954 results sorted by ID
Breaking the Shadow: Key Recovery Attack on Full-Round Shadow Block Ciphers with Minimal Data
Anda Che, Shahram Rasoolzadeh
Secret-key cryptography
Shadow is a family of lightweight block ciphers introduced by Guo, Li, and Liu in 2021, with Shadow-32 having a 32-bit block size and a 64-bit key, and Shadow-64 having a 64-bit block size and a 128-bit key. Both variants use a generalized Feistel network with four branches, incorporating the AND-Rotation-XOR operation similar to the Simon family for their bridging function. This paper reveals that the security claims of the Shadow family are not as strong as suggested. We present a key...
ClusterGuard: Secure Clustered Aggregation for Federated Learning with Robustness
Yulin Zhao, Zhiguo Wan, Zhangshuang Guan
Federated Learning (FL) enables collaborative model training while preserving data privacy by avoiding the sharing of raw data. However, in large-scale FL systems, efficient secure aggregation and dropout handling remain critical challenges. Existing state-of-the-art methods, such as those proposed by Liu et al. (UAI'22) and Li et al. (ASIACRYPT'23), suffer from prohibitive communication overhead, implementation complexity, and vulnerability to poisoning attacks. Alternative approaches that...
Weightwise Almost Perfectly Balanced Functions, Construction From A Permutation Group Action View
Deepak Kumar Dalai, Krishna Mallick, Pierrick Méaux
Secret-key cryptography
The construction of Boolean functions with good cryptographic properties over subsets of vectors with fixed Hamming weight is significant for lightweight stream ciphers like FLIP. In this article, we propose a general method to construct a class of Weightwise Almost Perfectly Balanced (WAPB) Boolean functions using the action of a cyclic permutation group on $\mathbb{F}_2^n$. This class generalizes the Weightwise Perfectly Balanced (WPB) $2^m$-variable Boolean function construction by Liu...
Revisiting Boomerang Attacks on Lightweight ARX and AND-RX Ciphers with Applications to KATAN, SIMON and CHAM
Li Yu, Je Sen Teh
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In this paper, we investigate the security of lightweight block ciphers, focusing on those that utilize the ADD-Rotate-XOR (ARX) and AND-Rotate-XOR (AND-RX) design paradigms. More specifically, we examine their resilience against boomerang-style attacks. First, we propose an automated search strategy that leverages the boomerang connectivity table (BCT) for AND operations ($\wedge BCT$) to conduct a complete search for boomerang and rectangle distinguishers for AND-RX ciphers. The proposed...
Security Analysis of ASCON Cipher under Persistent Faults
Madhurima Das, Bodhisatwa Mazumdar
Attacks and cryptanalysis
This work investigates persistent fault analysis on ASCON
cipher that has been recently standardized by NIST USA for lightweight
cryptography applications. In persistent fault, the fault once injected
through RowHammer injection techniques, exists in the system during
the entire encryption phase. In this work, we propose a model to mount
persistent fault analysis (PFA) on ASCON cipher. In the finalization
round of the ASCON cipher, we identify that the fault-injected S-Box
Qubit Optimized Quantum Implementation of SLIM
Hasan Ozgur Cildiroglu, Oguz Yayla
The advent of quantum computing has profound implications for current technologies, offering advancements in optimization while posing significant threats to cryptographic algorithms. Public-key cryptosystems relying on prime factorization or discrete logarithms are particularly vulnerable, whereas block ciphers (BCs) remain secure through increased key lengths. In this study, we introduce a novel quantum implementation of SLIM, a lightweight block cipher optimized for 32-bit plaintext and...
A Framework for Generating S-Box Circuits with Boyar-Peralta Algorithm-Based Heuristics, and Its Applications to AES, SNOW3G, and Saturnin
Yongjin Jeon, Seungjun Baek, Giyoon Kim, Jongsung Kim
Secret-key cryptography
In many lightweight cryptography applications, low area and latency are required for efficient implementation. The gate count in the cipher and the circuit depth must be low to minimize these two metrics. Many optimization strategies have been developed for the linear layer, led by the Boyar-Peralta (BP) algorithm. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) has been a focus of extensive research in this area. However, while the linear layer uses only XOR gates, the S-box, which is an essential...
New Results in Quantum Analysis of LED: Featuring One and Two Oracle Attacks
Siyi Wang, Kyungbae Jang, Anubhab Baksi, Sumanta Chakraborty, Bryan Lee, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Hwajeong Seo
Secret-key cryptography
Quantum computing has attracted substantial attention from researchers across various fields. In case of the symmetric key cryptography, the main problem is posed by the application of Grover's search. In this work, we focus on quantum analysis of the lightweight block cipher LED.
This paper proposes an optimized quantum circuit for LED, minimizing the required number of qubits, quantum gates, and circuit depth. Furthermore, we conduct Grover's attack and Search with Two Oracles (STO)...
Sonikku: Gotta Speed, Keed! A Family of Fast and Secure MACs
Amit Singh Bhati, Elena Andreeva, Simon Müller, Damian Vizar
Secret-key cryptography
A message authentication code (MAC) is a symmetric-key cryptographic function used to authenticate a message by assigning it a tag. This tag is a short string that is difficult to reproduce without knowing the key. The tag ensures both the authenticity and integrity of the message, enabling the detection of any modifications.
A significant number of existing message authentication codes (MACs) are based on block ciphers (BCs) and tweakable block ciphers (TBCs). These MACs offer various...
SoK: Security of the Ascon Modes
Charlotte Lefevre, Bart Mennink
Secret-key cryptography
The Ascon authenticated encryption scheme and hash function of Dobraunig et al (Journal of Cryptology 2021) were recently selected as winner of the NIST lightweight cryptography competition. The mode underlying Ascon authenticated encryption (Ascon-AE) resembles ideas of SpongeWrap, but not quite, and various works have investigated the generic security of Ascon-AE, all covering different attack scenarios and with different bounds. This work systemizes knowledge on the mode security of...
M-Sel: A Message Selection Functional Encryption from Simple Tool
Ahmad Khoureich Ka
Public-key cryptography
In this paper, we put forward a new practical application of Inner-Product Functional Encryption (IPFE) that we call Message Selection functional encryption (M-Sel) which allows users to decrypt selected portions of a ciphertext. In a message selection functional encryption scheme, the plaintext is partitioned into a set of messages M = {m1, . . . , mt}. The encryption of M consists in encrypting each of its elements using distinct encryption keys. A user with a functional decryption key skx...
Machine Learning-Based Detection of Glitch Attacks in Clock Signal Data
Asier Gambra, Durba Chatterjee, Unai Rioja, Igor Armendariz, Lejla Batina
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Voltage fault injection attacks are a particularly powerful threat to secure embedded devices because they exploit brief, hard-to-detect power fluctuations causing errors or bypassing security mechanisms. To counter these attacks, various detectors are employed, but as defenses strengthen, increasingly elusive glitches continue to emerge. Artificial intelligence, with its inherent ability to learn and adapt to complex patterns, presents a promising solution. This research presents an...
Cryptanalysis of BAKSHEESH Block Cipher
Shengyuan Xu, Siwei Chen, Xiutao Feng, Zejun Xiang, Xiangyong Zeng
Attacks and cryptanalysis
BAKSHEESH is a lightweight block cipher following up the well-known cipher GIFT-128, which uses a 4-bit SBox that has a non-trivial Linear Structure (LS). Also, the Sbox requires a low number of AND gates that makes BAKSHEESH stronger to resist the side channel attacks compared to GIFT-128. In this paper, we give the first third-party security analysis of BAKSHEESH from the traditional attacks perspective: integral, differential and linear attacks. Firstly, we propose a framework for...
Differential MITM attacks on SLIM and LBCIoT
Peter Grochal, Martin Stanek
Attacks and cryptanalysis
SLIM and LBCIoT are lightweight block ciphers proposed for IoT applications. We present differential meet-in-the-middle attacks on these ciphers and discuss several implementation variants and possible improvements of these attacks. Experimental validation also shows some results that may be of independent interest in the cryptanalysis of other ciphers. Namely, the problems with low-probability differentials and the questionable accuracy of standard complexity estimates of using filters.
A Fault Analysis on SNOVA
Gustavo Banegas, Ricardo Villanueva-Polanco
Attacks and cryptanalysis
SNOVA is a post-quantum cryptographic signature scheme known for its efficiency and compact key sizes, making it a second-round candidate in the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. This paper presents a comprehensive fault analysis of SNOVA, focusing on both permanent and transient faults during signature generation. We introduce several fault injection strategies that exploit SNOVA's structure to recover partial or complete secret keys with limited faulty signatures. Our...
Tweakable ForkCipher from Ideal Block Cipher
Sougata Mandal
Secret-key cryptography
In ASIACRYPT 2019, Andreeva et al. introduced a new symmetric key primitive called the $\textit{forkcipher}$, designed for lightweight applications handling short messages. A forkcipher is a keyed function with a public tweak, featuring fixed-length input and fixed-length (expanding) output. They also proposed a specific forkcipher, ForkSkinny, based on the tweakable block cipher SKINNY, and its security was evaluated through cryptanalysis. Since then, several efficient AEAD and MAC schemes...
"There's always another counter": Detecting Micro-architectural Attacks in a Probabilistically Interleaved Malicious/Benign Setting
Upasana Mandal, Rupali Kalundia, Nimish Mishra, Shubhi Shukla, Sarani Bhattacharya, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Modern micro-architectural attacks use a variety of building blocks chained to develop a final exploit. However, since in most cases, the footprint of such attacks is not visible architecturally (like, in the file-system), it becomes trickier to defend against these. In light of this, several automated defence mechanisms use Hardware Performance Counters (HPCs) detect when the micro-architectural elements are being misused for a potential attacks (like flush-reload, Spectre, Meltdown etc.)....
FLock: Robust and Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning based on Practical Blockchain State Channels
Ruonan Chen, Ye Dong, Yizhong Liu, Tingyu Fan, Dawei Li, Zhenyu Guan, Jianwei Liu, Jianying Zhou
\textit{Federated Learning} (FL) is a distributed machine learning paradigm that allows multiple clients to train models collaboratively without sharing local data. Numerous works have explored security and privacy protection in FL, as well as its integration with blockchain technology. However, existing FL works still face critical issues. \romannumeral1) It is difficult to achieving \textit{poisoning robustness} and \textit{data privacy} while ensuring high \textit{model accuracy}....
An Efficient and Secure Boolean Function Evaluation Protocol
Sushmita Sarkar, Vikas Srivastava, Tapaswini Mohanty, Nibedita Kundu, Sumit Kumar Debnath
Cryptographic protocols
Boolean functions play an important role in designing and analyzing many cryptographic systems, such as block ciphers, stream ciphers, and hash functions, due to their unique cryptographic properties such as nonlinearity, correlation immunity, and algebraic properties. The secure evaluation of Boolean functions or Secure Boolean Evaluation (SBE) is an important area of research. SBE allows parties to jointly compute Boolean functions without exposing their private inputs. SBE finds...
Resilience-Optimal Lightweight High-threshold Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing
Hao Cheng, Jiliang Li, Yizhong Liu, Yuan Lu, Weizhi Meng, Zhenfeng Zhang
Cryptographic protocols
Shoup and Smart (SS24) recently introduced a lightweight asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (AVSS) protocol with optimal resilience directly from cryptographic hash functions (JoC 2024), offering plausible quantum resilience and computational efficiency. However, SS24 AVSS only achieves standard secrecy to keep the secret confidential against $n/3$ corrupted parties \textit{if no honest party publishes its share}. In contrast, from ``heavyweight'' public-key cryptography, one can...
Practical Asynchronous MPC from Lightweight Cryptography
Atsuki Momose
Cryptographic protocols
We present an asynchronous secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol that is practically efficient. Our protocol can evaluate any arithmetic circuit with linear communication in the number of parties per multiplication gate, while relying solely on computationally lightweight cryptography such as hash function and symmetric encryption. Our protocol is optimally resilient and tolerates $t$ malicious parties among $n = 3t+1$ parties.
At the technical level, we manage to apply the...
Proteus: A Fully Homomorphic Authenticated Transciphering Protocol
Lars Wolfgang Folkerts, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
Cryptographic protocols
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a powerful technology that allows a cloud server to perform computations directly on ciphertexts. To overcome the overhead of sending and storing large FHE ciphertexts, the concept of FHE transciphering was introduced, allowing symmetric key encrypted ciphertexts to be transformed into FHE ciphertexts by deploying symmetric key decryption homomorphically. However, existing FHE transciphering schemes remain unauthenticated and malleable, allowing...
Overlapped Bootstrapping for FHEW/TFHE and Its Application to SHA3
Deokhwa Hong, Youngjin Choi, Yongwoo Lee, Young-Sik Kim
Homomorphic Encryption (HE) enables operations on encrypted data without requiring decryption, thus allowing for secure handling of confidential data within smart contracts. Among the known HE schemes, FHEW and TFHE are particularly notable for use in smart contracts due to their lightweight nature and support for arbitrary logical gates. In contrast, other HE schemes often require several gigabytes of keys and are limited to supporting only addition and multiplication. As a result, there...
Concretely Efficient Asynchronous MPC from Lightweight Cryptography
Akhil Bandarupalli, Xiaoyu Ji, Aniket Kate, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, Yifan Song
Cryptographic protocols
We consider the setting of asynchronous multi-party computation (AMPC) with optimal resilience $n=3t+1$ and linear communication complexity, and employ only ``lightweight'' cryptographic primitives, such as random oracle hash.
In this model, we introduce two concretely efficient AMPC protocols for a circuit with $|C|$ multiplication gates: a protocol achieving fairness with $\mathcal{O}(|C|\cdot n + n^3)$ field elements of communication, and a protocol achieving guaranteed output delivery...
Secure Stateful Aggregation: A Practical Protocol with Applications in Differentially-Private Federated Learning
Marshall Ball, James Bell-Clark, Adria Gascon, Peter Kairouz, Sewoong Oh, Zhiye Xie
Cryptographic protocols
Recent advances in differentially private federated learning (DPFL) algorithms have found that using correlated noise across the rounds of federated learning (DP-FTRL) yields provably and empirically better accuracy than using independent noise (DP-SGD). While DP-SGD is well-suited to federated learning with a single untrusted central server using lightweight secure aggregation protocols, secure aggregation is not conducive to implementing modern DP-FTRL techniques without assuming a trusted...
Related-Key Cryptanalysis of FUTURE
Amit Jana, Smita Das, Ayantika Chatterjee, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In Africacrypt 2022, Gupta \etal introduced a 64-bit lightweight \mds matrix-based \spn-like block cipher designed to encrypt data in a single clock cycle with minimal implementation cost, particularly when unrolled. While various attack models were discussed, the security of the cipher in the related-key setting was not addressed. In this work, we bridge this gap by conducting a security analysis of the cipher under related-key attacks using \milp(Mixed Integer Linear Programming)-based...
Private Laconic Oblivious Transfer with Preprocessing
Rishabh Bhadauria, Nico Döttling, Carmit Hazay, Chuanwei Lin
Cryptographic protocols
Laconic cryptography studies two-message protocols that securely compute on large amounts of data with minimal communication cost. Laconic oblivious transfer (OT) is a central primitive where the receiver's input is a large database $\mathsf{DB}$ and the sender's inputs are two messages $m_0$, $m_1$ along with an index $i$, such that the receiver learns the message determined by the choice bit $\mathsf{DB}_i$. OT becomes even more useful for secure computation when considering its laconic...
A Combined Design of 4-PLL-TRNG and 64-bit CDC-7-XPUF on a Zynq-7020 SoC
Oğuz Yayla, Yunus Emre Yılmaz
True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are critical hardware primitives for cryptographic systems, providing randomness and device-specific security. TRNGs require complete randomness, while PUFs rely on consistent, device-unique responses. In this work, both primitives are implemented on a System-on-Chip Field-Programmable Gate Array (SoC FPGA), leveraging the integrated Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) for robust entropy generation in PLLbased TRNGs. A...
TentLogiX: 5-bit Chaos-Driven S-Boxes for Lightweight Cryptographic Systems
Maha Allouzi, Arefeh Rahaei
Cryptographic protocols
Cryptography is a crucial method for ensuring the security of communication and data transfers across networks. While it excels on devices with abundant resources, such as PCs, servers, and smartphones, it may encounter challenges when applied to resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags and sensors. To address this issue, a demand arises for a lightweight variant of cryptography known as lightweight cryptography (LWC).
32-bit and 64-bit CDC-7-XPUF Implementations on a Zynq-7020 SoC
Oğuz Yayla, Yunus Emre Yılmaz
Physically (or Physical) Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are basic and useful primitives in designing cryptographic systems. PUFs are designed to facilitate device authentication, secure boot, firmware integrity, and secure communications. To achieve these objectives, PUFs must exhibit both consistent repeatability and instance-specific randomness. The Arbiter PUF (APUF), recognized as the first silicon PUF, is capable of generating a substantial number of secret keys instantaneously based on...
Provably Secure Online Authenticated Encryption and Bidirectional Online Channels
Arghya Bhattacharjee, Ritam Bhaumik, Daniel Collins, Mridul Nandi
Secret-key cryptography
In this work, we examine online authenticated encryption with variable expansion. We follow a notion where both encryption and decryption are online, and security is ensured in the RUP (Release of Unverified Plaintext) setting. Then we propose a generic way of obtaining an online authenticated encryption mode from a tweakable online encryption mode based on the encode-then-encipher paradigm (Bellare and Rogaway, Asiacrypt 2000). To instantiate our generic scheme, we start with proposing a...
A Note on ARADI and LLAMA
Roberto Avanzi, Orr Dunkelman, Shibam Ghosh
Secret-key cryptography
Recently, the NSA has proposed a block cipher called ARADI and a mode of operation called LLAMA for memory encryption applications.
In this note, we comment on this proposal, on its suitability for the intended application, and describe an attack on LLAMA that breaks confidentiality of ciphertext and allows a straightforward forgery attack breaking integrity of ciphertext (INT-CTXT) using a related-IV attack.
Both attacks have negligible complexity.
Scloud+: a Lightweight LWE-based KEM without Ring/Module Structure
Anyu Wang, Zhongxiang Zheng, Chunhuan Zhao, Zhiyuan Qiu, Guang Zeng, Ye Yuan, Changchun Mu, Xiaoyun Wang
Public-key cryptography
We present Scloud+, an LWE-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). The key feature of Scloud+ is its use of the unstructured-LWE problem (i.e., without algebraic structures such as rings or modules) and its incorporation of ternary secrets and lattice coding to enhance performance. A notable advantage of the unstructured-LWE problem is its resistance to potential attacks exploiting algebraic structures, making it a conservative choice for constructing high-security schemes. However, a...
FELIX (XGCD for FALCON): FPGA-based Scalable and Lightweight Accelerator for Large Integer Extended GCD
Sam Coulon, Tianyou Bao, Jiafeng Xie
The Extended Greatest Common Divisor (XGCD) computation is a critical component in various cryptographic applications and algorithms, including both pre- and post-quantum cryptosystems. In addition to computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, the XGCD also produces Bezout coefficients $b_a$ and $b_b$ which satisfy $\mathrm{GCD}(a,b) = a\times b_a + b\times b_b$. In particular, computing the XGCD for large integers is of significant interest. Most recently, XGCD computation...
Client-Aided Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
Peihan Miao, Xinyi Shi, Chao Wu, Ruofan Xu
Cryptographic protocols
Privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) enables multiple distrusting parties to jointly train ML models on their private data without revealing any information beyond the final trained models. In this work, we study the client-aided two-server setting where two non-colluding servers jointly train an ML model on the data held by a large number of clients. By involving the clients in the training process, we develop efficient protocols for training algorithms including linear regression,...
Lightweight Dynamic Linear Components for Symmetric Cryptography
S. M. Dehnavi, M. R. Mirzaee Shamsabad
In this paper, using the concept of equivalence of mappings we characterize all of the one-XOR matrices which are used in hardware applications and propose a family of lightweight linear mappings for software-oriented applications in symmetric cryptography. Then, we investigate interleaved linear mappings and based upon this study, we present generalized dynamic primitive LFSRs along with dynamic linear components for construction of diffusion layers.
From the mathematical...
MATTER: A Wide-Block Tweakable Block Cipher
Roberto Avanzi, Orr Dunkelman, Kazuhiko Minematsu
Secret-key cryptography
In this note, we introduce the MATTER Tweakable Block Cipher, designed principally for low latency in low-area hardware implementations, but that can also be implemented in an efficient and compact way in software.
MATTER is a 512-bit wide balanced Feistel network with three to six rounds, using the ASCON permutation as the round function.
The Feistel network defines a keyed, non-tweakable core, which is made tweakable by using the encryption of the tweak as its key.
Key and tweak are...
Rudraksh: A compact and lightweight post-quantum key-encapsulation mechanism
Suparna Kundu, Archisman Ghosh, Angshuman Karmakar, Shreyas Sen, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Public-key cryptography
Resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become ubiquitous in our digital ecosystem. These devices generate and handle a major part of our digital data. However, due to the impending threat of quantum computers on our existing public-key cryptographic schemes and the limited resources available on IoT devices, it is important to design lightweight post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) schemes suitable for these devices.
In this work, we...
A Note on `` Provably Secure and Lightweight Authentication Key Agreement Scheme for Smart Meters''
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
Attacks and cryptanalysis
We show that the authentication key agreement scheme
[IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 2023, 14(5), 3816-3827] is flawed due to its inconsistent computations. We also show that the scheme fails to keep anonymity, not as claimed.
Scalable and Lightweight State-Channel Audits
Christian Badertscher, Maxim Jourenko, Dimitris Karakostas, Mario Larangeira
Cryptographic protocols
Payment channels are one of the most prominent off-chain scaling solutions for blockchain systems. However, regulatory institutions have difficulty embracing them, as the channels lack insights needed for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) auditing purposes. Our work tackles the problem of a formal reliable and controllable inspection of off-ledger payment channels, by offering a novel approach for maintaining and reliably auditing statistics of payment channels. We extend a typical trustless Layer...
Faster Asynchronous Blockchain Consensus and MVBA
Matthieu Rambaud
Blockchain consensus, a.k.a. BFT SMR, are protocols enabling $n$ processes to decide on an ever-growing chain. The fastest known asynchronous one is called 2-chain VABA (PODC'21 and FC'22), and is used as fallback chain in Abraxas* (CCS'23). It has a claimed $9.5\delta$ expected latency when used for a single shot instance, a.k.a. an MVBA.
We exhibit attacks breaking it. Hence, the title of the fastest asynchronous MVBA with quadratic messages complexity goes to sMVBA (CCS'22), with...
Juliet: A Configurable Processor for Computing on Encrypted Data
Charles Gouert, Dimitris Mouris, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) has become progressively more viable in the years since its original inception in 2009. At the same time, leveraging state-of-the-art schemes in an efficient way for general computation remains prohibitively difficult for the average programmer. In this work, we introduce a new design for a fully homomorphic processor, dubbed Juliet, to enable faster operations on encrypted data using the state-of-the-art TFHE and cuFHE libraries for both CPU and GPU...
QuietOT: Lightweight Oblivious Transfer with a Public-Key Setup
Geoffroy Couteau, Lalita Devadas, Srinivas Devadas, Alexander Koch, Sacha Servan-Schreiber
Cryptographic protocols
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is at the heart of secure computation and is a foundation for many applications in cryptography. Over two decades of work have led to extremely efficient protocols for evaluating OT instances in the preprocessing model, through a paradigm called OT extension.
A few OT instances generated in an offline phase can be used to perform many OTs in an online phase efficiently, i.e., with very low communication and computational overheads.
Specifically, traditional OT...
Side-Channel and Fault Resistant ASCON Implementation: A Detailed Hardware Evaluation (Extended Version)
Aneesh Kandi, Anubhab Baksi, Peizhou Gan, Sylvain Guilley, Tomáš Gerlich, Jakub Breier, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Ritu Ranjan Shrivastwa, Zdeněk Martinásek, Shivam Bhasin
In this work, we present various hardware implementations for the lightweight cipher ASCON, which was recently selected as the winner of the NIST organized Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) competition. We cover encryption + tag generation and decryption + tag verification for the ASCON AEAD and also the ASCON hash function. On top of the usual (unprotected) implementation, we present side-channel protection (threshold countermeasure) and triplication/majority-based fault protection. To the...
Probabilistic Attacks and Enhanced Security for "Private Set Intersection in the Internet Setting from Lightweight Oblivious PRF"
Zhuang Shan, Leyou Zhang, Qing Wu, Qiqi Lai
Cryptographic protocols
Privacy Set Intersection (PSI) has been an important research topic within privacy computation. Its main function is to allow two parties to compute the intersection of their private sets without revealing any other private information. Therefore, PSI can be applied to various real-world scenarios.
Chase and Miao presented an impressive construction ``Private set intersection in the Internet setting from lightweight oblivious prf'' (CM20 for short) at Crypto 2020, highlighting its...
Certifying Private Probabilistic Mechanisms
Zoë Ruha Bell, Shafi Goldwasser, Michael P. Kim, Jean-Luc Watson
Cryptographic protocols
In past years, entire research communities have arisen to address concerns of privacy and fairness in data analysis. At present, however, the public must trust that institutions will re-implement algorithms voluntarily to account for these social concerns. Due to additional cost, widespread adoption is unlikely without effective legal enforcement. A technical challenge for enforcement is that the methods proposed are often probabilistic mechanisms, whose output must be drawn according to...
Consistency-or-Die: Consistency for Key Transparency
Joakim Brorsson, Elena Pagnin, Bernardo David, Paul Stankovski Wagner
Cryptographic protocols
This paper proposes a new consistency protocol that protects a key transparency log against split-view attacks and - contrary to all previous work - does not to rely on small committees of known external auditors, or out-of-band channels, or blockchains (full broadcast systems).
Our approach is to use a mechanism for cryptographically selecting a small committee of random and initially undisclosed users, which are then tasked to endorse the current view of the log. The name of our...
Ascon-Keccak AEAD Algorithm
Stephan Müller
Secret-key cryptography
The Ascon specification defines among others an encryption scheme offering authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) which is based on a duplex mode of a sponge. With that it is the first of such algorithm selected and about to be standardized by NIST.
The sponge size is comparatively small, 320 bits, as expected for lightweight cryptography. With that, the strength of the defined AEAD algorithm is limited to 128 bits. Albeit, the definition of the Ascon AEAD algorithm integrates...
Breaking Indistinguishability with Transfer Learning: A First Look at SPECK32/64 Lightweight Block Ciphers
Jimmy Dani, Kalyan Nakka, Nitesh Saxena
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In this research, we introduce MIND-Crypt, a novel attack framework that uses deep learning (DL) and transfer learning (TL) to challenge the indistinguishability of block ciphers, specifically SPECK32/64 encryption algorithm in CBC mode (Cipher Block Chaining) against Known Plaintext Attacks (KPA). Our methodology includes training a DL model with ciphertexts of two messages encrypted using the same key. The selected messages have the same byte-length and differ by only one bit at the binary...
A General Framework for Lattice-Based ABE Using Evasive Inner-Product Functional Encryption
Yao-Ching Hsieh, Huijia Lin, Ji Luo
Public-key cryptography
We present a general framework for constructing attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes for arbitrary function class based on lattices from two ingredients, i) a noisy linear secret sharing scheme for the class and ii) a new type of inner-product functional encryption (IPFE) scheme, termed *evasive* IPFE, which we introduce in this work. We propose lattice-based evasive IPFE schemes and establish their security under simple conditions based on variants of evasive learning with errors (LWE)...
Efficient Second-Order Masked Software Implementations of Ascon in Theory and Practice
Barbara Gigerl, Florian Mendel, Martin Schläffer, Robert Primas
In this paper, we present efficient protected software implementations of the authenticated cipher Ascon, the recently announced winner of the NIST standardization process for lightweight cryptography.
Our implementations target theoretical and practical security against second-order power analysis attacks.
First, we propose an efficient second-order extension of a previously presented first-order masking of the Keccak S-box that does not require online randomness.
The extension...
Non-Transferable Anonymous Tokens by Secret Binding
F. Betül Durak, Laurane Marco, Abdullah Talayhan, Serge Vaudenay
Cryptographic protocols
Non-transferability (NT) is a security notion which ensures that credentials are only used by their intended owners. Despite its importance, it has not been formally treated in the context of anonymous tokens (AT) which are lightweight anonymous credentials. In this work, we consider a client who "buys" access tokens which are forbidden to be transferred although anonymously redeemed. We extensively study the trade-offs between privacy (obtained through anonymity) and security in AT through...
A note on ``a lightweight mutual and transitive authentication mechanism for IoT network''
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
Attacks and cryptanalysis
We show the authentication mechanism [Ad Hoc Networks, 2023, 103003] fails to keep user anonymity, not as claimed.
Tight Multi-user Security of Ascon and Its Large Key Extension
Bishwajit Chakraborty, Chandranan Dhar, Mridul Nandi
Secret-key cryptography
The Ascon cipher suite has recently become the preferred standard in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography standardization process. Despite its prominence, the initial dedicated security analysis for the Ascon mode was conducted quite recently. This analysis demonstrated that the Ascon AEAD mode offers superior security compared to the generic Duplex mode, but it was limited to a specific scenario: single-user nonce-respecting, with a capacity strictly larger than the key size. In this paper, we...
Integral Attack on the Full FUTURE Block Cipher
Zeyu Xu, Jiamin Cui, Kai Hu, Meiqin Wang
Attacks and cryptanalysis
FUTURE is a recently proposed lightweight block cipher that achieved a remarkable hardware performance due to careful design decisions. FUTURE is an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-like Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) with 10 rounds, whose round function consists of four components, i.e., SubCell, MixColumn, ShiftRow and AddRoundKey. Unlike AES, it is a 64-bit-size block cipher with a 128-bit secret key, and the state can be arranged into 16 cells. Therefore, the operations of...
Cryptanalysis of Secure and Lightweight Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication for Securing Traffic Emergency Messages in VANETs
Mahender Kumar
Cryptographic protocols
In their paper, Wei et al. proposed a lightweight protocol for conditional privacy-preserving authentication in VANET. The protocol aims to achieve ultra-low transmission delay and efficient system secret key (SSK) updating. Their protocol uses a signature scheme with message recovery to authenticate messages. This scheme provides security against adaptively chosen message attacks. However, our analysis reveals a critical vulnerability in the scheme. It is susceptible to replay attacks,...
Statistical testing of random number generators and their improvement using randomness extraction
Cameron Foreman, Richie Yeung, Florian J. Curchod
Random number generators (RNGs) are notoriously challenging to build and test, especially for cryptographic applications. While statistical tests cannot definitively guarantee an RNG’s output quality, they are a powerful verification tool and the only universally applicable testing method. In this work, we design, implement, and present various post-processing methods, using randomness extractors, to improve the RNG output quality and compare them through statistical testing. We begin by...
Arctic: Lightweight and Stateless Threshold Schnorr Signatures
Chelsea Komlo, Ian Goldberg
Public-key cryptography
Threshold Schnorr signatures are seeing increased adoption in practice, and offer practical defenses against single points of failure. However, one challenge with existing randomized threshold Schnorr signature schemes is that signers must carefully maintain secret state across signing rounds, while also ensuring that state is deleted after a signing session is completed. Failure to do so will result in a fatal key-recovery attack by re-use of nonces.
While deterministic threshold...
Differential Cryptanalysis of a Lightweight Block Cipher LELBC
Manjeet Kaur, Tarun Yadav, Manoj Kumar, Dhananjoy Dey
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In this study, we investigate the newly developed low energy lightweight block cipher (LELBC), specifically designed for resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices in smart agriculture. The designers conducted a preliminary differential cryptanalysis of LELBC through mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). This paper further delves into LELBC’s differential characteristics in both single and related-key frameworks using MILP, identifying a nine-round differential characteristic...
Permutation-Based Hashing Beyond the Birthday Bound
Charlotte Lefevre, Bart Mennink
Secret-key cryptography
It is known that the sponge construction is tightly indifferentiable from a random oracle up to around $2^{c/2}$ queries, where $c$ is the capacity. In particular, it cannot provide generic security better than half of the underlying permutation size. In this paper, we aim to achieve hash function security beating this barrier. We present a hashing mode based on two $b$-bit permutations named the double sponge. The double sponge can be seen as the sponge embedded within the double block...
On Information-Theoretic Secure Multiparty Computation with Local Repairability
Daniel Escudero, Ivan Tjuawinata, Chaoping Xing
Cryptographic protocols
In this work we consider the task of designing information-theoretic MPC protocols for which the state of a given party can be recovered from a small amount of parties, a property we refer to as local repairability.
This is useful when considering MPC over dynamic settings where parties leave and join a computation, a scenario that has gained notable attention in recent literature.
Thanks to the results of (Cramer et al. EUROCRYPT'00), designing such protocols boils down to...
Preimage Attacks on Reduced-Round Ascon-Xof
Seungjun Baek, Giyoon Kim, Jongsung Kim
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Ascon, a family of algorithms that supports authenticated encryption and hashing, has been selected as the new standard for lightweight cryptography in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Project. Ascon’s permutation and authenticated encryption have been actively analyzed, but there are relatively few analyses on the hashing. In this paper, we concentrate on preimage attacks on Ascon-Xof. We focus on linearizing the polynomials leaked by the hash value to find its inverse. In an attack on...
POPSTAR: Lightweight Threshold Reporting with Reduced Leakage
Hanjun Li, Sela Navot, Stefano Tessaro
Cryptographic protocols
This paper proposes POPSTAR, a new lightweight protocol for the private computation of heavy hitters, also known as a private threshold reporting system. In such a protocol, the users provide input measurements, and a report server learns which measurements appear more than a pre-specified threshold. POPSTAR follows the same architecture as STAR (Davidson et al, CCS 2022) by relying on a helper randomness server in addition to a main server computing the aggregate heavy hitter statistics....
Deep Learning Based Analysis of Key Scheduling Algorithm of Advanced Ciphers
Narendra Kumar Patel, Hemraj Shobharam Lamkuche
Attacks and cryptanalysis
The advancements in information technology have made the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and the PRESENT cipher indispensable in ensuring data security and facilitating private transactions. AES is renowned for its flexibility and widespread use in various fields, while the PRESENT cipher excels in lightweight cryptographic situations. This paper delves into a dual examination of the Key Scheduling Algorithms (KSAs) of AES and the PRESENT cipher, which play a crucial role in generating...
YPIR: High-Throughput Single-Server PIR with Silent Preprocessing
Samir Jordan Menon, David J. Wu
Cryptographic protocols
We introduce YPIR, a single-server private information retrieval (PIR) protocol that achieves high throughput (up to 83% of the memory bandwidth of the machine) without any offline communication. For retrieving a 1-bit (or 1-byte) record from a 32 GB database, YPIR achieves 12.1 GB/s/core server throughput and requires 2.5 MB of total communication. On the same setup, the state-of-the-art SimplePIR protocol achieves a 12.5 GB/s/core server throughput, requires 1.5 MB total communication, but...
Implementation of Cryptanalytic Programs Using ChatGPT
Nobuyuki Sugio
Secret-key cryptography
Large language models (LLMs), exemplified by the advanced AI tool ChatGPT in 2023, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generating sentences, images, and program codes, driven by their development from extensive datasets. With over 100 million users worldwide, ChatGPT stands out as a leader among LLMs. Previous studies have shown its proficiency in generating program source codes for the symmetric-key block ciphers AES, CHAM, and ASCON. This study ventures into the implementation of...
Need for Speed: Leveraging the Power of Functional Encryption for Resource-Constrained Devices
Eugene Frimpong, Alexandros Bakas, Camille Foucault, Antonis Michalas
Cryptographic protocols
Functional Encryption (FE) is a cutting-edge cryptographic technique that enables a user with a specific functional decryption key to determine a certain function of encrypted data without gaining access to the underlying data. Given its potential and the fact that FE is still a relatively new field, we set out to investigate how it could be applied to resource-constrained environments. This work presents what we believe to be the first lightweight FE scheme explicitly designed for...
Lightweight Leakage-Resilient PRNG from TBCs using Superposition
Mustafa Khairallah, Srinivasan Yadhunathan, Shivam Bhasin
Secret-key cryptography
In this paper, we propose a leakage-resilient pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) design that leverages the rekeying techniques of the PSV-Enc encryption scheme and the superposition property of the Superposition-Tweak-Key (STK) framework. The random seed of the PRNG is divided into two parts; one part is used as an ephemeral key that changes every two calls to a tweakable block cipher (TBC), and the other part is used as a static long-term key. Using the superposition property, we show...
Helium: Scalable MPC among Lightweight Participants and under Churn
Christian Mouchet, Sylvain Chatel, Apostolos Pyrgelis, Carmela Troncoso
We introduce Helium, a novel framework that supports scalable secure multiparty computation (MPC) for lightweight participants and tolerates churn. Helium relies on multiparty homomorphic encryption (MHE) as its core building block. While MHE schemes have been well studied in theory, prior works fall short of addressing critical considerations paramount for adoption such as supporting resource-constrained and unstably connected participants. In this work, we systematize the requirements of...
LightDAG: A Low-latency DAG-based BFT Consensus through Lightweight Broadcast
Xiaohai Dai, Guanxiong Wang, Jiang Xiao, Zhengxuan Guo, Rui Hao, Xia Xie, Hai Jin
To improve the throughput of Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus protocols, the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) topology has been introduced to parallel data processing, leading to the development of DAG-based BFT consensus. However, existing DAG-based works heavily rely on Reliable Broadcast (RBC) protocols for block broadcasting, which introduces significant latency due to the three communication steps involved in each RBC. For instance, DAGRider, a representative DAG-based protocol,...
Improved Linear Key Recovery Attacks on PRESENT
Wenhui Wu, Muzhou Li, Meiqin Wang
Secret-key cryptography
PRESENT is an ultra-lightweight block cipher designed by Bogdanov et al., and has been widely studied since its proposal. It supports 80-bit and 128-bit keys, which are referred as PRESENT-80 and PRESENT-128, respectively. Up to now, linear cryptanalysis is the most effective method on attacking this cipher, especially when accelerated with the pruned Walsh transform. Combing pruned Walsh transform with multiple linear attacks, one can recover the right key for 28-round PRESENT-80 and -128....
ELEKTRA: Efficient Lightweight multi-dEvice Key TRAnsparency
Julia Len, Melissa Chase, Esha Ghosh, Daniel Jost, Balachandar Kesavan, Antonio Marcedone
Cryptographic protocols
Key Transparency (KT) systems enable service providers of end-to-end encrypted communication (E2EE) platforms to maintain a Verifiable Key Directory (VKD) that maps each user's identifier, such as a username or email address, to their identity public key(s). Users periodically monitor the directory to ensure their own identifier maps to the correct keys, thus detecting any attempt to register a fake key on their behalf to Meddler-in-the-Middle (MitM) their communications.
We introduce and...
OBSCURE: Versatile Software Obfuscation from a Lightweight Secure Element
Darius Mercadier, Viet Sang Nguyen, Matthieu Rivain, Aleksei Udovenko
Software obfuscation is a powerful tool to protect the intellectual property or secret keys inside programs. Strong software obfuscation is crucial in the context of untrusted execution environments (e.g., subject to malware infection) or to face potentially malicious users trying to reverse-engineer a sensitive program. Unfortunately, the state-of-the-art of pure software-based obfuscation (including white-box cryptography) is either insecure or infeasible in practice.
This work...
CrISA-X: Unleashing Performance Excellence in Lightweight Symmetric Cryptography for Extendable and Deeply Embedded Processors
Oren Ganon, Itamar Levi
The selection of a Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) algorithm is crucial for resource limited applications. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) leads this process, which involves a thorough evaluation of the algorithms’ cryptanalytic strength. Furthermore, careful consideration is given to factors such as algorithm latency, code size, and hardware implementation area. These factors are critical in determining the overall performance of cryptographic solutions at edge...
YouChoose: A Lightweight Anonymous Proof of Account Ownership
Aarav Varshney, Prashant Agrawal, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
Cryptographic protocols
We explore the issue of anonymously proving account ownership (anonymous PAO). Such proofs allow a prover to prove to a verifier that it owns a valid account at a server without being tracked by the server or the verifier, without requiring any changes at the server's end and without even revealing to it that any anonymous PAO is taking place. This concept is useful in sensitive applications like whistleblowing. The first introduction of anonymous PAOs was by Wang et al., who also introduced...
CCA Security with Short AEAD Tags
Mustafa Khairallah
Secret-key cryptography
The size of the authentication tag represents a significant overhead for applications that are limited by bandwidth or memory. Hence, some authenticated encryption designs have a smaller tag than the required privacy level, which was also suggested by the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In the ToSC 2022, two papers have raised questions about the IND-CCA security of AEAD schemes in this situation. These papers show that (a) online AE cannot provide IND-CCA security...
A note on ``intelligent drone-assisted robust lightweight multi-factor authentication for military zone surveillance in the 6G era''
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
Attacks and cryptanalysis
We show that the authentication scheme [Comput. Networks, 225 (2023), 109664] is flawed. (1) Some parameters are not specified. (2) Some computations are inconsistent. (3) It falsely require the control gateway to share its private key with the medical expert. (4) The scheme fails to keep user anonymity, not as claimed.
Differential Fault Attack on Ascon Cipher
Amit Jana
Attacks and cryptanalysis
This work investigates the security of the Ascon authenticated encryption scheme in the context of fault attacks, with a specific focus on Differential Fault Analysis (DFA). Motivated by the growing significance of lightweight cryptographic solutions, particularly Ascon, we explore potential vulnerabilities in its design using DFA. By employing a novel approach that combines faulty forgery in the decryption query under two distinct fault models, leveraging bit-flip faults in the first phase...
One for All, All for Ascon: Ensemble-based Deep Learning Side-channel Analysis
Azade Rezaeezade, Abraham Basurto-Becerra, Léo Weissbart, Guilherme Perin
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In recent years, deep learning-based side-channel analysis (DLSCA) has become an active research topic within the side-channel analysis community. The well-known challenge of hyperparameter tuning in DLSCA encouraged the community to use methods that reduce the effort required to identify an optimal model. One of the successful methods is ensemble learning. While ensemble methods have demonstrated their effectiveness in DLSCA, particularly with AES-based datasets, their efficacy in analyzing...
Efficient Low-Latency Masking of Ascon without Fresh Randomness
Srinidhi Hari Prasad, Florian Mendel, Martin Schläffer, Rishub Nagpal
In this work, we present the first low-latency, second-order masked hardware implementation of Ascon that requires no fresh randomness using only $d+1$ shares. Our results significantly outperform any publicly known second-order masked implementations of AES and Ascon in terms of combined area, latency and randomness requirements. Ascon is a family of lightweight authenticated encryption and hashing schemes selected by NIST for standardization. Ascon is tailored for small form factors. It...
Ratel: MPC-extensions for Smart Contracts
Yunqi Li, Kyle Soska, Zhen Huang, Sylvain Bellemare, Mikerah Quintyne-Collins, Lun Wang, Xiaoyuan Liu, Dawn Song, Andrew Miller
Enhancing privacy on smart contract-enabled blockchains has garnered much attention in recent research. Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) is one of the most popular approaches, however, they fail to provide full expressiveness and fine-grained privacy. To illustrate this, we underscore an underexplored type of Miner Extractable Value (MEV), called Residual Bids Extractable Value (RBEV). Residual bids highlight the vulnerability where unfulfilled bids inadvertently reveal traders’ unmet demands...
An Improved Method for Evaluating Secret Variables and Its Application to WAGE
Weizhe Wang, Haoyang Wang, Deng Tang
Attacks and cryptanalysis
The cube attack is a powerful cryptanalysis technique against symmetric ciphers, especially stream ciphers. The adversary aims to recover secret key bits by solving equations that involve the key. To simplify the equations, a set of plaintexts called a cube is summed up together. Traditional cube attacks use only linear or quadratic superpolies, and the size of cube is limited to an experimental range, typically around 40. However, cube attack based on division property, proposed by Todo et...
Cryptanalysis of QARMAv2
Hosein Hadipour, Yosuke Todo
Attacks and cryptanalysis
QARMAv2 is a general-purpose and hardware-oriented family of lightweight tweakable block ciphers (TBCs) introduced in ToSC 2023. QARMAv2, as a redesign of QARMAv1 with a longer tweak and tighter security margins, is also designed to be suitable for cryptographic memory protection and control flow integrity. The designers of QARMAv2 provided a relatively comprehensive security analysis in the design specification, e.g., some bounds for the number of attacked rounds in differential and...
Cryptanalysis of TS-Hash
Aleksei Udovenko
Secret-key cryptography
This note presents attacks on the lightweight hash function TS-Hash proposed by Tsaban, including a polynomial-time preimage attack for short messages (at most n/2 bits), high-probability differentials, a general subexponential-time preimage attack, and linearization techniques.
Secret-Shared Shuffle with Malicious Security
Xiangfu Song, Dong Yin, Jianli Bai, Changyu Dong, Ee-Chien Chang
Cryptographic protocols
A secret-shared shuffle (SSS) protocol permutes a secret-shared vector using a random secret permutation. It has found numerous applications, however, it is also an expensive operation and often a performance bottleneck. Chase et al. (Asiacrypt'20) recently proposed a highly efficient semi-honest two-party SSS protocol known as the CGP protocol. It utilizes purposely designed pseudorandom correlations that facilitate a communication-efficient online shuffle phase. That said, semi-honest...
CompactTag: Minimizing Computation Overheads in Actively-Secure MPC for Deep Neural Networks
Yongqin Wang, Pratik Sarkar, Nishat Koti, Arpita Patra, Murali Annavaram
Cryptographic protocols
Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) protocols enable secure evaluation of a circuit by several parties, even in the presence of an adversary who maliciously corrupts all but one of the parties. These MPC protocols are constructed using the well-known secret-sharing-based paradigm (SPDZ and SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$), where the protocols ensure security against a malicious adversary by computing Message Authentication Code (MAC) tags on the input shares and then evaluating the circuit with these...
Algebraic properties of the maps $\chi_n$
Jan Schoone, Joan Daemen
The Boolean map $\chi_n \colon \mathbb{F}_2^n \to \mathbb{F}_2^n,\ x \mapsto y$ defined by $y_i = x_i + (x_{i+1}+1)x_{i+2}$ (where $i\in \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$) is used in various permutations that are part of cryptographic schemes, e.g., Keccak-f (the SHA-3-permutation), ASCON (the winner of the NIST Lightweight competition), Xoodoo, Rasta and Subterranean (2.0).
In this paper, we study various algebraic properties of this map.
We consider $\chi_n$ (through vectorial isomorphism) as a...
Full Round Distinguishing and Key-Recovery Attacks on SAND-2 (Full version)
Zhuolong Zhang, Shiyao Chen, Wei Wang, Meiqin Wang
Attacks and cryptanalysis
This paper presents full round distinguishing and key recovery attacks on lightweight block cipher SAND-2 with 64-bit block size and 128-bit key size, which appears to be a mixture of the AND-Rotation-XOR (AND-RX) based ciphers SAND and ANT. However, the security arguments against linear and some other attacks are not fully provided. In this paper, we find that the combination of a SAND-like nibble-based round function and ANT-like bit-based permutations will cause dependencies and lead to...
Revisiting the Boomerang Attack from a Perspective of 3-differential
Libo Wang, Ling Song, Baofeng Wu, Mostafizar Rahman, Takanori Isobe
Secret-key cryptography
In this paper, inspired by the work of Beyne and Rijmen at CRYPTO 2022, we explore the accurate probability of $d$-differential in the fixed-key model. The theoretical foundations of our method are based on a special matrix $-$ quasi-$d$-differential transition matrix, which is a natural extension of the quasidifferential transition matrix. The role of quasi-$d$-differential transition matrices in polytopic cryptananlysis is analogous to that of correlation matrices in linear cryptanalysis....
Designing Full-Rate Sponge based AEAD modes
Bishwajit Chakraborty, Nilanjan Datta, Mridul Nandi
Secret-key cryptography
Sponge based constructions have gained significant popularity for designing lightweight authenticated encryption modes. Most of the authenticated ciphers following the Sponge paradigm can be viewed as variations of the Transform-then-permute construction. It is known that a construction following the Transform-then-permute paradigm provides security against any adversary having data complexity $D$ and time complexity $T$ as long as $DT \ll 2^{b-r}$. Here, $b$ represents the size of the...
Unleashing the Power of Differential Fault Attacks on QARMAv2
Soumya Sahoo, Debasmita Chakraborty, Santanu Sarkar
Attacks and cryptanalysis
QARMAv2 represents a family of lightweight block ciphers introduced in
ToSC 2023. This new iteration, QARMAv2, is an evolution of the original QARMA
design, specifically constructed to accommodate more extended tweak values while
simultaneously enhancing security measures. This family of ciphers is available in
two distinct versions, referred to as QARMAv2-$b$-$s$, where ‘$b$’ signifies the block
length, with options for both 64-bit and 128-bit blocks, and ‘$c$’ signifies the...
Lightweight but Not Easy: Side-channel Analysis of the Ascon Authenticated Cipher on a 32-bit Microcontroller
Léo Weissbart, Stjepan Picek
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Ascon is a recently standardized suite of symmetric cryptography for authenticated encryption and hashing algorithms designed to be lightweight.
The Ascon scheme has been studied since it was introduced in 2015 for the CAESAR competition, and many efforts have been made to transform this hardware-oriented scheme to work with any embedded device architecture.
Ascon is designed with side-channel resistance in mind and can also be protected with countermeasures against side-channel...
Cheater Identification on a Budget: MPC with Identifiable Abort from Pairwise MACs
Carsten Baum, Nikolas Melissaris, Rahul Rachuri, Peter Scholl
Cryptographic protocols
Cheater identification in secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows the honest parties to agree upon the identity of a cheating party, in case the protocol aborts.
In the context of a dishonest majority, this becomes especially critical, as it serves to thwart denial-of-service attacks and mitigate known impossibility results on ensuring fairness and guaranteed output delivery.
In this work, we present a new, lightweight approach to achieving identifiable abort in dishonest majority...
Committing AE from Sponges: Security Analysis of the NIST LWC Finalists
Juliane Krämer, Patrick Struck, Maximiliane Weishäupl
Secret-key cryptography
Committing security has gained considerable attention in the field of authenticated encryption (AE). This can be traced back to a line of recent attacks, which entail that AE schemes used in practice should not only provide confidentiality and authenticity, but also committing security. Roughly speaking, a committing AE scheme guarantees that ciphertexts will decrypt only for one key. Despite the recent research effort in this area, the finalists of the NIST lightweight cryptography...
Kirby: A Robust Permutation-Based PRF Construction
Charlotte Lefevre, Yanis Belkheyar, Joan Daemen
Secret-key cryptography
We present a construction, called Kirby, for building a variable-input-length pseudorandom function (VIL-PRF) from a $b$-bit permutation. For this construction we prove a tight bound of $b/2$ bits of security on the PRF distinguishing advantage in the random permutation model and in the multi-user setting. Similar to full-state keyed sponge/duplex, it supports full-state absorbing and additionally supports full-state squeezing, while the sponge/duplex can squeeze at most $b-c$ bits per...
PQ.V.ALU.E: Post-Quantum RISC-V Custom ALU Extensions on Dilithium and Kyber
Konstantina Miteloudi, Joppe Bos, Olivier Bronchain, Björn Fay, Joost Renes
This paper explores the challenges and potential solutions of implementing the recommended upcoming post-quantum cryptography standards (the CRYSTALS-Dilithium and CRYSTALS-Kyber algorithms) on resource constrained devices.
The high computational cost of polynomial operations, fundamental to cryptography based on ideal lattices, presents significant challenges in an efficient implementation.
This paper proposes a hardware/software co-design strategy using RISC-V extensions to optimize...
RC4OK. An improvement of the RC4 stream cipher
Khovayko O., Schelkunov D.
Cryptographic protocols
In this paper we present an improved version of the classical RC4 stream cipher. The improvements allow to build lightweight high-performance cryptographically strong random number generator suitable for use in IoT and as a corresponding component of operating systems. The criterion for high performance is both a high speed of generating a stream of random numbers and low overhead costs for adding entropy from physical events to the state of the generator.
Preimage and Collision Attacks on Reduced Ascon Using Algebraic Strategies
Qinggan Fu, Ye Luo, Qianqian Yang, Ling Song
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Ascon, a family of algorithms that supports hashing and authenticated encryption, is the winner of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Project. In this paper, we propose an improved preimage attack against 2-round Ascon-XOF-64 with a complexity of $2^{32}$ via a better guessing strategy. Furthermore, in order to find a good guessing strategy efficiently, we build a MILP model and successfully extend the attack to 3 rounds. The time complexity is $2^{53}$ when $IV=0$, while for the real $IV$,...
A note on ``ISG-SLAS: secure and lightweight authentication and key agreement scheme for industrial smart grid using fuzzy extractor''
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
Attacks and cryptanalysis
We show that the key agreement scheme [J. Syst. Archit., 131:102698, 2022] fails to keep user anonymity and service provider anonymity, not as claimed. The scheme simply thinks that user anonymity is equivalent to protecting the target user's identity against exposure, while its long-term pseudo-identity can be exposed. We want to clarify that the true anonymity means that an adversary cannot attribute different sessions to different target users, even if the true identifier cannot be...
Arithmetic Circuit Implementations of S-boxes for SKINNY and PHOTON in MPC
Aysajan Abidin, Erik Pohle, Bart Preneel
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) enables multiple distrusting parties to compute a function while keeping their respective inputs private. In a threshold implementation of a symmetric primitive, e.g., of a block cipher, each party holds a share of the secret key or of the input block. The output block is computed without reconstructing the secret key. This enables the construction of distributed TPMs or transciphering for secure data transmission in/out of the MPC context.
This paper...
Shadow is a family of lightweight block ciphers introduced by Guo, Li, and Liu in 2021, with Shadow-32 having a 32-bit block size and a 64-bit key, and Shadow-64 having a 64-bit block size and a 128-bit key. Both variants use a generalized Feistel network with four branches, incorporating the AND-Rotation-XOR operation similar to the Simon family for their bridging function. This paper reveals that the security claims of the Shadow family are not as strong as suggested. We present a key...
Federated Learning (FL) enables collaborative model training while preserving data privacy by avoiding the sharing of raw data. However, in large-scale FL systems, efficient secure aggregation and dropout handling remain critical challenges. Existing state-of-the-art methods, such as those proposed by Liu et al. (UAI'22) and Li et al. (ASIACRYPT'23), suffer from prohibitive communication overhead, implementation complexity, and vulnerability to poisoning attacks. Alternative approaches that...
The construction of Boolean functions with good cryptographic properties over subsets of vectors with fixed Hamming weight is significant for lightweight stream ciphers like FLIP. In this article, we propose a general method to construct a class of Weightwise Almost Perfectly Balanced (WAPB) Boolean functions using the action of a cyclic permutation group on $\mathbb{F}_2^n$. This class generalizes the Weightwise Perfectly Balanced (WPB) $2^m$-variable Boolean function construction by Liu...
In this paper, we investigate the security of lightweight block ciphers, focusing on those that utilize the ADD-Rotate-XOR (ARX) and AND-Rotate-XOR (AND-RX) design paradigms. More specifically, we examine their resilience against boomerang-style attacks. First, we propose an automated search strategy that leverages the boomerang connectivity table (BCT) for AND operations ($\wedge BCT$) to conduct a complete search for boomerang and rectangle distinguishers for AND-RX ciphers. The proposed...
This work investigates persistent fault analysis on ASCON cipher that has been recently standardized by NIST USA for lightweight cryptography applications. In persistent fault, the fault once injected through RowHammer injection techniques, exists in the system during the entire encryption phase. In this work, we propose a model to mount persistent fault analysis (PFA) on ASCON cipher. In the finalization round of the ASCON cipher, we identify that the fault-injected S-Box operation...
The advent of quantum computing has profound implications for current technologies, offering advancements in optimization while posing significant threats to cryptographic algorithms. Public-key cryptosystems relying on prime factorization or discrete logarithms are particularly vulnerable, whereas block ciphers (BCs) remain secure through increased key lengths. In this study, we introduce a novel quantum implementation of SLIM, a lightweight block cipher optimized for 32-bit plaintext and...
In many lightweight cryptography applications, low area and latency are required for efficient implementation. The gate count in the cipher and the circuit depth must be low to minimize these two metrics. Many optimization strategies have been developed for the linear layer, led by the Boyar-Peralta (BP) algorithm. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) has been a focus of extensive research in this area. However, while the linear layer uses only XOR gates, the S-box, which is an essential...
Quantum computing has attracted substantial attention from researchers across various fields. In case of the symmetric key cryptography, the main problem is posed by the application of Grover's search. In this work, we focus on quantum analysis of the lightweight block cipher LED. This paper proposes an optimized quantum circuit for LED, minimizing the required number of qubits, quantum gates, and circuit depth. Furthermore, we conduct Grover's attack and Search with Two Oracles (STO)...
A message authentication code (MAC) is a symmetric-key cryptographic function used to authenticate a message by assigning it a tag. This tag is a short string that is difficult to reproduce without knowing the key. The tag ensures both the authenticity and integrity of the message, enabling the detection of any modifications. A significant number of existing message authentication codes (MACs) are based on block ciphers (BCs) and tweakable block ciphers (TBCs). These MACs offer various...
The Ascon authenticated encryption scheme and hash function of Dobraunig et al (Journal of Cryptology 2021) were recently selected as winner of the NIST lightweight cryptography competition. The mode underlying Ascon authenticated encryption (Ascon-AE) resembles ideas of SpongeWrap, but not quite, and various works have investigated the generic security of Ascon-AE, all covering different attack scenarios and with different bounds. This work systemizes knowledge on the mode security of...
In this paper, we put forward a new practical application of Inner-Product Functional Encryption (IPFE) that we call Message Selection functional encryption (M-Sel) which allows users to decrypt selected portions of a ciphertext. In a message selection functional encryption scheme, the plaintext is partitioned into a set of messages M = {m1, . . . , mt}. The encryption of M consists in encrypting each of its elements using distinct encryption keys. A user with a functional decryption key skx...
Voltage fault injection attacks are a particularly powerful threat to secure embedded devices because they exploit brief, hard-to-detect power fluctuations causing errors or bypassing security mechanisms. To counter these attacks, various detectors are employed, but as defenses strengthen, increasingly elusive glitches continue to emerge. Artificial intelligence, with its inherent ability to learn and adapt to complex patterns, presents a promising solution. This research presents an...
BAKSHEESH is a lightweight block cipher following up the well-known cipher GIFT-128, which uses a 4-bit SBox that has a non-trivial Linear Structure (LS). Also, the Sbox requires a low number of AND gates that makes BAKSHEESH stronger to resist the side channel attacks compared to GIFT-128. In this paper, we give the first third-party security analysis of BAKSHEESH from the traditional attacks perspective: integral, differential and linear attacks. Firstly, we propose a framework for...
SLIM and LBCIoT are lightweight block ciphers proposed for IoT applications. We present differential meet-in-the-middle attacks on these ciphers and discuss several implementation variants and possible improvements of these attacks. Experimental validation also shows some results that may be of independent interest in the cryptanalysis of other ciphers. Namely, the problems with low-probability differentials and the questionable accuracy of standard complexity estimates of using filters.
SNOVA is a post-quantum cryptographic signature scheme known for its efficiency and compact key sizes, making it a second-round candidate in the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. This paper presents a comprehensive fault analysis of SNOVA, focusing on both permanent and transient faults during signature generation. We introduce several fault injection strategies that exploit SNOVA's structure to recover partial or complete secret keys with limited faulty signatures. Our...
In ASIACRYPT 2019, Andreeva et al. introduced a new symmetric key primitive called the $\textit{forkcipher}$, designed for lightweight applications handling short messages. A forkcipher is a keyed function with a public tweak, featuring fixed-length input and fixed-length (expanding) output. They also proposed a specific forkcipher, ForkSkinny, based on the tweakable block cipher SKINNY, and its security was evaluated through cryptanalysis. Since then, several efficient AEAD and MAC schemes...
Modern micro-architectural attacks use a variety of building blocks chained to develop a final exploit. However, since in most cases, the footprint of such attacks is not visible architecturally (like, in the file-system), it becomes trickier to defend against these. In light of this, several automated defence mechanisms use Hardware Performance Counters (HPCs) detect when the micro-architectural elements are being misused for a potential attacks (like flush-reload, Spectre, Meltdown etc.)....
\textit{Federated Learning} (FL) is a distributed machine learning paradigm that allows multiple clients to train models collaboratively without sharing local data. Numerous works have explored security and privacy protection in FL, as well as its integration with blockchain technology. However, existing FL works still face critical issues. \romannumeral1) It is difficult to achieving \textit{poisoning robustness} and \textit{data privacy} while ensuring high \textit{model accuracy}....
Boolean functions play an important role in designing and analyzing many cryptographic systems, such as block ciphers, stream ciphers, and hash functions, due to their unique cryptographic properties such as nonlinearity, correlation immunity, and algebraic properties. The secure evaluation of Boolean functions or Secure Boolean Evaluation (SBE) is an important area of research. SBE allows parties to jointly compute Boolean functions without exposing their private inputs. SBE finds...
Shoup and Smart (SS24) recently introduced a lightweight asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (AVSS) protocol with optimal resilience directly from cryptographic hash functions (JoC 2024), offering plausible quantum resilience and computational efficiency. However, SS24 AVSS only achieves standard secrecy to keep the secret confidential against $n/3$ corrupted parties \textit{if no honest party publishes its share}. In contrast, from ``heavyweight'' public-key cryptography, one can...
We present an asynchronous secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol that is practically efficient. Our protocol can evaluate any arithmetic circuit with linear communication in the number of parties per multiplication gate, while relying solely on computationally lightweight cryptography such as hash function and symmetric encryption. Our protocol is optimally resilient and tolerates $t$ malicious parties among $n = 3t+1$ parties. At the technical level, we manage to apply the...
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a powerful technology that allows a cloud server to perform computations directly on ciphertexts. To overcome the overhead of sending and storing large FHE ciphertexts, the concept of FHE transciphering was introduced, allowing symmetric key encrypted ciphertexts to be transformed into FHE ciphertexts by deploying symmetric key decryption homomorphically. However, existing FHE transciphering schemes remain unauthenticated and malleable, allowing...
Homomorphic Encryption (HE) enables operations on encrypted data without requiring decryption, thus allowing for secure handling of confidential data within smart contracts. Among the known HE schemes, FHEW and TFHE are particularly notable for use in smart contracts due to their lightweight nature and support for arbitrary logical gates. In contrast, other HE schemes often require several gigabytes of keys and are limited to supporting only addition and multiplication. As a result, there...
We consider the setting of asynchronous multi-party computation (AMPC) with optimal resilience $n=3t+1$ and linear communication complexity, and employ only ``lightweight'' cryptographic primitives, such as random oracle hash. In this model, we introduce two concretely efficient AMPC protocols for a circuit with $|C|$ multiplication gates: a protocol achieving fairness with $\mathcal{O}(|C|\cdot n + n^3)$ field elements of communication, and a protocol achieving guaranteed output delivery...
Recent advances in differentially private federated learning (DPFL) algorithms have found that using correlated noise across the rounds of federated learning (DP-FTRL) yields provably and empirically better accuracy than using independent noise (DP-SGD). While DP-SGD is well-suited to federated learning with a single untrusted central server using lightweight secure aggregation protocols, secure aggregation is not conducive to implementing modern DP-FTRL techniques without assuming a trusted...
In Africacrypt 2022, Gupta \etal introduced a 64-bit lightweight \mds matrix-based \spn-like block cipher designed to encrypt data in a single clock cycle with minimal implementation cost, particularly when unrolled. While various attack models were discussed, the security of the cipher in the related-key setting was not addressed. In this work, we bridge this gap by conducting a security analysis of the cipher under related-key attacks using \milp(Mixed Integer Linear Programming)-based...
Laconic cryptography studies two-message protocols that securely compute on large amounts of data with minimal communication cost. Laconic oblivious transfer (OT) is a central primitive where the receiver's input is a large database $\mathsf{DB}$ and the sender's inputs are two messages $m_0$, $m_1$ along with an index $i$, such that the receiver learns the message determined by the choice bit $\mathsf{DB}_i$. OT becomes even more useful for secure computation when considering its laconic...
True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are critical hardware primitives for cryptographic systems, providing randomness and device-specific security. TRNGs require complete randomness, while PUFs rely on consistent, device-unique responses. In this work, both primitives are implemented on a System-on-Chip Field-Programmable Gate Array (SoC FPGA), leveraging the integrated Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) for robust entropy generation in PLLbased TRNGs. A...
Cryptography is a crucial method for ensuring the security of communication and data transfers across networks. While it excels on devices with abundant resources, such as PCs, servers, and smartphones, it may encounter challenges when applied to resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags and sensors. To address this issue, a demand arises for a lightweight variant of cryptography known as lightweight cryptography (LWC). In...
Physically (or Physical) Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are basic and useful primitives in designing cryptographic systems. PUFs are designed to facilitate device authentication, secure boot, firmware integrity, and secure communications. To achieve these objectives, PUFs must exhibit both consistent repeatability and instance-specific randomness. The Arbiter PUF (APUF), recognized as the first silicon PUF, is capable of generating a substantial number of secret keys instantaneously based on...
In this work, we examine online authenticated encryption with variable expansion. We follow a notion where both encryption and decryption are online, and security is ensured in the RUP (Release of Unverified Plaintext) setting. Then we propose a generic way of obtaining an online authenticated encryption mode from a tweakable online encryption mode based on the encode-then-encipher paradigm (Bellare and Rogaway, Asiacrypt 2000). To instantiate our generic scheme, we start with proposing a...
Recently, the NSA has proposed a block cipher called ARADI and a mode of operation called LLAMA for memory encryption applications. In this note, we comment on this proposal, on its suitability for the intended application, and describe an attack on LLAMA that breaks confidentiality of ciphertext and allows a straightforward forgery attack breaking integrity of ciphertext (INT-CTXT) using a related-IV attack. Both attacks have negligible complexity.
We present Scloud+, an LWE-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). The key feature of Scloud+ is its use of the unstructured-LWE problem (i.e., without algebraic structures such as rings or modules) and its incorporation of ternary secrets and lattice coding to enhance performance. A notable advantage of the unstructured-LWE problem is its resistance to potential attacks exploiting algebraic structures, making it a conservative choice for constructing high-security schemes. However, a...
The Extended Greatest Common Divisor (XGCD) computation is a critical component in various cryptographic applications and algorithms, including both pre- and post-quantum cryptosystems. In addition to computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, the XGCD also produces Bezout coefficients $b_a$ and $b_b$ which satisfy $\mathrm{GCD}(a,b) = a\times b_a + b\times b_b$. In particular, computing the XGCD for large integers is of significant interest. Most recently, XGCD computation...
Privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) enables multiple distrusting parties to jointly train ML models on their private data without revealing any information beyond the final trained models. In this work, we study the client-aided two-server setting where two non-colluding servers jointly train an ML model on the data held by a large number of clients. By involving the clients in the training process, we develop efficient protocols for training algorithms including linear regression,...
In this paper, using the concept of equivalence of mappings we characterize all of the one-XOR matrices which are used in hardware applications and propose a family of lightweight linear mappings for software-oriented applications in symmetric cryptography. Then, we investigate interleaved linear mappings and based upon this study, we present generalized dynamic primitive LFSRs along with dynamic linear components for construction of diffusion layers. From the mathematical...
In this note, we introduce the MATTER Tweakable Block Cipher, designed principally for low latency in low-area hardware implementations, but that can also be implemented in an efficient and compact way in software. MATTER is a 512-bit wide balanced Feistel network with three to six rounds, using the ASCON permutation as the round function. The Feistel network defines a keyed, non-tweakable core, which is made tweakable by using the encryption of the tweak as its key. Key and tweak are...
Resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become ubiquitous in our digital ecosystem. These devices generate and handle a major part of our digital data. However, due to the impending threat of quantum computers on our existing public-key cryptographic schemes and the limited resources available on IoT devices, it is important to design lightweight post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) schemes suitable for these devices. In this work, we...
We show that the authentication key agreement scheme [IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 2023, 14(5), 3816-3827] is flawed due to its inconsistent computations. We also show that the scheme fails to keep anonymity, not as claimed.
Payment channels are one of the most prominent off-chain scaling solutions for blockchain systems. However, regulatory institutions have difficulty embracing them, as the channels lack insights needed for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) auditing purposes. Our work tackles the problem of a formal reliable and controllable inspection of off-ledger payment channels, by offering a novel approach for maintaining and reliably auditing statistics of payment channels. We extend a typical trustless Layer...
Blockchain consensus, a.k.a. BFT SMR, are protocols enabling $n$ processes to decide on an ever-growing chain. The fastest known asynchronous one is called 2-chain VABA (PODC'21 and FC'22), and is used as fallback chain in Abraxas* (CCS'23). It has a claimed $9.5\delta$ expected latency when used for a single shot instance, a.k.a. an MVBA. We exhibit attacks breaking it. Hence, the title of the fastest asynchronous MVBA with quadratic messages complexity goes to sMVBA (CCS'22), with...
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) has become progressively more viable in the years since its original inception in 2009. At the same time, leveraging state-of-the-art schemes in an efficient way for general computation remains prohibitively difficult for the average programmer. In this work, we introduce a new design for a fully homomorphic processor, dubbed Juliet, to enable faster operations on encrypted data using the state-of-the-art TFHE and cuFHE libraries for both CPU and GPU...
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is at the heart of secure computation and is a foundation for many applications in cryptography. Over two decades of work have led to extremely efficient protocols for evaluating OT instances in the preprocessing model, through a paradigm called OT extension. A few OT instances generated in an offline phase can be used to perform many OTs in an online phase efficiently, i.e., with very low communication and computational overheads. Specifically, traditional OT...
In this work, we present various hardware implementations for the lightweight cipher ASCON, which was recently selected as the winner of the NIST organized Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) competition. We cover encryption + tag generation and decryption + tag verification for the ASCON AEAD and also the ASCON hash function. On top of the usual (unprotected) implementation, we present side-channel protection (threshold countermeasure) and triplication/majority-based fault protection. To the...
Privacy Set Intersection (PSI) has been an important research topic within privacy computation. Its main function is to allow two parties to compute the intersection of their private sets without revealing any other private information. Therefore, PSI can be applied to various real-world scenarios. Chase and Miao presented an impressive construction ``Private set intersection in the Internet setting from lightweight oblivious prf'' (CM20 for short) at Crypto 2020, highlighting its...
In past years, entire research communities have arisen to address concerns of privacy and fairness in data analysis. At present, however, the public must trust that institutions will re-implement algorithms voluntarily to account for these social concerns. Due to additional cost, widespread adoption is unlikely without effective legal enforcement. A technical challenge for enforcement is that the methods proposed are often probabilistic mechanisms, whose output must be drawn according to...
This paper proposes a new consistency protocol that protects a key transparency log against split-view attacks and - contrary to all previous work - does not to rely on small committees of known external auditors, or out-of-band channels, or blockchains (full broadcast systems). Our approach is to use a mechanism for cryptographically selecting a small committee of random and initially undisclosed users, which are then tasked to endorse the current view of the log. The name of our...
The Ascon specification defines among others an encryption scheme offering authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) which is based on a duplex mode of a sponge. With that it is the first of such algorithm selected and about to be standardized by NIST. The sponge size is comparatively small, 320 bits, as expected for lightweight cryptography. With that, the strength of the defined AEAD algorithm is limited to 128 bits. Albeit, the definition of the Ascon AEAD algorithm integrates...
In this research, we introduce MIND-Crypt, a novel attack framework that uses deep learning (DL) and transfer learning (TL) to challenge the indistinguishability of block ciphers, specifically SPECK32/64 encryption algorithm in CBC mode (Cipher Block Chaining) against Known Plaintext Attacks (KPA). Our methodology includes training a DL model with ciphertexts of two messages encrypted using the same key. The selected messages have the same byte-length and differ by only one bit at the binary...
We present a general framework for constructing attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes for arbitrary function class based on lattices from two ingredients, i) a noisy linear secret sharing scheme for the class and ii) a new type of inner-product functional encryption (IPFE) scheme, termed *evasive* IPFE, which we introduce in this work. We propose lattice-based evasive IPFE schemes and establish their security under simple conditions based on variants of evasive learning with errors (LWE)...
In this paper, we present efficient protected software implementations of the authenticated cipher Ascon, the recently announced winner of the NIST standardization process for lightweight cryptography. Our implementations target theoretical and practical security against second-order power analysis attacks. First, we propose an efficient second-order extension of a previously presented first-order masking of the Keccak S-box that does not require online randomness. The extension...
Non-transferability (NT) is a security notion which ensures that credentials are only used by their intended owners. Despite its importance, it has not been formally treated in the context of anonymous tokens (AT) which are lightweight anonymous credentials. In this work, we consider a client who "buys" access tokens which are forbidden to be transferred although anonymously redeemed. We extensively study the trade-offs between privacy (obtained through anonymity) and security in AT through...
We show the authentication mechanism [Ad Hoc Networks, 2023, 103003] fails to keep user anonymity, not as claimed.
The Ascon cipher suite has recently become the preferred standard in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography standardization process. Despite its prominence, the initial dedicated security analysis for the Ascon mode was conducted quite recently. This analysis demonstrated that the Ascon AEAD mode offers superior security compared to the generic Duplex mode, but it was limited to a specific scenario: single-user nonce-respecting, with a capacity strictly larger than the key size. In this paper, we...
FUTURE is a recently proposed lightweight block cipher that achieved a remarkable hardware performance due to careful design decisions. FUTURE is an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-like Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) with 10 rounds, whose round function consists of four components, i.e., SubCell, MixColumn, ShiftRow and AddRoundKey. Unlike AES, it is a 64-bit-size block cipher with a 128-bit secret key, and the state can be arranged into 16 cells. Therefore, the operations of...
In their paper, Wei et al. proposed a lightweight protocol for conditional privacy-preserving authentication in VANET. The protocol aims to achieve ultra-low transmission delay and efficient system secret key (SSK) updating. Their protocol uses a signature scheme with message recovery to authenticate messages. This scheme provides security against adaptively chosen message attacks. However, our analysis reveals a critical vulnerability in the scheme. It is susceptible to replay attacks,...
Random number generators (RNGs) are notoriously challenging to build and test, especially for cryptographic applications. While statistical tests cannot definitively guarantee an RNG’s output quality, they are a powerful verification tool and the only universally applicable testing method. In this work, we design, implement, and present various post-processing methods, using randomness extractors, to improve the RNG output quality and compare them through statistical testing. We begin by...
Threshold Schnorr signatures are seeing increased adoption in practice, and offer practical defenses against single points of failure. However, one challenge with existing randomized threshold Schnorr signature schemes is that signers must carefully maintain secret state across signing rounds, while also ensuring that state is deleted after a signing session is completed. Failure to do so will result in a fatal key-recovery attack by re-use of nonces. While deterministic threshold...
In this study, we investigate the newly developed low energy lightweight block cipher (LELBC), specifically designed for resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices in smart agriculture. The designers conducted a preliminary differential cryptanalysis of LELBC through mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). This paper further delves into LELBC’s differential characteristics in both single and related-key frameworks using MILP, identifying a nine-round differential characteristic...
It is known that the sponge construction is tightly indifferentiable from a random oracle up to around $2^{c/2}$ queries, where $c$ is the capacity. In particular, it cannot provide generic security better than half of the underlying permutation size. In this paper, we aim to achieve hash function security beating this barrier. We present a hashing mode based on two $b$-bit permutations named the double sponge. The double sponge can be seen as the sponge embedded within the double block...
In this work we consider the task of designing information-theoretic MPC protocols for which the state of a given party can be recovered from a small amount of parties, a property we refer to as local repairability. This is useful when considering MPC over dynamic settings where parties leave and join a computation, a scenario that has gained notable attention in recent literature. Thanks to the results of (Cramer et al. EUROCRYPT'00), designing such protocols boils down to...
Ascon, a family of algorithms that supports authenticated encryption and hashing, has been selected as the new standard for lightweight cryptography in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Project. Ascon’s permutation and authenticated encryption have been actively analyzed, but there are relatively few analyses on the hashing. In this paper, we concentrate on preimage attacks on Ascon-Xof. We focus on linearizing the polynomials leaked by the hash value to find its inverse. In an attack on...
This paper proposes POPSTAR, a new lightweight protocol for the private computation of heavy hitters, also known as a private threshold reporting system. In such a protocol, the users provide input measurements, and a report server learns which measurements appear more than a pre-specified threshold. POPSTAR follows the same architecture as STAR (Davidson et al, CCS 2022) by relying on a helper randomness server in addition to a main server computing the aggregate heavy hitter statistics....
The advancements in information technology have made the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and the PRESENT cipher indispensable in ensuring data security and facilitating private transactions. AES is renowned for its flexibility and widespread use in various fields, while the PRESENT cipher excels in lightweight cryptographic situations. This paper delves into a dual examination of the Key Scheduling Algorithms (KSAs) of AES and the PRESENT cipher, which play a crucial role in generating...
We introduce YPIR, a single-server private information retrieval (PIR) protocol that achieves high throughput (up to 83% of the memory bandwidth of the machine) without any offline communication. For retrieving a 1-bit (or 1-byte) record from a 32 GB database, YPIR achieves 12.1 GB/s/core server throughput and requires 2.5 MB of total communication. On the same setup, the state-of-the-art SimplePIR protocol achieves a 12.5 GB/s/core server throughput, requires 1.5 MB total communication, but...
Large language models (LLMs), exemplified by the advanced AI tool ChatGPT in 2023, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generating sentences, images, and program codes, driven by their development from extensive datasets. With over 100 million users worldwide, ChatGPT stands out as a leader among LLMs. Previous studies have shown its proficiency in generating program source codes for the symmetric-key block ciphers AES, CHAM, and ASCON. This study ventures into the implementation of...
Functional Encryption (FE) is a cutting-edge cryptographic technique that enables a user with a specific functional decryption key to determine a certain function of encrypted data without gaining access to the underlying data. Given its potential and the fact that FE is still a relatively new field, we set out to investigate how it could be applied to resource-constrained environments. This work presents what we believe to be the first lightweight FE scheme explicitly designed for...
In this paper, we propose a leakage-resilient pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) design that leverages the rekeying techniques of the PSV-Enc encryption scheme and the superposition property of the Superposition-Tweak-Key (STK) framework. The random seed of the PRNG is divided into two parts; one part is used as an ephemeral key that changes every two calls to a tweakable block cipher (TBC), and the other part is used as a static long-term key. Using the superposition property, we show...
We introduce Helium, a novel framework that supports scalable secure multiparty computation (MPC) for lightweight participants and tolerates churn. Helium relies on multiparty homomorphic encryption (MHE) as its core building block. While MHE schemes have been well studied in theory, prior works fall short of addressing critical considerations paramount for adoption such as supporting resource-constrained and unstably connected participants. In this work, we systematize the requirements of...
To improve the throughput of Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus protocols, the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) topology has been introduced to parallel data processing, leading to the development of DAG-based BFT consensus. However, existing DAG-based works heavily rely on Reliable Broadcast (RBC) protocols for block broadcasting, which introduces significant latency due to the three communication steps involved in each RBC. For instance, DAGRider, a representative DAG-based protocol,...
PRESENT is an ultra-lightweight block cipher designed by Bogdanov et al., and has been widely studied since its proposal. It supports 80-bit and 128-bit keys, which are referred as PRESENT-80 and PRESENT-128, respectively. Up to now, linear cryptanalysis is the most effective method on attacking this cipher, especially when accelerated with the pruned Walsh transform. Combing pruned Walsh transform with multiple linear attacks, one can recover the right key for 28-round PRESENT-80 and -128....
Key Transparency (KT) systems enable service providers of end-to-end encrypted communication (E2EE) platforms to maintain a Verifiable Key Directory (VKD) that maps each user's identifier, such as a username or email address, to their identity public key(s). Users periodically monitor the directory to ensure their own identifier maps to the correct keys, thus detecting any attempt to register a fake key on their behalf to Meddler-in-the-Middle (MitM) their communications. We introduce and...
Software obfuscation is a powerful tool to protect the intellectual property or secret keys inside programs. Strong software obfuscation is crucial in the context of untrusted execution environments (e.g., subject to malware infection) or to face potentially malicious users trying to reverse-engineer a sensitive program. Unfortunately, the state-of-the-art of pure software-based obfuscation (including white-box cryptography) is either insecure or infeasible in practice. This work...
The selection of a Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) algorithm is crucial for resource limited applications. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) leads this process, which involves a thorough evaluation of the algorithms’ cryptanalytic strength. Furthermore, careful consideration is given to factors such as algorithm latency, code size, and hardware implementation area. These factors are critical in determining the overall performance of cryptographic solutions at edge...
We explore the issue of anonymously proving account ownership (anonymous PAO). Such proofs allow a prover to prove to a verifier that it owns a valid account at a server without being tracked by the server or the verifier, without requiring any changes at the server's end and without even revealing to it that any anonymous PAO is taking place. This concept is useful in sensitive applications like whistleblowing. The first introduction of anonymous PAOs was by Wang et al., who also introduced...
The size of the authentication tag represents a significant overhead for applications that are limited by bandwidth or memory. Hence, some authenticated encryption designs have a smaller tag than the required privacy level, which was also suggested by the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In the ToSC 2022, two papers have raised questions about the IND-CCA security of AEAD schemes in this situation. These papers show that (a) online AE cannot provide IND-CCA security...
We show that the authentication scheme [Comput. Networks, 225 (2023), 109664] is flawed. (1) Some parameters are not specified. (2) Some computations are inconsistent. (3) It falsely require the control gateway to share its private key with the medical expert. (4) The scheme fails to keep user anonymity, not as claimed.
This work investigates the security of the Ascon authenticated encryption scheme in the context of fault attacks, with a specific focus on Differential Fault Analysis (DFA). Motivated by the growing significance of lightweight cryptographic solutions, particularly Ascon, we explore potential vulnerabilities in its design using DFA. By employing a novel approach that combines faulty forgery in the decryption query under two distinct fault models, leveraging bit-flip faults in the first phase...
In recent years, deep learning-based side-channel analysis (DLSCA) has become an active research topic within the side-channel analysis community. The well-known challenge of hyperparameter tuning in DLSCA encouraged the community to use methods that reduce the effort required to identify an optimal model. One of the successful methods is ensemble learning. While ensemble methods have demonstrated their effectiveness in DLSCA, particularly with AES-based datasets, their efficacy in analyzing...
In this work, we present the first low-latency, second-order masked hardware implementation of Ascon that requires no fresh randomness using only $d+1$ shares. Our results significantly outperform any publicly known second-order masked implementations of AES and Ascon in terms of combined area, latency and randomness requirements. Ascon is a family of lightweight authenticated encryption and hashing schemes selected by NIST for standardization. Ascon is tailored for small form factors. It...
Enhancing privacy on smart contract-enabled blockchains has garnered much attention in recent research. Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) is one of the most popular approaches, however, they fail to provide full expressiveness and fine-grained privacy. To illustrate this, we underscore an underexplored type of Miner Extractable Value (MEV), called Residual Bids Extractable Value (RBEV). Residual bids highlight the vulnerability where unfulfilled bids inadvertently reveal traders’ unmet demands...
The cube attack is a powerful cryptanalysis technique against symmetric ciphers, especially stream ciphers. The adversary aims to recover secret key bits by solving equations that involve the key. To simplify the equations, a set of plaintexts called a cube is summed up together. Traditional cube attacks use only linear or quadratic superpolies, and the size of cube is limited to an experimental range, typically around 40. However, cube attack based on division property, proposed by Todo et...
QARMAv2 is a general-purpose and hardware-oriented family of lightweight tweakable block ciphers (TBCs) introduced in ToSC 2023. QARMAv2, as a redesign of QARMAv1 with a longer tweak and tighter security margins, is also designed to be suitable for cryptographic memory protection and control flow integrity. The designers of QARMAv2 provided a relatively comprehensive security analysis in the design specification, e.g., some bounds for the number of attacked rounds in differential and...
This note presents attacks on the lightweight hash function TS-Hash proposed by Tsaban, including a polynomial-time preimage attack for short messages (at most n/2 bits), high-probability differentials, a general subexponential-time preimage attack, and linearization techniques.
A secret-shared shuffle (SSS) protocol permutes a secret-shared vector using a random secret permutation. It has found numerous applications, however, it is also an expensive operation and often a performance bottleneck. Chase et al. (Asiacrypt'20) recently proposed a highly efficient semi-honest two-party SSS protocol known as the CGP protocol. It utilizes purposely designed pseudorandom correlations that facilitate a communication-efficient online shuffle phase. That said, semi-honest...
Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) protocols enable secure evaluation of a circuit by several parties, even in the presence of an adversary who maliciously corrupts all but one of the parties. These MPC protocols are constructed using the well-known secret-sharing-based paradigm (SPDZ and SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$), where the protocols ensure security against a malicious adversary by computing Message Authentication Code (MAC) tags on the input shares and then evaluating the circuit with these...
The Boolean map $\chi_n \colon \mathbb{F}_2^n \to \mathbb{F}_2^n,\ x \mapsto y$ defined by $y_i = x_i + (x_{i+1}+1)x_{i+2}$ (where $i\in \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$) is used in various permutations that are part of cryptographic schemes, e.g., Keccak-f (the SHA-3-permutation), ASCON (the winner of the NIST Lightweight competition), Xoodoo, Rasta and Subterranean (2.0). In this paper, we study various algebraic properties of this map. We consider $\chi_n$ (through vectorial isomorphism) as a...
This paper presents full round distinguishing and key recovery attacks on lightweight block cipher SAND-2 with 64-bit block size and 128-bit key size, which appears to be a mixture of the AND-Rotation-XOR (AND-RX) based ciphers SAND and ANT. However, the security arguments against linear and some other attacks are not fully provided. In this paper, we find that the combination of a SAND-like nibble-based round function and ANT-like bit-based permutations will cause dependencies and lead to...
In this paper, inspired by the work of Beyne and Rijmen at CRYPTO 2022, we explore the accurate probability of $d$-differential in the fixed-key model. The theoretical foundations of our method are based on a special matrix $-$ quasi-$d$-differential transition matrix, which is a natural extension of the quasidifferential transition matrix. The role of quasi-$d$-differential transition matrices in polytopic cryptananlysis is analogous to that of correlation matrices in linear cryptanalysis....
Sponge based constructions have gained significant popularity for designing lightweight authenticated encryption modes. Most of the authenticated ciphers following the Sponge paradigm can be viewed as variations of the Transform-then-permute construction. It is known that a construction following the Transform-then-permute paradigm provides security against any adversary having data complexity $D$ and time complexity $T$ as long as $DT \ll 2^{b-r}$. Here, $b$ represents the size of the...
QARMAv2 represents a family of lightweight block ciphers introduced in ToSC 2023. This new iteration, QARMAv2, is an evolution of the original QARMA design, specifically constructed to accommodate more extended tweak values while simultaneously enhancing security measures. This family of ciphers is available in two distinct versions, referred to as QARMAv2-$b$-$s$, where ‘$b$’ signifies the block length, with options for both 64-bit and 128-bit blocks, and ‘$c$’ signifies the...
Ascon is a recently standardized suite of symmetric cryptography for authenticated encryption and hashing algorithms designed to be lightweight. The Ascon scheme has been studied since it was introduced in 2015 for the CAESAR competition, and many efforts have been made to transform this hardware-oriented scheme to work with any embedded device architecture. Ascon is designed with side-channel resistance in mind and can also be protected with countermeasures against side-channel...
Cheater identification in secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows the honest parties to agree upon the identity of a cheating party, in case the protocol aborts. In the context of a dishonest majority, this becomes especially critical, as it serves to thwart denial-of-service attacks and mitigate known impossibility results on ensuring fairness and guaranteed output delivery. In this work, we present a new, lightweight approach to achieving identifiable abort in dishonest majority...
Committing security has gained considerable attention in the field of authenticated encryption (AE). This can be traced back to a line of recent attacks, which entail that AE schemes used in practice should not only provide confidentiality and authenticity, but also committing security. Roughly speaking, a committing AE scheme guarantees that ciphertexts will decrypt only for one key. Despite the recent research effort in this area, the finalists of the NIST lightweight cryptography...
We present a construction, called Kirby, for building a variable-input-length pseudorandom function (VIL-PRF) from a $b$-bit permutation. For this construction we prove a tight bound of $b/2$ bits of security on the PRF distinguishing advantage in the random permutation model and in the multi-user setting. Similar to full-state keyed sponge/duplex, it supports full-state absorbing and additionally supports full-state squeezing, while the sponge/duplex can squeeze at most $b-c$ bits per...
This paper explores the challenges and potential solutions of implementing the recommended upcoming post-quantum cryptography standards (the CRYSTALS-Dilithium and CRYSTALS-Kyber algorithms) on resource constrained devices. The high computational cost of polynomial operations, fundamental to cryptography based on ideal lattices, presents significant challenges in an efficient implementation. This paper proposes a hardware/software co-design strategy using RISC-V extensions to optimize...
In this paper we present an improved version of the classical RC4 stream cipher. The improvements allow to build lightweight high-performance cryptographically strong random number generator suitable for use in IoT and as a corresponding component of operating systems. The criterion for high performance is both a high speed of generating a stream of random numbers and low overhead costs for adding entropy from physical events to the state of the generator.
Ascon, a family of algorithms that supports hashing and authenticated encryption, is the winner of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Project. In this paper, we propose an improved preimage attack against 2-round Ascon-XOF-64 with a complexity of $2^{32}$ via a better guessing strategy. Furthermore, in order to find a good guessing strategy efficiently, we build a MILP model and successfully extend the attack to 3 rounds. The time complexity is $2^{53}$ when $IV=0$, while for the real $IV$,...
We show that the key agreement scheme [J. Syst. Archit., 131:102698, 2022] fails to keep user anonymity and service provider anonymity, not as claimed. The scheme simply thinks that user anonymity is equivalent to protecting the target user's identity against exposure, while its long-term pseudo-identity can be exposed. We want to clarify that the true anonymity means that an adversary cannot attribute different sessions to different target users, even if the true identifier cannot be...
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) enables multiple distrusting parties to compute a function while keeping their respective inputs private. In a threshold implementation of a symmetric primitive, e.g., of a block cipher, each party holds a share of the secret key or of the input block. The output block is computed without reconstructing the secret key. This enables the construction of distributed TPMs or transciphering for secure data transmission in/out of the MPC context. This paper...