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Amirudin Syarif

    Amirudin Syarif

    • I am lecturer and researcher from a private university in a beautiful city called Palembang. Its located in Sumatra I... moreedit
    Berbagai faktor yang mendorong peningkatan animo mahasiswa dalam memilih kampus sebagai tempat kuliah, upaya yang dilakukan oleh perguruan tinggi untuk menarik mahasiswa dalam menempuh studi di universitas Bina Darma Palembang. Tujuan... more
    Berbagai faktor yang mendorong peningkatan animo mahasiswa dalam memilih kampus sebagai tempat kuliah, upaya yang dilakukan oleh perguruan tinggi untuk menarik mahasiswa dalam menempuh studi di universitas Bina Darma Palembang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis faktor determinan minat mahasiswa memilih Universitas Bina Darma sebagai perguruan tinggi di era pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) yang dilakukan di Universitas Bina Darma. Sumber data di ambil dati data primer yaitu data langsung lapangan dan data sekunder yaitu data dari penelitian atau sumber lain. Teknik pengumpulan dengan observasi, metode wawancara, metode kuisioner (angket) dan pencatatan dokumen. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Bina Darma. Sampel di ambil menggunakan metode random sampling dan menetapkan pengambilan sampel sebanyak 100 responden mahasiswa Universitas Bina Darma. Teknik analisis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini men...
    This research is a kind of field research, case study on Kedai Hj.S Jl.Kesumba Malang Town customers that aims to know how the influence of product quality, service quality and digital marketing to customer loyalty. The data were taken dire... more
    This research is a kind of field research, case study on Kedai Hj.S Jl.Kesumba Malang Town customers that aims to know how the influence of product quality, service quality and digital marketing to customer loyalty. The data were taken directly from the respondents through a questionnaire survey with Likert scale by random sampling to as many as 80 respondents. The results of data analysis using SPSS 23 software shows that both product quality, service quality and digital marketing have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Thus, to increase customer loyalty, it is suggested that Hj.S management to improve the product quality, or at least maintain the product quality, speed up the service processing and increase the social media usage.
    The government of Indonesia carries out OGD by developing a data portal (data.go.id) under the name Satu Data Indonesia (SDI) as part of an open government initiative. Several studies on OGD and its effect on SME business in various... more
    The government of Indonesia carries out OGD by developing a data portal (data.go.id) under the name Satu Data Indonesia (SDI) as part of an open government initiative. Several studies on OGD and its effect on SME business in various countries have shown that it has a positive influence on SME business progress, so it can be said that OGD is very important and can bring goodness to implementing countries like Indonesia. One of the concerns that the government must address is the use and benefits of data made available to stakeholders. Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) employ approximately 97 percent of the total workforce, and 99.9 percent of all businesses in Indonesia are MSMEs. MSMEs account for approximately 60 percent of Indonesia's total GDP. As one of the pillars of the Indonesian economy, SMEs must be considered in terms of data availability that suits their needs. That is why this research is important in gaining their perspective. This paper investigates the pe...
    During the rainy season, floods has become routine events in several cities in Indonesia. Various reasons to trigger the occurrence of flooding, among other drainage network system capacity is decreased, increasing water flow, or a... more
    During the rainy season, floods has become routine events in several cities in Indonesia. Various reasons to trigger the occurrence of flooding, among other drainage network system capacity is decreased, increasing water flow, or a combination of both. The capacity of the drainage channel has been calculated based on the design criteria to accommodate the flow of water occurs so that the area is not experiencing inundation or flooding. The reduced system capacity due to, among others, many precipitates, physical damage or their network systems and illegal buildings on the system network. While the cause of the discharge increases, among others, high rainfall out of habit, changes in land-use, environmental damage to the watershed in a region. Cases like mentioned above also occur in Bendung watersheed, so it is necessary to study the drainage network system performance evaluation based on the concept of sustainable drainage based on community participation. Good and bad, high and lo...
    Palembang songket business is an example of a small business that is managed by a family, and has been a family business for generations for decades to date. This business only focuses on songket sales efforts, but ignores personal... more
    Palembang songket business is an example of a small business that is managed by a family, and has been a family business for generations for decades to date. This business only focuses on songket sales efforts, but ignores personal relationships with customers. Relationships with customers are not managed properly; even most do not have complete data on their customers. This research is finding out and analyzing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) perspectives of Palembang songket business entrepreneurs. Research uses qualitative methodology with case study research methods, and observation. The results of the research are: (1) Some of the songket entrepreneurs still do not understand the importance of CRM, (2) According to some of the songket entrepreneurs who have understood the CRM is important, (3) The songket entrepreneurs are still not enough knowledge to build business data. Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Family business, Business data
    Formulation of the problem Is there any influene of performance appraisal on employee performance in PT Pelindo II Palembang. Is there an effect of compensation to employees performance in PT Pelindo II Palembang. The purpose of this... more
    Formulation of the problem Is there any influene of performance appraisal on employee performance in PT Pelindo II Palembang. Is there an effect of compensation to employees performance in PT Pelindo II Palembang. The purpose of this study wast determine and analyze the influence of performance appraisal and compensation to employees performance at PT Pelindo II Palembang. The method used in this study the observation,questionnaire, literature study.This method of data analysisis multiple linear regression.The population is all employees of PT Pelindo II Palembang using a 90 percent confidence level and total sample of 55 employees. Results of research on the hypothesis of this study is that H o is rejected while H a accepted, performance appraisal and compensation significantly influence employee performance. The conclusion in this study were 1)partial work performance ratings have a significant effect on employee performance.2)compensation significant influence on employee perform...
    Banjir yang terjadi pada musim hujan sudah menjadi peristiwa rutin di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Berbagai sebab menjadi pemicu terjadinya banjir, antara lain kapasitas sistem jaringan drainase yang menurun, debit aliran air yang... more
    Banjir yang terjadi pada musim hujan sudah menjadi peristiwa rutin di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Berbagai sebab menjadi pemicu terjadinya banjir, antara lain kapasitas sistem jaringan drainase yang menurun, debit aliran air yang meningkat, atau kombinasi dari kedua-duanya. Kapasitas saluran drainase berdasarkan design criteria sudah diperhitungkan untuk dapat menampung debit air yang terjadi sehingga kawasan yang dimaksud tidak mengalami genangan atau banjir. Menurunnya kapasitas sistem disebabkan antara lain, banyak terjadi endapan, terjadi kerusakan fisik sistem jaringan dan atau adanya bangunan liar di atas sistem jaringan. Sedangkan penyebab meningkatnya debit antara lain, curah hujan yang tinggi di luar kebiasaan, perubahan tata guna lahan, kerusakan lingkungan pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) di suatu kawasan. Kasus seperti tersebut di atas juga terjadi di sub DAS Bendung, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian evaluasi kinerja sistem jaringan drainase berdasarkan konsep drainase...
    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencoba melihat pengaruh penerapan teknologi informasi dan saling ketergantungan terhadap kinerja manajerial dengan SAM sebagai variabel intervening. Saat ini persaingan dunia usaha semakin ketat, para... more
    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencoba melihat pengaruh penerapan teknologi informasi dan saling ketergantungan terhadap kinerja manajerial dengan SAM sebagai variabel intervening. Saat ini persaingan dunia usaha semakin ketat, para pelaku usaha senantiasa memerlukan informasi yang tepat dan akurat. Oleh karena itu membutuhkan teknologi informasi yang mewadai untuk menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh para pelaku bisnis secara cepat dan akurat. Penelitian ini menggunakan SAM sebagai media mediasi. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menguji kembali pengaruh teknologi informasi, saling ketergantungan terhadap kinerja manajerial dengan SAM sebagai variabel intervening. Populasi penelitian adalah manajer pada perusahaan perkebunan hutan tanaman industri di Palembang. Analisis regresi dengan model langsung dan tidak langsung akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi informasi diperoleh memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja manajerial dengan perantar...
    The aim of the study is to find out and analyze the application of Green Supply Chain Management (hereafter GSCM) in culinary of pempek SMEs in Palembang. As a city that has diverse culinary, pempek SMEs are expected to participate in... more
    The aim of the study is to find out and analyze the application of Green Supply Chain Management (hereafter GSCM) in culinary of pempek SMEs in Palembang. As a city that has diverse culinary, pempek SMEs are expected to participate in supporting continuous environmentally development. It is because the GSCM concept aims to mini mize the negative impacts of an organization, and the environment related to climate change, pollution and non-renewable resources. In order to support GSCM, it is necessary to analyze and implement the GSCM that is applied by a special culinary of SME in Palembang. By doing analysis and application of GSCM, the constraints, and obstacles faced by Palembang Pempek entrepreneurs will be known. To answer the objectives of the research was conducted survey of 30 culinary SMEs that specialize Pempek, and found that in Palembang culinary have not fully implemented GSCM concepts. This can be seen from the 5 aspects of GSCM, reverse logistics: green procurement prac...
    PENGARUH PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN BISNIS TERHADAP KERAGAAN BISNIS MILIK KELUARGA (STUDI KASUS: USAHA SONGKET PALEMBANG) M. Amirudin Syarif, Gagan Ganjar Resmi, Andrian Noviardy Universitas Bina Darma, Palembang, amirudinsyarif@binadarma.ac.id... more
    PENGARUH PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN BISNIS TERHADAP KERAGAAN BISNIS MILIK KELUARGA (STUDI KASUS: USAHA SONGKET PALEMBANG) M. Amirudin Syarif, Gagan Ganjar Resmi, Andrian Noviardy Universitas Bina Darma, Palembang, amirudinsyarif@binadarma.ac.id gagan@binadarma.ac.id andrian_noviardy@binadarma.ac.id ABSTRAK: Banyak Bisnis Milik Keluarga (BMK) masih menerapkan pola manajemen kekeluargaan. Pola manajemen ini seringkali menjadi pertanyaan apakah menjadi pemicu keberhasilan BMK ataukah sebaliknya. Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan manajemen kekeluargaan pada era awal bisnis tersebut, dan karakteristik bisnisnya berpengaruh terhadap keragaan BMK. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah penerapan manajemen bisnis dapat berpengaruh terhadap keragaan BMK sebagaimana manajemen kekeluargaan. Hipotesa yang diajukan pada penelitian ini adalah: Manajemen bisnis berpengaruh terhadap keragaan BMK. Objek penelitian adalah BMK usaha songket Palembang. Pemilihan objek ini karena usa...
    This study was conducted to determined the differencesperception about quality of service between customer service (as service giver) and customer(as service recipient). In this study, data were obtained by questionnaires, the... more
    This study was conducted to determined the differencesperception about quality of service between customer service (as service giver) and customer(as service recipient). In this study, data were obtained by questionnaires, the questionnaires using 5 dimensions quality of services, consist of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty as the reference to make 18 questions. Data were processed using excel and SPSS program and being analyzed by using Wilcoxon test, a hypothesis non-parametric statistic to determine whether two different independent sample has a same value, this test. This kind of test can be use as test for 2 different independent sample with ordinal, interval, or ratio scale without normal distribution. The result of Wilcoxon test showed significant difference between Customer service (as service giver) quality of service and customer quality of service with significant value 0,012 < 0,05. And this showed that there is a difference perception abo...
    During the rainy season, floods has become routine events in several cities in Indonesia. Various reasons to trigger the occurrence of flooding, among other drainage network system capacity is decreased, increasing water flow, or a... more
    During the rainy season, floods has become routine events in several cities in Indonesia. Various reasons to trigger the occurrence of flooding, among other drainage network system capacity is decreased, increasing water flow, or a combination of both. The capacity of the drainage channel has been calculated based on the design criteria to accommodate the flow of water occurs so that the area is not experiencing inundation or flooding. The reduced system capacity due to, among others, many precipitates, physical damage or their network systems and illegal buildings on the system network. While the cause of the discharge increases, among others, high rainfall out of habit, changes in land-use, environmental damage to the watershed in a region. Cases like mentioned above also occur in Bendung watersheed, so it is necessary to study the drainage network system performance evaluation based on the concept of sustainable drainage based on community participation. Good and bad, high and lo...
    This study aims to determine how much influence the availability of products and product quality to customer satisfaction in the shop building Semen Balfour depot eight sisters in Jakabaring. The population in this study are all consumers... more
    This study aims to determine how much influence the availability of products and product quality to customer satisfaction in the shop building Semen Balfour depot eight sisters in Jakabaring. The population in this study are all consumers Semen Balfour in Stores Building Depot Eight sisters in Jakabaring ever decide to buy Semen Balfour. The sample used in this study amounted to 78 people. In this study, researchers will use the formula slovin. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Methods of collecting data through questionnaires and interviews. The technique of analysis, using multiple linear regression, t test (partial) and F test (simultaneous). Results of the testing that has been done from this study showed that the calculation results of multiple linear regression is Y = 0.889 + 0.313 (X1) +0.455 (X2) + e. The test results are known t sig product availability rates of 5.614> A = 0.220, this shows that the influence of the availability of products to customer s...
    As a BUMN that apply the Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Bank Mandiri company has applied ed to performance has increased. This report is aimed to know the influence of employee performance appraisal to employee satisfaction in unit loan... more
    As a BUMN that apply the Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Bank Mandiri company has applied ed to performance has increased. This report is aimed to know the influence of employee performance appraisal to employee satisfaction in unit loan factory satelite at bank mandiri company. The method of collecting data are got from questionnaire and research. The writer uses the quality and quantity method such as a simple regression equation, coefficient determination test, and test T. The analysis showed that the value T hitung 3.522>3.272 T tabel means that there is significant influence performance appraisal criteria on employee job satisfaction. Based on test results obtained correlation coefficient R value of 0.693 indicates a correlation or relationship between the criteria for assessment of performance against a strong employee satisfaction is based on the correlation coefficient interpretation table. R Square of 0.437 (43.7%) means a variable performance assessment criteria to exp...
    Palembang songket business is an example of a small business that is managed by a family, and has been a family business for generations for decades to date. This business only focuses on songket sales efforts, but ignores personal... more
    Palembang songket business is an example of a small business that is managed by a family, and has been a family business for generations for decades to date. This business only focuses on songket sales efforts, but ignores personal relationships with customers. Relationships with customers are not managed properly; even most do not have complete data on their customers. This research is finding out and analyzing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) perspectives of Palembang songket business entrepreneurs. Research uses qualitative methodology with case study research methods, and observation. The results of the research are: (1) Some of the songket entrepreneurs still do not understand the importance of CRM, (2) According to some of the songket entrepreneurs who have understood the CRM is important, (3) The songket entrepreneurs are still not enough knowledge to build business data. Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Family business, Business data