Edited books by Ina Miloglav
Proceedings from the 8th and 9th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, 2022
This edition of the conference Proceedings contains twelve papers from the 8th and 9th MetArh con... more This edition of the conference Proceedings contains twelve papers from the 8th and 9th MetArh conference which was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb. The 8th MetArh conference was held from 3rd – 4th of December 2020, and the 9th from 2nd – 3rd of December 2021 (https://metarh.ffzg.unizg.hr/).
Papers in this volume are focused on different aspects of archaeological methodology and archaeometry, including case studies from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Ukraine.
Proceedings from the 7th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, 2021
Methodology and Archaeometry (MetArh) is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by ... more Methodology and Archaeometry (MetArh) is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, and the Croatian Archaeological Society. The goal of the conference is to entice interdisciplinarity, critical thinking, new insights and approaches as well as new theoretical frameworks in contemporary archaeological science.Third edition of the conference Proceedings contains five scientific papers from the 7th MetArh conference which was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, from 2nd – 3rd of December 2019. Papers are focused on different as-pects of archaeological methodology and archaeometry, including case studies from Croatia, Slovenia and Albania.
Proceedings from the 6th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, 2020
Methodology and Archaeometry (MetArh) is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by ... more Methodology and Archaeometry (MetArh) is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, and the Croatian Archaeological Society. The goal of the conference is to entice interdisciplinarity, critical thinking, new insights and approaches as well as new theoretical frameworks in contemporary archaeological science.
This, second edition of the conference Proceedings contains eight scientific papers from the 6th MetArh conference which was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, from 6th - 7th of December 2018. Papers are focused on different aspects of archaeological methodology and archaeometry, including case studies from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Greece and Russia.
Recent Developments in Archaeometry and Archaeological Methodology in South- Eastern Europe, 2020
The book Recent Developments in Archaeometry and Archaeological Methodology in South-Eastern Euro... more The book Recent Developments in Archaeometry and Archaeological Methodology in South-Eastern Europe presents papers from the 3rd and 4th scientific conferences Methodology and Archaeometry, which were held during 2015 and 2016 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, Croatia. The conference has an interdisciplinary character, gathering not only archaeologists but also other scientists from different disciplines with whom archaeologists closely collaborate to improve interpretation of archaeological sites and landscapes. The ten papers in this volume cover topics in archaeometry and archaeological methodology which are an essential part of archaeological discipline in the means of collecting and processing data, which defines the validity of archaeological interpretation. The papers cover topics from non-destructive archaeology (geophysics and field survey), through various aspects of artefact analysis, to experimental archaeology.
This volume brings together new research by scientists from different disciplines (archaeologists, geologists, chemists, physicists), based on different methodological, analytical and theoretical perspectives, thus giving new insights and approaches, as well as new theoretical and methodological frameworks in contemporary archaeological science.
Povratak u prošlost - Bakreno doba u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj. Back to the past - Copper Age In Northern Croatia, 2019
Proceedings from the 5th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, 2019
Methodology and Archaeometry is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by the Depar... more Methodology and Archaeometry is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Archaeological Society. The first digital edition includes papers from the 5th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry which was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of
the University of Zagreb, from 30th November – 1st of December 2017. Six scientific papers presented in this volume are focused on different aspects of archaeology, including case studies from Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Albania and Spain. Topics cover the range from the role of archaeological methodology in preventive archaeology; archaeological
surface survey methods; identification of the cultural landscape as a part of the procedure for the protection of cultural heritage sites; analytical techniques applied to ceramic assemblages, and the development, benefits and shortcomings of the archaeological research and its impact to the understanding of the past.
Craft production and its significance for understanding social relations are one of the essential... more Craft production and its significance for understanding social relations are one of the essential topics in prehistoric archaeology. Standardization of raw materials, products, and manufacturing procedures, and the presence or absence of specialized artisans still challenge scholars engaged in the studies of technology, social archaeology, exchange and distribution networks and economy in the past. In this volume, seven case studies covering a chronological span from the Neolithic to La Tène Europe explore the notions of standardization and specialization, the nature of their interrelationship, the methods for assessing their presence in the archaeological record, and their significance for the reconstruction of social relations and emergence of social complexity, while two ethnoarchaeological studies focus on the organization of production and methods of estimation of a number of artisans. This volume brings together research from prominent scholars, based on different theoretical perspectives, thus giving new insight into the fundamental issues related to artisans and their crafts.
Recikliraj, ideje iz prošlosti.
Znanstvena monografija Recikliraj, ideje iz prošlosti posvećena je temi recikliranja i ponovne up... more Znanstvena monografija Recikliraj, ideje iz prošlosti posvećena je temi recikliranja i ponovne upotrebe u prošlosti, a nastala je u sklopu istoimene izložbe. Monografija sadrži 16 tekstova u okviru kojih se razmatraju ponovna upotreba predmeta i recikliranje različitih vrsta materijala poput kamena, keramike, kosti, metala, stakla i tekstila kroz sva vremenska razdoblja. Tekstovi monografije, koji prate koncept izložbe, pokazuju da su reciklirani predmeti imali vrlo aktivnu ulogu u društvu, da nisu izolirani slučajevi ponovne upotrebe određenog materijala te da je ideološka pozadina, ponovne upotrebe i recikliranja, imala mnogo složenije značenje za društvo. Prateći osnovnu misao izložbe tekstovi u monografiji usmjereni su na podizanje svijesti o dugovječnom i neprekinutom ciklusu ponovne upotrebe predmeta kako bi se čitatelja potaklo na razmišljanje o konceptu recikliranja u odnosu na suvremeni način života.
Books by Ina Miloglav
Keramika u arheologiji - Lončarstvo vučedolske kulture na vinkovačkom području. Ceramics in Archaeology - Pottery of the Vučedol Culture in the Vinkovci Region, 2016
The book consists of two separate parts; each of them could function independently. The first pro... more The book consists of two separate parts; each of them could function independently. The first provides an overview of everything encompassed by pottery studies, with an emphasis on their interdisciplinary nature and their unbreakable tie to ethnoarchaeology and archaeometry.
In the second part, the theoretical framework and analytical methods described in the first part of the book are applied in practice, to concrete examples of the processing and analysing of pottery finds originating from two sites of the Vučedol Culture in the Vinkovci region (Ervenica and Damića gradina).
U monografiji Tilurum IV prikazujemo rezultate arheoloških istraživanja koja su se na lokalitetu ... more U monografiji Tilurum IV prikazujemo rezultate arheoloških istraživanja koja su se na lokalitetu rimskog legijskog logora Tilurij, smještenog u selu Gardun pokraj grada Trilja, provodila između 2007. - 2010. godine. Tijekom iskopavanja, koja se na tom arheološkom nalazištu sustavno provode od 1997. god., pronađene su ne samo ostaci upečatljivih vojničkih građevina nego i izvanredno velik broj pokretnih nalaza. U prvoj knjizi Tilurium I, koja je objavljena 2003. god. je dan prikaz dotadašnjeg stanja istraživanja lokaliteta kao i prikaz primijenjene metodologije arheološkog rada. Osim toga detaljno su prikazana arheološka iskopavanja koja su se provodila od 1997. do 2001. godine kao i analize cjelokupnog pokretnog arheološkog materijala koji je pronađen u tom razdoblju. Knjiga Tilurium II, objavljena 2010. god., posvećena je analizi keramičkog posuđa pronađenog od početka arheoloških iskopavanja do 2006.g. U knjizi Trilurim III, tiskanoj 2014.g. prikazana su i dokumentirana arheološka istraživanja koja su se provodila na lokalitetu od 2002. do 2006. godine kao što su objavljeni i analizirani pokretni nalazi. U toj je knjizi, osim toga, objavljen i tijek zaštitnih zahvata na ostacima mozaika, antropološka analiza ljudskog osteološkog materijala kao i tijek i rezultati geofizičkih istraživanja.
U ovoj su knjizi izostavljeni uvodni prilozi kao što su povijest lokaliteta, okolnosti istraživanja, karakteristike prostora na kojem se Tilurij nalazi, ali i bibliografija tekstova o lokalitetu. Razlog tomu leži u činjenici da su te informacije već pomno prikazane u ranijim monografijama osobito u Tilurium III. Nasuprot tome je u prvom dijelu ove knjige posebno poglavlje posvećeno razvoju metodologija koje su se primjenjivale tijekom istraživanja ovog lokaliteta. Slijedi prikaz svih provedenih radnji i postupaka od kojih su se sastojala arheološka istraživanja na sondi Z u razdoblju od 2007.-2010. godine. Uz opis tijeka istraživanja dati su svi relevantni podaci, crteži i fotografije koji omogućavaju bolje razumijevanje istraživanih sondi. Kao priprema za daljnja istraživanja na tom su prostoru provedena nedestruktivna, geofizička istraživanja koja su također prikazana u prvom dijelu knjige. Isto tako je izvršena i konzervacija dijela istraženih građevina.
Drugi dio monografije Tilurium IV posvećen je obradi i analizi onih pokretnih nalaza koji su se na sondi Z pojavili tijekom istraživanja u razdoblju od 2007. do 2010. godine.
by Ana Konestra, Trade 2016, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić, Igor Borzić, Enrico Cirelli, Kristina Jelinčić Vučković, Ina Miloglav, Frank Vermeulen, Elizabeth Colantoni, Dominik Heher, Dimitri Van Limbergen, marzia giuliodori, Francesca Carboni, zrinka Šimić-Kanaet, and Devi Taelman In the years following the death of Commodus, a long period of transformation began that undermin... more In the years following the death of Commodus, a long period of transformation began that undermined the structure of the Roman Empire. These changes initially affected only aspects of succession to the Princedom, especially involving the military sphere, but they also modified the social and structural organization of the Roman State.
After this period of military anarchy, interrupted by a brief phase of prosperity with the accession to the imperial throne of Septimius Severus and his successors, there followed a period of economic stability that determined a new political and institutional empire. The time of Diocletian’s reforms, however, culminated in a serious crisis after the death of Constantine the Great (337 AD). The lands bordering the Adriatic were disputed by the heirs of the Emperor, starting a period of economic and cultural changes that manifested themselves initially as a diffuse form of recession in the dynamics of occupation of the territory. Urban and rural settlements show signs of abandonment and crisis. In the following decades, waves of peoples from northern and eastern Europe disrupted the political unity of the Empire even more. The Empire was only partially rebalanced after the Gothic War, due to the devastation of many urban centers and a drop in the number of sites in the area caused by continuing military clashes.
As was demonstrated at the last conference in Ravenna (Economia e Territorio, 28 February-1 March 2014), now being published, in recent years field research has revealed new evidence that allows us to draw a more complete picture of this important historical period which has been the focus of debate in recent decades. The research area discussed in Ravenna was mainly restricted to the central Adriatic, although there was communication with some eastern Adriatic areas.
This time the focus will extend to the basin defined as Adriatic Europe, according to geographical and cultural rather than political patterns, thus considering all territories facing the Adriatic Sea. These areas are affected by similar phenomena of transformations (barbarian conquest (crossings of the territory), the formation of barbaric countries, Justinian's Reconquest), at least until the Lombard invasion of Italy and Istria in the second half of the 6th century. After this point, they follow different trajectories that are still poorly understood. Such close relations between the two sides have always suggested direct cultural influences. The handicraft productions and forms of settlement in many ways tend to follow 2 common lines, but the progress of field investigations have not been sufficiently compared, especially with regard to the Early Middle Ages.
This new meeting will analyze these transformative phenomena in the areas research has neglected, including the time span between the 2nd and 8th centuries, especially on the Eastern Adriatic coast, from the short period before the establishment of the Severan dynasty up to the end of the Carolingian period.
We thank all participants for the interest shown for Trade conference and the numerous and very compelling themes proposed. Also, we wish everyone a fruitful conference and a pleasant stay in Zadar,
the Organizing commitee
by Miroslav Razum, Ivica Pleština, Gábor Kalla, Marius Bâsceanu, Neda Mirković-Marić, Martina Celhar, Sonja Kacar, Ina Miloglav, Nedko Elenski, Alexandra Comsa, Zrinka Premužić, Carmen Cuenca-García, Ivan Vranic, Damjan Donev, Vasilka Dimitrovska, Lujana Paraman, Petya Georgieva, Tzvetana Popova, Lilian Dogiama, Dragan Jovanovic, Seta Štuhec, Ana Đuričić, Catherine COMMENGE, Lidija Kovacheva, Jan Zachar, Snježana Vrdoljak ex Karavanić, Katalin Sebők, Marta Rakvin, Alexandra Anders, Roxana Munteanu, Iharka Szücs-Csillik, Gianluca Cantoro, Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović, Maja Kuzmanovic, Marina Vladimirova, and Jovan D . Mitrović Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory - ABSTRACTS OF THE ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS, Mar 9, 2015
HAEMUS - Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture
Settlemen... more HAEMUS - Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture
Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory
International Conference
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
General Editor: Vasilka Dimitrovska
Cover Design: Vasilka Dimitrovska, Elka Anastasova
Design: Elka Anastasova
Editing and English proofreading: Mark Branov
Papers by Ina Miloglav
Proceedings from the 8th and 8th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, 2022
This research paper explores the application of a unique field survey approach designed to deal w... more This research paper explores the application of a unique field survey approach designed to deal with site detection and interpretation in karst fields. The method has its limitations, and it is predominantly focused on detecting sites from antiquity because of the nature of the material remains left in the landscape from those times. Nevertheless, the approach provides a new layer of spatial information based on objectivity in contrast to the usual practices of archaeological reconnaissance. The general goals of the wider AdriaRom Project are described and the role of this particular case study in the wider survey within the scope of the project. Finally, the results of the field survey are presented and the efficiency and the drawbacks of the utilized methodology are discussed.
Traian and the Danubian Provinces. The political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces. Zagreb, 15th – 17th November 2017, 2021
Within the scope of the project Between the Danube and the Mediterranean. Exploring the role of R... more Within the scope of the project Between the Danube and the Mediterranean. Exploring the role of Roman military in the
mobility of people and goods in Croatia during the Roman era (RoMiCRO) a systematic field survey was conducted on a
part of the Danube Limes in Eastern Slavonia and Baranja in the period from 2015 to 2017. The field survey conducted in 2015
and 2016 was focused on the distribution of surface material with the aim of identifying traces of human activity in a wider spatial pattern and determining locations connected with the potential presence and the activity of the Roman military. During the
2017 campaign, the project objective was to use the collected material to test a hypothesis on the existence of structures related to
the presence and the activity of the Roman military on two locations in the Popovac municipality area (Pogan and Vakub). The
intention was to determine the type, dimensions, dates, and spatial relations of the two archaeological sites already familiar to the
professional literature, one of which is insufficiently archeologically argued. This paper represents the results of the field survey of
the positions Pogan and Vakub. The results have shown that archaeological surface survey, as one of the basic methods of archaeological prospection, is a very efficient method for the study of archaeological record within a landscape, and is one of the main ways
for collecting archaeological data in a wider spatial pattern
Studia honoraria archaeologica Zbornik radova u prigodi 65. rođendana prof. dr. sc. Mirjane Sanader, 2019
U članku je predstavljena sinteza rada na dvije virtualne rekonstrukcije arheoloških lokaliteta i... more U članku je predstavljena sinteza rada na dvije virtualne rekonstrukcije arheoloških lokaliteta iz brončanog i kasnoantičkog doba. Obje rekonstrukcije su slijedile različite metodološke pristupe prilagođene svakom lokalitetu zasebno te su dijelom ovisile i o krajnjem cilju prikazivanja. Sintezom je predstavljena metodologija i
pristup izradi virtualnih rekostrukcija na dva vremenski različita stambena objekta ruralnog
karaktera. Brončanodobni lokalitet Alilovci Lipje i kasnoantički lokalitet Banjače poslužili su kao primjeri za provođenje metodoloških standarda i smjernica u izradi virtualnih rekonstrukcija definiranih Londonskom i Seviljskom poveljom. Na taj način uspostavljen je metodološki pristup
koji je omogućio valorizaciju temeljnih podataka korištenih za interpretaciju i njihovo skaliranje prema vjerojatnosti
Not only use, Quaternary International 569-570, 2020
In addition, to reconstruct and fully understand operational and behavioural chain in the life-cy... more In addition, to reconstruct and fully understand operational and behavioural chain in the life-cycle of an artefact it is essential to consider marks that indicate the life of an artefact in a secondary context, where it can no longer be used for the primary function. Reused objects affect the total assemblage interpretation and have to be considered as part of the technological, economic, social and ideological context. Those marks are especially recognizable in repairing the pottery, which is a very good indicator of adoption of pottery to new purposes and changing its value for the owner or entire community. The paper presents results and interpretation of pottery repairs from two sites in Eastern Croatia belonging to the Vučedol Culture (Late Copper Age). The results have shown that the most frequently repaired form is the type of bowl which have the highest rate of standardization, production and use. These bowls also require more labour input, and they are time-consuming for the potters. Their value is not only in economic need for a specific product but probably in a combination of social, aesthetic and technological values.
Tracing Pottery-Making Recipes in the Prehistoric Balkans 6th–4th Millennia BC, 2019
This chapter presents the results of the GC-MS analysis of absorbed residues from 30 ceramic sher... more This chapter presents the results of the GC-MS analysis of absorbed residues from 30 ceramic sherds obtained from five early Neolithic (c. 6000-5100 BC) and Late Eneolithic (c. 3300-2500 BC) sites in eastern Croatia (Slavonia region): Tomašanci-Palača (Starčevo and Baden cultures), Franjevac (Kostolac culture), Vučedol (Baden and Kostolac cultures), Ervenica and Damića gradina (Vučedol culture). The study aims to explore the relationship between shape and function of vessels from the studied sites. Interpretation of the results presented in the chapter has been carried out by comparing the results of the GC-MS analysis with information regarding vessel morphologies and contexts of deposition. Additionally, the results of use-alteration and faunal remains analyses, when available, have been taken into consideration in order to achieve a more holistic approach to the study of vessel function
Povratak u prošlost. Bakreno doba u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj/Back to the past. Copper Age in Northern Croatia, 2019
Opuscula Archaeologica 39/40, 2018
The paper brings the results of archaeological excavations
conducted by the Department of Archaeo... more The paper brings the results of archaeological excavations
conducted by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty
of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of
Zagreb in 2005 at the Banjače site, situated on the route
of the Adriatic motorway between Dugopolje and Bisko.
The site is located in close proximity of Roman roads
that went from Salona to the border and the heartland
of the province of Dalmatia. The excavations uncovered
the remains of two drywall structures that were used as
working areas, i.e. Structure 1 probably as storage, and
Structure 2 as an area for processing and storing food. The
site is a part of a rural settlement that was founded at the
beginning of the 5th century
Edited books by Ina Miloglav
Papers in this volume are focused on different aspects of archaeological methodology and archaeometry, including case studies from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Ukraine.
This, second edition of the conference Proceedings contains eight scientific papers from the 6th MetArh conference which was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, from 6th - 7th of December 2018. Papers are focused on different aspects of archaeological methodology and archaeometry, including case studies from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Greece and Russia.
This volume brings together new research by scientists from different disciplines (archaeologists, geologists, chemists, physicists), based on different methodological, analytical and theoretical perspectives, thus giving new insights and approaches, as well as new theoretical and methodological frameworks in contemporary archaeological science.
the University of Zagreb, from 30th November – 1st of December 2017. Six scientific papers presented in this volume are focused on different aspects of archaeology, including case studies from Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Albania and Spain. Topics cover the range from the role of archaeological methodology in preventive archaeology; archaeological
surface survey methods; identification of the cultural landscape as a part of the procedure for the protection of cultural heritage sites; analytical techniques applied to ceramic assemblages, and the development, benefits and shortcomings of the archaeological research and its impact to the understanding of the past.
Books by Ina Miloglav
In the second part, the theoretical framework and analytical methods described in the first part of the book are applied in practice, to concrete examples of the processing and analysing of pottery finds originating from two sites of the Vučedol Culture in the Vinkovci region (Ervenica and Damića gradina).
U ovoj su knjizi izostavljeni uvodni prilozi kao što su povijest lokaliteta, okolnosti istraživanja, karakteristike prostora na kojem se Tilurij nalazi, ali i bibliografija tekstova o lokalitetu. Razlog tomu leži u činjenici da su te informacije već pomno prikazane u ranijim monografijama osobito u Tilurium III. Nasuprot tome je u prvom dijelu ove knjige posebno poglavlje posvećeno razvoju metodologija koje su se primjenjivale tijekom istraživanja ovog lokaliteta. Slijedi prikaz svih provedenih radnji i postupaka od kojih su se sastojala arheološka istraživanja na sondi Z u razdoblju od 2007.-2010. godine. Uz opis tijeka istraživanja dati su svi relevantni podaci, crteži i fotografije koji omogućavaju bolje razumijevanje istraživanih sondi. Kao priprema za daljnja istraživanja na tom su prostoru provedena nedestruktivna, geofizička istraživanja koja su također prikazana u prvom dijelu knjige. Isto tako je izvršena i konzervacija dijela istraženih građevina.
Drugi dio monografije Tilurium IV posvećen je obradi i analizi onih pokretnih nalaza koji su se na sondi Z pojavili tijekom istraživanja u razdoblju od 2007. do 2010. godine.
After this period of military anarchy, interrupted by a brief phase of prosperity with the accession to the imperial throne of Septimius Severus and his successors, there followed a period of economic stability that determined a new political and institutional empire. The time of Diocletian’s reforms, however, culminated in a serious crisis after the death of Constantine the Great (337 AD). The lands bordering the Adriatic were disputed by the heirs of the Emperor, starting a period of economic and cultural changes that manifested themselves initially as a diffuse form of recession in the dynamics of occupation of the territory. Urban and rural settlements show signs of abandonment and crisis. In the following decades, waves of peoples from northern and eastern Europe disrupted the political unity of the Empire even more. The Empire was only partially rebalanced after the Gothic War, due to the devastation of many urban centers and a drop in the number of sites in the area caused by continuing military clashes.
As was demonstrated at the last conference in Ravenna (Economia e Territorio, 28 February-1 March 2014), now being published, in recent years field research has revealed new evidence that allows us to draw a more complete picture of this important historical period which has been the focus of debate in recent decades. The research area discussed in Ravenna was mainly restricted to the central Adriatic, although there was communication with some eastern Adriatic areas.
This time the focus will extend to the basin defined as Adriatic Europe, according to geographical and cultural rather than political patterns, thus considering all territories facing the Adriatic Sea. These areas are affected by similar phenomena of transformations (barbarian conquest (crossings of the territory), the formation of barbaric countries, Justinian's Reconquest), at least until the Lombard invasion of Italy and Istria in the second half of the 6th century. After this point, they follow different trajectories that are still poorly understood. Such close relations between the two sides have always suggested direct cultural influences. The handicraft productions and forms of settlement in many ways tend to follow 2 common lines, but the progress of field investigations have not been sufficiently compared, especially with regard to the Early Middle Ages.
This new meeting will analyze these transformative phenomena in the areas research has neglected, including the time span between the 2nd and 8th centuries, especially on the Eastern Adriatic coast, from the short period before the establishment of the Severan dynasty up to the end of the Carolingian period.
We thank all participants for the interest shown for Trade conference and the numerous and very compelling themes proposed. Also, we wish everyone a fruitful conference and a pleasant stay in Zadar,
the Organizing commitee
Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory
International Conference
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
General Editor: Vasilka Dimitrovska
Cover Design: Vasilka Dimitrovska, Elka Anastasova
Design: Elka Anastasova
Editing and English proofreading: Mark Branov
Papers by Ina Miloglav
mobility of people and goods in Croatia during the Roman era (RoMiCRO) a systematic field survey was conducted on a
part of the Danube Limes in Eastern Slavonia and Baranja in the period from 2015 to 2017. The field survey conducted in 2015
and 2016 was focused on the distribution of surface material with the aim of identifying traces of human activity in a wider spatial pattern and determining locations connected with the potential presence and the activity of the Roman military. During the
2017 campaign, the project objective was to use the collected material to test a hypothesis on the existence of structures related to
the presence and the activity of the Roman military on two locations in the Popovac municipality area (Pogan and Vakub). The
intention was to determine the type, dimensions, dates, and spatial relations of the two archaeological sites already familiar to the
professional literature, one of which is insufficiently archeologically argued. This paper represents the results of the field survey of
the positions Pogan and Vakub. The results have shown that archaeological surface survey, as one of the basic methods of archaeological prospection, is a very efficient method for the study of archaeological record within a landscape, and is one of the main ways
for collecting archaeological data in a wider spatial pattern
pristup izradi virtualnih rekostrukcija na dva vremenski različita stambena objekta ruralnog
karaktera. Brončanodobni lokalitet Alilovci Lipje i kasnoantički lokalitet Banjače poslužili su kao primjeri za provođenje metodoloških standarda i smjernica u izradi virtualnih rekonstrukcija definiranih Londonskom i Seviljskom poveljom. Na taj način uspostavljen je metodološki pristup
koji je omogućio valorizaciju temeljnih podataka korištenih za interpretaciju i njihovo skaliranje prema vjerojatnosti
conducted by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty
of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of
Zagreb in 2005 at the Banjače site, situated on the route
of the Adriatic motorway between Dugopolje and Bisko.
The site is located in close proximity of Roman roads
that went from Salona to the border and the heartland
of the province of Dalmatia. The excavations uncovered
the remains of two drywall structures that were used as
working areas, i.e. Structure 1 probably as storage, and
Structure 2 as an area for processing and storing food. The
site is a part of a rural settlement that was founded at the
beginning of the 5th century
Papers in this volume are focused on different aspects of archaeological methodology and archaeometry, including case studies from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Ukraine.
This, second edition of the conference Proceedings contains eight scientific papers from the 6th MetArh conference which was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, from 6th - 7th of December 2018. Papers are focused on different aspects of archaeological methodology and archaeometry, including case studies from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Greece and Russia.
This volume brings together new research by scientists from different disciplines (archaeologists, geologists, chemists, physicists), based on different methodological, analytical and theoretical perspectives, thus giving new insights and approaches, as well as new theoretical and methodological frameworks in contemporary archaeological science.
the University of Zagreb, from 30th November – 1st of December 2017. Six scientific papers presented in this volume are focused on different aspects of archaeology, including case studies from Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Albania and Spain. Topics cover the range from the role of archaeological methodology in preventive archaeology; archaeological
surface survey methods; identification of the cultural landscape as a part of the procedure for the protection of cultural heritage sites; analytical techniques applied to ceramic assemblages, and the development, benefits and shortcomings of the archaeological research and its impact to the understanding of the past.
In the second part, the theoretical framework and analytical methods described in the first part of the book are applied in practice, to concrete examples of the processing and analysing of pottery finds originating from two sites of the Vučedol Culture in the Vinkovci region (Ervenica and Damića gradina).
U ovoj su knjizi izostavljeni uvodni prilozi kao što su povijest lokaliteta, okolnosti istraživanja, karakteristike prostora na kojem se Tilurij nalazi, ali i bibliografija tekstova o lokalitetu. Razlog tomu leži u činjenici da su te informacije već pomno prikazane u ranijim monografijama osobito u Tilurium III. Nasuprot tome je u prvom dijelu ove knjige posebno poglavlje posvećeno razvoju metodologija koje su se primjenjivale tijekom istraživanja ovog lokaliteta. Slijedi prikaz svih provedenih radnji i postupaka od kojih su se sastojala arheološka istraživanja na sondi Z u razdoblju od 2007.-2010. godine. Uz opis tijeka istraživanja dati su svi relevantni podaci, crteži i fotografije koji omogućavaju bolje razumijevanje istraživanih sondi. Kao priprema za daljnja istraživanja na tom su prostoru provedena nedestruktivna, geofizička istraživanja koja su također prikazana u prvom dijelu knjige. Isto tako je izvršena i konzervacija dijela istraženih građevina.
Drugi dio monografije Tilurium IV posvećen je obradi i analizi onih pokretnih nalaza koji su se na sondi Z pojavili tijekom istraživanja u razdoblju od 2007. do 2010. godine.
After this period of military anarchy, interrupted by a brief phase of prosperity with the accession to the imperial throne of Septimius Severus and his successors, there followed a period of economic stability that determined a new political and institutional empire. The time of Diocletian’s reforms, however, culminated in a serious crisis after the death of Constantine the Great (337 AD). The lands bordering the Adriatic were disputed by the heirs of the Emperor, starting a period of economic and cultural changes that manifested themselves initially as a diffuse form of recession in the dynamics of occupation of the territory. Urban and rural settlements show signs of abandonment and crisis. In the following decades, waves of peoples from northern and eastern Europe disrupted the political unity of the Empire even more. The Empire was only partially rebalanced after the Gothic War, due to the devastation of many urban centers and a drop in the number of sites in the area caused by continuing military clashes.
As was demonstrated at the last conference in Ravenna (Economia e Territorio, 28 February-1 March 2014), now being published, in recent years field research has revealed new evidence that allows us to draw a more complete picture of this important historical period which has been the focus of debate in recent decades. The research area discussed in Ravenna was mainly restricted to the central Adriatic, although there was communication with some eastern Adriatic areas.
This time the focus will extend to the basin defined as Adriatic Europe, according to geographical and cultural rather than political patterns, thus considering all territories facing the Adriatic Sea. These areas are affected by similar phenomena of transformations (barbarian conquest (crossings of the territory), the formation of barbaric countries, Justinian's Reconquest), at least until the Lombard invasion of Italy and Istria in the second half of the 6th century. After this point, they follow different trajectories that are still poorly understood. Such close relations between the two sides have always suggested direct cultural influences. The handicraft productions and forms of settlement in many ways tend to follow 2 common lines, but the progress of field investigations have not been sufficiently compared, especially with regard to the Early Middle Ages.
This new meeting will analyze these transformative phenomena in the areas research has neglected, including the time span between the 2nd and 8th centuries, especially on the Eastern Adriatic coast, from the short period before the establishment of the Severan dynasty up to the end of the Carolingian period.
We thank all participants for the interest shown for Trade conference and the numerous and very compelling themes proposed. Also, we wish everyone a fruitful conference and a pleasant stay in Zadar,
the Organizing commitee
Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory
International Conference
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
General Editor: Vasilka Dimitrovska
Cover Design: Vasilka Dimitrovska, Elka Anastasova
Design: Elka Anastasova
Editing and English proofreading: Mark Branov
mobility of people and goods in Croatia during the Roman era (RoMiCRO) a systematic field survey was conducted on a
part of the Danube Limes in Eastern Slavonia and Baranja in the period from 2015 to 2017. The field survey conducted in 2015
and 2016 was focused on the distribution of surface material with the aim of identifying traces of human activity in a wider spatial pattern and determining locations connected with the potential presence and the activity of the Roman military. During the
2017 campaign, the project objective was to use the collected material to test a hypothesis on the existence of structures related to
the presence and the activity of the Roman military on two locations in the Popovac municipality area (Pogan and Vakub). The
intention was to determine the type, dimensions, dates, and spatial relations of the two archaeological sites already familiar to the
professional literature, one of which is insufficiently archeologically argued. This paper represents the results of the field survey of
the positions Pogan and Vakub. The results have shown that archaeological surface survey, as one of the basic methods of archaeological prospection, is a very efficient method for the study of archaeological record within a landscape, and is one of the main ways
for collecting archaeological data in a wider spatial pattern
pristup izradi virtualnih rekostrukcija na dva vremenski različita stambena objekta ruralnog
karaktera. Brončanodobni lokalitet Alilovci Lipje i kasnoantički lokalitet Banjače poslužili su kao primjeri za provođenje metodoloških standarda i smjernica u izradi virtualnih rekonstrukcija definiranih Londonskom i Seviljskom poveljom. Na taj način uspostavljen je metodološki pristup
koji je omogućio valorizaciju temeljnih podataka korištenih za interpretaciju i njihovo skaliranje prema vjerojatnosti
conducted by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty
of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of
Zagreb in 2005 at the Banjače site, situated on the route
of the Adriatic motorway between Dugopolje and Bisko.
The site is located in close proximity of Roman roads
that went from Salona to the border and the heartland
of the province of Dalmatia. The excavations uncovered
the remains of two drywall structures that were used as
working areas, i.e. Structure 1 probably as storage, and
Structure 2 as an area for processing and storing food. The
site is a part of a rural settlement that was founded at the
beginning of the 5th century
The process of designing and conducting the experiment has shown that the research questions, as well as the dynamics of deliberate and controlled experiments, had become more and more complex. It was also shown that such effective approach is a good tool that leads us very close to the concept of choices made by the potter, which ultimately lead to the much more complex interpretations that move within technical, technological and social explications.
Key words: Banjače, Dalmatia, Late Antiquity, rural settlement, dry stone building
The aim of the systematc feld survey was to establish locatons which are connected with
the presence of military actvity in this area. The methodology of systematc feld survey
included the distributon of a wide spatal patern into smaller units in the landscape which
defne the units of survey (Locaton).
The aim of the survey was to gain all the relevant informaton about spatal distributon and
density of the collected surface archaeological material into the data base (GIS) in order to
supply the data about setlement paterns of the area of Baranja through tme. The poster
will present preliminary results of systematc feld survey in the certain parts of the OsijekBaranja County and established methodology which can provide data about paterns of
landscape usage through different periods of human actvity in the past
The exhibition strives to display the modes in which our ancestors recycled materials and reused objects, and how that concept affected past cultures. Seeing as recycling is a highly complex, but also a universal phenomenon, whether seen from today’s point of view or within the scope of past cultures and communities, the exhibition strives to bridge these temporal gaps through thematic and artistic units. The rich archaeological heritage provided a selection of finds made of different materials (stone, bone, pottery, glass and metal), that are portrayed through several thematic units: the transformation of space, the materials and symbolic recycling. The displayed examples of recycling, the reuse and the repairing of objects, are the indicators of cultures that did not discard objects, but leaned towards a culture of reuse, providing the visitors with a valuable lesson from the past.
By finding the (dis)harmony between past and present ideologies and experiences of the material, the landscape and the social and economic situations, the exhibition authors also turn to contemporary ideologies and the modified construction of human consciousness about the material, as well as the landscape. The exhibition highlights the practical nature of recycling recorded in archaeological artifacts, but does not neglect the numerous examples of the symbolic reuse, i.e. “recycling”, of objects and landscapes in the past.
The aim of the exhibition is to show that recycled materials and objects had a very active role in society, that they are not isolated cases of specific material reuse, and that the ideological background for reusing and recycling had a far more complex meaning for society. The exhibition also strives to show the longevity and the uninterrupted cycle of object reuse, as well as to encourage the visitors to think about the concept of recycling in relation to the modern way of life. The exhibition is accompanied by a scientific monograph dedicated to the topic of recycling and reuse in the past.