándose Euskalgintza.
Lanak lau azterketa biltzen ditu:
a) Azterketa kuantitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuar... more Lanak lau azterketa biltzen ditu: a) Azterketa kuantitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuari buruz egindako inkesta bateko datuak erabiliz. b) Azterketa kualitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuari buruz hitz egiteko antolatu ziren eztabaida taldeetako iritziak erabiliz. c) Kasu azterketa: Euskal Estatuaren alde dauden enpresaburuen iritziak eta arrazoiak jarrera hori izateko. d) Kasu azterketa: euskara eta euskal kultura kontuan harturik, Euskal Estatuaren aurrean Euskalgintzako eragileek izan ditzaketen jarrera eta iritziak.
50eko hamarkadan Euskal Herrian ernatzen hasi zen diskurtso aber-tzaleak, arrazaren ordez, hizkun... more 50eko hamarkadan Euskal Herrian ernatzen hasi zen diskurtso aber-tzaleak, arrazaren ordez, hizkuntza jo zuen naziotasunaren faktore nagusi. Testuinguruaren aldaketarekin, ordea, 80ko hamarkadan sektore abertzale batzuek zalantzan jarri zuten teorizazio hura: hartara, euskarak abertzaleak kohesionatzeko eta kide berriak erakartzeko duen gaitasuna kolokan jartzen hasi ziren gero eta gehiago. Aldi berean, joera hark kezka sortu zuen abertzaleen barneko sektore euskaltzaleenetan: euskara desagertzeko arriskuaren aurrean, hizkuntzarekiko konpromiso falta leporatu zioten diskurtso abertzaleari. Euskararen garrantzia azpimarratu nahi duten iritzi-joera horiek islatuko ditugu artikulu honetan. The revolutionary Basque nationalism's discourse born in the 50s recognized language, instead of race, as the first factor of nationality. With the change of context, however, some Basque nationalists questioned that theory in the 80s: the capacity of the Basque language to unite the Basque nationalist community and to attract new members was questioned more and more. At the same time, that trend created concern in some nationalist sectors (the most pro Basque language): in face of Euskara's extinction, the nationalist movement was accused of a lack of commitment to the language. This article reflects these trends that focus on the importance of the Basque language.
Horrela aurkeztu nahi izaten badira ere, nazioak ez dira homogeneoak denboran. Aitzitik, aldatu e... more Horrela aurkeztu nahi izaten badira ere, nazioak ez dira homogeneoak denboran. Aitzitik, aldatu egi-ten dira testuinguruaren arabera eta nazioa teo-rizatu duen nazionalismoaren argitan. Euskal nazionalis-moak ederki islatzen du esandakoa: 120 urteko ibilbidean bi diskurtso klasiko ondu ditu, eta esan liteke hirugarren bat lantzen hasita dagoela. Diskurtso horietako bakoitzak testuinguru jakin bati erantzun izan dio eta, testuingurua aldatzean, aurreko diskurtsoa kolokan jarri du. Inondik ere, gaur egun halako kinka batean egongo ginateke. Egoera berri honetan demokrazia kontzeptua giltzarri da azken aldiko hainbat aldaketa ulertzeko, eta euskal nazioa-ren teorizazio berrian ere halaxe dela ematen du. Alde edo kontra egon, gaur egungo diskurtsoak eta eztabaidak haren inguruan harilkatzen dira, neurri handi batean. Nolanahi ere, nazionalismoak harreman gatazkatsua izan du, askotan, de-mokraziarekin; eta, gaur egun ere, ikusten ari gara eskuineko nazionalismo baztertzaileak pizten ari direla Europa guztian.
Aunque a nivel de Euskal Herria* las aspiraciones soberanistas e independentistas siguen en el ce... more Aunque a nivel de Euskal Herria* las aspiraciones soberanistas e independentistas siguen en el centro de la política, no está muy claro cuál es la opinión de la ciudadanía sobre la soberanía, el autogobierno, la independencia y sobre otras cuestiones transversales a ellas. A través de Naziometroa se pretenden analizar las opiniones y percepciones de la ciudadanía sobre estos temas; y hacerlo de forma continuada en el tiempo
NAZIOMETROA Euskal Burujabetzaren Barometroa, 2020
Euskal Herri* mailan burujabetza eta independentzia asmoek politikaren erdian jarraitzen badute e... more Euskal Herri* mailan burujabetza eta independentzia asmoek politikaren erdian jarraitzen badute ere, ez dago oso argi burujabetza, autogobernua, independentzia eta horiek zeharkatu ditzaketen gaien inguruko herritarren iritzia zein den. Naziometroaren bidez Euskal Herrian herritarrek gai hauen inguruan dituzten iritzi eta hautemateak aztertu nahi dira
NAZIOMETROA Baromètre de la Souveraineté Basque, 2020
Bien qu’au Euskal Herria* (Pays Basque) les aspirations de souveraineté et d’indépendance reste... more Bien qu’au Euskal Herria* (Pays Basque) les aspirations de souveraineté et d’indépendance restent au centre de la politique, l’opinion des citoyens à l’égard de la souveraineté, de l’autogouvernement, de l’indépendance et d’autres questions transversales n’est pas encore bien définie. Naziometroa vise à analyser les opinions et les perceptions des citoyens à cet égard et de manière continue dans le temps
A rolling stone is constantly on the move and ever-changing. It does not gather any moss; it does... more A rolling stone is constantly on the move and ever-changing. It does not gather any moss; it does not fossilize. The metaphor of this proverb serves as an introduction to this chapter in which we shall study a nationalist movement that has undergone major changes throughout its history. We shall present its evolution since its birth, its transformation midway through the 20th century, and the new trends emerging in the 21st century. It is a question of sub-state nationalism, with a solid presence in part of the territory it lays claim to as a nation, the Basque Country, and characterized by a context of political violence. It is here, precisely, where this nationalist movement has undergone a major transformation in recent years, as witnessed by the end of ETA’s activity in 2011 and its self-dissolution in 2018.
Written from a Basque nationalist perspective, this article outlines certain aspects of Basque na... more Written from a Basque nationalist perspective, this article outlines certain aspects of Basque nationalist approaches and proposals to end the Basque conflict, focusing on the potential role of the EU and major contemporary developments such as the announcement by Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) in September 2010 of its decision 'not to carry out offensive armed actions'. In particular the article explores whether EU initiatives for cross-border social and economic development have relevance to the Basque question, such as the PEACE programme that has been used to help regenerate the Irish border [see page31]. From a Basque nationalist perspective, cross-border relations may be perceived as a further step in Basque nation-building-although most non-nationalists would see these more as functional tools for regional and local development. As this paper makes clear, no EU instrument can have an impact without the political will of two powerful EU member states most directly involve...
A rolling stone is constantly on the move and ever-changing. It does not gather any moss; it does... more A rolling stone is constantly on the move and ever-changing. It does not gather any moss; it does not fossilize. The metaphor of this proverb serves as an introduction to this chapter in which we shall study a nationalist movement that has undergone major changes throughout its history. We shall present its evolution since its birth, its transformation midway through the 20th century, and the new trends emerging in the 21st century. It is a question of sub-state nationalism, with a solid presence in part of the territory it lays claim to as a nation, the Basque Country, and characterized by a context of political violence. It is here, precisely, where this nationalist movement has undergone a major transformation in recent years, as witnessed by the end of ETA’s activity in 2011 and its self-dissolution in 2018
The authors focus on an analysis of the integration process of numerous immigrants who arrived in... more The authors focus on an analysis of the integration process of numerous immigrants who arrived in the South Basque Country between the years 1950 and 1980. After explaining different keys tothe concept of integration and the main characteristics of this migratory movement —laying special emphasis on the attitude shown by Basque and Spanish nationalism in view of the integration of immigrants— the authors gather together the opinions formed by the immigrants them-selves regarding their own integration process.
In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This artic... more In October 2011, the Basque armed organization ETA announced an end to its activities. This article aims at studying the reasons leading up to this unilateral decision which had been taken without prior negotiations or agreements. To this end, a large part of existing bibliography on the subject was consulted and most of the documents released by ETA in recent years, including those for internal use, were also reviewed. In our opinion, ETA reached this decision on the basis of two conclusions and an overall view of the state of affairs. The first of these conclusions found that the two main channels opened up in 1975 to reach its tactical goals, namely, negotiation with Spain and a national front, had been fully exploited. The second concerns the great difficulty in continuing to defend armed struggle on the grounds that it helps reinforce these two channels. Moreover, the belief that it is possible to make greater advances without, rather than with, armed activity, was widespread, ...
Immigration from the different regions in Spain to the Basque Country has traditionally opposed B... more Immigration from the different regions in Spain to the Basque Country has traditionally opposed Basque and Spanish nationalism. This article provides an overview of the discourse of both nationalist traditions with respect to the intra-regional migration movement of the second half of the twentieth century as well as of the resulting controversy. Whereas the Basque nationalist movement claims to have defended the need to integrate immigrants since the middle of the twentieth century, particularly through politics, Spanish nationalism claims that Basque nationalism has helped marginalise these same immigrants. A qualitative analysis is used to contrast this controversy by consulting the opinion of the Spanish immigrants who settled in the Basque Country and did not avail of the political integration proposed by Basque nationalism. The main conclusion is that these immigrants tend to avoid the heart of the matter of discord between both nationalist traditions, granting little importance to political and cultural elements though stressing their social integration in the Basque Country.
Journal Articles + Books by Julen Zabalo
what the public's opinion is regarding sovereignty, self-government, independence, and other issues cutting across them.
Naziometroa aims to assess public opinions and perceptions in these areas and to do so over time
history, race, etc.) of the territory claimed as a nation to
build their discourse on said nation, and, though these discourses
are often presented as something permanent and unchanging over
time, they can change depending on the historical context. This
is indicated by the Basque nationalist movement’s two main discourses
on the nation, as well as by what appears to be a tendency
towards a new discourse currently being developed within
this movement. The new discourse seems to have adopted the concept
of democracy as a key element in its theorization.
a) Análisis cuantitativo: utilizando los datos de la encuesta sobre el Estado Vasco realizada en toda Euskal Herria.
b) Análisis cualitativo: mediante las opiniones expresadas en los grupos de discusión que se organizaron en todo el territorio de Euskal Herria para tratar el tema del Estado Vasco.
c) Análisis de casos: opiniones de empresarias y empresarios favorables a la creación del Estado Vasco y las razones que argumentan para defender esta postura.
d) Análisis de casos: tomando como punto de partida el euskara y la cultura en euskara, opiniones y actitudes sobre el Estado Vasco expresadas por diversos agentes de lo que viene llamándose Euskalgintza.
a) Azterketa kuantitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuari buruz egindako inkesta bateko datuak erabiliz.
b) Azterketa kualitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuari buruz hitz egiteko antolatu ziren eztabaida taldeetako iritziak erabiliz.
c) Kasu azterketa: Euskal Estatuaren alde dauden enpresaburuen iritziak eta arrazoiak jarrera hori izateko.
d) Kasu azterketa: euskara eta euskal kultura kontuan harturik, Euskal Estatuaren aurrean Euskalgintzako eragileek izan ditzaketen jarrera eta iritziak.
what the public's opinion is regarding sovereignty, self-government, independence, and other issues cutting across them.
Naziometroa aims to assess public opinions and perceptions in these areas and to do so over time
history, race, etc.) of the territory claimed as a nation to
build their discourse on said nation, and, though these discourses
are often presented as something permanent and unchanging over
time, they can change depending on the historical context. This
is indicated by the Basque nationalist movement’s two main discourses
on the nation, as well as by what appears to be a tendency
towards a new discourse currently being developed within
this movement. The new discourse seems to have adopted the concept
of democracy as a key element in its theorization.
a) Análisis cuantitativo: utilizando los datos de la encuesta sobre el Estado Vasco realizada en toda Euskal Herria.
b) Análisis cualitativo: mediante las opiniones expresadas en los grupos de discusión que se organizaron en todo el territorio de Euskal Herria para tratar el tema del Estado Vasco.
c) Análisis de casos: opiniones de empresarias y empresarios favorables a la creación del Estado Vasco y las razones que argumentan para defender esta postura.
d) Análisis de casos: tomando como punto de partida el euskara y la cultura en euskara, opiniones y actitudes sobre el Estado Vasco expresadas por diversos agentes de lo que viene llamándose Euskalgintza.
a) Azterketa kuantitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuari buruz egindako inkesta bateko datuak erabiliz.
b) Azterketa kualitatiboa: Euskal Herri osoan Euskal Estatuari buruz hitz egiteko antolatu ziren eztabaida taldeetako iritziak erabiliz.
c) Kasu azterketa: Euskal Estatuaren alde dauden enpresaburuen iritziak eta arrazoiak jarrera hori izateko.
d) Kasu azterketa: euskara eta euskal kultura kontuan harturik, Euskal Estatuaren aurrean Euskalgintzako eragileek izan ditzaketen jarrera eta iritziak.
A través de Naziometroa se pretenden analizar las opiniones y percepciones de la ciudadanía sobre estos temas; y hacerlo de forma continuada en el tiempo
Naziometroaren bidez Euskal Herrian herritarrek gai hauen inguruan dituzten iritzi eta hautemateak aztertu nahi dira
Naziometroa vise à analyser les opinions et les perceptions des citoyens à cet égard et de manière continue dans le temps