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M. Yoesoef

    M. Yoesoef

    This study uses a corpus of short stories entitled Siapa Kirim Aku Bunga? by Eka Kurniawan, which contains issues of postcolonialism through mimicry, ambivalence, and hybridity of the Si Gadis Penjual Bunga’s character, which then shows... more
    This study uses a corpus of short stories entitled Siapa Kirim Aku Bunga? by Eka Kurniawan, which contains issues of postcolonialism through mimicry, ambivalence, and hybridity of the Si Gadis Penjual Bunga’s character, which then shows the existence of a discourse of resistance. This study aims to dismantle the strategy of resistance through mimicry, ambivalence, and hybridity in the short story Siapa Kirim Aku Bunga? by Eka Kurniawan. This research is qualitative, using the hermeneutic method. The research begins with understanding the text, then interpreting it to show and explain the existence of mimicry, ambivalence, and hybridity with descriptive methods. The approach used in this research is post-colonialism. The show that mimicry, ambivalence, and hybridity through European dress are a strategy in carrying out a discourse of resistance by the colonized to the colonialists. This resistance refers to the dark story of the Indonesian people regarding the disposal of indigenous ...
    Pengucapan syukur Minahasa merupakan tradisi panen yang dirayakan setiap tahun, yang mempertemukan ritual religi Kristen dan ritual religi tradisional masyarakat Minahasa pra-Kristen. Ritual-ritual yang sakral maupun yang profan... more
    Pengucapan syukur Minahasa merupakan tradisi panen yang dirayakan setiap tahun, yang mempertemukan ritual religi Kristen dan ritual religi tradisional masyarakat Minahasa pra-Kristen. Ritual-ritual yang sakral maupun yang profan melibatkan makanan yang berlimpah. Tradisi pengucapan syukur merupakan wujud rasa bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Besar (Opo Empung Wailan Wangko) atas berkat keberhasilan panen. Terkait makanan dalam tradisi panen ini, nasi jaha yang dimasak dalam bambu dan dodol merupakan makanan yang wajib dihadirkan untuk dimakan di tempat perayaan dan/atau dibawa pulang sebagai oleh-oleh. Artikel ini mendiskusikan bagaimana kuliner tradisional Minahasa, terutama yang dimasak dalam bambu, menjadi salah satu unsur yang membuat tradisi ini tetap bertahan kendati ada kendala-kendala dalam perayaan tahunan. Penelitian ini memperoleh data melalui kajian kepustakaan, wawancara, dan observasi di lapangan yang dilengkapi dokumentasi.
    This research aims to explain the hidden narrative in the slametan of the ulur-ulur ritual at Telaga Buret, Sawo Village, Campurdarat District, Tulungagung Regency. In 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the long sequences of ulur-ulur... more
    This research aims to explain the hidden narrative in the slametan of the ulur-ulur ritual at Telaga Buret, Sawo Village, Campurdarat District, Tulungagung Regency. In 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the long sequences of ulur-ulur rituals were summarized by only conducting slametan. This indicates that the main foundation of the ulur-ulur ritual is slametan. To find the core ideology of slametan, this study employed the ethnographic approach. Data were obtained through participatory research and in-depth interview. The collected data were then transcribed and analyzed using related theories. This research shows that in slametan, syncretic narratives are beautifully woven into the ritual. An assortment of narratives from Islam and other religions or beliefs is represented in the offerings served during the ritual. Each offering is addressed specifically to a particular supernatural entity through ujub. This harmonious assortment shows that the Javanese people have a high degree ...
    The use of the terminology of Islam Literature and Islamic Literature by literary academics and readers in Indonesia is still confusing. It is inseparable from the development of Islam in Indonesia after the New Order. At that time,... more
    The use of the terminology of Islam Literature and Islamic Literature by literary academics and readers in Indonesia is still confusing. It is inseparable from the development of Islam in Indonesia after the New Order. At that time, publishers had a unilateral claim that their work was the work of Islam literature or Islamic literature. Based on that, this study aims to find the definition and characteristics of the terminology of Islam Literature and Islamic Literature. This study uses the dialectical method, which is a method that contrasts several different views on a problem, in this case, the definition of Islam Literature and Islamic Literature. To collect data, this study uses a literature study of experts' opinions, literary observers, data on literary works, and the development of Indonesian literature. The results of the discussion show that Islam literature refers to all literary works that are strictly based on the text of the holy book and hadith; while Islamic lite...
    In Minahasa, North Sulawesi, the people in the villages of Minahasa has an annual harvest-related celebration called Pengucapan Syukur or Thanksgiving celebration of the people of Minahasa. According to a research in South Minahasa, this... more
    In Minahasa, North Sulawesi, the people in the villages of Minahasa has an annual harvest-related celebration called Pengucapan Syukur or Thanksgiving celebration of the people of Minahasa. According to a research in South Minahasa, this Christian celebration that has been practiced at least since 1940 has gone through changes along the way. This tradition has developed as such in line with the dynamics of the Minahasans. Thanksgiving used to be celebrated only in the villages in some parts of Minahasa, but nowadays this tradition has also been celebrated in the capital city of Minahasa, Manado. This local thanksgiving tradition clearly focuses on the food being served on the thanksgiving table. In this celebration they have to serve abundant food of traditional taste, championing nasi jaha and dodol. Each and every household has special budget that allows them to prepare abundant food for this occasion. This is a qualitative research using ethnographic approach. Schechner’s perform...
     In the puppet world there are Punakawan figures (Semar, Petruk, Gareng, and Bagong) who represent commoners, loyal servants, and they become a vehicle for raise people's voices to be of concern to all community circles. Behind the... more
     In the puppet world there are Punakawan figures (Semar, Petruk, Gareng, and Bagong) who represent commoners, loyal servants, and they become a vehicle for raise people's voices to be of concern to all community circles. Behind the Punakawan figures, the values of wisdom and local wisdom are stored in relation to human characters, relationships between people, and human relations with nature and the environment. The existence and potential of the Punakawan are explored maximally in N. Riantiarno's hands as an effective vehicle to raise awareness to the theater audience about the conditions that the Indonesian people are communally facing. The potential of Punakawan is elaborated in the five literary works of the drama which were then staged, namely "Republik Bagong," "Republic of Togog," "Republic of Petruk," "Republic of Cangik," and "Semar Gugat," from which can be derived one perspective voiced by the Punakawan related to...
    The strongest emotion within human nature is fear[1], meanwhile, the strongest type of fear is the fear over the unknown[2]. Freud developed a concept called das Unheimliche that is related to stories which can trigger fear and terror.... more
    The strongest emotion within human nature is fear[1], meanwhile, the strongest type of fear is the fear over the unknown[2]. Freud developed a concept called das Unheimliche that is related to stories which can trigger fear and terror. The horror stories permeated in Indonesia during the period of 19701990s were considered as the third-rate literature, even though it had a considerable amount of readers who were fans of these stories. During the period, several horror writers were coming into the spotlight. However, Abdullah Harahap, who were prominent among readers during 1970-1990s, turns to be a less-known writer when it comes to academic research. During the period, several horror writers were coming into the spotlight, such as Tara Zagita, Teguh S., Abdullah Harahap, or S.B. Chandra. Yet, only Abdullah Harahap who could set the record as the most productive horror writer compared to the others. This research examines Roh dari Masa Lampau (1981), a novel written by an Indonesian...
    This research examines Titisan Iblis (1989), a novel written by an Indonesian writer Abdullah Harahap, using Sigmund Freud’s concept of das Unheimliche (the uncanny). This research aims to reveal how violence and abnormal sexual behaviors... more
    This research examines Titisan Iblis (1989), a novel written by an Indonesian writer Abdullah Harahap, using Sigmund Freud’s concept of das Unheimliche (the uncanny). This research aims to reveal how violence and abnormal sexual behaviors depicted in a literary work can be used as the manifestation of the chaos within the public order using the concept of das Unheimliche. Violence and abnormal sexual behaviors occur because of the absence of the authority’s supervision. The violence conducted in the public is inevitably related to the violence happened within the private one. Additionally, a horror story can also show how it is used to confront anomaly, anxiety, and fear which is different compared to the everyday life. Fear and anxiety are impossible to be expressed in the real world, but they can be manifested through a literary work. In this context, the distrust towards the formal and informal authority is shown through the process of problem-solving in which does not involve an...
    Judul buku: Antologi Drama Indonesia 1895-1930 (jilid 1), Antologi Drama Indonesia 1931-1945 (jilid 2), Antologi Drama Indonesia 1946-1968 (ii/id 3), Antologi Drama Indonesia 1969-2000 (jilid 4) Penyunting: Eko Endarmoko da11 Sonya... more
    Judul buku: Antologi Drama Indonesia 1895-1930 (jilid 1), Antologi Drama Indonesia 1931-1945 (jilid 2), Antologi Drama Indonesia 1946-1968 (ii/id 3), Antologi Drama Indonesia 1969-2000 (jilid 4) Penyunting: Eko Endarmoko da11 Sonya Sondakh Penerbit: Amanah Lontar Ta/nm terbit: 2006 Tebal.· xxix + 269 halama11 (Jilid I), xxiv + 305 halaman (Ji/id 2), xx.iv+ 53 ! halaman (Ji/id 3), xxiv +640 ha/aman (Ji/id 4)
    Pesona kekuasaan, baik di ranah keluarga (domestik) maupun di ranah umum (publik) senantiasa memicu pergolakan di antara anggota keluarga dan masyarakat luas. Dalam pada itu, para birokrat yang mengemban tugas pemerintahan dapat dikatakan... more
    Pesona kekuasaan, baik di ranah keluarga (domestik) maupun di ranah umum (publik) senantiasa memicu pergolakan di antara anggota keluarga dan masyarakat luas. Dalam pada itu, para birokrat yang mengemban tugas pemerintahan dapat dikatakan sebagai ujung tombak untuk menyejahterakan masyarakat melalui program-programnya. Namun demikian, dinamika di lapangan, selain hal positif juga menimbulkan efek negatif, yang berkaitan dengan perilaku birokrat dalam hal implementasi program-program itu. Hal itu terekam dalam ingatan kolektif masyarakat dan menjadi batu besar yang menghalangi pandangan. W.S. Rendra dan N. Riantiarno melalui karyanya merekam ingatan kolektif itu menjadi sebuah drama yang menyindir dan kritis. Di balik karyanya itu, mereka memberi ingatan kepada kita betapa ekses dari proses pembangunan sepanjang tahun 1970-an menuai opini yang perlu dicermati di masa sekarang ini.Kata kunci: ingatan kolektif, domestik, publik, birokrat
    The talk on horror stories never ceased to be discussed, as ones will find any topics regarding horror stories, even in daily conversation. The horror stories permeated in Indonesia during the period of 1970-1990s were considered as a... more
    The talk on horror stories never ceased to be discussed, as ones will find any topics regarding horror stories, even in daily conversation. The horror stories permeated in Indonesia during the period of 1970-1990s were considered as a third-rate literature, even though it had a considerable amount of readers who were fans of these stories. During the period, Abdullah Harahap came into the spotlight and became the most productive horror writer compared to his colleagues. However, Abdullah Harahap, who were prominent among readers during 1970-1990s, turns to be a less-known writer when it comes to academic research. This research examines Misteri Lembah Hantu (1988), a novel written by an Indonesian writer Abdullah Harahap, that the novel is regarded to sufficiently represent the stories in other novels that exhibit the elements of violence, abnormal sexuality, and the troubled nuclear family relation. The novel be will analyzed from its plot to understand the narrative pattern. Plot ...
    ... drama ini sangat jelas penyimbolannya, yaitu Dainip Jaya untuk Dai Nippon, Pandu Setiawan dan Partiwi adalah pemuda-pemudi Indonesia yang menghadapi masalah dengan Nadarlan (Hindia Belanda) yang telah membunuh Priyayiwati (simbol... more
    ... drama ini sangat jelas penyimbolannya, yaitu Dainip Jaya untuk Dai Nippon, Pandu Setiawan dan Partiwi adalah pemuda-pemudi Indonesia yang menghadapi masalah dengan Nadarlan (Hindia Belanda) yang telah membunuh Priyayiwati (simbol golongan ningrat, priyayi). ...
    This research aims to explain the hidden narrative in the slametan of the ulur-ulur ritual at Telaga Buret, Sawo Village, Campurdarat District, Tulungagung Regency. In 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the long sequences of ulur-ulur... more
    This research aims to explain the hidden narrative in the slametan of the ulur-ulur ritual at Telaga Buret, Sawo Village, Campurdarat District, Tulungagung Regency. In 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the long sequences of ulur-ulur rituals were summarized by only conducting slametan. This indicates that the main foundation of the ulur-ulur ritual is slametan. To find the core ideology of slametan, this study employed the ethnographic approach. Data were obtained through participatory research and in-depth interview. The collected data were then transcribed and analyzed using related theories. This research shows that in slametan, syncretic narratives are beautifully woven into the ritual. An assortment of narratives from Islam and other religions or beliefs is represented in the offerings served during the ritual. Each offering is addressed specifically to a particular supernatural entity through ujub. This harmonious assortment shows that the Javanese people have a high degree of adaptability when it comes to adjusting their religious practices to inevitable social changes.

    Full Text here: https://scholarhub.ui.ac.id/paradigma/vol13/iss1/