Laburpena 1937ko apirilaren 26an Kondor Legioak Gernika bonbardatu zuen, baina, egun hartan, alem... more Laburpena 1937ko apirilaren 26an Kondor Legioak Gernika bonbardatu zuen, baina, egun hartan, alemaniarrek Oiz inguruko Bizkaiko ekialdeko herriak ere eraso zituzten (Markina, Ziortza-Bolibar, Munitibar-Arbatzegi-Gerrikaitz, Arratzu, Muxika eta Errigoiti). Artikulu honetan, herri horiek jasan zituzten bonbardaketa eta metrailatzeak aztertu ditugu, fokua Munitibarren ezarriz. Izan ere, apirilaren 26an, herri hori hainbat aldiz eraso zuten airetik, eta, gure datuen arabera, bonbardaketen ondorioz, herrian bertan, 11 pertsona hil ziren (7 zibil eta 4 soldadu) eta bederatzi bat zaurituta gelditu ziren. Summary On the 26th of April 1937 the Condor Legion participated in the bombing of Guernica, but on that day, German troops also attacked many other villages around Oiz mountain (Markina, Ziortza-Bolibar, Munitibar-Arbatzegi-Gerrikaitz, Arratzu, Muxika and Errigoiti). In this article we analyse the aerial bombing and machinegun attacks that those villages suffered, focusing the research on the attack suffered by the village called Munitibar. It has to be taken in account that on the 26th of April 1937 this town was attacked many times. According to the data we have gathered, 11 people were killed (7 civilians and 4 soldiers), and around 9 people were wounded.
This article reports first results from a comparative analysis of interview data from Finland, Sp... more This article reports first results from a comparative analysis of interview data from Finland, Spain and Switzerland. Within the framework of a developmental perspective on the role of media in everyday life, we focus on cross-cultural similarities and differences in how media use is related to children's and teenagers' relationships with their peers. The data revealed main ways in which media are part of young people's everyday lives: using media together with peers; as a source for common topics in play and talk; as a means of facilitating identification with groups and their values; and for the development of an individual identity. The comparison between the three countries showed that these forms of media use are central to different age groups in the three countries, influenced by different concepts of children's autonomy from adult supervision, systems of organizing leisure time activities and the structure of the school day.
I. Ikergazte: Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma
Ikerlan honen helburu nagusia da ezagutzea 12 eta 16 urte bitarteko gaztetxo gipuzkoarren ikus-en... more Ikerlan honen helburu nagusia da ezagutzea 12 eta 16 urte bitarteko gaztetxo gipuzkoarren ikus-entzunezko kontsumo-ohiturak. Izan ere, zenbait faktore tarteko direla (telebistaren digitalizazioa, euskarri mugikorren hedapena eta banda-zabalera handiko Interneteko konexioak orokortu izana, nagusiki) ikus-entzunezkoen eskaintza nabarmen aldatu da Gipuzkoan 2010az geroztik. Horrenbestez, aro berriko nerabeen kontsumo-ohiturak aztertu dira (berauek baitira kontsumo-eredu berrien isla nabarmenena), eta baita nerabezaroan funtsezkoa den lagun-taldearen figura ere (jakiteko ea harremanik dagoen ikus-entzunezko kontsumo indibidualaren eta talde-kontsumoaren artean). Amaitzeko, generoaren perspektibatik eta gaztetxo elebidunen hizkuntza-hautuen ikuspegitik ere ikertu da nerabe gipuzkoarren ikus-entzunezko kontsumoa. Galdetegiak, sakoneko elkarrizketak eta nerabeen Tuentiko profilen eduki-azterketa baliatu dira ikerketa burutzeko. This research explores current audiovisual consumption in teenagers aged from 12 to 16. Given the changes that have taken place over recent years (i. e., television signal digitalization, the expansion of mobile devices and the generalization of broad-band Internet access), the audiovisual content provision has changed significantly since 2010. With this in mind, the study of media consumption patterns in teenagers merits particular attention. This research focuses on teenagers in the province of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country). A survey was carried out on 853 subjects throughout the province, together with 26 in-depth interviews and the content analysis of 16 Tuenti social media profiles. Given the crucial role of peer groups in teenager development, the relationship between individual and peer group consumption has been studied. Patterns were analyzed from both the perspectives of gender and of everyday language choice by bilingual youngsters within a bilingual context. El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigacion es conocer el modelo de consumo audiovisual de los jovenes (12-16 anos) guipuzcoanos. La oferta audiovisual ha cambiado considerablemente en Gipuzkoa a partir del ano 2010, debido a factores tales como la digitalizacion de la senal televisiva y la generalizacion de la banda ancha en Internet y los dispositivos moviles. Es por ello que se ha anailzado el consumo audiovisual adolescente (debido a que son ellos el reflejo mas fiel del cambio audiovisual) en la era de la digitalizacion , junto con la figura del grupo de pares, tan esencial en esta franja de edad (para saber si existe relacion entre el consumo audiovisual individual y grupal). Por ultimo, se ha estudiado tambien el consumo audiovisual teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de genero y la eleccion linguistica de los jovenes bilingues en Gipuzkoa. Se han utilizado tecnicas como el cuestionario, la entrevista en profundidad y el analisis de contenido de los perfiles de la red social Tuenti para llevar a cabo la investigacion.
Acknowledgements/ Prologue/ Introduction 1. Linguistic Communities 2. The Linguistic Heritage 3. ... more Acknowledgements/ Prologue/ Introduction 1. Linguistic Communities 2. The Linguistic Heritage 3. The Official Status of Languages 4. The Use of Languages In The Administration 5. Language and Writing 6. Language and Education 7. Languages and the Media 8. Language and Religion 9. Transmission and Intergenerational Use of Language 10. Linguistic Attitudes 11. The Threats to Languages 12. The Future of LanguagesAppendixes: References/ Web References/ List of Informants/ Subject Index/ Index of Languages, Families and Varieties/ Survey
espanolAun reconociendo que es imposible superar del todo la confrontacion entre los que viven en... more espanolAun reconociendo que es imposible superar del todo la confrontacion entre los que viven en euskera y los que lo hacen en castellano; si nos parece posible mejorar la convivencia entre ambos. Para ello es necesario tener claras las reglas de juego, y para que estas reglas sean interiorizadas y respetadas, hace falta un discurso basado en valores eticos. En este articulo presentamos las caracteristicas que debiera tener ese discurso. EnglishWhile recognising that it is impossible to entirely overcome the confrontation between those who live in Basque and those who do so in Spanish, it does seem to us that coexisten-ce between them can be improved. To do this the rules of the game must be clear, and for these rules to be accepted and followed, a discourse based on ethical values is needed. This paper outlines the features this discourse should have. francaisMeme si nous reconnaissons qu’il est impossible de depasser les confrontations entre ceux qui vivent en basque et ceux qui ...
This article aims to analyze the audiovisual consumption patterns of 12 to 16 year-old adolescent... more This article aims to analyze the audiovisual consumption patterns of 12 to 16 year-old adolescents, with particular emphasis on the television fiction contents. In order to understand the role of television series in the era of audiovisual digitization, we have analyzed the preferences, motivations and practices of the adolescents. The study presents quantitative and qualitative data collected in 2011, two years after the digital switchover of television at the study area. This period is considered as the beginning of the digital era, and is characterized by new ways of audiovisual production, transmission and consumption, which have been considered. Questionnaires filled by 852 adolescents, as well as 26 interviews and 16 social network profiles, have been analyzed. The results showed that although consumption of fiction content is closely related to traditional television consumption practices, new expressions and experiences have arisen through the Internet.
Laburpena 1937ko apirilaren 26an Kondor Legioak Gernika bonbardatu zuen, baina, egun hartan, alem... more Laburpena 1937ko apirilaren 26an Kondor Legioak Gernika bonbardatu zuen, baina, egun hartan, alemaniarrek Oiz inguruko Bizkaiko ekialdeko herriak ere eraso zituzten (Markina, Ziortza-Bolibar, Munitibar-Arbatzegi-Gerrikaitz, Arratzu, Muxika eta Errigoiti). Artikulu honetan, herri horiek jasan zituzten bonbardaketa eta metrailatzeak aztertu ditugu, fokua Munitibarren ezarriz. Izan ere, apirilaren 26an, herri hori hainbat aldiz eraso zuten airetik, eta, gure datuen arabera, bonbardaketen ondorioz, herrian bertan, 11 pertsona hil ziren (7 zibil eta 4 soldadu) eta bederatzi bat zaurituta gelditu ziren. Summary On the 26th of April 1937 the Condor Legion participated in the bombing of Guernica, but on that day, German troops also attacked many other villages around Oiz mountain (Markina, Ziortza-Bolibar, Munitibar-Arbatzegi-Gerrikaitz, Arratzu, Muxika and Errigoiti). In this article we analyse the aerial bombing and machinegun attacks that those villages suffered, focusing the research on...
... Izan ere, UNESCOren aginduz egindako Munduko hizkuntzei buruzko txostenean (Barreña eta beste... more ... Izan ere, UNESCOren aginduz egindako Munduko hizkuntzei buruzko txostenean (Barreña eta beste, 2003a, 2003b; Amorrortu eta beste, 2004) aipatzen diren hizkuntza-izenen euskal ordainak ematerakoan, gai honen inguruan dagoen hutsuneari aurre egin behar izan zaio ...
Carmelo Garitaonandia, Patxi Juaristi, José A.Oleaga y Fátima Pastor. ... Por ello, el 26 de marz... more Carmelo Garitaonandia, Patxi Juaristi, José A.Oleaga y Fátima Pastor. ... Por ello, el 26 de marzo de 1993, el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia firmó un acuerdo de autorregulación de programas para niños y jóvenes, a modo de código ético, con TVE, Antena 3 TV, Tele 5 y ...
... H. Hornberger Words and Worlds World Languages Review Felix Marti, Paul Ortega, Itziar Idiaza... more ... H. Hornberger Words and Worlds World Languages Review Felix Marti, Paul Ortega, Itziar Idiazabal, Andoni Barreha, Patxi Juaristi, Carme ... for her dedication during this period; Izaskun Azueta, Mikel Mendizabal, Marta Pardo, Begona Arbulu, Maider Huarte, Margareta Almgren ...
Laburpena 1937ko apirilaren 26an Kondor Legioak Gernika bonbardatu zuen, baina, egun hartan, alem... more Laburpena 1937ko apirilaren 26an Kondor Legioak Gernika bonbardatu zuen, baina, egun hartan, alemaniarrek Oiz inguruko Bizkaiko ekialdeko herriak ere eraso zituzten (Markina, Ziortza-Bolibar, Munitibar-Arbatzegi-Gerrikaitz, Arratzu, Muxika eta Errigoiti). Artikulu honetan, herri horiek jasan zituzten bonbardaketa eta metrailatzeak aztertu ditugu, fokua Munitibarren ezarriz. Izan ere, apirilaren 26an, herri hori hainbat aldiz eraso zuten airetik, eta, gure datuen arabera, bonbardaketen ondorioz, herrian bertan, 11 pertsona hil ziren (7 zibil eta 4 soldadu) eta bederatzi bat zaurituta gelditu ziren. Summary On the 26th of April 1937 the Condor Legion participated in the bombing of Guernica, but on that day, German troops also attacked many other villages around Oiz mountain (Markina, Ziortza-Bolibar, Munitibar-Arbatzegi-Gerrikaitz, Arratzu, Muxika and Errigoiti). In this article we analyse the aerial bombing and machinegun attacks that those villages suffered, focusing the research on the attack suffered by the village called Munitibar. It has to be taken in account that on the 26th of April 1937 this town was attacked many times. According to the data we have gathered, 11 people were killed (7 civilians and 4 soldiers), and around 9 people were wounded.
This article reports first results from a comparative analysis of interview data from Finland, Sp... more This article reports first results from a comparative analysis of interview data from Finland, Spain and Switzerland. Within the framework of a developmental perspective on the role of media in everyday life, we focus on cross-cultural similarities and differences in how media use is related to children's and teenagers' relationships with their peers. The data revealed main ways in which media are part of young people's everyday lives: using media together with peers; as a source for common topics in play and talk; as a means of facilitating identification with groups and their values; and for the development of an individual identity. The comparison between the three countries showed that these forms of media use are central to different age groups in the three countries, influenced by different concepts of children's autonomy from adult supervision, systems of organizing leisure time activities and the structure of the school day.
I. Ikergazte: Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma
Ikerlan honen helburu nagusia da ezagutzea 12 eta 16 urte bitarteko gaztetxo gipuzkoarren ikus-en... more Ikerlan honen helburu nagusia da ezagutzea 12 eta 16 urte bitarteko gaztetxo gipuzkoarren ikus-entzunezko kontsumo-ohiturak. Izan ere, zenbait faktore tarteko direla (telebistaren digitalizazioa, euskarri mugikorren hedapena eta banda-zabalera handiko Interneteko konexioak orokortu izana, nagusiki) ikus-entzunezkoen eskaintza nabarmen aldatu da Gipuzkoan 2010az geroztik. Horrenbestez, aro berriko nerabeen kontsumo-ohiturak aztertu dira (berauek baitira kontsumo-eredu berrien isla nabarmenena), eta baita nerabezaroan funtsezkoa den lagun-taldearen figura ere (jakiteko ea harremanik dagoen ikus-entzunezko kontsumo indibidualaren eta talde-kontsumoaren artean). Amaitzeko, generoaren perspektibatik eta gaztetxo elebidunen hizkuntza-hautuen ikuspegitik ere ikertu da nerabe gipuzkoarren ikus-entzunezko kontsumoa. Galdetegiak, sakoneko elkarrizketak eta nerabeen Tuentiko profilen eduki-azterketa baliatu dira ikerketa burutzeko. This research explores current audiovisual consumption in teenagers aged from 12 to 16. Given the changes that have taken place over recent years (i. e., television signal digitalization, the expansion of mobile devices and the generalization of broad-band Internet access), the audiovisual content provision has changed significantly since 2010. With this in mind, the study of media consumption patterns in teenagers merits particular attention. This research focuses on teenagers in the province of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country). A survey was carried out on 853 subjects throughout the province, together with 26 in-depth interviews and the content analysis of 16 Tuenti social media profiles. Given the crucial role of peer groups in teenager development, the relationship between individual and peer group consumption has been studied. Patterns were analyzed from both the perspectives of gender and of everyday language choice by bilingual youngsters within a bilingual context. El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigacion es conocer el modelo de consumo audiovisual de los jovenes (12-16 anos) guipuzcoanos. La oferta audiovisual ha cambiado considerablemente en Gipuzkoa a partir del ano 2010, debido a factores tales como la digitalizacion de la senal televisiva y la generalizacion de la banda ancha en Internet y los dispositivos moviles. Es por ello que se ha anailzado el consumo audiovisual adolescente (debido a que son ellos el reflejo mas fiel del cambio audiovisual) en la era de la digitalizacion , junto con la figura del grupo de pares, tan esencial en esta franja de edad (para saber si existe relacion entre el consumo audiovisual individual y grupal). Por ultimo, se ha estudiado tambien el consumo audiovisual teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de genero y la eleccion linguistica de los jovenes bilingues en Gipuzkoa. Se han utilizado tecnicas como el cuestionario, la entrevista en profundidad y el analisis de contenido de los perfiles de la red social Tuenti para llevar a cabo la investigacion.
Acknowledgements/ Prologue/ Introduction 1. Linguistic Communities 2. The Linguistic Heritage 3. ... more Acknowledgements/ Prologue/ Introduction 1. Linguistic Communities 2. The Linguistic Heritage 3. The Official Status of Languages 4. The Use of Languages In The Administration 5. Language and Writing 6. Language and Education 7. Languages and the Media 8. Language and Religion 9. Transmission and Intergenerational Use of Language 10. Linguistic Attitudes 11. The Threats to Languages 12. The Future of LanguagesAppendixes: References/ Web References/ List of Informants/ Subject Index/ Index of Languages, Families and Varieties/ Survey
espanolAun reconociendo que es imposible superar del todo la confrontacion entre los que viven en... more espanolAun reconociendo que es imposible superar del todo la confrontacion entre los que viven en euskera y los que lo hacen en castellano; si nos parece posible mejorar la convivencia entre ambos. Para ello es necesario tener claras las reglas de juego, y para que estas reglas sean interiorizadas y respetadas, hace falta un discurso basado en valores eticos. En este articulo presentamos las caracteristicas que debiera tener ese discurso. EnglishWhile recognising that it is impossible to entirely overcome the confrontation between those who live in Basque and those who do so in Spanish, it does seem to us that coexisten-ce between them can be improved. To do this the rules of the game must be clear, and for these rules to be accepted and followed, a discourse based on ethical values is needed. This paper outlines the features this discourse should have. francaisMeme si nous reconnaissons qu’il est impossible de depasser les confrontations entre ceux qui vivent en basque et ceux qui ...
This article aims to analyze the audiovisual consumption patterns of 12 to 16 year-old adolescent... more This article aims to analyze the audiovisual consumption patterns of 12 to 16 year-old adolescents, with particular emphasis on the television fiction contents. In order to understand the role of television series in the era of audiovisual digitization, we have analyzed the preferences, motivations and practices of the adolescents. The study presents quantitative and qualitative data collected in 2011, two years after the digital switchover of television at the study area. This period is considered as the beginning of the digital era, and is characterized by new ways of audiovisual production, transmission and consumption, which have been considered. Questionnaires filled by 852 adolescents, as well as 26 interviews and 16 social network profiles, have been analyzed. The results showed that although consumption of fiction content is closely related to traditional television consumption practices, new expressions and experiences have arisen through the Internet.
Laburpena 1937ko apirilaren 26an Kondor Legioak Gernika bonbardatu zuen, baina, egun hartan, alem... more Laburpena 1937ko apirilaren 26an Kondor Legioak Gernika bonbardatu zuen, baina, egun hartan, alemaniarrek Oiz inguruko Bizkaiko ekialdeko herriak ere eraso zituzten (Markina, Ziortza-Bolibar, Munitibar-Arbatzegi-Gerrikaitz, Arratzu, Muxika eta Errigoiti). Artikulu honetan, herri horiek jasan zituzten bonbardaketa eta metrailatzeak aztertu ditugu, fokua Munitibarren ezarriz. Izan ere, apirilaren 26an, herri hori hainbat aldiz eraso zuten airetik, eta, gure datuen arabera, bonbardaketen ondorioz, herrian bertan, 11 pertsona hil ziren (7 zibil eta 4 soldadu) eta bederatzi bat zaurituta gelditu ziren. Summary On the 26th of April 1937 the Condor Legion participated in the bombing of Guernica, but on that day, German troops also attacked many other villages around Oiz mountain (Markina, Ziortza-Bolibar, Munitibar-Arbatzegi-Gerrikaitz, Arratzu, Muxika and Errigoiti). In this article we analyse the aerial bombing and machinegun attacks that those villages suffered, focusing the research on...
... Izan ere, UNESCOren aginduz egindako Munduko hizkuntzei buruzko txostenean (Barreña eta beste... more ... Izan ere, UNESCOren aginduz egindako Munduko hizkuntzei buruzko txostenean (Barreña eta beste, 2003a, 2003b; Amorrortu eta beste, 2004) aipatzen diren hizkuntza-izenen euskal ordainak ematerakoan, gai honen inguruan dagoen hutsuneari aurre egin behar izan zaio ...
Carmelo Garitaonandia, Patxi Juaristi, José A.Oleaga y Fátima Pastor. ... Por ello, el 26 de marz... more Carmelo Garitaonandia, Patxi Juaristi, José A.Oleaga y Fátima Pastor. ... Por ello, el 26 de marzo de 1993, el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia firmó un acuerdo de autorregulación de programas para niños y jóvenes, a modo de código ético, con TVE, Antena 3 TV, Tele 5 y ...
... H. Hornberger Words and Worlds World Languages Review Felix Marti, Paul Ortega, Itziar Idiaza... more ... H. Hornberger Words and Worlds World Languages Review Felix Marti, Paul Ortega, Itziar Idiazabal, Andoni Barreha, Patxi Juaristi, Carme ... for her dedication during this period; Izaskun Azueta, Mikel Mendizabal, Marta Pardo, Begona Arbulu, Maider Huarte, Margareta Almgren ...
Revista Dígitos, número 2 (2016). Monográfico coordinado por Anna Tous Rovirosa: "¿Desea ver el s... more Revista Dígitos, número 2 (2016). Monográfico coordinado por Anna Tous Rovirosa: "¿Desea ver el siguiente capítulo? Digitalización de las series de televisión"
Papers by Patxi Juaristi