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Research Interests:
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Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: http://www.elsevier.com/copyright a b s t r a c t The immune system's efficacy in detecting and destroying cancer cells varies considerably throughout the stages of cancer development and its role may be critical particularly during the surgical period. Although surgery causes tumor cells to shed into the blood, immune cells have the capacity to destroy these tumor cells. However, surgery also suppresses cytotoxic capacity. It is particularly during this surgical period that psychological factors can have a significant dampening or strengthening impact on surgery-related immunomodulation response, thus exerting an effect on survival. This review describes the immune changes during the peri-surgical period and the influences psychological factors have on immune function, including the immune effects caused by psychological interventions in cancer patients. We recommend that future studies exploring the role of psychological factors on immune function and survival focus more on their influence during the peri-surgical period.
Research Interests:
Repression is typically associated in literature with terms such as non-expression, emotional control, rationality, anti-emotionality, defensiveness and restraint. Whether these terms are synonymous with repression, indicate a variation,... more
Repression is typically associated in literature with terms such as non-expression, emotional control, rationality, anti-emotionality, defensiveness and restraint. Whether these terms are synonymous with repression, indicate a variation, or are essentially different from repression is uncertain. We have discussed the similarities and differences between these concepts elsewhere (Garssen, 2007). In addition, a multitude of questionnaires has been developed in this field, which presents yet another problem for evaluating studies. In the present review, we critically discuss the various questionnaires used for measuring repression and related constructs, and then present our assessment on which scales are reliable and valid and which are not. The most appropriate repression measure is the Marlow Social Desirability (MC SD) scale, or the combination of the MC SD and an anxiety/distress scale. The question whether the MC SD scale alone, or the combination measure is
Research Interests:
Literature on repression is abundant with terms such as repression, non-expression of negative emotions, emotional control, rationality, type C response style and defensiveness. However, it is uncertain whether these terms are synonymous... more
Literature on repression is abundant with terms such as repression, non-expression of negative emotions, emotional control, rationality, type C response style and defensiveness. However, it is uncertain whether these terms are synonymous with repression, denote a variation, or are essentially different from repression. In addition, a multitude of questionnaires has been developed in this field, which presents yet another problem for evaluating studies. Elsewhere we have discussed overlap of and differences between the various repression-related concepts (Garssen, 2007a) and critically reviewed eleven repression-related questionnaires (Garssen, 2009). The present study compares various repression questionnaires in two groups of women with breast cancer (N = 102 and 145). A secondary factor analysis yielded two factors, which were labelled: repression and anxious defensiveness. The relevance of this finding for future studies is that only scales belonging to the repression cluster are valid measures for measuring repression. The Marlowe Crowne Social Desirability scale is recommended as the most adequate repression measure.
Research Interests:
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In order to study synchronization of respiration, three different videofragments were presented to 21 normal subjects. Each fragment showed a 'therapeutic interview' specially performed for this purpose, with a 'patient' breathing in a... more
In order to study synchronization of respiration, three different videofragments were presented to 21 normal subjects. Each fragment showed a 'therapeutic interview' specially performed for this purpose, with a 'patient' breathing in a particular way. The respiration of model 1 was deep, slow and clearly audible, the pattern of model 2 was rapid, superficial and slightly audible and that of model 3 was normal, and hardly perceptible. The fragments were presented in three different sequences and each sequence was followed by seven subjects. Respiration amplitude (Vt), respiration irregularity (SD of Vt), respiration frequency (RF) and frequency of skin conductance responses (SCRF) were measured. Changes in mean values of these variables were demonstrated during the fragments; an increase in RF was the most pronounced and reliable change. These 'overall' physiological changes did not support the synchronization hypothesis, nor were they at variance with it: they seemed to be effects of attention. A detailed (cycle by cycle) analysis did reveal a synchronization effect in fragment 1. The number of cycles in the subject which were in rhythm with the model's respiration was significantly larger than could have been expected by chance. The effect of synchronization, however, was small and transient as it did not affect the mean RF and V t of fragment 1.
Research Interests:
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Research Interests:
Research Interests:
This study tests the hypothesis that social anxiety and fear of bodily sensations are associated with the development of agoraphobic avoidance behavior in panic disorder patients. Twenty patients with panic disorder were compared to... more
This study tests the hypothesis that social anxiety and fear of bodily sensations are associated with the development of agoraphobic avoidance behavior in panic disorder patients. Twenty patients with panic disorder were compared to 20patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia, matched by sex and duration of disorder. The two groups did not differ on measures of fear and frequency of assertive social responses. However, the agorapho-bics scored higher on measures of interpersonal sensitivity, depression, feelings of inadequacy, and hostility. They also reported higher fear of bodily sensations. Although definitive conclusions need to be postponed until prospective studies have been conducted, there is evidence suggesting that the development of agoraphobia in panic patients is associated with hypersensi-tivity to bodily sensations and interpersonal situations.
Research Interests:
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: http://www.elsevier.com/copyright a b s t r a c t The immune system's efficacy in detecting and destroying cancer cells varies considerably throughout the stages of cancer development and its role may be critical particularly during the surgical period. Although surgery causes tumor cells to shed into the blood, immune cells have the capacity to destroy these tumor cells. However, surgery also suppresses cytotoxic capacity. It is particularly during this surgical period that psychological factors can have a significant dampening or strengthening impact on surgery-related immunomodulation response, thus exerting an effect on survival. This review describes the immune changes during the peri-surgical period and the influences psychological factors have on immune function, including the immune effects caused by psychological interventions in cancer patients. We recommend that future studies exploring the role of psychological factors on immune function and survival focus more on their influence during the peri-surgical period.
Research Interests:
Objective: This study evaluated the psychological effects of a pre-surgical stress management training (SMT) in cancer patients. Methods: Stress management training comprised four sessions in total: on 5 days and 1 day pre-surgery and on... more
Objective: This study evaluated the psychological effects of a pre-surgical stress management training (SMT) in cancer patients. Methods: Stress management training comprised four sessions in total: on 5 days and 1 day pre-surgery and on 2 days and 1 month post-surgery. Patients also received audio CDs with relaxation and coping skills exercises. Patients were randomly assigned to the SMT (N = 34) or a regular care condition (N = 36). Depression, anxiety, quality of life, perception of control, fatigue, pain, sleep problems, and surgery-related somatic symptoms were measured at Day 6 and Day 1 pre-surgery, and Day 2, 5, 30 and 90 post-surgery. Results: Depression and fatigue decreased in the intervention group and increased in the control group, leading to significant group differences at Day 2 (fatigue) and Day 5 post-surgery (fatigue and depression). It also appeared that surgery-related symptoms had increased more in the control group 3 months post-surgery than in the SMT group. No intervention effects were observed for anxiety, pain, and sleep problems. Conclusion: The use of a short psychological intervention is effective in reducing depression and fatigue in the post-surgical period, although the effects are of short duration.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
When a bereaved person is in need of extra support during the bereavement process, at present four types of support can be distinguished: professional individual- and group counseling and non-professional individual- and group counseling.... more
When a bereaved person is in need of extra support during the bereavement process, at present four types of support can be distinguished: professional individual- and group counseling and non-professional individual- and group counseling. In this article another support facility is proposed: the workshop. It is indicated that the workshop can be considered as a valuable addition to the current counseling alternatives for bereavement and can possibly prevent more serious bereavement problems. After an explanation of bereavement counseling, the set-up of the workshop is described. Special attention is payed to the group dynamic aspects of the workshop.
Het mitralisklepprolaps–syndroom is een cardiologische diagnose die in de literatuur vaak geassocieerd wordt met angst en paniek. De klinische symptomatologie die bij dit syndroom kan voorkomen toont een overlap met die van de... more
Het mitralisklepprolaps–syndroom is een cardiologische diagnose die in de literatuur vaak geassocieerd wordt met angst en paniek. De klinische symptomatologie die bij dit syndroom kan voorkomen toont een overlap met die van de paniekstoornis. In dit artikel wordt eerst een kort overzicht gegeven over het mitralisklepprolaps–syndroom. Vervolgens wordt nader ingegaan op de in de literatuur veronderstelde samenhang tussen het mitralisklepprolaps–syndroom en het optreden van paniekstoornissen.
Little is known regarding the prevalence and course of fatigue in cancer patients after treatment has ended and no recurrence found. The present study examines fatigue in disease-free cancer patients after being treated with radiotherapy... more
Little is known regarding the prevalence and course of fatigue in cancer patients after treatment has ended and no recurrence found. The present study examines fatigue in disease-free cancer patients after being treated with radiotherapy (n = 154). The following questions are addressed. First, how do patients describe their fatigue 9 months after radiotherapy and is this different from fatigue
semenvatting  In dit artikel wordt de effectiviteit van ademhalingstherapie bij patiënten met het hyperventilatiesyndroom (HVS) en/of paniekstoornis besproken, alsmede het onderliggende werkzame element. De validiteit van het HVS als... more
semenvatting  In dit artikel wordt de effectiviteit van ademhalingstherapie bij patiënten met het hyperventilatiesyndroom (HVS) en/of paniekstoornis besproken, alsmede het onderliggende werkzame element. De validiteit van het HVS als wetenschappelijk model wordt besproken en als onvoldoende beoordeeld. Geconcludeerd wordt dat ademhalingstraining en aanverwante technieken weliswaar therapeutisch effectief zijn, maar dat het effect waarschijnlijk toegeschreven moet worden aan andere factoren dan een
Cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy frequently report fatigue. However, knowledge of the importance of fatigue for these patients and of the factors associated with their fatigue is limited. The aim of the current investigation was to... more
Cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy frequently report fatigue. However, knowledge of the importance of fatigue for these patients and of the factors associated with their fatigue is limited. The aim of the current investigation was to gain more insight into fatigue as related to radiotherapy by answering the following questions. First, how is the experience of fatigue best described? Secondly, to what extent is fatigue related to sociodemographic, medical (including treatment), physical and psychological factors? Finally, is it possible to predict which patients will suffer from fatigue after completion of radiotherapy? Patients with different types of cancer receiving radiotherapy with curative intent (n = 250) were interviewed before and within 2 weeks of completion of radiotherapy. During treatment, patients rated their fatigue at 2-weekly intervals. Results indicate a gradual increase in fatigue over the period of radiotherapy and a decrease after completion of treatment. Fa...
Samenvatting Zorgverleners in de oncologie vinden het belangrijk aandacht te schenken aan het psychosociaal functioneren van hun patiënten. Door uiteenlopende factoren, met name tijdsdruk, lukt het niet altijd aandacht voor deze dimensie... more
Samenvatting Zorgverleners in de oncologie vinden het belangrijk aandacht te schenken aan het psychosociaal functioneren van hun patiënten. Door uiteenlopende factoren, met name tijdsdruk, lukt het niet altijd aandacht voor deze dimensie om te zetten in optimale ...
Samenvatting  De afgelopen jaren heeft er een explosieve groei plaats gevonden van het aantal publicaties over spiritualiteit in relatie tot gezondheid; het aantal artikelen is de laatste tien jaar zes maal zo veel geworden.1... more
Samenvatting  De afgelopen jaren heeft er een explosieve groei plaats gevonden van het aantal publicaties over spiritualiteit in relatie tot gezondheid; het aantal artikelen is de laatste tien jaar zes maal zo veel geworden.1 Spiritualiteit lijkt vooral een belangrijke rol te spelen bij het omgaan met stressvolle gebeurtenissen, zoals een chronische of levensbedreigende ziekte.1-3 Het lijkt dan ook voor de hand
Surgical procedures can cause tumor cells to disseminate into the circulatory system. Although this spread of metastatic cells will be limited by immune activity, immunosuppression tends to be the main effect resulting from surgery. The... more
Surgical procedures can cause tumor cells to disseminate into the circulatory system. Although this spread of metastatic cells will be limited by immune activity, immunosuppression tends to be the main effect resulting from surgery. The objective of this study is to assess hormonal and immunological changes induced by breast cancer surgery. Endocrine and immune responses to surgery were determined in 27 breast cancer patients. Blood samples were taken at 6 days and 1 day before surgery and 2 hr, 1 day, and 5 days after surgery. Changes in endocrine function, number of leucocytes and their subpopulations, enumerative immune expression, functional activity, and cytokine levels were determined. Breast cancer surgery induces a pro-inflammatory response and leucocytosis. Immunosuppression is indicated by decreased HLA-DR expression, decreased NKCA, and a Th2 response. A delayed Th1 response was also found 5 days after surgery. As no cortisol level change was observed, this hormone can be excluded as the mediator of surgery-related immunomodulation in breast cancer. Although breast cancer surgery is classified as minor surgery the surgical procedure produces substantial immunomodulation.
Hyperventilation is considered an important factor in the production of a variety of somatic symptoms. This complex of symptoms is called the Hyperventilation Syndrome (HVS). Recognition of symptoms during the hyperventilation provocation... more
Hyperventilation is considered an important factor in the production of a variety of somatic symptoms. This complex of symptoms is called the Hyperventilation Syndrome (HVS). Recognition of symptoms during the hyperventilation provocation test (HVPT) is a widely used criterion for diagnosing HVS. The validity of this criterion is tested in the present study. Twenty-three patients suspected of HVS performed a HVPT (hyperventilation during 3 min) and a mental load task (Stroop Color Word Test; CWT). It appeared that about the same number of patients (61%) recognized symptoms during the HVPT as during the CWT (52%), despite severe hypocapnia in the first test and normocapnia in the second. Reporting of symptoms was significantly related to psychological state and trait measures (SCL-90 and STAI scores) and unrelated to the degree of hypocapnia. These data have far reaching consequences, as they not only undermine the validity of the HVPT, but also question the tenability of the concept of HVS.
Prostate cancer is the most prevalent solid malignancy in men in the Netherlands. With regard to treatment, the focus of attention has shifted in the last decade from pure survival rates to health-related quality of life. HRQOL is... more
Prostate cancer is the most prevalent solid malignancy in men in the Netherlands. With regard to treatment, the focus of attention has shifted in the last decade from pure survival rates to health-related quality of life. HRQOL is affected differently by different treatments. The objective of this study is to assess the HRQOL related to treatment regime and time since diagnosis in Dutch men with prostate cancer. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 238 men with prostate cancer in a heterogeneous sample who filled in a general health-related quality-of-life measure (EORTC-QLQ-C30) and a prostate cancer specific quality-of-life instrument (the EORTC-QLQ-PR25) and a Joy-of-Life questionnaire. Men on hormonal treatment are doing worse compared with other treatments with respect to physical functioning, role functioning, fatigue, pain and sexual functioning. No differences were found between radical prostatectomy and radiation therapy on any of the HRQOL dimensions nor for time since diagnosis. In hormonal therapy, men who are diagnosed longer than two years ago report a worse cognitive functioning and more burdens from urinary problems.
This study tests the hypothesis that social anxiety and fear of bodily sensations are associated with the development of agoraphobic avoidance behavior in panic disorder patients. Twenty patients with panic disorder were compared to 20... more
This study tests the hypothesis that social anxiety and fear of bodily sensations are associated with the development of agoraphobic avoidance behavior in panic disorder patients. Twenty patients with panic disorder were compared to 20 patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia, matched by sex and duration of disorder. The two groups did not differ on measures of fear and frequency

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