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Mitja Krajnčan

    Mitja Krajnčan

    As the primary school is not only a training ground for the theoretical preparation of students for life, its practical component is equally important. Unfortunately, the latter is performed very little or almost never, though it has a... more
    As the primary school is not only a training ground for the theoretical preparation of students for life, its practical component is equally important. Unfortunately, the latter is performed very little or almost never, though it has a very strong impact on the childʼs self-esteem, physical development, and his personality as a whole. In this article, we analyzed the so-called “experiential pedagogical weekend” containing the main elements of experiential pedagogy which help to improve students’ self-confidence, self-esteem, as well as their peer relationships. It is with the latter that the greatest progress is expected after the weekend.
    <p>The article offers a critical view on punishment, an always hot topic at school. School punishment is observed from a historical point of view, especially since the period when punishment became more humane. The question of the... more
    <p>The article offers a critical view on punishment, an always hot topic at school. School punishment is observed from a historical point of view, especially since the period when punishment became more humane. The question of the reasonableness of punishment and its appropriateness or necessity is the main issue of theoretical discourse. Restitution is seen as a good approach to punishment, without which it is difficult to imagine suitable socialization in a school environment, which should be an important challenge of postmodern schools.</p><p>The research also establishes how punishment appears in Slovene elementary school, if it even does, and what types of punishment prevail; what reasons for punishment are ascribed by pupils, teachers and by social workers. In dealing with punishment measures, we focused on the division of punishment types by Strmčnik (the category of administrative, morally condemning, settling, restraining, verbal and physical punishments), as well as on the efficacy of mentioned punishments.</p><p>We have performed interviews with social workers, trying to include also their role and point of view within the punishment dynamic and punishment in elementary school.</p>
    Mitja Krajnčan, Jana Rapuš Pavel, Covert forms of aggressive behaviour among girls [Ukryte formy zachowań agresywnych u dziewcząt]. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, nr 2, Poznań 2013. Pp. 189–209. Adam Mickiewicz... more
    Mitja Krajnčan, Jana Rapuš Pavel, Covert forms of aggressive behaviour among girls [Ukryte formy zachowań agresywnych u dziewcząt]. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, nr 2, Poznań 2013. Pp. 189–209. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISBN 978-83-232-2594-2. ISSN 2300-391X. Nowadays, increasingly more attention is being paid to the issue of aggressive behaviour, primarily owing to a stronger awareness of children’s rights and parents’ responsibility to promote them. The number of systematic studies dealing with the relational level and the area of covert aggressive behaviour is limited. In the past, studies investigating aggressive behaviour primarily focused on its most typical manifestation, i.e. physical aggression. In the postmodern period, however, experts have begun to explore different forms of aggressive behaviour which are particularly typical of girls. In this study the authors focused on various forms of covert violence to which girls in elementary schools ...
    In the last year, residential treatment centres in Slovenia have made a significant shift from traditional approaches to programs for young people which are adapted to their needs within the entire continuum of help: from preventive work... more
    In the last year, residential treatment centres in Slovenia have made a significant shift from traditional approaches to programs for young people which are adapted to their needs within the entire continuum of help: from preventive work to early detection, a range of support programs, various programs in out-ofhome care, and intensive treatment, up to the most difficult cases. It is therefore important that the work be properly reflected through quality settings. These concern all aspects of an institution's operation. Using a comparative method of comparing sources and analytical synthesis, we have shown all the important areas of operation of such a system. Orientation towards the areas of work quality represents a modern and current discourse, while simultaneously providing starting points for development.
    Institutional work includes all kinds of psychosocial assistance that offers, to people that need them, living environments and immediate environments adapted to their age, problems, disorders, and state. The diversity and dilemmas of... more
    Institutional work includes all kinds of psychosocial assistance that offers, to people that need them, living environments and immediate environments adapted to their age, problems, disorders, and state. The diversity and dilemmas of institutional work represent the central theoretical discourse that the authors are researching in the explanations of the total institution, the exact answers regarding the help the youth that involuntarily find themselves in such institutions receive. The continued development of the discourse logically proceeds into deinstitutionalisation. Semi-structured interviews of adults that have spent their youth in such institutions represent the empirical part of the research. Extreme psychosocial pressures make the youth deviate away from goal orientation and the purpose of the institutions’ operations. So, additionally, the authors have gathered a collection of good and bad experiences to bring attention to the many imperfections that should not be self-e...
    Članek ponuja kritičen pogled na vedno znova vroč kostanj v šoli, imenovan kazen. Šolsko kazen pregleda skozi zgodovinski diskurz usmerjen predvsem od obdobja, ko se je kazen pričela humanizirati. Vprašanje o smiselnosti kazni, njeni... more
    Članek ponuja kritičen pogled na vedno znova vroč kostanj v šoli, imenovan kazen. Šolsko kazen pregleda skozi zgodovinski diskurz usmerjen predvsem od obdobja, ko se je kazen pričela humanizirati. Vprašanje o smiselnosti kazni, njeni ustreznosti ali nuji predstavljajo osrednji del teoretskega diskurza. Restitucijo vidimo kot dober pristop v kaznovanju, brez katerega si je težko predstavljati ustrezno socializacijo v šolskem prostoru, katere v postmoderni morajo šoli pomeniti pomemben izziv.V raziskavi ugotavljamo kako se kazen, če se, pojavlja v slovenski osnovni šoli, katere kazni prevladujejo, kakšen vzroke za kaznovanje pripisujejo učenke/ci, kakšnega učitelji/ce in svetovalne/i delavke/ci. Pri kaznovalnih ukrepih smo se osredinili na Strmčnikovo razdelitev kaznovanja (kategorija upravno – administrativnih, moralno obsojajočih, poravnalnih, omejitvenih, osramotitvenih, verbalnih in telesne kazni) in na učinkovitost omenjenih kazni.S svetovalnimi delavkami smo opravili intervjuje,...
    As an ongoing process of dialogue, action, analysis and change, participation is an important aspect of democratic society. Not only does this mean that children and adolescents have a greater influence on decisions affecting their lives,... more
    As an ongoing process of dialogue, action, analysis and change, participation is an important aspect of democratic society. Not only does this mean that children and adolescents have a greater influence on decisions affecting their lives, but it also serves as representation and confirmation that they are trusted within established democratic procedures. In this paper we focus on children and adolescents involved in residential care treatment in institutions for delinquent youths. Qualitative research was carried out on the methods and level of participation of children and adolescents in the processes of help in which they are involved. Through the biographical statements given by them, analysing their thoughts and experiences, the research allows for a wider perspective and understanding of the implementation of the help processes required for the institutional treatment of children and adolescents with behavioural and emotional difficulties.