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diego davide

diego davide

During the XVIII century, the neapolitan goldsmith workshops attained a professional and artistic record, which allowed them to expand their target market to the provinces of the Kingdom. To reach the most distant locations, they... more
During the XVIII century, the neapolitan goldsmith workshops attained a professional and artistic record, which allowed them to expand their target market to the provinces of the Kingdom. To reach the most distant locations, they established companies to trade «outside the capital». The variety of jewels offered for sale is accompanied by multiple levels of quality capable of intercepting the preferences of different kind of consumers. Furthermore, in the provinces, the neapolitan goldsmiths supplied themselves with old or broken gold to be solved and reused as raw material for new productions.
The COVID-19 health emergency has presented us with a complex scenario leading to a sudden reorganization of the model and goals of the national education system.  Teachers and students have had to rediscover a new meaning in their daily... more
The COVID-19 health emergency has presented us with a complex scenario leading to a sudden reorganization of the model and goals of the national education system.  Teachers and students have had to rediscover a new meaning in their daily meetings, carried out no longer in the classrooms but in virtual environments. The challenge has been even more difficult for Motor Sciences teachers, who have had to give continuity to their educational action by sacrificing sports and motor skills, a key component of this discipline. The need to rethink didactics, by adapting it to the current situation, can however provide an opportunity to make an active contribution and turn the difficulties into opportunities, allowing this discipline to emerge from the marginal position in which it has been relegated, and rediscover a new centrality in the educational project.
The aim of this contribution is to illustrate the possible ways of using films as tools for teaching sports history, with an emphasis on methodological aspects and the peculiarity of the film as a source for historical research.
Laboratory didactic activity with the active involvement of students, no longer seen as passive recipients of a top-down knowledge but as active protagonists of the training moment and the opportunities offered by the digital world, are... more
Laboratory didactic activity with the active involvement of students, no longer seen as passive recipients of a top-down knowledge but as active protagonists of the training moment and the opportunities offered by the digital world, are the starting point of this didactic experience aimed at creating a photographic almanac, in which the sports performance or event is analyzed in the light of a larger and more complex picture of historical events. Thus the student is encouraged to experiment with a new narrative mode, use a new source, read critically and learn no longer according to a sterile memorization, but by developing specific skills
Can a literary success become the starting point for a course on individual sports methodologies? The didactic experiment described in these pages shows that reading and sports are not in antithesis, but they can work together to develop... more
Can a literary success become the starting point for a course on individual sports methodologies? The didactic experiment described in these pages shows that reading and sports are not in antithesis, but they can work together to develop innovative didactic methods that keep up with the attitudes and needs of the digital natives generation.
In ancien regime societies, in which communication through semiophores was an essential component of the interaction between classes, furnishings and accessories in gold and silver, unmistakably perceived as indicators of wealth and... more
In ancien regime societies, in which communication through semiophores was an essential component of the interaction between classes, furnishings and accessories in gold and silver, unmistakably perceived as indicators of wealth and prosperity, and positioned at the top of consumer preferences, were considered “luxury goods” par excellence. For modern age Naples, it has been documented that they became widespread among the ruling classes - to which they served as a representation of their status and superiority - but also among the middle classes that emulated the ostentatious behaviour adopted by the aristocratic class, the Church that regarded pomp as a tool to encourage devotion, and also the lower classes. Precious personal and clothing ornaments, but also essential accessories at all levels of the social ladder to be credible when accessing those spaces – such as the public square, the street, the house, the theatre where individuals related to one another and recognized themselves, jewels had an economic function that was anything but secondary: as fungible goods, they were for the owner a reserve to draw on in difficult times.
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Tra la fine del XVIII secolo e l'inizio del XIX, la crisi dell'Ancien Régime e l'affermarsi di nuovi principi etici, sociali, politici ed economici, provovano in seno alla famiglia un mutamento sia strutturale sia relazionale.
... MARIA CIOTTI E ANDREA TRUBBIANI, Istituzioni economiche e sociali a San Marino in età moderna. Autores: Diego Davide; Localización: Quaderni di Storia, ISSN 0391-6936, Nº. 74, 2011 , págs. 269-274. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de... more
... MARIA CIOTTI E ANDREA TRUBBIANI, Istituzioni economiche e sociali a San Marino in età moderna. Autores: Diego Davide; Localización: Quaderni di Storia, ISSN 0391-6936, Nº. 74, 2011 , págs. 269-274. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
Nella lunga storia dell'arte medica l'Ottocento traccia un solco netta tra la medicina del passato, ancora fortemente intrisa di principi ippocratici e galenici, basata sulle teorie "umorali" e della "generazione spontanea", e un nuovo... more
Nella lunga storia dell'arte medica l'Ottocento traccia un solco netta tra la medicina del passato, ancora fortemente intrisa di principi ippocratici e galenici, basata sulle teorie "umorali" e della "generazione spontanea", e un nuovo modo di guardare alla salute e alla malattia, preservando la prima e affrontando con strumenti adeguati la seconda.
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