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Dubrovčani su izbor osoba kojima su odašiljali poslanike na pregovore o proširenju granica prilagođavali njihovu trenutnom društvenom položaju. U pokušajima realizacije ekspanzionističkih planova uvažavali su tradicionalno uređenje... more
Dubrovčani su izbor osoba kojima su odašiljali poslanike na pregovore o proširenju granica prilagođavali njihovu trenutnom društvenom položaju. U pokušajima realizacije ekspanzionističkih planova uvažavali su tradicionalno uređenje srednjovjekovnog svijeta, no ne uvijek i beziznimno. Iako su bili legalisti, nisu se libili odstupiti od davno uspostavljenih običaja, pogotovo kada su njihovi vitalni interesi bili ugroženi. Strategija širenja pokazala je da je gradsko vodstvo uvažavalo te nastojalo uočiti i iskoristiti promjene u odnosima moći kako bi postiglo najviše moguće u postojećim okolnostima.The people of Dubrovnik adjusted the selection of people, whom they sent the emissaries for negotiations about widening the borders, to their current social position. While trying to realize expansionist plans they acknowledged traditional system of the medieval world, but not always without exceptions. Although they were legalists, they did not hesitate in departing from customs established...
Analiza značenja poklisara koji su nastojali proširiti dubrovačke granice omogućava sagledavanje toga procesa iz novoga kuta. Svako poslanstvo pratilo se u odnosu na to: tko su izabrani poklisari, iz kojih društvenih slojeva i obitelji... more
Analiza značenja poklisara koji su nastojali proširiti dubrovačke granice omogućava sagledavanje toga procesa iz novoga kuta. Svako poslanstvo pratilo se u odnosu na to: tko su izabrani poklisari, iz kojih društvenih slojeva i obitelji dolaze, s kime sve dolaze u doticaj i pregovaraju, koliko se dugo zadržavaju u poslanstvu, moraju li često mijenjati mjesto boravka, kakve su političke i gospodarske prilike u okruženju, u kakvom su odnosu s osobom kojoj su upućeni i poznaju li je od prije, jesu li već izgradili reputaciju i istakli se u obavljanju službe, koliko često korespondiraju s Vladom, na koje probleme nailaze, kojom se argumentacijom koriste, koliko su za svoju službu plaćeni, slijede li u svemu dobiveni naputak ili ponekad postupaju samovoljno, s kakvim uspjehom obavljaju povjerene zadaće, koliku ulogu pri tome igraju obrazovanje, poznavanje rituala, ceremonijala i kulture zemlje u koju odlaze te jesu li vidljivi začetci profesionalizacije poslaničke službe. U službu su redo...
Emotions shouldn't be neglected, but rather taken seriously in order to understand better the complexity of political, and socio-cultural processes that they have generated. The study of emotions in the field of diplomacy is... more
Emotions shouldn't be neglected, but rather taken seriously in order to understand better the complexity of political, and socio-cultural processes that they have generated. The study of emotions in the field of diplomacy is particularly promising, but requires precise definition of the term, explanation of the methodological approach and qualifications concerning the research possibilities that depend upon the nature of the archival sources. The goal of this article is to analyze how words used to signify emotions, which could be signified as negative, shaped practical decisions within certain socio-political and cultural contexts; in other words to demonstrate an active role of emotions in shaping and conducting practical diplomatic decisions. The study aims to underpin the reciprocal relations between emotions and actions illustrated by two case studies from the late medieval Ragusan history. The sources of an interest are preserved in the State archive in Dubrovnik, in the archival seria Lettere di Levante, which, among others, contains the instructions written by the city authorities to their envoys. Despite the fact that the instructions were a product of a long and sober-minded discussions, and therefore they aren't usually abundant with words used to express certain emotions in them, places where those expressions appear are quite significant and can tell us more about how emotions were used as a tool of cognitive processes.
Pavlinski samostan Svetog Spasitelja kod Batine zarana je utemeljen i jedini je povijesno zasvjedoceni na podrucju Baranje. Vec 1295. godine postoje indicije o njegovom osnutku, no prvi sacuvani dokumenti datiraju iz prve polovice 14.... more
Pavlinski samostan Svetog Spasitelja kod Batine zarana je utemeljen i jedini je povijesno zasvjedoceni na podrucju Baranje. Vec 1295. godine postoje indicije o njegovom osnutku, no prvi sacuvani dokumenti datiraju iz prve polovice 14. stoljeca. Samostan, kroz cije se spise ogleda njegova bogata proslost, ali i život toga podrucja, imao je važnu ulogu u crkvenom, politickom, drustvenom i gospodarskom pogledu. Proslost samostana potrebno je pratiti u odnosu na njegovo znacenje unutar regije te odnos prema postulatima pavlinskog reda. Samostan je imao podrsku lokalnih velikasa, ali i hrvatsko-ugarskih kraljeva te je bio u interakciji s razlicitim drustvenim strukturama. Tijekom nesto vise od dva stoljeca opstojnosti samostan je postao znacajan feudalni cimbenik sto najbolje potvrđuje podatak da je imao posjede s obje strane Dunava te svoje kmetove. Osim darovnica za pustinjacku zajednicu samostana Sv. Spasitelja sacuvane su razne privilegije, ali i parnice te povelje o razmjeni zemljis...
Teorijske postavke franjevackog svjetonazora u dodiru s konkretnom stvarnoscu na tlu kontinentalne Hrvatske utjecale su na oblikovanje kulturnog krajolika. Oblici franjevacke duhovnosti, iskazani kroz kontemplativno-meditativnu dimenziju... more
Teorijske postavke franjevackog svjetonazora u dodiru s konkretnom stvarnoscu na tlu kontinentalne Hrvatske utjecale su na oblikovanje kulturnog krajolika. Oblici franjevacke duhovnosti, iskazani kroz kontemplativno-meditativnu dimenziju i aktivni rad, reflektirali su njihov odnos prema Bogu i Evanđelju, ali i pridonijeli oblikovanju spoznaja o vjerovanju i religijskim praksama lokalnog stanovnistva. Franjevacko djelovanje u tome je smislu moralo biti prilagođeno drustveno-politickim okolnostima, demografskoj i vjerskoj slici, koja nije bila istovjetna na citavom tom podrucju. Unatoc nedostatku povijesnih izvora, moguce je uociti kako su raznoliki aspekti franjevackog pastorala rezultirali pokusajima stvaranja unificiranog kulturoloskog prostora sto je bila tendencija na mnogo sirem prostoru no sto je taj.
In 1430, after the Ottoman sultan Murad II had been assigned the role of arbitrator in the conflict between the people of Dubrovnik and the Bosnian duke Radoslav Pavlović over the territory of Konavle, the authorities of Dubrovnik decided... more
In 1430, after the Ottoman sultan Murad II had been assigned the role of arbitrator in the conflict between the people of Dubrovnik and the Bosnian duke Radoslav Pavlović over the territory of Konavle, the authorities of Dubrovnik decided to send ambassadors to the Sublime Porte for the first time. For even though the city fathers possessed practical knowledge and information about the customs, traditions, and culture of the Muslim lands, preparing missions to present Dubrovnik's interests in person at the Sublime Porte was difficult. In the period between the establishment of these first official diplomatic contacts and the time Dubrovnik become a tributary state of the Sublime Porte in 1458, new political and sociocultural circumstances arose that required different approaches and practices. During this time, Dubrovnik's leadership was forced to search for help, protection, and advice from all who could support their pragmatic goals. Analysis of these relationships yields ...
This book brings together a team of scholars representing a broad range of interests and new approaches in medieval studies to explore the interactions of secular power and sacral authority in central and southeastern Europe in the... more
This book brings together a team of scholars representing a broad range of interests and new approaches in medieval studies to explore the interactions of secular power and sacral authority in central and southeastern Europe in the period. Contributors present new research on the region's political and legal history, nobility and government institutions, war and diplomacy, literature and literacy, sacred and secular art, archaeological research, heritage studies, and much more.
The analysis of the importance of ambassadors who attempted to acquire new territories enables us to consider this issue from a new perspective. Their activity is followed by taking into account the following criteria: which social... more
The analysis of the importance of ambassadors who attempted to acquire new territories enables us to consider this issue from a new perspective. Their activity is followed by taking into account the following criteria: which social background and families they come from, who they come in touch with and negotiate with during their service, how long they stay at the embassy, how often they have to change their place of residence, what the political and economic circumstances in the surrounding area are and how much they influence their work, have they already earned a reputation and are prominent in performing their emissarial service, how often they communicate with the Government, which problems and temptations they face, which arguments they use to assure the owner of a certain area to sell it or to obtain his good will, how much they are paid for their service, if they follow the given instructions or if they sometimes ignore them, what the role of education, customs, ceremonials ...
Ragusan attempts to expand the city territory in the 14th and 15th centuries found a stronghold almost regularly in diplomatic delegations whose representatives were most distinguished and wealthy aristocrats. Outcome of their missions... more
Ragusan attempts to expand the city territory in the 14th and 15th centuries found a stronghold almost regularly in diplomatic delegations whose representatives were most distinguished and wealthy aristocrats. Outcome of their missions was a result of complex calculations whose part were authorities they were entrusted with. Freedoms they enjoyed determined their diplomatic status, and they were formed according to importance of the mission, in relation to political circumstances in the region and new forms of communication which appeared as a result of progress of the society, development of administrative apparatus and more frequent contacts. Diplomatic practice indicated to necessity of flexibility in activity in order to save time, monitor the events on the spot and timely reaction, but changes were slow. Decisions about their authorities, contained in the text of the instruction, should have had effective results in promoting interests of the entire community but some ambassado...
Pri stjecanju novih teritorija Dubrovacka je Republika morala uložiti mnogo vremena i napora planirajuci tijek diplomatskih akcija, ostvarenih angažmanom poslanika, koji su morali uvjeriti stvarne vlasnike željenih teritorija, ali i druge... more
Pri stjecanju novih teritorija Dubrovacka je Republika morala uložiti mnogo vremena i napora planirajuci tijek diplomatskih akcija, ostvarenih angažmanom poslanika, koji su morali uvjeriti stvarne vlasnike željenih teritorija, ali i druge utjecajne osobe, od kojih su, pri tome, mogli imati koristi, u svrsishodnost željene transakcije. Kako bi ih privoljeli na voljnost pregovaranja oko ustupanja teritorija, iznudili njihovu pomoc ili blagonakloni stav, služili su se razlicitim sredstvima uvjeravanja koje su prilagođavali konkretnim prilikama i zakonitostima povijesnog trenutka, nastojeci za sebe izvuci realno najvise moguce. Rad se bavi propitivanjem vrsta argumenata kojima se služila dubrovacka diplomacija u nastojanjima oko prosirenja teritorijalnog vlasnistva, parametrima kojima se vodilo prilikom izbora, njihovom izmjenom kroz tijek vremena, implementaciji u praksi, polucenoj uspjesnosti, te nastanku eventualnih kontradikcija, neslaganja i manjih ili vecih sukoba koji su proistek...
Ambassadors of Dubrovnik played a key role in promoting vital foreign policy interests of their city. Their selection was the result of their government’s complex calculations, which considered their candidates' age in deciding who... more
Ambassadors of Dubrovnik played a key role in promoting vital foreign policy interests of their city. Their selection was the result of their government’s complex calculations, which considered their candidates' age in deciding who the best choice for the service was. Their age at the time of appointment is the basis for analyzing numerous questions, such as, for instance, what the average age difference between the pair of ambassadors in the first half of the 15th century was and what motivated it. The ambassadors’ age indicated their social and political status, competences, knowledge and skills they had acquired over the course of their career, which is why the older ambassador provided the younger one with the opportunity to gain valuable experience and insight to trade secrets. On the other hand, certain pairs were often sent on missions together because they worked well as partners, regardless of the fact that there was not significant age difference between them.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the diplomatic role and performance of women in several case-studies preserved in the diplomatic and political records from the 15th century Ragusa (Republic of Dubrovnik). Although it may seem that... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze the diplomatic role and performance of women in several case-studies preserved in the diplomatic and political records from the 15th century Ragusa (Republic of Dubrovnik). Although it may seem that women were not involved with Ragusan international relations, their role was significant. As spouses and daughters of influential persons with whome Ragusans planned to establish diplomatic contacts, they enjoyed substantive power to influence the final outcome of Ragusan diplomtic efforts. Women's origin, the reputation of the family they came from, wealth, maritial and social status were key-factors which influenced Ragusans practical actions in the diplomatic arena. We are not able to give an answer to the question how these influential women perceived themselves, and how their experiences influenced and shaped the world around them. However, it can be concluded without any doubt they were treated differentlydepending on their social and marital...
Franjevacki samostan Sv. Ilije u Modrici uz to sto je jedan od najstarijih franjevackih samostana u usorskom kraju, s vrlo dugim kontinuitetom djelovanja i tradicijom, može se podiciti i znacajem, te ulogom koju je imao kako za... more
Franjevacki samostan Sv. Ilije u Modrici uz to sto je jedan od najstarijih franjevackih samostana u usorskom kraju, s vrlo dugim kontinuitetom djelovanja i tradicijom, može se podiciti i znacajem, te ulogom koju je imao kako za stanovnistvo Modrice, tako i njezine okolice, nesto vise od tri stoljeca. Kroz taj dugi vremenski period svoga opstojanja samostan i franjevci, koji su u njemu živjeli i djelovali, znacajne su trenutke, ali i teska vremena proživljavali i dijelili s katolickim stanovnistvom koje je potpadalo pod njihovu nadležnost u crkveno-pravnom pogledu, pa i sire. Namjera mi je ovim radom osvijetliti proslost toga samostana i crkve posvecene istom proroku, koja se nalazila u njegovoj blizini, te franjevaca koji su živjeli i djelovali u njima, u ovisnosti o složenim politickim, drustvenim i vjerskim prilikama, a u onolikoj mjeri koliko to dostupni izvori i literatura dopustaju.
Ovaj rad propituje uvjetovanost izgradnje gradskog prostora Dubrovnika u ovisnosti o socijalnoj arhitekturi. Cilj mu je ubicirati cestice u vlasnistvu obitelji Sorkocevic u prostoru Grada na prijelazu 13. u 14. stoljece. Na osnovu... more
Ovaj rad propituje uvjetovanost izgradnje gradskog prostora Dubrovnika u ovisnosti o socijalnoj arhitekturi. Cilj mu je ubicirati cestice u vlasnistvu obitelji Sorkocevic u prostoru Grada na prijelazu 13. u 14. stoljece. Na osnovu kupoprodajnih ugovora, i drugih dokumenata privatne prirode, zabilježenih u dubrovackim notarskim kancelarijama dobivena je baza podataka koja obuhvaca: datum kada je ugovor sklopljen, prvotnog vlasnika nekretnine, vrstu transakcije, vlasnika nakon provedene transakcije, vrijednost nekretnine, vrstu tj. tip gradnje, smjestaj nekretnine u gradu ili podgrađu, položaj određen susjedima ili stranama svijeta i njezinu velicinu. Pomocu tih podataka i takozvanih fiksnih orijentira uocljivo je da Sorkocevici nastoje grupirati posjede u svom vlasnistvu stvarajuci tzv. vlasteoske asamble kao i tendencija prenosenja vlasnistva nad nekretninom s koljena na koljeno.
Clanak propituje prikaz i znacenja pridana tijelu sv. Eufemije u hagiografskim tekstovima Passio Sancte Eufemie virginis et martiris i Translatio corporis Beate Eufemie, posebno u odnosu na kategorije: djevica i mucenica te rodnu ulogu.... more
Clanak propituje prikaz i znacenja pridana tijelu sv. Eufemije u hagiografskim tekstovima Passio Sancte Eufemie virginis et martiris i Translatio corporis Beate Eufemie, posebno u odnosu na kategorije: djevica i mucenica te rodnu ulogu. Simbolicko znacenje tijela nakon smrti upisano je u relikvije koje dobivaju sredisnju ulogu unutar svetista i procesijama o proslavama sveticinih spomendana. Bez obzira je li tijelo sv. Eufemije konkretizirano u narativu ili kao dio materijalnog svijeta kojemu se pridaju odlike onostrane realnosti, svjesno je koristeno kao sredstvo potvrde njezine svetosti, odnosno poticanja pobožnosti, vjere i religijskog zanosa. Tijelom se svjesno manipuliralo i koristilo kao „mjesto pamcenja“ koje je izvanjskim osjetilnim podražajima trebalo potaci intimni doživljaj i religiozno predanje.
Rad se bavi prikazom uvjeta života i djelovanja bosanskih franjevaca u razdoblju turske prevlasti (od pada Bosne, pa do zavrsetka Beckoga rata) s posebnim osvrtom na njihova stradanja, progone, protjerivanja, nepravedne osude i... more
Rad se bavi prikazom uvjeta života i djelovanja bosanskih franjevaca u razdoblju turske prevlasti (od pada Bosne, pa do zavrsetka Beckoga rata) s posebnim osvrtom na njihova stradanja, progone, protjerivanja, nepravedne osude i zarobljenistva, podnesena mucenistva i trpljenja, unistavanje crkvene imovine i drugih oblika trpljenja i žrtve.
Paper deals with the questions who were the first elected Dubrovnik`s ambassadors at the sublime Porte? What was their motive for doing their job? Who was in their entourage? How much were they paid for their services? What was their... more
Paper deals with the questions who were the first elected Dubrovnik`s ambassadors at the sublime Porte? What was their motive for doing their job? Who was in their entourage? How much were they paid for their services? What was their itinerary like? Whom did they meet with and who helped them during their missions? Did they face difficulties since they were not familiar with diplomatic protocol at the Porte? What was their role in sending across the message of Dubrovnik’s identity? How did their hosts treat them? What messages did their non- verbal communication, titles and presents send? Which arguments did they use in their appearances? How often did they correspond with the government? How did their correspondence circulate and were there any difficulties in its circulation? How significant was the role of secret diplomacy in their activities? Which information did they pass and to whom? How were their results affected by political circumstances or their diplomatic abilities? All...
The first diplomatic missions from Dubrovnik to the Sublime Porte played an important role in forming the identity of their city. Ambassadors from Dubrovnik were empowered to represent their city during crucial moments in the Ottoman... more
The first diplomatic missions from Dubrovnik to the Sublime Porte played an important role in forming the identity of their city. Ambassadors from Dubrovnik were empowered to represent their city during crucial moments in the Ottoman westward expansion. The success of their missions influenced the position the city had under new circumstances characterized by constant shifts in the balance of power. This essay is focused on oral declarations by Ragusan ambassadors, which can be seen as an attempt to define, describe, and typify the community they are authorized to represent. Although these statements were used primarily to achieve various pragmatic aims, at the same time they can be perceived as an expression of the qualities of the city-state. Their messages reflected their beliefs, traditions, and customs of their culture in correlation with the specific conditions in which they functioned. Their choices depended on assessments of their efficiency. However, sometimes their mission...
Research Interests:
In 1430, after the Ottoman sultan Murad II had been assigned the role of arbitrator in the conflict between the people of Dubrovnik and the Bosnian duke Radoslav Pavlović over the territory of Konavle, the authorities of Dubrovnik decided... more
In 1430, after the Ottoman sultan Murad II had been assigned the role of arbitrator in the conflict between the people of Dubrovnik and the Bosnian duke Radoslav Pavlović over the territory of Konavle, the authorities of Dubrovnik decided to send ambassadors to the Sublime Porte for the first time. For even though the city fathers possessed practical knowledge and information about the customs, traditions, and culture of the Muslim lands, preparing missions to present Dubrovnik’s interests in person at the Sublime Porte was difficult. In the period between the establishment of these first official diplomatic contacts and the time Dubrovnik become a tributary state of the Sublime Porte in 1458, new political and sociocultural circumstances arose that required different approaches and practices. During this time, Dubrovnik’s leadership was forced to search for help, protection and advice from all who could support their pragmatic goals. Analysis of these relationships yields valuable information on sources of support for the ambassadors, what kind of support and advice they sought, how that support was proffered, what rewards were given for support, what role was played by emotions in forging ties to the Sublime Porte, and the power of emotions to shape historical events.
Emotions shouldn`t be neglected, but rather taken seriously in order to understand better the complexity of political, and socio-cultural processes that they have generated. The study of emotions in the field of diplomacy is particularly... more
Emotions shouldn`t be neglected, but rather taken seriously in order to understand better the complexity of political, and socio-cultural processes that they have generated. The study of emotions in the field of diplomacy is particularly promising, but requires precise definition of the term, explanation of the methodological approach and qualifications concerning the research possibilities that depend upon the nature of the archival sources.
The goal of this article is to analyze how words used to signify emotions, which could be signified as negative, shaped practical decisions within certain socio-political and cultural contexts; in other words to demonstrate an active role of emotions in shaping and conducting practical diplomatic decisions. The study aims to underpin the reciprocal relations between emotions and actions illustrated by two case studies from the late medieval Ragusan history. The sources of an interest are preserved in the State archive in Dubrovnik, in the archival seria Lettere di Levante, which, among others, contains the instructions written by the city authorities to their envoys. Despite the fact that the instructions were a product of a long and sober-minded discussions, and therefore they aren`t usually abundant with words used to express certain emotions in them, places where those expressions appear are quite significant and can tell us more about how emotions were used as a tool of cognitive processes.
The first diplomatic missions from Dubrovnik to the Sublime Porte played an important role in forming the identity of their city. Ambassadors from Dubrovnik were empowered to represent their city during crucial moments in the Ottoman... more
The first diplomatic missions from Dubrovnik to the Sublime Porte played an important role in forming the identity of their city. Ambassadors from Dubrovnik were empowered to represent their city during crucial moments in the Ottoman westward expansion. The success of their missions influenced the position the city had under new circumstances characterized by constant shifts in the balance of power. This essay is focused on oral declarations by Ragusan ambassadors, which can be seen as an attempt to define, describe, and typify the community they are authorized to represent. Although these statements were used primarily to achieve various pragmatic aims, at the same time they can be perceived as an expression of the qualities of the city-state. Their messages reflected their beliefs, traditions, and customs of their culture in correlation with the specific conditions in which they functioned. Their choices depended on assessments of their efficiency. However, sometimes their missions did not end with the desired outcome because their system of values did not correspond to that of an Islamic culture. Nevertheless, over time the initial confusion and concerns were eventually alleviated by the practical experience they acquired. An analysis of the verbal communication between Dubrovnik's ambassadors and the Porte, from the establishment of formal diplomatic relations to the acceptance of a tributary relationship, facilitates an examination of changes in the way they expressed their identity through verbal arguments
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
The people of Dubrovnik adjusted the selection of people, whom they sent the emissaries for negotiations about widening the borders, to their current social position. While trying to realize expansionist plans they acknowledged... more
The people of Dubrovnik adjusted the selection of people, whom they sent the emissaries for negotiations about widening the borders, to their current social position. While trying to realize expansionist plans they acknowledged traditional system of the medieval world, but not always without exceptions. Although they were legalists, they did not hesitate
in departing from customs established long time ago, especially when their vital interests were endangered. Widening strategy showed that city authorities appreciated and tried to notice and use changes in power relations in order to achieve as much as they could in the existing circumstances.
Research Interests:
Analiza djelovanja poklisara kojima su povjereni zadatci akvizicije novih teritorija nudi uvid u organizaciju, funkcioniranje i transformaciju dubrovačke diplomatske službe tijekom prve polovine 15. stoljeća. Monografija nudi inovativan... more
Analiza djelovanja poklisara kojima su povjereni zadatci akvizicije novih teritorija nudi uvid u organizaciju, funkcioniranje i transformaciju dubrovačke diplomatske službe tijekom prve polovine 15. stoljeća. Monografija nudi inovativan znanstveni prikaz razvoja dubrovačke diplomacije iz kasnosrednjovjekovne u renesansnu, ovisno o složenom procesu teritorijalne ekspanzije granica Republike i sukoba koji su ga pratili. Narastao obim diplomatskih aktivnosti objašnjava se kroz politički i institucionalni, društveni i prostorni, jezični i kognitivni okvir. Diplomatska interakcija shvaćena je kao kompleksna aktivnost razmjene dobara, usluga i informacija, pružanja emocionalne potpore, izgradnje kolektivnog identiteta zajednice i javnog imidža, uspostave društvenih mreža, pregovaranja i uvjeravanja. Dok je tradicionalan pristup diplomaciju uglavnom vezivao za polje „visoke politike“, aktivnosti realizirane u tom polju shvaćene su kao oblik društvene i kulturološke razmjene. Pritom istaknuto mjesto zauzimaju mnogobrojni akteri koji djeluju u različitim političkim, društvenim i kulturološkim kontekstima. Primjerice, osim istaknutim političkim subjektima pažnja je posvećena ulozi utjecajnih žena u diplomaciji, ali i kuririma, skupinama koje su se do sada nalazile na marginama istraživačkog interesa. Zbog svega navedenog diplomatski izvori nameću se kao bogato istraživačko vrelo koji omogućavaju uvid u niz procesa, strategija i metoda djelovanja koji su bili prepoznatljivi na širem europskom zapadu, ali i specifični za Grad Sv. Vlaha.
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Doba (dez)integracije: društveno političke strukture za vladavine Anžuvinaca
14. prosinca 2022.
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