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Research Interests:
Attraverso un esame dell’evoluzione stilistica dei tremissi longobardi a nome di Liutprando e della comparsa di lettere, monogrammi e nomi interi di persona sul diritto di alcune emissioni si ipotizza l’esistenza di zecche periferiche... more
Attraverso un esame dell’evoluzione stilistica dei tremissi longobardi a nome di Liutprando e della comparsa di lettere, monogrammi e nomi interi di persona sul diritto di alcune emissioni si ipotizza l’esistenza di zecche periferiche gestite dalle autorità ecclesiastiche della Rezia. La corrispondenza dei nomi riportati su alcuni tremissi con quelli di vescovi della regione e il ritrovamento in zona di diversi esemplari di queste monete confermerebbero questa interessante ipotesi.
This paper briefly describes the pseudo-imperial gold coinages of the main germanic peoples settled in Europe from the IV century, often as imperial foederati. Some of them later constituted independent kingdoms and iussed “national”... more
This paper briefly describes the pseudo-imperial gold coinages of the main germanic peoples settled in Europe from the IV century, often as imperial foederati. Some of them later constituted independent kingdoms and iussed “national” coinages. With sufficient reliability, pseudo-imperial gold coins can be attributed to Suevi, Visigoths, Burgundians, Franks, Ostrogoths and Lombards. During this period the coinages consisted mainly of solidi and tremisses which only in some cases had weight and fineness that meets the imperial standards but very often were of a much lower quality. The hoards data indicates that, unlike the official imperial coinages, accepted and widespread throughout Europe, the germanic one did not spread widely outside its own territories. The finding data, unfortunately very limited, are therefore very important for the not easy classification of these coins which are very similar to each other. Finally, an attempt was made to present a review, hopefully sufficiently updated, of the pseudo-imperial coinages of Ostrogoths and Lombards in our peninsula with particular reference to the materials found in the necropolises of Cividale del Friuli.
I n occasione di una recente asta numismatica 1 è stato offerto in vendita un nucleo molto importante di denari Antiquiores; fra questi erano presenti anche diverse falsificazioni di Tardani facenti parte della collezione Martinori 2.... more
I n occasione di una recente asta numismatica 1 è stato offerto in vendita un nucleo molto importante di denari Antiquiores; fra questi erano presenti anche diverse falsificazioni di Tardani facenti parte della collezione Martinori 2. Sulla base di annotazioni d'epoca presenti su una copia di tale catalogo in mio possesso, è stato possibile rilevare che queste monete furono ritirate dall'asta prima dell'incanto in quanto risultate non autentiche. Nei primi decenni del '900 le falsificazioni di Tardani, relative non solo agli Antiquiores ma anche alla monetazione classica e a quella carolingia 3 , ebbero una vasta diffusione a spese anche e soprattutto di illustri collezionisti e studiosi del calibro di Vittorio Emanuele III, Camillo Serafini, Edoardo Martinori, Nicolò Pa-padopoli, Carlo Ruchat e diversi altri. A quel tempo evidentemente le conoscenze sulla produzione monetaria di questo falsario erano molto limitate e la sua abilità nel ricreare il processo di coniazione utilizzando coni appositamente prodotti 4 e di indurre artificialmente corrosioni e incrostazioni in gran parte delle sue falsificazioni indusse molti a ritenere autentiche le monete da lui prodotte. Il suo capolavoro fu l'"invenzione" di un ritrovamento (nei pressi di Bolsena) di un numero molto rilevante di Antiquiores 5. Gran parte di queste monete fu acquistata dai Musei Vaticani nel 1909 mentre un'altra parte vi entrò nel 1921 con l'acquisto della collezione Celati. A proposito di quattro esemplari attribuiti a Leone IX 6 più un «Gruppetto aderente per ossido di tre varie monete, proveniente dal ripostiglio di Bolsena» 7 pubblicati nel IV volume di Serafini e provenienti da questo "ripostiglio", l'autore precisò in nota: «Tutti questi esemplari vengono dal ripostiglio di Bolsena; il gruppetto di tre monete aderenti per ossido sta a dimostrare l'autenticità delle monete trovate in quel ripostiglio, messa in dubbio da alcuni» 8 .
2010© dell'autore-Distribuito in formato digitale da lamoneta.it Fino al primo decennio del XX secolo i pochi studi pubblicati sulla zecca di Luni si limitavano a proporre una sua ipotetica attività durante il periodo etrusco 1 e nel... more
2010© dell'autore-Distribuito in formato digitale da lamoneta.it Fino al primo decennio del XX secolo i pochi studi pubblicati sulla zecca di Luni si limitavano a proporre una sua ipotetica attività durante il periodo etrusco 1 e nel basso medioevo, all'epoca del vescovo Enrico di Fucecchio (1273-1296) 2. Mentre riguardo al primo periodo sono state fatte solamente alcune suggestive ipotesi, del secondo si hanno documenti che testimoniano chiaramente l'autorizzazione imperiale alla coniazione, le caratteristiche intrinseche delle monete e attestazioni di moneta lunense in diversi atti notarili dal XIII secolo fino al 1428 3. Purtroppo non si conoscono ancora oggi, sia in collezioni pubbliche che private, monete anche solo ipoteticamente attribuibili a tali periodi. Sono note invece diverse emissioni plumbee venute alla luce nel corso degli scavi effettuati a partire dal secolo scorso nell'area archeologica di Luni. Probabilmente a causa della vile natura del metallo, questa monetazione è stata a lungo trascurata e ancora oggi non mancano illustri studiosi di numismatica che non riconoscono la loro natura monetaria. In particolare Philip Grierson in occasione del 3° Convegno Internazionale di Studi di Pistoia del 16-19 settembre 1967 in risposta all'intervento di Antonio Bertino sulla monetazione vescovile di Luni obiettò "Nel basso medioevo si trovano qualche volta tessere vescovili impiegate come monete ma per accettare questa ipotesi, secondo me, occorre avere dei documenti; quando non ci sono documenti e quando questi oggetti non hanno i caratteri che ci si aspetta dalle monete per me non sono monete 4 ." Nella stessa occasione Franco Panvini Rosati assunse al riguardo una posizione neutra: "Io non conosco nessuna moneta di quella lega particolare di rame e piombo: per me è un unicum e sinceramente non so come spiegarlo. ....... Un vescovo che conia di sua iniziativa, anche se non è più sotto l'influenza ed il dominio bizantino, che conia delle monete con quel disegno, anche questo fatto per me è un unicum nella zona dell'Italia settentrionale. Quindi questi sono tutti problemi importantissimi, che a parer mio ancora non sono stati risolti e forse è difficile risolverli finchè non si trovi il documento oppure gli scavi non ci forniscano altri esemplari 5 ."
Research Interests:
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Viene presentato un aggiornamento (pubblicato nel 2013 su tre numeri della rivista Panorama Numismatico: n. 283, pp. 25-40, n. 284, pp. 25-40 e n. 285, pp. 31-34) ad una monografia di alcuni anni fa (Giorgio Fusconi, Gli Antiquiores... more
Viene presentato un aggiornamento (pubblicato nel 2013 su tre numeri della rivista Panorama Numismatico: n. 283, pp. 25-40, n. 284, pp. 25-40 e n. 285, pp. 31-34) ad una monografia di alcuni anni fa (Giorgio Fusconi, Gli Antiquiores romani - Le monete coniate dalla zecca di Roma da Adriano I (772 – 795)  a Benedetto VII  (975 – 983), Ed. Varesi, Pavia 2012), sugli Antiquiores, le monete papali battute a Roma fra l’ottavo e il decimo secolo.
Un costante lavoro di ricerca e indagine, proseguito anche dopo la pubblicazione del volume, ha consentito di raccogliere ulteriori informazioni su ritrovamenti, presenze in collezioni pubbliche e comparsa di nuovi esemplari in aste pubbliche. Si è pensato quindi che fosse utile, per chi è interessato all’argomento, raccogliere questo materiale in un Addendum da poter inserire accanto al volume.
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A sample of 140 follis of Justinian I minted at Rome was examined in order to study their die sequences. Twenty-nine obverse and 76 reverse dies were identified. The data were statistically analyzed according to Carter (1983), Good-Esty... more
A sample of 140 follis of Justinian I minted at Rome was examined in order to study their die sequences. Twenty-nine obverse and 76 reverse dies were identified. The data were statistically analyzed according to Carter (1983), Good-Esty (1986) and Esty (2011) methods to calculate the original number of dies, the coverage and the characteristic index. Five groups of coins were identified: Group A - average weight 15.32±2.85 g (n=23), reverse Morrisson Type 3; Group B - average weight 16.42±3.64 g (n=5), reverse Morrisson Type 2; Group C - average weight 10.55±1.15 g (n=49), reverse Morrisson Type 2; Group D - average weight 9.72±1.46 g (n=16), reverse Morrisson Type 1 and Group E - average weight 9.49±1.17 g (n=22), obverse with a bust of neat and careful style, reverse Morrisson Type 1. This study provided a dies sequence with chains and links between these five groups but no sure elements to determine the chronological direction of the entire sequence were found.
Research Interests:
The aim of this paper was to identify the obverse and reverse dies of the tremisses with St Michael minted under the  lombard king Cunincpert (688-700) in order to study their die sequences.
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Simple Summary: In many parts of the world, the human population does not consume sufficient quantities of omega-3 fatty acids. Humans can potentially reduce the risk or severity of a variety of illnesses by simply increasing their... more
Simple Summary: In many parts of the world, the human population does not consume sufficient quantities of omega-3 fatty acids. Humans can potentially reduce the risk or severity of a variety of illnesses by simply increasing their dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids, with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) being particularly beneficial. Fish are a rich source of these important fatty acids, but many individuals do not consume fish and so the enrichment of more commonly consumed foods has been explored as a method to increase the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. The fatty acid content of chicken meat reflects the fatty acid composition of their diet and so poultry meat can be easily enriched by introducing omega-3 rich ingredients into poultry diets. In this study we fed broilers diets supplemented with a DHA-rich protist, Aurantiochytrium limacinum for their whole life (42 days) or for the final 21-day fattening period to investigate which strategy represented a more efficient use of the DHA-rich ingredient. As similar levels of enrichment were found from both feeding durations tested, the study indicates that feeding for the 21-day fattening period is the more efficientperiod of dietary inclusion for Aurantiochytrium limacinum. Abstract: The fatty acid composition of broiler chicken tissues can be increased by adding omega-3 rich ingredients to their diets. The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of tissue enrichment observed following the supplementation of broilers with the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich protist, Aurantiochytrium limacinum (AURA) for their whole life (42 days) or for the final 21-day fattening period. Day-old chicks (n = 350) were distributed among 35 pens (10 birds per pen) with each pen randomly assigned to one of five treatments: Control; 0.5% AURA from day 0-42; 1% AURA from day 0-42; 0.5% AURA from day 21-42; 1% AURA from day 21-42. Production parameters were recorded over the course of the study and the fatty acid profile of the breast, thigh, liver, kidney and skin with adhering fat was quantified at the end of the feeding period. The level of supplementation had a significant impact on the degree of omega-3 tissue enrichment, however, no differences were observed when the same dose was provided for 21 or 42 days. These results indicate that supplementation with AURA for a period of 21 days does not negatively affect broiler productivity and is the most efficient strategy to increase the nutritional value of broiler products.
Objective: The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation with the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich microalgae, Aurantiochytrium limacinum (AURA) on pig performance, carcass traits, and the fatty acid... more
Objective: The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation with the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich microalgae, Aurantiochytrium limacinum (AURA) on pig performance, carcass traits, and the fatty acid composition of pork Longissimus lumborum (LL) and backfat. Methods: A total of 144 Pig Improvement Company (PIC)×Goland finishing pigs (72 females and 72 castrated males) of mean weight 117.1 (±13.1) kg were blocked by sex and body weight and provided with 0% or 1% AURA in isonutritive and isocaloric diets. A total of 24 pens provided 12 replicates per treatment. Animals were weighed on day 0 and 28 with feed and water intake recorded per pen. After 31 days supplementation (28 days of study and 3 days until the slaughtering date) three animals per pen (n = 72) were slaughtered and the LL and backfat thickness, lean meat content and dressing percentage were recorded for the carcasses. The fatty acid (FA) profile of the LL and backfat was established by direct FA methyl ester synthesis. Results: No differences were observed for any performance parameters or carcass traits. Supple mentation with AURA resulted in significant changes to the FA profiles of both the LL and backfat with male and female pigs responding differently to supplementation in terms of particular FAs. Overall, pork LL samples had significantly higher eicosapentaenoic acid (p<0.001) and DHA concentrations (p<0.001), and higher omega-3 (n-3) FAs (p<0.001), as well as an increased omega3:omega6 (n-3:n-6) ratio (p = 0.001). For backfat, supplementation resulted in significantly higher amounts of DHA (p<0.001) and n-3 FAs (p<0.001). Conclusion: These results indicate that dietary supplementation with 1% AURA over a 31 day period can increase the FA composition of pork LL and backfat, specifically the DHA, with no major impact on growth performance and carcass traits.
Changes in modern human diets have resulted in a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids. Rectifying this deficiency and increasing dietary levels of omega-3 fatty acids, such as docosa-hexaenoic acid (DHA), can improve overall human health.... more
Changes in modern human diets have resulted in a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids. Rectifying this deficiency and increasing dietary levels of omega-3 fatty acids, such as docosa-hexaenoic acid (DHA), can improve overall human health. Fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids; however, low levels of consumption in many parts of the world, coupled with declining fish stocks, mean that alternative dietary omega-3 sources are required. The enrichment of commonly consumed foods has been suggested as a strategy that could increase omega-3 consumption. Eggs are an obvious target for enrichment as they are consumed worldwide and can have their omega-3 content altered through dietary manipulation of hens. In the current study, algae were included in the diet of hens, at 3 inclusion levels, in order to increase the omega-3 content of their eggs. For each treatment, the DHA content of eggs reached a plateau, proportional to the level of inclusion in the diet, which was then maintained for the duration of the experimental period. Higher inclusion levels reached this plateau quicker; however, the efficiency of transfer was reduced with increased dietary DHA. This maintenance of an increased egg DHA content over a prolonged period of time emphasizes the suitability of dietary supplementation with algae as a means to improve the nutritional value of hen's eggs.
Research Interests:
The effect of extrusion of pea seeds (Pisum sativum) (PS), faba bean (Vicia faba, variety minor) (FB) and lupin seeds (Lupinus albus, variety multitalia) (LS) on broiler performance were evaluated. Four hundred sixty two 1d-old Ross male... more
The effect of extrusion of pea seeds (Pisum sativum) (PS), faba bean (Vicia faba, variety minor) (FB) and lupin seeds (Lupinus albus, variety multitalia) (LS) on broiler performance were evaluated. Four hundred sixty two 1d-old Ross male chicks, Marek vaccinated, were ...
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect on broiler performance of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn containing the Cry1A(b) protein compared with the corresponding near isogenic corn and to analyze the degradation of... more
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect on broiler performance of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn containing the Cry1A(b) protein compared with the corresponding near isogenic corn and to analyze the degradation  of the Cry1A(b) gene in the digestive tract.
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A experiment was conducted to study kinetics, transfer coefficients, and biological half-lives of 90Sr, 134Cs, and 137Cs from feed to milk. A cow was fed a diet containing alfalfa hay contaminated by Chernobyl fallout for 14.5 wk. The... more
A experiment was conducted to study kinetics, transfer coefficients, and biological half-lives of 90Sr, 134Cs, and 137Cs from feed to milk. A cow was fed a diet containing alfalfa hay contaminated by Chernobyl fallout for 14.5 wk. The time-dependent activity in milk was approximated by a two-compartment model with fast biological half-lives of 2, 0.9, and 1 d and slow biological half-lives of 36.9, 8.7, and 12.4 d for 90Sr, 134Cs, and 137Cs, respectively. The transfer coefficients determined in the experiment were 0.0008 d L-1 for 90Sr, 0.0029 d L-1 for 134Cs, and 0.0031 d L-1 for 137Cs. The biological elimination phases of 134Cs and 137Cs were described by a two-compartment model while a one-compartment model was proposed for 90Sr.
... Reduction of Carryover of Aflatoxin from Cow Feed to Milk by Addition of Activated Carbons FABIO GALVANO,j AMEDEO PIETRI,z 1ERENZIO BERTUZZI,z GIORGIO FUSCONI,3 MARCO GALVANO,4 ANDREA PIVA,5 and GIANFRANCO PIVA2 ...
Research Interests:
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the dietary inclusion of 6 g/kg dry matter intake of an unextracted Aurantiochytrium limacinum algae (AURA) in mid-lactation Italian Friesian cows under commercial conditions on... more
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the dietary inclusion of 6 g/kg dry matter intake of an unextracted Aurantiochytrium limacinum algae (AURA) in mid-lactation Italian Friesian cows under commercial conditions on milk yield, milk composition and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content. Cows were allocated to two groups (n = 18; 108.2 ± 66.1 and 104.4 ± 54.6 days in milk, control and treated groups, respectively). Feeding AURA for 84 d had no effect on dry matter intake, body condition score or weight gain, but did improve milk yield by 1.9 kg/cow/d (+5.4%; P < 0.1) over the course of the experiment. Milk fat concentration declined by 12% (P < 0.0001) without any significant change in 4% fat corrected milk, protein or lactose. Supplementing AURA for 12 weeks substantially altered the fatty acid profile of milk compared with milk from CON-fed cows such that the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids increased, omega-3 fatty acid content increased by 73.1% (P < 0.0001) and was accompanied by a favourable increase in the omega-3:6 fatty acid ratio by 75.0% (P < 0.0001). The AURA supplement, during day 7-84, increased the DHA concentration to 0.37 g /100 g milk total fatty acids (P < 0.0001) with a mean transfer efficiency of 18.1% from feed to milk. Together these results indicated that supplementing a dairy cow diet with DHA-rich microalgae is a feasible and efficient means for creating DHA-enriched milk for human consumption.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation with the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich microalgae, Aurantiochytrium limacinum (AURA), on a variety of health and productivity parameters in lactating cows.... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation with the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich microalgae, Aurantiochytrium limacinum (AURA), on a variety of health and productivity parameters in lactating cows. Twenty-four cows were blocked by parity and number of days in milk and then randomly assigned to a control (CON; n = 12) group with no algal supplementation, or a treatment group (AURA; n = 12) provided with 100 g AURA cow −1 day −1 or 16 g DHA cow −1 day −1. A variety of health and productivity measurements were taken, and results indicated that supplementation had no negative effects on animal health in terms of somatic cell count, haematological and biochemical blood parameters, while body condition was marginally improved by algal supplementation. No differences were found for the various production parameters measured; however, a tendency towards increased milk production was observed for the AURA group during the final stage of the study (+4.5 kg cow −1 day −1 , day 78-84). The fatty acid profile of milk was improved by sup-plementation, with significantly lower saturated fatty acids, significantly higher omega-3 fatty acids and an improved omega-3/omega-6 ratio observed when compared to the control group. The amount of DHA in the milk of cows provided 105 g AURA head −1 day −1 was 4.7 mg/100 g milk with a peak transfer efficiency from feed to milk at day 49 of 8.3%. These results indicate that supplementation with 105 g AURA head −1 day −1 resulted in the successful enrichment of milk with DHA without negatively impacting the health or productivity of the animals. K E Y W O R D S dairy enrichment, haematology, microalgae, milk DHA, milk production, polyunsaturated fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in various aspects of human health, but many people do not consume them in sufficient quantities, resulting in deficiencies in some populations. The enrichment of commonly consumed foods with... more
Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in various aspects of human health, but many people do not consume them in sufficient quantities, resulting in deficiencies in some populations. The enrichment of commonly consumed foods with omega-3 fatty acids has been proposed to address this deficit. Feeding omega-3-rich ingredients to animals can enrich their products, increasing the consumption by the population without requiring any major dietary changes. Eggs can be enriched to a high degree, and currently, omega-3-enriched eggs are widely available. Oftentimes, a missed opportunity for the poultry industry is in valorizing the spent hen. In this short-term study, a docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich protist was fed to layer hens at three different inclusion levels to determine the degree of enrichment observed in the eggs and concomitantly in the breast, thigh, liver, and kidney. The addition of the protist ingredient had no negative impact on the bird health or performance. Significant increases in egg DHA concentration were observed, with 60, 164, 259, and 410 mg DHA/100g of egg collected from birds supplemented with the DHA-rich protist at a rate of 0, 0.5, 1, and 2.5% of the diet, respectively. This enrichment could increase the value of spent hen meat when used in the production of human and companion animal food as DHA-enriched products can be sold for a premium. Moreover, this enriched spent hen meat could potentially be used as a partial substitute for less-sustainable sources of dietary omega-3 including fish meal and fish oil.
The fatty acid composition of broiler chicken tissues can be increased by adding omega-3 rich ingredients to their diets. The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of tissue enrichment observed following the supplementation of... more
The fatty acid composition of broiler chicken tissues can be increased by adding omega-3 rich ingredients to their diets. The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of tissue enrichment observed following the supplementation of broilers with the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich protist, Aurantiochytrium limacinum (AURA) for their whole life (42 days) or for the final 21-day fattening period. Day-old chicks (n = 350) were distributed among 35 pens (10 birds per pen) with each pen randomly assigned to one of five treatments: Control; 0.5% AURA from day 0–42; 1% AURA from day 0–42; 0.5% AURA from day 21–42; 1% AURA from day 21–42. Production parameters were recorded over the course of the study and the fatty acid profile of the breast, thigh, liver, kidney and skin with adhering fat was quantified at the end of the feeding period. The level of supplementation had a significant impact on the degree of omega-3 tissue enrichment, however, no differences were observed when the same...
SUMMARY Changes in modern human diets have resulted in a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids. Rectifying this deficiency and increasing dietary levels of omega-3 fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), can improve overall human... more
SUMMARY Changes in modern human diets have resulted in a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids. Rectifying this deficiency and increasing dietary levels of omega-3 fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), can improve overall human health. Fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids; however, low levels of consumption in many parts of the world, coupled with declining fish stocks, mean that alternative dietary omega-3 sources are required. The enrichment of commonly consumed foods has been suggested as a strategy that could increase omega-3 consumption. Eggs are an obvious target for enrichment as they are consumed worldwide and can have their omega-3 content altered through dietary manipulation of hens. In the current study, algae were included in the diet of hens, at 3 inclusion levels, in order to increase the omega-3 content of their eggs. For each treatment, the DHA content of eggs reached a plateau, proportional to the level of inclusion in the diet, which was then maintained for the duration of the experimental period. Higher inclusion levels reached this plateau quicker; however, the efficiency of transfer was reduced with increased dietary DHA. This maintenance of an increased egg DHA content over a prolonged period of time emphasizes the suitability of dietary supplementation with algae as a means to improve the nutritional value of hen&#39;s eggs.
The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation with the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich microalgae, Aurantiochytrium limacinum (AURA) on pig performance, carcass traits, and the fatty acid composition of... more
The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation with the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich microalgae, Aurantiochytrium limacinum (AURA) on pig performance, carcass traits, and the fatty acid composition of pork Longissimus lumborum (LL) and backfat. A total of 144 PIC x Goland finishing pigs (72 females and 72 castrated males) of mean weight 117.1 (±13.1) kg were blocked by sex and body weight and provided with 0% or 1% AURA in isonutritive and isocaloric diets. A total of 24 pens provided 12 replicates per treatment. Animals were weighed on day 0 and 28 with feed and water intake recorded per pen. After 31 days supplementation (28 days of study and 3 days until the slaughtering date) three animals per pen (n=72) were slaughtered and the LL and backfat thickness, lean meat content and dressing percentage were recorded for the carcasses. The fatty acid (FA) profile of the LL and backfat was established by direct fatty acid methyl ester synthesis. No di...
SummaryThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the dietary inclusion of 6 g/kg dry matter intake of an unextractedAurantiochytrium limacinumalgae (AURA) in mid-lactation Italian Friesian cows under commercial conditions... more
SummaryThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the dietary inclusion of 6 g/kg dry matter intake of an unextractedAurantiochytrium limacinumalgae (AURA) in mid-lactation Italian Friesian cows under commercial conditions on milk yield, milk composition and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content. Cows were allocated to two groups (n = 18; 108.2 ± 66.1 and 104.4 ± 54.6 days in milk, control and treated groups, respectively). Feeding AURA for 84 d had no effect on dry matter intake, body condition score or weight gain, but did improve milk yield by 1.9 kg/cow/d (+5.4%; P &lt; 0.1) over the course of the experiment. Milk fat concentration declined by 12% (P &lt; 0.0001) without any significant change in 4% fat corrected milk, protein or lactose. Supplementing AURA for 12 weeks substantially altered the fatty acid profile of milk compared with milk from CON-fed cows such that the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids increased, omega-3 fatty acid content increased by 73.1% (...