Recent papers in Neuroticism
Independent advances in the study of personality traits and personal values have clarified their foundations, antecedents, content, structure, and measurement. Accumulating evidence shows that personality traits are largely endogenous... more
The aim of the present study is to explore the linkages between personality and organization citizenship behavior (OCB) using a field sample. Big-Five personality model was used to explore the relationship between personality and OCB. The... more
The first to advance a theory of the neuroticism of society was K. Horney. Her work is the foundation for a discussion of the concept of normality, in opposition to which the meaning of neuroticism is established, and which is viewed as a... more
To assess the opinion of intensive care unit (ICU) personnel and the impact of their personality and religious beliefs on decisions to forego life-sustaining treatments (DFLSTs). Cross-sectional, observational, national study in 18... more
Instruments for the assessment of the Eysenckian superfactors of personality, Psychoticism (P), Extraversion (E), and Neuroticism (N), were developed over the course of almost 50 years. Typically the convergence with the precursor was... more
We explored the relationship between dimensions of the Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5; Harkness & McNulty, 1994) of the Adolescent Version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-A; Butcher et al., 1992) and... more
Procrastination and personality are those behaviour aspects which affect the performance of an individual. The previous literature supports the fact that the neuroticism and the conscientiousness are strong predictors of the... more
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Neuroticism and extroversion have a high and positive relationship with psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. Since cardiovascular diseases are also considered as psychotic that can be reduced by... more
Traditional, biologically based trait theories have deservedly gained broad acceptance, but some long-standing core issues of personality research remain unresolved. Recent research questions whether (a) there can be a single universal... more
Was macht gute Führung aus? Wer eignet sich als Führungskraft und warum? Und welche Motive stehen dahinter? All dies könnten Fragen sein, mit denen Personalreferenten und Diagnostiker regelmäßig konfrontiert werden. Obwohl der Großteil... more
La présente étude vise à établir un lien modérateur entre les différentes facettes de l'émotivité et leurs effets sur l'engagement au travail et la détresse psychologique dans un contexte de leadership tyrannique.
One of the most important goals and outcomes of social life is to attain status in the groups to which we belong. Such face-to-face status is defined by the amount of respect, influence, and prominence each member enjoys in the eyes of... more
An integration of Heller's model of brain activity based on the affect circumplex and findings from personality research resulted in predictions for patterns of frontal and posterior EEG alpha related to basic dimensions of personality,... more
Procrastination has been of great interest to many researchers, with hundreds of studies done in the past 30 years. This paper presents the literature on procrastination focused on finding its location within the Big Five personality... more
This study investigated the effects of stress on visual selective attention according to the five-factor model of personality (FFM). The sample was selected with respect to neuropsychological control variables by multistage cluster... more
Денес, современите општества налагаат динамичен начин на живот. Денес луѓето постојано се натпреваруваат со времето и постојано бркаат нови цели. Многу често низ таа бркотница тие забораваат да се свртат кон себе и кон потребите на својот... more
Resumen: Introducción: La elección de la especialidad es una de las decisiones más importantes que deben afrontar los estudiantes de medicina tras terminar sus estudios. Siendo puramente social la naturaleza de esta profesión, las... more
Two multidimensional mood-state inventories, the Profile of Mood States (POMS) and the Eight State Questionnaire (8SQ), were administered to 289 Australian college undergraduates. Intercorrelations for the combined 14 subscales were... more
Background and objectives: According to the PICI model, second edition, the personality disorders of the neurotic area are six (anxious, phobic, obsessive, somatic, avoidant, and manic) and the diagnosis of the psychopathological disorder... more