Introducción. La mora (Rubus glaucus) es una fruta muy susceptible a la contaminación por residuo... more Introducción. La mora (Rubus glaucus) es una fruta muy susceptible a la contaminación por residuos de plaguicidas en su etapa de producción. Por tal razón, los análisis de residuos de plaguicidas en esta fruta tienen importancia para promover procesos que contribuyan a asegurar su calidad y seguridad. Objetivo. Analizar la residualidad de plaguicidas en frutos de mora (Rubus glaucus) obtenidos de zonas de producción y mercados mayoristas del Valle del Cauca. Materiales y métodos. Durante el segundo semestre del 2020 y el primero del 2021 se analizaron quince muestras de dos mercados mayoristas y quince muestras de tres zonas de producción del Valle del Cauca, a través de un análisis de multiresiduos de plaguicidas por cromatografía de gases acoplado con detector selectivo de masas (GC- MSD) y cromatografía líquida con espectrometría de masa a masa (LC-MS/MS). Para esto, se empleó el método QuEChERS y, además, se hizo un análisis de ditiocarbamatos totales por generación de disulfuro...
Over the last decades, companies in the agrifood sector have been developing a broad repertory of... more Over the last decades, companies in the agrifood sector have been developing a broad repertory of strategies to enhance and strengthen their engagement with small holder farmers. Despite the substantial efforts to boost inclusive businesses and to develop public-private-social partnerships, these interventions often struggle to achieve their goals. This paper points out that the social dimension of these interventions , usually ignored or considered tangential, is key for their management. It suggests that the business interventions need to be understood as a socially constructed process in which each actor exercises a particular agency, going beyond the linear vision that remains today and conceived it as a step-by-step progression from formulation , to implementation, to results, to evaluation. Considering the actor-oriented approach developed by Norman Long in the arena of rural development sociology, and the approaches and techniques that focused on shared knowledge and on gov-ernance such as the Art of Hosting, this paper contributes with a framework to identify, understand and address challenging social aspects appearing in planned interventions for rural development that involve business and small farmers as the two main actors.
Digital agricultural technologies are the application of big data and precision technologies to a... more Digital agricultural technologies are the application of big data and precision technologies to agriculture. Its main promise is to support global food systems, making them efficient, profitable, and sustainable. However, little we know of its advance between developed and developing countries and what are the potential consequences that these differences can have in terms of digital divide. Through a review of secondary information of startups selling digital technologies, this study explores the characteristics of the digital agriculture landscape in Colombia and France and highlights the need to conduct comparative studies that make evident the gaps between North and South
In this paper we present the first global assessments of COVID-19's impacts on food systems and t... more In this paper we present the first global assessments of COVID-19's impacts on food systems and their actors, focusing specifically on the food security and nutritional status of those affected in low and middle-income countries. The assessment covers 62 countries and is based on the analysis of 337 documents published in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The review confirms the magnitude and the severity of an unprecedented crisis that has spread worldwide and has spared only a few. The analysis shows that the dimension of food security that has been most affected is accessibility, with reasonably solid evidence suggesting that both financial and physical access to food have been disrupted. In contrast, there is no clear evidence that the availability of food has been affected. Overall, data suggests that food systems resisted and adapted to the disruption of the pandemic. This resilience came, however, at great costs, with the majority of the systems' actors having to cope with severe disruptions in their activities. In contrast, grocery stores and supermarkets made billions of dollars in profits in 2020.
Las Regiones Socialmente Responsables como estrategia territorial de la Responsabilidad Social Em... more Las Regiones Socialmente Responsables como estrategia territorial de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) están siendo desarrolladas en distintos lugares de Colombia. En el caso particular del Norte del Cauca, la Región Socialmente Responsable surge como una iniciativa de los empresarios con el ánimo de dar respuesta a las necesidades locales y apostar a la construcción de un proceso de intervención social en el marco de una agenda regional de desarrollo, que incluya la perspectiva de múltiples actores como empresarios de las zonas francas asentadas en la zona, gobiernos locales, academia y representantes de la comunidad. Este artículo de reflexión se propone describir el proceso de construcción colectiva de la Región Socialmente Responsable del Norte del Cauca. Se presenta en tres partes: en la primera se describen los principales referentes conceptuales atinentes a la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y la Región Socialmente Responsable. En la segunda parte se exponen las ...
Una presentación de la región socialmente responsable del Norte del Cauca A presentation of the s... more Una presentación de la región socialmente responsable del Norte del Cauca A presentation of the socially responsible region of Northern of Cauca Une présentation de la région socialement responsable du Nord du Cauca
This article compiles the academic work performed in the seminar called "Management Tendencies" o... more This article compiles the academic work performed in the seminar called "Management Tendencies" of the Economic Science, Management and Accounting Faculty of the Catholic of the North University Foundation. During the first version (March 2014) of this seminar two subjects were developed oriented towards the strengthening of professionals in company management: competence of manager and sustainable companies. This article compiles reflections dealing with the two subjects already mentioned; these reflections were written by three speakers participating of the seminar. We hope that this thoughtful summary, similar to a proceedings document derived from the seminar, becomes a reference document for future academic and research works.
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Esta obra se encuentra sujeta a una licencia Creative Commons... more Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Esta obra se encuentra sujeta a una licencia Creative Commons IGO 3.0 Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas (CC-IGO 3.0 BY-NC-ND) (http:// y puede ser reproducida para cualquier uso nocomercial otorgando el reconocimiento respectivo al BID. No se permiten obras derivadas. Cualquier disputa relacionada con el uso de las obras del BID que no pueda resolverse amistosamente se someterá a arbitraje de conformidad con las reglas de la CNUDMI (UNCITRAL). El uso del nombre del BID para cualquier fin distinto al reconocimiento respectivo y el uso del logotipo del BID, no están autorizados por esta licencia CC-IGO y requieren de un acuerdo de licencia adicional. Note que el enlace URL incluye términos y condiciones adicionales de esta licencia. Las opiniones expresadas en esta publicación son de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa.
Introducción. La mora (Rubus glaucus) es una fruta muy susceptible a la contaminación por residuo... more Introducción. La mora (Rubus glaucus) es una fruta muy susceptible a la contaminación por residuos de plaguicidas en su etapa de producción. Por tal razón, los análisis de residuos de plaguicidas en esta fruta tienen importancia para promover procesos que contribuyan a asegurar su calidad y seguridad. Objetivo. Analizar la residualidad de plaguicidas en frutos de mora (Rubus glaucus) obtenidos de zonas de producción y mercados mayoristas del Valle del Cauca. Materiales y métodos. Durante el segundo semestre del 2020 y el primero del 2021 se analizaron quince muestras de dos mercados mayoristas y quince muestras de tres zonas de producción del Valle del Cauca, a través de un análisis de multiresiduos de plaguicidas por cromatografía de gases acoplado con detector selectivo de masas (GC- MSD) y cromatografía líquida con espectrometría de masa a masa (LC-MS/MS). Para esto, se empleó el método QuEChERS y, además, se hizo un análisis de ditiocarbamatos totales por generación de disulfuro...
Over the last decades, companies in the agrifood sector have been developing a broad repertory of... more Over the last decades, companies in the agrifood sector have been developing a broad repertory of strategies to enhance and strengthen their engagement with small holder farmers. Despite the substantial efforts to boost inclusive businesses and to develop public-private-social partnerships, these interventions often struggle to achieve their goals. This paper points out that the social dimension of these interventions , usually ignored or considered tangential, is key for their management. It suggests that the business interventions need to be understood as a socially constructed process in which each actor exercises a particular agency, going beyond the linear vision that remains today and conceived it as a step-by-step progression from formulation , to implementation, to results, to evaluation. Considering the actor-oriented approach developed by Norman Long in the arena of rural development sociology, and the approaches and techniques that focused on shared knowledge and on gov-ernance such as the Art of Hosting, this paper contributes with a framework to identify, understand and address challenging social aspects appearing in planned interventions for rural development that involve business and small farmers as the two main actors.
Digital agricultural technologies are the application of big data and precision technologies to a... more Digital agricultural technologies are the application of big data and precision technologies to agriculture. Its main promise is to support global food systems, making them efficient, profitable, and sustainable. However, little we know of its advance between developed and developing countries and what are the potential consequences that these differences can have in terms of digital divide. Through a review of secondary information of startups selling digital technologies, this study explores the characteristics of the digital agriculture landscape in Colombia and France and highlights the need to conduct comparative studies that make evident the gaps between North and South
In this paper we present the first global assessments of COVID-19's impacts on food systems and t... more In this paper we present the first global assessments of COVID-19's impacts on food systems and their actors, focusing specifically on the food security and nutritional status of those affected in low and middle-income countries. The assessment covers 62 countries and is based on the analysis of 337 documents published in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The review confirms the magnitude and the severity of an unprecedented crisis that has spread worldwide and has spared only a few. The analysis shows that the dimension of food security that has been most affected is accessibility, with reasonably solid evidence suggesting that both financial and physical access to food have been disrupted. In contrast, there is no clear evidence that the availability of food has been affected. Overall, data suggests that food systems resisted and adapted to the disruption of the pandemic. This resilience came, however, at great costs, with the majority of the systems' actors having to cope with severe disruptions in their activities. In contrast, grocery stores and supermarkets made billions of dollars in profits in 2020.
Las Regiones Socialmente Responsables como estrategia territorial de la Responsabilidad Social Em... more Las Regiones Socialmente Responsables como estrategia territorial de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) están siendo desarrolladas en distintos lugares de Colombia. En el caso particular del Norte del Cauca, la Región Socialmente Responsable surge como una iniciativa de los empresarios con el ánimo de dar respuesta a las necesidades locales y apostar a la construcción de un proceso de intervención social en el marco de una agenda regional de desarrollo, que incluya la perspectiva de múltiples actores como empresarios de las zonas francas asentadas en la zona, gobiernos locales, academia y representantes de la comunidad. Este artículo de reflexión se propone describir el proceso de construcción colectiva de la Región Socialmente Responsable del Norte del Cauca. Se presenta en tres partes: en la primera se describen los principales referentes conceptuales atinentes a la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y la Región Socialmente Responsable. En la segunda parte se exponen las ...
Una presentación de la región socialmente responsable del Norte del Cauca A presentation of the s... more Una presentación de la región socialmente responsable del Norte del Cauca A presentation of the socially responsible region of Northern of Cauca Une présentation de la région socialement responsable du Nord du Cauca
This article compiles the academic work performed in the seminar called "Management Tendencies" o... more This article compiles the academic work performed in the seminar called "Management Tendencies" of the Economic Science, Management and Accounting Faculty of the Catholic of the North University Foundation. During the first version (March 2014) of this seminar two subjects were developed oriented towards the strengthening of professionals in company management: competence of manager and sustainable companies. This article compiles reflections dealing with the two subjects already mentioned; these reflections were written by three speakers participating of the seminar. We hope that this thoughtful summary, similar to a proceedings document derived from the seminar, becomes a reference document for future academic and research works.
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Esta obra se encuentra sujeta a una licencia Creative Commons... more Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Esta obra se encuentra sujeta a una licencia Creative Commons IGO 3.0 Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas (CC-IGO 3.0 BY-NC-ND) (http:// y puede ser reproducida para cualquier uso nocomercial otorgando el reconocimiento respectivo al BID. No se permiten obras derivadas. Cualquier disputa relacionada con el uso de las obras del BID que no pueda resolverse amistosamente se someterá a arbitraje de conformidad con las reglas de la CNUDMI (UNCITRAL). El uso del nombre del BID para cualquier fin distinto al reconocimiento respectivo y el uso del logotipo del BID, no están autorizados por esta licencia CC-IGO y requieren de un acuerdo de licencia adicional. Note que el enlace URL incluye términos y condiciones adicionales de esta licencia. Las opiniones expresadas en esta publicación son de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa.
Papers by Jenny Melo