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    Michelle Lampl

    A maximum likelihood method of mixed distribution analysis is investigated for its utility as a method for the identification of saltation and stasis in longitudinal growth data. Daily infant growth data that have been previously... more
    A maximum likelihood method of mixed distribution analysis is investigated for its utility as a method for the identification of saltation and stasis in longitudinal growth data. Daily infant growth data that have been previously identified to follow a saltatory growth process are employed. This is a novel application of the finite mixed distribution analysis (MDA), a method designed to objectively identify the presence of one or more Gaussian populations. The null hypothesis is that a single Gaussian distribution best describes the incremental growth data. This would be compatible with smooth, slowly varying daily growth patterns. This study explores whether or not two distinctive populations are evident in incremental saltatory growth data, as postulated by the saltation and stasis observations. The analysis is important in providing a growth model-independent test for the presence of saltation and stasis by a separate statistical assessment with none of the saltatory algorithm assumptions. The finite mixed distribution analysis identifies that each individual's incremental growth data is statistically best described as a mixture consisting of two components, or two populations of increments (chi-square, p < 0.05). For each individual, one of these populations is centred about a zero increment, and is compatible with the previous evidence of stasis intervals. The second population of data points is characterized by unique distributions for each individual, compatible with the previous observation that infants grow by unique patterns of growth saltations in both amplitude and frequency. The percentage of data points that fall within each of the two unique finite mixture distributions (FMDs) is similar to the proportions of discrete saltation and stasis intervals previously identified by the saltation and stasis method. Thus, the FMD analysis lends support to the nature of growth as a saltatory process characterized by two states in the daily growth of these infants. By contrast with the saltatory algorithm, which is applied to the original serial growth measurements, the mixed distribution analysis employs increments removed from their time relationships. The lack of time series sequence information precludes the mixed distribution method from reconstructing specific temporal patterns of saltatory growth. The present analysis reiterates that individual growth patterns are statistically unique and cannot be reconstructed or identified from group data.
    Introduction: Ideal cardiovascular health (CVH) promotion is effective for cardiovascular disease prevention. Whether increased CVH score improves oxidative stress is less clear. Our study examined the correlation between changes in ideal... more
    Introduction: Ideal cardiovascular health (CVH) promotion is effective for cardiovascular disease prevention. Whether increased CVH score improves oxidative stress is less clear. Our study examined the correlation between changes in ideal CVH status and oxidative stress. Hypothesis: Improvement in CVH score is correlated with changes in oxidative stress. Methods: A total of 569 actively working adult employees (51±11 years, 64% women, 21% Black) underwent a health partner-mediated lifestyle intervention. Serial counseling was delivered by a trained HP focused on promoting clinical self-knowledge and adoption of a healthier lifestyle, based on the subject’s personal schedule. Anthropometric, dietary and laboratory measurements were obtained at baseline and 1- and 2-year follow-up visits. Plasma levels of reduced (glutathione) and oxidized (cystine) aminothiols were measured by high performance liquid chromatography at baseline and follow-up to assess oxidative stress. Ratios of oxidi...
    Auxological measurements were taken weekly (n = lo), semiweekly (n = 201, and daily (n : 3) during the first 21 months of life on a sample of normal infants (21 females and 12 males). The serial length measurements are reported. All... more
    Auxological measurements were taken weekly (n = lo), semiweekly (n = 201, and daily (n : 3) during the first 21 months of life on a sample of normal infants (21 females and 12 males). The serial length measurements are reported. All subjects grew in length during episodic growth saltuses of short duration, with amplitudes of 0.5-2.0 cm during measurement intervals (1 day to 1 week), separated by periods of no measurable growth (2 days to 2 months). The periods of stasis between growth episodes are not positively associated with illness (P = 0.000). These data support the hypothesis that normal human growth during the first 2 years proceeds by pulsatile growth saltuses oP substantial amplitude and rapid duration punctuating static intervals. Individual variability in the amplitude and frequency of growth saltuses may account for variation in attained length and growth velocity. c 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc Research advances in endocrinology and molecular biology during the past decade have...
    Growth spurts or periods of increased nursing, commonly occur at around 10 days to 3 weeks of age, 6 weeks of age, 3 months of age, and 6 months of age, but they can happen at any time. During these times your baby may demand to feed more... more
    Growth spurts or periods of increased nursing, commonly occur at around 10 days to 3 weeks of age, 6 weeks of age, 3 months of age, and 6 months of age, but they can happen at any time. During these times your baby may demand to feed more often than he has previously, maybe as often as every hour. He may seem fussy and less content after feedings than he has in days before. This increase in the number of feedings is baby's way of increasing your milk supply to meet his needs. This is not the time to supplement or adhere to a strict schedule as your breasts need the extra stimulation in order to "boost up" your supply. Simply allow your baby the extra time at the breast that he needs. In a few days when he has increased your supply, he will return to his previous nursing pattern. "Don't Watch The Clock!" Don't watch the clock for how long baby has been nursing. Don't watch the clock for how long it's been since baby last wanted to nurse. Don't watch the clock for how many times you've been awakened that night to nurse. Growth spurts happen. They happen with all nursing couplets. Some babies protest more about them and others seem to sail through them with the greatest of ease. Signs of a Growth Spurt
    Considering the life-long influences of fetal growth biology, it is of interest to further elucidate the nature of the fetal growth process itself. Previous analyses of longitudinal fetal ultrasound data led to the hypothesis that hypoxia... more
    Considering the life-long influences of fetal growth biology, it is of interest to further elucidate the nature of the fetal growth process itself. Previous analyses of longitudinal fetal ultrasound data led to the hypothesis that hypoxia signals were important aspects of normal growth biology and directed attention to the place of oxygen as a basic nutrient. From the perspec- tive of the cell, both hypoxia and lack of energy substrate trigger a common adaptive pathway through their effects on ATP availability. Comparative data from animal studies and cell culture provide evidence for an integrated energy/oxygen signaling system that acts redundantly and hierarchically with cellular differentiation programs, providing opportunities for developmental flexibility in response to variable ecologic or environmental challenge. The multinodal and inter- active design of the fetal growth process suggests that it follows what has been described as the ''bow tie'' model of met...
    Health across the life span is predicted by cellular health as established in tissue and organ structure and function early in life. The cellular machinery of mitosis and the platforms for transcription-mediated cell differentiation give... more
    Health across the life span is predicted by cellular health as established in tissue and organ structure and function early in life. The cellular machinery of mitosis and the platforms for transcription-mediated cell differentiation give rise to phenotypic varieties of embodied experience through growth. Earliest cell fate decisions reflect stochastic processes. Competitive cell lineage commitments follow, encouraged by gene expression patterns influenced by the environment through hierarchical hub negotiations, and carried out by translational signaling. Cell-level negotiations emerge as the anlage for building multi-cellular bodies. Mechanistically linked to cell fate, metabolic strategies underlie early cell decisions and are core influences on variable phenotypic outcomes in changing environments. Fundamental biological processes, including oxidative stress, inflammation and stem cell regenerative potential mediate healthy aging at the cellular level. This chapter is an overview...
    David Barker established growth as a seminal link between early development and later health attainment and disease risk. This was nothing less than a paradigm shift in health and medicine, turning the focus of disease causality away from... more
    David Barker established growth as a seminal link between early development and later health attainment and disease risk. This was nothing less than a paradigm shift in health and medicine, turning the focus of disease causality away from contemporary environmental influences to earliest growth as a time when functional anatomy and physiology sets in place critical structures and function for a lifetime.Barker’s prodigious work investigated time- and place-specific interactions between maternal condition and exogenous environmental influences, focusing on how growth unfolds across development to function as a mechanistic link to ensuing health. Subsequent applications do not always attend to the specificity and sensitivity issues included in his original work, and commonly overlook the long-standing methods and knowledge base of auxology. Methodological areas in need of refinement include enhanced precision in how growth is represented and assessed. For example, multiple variables h...
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    Depuis plusieurs annees, des methodes d'etude sur le temps de formation dentaire fondees sur l'analyse de la structure de l'email se sont developpees chez les hommes fossiles. Leur application aux Neandertaliens est... more
    Depuis plusieurs annees, des methodes d'etude sur le temps de formation dentaire fondees sur l'analyse de la structure de l'email se sont developpees chez les hommes fossiles. Leur application aux Neandertaliens est relativement recente et elle est venu alimenter le debat sur l'originalite eventuelle de la population neandertalienne du point de vue des processus ontogeniques. Les auteurs, a l'aide de quelques exemples portant sur des dents neandertaliennes et actuelles, souhaitent souligner l'importance de la variabilite affectant des parametres biologiques impliques dans la croissance de l'email et faire etat de leur reserves quant a l'etablissement d'un modele biologique propre a l'une ou l'autre des populations concernees
    Introduction: Ideal cardiovascular health (CVH) promotion is effective for cardiovascular disease prevention. Whether lifestyle intervention-induced changes in cardiovascular risk factors change va...
    Growth is a fundamental biological process of life. For more than a century, scientific ideas about how growth occurs put it into the category of background noise to daily life: an invisible aspect of getting bigger day-by-day that occurs... more
    Growth is a fundamental biological process of life. For more than a century, scientific ideas about how growth occurs put it into the category of background noise to daily life: an invisible aspect of getting bigger day-by-day that occurs unless a child becomes ill and can not grow. Careful measurement of individuals, however, documents that growth is not a backdrop, but a discrete time-specific event. These events impinge on individual well-being, alter sensory perceptions and influence behavior. Understanding fluctuations in behavior, particularly among infants, is challenging at best, limited by their developing communicative skills. Parents try to get into the head of their small children and understand the subjective experiences that drive their sometimes erratic behavior: the child who seemed perfectly content yesterday is suddenly a distraught individual for whom no action can make things right. Measurement has identified the existence of specific biological sources for such inexplicable outbursts: the child is growing. The subjective experience of growing is one of hunger, sleep changes, agitation and irritation. It looks like a child with a behavior problem, prompting parents to become concerned that their child needs to be disciplined. The objective reality of a growth spurt is a time of biological variation characterized by fluctuations in hormones and the chemistry of tissue alterations. Knowing that a child is growing brings concordance between behavior and biology and is empowering to both parents and children in coping with a fundamental experience in life. Growth is a lived experience
    Background: Low birth weight is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and earlier onset of disease in adulthood; however, the mechanisms underlying the link between birt...
    Nutritional influences on human growth are commonly assessed as weight or length/height outcomes, and adequacy is determined by reference to population-based growth charts. These approaches estimate gross effects only and are insensitive... more
    Nutritional influences on human growth are commonly assessed as weight or length/height outcomes, and adequacy is determined by reference to population-based growth charts. These approaches estimate gross effects only and are insensitive proxies for the dynamic processes by which nutritional components affect tissue accrual. Weight provides information about calorie balance and/or hydration status, while offering little insight into functional physiology. Height is often attributed meaning in accordance with growth charts, a static group level statistical summary unrelated to individual skeletal dynamics. Evidence accumulates that the lifelong health consequences of early growth necessitate a better understanding of individual-level body composition and its developmental determinants. Empirical evidence documents that children's skeletal and head circumference growth occurs in time-specific saltations separated by intervals of no growth. These saltation events are accompanied by...
    Introduction: Lifestyle modification is effective for cardiovascular disease prevention. Whether lifestyle intervention also preserves vascular health is less clear. Our study examined the role of ...
    Introduction. Within the Helsinki Birth Cohort, men who were tall when they were 7 years old lived for 5 years longer than men who were short. In the present analyses we examined two other in- fl uences known to be associated with... more
    Introduction. Within the Helsinki Birth Cohort, men who were tall when they were 7 years old lived for 5 years longer than men who were short. In the present analyses we examined two other in- fl uences known to be associated with lifespan: having children and educational attainment. We hypothesized that tall stature, the ability to have children, and high educational attainment refl ect three aspects of biological fi tness that are acquired dur- ing development. Methods. We examined all-cause mortality in 6975 men and 6370 women born in Helsinki during 1934 - 1944, whose childhood growth, number of children, and educational attainment were recorded. Results. In contrast to men, tall stat- ure in childhood was not associated with longer lifespan among women. Men and women who had children lived for longer than those who had no children. Among women, having children was only associated with increased lifespan among those whose body mass index increased between 2 and 11 years. High ed...
    Eveleth and Tanner's descriptive documentation of worldwide variability in human growth provided evidence of the interaction between genetics and environment during development that has been foundational to the science of human... more
    Eveleth and Tanner's descriptive documentation of worldwide variability in human growth provided evidence of the interaction between genetics and environment during development that has been foundational to the science of human growth. There remains a need, however, to describe the mechanistic foundations of variability in human height growth patterns.
    ... [4] Artifacts of fourier series analysis. Michael L. Johnson, Michelle Lampl. Available online 16 December 2003. Excerpt. Note: This is a one-page preview only. Click here to download preview. Enable JavaScript for PDF Excerpt to view... more
    ... [4] Artifacts of fourier series analysis. Michael L. Johnson, Michelle Lampl. Available online 16 December 2003. Excerpt. Note: This is a one-page preview only. Click here to download preview. Enable JavaScript for PDF Excerpt to view it inline. LOADING... ...
    PERIKYMATA COUNTS IN NEANDERTAL JUVENILES FROM KRAPINA Summary. — Recent analyses of the dental anatomy of immature fossil hominids have focussed on the microstructure of the enamel for specific clues concerning the age at death of the... more
    PERIKYMATA COUNTS IN NEANDERTAL JUVENILES FROM KRAPINA Summary. — Recent analyses of the dental anatomy of immature fossil hominids have focussed on the microstructure of the enamel for specific clues concerning the age at death of the specimen as well as ...

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