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daniel sitorus

    daniel sitorus

    Oishi Bento is a Japanese-style fast food vendor that can compete with bento companies. One of the marketing strategies that Oishi Bento applies is to use social media to increase marketing and of course increase profits. Researchers are... more
    Oishi Bento is a Japanese-style fast food vendor that can compete with bento companies. One of the marketing strategies that Oishi Bento applies is to use social media to increase marketing and of course increase profits. Researchers are interested in how Instagram and Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WoM) affect consumer interest in buying Oishi bento. The purpose of this study was to clarify the impact of electronic word-of-mouth (e-WoM) on the power of Instagram and consumer interest in buying Oishi bento. Respondents who became the target of researchers in this study were Instagram followers @oishibento. The survey method used is quantitative and a survey of 100 respondents as a sample uses a survey as a survey tool. Based on the research results, Instagram social media variables (X1) and electronic word-of-mouth (X2) have a significant positive effect (simultaneously) on the consumer interest variable (Y) to buy Oishi bento products simultaneously. Social media Instagram and electro...
    The purpose of this study is to analyze effect of talent management and knowledge management on employee performance with employee engagement as an intervening variable at PT Bank Mandiri, Jalan Bandung Branch. This type of research is... more
    The purpose of this study is to analyze effect of talent management and knowledge management on employee performance with employee engagement as an intervening variable at PT Bank Mandiri, Jalan Bandung Branch. This type of research is associative research with a quantitative analysis approach. The population in this study were all employees of PT Bank Mandiri, Jalan Bandung Branch as many as 42 employees. The sampling method used is census sampling. So each member of the population is a sample of 42 employees. The analytical method used in this research is path analysis. The results of the study found that talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Knowledge management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Employee engagement has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through employee engagement. Knowledge management has ...
    Prediksi (forecasting) dapat membantu perusahaan untuk menentukan jumlah penjualan barang di masa yang akan datang, sehingga perusahaan dapat memutuskan untuk melakukan penambahan atau pengurangan stok barang. Metode Holt-Winters adalah... more
    Prediksi (forecasting) dapat membantu perusahaan untuk menentukan jumlah penjualan barang di masa yang akan datang, sehingga perusahaan dapat memutuskan untuk melakukan penambahan atau pengurangan stok barang. Metode Holt-Winters adalah metode prediksi kuantitatif yang digunakan untuk memprediksi data tren dan musiman. Beberapa variasi dari metode Holt-Winters adalah Multiplicative Holt-Winters, Additive Holt-Winters dan Double Seasonal Holt-Winters. Penerapan beberapa variasi Holt-Winters pada data penjualan mobil GAIKINDO akan memperoleh informasi mengenai akurasi dari ketiga metode. Akurasi metode peramalan Holt-Winters bergantung pada model data yang digunakan. Additive Holt-Winters cocok digunakan untuk memprediksi model data yang cukup konstan, seperti data penjualan mobil Toyota (MAPE = 3.18278% dan nilai RMSE = 1304.96), sedangkan Double Seasonal Holt-Winters cocok digunakan untuk model data penjualan yang mempunyai dua pola musiman, seperti data penjualan mobil BMW serta me...
    The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of Mount Sinabung volcanic ash and compost on the growth of Deli tobacco. The research was conducted at Balai Penelitian Tembakau Deli (BPTD) Sampali, Percut Sei Tuan District Deli... more
    The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of Mount Sinabung volcanic ash and compost on the growth of Deli tobacco. The research was conducted at Balai Penelitian Tembakau Deli (BPTD) Sampali, Percut Sei Tuan District Deli Serdang Regency North Sumatera with the height of + 15 metres above sea level, began from July until September 2014. The research design was a  randomized block design with two factors, the first factor was Mount Sinabung volcano ash (0 g, 500 g, 1000 g) and the second factor was dose of compost (0 g, 250 g, 500 g, 750 g). The parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaf, sand leaf thickness, feet leaf I thickness, leaf area, root length at 18 up to 50 days after transplanting(DAT) and dry weight of plant. The result showed that volcanic ash and dose of compost and also both of interaction were not show any significant effect on all parameters.
    Analysis of a prediction is very important to do in a study, so that research becomes more precise and directed. Just as in predicting the extent of biopharmaceutical harvests in Indonesia, it is necessary to study and use appropriate... more
    Analysis of a prediction is very important to do in a study, so that research becomes more precise and directed. Just as in predicting the extent of biopharmaceutical harvests in Indonesia, it is necessary to study and use appropriate methods to obtain optimal results. This research is expected to be widely used for both local government and biopharmaca farmers as one of the study materials in the development of biopharmaca harvest production, as well as for academics as research material especially related to agriculture and health. The data used in this research is the data of Harvested Area of Biopharmaceutical in Indonesia from National Bureau of Statistics from 2012 until 2016. This research uses the method of artificial neural network Backpropagation using 5 architectural models, namely: 3-3-1 later it will generate predictions with an accuracy rate of 80%, 3-4-1 = 87%, 3-5-1 = 73%, 3-6-1 = 60%, and 3-8-1 = 73% ,. So obtained the best architectural model using 3-4-1 model that yields an accuracy of 87%, MSE 0.062235528 with error rate used 0.001 to 0.05. Thus, this model is good enough to predict the area of biopharmaca harvest in Indonesia Keywords — Analysis, Prediction, ANN , Backpropagation, Biopharmaca DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.1402402
    National development is an activity that  conducted by government. Indonesia is able to compete and reduce dependence on other countries as.the.aim.of this research. These activities require substantial fund, one of the source is taxes.... more
    National development is an activity that  conducted by government. Indonesia is able to compete and reduce dependence on other countries as.the.aim.of this research. These activities require substantial fund, one of the source is taxes. Revenue target from tax sector always increasing, but since 2012 the realization of tax revenue is not achieved by the target. Taxpayer compliance is one of the causes . T axation system in Indonesia is Self Assessment that requires taxpayer to have a tax understanding. The government has to increase tax compliance , so the tax revenue can be achieved . Some of factors that influence taxpayer compliance is tax understanding , tax penalties and compliance cost . This research aims to explain the influence of Tax understanding , Tax penalties and Compliance cost toward Tax Compliance . The Type of this research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The samples technique is purposive sampling. The data collection method is by spreading q...
    Analysis of a prediction is very important to do in a study, so that research becomes more precise and directed. Just as in predicting the extent of biopharmaceutical harvests in Indonesia, it is necessary to study and use appropriate... more
    Analysis of a prediction is very important to do in a study, so that research becomes more precise and directed. Just as in predicting the extent of biopharmaceutical harvests in Indonesia, it is necessary to study and use appropriate methods to obtain optimal results. This research is expected to be widely used for both local government and biopharmaca farmers as one of the study materials in the development of biopharmaca harvest production, as well as for academics as research material especially related to agriculture and health. The data used in this research is the data of Harvested Area of Biopharmaceutical in Indonesia from National Bureau of Statistics from 2012 until 2016. This research uses the method of artificial neural network Backpropagation using 5 architectural models, namely: 3-3-1 later it will generate predictions with an accuracy rate of 80%, 3-4-1 = 87%, 3-5-1 = 73%, 3-6-1 = 60%, and 3-8-1 = 73% ,. So obtained the best architectural model using 3-4-1 model that...
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan membaca teks berita siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 29 Medan berdasarkan intonasi, pelafalan, volume suara, penjedaan dan kelancaran. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan membaca teks berita siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 29 Medan berdasarkan intonasi, pelafalan, volume suara, penjedaan dan kelancaran. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 29 Medan tahun pembelajaran 2017/2018 yang terdiri dari 8 kelas dan berjumlah 282 orang. Sampel penelitian ini diambil dengan cara random sampling. Sampel penelitian diambil 13% dari populasi sehingga sampel penelitian ini adalah 36 orang siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Instrument yang digunakan untuk mengambil data kemampuan membaca teks berita. Data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membaca teks berita siswa memiliki nilai rata-rata (mean) 77,50 dan berada pada kategori baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari rentang nilai 86-100 dengan kategori sangat baik diperoleh sebanyak 5 orang (13,88 %), rentang nilai 76-85 dengan kategori baik diperoleh sebanyak 20 orang (55,55%), rentang nilai 56-75 den...
    The dynamiics of tthe probllems tthatt ariise regardiing tthe applliicattiion of e-ID card fiirstt so many probllems tthere are iindiicattiions iin tthe proviisiion of e-ID card projjectt Such corrrupttiion,, tthe second probllem iis tthe... more
    The dynamiics of tthe probllems tthatt ariise regardiing tthe applliicattiion of e-ID card fiirstt so many probllems tthere are iindiicattiions iin tthe proviisiion of e-ID card projjectt Such corrrupttiion,, tthe second probllem iis tthe factt tthatt quiitte iintteresttiing tthatt tthe refusall by some priivatte banks iin Indonesiia wiitth tthe reason tthe E-ID card KTP iis nott tthe same as tthe previious,, tthe tthiird probllem iis:: Based on tthe mandatte of Arttiiclle 63 Paragraph (3) of Law No.. 23 Year 2006 concerniing Popullattiion Admiiniisttrattiion Ellecttroniic Identtiitty Card (e-ID) applliies nattiionalllly,, butt iin tthe case prakttenya ttersbutt diiffiiculltt tto embodiied,, whiille tthe fourtth iissue iis tthe iimpllementtattiion of e-ID card lliifettiime.. Of tthe four iissues above autthors wriittiing tthesiis proposall iis focused on tthe probllems tthatt allll tthiird and fourtth course tthiis has a correllattiion wiitth tthe autthor angkatt..Inii ttiittlle tth...
    The purpose of this study is to find the effect of the exchange rate, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, and the interest rate on Domestic Direct Investment (DDI) in Indonesia. This study uses multiple linear regression models and... more
    The purpose of this study is to find the effect of the exchange rate, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, and the interest rate on Domestic Direct Investment (DDI) in Indonesia. This study uses multiple linear regression models and simple regression in the forms of semi-logarithmic. The data used are secondary data published by Badan Pusat Statistik (Central Statistics Board), in the period of 2000-2018. The results of the semi-logarithmic multiple regression analysis show that partially the Rupiah (IDR)/US $ exchange rate and GDP has a positive but insignificant effect on Domestic Direct Investment (DDI), inflation has a negative but insignificant effect on DDI, while the interest rate regression coefficient has a positive sign (not in accordance with theoretical expectation) and insignificant to DDI in Indonesia during the period of 2000-2018. However, the results of simple linear regression analysis show that the IDR/US $ exchange rate and GDP has a positive and significant effect on DDI in Indonesia in the period of 2000-2018. Each inflation and IDR/US $ exchange rate has a negative and significant effect on DDI in Indonesia during the period of 2000-2018. This study suggests that the government and policymakers of Indonesia need to assess the IDR exchange rate, GDP, inflation, and interest rate, so that they can increase domestic direct investment in Indonesia.
    Internet development causes the formation of a new world, every individual has the right and ability to interact with everyone who can prevent him. Perfect globalization connects the entire digital community, one of which is a business... more
    Internet development causes the formation of a new world, every individual has the right and ability to interact with everyone who can prevent him. Perfect globalization connects the entire digital community, one of which is a business sector called E-COMMERCE.E-COMMERCE has a difference from conventional sale and purchase agreements and brings different legal consequences and there are also some problems that are not yet commonly describedthis is a problem that is not immediately anticipated to cause problems in the future. Based on the description, the research is carried out with the title: “SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT VIA INTERNET E-COMMERCE IN TERMS OF CIVIL LAW ASPECTS”.                The formulation of the problem in this study is: (1) What is the validity of the SELLING BUY agreement through the internet if it is involved with Article 1320 of the Civil Code? (2) What is the legal consequence if there is a default in the purchase agreement through the internet (E-COMMERCE)? ...
    Mail server is one of the most widely used server functions in the company. This discusses e-mail itself which can reduce mailing costs, is more efficient than manual communication and can be used as attachments that are useful as a... more
    Mail server is one of the most widely used server functions in the company. This discusses e-mail itself which can reduce mailing costs, is more efficient than manual communication and can be used as attachments that are useful as a supplement and additional documents related to the contents of e-mail. Zimbra is a mail server application that provides complete features and also makes it easy to install mail server management, also mail server security issues are a factor that must be considered by the system administrator. The security design for e-mail servers addresses the importance of being able to prevent spam e-mail attacks that can fill e-mail servers and make mail server performance faster. Because a good mail server security can optimize the performance of the mail server itself. In this final project, the work and implementation of the zimbra mail server security will be carried out specifically for handling email spam. The zimbra email server will analyze its security aga...
    Mobile phones today are not only used for com- munication only, but it has features that are helpful in ev- eryday life. One example of daily activities is cooking. An- droid is the operating system for mobile phones that pro- vides an... more
    Mobile phones today are not only used for com- munication only, but it has features that are helpful in ev- eryday life. One example of daily activities is cooking. An- droid is the operating system for mobile phones that pro- vides an open platform to developers for creating their own applications for use by a variety of mobile devices and has the advantage as the software that uses computer code base that can be distributed as open source so users can create new applications in it. With the technology that the au- thors make Android-Based Mobile Applications Using Java Recipes Android version 2.1 so that all the recipes we want we can see directly only through mobile phones and the way it is easier for those who have a hobby cook. Penamaan File: 50408918