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El mundo funerario rural en la provincia de Granada durante la Antigüedad Tardía, pretende realizar una sistematización de las necrópolis de ámbito rural en este período histórico y en un ámbito geográfico, el de la provincia de Granada,... more
El mundo funerario rural en la provincia de Granada durante la Antigüedad Tardía, pretende realizar una sistematización de las necrópolis de ámbito rural en este período histórico y en un ámbito geográfico, el de la provincia de Granada, cuya elección no fue fácil, considerando finalmente como más apropiado utilizar un área geográfica moderna, Granada, que, aunque es algo ajeno desde el punto de visea histórico a la Antigüedad Tardía, sí establecía claramente unos límites provinciales bien determinados lo cual
respondía a nuestras necesidades. Además, su relativa exigua extensión territorial nos permitía una mayor uniformidad en las conclusiones derivadas del estudio de las necrópolis y sus manifestaciones rituales.
From the Roman uilla of Salar, located in the west of Granada, rooms corresponding to its pars urbana have been documented. In the present contribution, we will focus on the mosaic decoration recovered in the excavation campaigns carried... more
From the Roman uilla of Salar, located in the west of Granada, rooms corresponding to its pars urbana have been documented. In the present contribution, we will focus on the mosaic decoration recovered in the excavation campaigns carried out in 2017 and 2018. The importance of the uilla of Salar is manifested in the conjunction of architectural elements enriched with parietal, mosaics and sculptural ornamentations. In the excavated area, two rooms with geometric mosaics have been found and in the Western area of the peristylum, a spectacular mosaic with hunting scenes
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Enterramientos en el interior de la Iglesia del Convento de San Antonio Abad: estudio funerario y antropológico
Research Interests:
PRESENTACIÓ_P14 Maria Magdalena Riera Frau i Mateu Riera Rullan Quadre explicatiu I_P15 Història d’un descobriment Maria Magdalena Riera Frau 1. INTRODUCCIÓ HISTÒRICA_P16 Mateu Riera Rullan Quadre explicatiu II_P17 Les illes Balears en... more
Maria Magdalena Riera Frau
i Mateu Riera Rullan

Quadre explicatiu I_P15
Història d’un descobriment
Maria Magdalena Riera Frau

Mateu Riera Rullan

Quadre explicatiu II_P17
Les illes Balears en temps
del monestir de Cabrera
Mateu Riera Rullan i Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros

Quadre explicatiu III_P25
Dades literàries del monestir de Cabrera
Mateu Riera Rullan

Mateu Riera Rullan

Quadre explicatiu IV_P29
Els elements lítics del pla de les Figueres
Aureli Àlvarez, Anna Domenech, Anna Gutiérrez
Garcia-Moreno, Isabel Roda, Hernando Royo

Quadre explicatiu V_P31
Els monjos de Cabrera a partir
de l’antropologia física
Alícia Alesan i Jordi Alfonso

Quadre explicatiu VI_P32
La necròpolis del pla de les Figueres
Julio M. Román Punzón i Mateu Riera Rullan

Quadre explicatiu VII_P38
Les instal·lacions relacionades amb la
producció de vi i amb l’aprofitament
dels recursos marins
Maria Magdalena Riera Frau i Mateu Riera Rullan

Quadre explicatiu VIII_P41
La dieta dels monjos de Cabrera
Damià Ramis Bernad

Quadre explicatiu IX_P45
Símbols cristians dels monjos de Cabrera
Mateu Riera Rullan i Joan Nadal

Maria Magdalena Riera Frau
i Mateu Riera Rullan

Maria Magdalena Riera Frau, Mateu Riera
Rullan, Teresa Marot Salsas


I A l’ANGLÈS_P66/81
In the summer of 2014, fifteen years will have passed since archaeological excavations began on the island of Cabrera, the fifth smallest of the Balearic Islands, located a few kilometers off the southern tip of Mallorca. These... more
In the summer of 2014, fifteen years will have passed since archaeological excavations began on the island of Cabrera, the fifth smallest of the Balearic Islands, located a few kilometers off the southern tip of Mallorca. These excavations served as the starting point for the Project for the Recovery, Consolidation and Museological Interpretation of Cabrera's Byzantine Monastery. This project has been coordinated at all times by Palma City Council's Urban Planning Department and co-directed by the authors of this foreword, a management team joined more recently by Maria Jose Rivas, Josep Maria Puche, and Julio Miguel Roman.' Between 1999 and 2012, archaeological work on Cabrera was funded by Palma City Council. In 2005, 2006 and 2007, the Spanish Ministry of the Environment also contributed financially to restoration and museological activities.2 In 2013, funding was provided by the Balearic Ministry for Education, Culture and Universities' Directorate General for Universities, Research and Knowledge Transfers for land clearance in areas that were to be excavated. The main aim of the Project for the Recovery, Consolidation and Museological Interpretation of Cabrera's Byzantine Monastery has always been to discover and show what the monastery that Pope Gregory the Great mentions in his Epistle XIII, 47, was like. The pope's letter was written in the year 603 AD and it clearly demonstrates the existence of a monastery on the island of Cabrera.

The project is based on conclusions reached in a university degree thesis by one of the authors, Mateu Riera Rullan, entitled Cabrera Monastery in the Late Antiquity, supervised by Professor Miquel Barcelo Perello of Barcelona's Autonoma University, to whom we express ourgratitude. In the thesis, delivered in 2002, data from the small islands of Cabrera, Conillera and 11 lot dels Frares was compared with written sources describing Christian monastic life in the 4th to 8th centuries AD and with archaeological discoveries made at monasteries of the period located on small islands in the western Mediterranean or Atlantic. The thesis concluded that Cabrera was a "holy island" where two types of monastic settlements seem to have coexisted: a main monastery and several hermitages.

Right from the outset, it was proposed that the study of Cabrera's monastic community should be aimed at finding out how the community functioned internally, what use the monks made of the area and its resources, and what modifications they made to the local environment. It was decided that attempts should be made to determine the characteristics of the buildings, to work out how they were used, and to compare them with those cited in written sources. Priority was also given to comparing the archaeological remains on Cabrera with the archaeological remains of examples of 5th to 8th century AD monasteries excavated elsewhere. These are the main criteria on which our work has been based these last few years, leading to the publication of this catalogue.

Thus the aim of this publication is to offer a summary of the archaeological work that has been undertaken in the subarchipelago of Cabrera, contextualizing it within the framework of the 5th to 8th century AD Christian monastic world, a period in which the Balearic Islands formed part of the Vandal kingdom and then the Byzantine Empire.
El verano de 2014 se cumplen quince años desde el inicio de las excavaciones arqueológicas en la isla de Cabrera, unos trabajos que sirvieron como punto de partida para el Proyecto de recuperación, consolidación y musealización del... more
El verano de 2014 se cumplen quince años desde el inicio de las excavaciones arqueológicas en la isla de Cabrera, unos trabajos que sirvieron como punto de partida para el Proyecto de recuperación, consolidación y musealización del monasterio bizantino de Cabrera. Dicho proyecto siempre ha estado coordinado desde la Concejalía de Urbanismo del Ayuntamiento de Palma, y codirigido por los autores de este prefacio, un equipo de dirección al que, en los últimos años, se han sumado María José Rivas, Josep Maria Puche y Julio Miguel Román1. Los trabajos arqueológicos realizados en Cabrera han sido financiados por el Ayuntamiento de Palma entre los años 1999 y 2012. Los años 2005, 2006 y 2007 el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente también colaboró económicamente en temas de restauración y musealización, mientras que en 2013 se pudo emprender una campaña de limpieza de las áreas excavadas gracias a la financiación económica de la Dirección General de Universidades, Investigación y Transferencia del Conocimiento de la Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Universidades del Gobierno de las liles Balears.

El objetivo principal del Proyecto de recuperación, consolidación y musealización del monasterio bizantino de Cabrera ha sido siempre el de intentar conocer y mostrar como fue el monasterio del que habla la Epístola XIII, 47, del papa Gregorio Magno, una carta escrita el año 603 d. C que demuestra, sin duda alguna, la existencia de un
monasterio en la isla balear de Cabrera.

Todos los trabajos hasta ahora realizados partían de una base teórica planteada en la tesis de licenciatura titulada El monestir de Cabrero a l'antiguitat tardona, dirigida por el doctor y catedrático de la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona Miquel Barceló Perelló, a quien no nos cansaremos de mostrar nuestro reconocimiento y nuestra gratitud. En aquella tesis, defendida el año 2002, se empezaron a cruzar los datos obtenidos en Cabrera, Conillera y el Illot dels Frares con
lo que se decía en las fuentes escritas sobre el monacato cristiano de los siglos IV a VIII d. C. y con los descubrimientos arqueológicos de algunos otros ejemplos de monasterios localizados en islotes del Mediterráneo occidental y del Atlántico. Todo este trabajo permitió proponer que Cabrera fue una isla santa donde parecía que habrían coexistido dos tipos de asentamientos monásticos correspondientes a un cenobio y a diversos eremitorios. Ya entonces se argumentó que el estudio de la comunidad monacal de Cabrera debía tener por objeto la naturaleza de su funcionamiento interno, qué uso hacían los monjes del espacio y sus recursos, y qué modificaciones causaron en su entorno. Había que intentar conocer las características de sus construcciones para poder identificar sus usos y poder compararlo con lo que dicen las fuentes escritas. También se consideró muy importante poder confrontar lo encontrado en Cabrera con los restos arqueológicos de los pocos ejemplos de monasterios de los siglos V a VIII d. C. que se han podido excavar. Éstas son algunas de las directrices que han ¡do marcando nuestro trabajo estos últimos años, cuyo resultado es este catálogo.

En definitiva, en este volumen se pretende mostrar una síntesis de los trabajos arqueológicos realizados en el subarchipiélago de Cabrera, contextualizándolos en el mundo del monacato cristiano de los siglos V a VIII d. C, un tiempo en que las islas Baleares formaron parte, primero, del territorio del Reino Vándalo, y, a continuación, del Imperio bizantino.
The Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab) of the University of Granada undertook the recovery of an ancient agricultural space linked to the medieval alquería (village) of Alcázar (Jérez del Marquesado, Granada, Spain). This... more
The Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab) of the University of Granada undertook the recovery of an ancient agricultural space linked to the medieval alquería (village) of Alcázar (Jérez del Marquesado, Granada, Spain). This participatory process comprised several tasks, the most outstanding being the development of a dry stone construction school called the 'Escuela de Balates' offering instruction on how to restore the walls of ancient cultivation terraces. The main objectives of the project were to recover the agricultural space, gain knowledge of ancestral practices, and involve the local population in the conservation of its cultural and environmental heritage.
Con el objetivo principal de conocer qué ha supuesto para Salar la investigación y conservación de la villa romana homónima, se han llevado a cabo una serie de encuestas de percepción entre sus habitantes. Este estudio se enmarca en las... more
Con el objetivo principal de conocer qué ha supuesto para Salar la investigación y conservación de la villa romana homónima, se han llevado a cabo una serie de encuestas de percepción entre sus habitantes. Este estudio se enmarca en las actividades de difusión y divulgación del PGI “Investigación, Conservación y Puesta en Valor de la villa romana de Salar (Granada), 2019-2023”, dentro del ámbito científico del MEMOLab-Laboratorio de Arqueología Biocultural, y del Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología, ambos, de la Universidad de Granada.The main objective was to know what the research and conservation of the Salar roman town has meant for Salar town. We have developed a perception questionnaire, it have been carried out among its residents. This study is part of the Research Project “Research, conservation and value of Salar Roman Villa (Granada, 2019-2023”, in the scientific field of MEMOLab Laboratory Biocultural Archaeology and the Dpt. Prehistory and Archaeology, both from the Univ...
The last archaeological campaigns carried out in the Roman villa of Salar, since 2016, by the University of Granada, have not only confirmed the huge architectural and decorative wealth of this monumental complex, but have far exceeded... more
The last archaeological campaigns carried out in the Roman villa of Salar, since 2016, by the University of Granada, have not only confirmed the huge architectural and decorative wealth of this monumental complex, but have far exceeded the perspectives more optimistic about it. The archaeological potential of the Roman villa of Salar places it, without doubt, as one of the most important villae in Hispania.
From the Roman uilla of Salar, located in the west of Granada, rooms corresponding to its pars urbana have been documented. In the present contribution, we will focus on the mosaic decoration recovered in the excavation campaigns carried... more
From the Roman uilla of Salar, located in the west of Granada, rooms corresponding to its pars urbana have been documented. In the present contribution, we will focus on the mosaic decoration recovered in the excavation campaigns carried out in 2017 and 2018. The importance of the uilla of Salar is manifested in the conjunction of architectural elements enriched with parietal, mosaics and sculptural ornamentations. In the excavated area, two rooms with geometric mosaics have been found and in the Western area of the peristylum, a spectacular mosaic with hunting scenes
In the summer of 2014, fifteen years will have passed since archaeological excavations began on the island of Cabrera, the fifth smallest of the Balearic Islands, located a few kilometers off the southern tip of Mallorca. These... more
In the summer of 2014, fifteen years will have passed since archaeological excavations began on the island of Cabrera, the fifth smallest of the Balearic Islands, located a few kilometers off the southern tip of Mallorca. These excavations served as the starting point for the Project for the Recovery, Consolidation and Museological Interpretation of Cabrera's Byzantine Monastery. This project has been coordinated at all times by Palma City Council's Urban Planning Department and co-directed by the authors of this foreword, a management team joined more recently by Maria Jose Rivas, Josep Maria Puche, and Julio Miguel Roman.' Between 1999 and 2012, archaeological work on Cabrera was funded by Palma City Council. In 2005, 2006 and 2007, the Spanish Ministry of the Environment also contributed financially to restoration and museological activities.2 In 2013, funding was provided by the Balearic Ministry for Education, Culture and Universities' Directorate General for Universities, Research and Knowledge Transfers for land clearance in areas that were to be excavated. The main aim of the Project for the Recovery, Consolidation and Museological Interpretation of Cabrera's Byzantine Monastery has always been to discover and show what the monastery that Pope Gregory the Great mentions in his Epistle XIII, 47, was like. The pope's letter was written in the year 603 AD and it clearly demonstrates the existence of a monastery on the island of Cabrera. The project is based on conclusions reached in a university degree thesis by one of the authors, Mateu Riera Rullan, entitled Cabrera Monastery in the Late Antiquity, supervised by Professor Miquel Barcelo Perello of Barcelona's Autonoma University, to whom we express ourgratitude. In the thesis, delivered in 2002, data from the small islands of Cabrera, Conillera and 11 lot dels Frares was compared with written sources describing Christian monastic life in the 4th to 8th centuries AD and with archaeological discoveries made at monasteries of the period located on small islands in the western Mediterranean or Atlantic. The thesis concluded that Cabrera was a "holy island" where two types of monastic settlements seem to have coexisted: a main monastery and several hermitages. Right from the outset, it was proposed that the study of Cabrera's monastic community should be aimed at finding out how the community functioned internally, what use the monks made of the area and its resources, and what modifications they made to the local environment. It was decided that attempts should be made to determine the characteristics of the buildings, to work out how they were used, and to compare them with those cited in written sources. Priority was also given to comparing the archaeological remains on Cabrera with the archaeological remains of examples of 5th to 8th century AD monasteries excavated elsewhere. These are the main criteria on which our work has been based these last few years, leading to the publication of this catalogue. Thus the aim of this publication is to offer a summary of the archaeological work that has been undertaken in the subarchipelago of Cabrera, contextualizing it within the framework of the 5th to 8th century AD Christian monastic world, a period in which the Balearic Islands formed part of the Vandal kingdom and then the Byzantine Empire.
Enterramientos en el interior de la Iglesia del Convento de San Antonio Abad: estudio funerario y antropológico
RESUM Es presenta un estat de la qüestió on s'exposen les característiques que defineixen els espais funeraris tar-doantics a la Bètica, diferenciant entre dues esferes amb ritmes diferents: el món urbà i el món rural. També... more
RESUM Es presenta un estat de la qüestió on s'exposen les característiques que defineixen els espais funeraris tar-doantics a la Bètica, diferenciant entre dues esferes amb ritmes diferents: el món urbà i el món rural. També s'apunten els problemes amb què ens enfrontem actualment en estudiar el fenomen funerari en aquest territo-ri, així com las línies de recerca per desenvolupar en els propers anys. RESUMEN Se presenta un estado de la cuestión en el que se exponen las características que definen los espacios funera-rios tardoantiguos en la Bética, diferenciando entre dos esferas con ritmos diferentes: el mundo urbano y el mundo rural. También se apuntan los problemas con que nos enfrentamos actualmente al estudiar el fenóme-no funerario en estas tierras, así como las líneas de investigación por desarrollar en los próximos años.
Research Interests:
Cuaderno Técnico 7. UGR
The Roman villa of Salar is presented as one of the maximum exponents for the study of the rural domestic architecture in Hispania, given the monumentality of its structures. Its configuration places at the height of the huge villae in... more
The Roman villa of Salar is presented as one of the maximum exponents for the study of the rural domestic architecture in Hispania, given the monumentality of its structures. Its configuration places at the height of the huge villae in the Meseta, establishing also parallels with North Africa or Sicily. The luxuria expressed in its decorative and architectural apparatus is the best reflection of the power expressed by the dominus.
The Roman villa of Salar is an outstanding example of the degree of opulence and luxury that these residences could reach in late antiquity, with grand architectural forms ornamented with delicate frescoes, sculptural programmes and... more
The Roman villa of Salar is an outstanding example of the degree of opulence and luxury that these residences could reach in late antiquity, with grand architectural forms ornamented with delicate frescoes, sculptural programmes and polychrome mosaic pavements. After five years of uninterrupted archaeological excavations by a research team from the University of Granada, we are now able to offer new data about its construction phases, its origin and development in the economic and social dynamics of late Roman Baetica and its postclassical epilogue as a multi-family agricultural and artisan settlement.
Resumen: Las placas cerámicas decoradas de época tardoantigua constituyen una peculiar manifestación artística dentro del mundo hispano, concretamente del mediodía peninsular. Tradicionalmente se han emparentado con las norteafricanas,... more
Resumen: Las placas cerámicas decoradas de época tardoantigua constituyen una peculiar manifestación artística dentro del mundo hispano, concretamente del mediodía peninsular. Tradicionalmente se han emparentado con las norteafricanas, concentradas mayoritariamente en la región tunecina. En el Museu d'Història de Manacor se conserva el fragmento de una de estas placas que se ha vinculado a las excavaciones efectuadas por J. Aguiló en la basílica de Son Peretó. En el presente trabajo se realiza una caracterización y contextualización de esta pieza desde una óptica histórica, arqueológica y cronotipológica así como una recopilación de ejemplares similares. Palabras clave: placa cerámica decorada, tardoantigüedad, cristianismo antiguo, Son Peretó. Abstract: Terracotta decorated relief plaques of the Late Antiquity period are a peculiar artistic manifestation in the Roman Hispania, specifically from southern Spain. Traditionally, they have been related to North African plaques, mostly concentrated in the Tunisian region. In the Manacor History Museum the fragment of one of these plaques is preserved, which has been linked to the excavations carried out by J. Aguiló in the basilica of Son Peretó. We aim at a characterization and contextualization of this piece carried out from a historical, archaeological and chronotypological perspectives as well as a compilation of similar specimens.
Cuando el famoso escritor romano Apuleyo de Madaura censuraba el lujo con el que se construian las villas del campo, no podia imaginar la magnificencia que iban a alcanzar siglos mas tarde. La villa de Salar (Granada), recientemente... more
Cuando el famoso escritor romano Apuleyo de Madaura censuraba el lujo con el que se construian las villas del campo, no podia imaginar la magnificencia que iban a alcanzar siglos mas tarde. La villa de Salar (Granada), recientemente excavada, es un excelente ejemplo de esta suntuosidad.
The aim of this paper is the analysis of functional and tipological features of an assemblage of funerary post from several rural necropolis (Late Antiquity, s. IV-VIII dC.) located in Granada province.
La aplicación de técnicas digitales para la documentación gráfica es, cada vez, más habitual en los proyectos de investigación arqueológica. Sin embargo, su implementación se ha realizado, en muchos casos, sin la necesaria reflexión... more
La aplicación de técnicas digitales para la documentación gráfica es, cada vez, más habitual en los proyectos de investigación arqueológica. Sin embargo, su implementación se ha realizado, en muchos casos, sin la necesaria reflexión crítica acerca de su utilidad real frente a los sistemas tradicionales, y/o un breve análisis que permita optimizar su uso. En este trabajo, pretendemos ofrecer ciertas evidencias al respecto de la relación entre tiempo, usabilidad y precisión en la aplicación de técnicas fotogramétricas para la representación gráfica en intervenciones arqueológicas a partir de nuestra experiencia en la villa romana de Salar. The application of digital techniques for graphical documentation is increasingly common in archaeological research projects. Nevertheless, in many cases these digital techniques have been implemented without the necessary critical reflection regarding their real-world usefulness compared with traditional methods, and/or a brief analysis of their op...
La situación del Imperio romano tras el reinado de Constantino2 revelaba un influyente cristianismo en contraposición a un desacreditado culto pagano, el cual conoció sólo un breve intervalo de reivindicación bajo el mandato del emperador... more
La situación del Imperio romano tras el reinado de Constantino2 revelaba un influyente cristianismo en contraposición a un desacreditado culto pagano, el cual conoció sólo un breve intervalo de reivindicación bajo el mandato del emperador Juliano el Apóstata. A lo largo del siglo IV, los emperadores fueron reforzando el Cristianismo, básicamente, mediante la transición hacia un Estado confesional cristiano. Sería Teodosio el Grande, a finales del siglo IV, quién transcribiría en términos legales, de una forma radical e intolerante, la batalla entre paganismo y cristianismo. Éste, convierte al Cristianismo en religión oficial del Imperio, prohibiéndose el ejercicio de cualquier otra y proscribiéndose a todos los dioses anteriores al cristianismo. A su vez, ordena la destrucción de los antiguos templos romanos, a la fecha considerados templos paganos, con la idea de borrar de la memoria colectiva a los dioses y los cultos que durante siglos habían dictado el destino de los romanos. No...
The Roman phase of the site of Cerro de la Mora (Moraleda de Zafayona, Granada) is analysed in this paper. This site was a rural settlement with a crucial role in the socio-economic development and in the organisation of the settlement... more
The Roman phase of the site of Cerro de la Mora (Moraleda de Zafayona, Granada) is analysed in this paper. This site was a rural settlement with a crucial role in the socio-economic development and in the organisation of the settlement pattern in the Granada valley during this period.
Materia l cultur e tha t e vidence s th e occupatio n o f th e Albaici n hil l fro m I V t o VII I centurie s are presented; besides archaeological remains, written sources will be used in order to corroborate the  occupation  of this... more
Materia l cultur e tha t e vidence s th e occupatio n o f th e Albaici n hil l fro m I V t o VII I centurie s are presented; besides archaeological remains, written sources will be used in order to corroborate the  occupation  of this neighborhood,  probably  as a town, not only until Muslim  conquest  but also until the foundation  of the ziri capital  in the XI century.
Una excavacion arqueologica en el lugar en el que estaba el hangar de la antigua estacion de autobuses de Granada puso de manifiesto la existencia de catorce sepulturas de inhumacion pertenecientes a una necropolis que esta amortizando... more
Una excavacion arqueologica en el lugar en el que estaba el hangar de la antigua estacion de autobuses de Granada puso de manifiesto la existencia de catorce sepulturas de inhumacion pertenecientes a una necropolis que esta amortizando los restos de una villa romana en ruinas. Por las caracteristicas constructivas de las sepulturas, la orientacion de los restos humanos y la ausencia total de ajuar funerario, se le puede atribuir una cronologia en torno al s. IV d.C. El estudio de esta necropolis tardorromana ha proporcionado valiosos datos para el analisis del mundo funerario de epoca tardoantigua en el ambito rural, sobre todo relacionados con la organizacion del espacio en diferentes recintos funerarios, distribucion de las sepulturas por sexo y agrupaciones familiares.
The site of Peñalosa is well known throughout archaeological bibliography as a new Argaric settlement the Upper Guadalquivir basin whose main economical basis was copper production. Since the eighties the existence of two more phases has... more
The site of Peñalosa is well known throughout archaeological bibliography as a new Argaric settlement the Upper Guadalquivir basin whose main economical basis was copper production. Since the eighties the existence of two more phases has been proven, one of them being Roman and the other Medieval. Specifically, in this work we present a first contextual and type-morphological analysis regarding the totally of the Roman record registered during the last campaigns, which were carried out in 2005, 2009 and 2010. Their study allow us to elaborate theories that would explain two essential questions, the exactl functionality of this site and rits elationship with the Roman landscape of the Rumblar basin.
The excavation of a Roman villa in the city of Granada (Andalusia, Spain) has provided major information about the use of geotechnical principles and methods of building a house in the 1st century A.D. The study of the building techniques... more
The excavation of a Roman villa in the city of Granada (Andalusia, Spain) has provided major information about the use of geotechnical principles and methods of building a house in the 1st century A.D. The study of the building techniques shows that the inhabitants of the Granada basin had ample knowledge of architectural engineering and its relationship to the geologic characteristics in the area of Granada. This knowledge was applied by architects to the foundations of buildings to prevent natural risks, mainly rainfall damage to unstable geologic material, a shallow phreatic level, and periodic floods. The architectural design was adapted to these considerations although the building studied is a simple house, more similar to the pars rustica of a villa than a luxury villa.
The application of digital techniques for graphical documentation is increasingly common in archaeological research projects. Nevertheless, in many cases these digital techniques have been implemented without the necessary critical... more
The application of digital techniques for graphical documentation is increasingly common in archaeological research projects. Nevertheless, in many cases these digital techniques have been implemented without the necessary critical reflection regarding their real-world usefulness compared with traditional methods, and/or a brief analysis of their optimal use. This article offers evidence about the relationship between time, usability and accuracy in the application of photogrammetric techniques to graphical representation in archaeological projects, based upon our experience in the Roman villa of Salar.
Durante la última década se han desarrollado varias campañas de excavación en la villa romana de Salar (Granada, España), situada en la provincial romana de la Bética. El sector excavado corresponde a la pars urbana, articulada en torno a... more
Durante la última década se han desarrollado varias campañas de excavación en la villa romana de Salar (Granada, España), situada en la provincial romana de la Bética. El sector excavado corresponde a la pars urbana, articulada en torno a un gran peristilo central. Presidiendo uno de los lados cortos del patio abierto se sitúa el triclinium, asociado con un nymphaeum. El ambulacrum en el lado opuesto del peristilo ha sido también excavado, descubriéndose un pavimento de mosaico con una interesante escena de caza, así como otras habitaciones que abren a este patio. En este trabajo se aborda el estudio tipológico e iconográfico del programa escultórico de la villa. El conjunto está integrado por: dos esculturas de ninfas, descubiertas en el nymphaeum asociado con el triclinium; y 2) una estatua de Venus, tipo Capitolina, que posiblemente decorase otra fuente, localizada en el lado sur del peristilo. El contexto arqueológico y los análisis petrográficos se integran en el estudio de las...
During the last decade various excavation campaigns have taken place at the Roman villa of Salar (Granada, Spain), located in the province Baetica. The excavated sector corresponds to the area surrounding a large peristyle of the pars... more
During the last decade various excavation campaigns have taken place at the Roman villa of Salar (Granada, Spain), located in the province Baetica. The excavated sector corresponds to the area surrounding a large peristyle of the pars urbana. Presiding over the open courtyard on one of the shorter sides is a triclinium, which in turn is associated with a nymphaeum. The ambulacrum on the opposite side of the peristyle was also excavated, uncovering a mosaic pavement with an interesting hunting scene, as well as other rooms that open onto it. In this work, the typological and iconographic study of the sculptural program recovered is carried out. The sculptural assemblage consists of 1) two nymph sculptures discovered in the nymphaeum associated with the triclinium; and 2) a Capitoline type Venus statue, which possibly decorated another fountain located on the southern side of the peristyle. The archaeological context and petrographic analyses add to the study of the pieces, as well as the analysis of this sculptural program related to nymphaea and garden environments.
This paper presents the study of a Roman portrait discovered in recent excavations in the Albaicín district –c/ Gumiel, 6– of Granada. The portrait was found in a level dated to the Late Antiquity as part of the fill of a vaulted... more
This paper presents the study of a Roman portrait discovered in recent excavations in the Albaicín district –c/ Gumiel, 6– of Granada. The portrait was found in a level dated to the Late Antiquity as part of the fill of a vaulted infrastructure, possibly related to the forum buildings of Florentia Iliberritana, located close by. The iconographic and stylistic analyses of the portrait,  as well as the known parallels –sculptures in the round or reliefs– suggest that it was made around the early Hadrian’s reign. It presents a unique iconography with certain features related to Hadrian’s portrait specifically known as the ‘Tarragona type’, created during the Emperor’s stay in this capital (122-123 ad). It represents a member of the elite from that period, whose honorary portrait could have been exhibited in the Florentia Iliberritana’s municipal forum, dismantled in Late
Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Leída el 7 de marzo de 2006
En el marco de las excavaciones arqueológicas en la villa romana de Salar (Granada) se descubrió en 2018 una estatua que representa a una Venus, que reproduce el tipo de la Venus Capitolina. La pieza está elaborada en mármol Pentélico. Se... more
En el marco de las excavaciones arqueológicas en la villa romana de Salar (Granada) se descubrió en 2018 una estatua que representa a una Venus, que reproduce el tipo de la Venus Capitolina. La pieza está elaborada en mármol Pentélico. Se estudia el contexto arqueológico, así como se lleva a cabo el análisis iconográfico y estilístico para concluir que sería una obra elaborada en un taller extrahispánico, quizás oriental, en los momentos centrales del siglo II d.C.
La apuesta decidida del Ayuntamiento de Salar por la inversión en la investigación, conservación y puesta en valor de la villa romana homónima, ha supuesto una revolución en este pequeño municipio granadino, que ha visto en este bien... more
La apuesta decidida del Ayuntamiento de Salar por la inversión en la investigación, conservación y puesta en valor de la villa romana homónima, ha supuesto una revolución en este pequeño municipio granadino, que ha visto en este bien patrimonial, no solo un referente identitario y cultural, sino una alternativa para su precario tejido económico, basada en el turismo sostenible y de calidad. De este modo, y en muy pocos años, dicha inversión se demuestra, no solo amortizada socialmente, sino rentable económicamente. Palabras Clave: patrimonio arqueológico, villa romana, turismo sostenible, Arqueología Social.
Resumen: El reciente hallazgo realizado en la campaña de excavación de 2016 de decenas de tubi fittili en la villa romana de Salar (Granada), nos permite reflexionar sobre esta singular técnica constructiva de cubrición, presentando el... more
Resumen: El reciente hallazgo realizado en la campaña de excavación de 2016 de decenas de tubi fittili en la villa romana de Salar (Granada), nos permite reflexionar sobre esta singular técnica constructiva de cubrición, presentando el contexto arqueológico y estratigráfico de su descubrimiento, así como realizando un estudio en profundidad de su tipología y características macroscópicas.
Abstract: The recent discovery of dozens of tubi fittili in the Roman villa of Salar (Granada) during the excavation campaign of 2016 allows us to reflect on this unique constructive technique of covering, presenting the archaeological and stratigraphic context of its discovery, as well as performing an in-depth study of its typology and macroscopic characteristics
Resumen: Las placas cerámicas decoradas de época tardoantigua constituyen una peculiar manifestación artística dentro del mundo hispano, concretamente del mediodía peninsular. Tradicionalmente se han emparentado con las norteafricanas,... more
Resumen: Las placas cerámicas decoradas de época tardoantigua constituyen una peculiar manifestación artística dentro del mundo hispano, concretamente del mediodía peninsular. Tradicionalmente se han emparentado con las norteafricanas, concentradas mayoritariamente en la región tunecina. En el Museu d'Història de Manacor se conserva el fragmento de una de estas placas que se ha vinculado a las excavaciones efectuadas por J. Aguiló en la basílica de Son Peretó. En el presente trabajo se realiza una caracterización y contextualización de esta pieza desde una óptica histórica, arqueológica y cronotipológica así como una recopilación de ejemplares similares. Palabras clave: placa cerámica decorada, tardoantigüedad, cristianismo antiguo, Son Peretó. Abstract: Terracotta decorated relief plaques of the Late Antiquity period are a peculiar artistic manifestation in the Roman Hispania, specifically from southern Spain. Traditionally, they have been related to North African plaques, mostly concentrated in the Tunisian region. In the Manacor History Museum the fragment of one of these plaques is preserved, which has been linked to the excavations carried out by J. Aguiló in the basilica of Son Peretó. We aim at a characterization and contextualization of this piece carried out from a historical, archaeological and chronotypological perspectives as well as a compilation of similar specimens.
Research Interests:
The main objective was to know what the research and conservation of the Salar roman town has meant for Salar town. We have developed a perception questionnaire, it have been carried out among its residents. This study is part of the... more
The main objective was to know what the research and conservation of the Salar roman town has meant for Salar town. We have developed a perception questionnaire, it have been carried out among its residents. This study is part of the Research Project “Research, conservation and value of Salar Roman Villa (Granada, 2019-2023”, in the scientific field of
MEMOLab Laboratory Biocultural Archaeology and the Dpt. Prehistory and Archaeology, both from the University of Granada. // Con el objetivo principal de conocer qué ha supuesto para Salar la investigación y conservación de la villa romana homónima, se han llevado a cabo una serie de encuestas de percepción entre sus habitantes. Este estudio se enmarca en las actividades de difu-sión y divulgación del PGI "Investigación, Conserva-ción y Puesta en Valor de la villa romana de Salar (Granada), 2019-2023", dentro del ámbito científico del MEMOLab-Laboratorio de Arqueología Biocultu-ral, y del Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología, ambos, de la Universidad de Granada. Palabras clave Patrimonio, encuestas de percepción, arqueología Social y Comunitaria, participación ciudadana.

And 32 more

The Roman villa of Salar is, currently, one of the most important recent discoveries from the Roman period in the Iberian Peninsula. The good preservation of its structures, and their spectacular nature (standing out among all of them,... more
The Roman villa of Salar is, currently, one of the most important recent discoveries from the Roman period in the Iberian Peninsula. The good preservation of its structures, and their spectacular nature (standing out among all of them, their figurative polychrome mosaics) place it among the best Roman villae in Hispania, and comparable to any of those that occupied the Roman Empire. Our research project aims to convert the investigation of this heritage asset into a source of sustainable development for both Salar and its region, understanding sustainable development not only as an economic concept, but also cultural and social.
We understand that archaeology has a duty to revert to society the investment made in its research, and this must be carried out through various dissemination activities. The socialization of archaeology generates lines and content of formative and pedagogical nature, with languages adapted to all social segments; as already mentioned, it is essential to combine didactic activities and citizen participation, promoting the relationship between the population and heritage. In this case, it is essential to implement a procedure for the recognition of heritage values in the construction of the cultural identity of the
Presentamos los resultados de la intervención de consolidación y restauración de restos arqueológicos de la villa romana de Salar (Granada), llevada a cabo gracias a la financiación obtenida mediante el Programa Provincial de Conservación... more
Presentamos los resultados de la intervención de consolidación
y restauración de restos arqueológicos de la villa romana
de Salar (Granada), llevada a cabo gracias a la financiación
obtenida mediante el Programa Provincial de Conservación
y uso del Patrimonio Arqueológico y Paleontológico Rural
(PPCPA) 2020, promovido por la Diputación de Granada
The Roman villa of Salar is presented as one of the maximum exponents for the study of the rural domestic architecture in Hispania, given the monumentality of its structures. Its configuration places at the height of the huge villae in... more
The Roman villa of Salar is presented as one
of the maximum exponents for the study of the rural
domestic architecture in Hispania, given the monumentality
of its structures. Its configuration places at the
height of the huge villae in the Meseta, establishing also
parallels with North Africa or Sicily. The luxuria expressed
in its decorative and architectural apparatus is
the best reflection of the power expressed by the dominus.
The last archaeological campaigns carried out in the Roman villa of Salar, since 2016, by the University of Granada, have not only confirmed the huge architectural and decorative wealth of this monumental complex, but have far exceeded... more
The last archaeological campaigns carried
out in the Roman villa of Salar, since 2016, by the
University of Granada, have not only confirmed the
huge architectural and decorative wealth of this monumental
complex, but have far exceeded the perspectives
more optimistic about it. The archaeological
potential of the Roman villa of Salar places it, without
doubt, as one of the most important villae in Hispania.
Resultados de las investigaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el Campus de Cartuja de la Universidad de Granada con objeto de la Ampliación y Reforma de la Facultad de CCEEyEE, que permitieron identificar una completa secuencia... more
Resultados de las investigaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el Campus de Cartuja de la Universidad de Granada con objeto de la Ampliación y Reforma de la Facultad de CCEEyEE, que permitieron identificar una completa secuencia cronoestratigráfica desde época ibérica hasta la actualidad, destacando las etapas tardoantigua y medieval islámica.
From the Roman uilla of Salar, located in the west of Granada, rooms corresponding to its pars urbana have been documented. In the present contribution, we will focus on the mosaic decoration recovered in the excavation campaigns carried... more
From the Roman uilla of Salar, located in the west of Granada, rooms corresponding to its pars urbana have been documented. In the present contribution, we will focus on the mosaic decoration recovered in the excavation campaigns carried out in 2017 and 2018. The importance of the uilla of Salar is manifested in the conjunction of architectural elements enriched with parietal, mosaics and sculptural ornamentations. In the excavated area, two rooms with geometric mosaics have been found and in the Western area of the peristylum, a spectacular mosaic with hunting scenes.
In this paper we present the results of the archaeological works carried out in the Tocón- Valderrubio section (tt.mm.Illora-Pinos Puente, Granada, Spain) during the construction of a highspeed train (AVE). The site of “El Ruedo” is... more
In this paper we present the results of the
archaeological works carried out in the Tocón-
Valderrubio section (tt.mm.Illora-Pinos Puente,
Granada, Spain) during the construction of a highspeed
train (AVE). The site of “El Ruedo” is located
outside of the village of Escóznar (Illora, Granada),
a large pit cut into the natural rock with a well in
one of its sides were documented. Both, the pit and
the well were filled up with sediments, stones and
several artifacts, mainly pottery. They belong to
the Iberian period (first century BC) and have been
interpreted as an area of sourcing and preparation
of raw materials, particularly clays.
Previous works in the Vega of Granada on the pottery of the late Antique and early Medieval periods shed light on their shapes, modelling techniques and ceramic fabrics. A recently finished archaeological excavation carried out in the... more
Previous works in the Vega of Granada on the pottery
of the late Antique and early Medieval periods shed
light on their shapes, modelling techniques and
ceramic fabrics. A recently finished archaeological
excavation carried out in the Faculty of Economics
of Granada offers fresh elements that increase our
knowledge of this topic. In this work we will offer
some insights on the current state of the research
on the ceramics from these periods and on how the
materials of the Faculty of Economics can add to our
understanding by means of a pluridisciplinar study.
Cuaderno Técnico 7. UGR
Research Interests:
Mojácar la Vieja is an al-Andalus settlement located in northeast coast of the province of Almeria (Spain). It had an occupation between the 12 th and 13 th centuries, situated close to the border. The aim of this paper is to present a... more
Mojácar la Vieja is an al-Andalus settlement located in northeast coast of the province of Almeria (Spain). It had an occupation between the 12 th and 13 th centuries, situated close to the border. The aim of this paper is to present a preliminary analysis of the fortifications of this site after the archaeological excavations of 2018, 2019 and 2021. Mojácar la Vieja, placed on a hill, had two fortified enclosures. The first one is located on the slope, surrounding the entire hill with curtain walls and towers. It had also a complex access system in its western part through a stone staircase and a gate-tower. The inner part of this enclosure was the main area of settlement on the site. The other enclosure was located in the inner part of the hill. Also walled, there were at least two big towers that were used as keeps, as well as a huge cistern. In the eastern of this upper enclosure was also documented a courtyard for the garrison. Therefore, Mojácar la Vieja is a fortress of importance that, given the short period of occupation of the site, is a remarkable example of the poliorcetic and building systems of Almoravid and, above all, Almohad times.