This paper explores Bernard Stiegler's theorization of technique (particularly in the first volum... more This paper explores Bernard Stiegler's theorization of technique (particularly in the first volume of Technics and Time), which allows us to rethink it through various figures of anticipation and delay, in relation to temporality, knowledge and its corresponding epochs. A first, more theoretical part, which aims to illustrate the various stages of the conception of an "original technicity" proposed by Stiegler, will be followed by a brief mention of the "symptomatology" of contemporary society that he himself proposes, and will conclude with a "pharmacological" opening, oriented towards the therapeutic treatment of these symptoms of collective malaise. In this way, it will be possible to see how, according to Stiegler, it is only by placing technical thinking at the service of understanding and the distribution of time, above all as the time of knowledge, that it is possible to escape from the deafening paralysis that characterizes the contemporary dimension of thinking.
The paper “Machinic Untimeliness II. Writing Assemblages, Ontologies and Techno-Politics” aims to... more The paper “Machinic Untimeliness II. Writing Assemblages, Ontologies and Techno-Politics” aims to unfold some functions of the concept of machine in Guattari, with particular attention to the operation of constant transformation of its conceptual layers in the period comprised between Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus and in the Nineties. Starting from the birth of the abstract machine, it will follow its becomings and the several machinations to which it is subjected. In doing this, the paper specifically focuses on 1) the singular philosophical operation (and writing experience) undertaken by Guattari; 2) the politicization of the concept of machine, which also requires a sort of ontologization; and 3) the technological bifurcation of the same concept in the last formulations of the author. While presenting itself as an independent paper, it is also the second part of a more general work on the conceptual, ontological, techno-logical and political ecological status of Guattarian machines. The first part, “Machinic Untimeliness I. Machine Becomings and Conceptual Machinations”, is presented jointly with this article, which is not a simple linear continuation of the previous one, but a perspectival integration, which is made of echoes and refrains, and which in some way claims to further machinate the genealogy of the concept.
The article presents locality in the light of Bernard Stiegler’s philosophy, placing particular e... more The article presents locality in the light of Bernard Stiegler’s philosophy, placing particular emphasis on the non-spatial (non-territorial) dimension of locality, as well as on its relationship to temporality, idiomaticity, sense-making, and knowledge production. Such locality is thus more about what gives or produces place than what protects it. The concept of locality described in the article is a counterweight to discourses presenting locality as a cure for globalization and its dangers, in which locality appears as a constitutive, sustainable, harmonious, and originating place, prior to the technological exploitation of nature.
This article analyses some of the governmental issues at stake in contemporary institutional poli... more This article analyses some of the governmental issues at stake in contemporary institutional politics in its confrontation with the challenges of digitalisation. Through notions such as algorithmic governmentality (Rouvroy and Berns), platformisation (Bratton, Stiegler), extractivism, and the affect theory (Massumi), and following a symptomatologic method, we will try to establish and discuss some key points that could be useful in order to update certain concepts regarding micro- and biopolitics (Deleuze and Guattari, Foucault), the public sphere, and the management of social and individual bodies.Finally, we will try to understand how the manipulation of affects via the staging of possible catastrophic futures (Parisi) is used as a powerful neurosensory weapon, with performative effects for governing and modelling behaviours. If contemporary capitalism is capable of abstracting and extracting affects, of accumulating them and of creating value through this, which policies should we apply in this situation of uncertainty and of the manipulation of affectivity? Is there any place left for public institutions, or is the market the sole political actor left?
En este ensayo analizamos el estado de salud de la razón contemporánea y, en particular, su deven... more En este ensayo analizamos el estado de salud de la razón contemporánea y, en particular, su devenir estúpida con respecto a su relación con las tecnologías. La parte sintomatológica del texto se teje en una confrontación de los análisis de Félix Guattari con aquellos de Bernard Stiegler, para así resaltar la condición de imposibilidad de pensar y actuar que parece inmovilizar a los individuos (psíquicos y colectivos) a presente, la pars construens se armará en línea con la "farmacología positiva" de Stiegler y sus propuestas para cuidar de la razón, con y a través de las tecnologías, tanto en la sociedad que en las instituciones educativas, y así hacer posible el cambio necesario que nos proyectaría hacia un nuevo arte de vivir.
The following are responses to comments and questions posed by Sara Baranzoni, Paolo Vignola and ... more The following are responses to comments and questions posed by Sara Baranzoni, Paolo Vignola and audience members following Jon McKenzie’s plenary multimedia presentation, “Cosmography, Storytelling, and Performance Design Thinking,” given at Cumulus Virtual Guayaquil: Arts imagining communities to come. Cumulus Association of Art and Design Education and Research, Universidad de las Artes del Ecuador (UArtes), 2021. You can find a link to the full presentation here: The presentation provides an engaging overview of McKenzie’s StudioLab work and the theoretical frameworks underlying it, including his earlier work in Perform or Else. The recording of the presentation is an essential companion to this issue, and we are grateful for the permission to make it available here for the issue’s readers.
The paper aims to give an insight on various concepts created and developed within the Caribbean ... more The paper aims to give an insight on various concepts created and developed within the Caribbean literary context, in order to find some strategic elements capable of allowing us reframe the idea and meaning of locality. The necessity of such an operation lies in the urgency of rethinking the political dimension of locality due to its reactionary and repressive use by alt-right and fascist movements, in particular in Europe and the US. In this vein, concepts such as "polyrhythm", "metaarchipelago" (Benítez Rojo), "tidalectics" (Brathwaite), "poetics of relation", "creolization", "transnation" and "commonplace" (Glissant), become of strategic use as a way of opening up the idea of locality, which we aim to conceive precisely as a kind of social openness. Beside this conceptual reframing of locality, developed through the analysis of Benítez Rojo and Kamau Brathwaite's rhythmical concepts, the reader can find, o...
Deleuze and Guattari's concept of "dividual", as the result of a process of individ... more Deleuze and Guattari's concept of "dividual", as the result of a process of individualization and the digital codification of social life within societies of control, is one of the most discussed concepts in this first part of the 21st century. According to Thomas Berns and Antoinette Rouv- roy, a new form of power and control is emerging, "Algorithmic Governmentality", which causes several theoretical problems for earlier perspectives on politics and technology, and in which the dividual amounts to a symptom, felt by individuals as an an-aesthetization of both sensibility and thinking (Montani). Taking care of this symptom means taking care of the whole of contempor- ary philosophy and its "process of individuation" (Simondon). The article, which starts from Montani's last works on bio-aesthetics, aims to describe the relationships between Berns and Rouvroy's theory and Stiegler's analysis of what he calls "Automatic Society",...
Trump and the city. A model of Anthropocene The Anthropocene, as defective concept, is an ambiguo... more Trump and the city. A model of Anthropocene The Anthropocene, as defective concept, is an ambiguous notion questioning not only a type of humanity, but also geopolitical inequalities, economic issues and social relations. Beyond all the possibilities of redefinition, related to its origins, causes and consequences, we propose here to take into account the politics of Donald Trump as a symptom, one that take place in the city as the theatre of an Urban Anthropocene.
The paper aims to diagnose the expressive and political power of Deleuze & Guattari's A Thous... more The paper aims to diagnose the expressive and political power of Deleuze & Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus, when faced with technological acceleration under the conditions of platform capitalism. In order to develop such a diagnosis, A Thousand Plateaus has been treated as a particular milieu of desire, conceived following Deleuze's instructions on how to read Nietzschean texts, that is to machining the text with the reactive and active forces that affect it from outside. Within such a perspective, the outside of the book is constituted by the forces organized by digital capitalism, and through a reading of some critical thinkers (Rouvroy, Lazzarato, Berardi, Stiegler, Crary) the paper attempts to show how such forces are short-circuiting elements of Deleuze & Guattari's micropolitics. Far from denouncing a sort of weakness in A Thousand Plateaus, this diagnosis suggests that we continue the writing of this book, by differentiating its contents, that is to say, by develop...
All'interno del dibattito francese sull'Antropocene, dove, diversamente dall'Italia, ... more All'interno del dibattito francese sull'Antropocene, dove, diversamente dall'Italia, già tante voci si sono alternate e sovrapposte nell'interpretazione del fenomeno epistemico che tale termine ha generato, il filosofo Frédéric Neyrat si è distinto nel provare, con una serie di articoli, interviste, ed in particolare con il suo ultimo libro 1 , a dar conto del sostrato di quello che prontamente si è imposto come l'approccio dominante. Seguendo Neyrat, scopriamo che non si tratta in realtà di un discorso unitario, quanto piuttosto di una tendenza che sembra attraversare e tenere insieme diverse linee filosofiche, economiche e scientifiche, e che egli riassume nell'appellativo comune di geo-costruttivismo. Da «ingegneri e architetti che vorrebbero trasformare la Terra in macchina pilotabile», a «biologi che credono sia meglio resuscitare specie scomparse piuttosto che proteggere quelle ancora esistenti», a «politologi che offrono ricette per una governance glob...
Il titolo di questo intervento si è palesato in modo inevitabile ancor prima di qualsiasi pensier... more Il titolo di questo intervento si è palesato in modo inevitabile ancor prima di qualsiasi pensiero, apparendo letteralmente ad ogni atto iniziale dell'accendere il (un) computer. È stata infatti la ricorrenza dei termini "performance" e "creativity", che si ripetono singolarmente o in coppia in quelle formule retoriche aziendali presenti nelle schermate di avvio di ogni dispositivo digitale a far segno verso questa associazione. Un emblema: l'Inspire creativity and performance di Samsung. Lo shock del ripresentarsi di questi sostantivi, sulle cui pratiche stavo riflettendo da tempo, ma sempre in parallelo, ha richiesto appunto il cominciare a pensarli insieme, come aspetti complementari di un unico fenomeno che, dal marketing alla cultura, dal management alla tecnologia più hard, assembla una vasta rete di discorsi, pratiche e forze, di cui l'emergere di performance 1 e creatività come parole chiave del brand/product marketing tecnologico è soltanto i...
Propósito/Contexto. Este artículo tiene como propósito analizar los fenómenos de adicción digital... more Propósito/Contexto. Este artículo tiene como propósito analizar los fenómenos de adicción digital en el contexto contemporáneo, que se caracteriza por transformaciones tecnológicas en continua expansión. Metodología/Enfoque. El análisis se lleva a cabo desde el punto de vista de la filosofía de la tecnología y siguiendo la perspectiva farmacológica que formula el filósofo Bernard Stiegler en el marco de los estudios digitales, esto es, una visión de la tecnología, siempre y al mismo tiempo, como veneno y remedio para el ser humano. Resultados/Hallazgos. El artículo arroja luz sobre los orígenes y las consecuencias de semejante situación adictogénica, enfocándose en las causas socioeconómicas y en las posibilidades de escape que la tecnología misma nos proporciona; el problema ético se pone en relación con los estilos de vida de los usuarios y la pregunta es si las tecnologías actuales dejan lugar para un mejoramiento de las condiciones cotidianas o si solo amplifican el malestar que...
This paper explores Bernard Stiegler's theorization of technique (particularly in the first volum... more This paper explores Bernard Stiegler's theorization of technique (particularly in the first volume of Technics and Time), which allows us to rethink it through various figures of anticipation and delay, in relation to temporality, knowledge and its corresponding epochs. A first, more theoretical part, which aims to illustrate the various stages of the conception of an "original technicity" proposed by Stiegler, will be followed by a brief mention of the "symptomatology" of contemporary society that he himself proposes, and will conclude with a "pharmacological" opening, oriented towards the therapeutic treatment of these symptoms of collective malaise. In this way, it will be possible to see how, according to Stiegler, it is only by placing technical thinking at the service of understanding and the distribution of time, above all as the time of knowledge, that it is possible to escape from the deafening paralysis that characterizes the contemporary dimension of thinking.
The paper “Machinic Untimeliness II. Writing Assemblages, Ontologies and Techno-Politics” aims to... more The paper “Machinic Untimeliness II. Writing Assemblages, Ontologies and Techno-Politics” aims to unfold some functions of the concept of machine in Guattari, with particular attention to the operation of constant transformation of its conceptual layers in the period comprised between Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus and in the Nineties. Starting from the birth of the abstract machine, it will follow its becomings and the several machinations to which it is subjected. In doing this, the paper specifically focuses on 1) the singular philosophical operation (and writing experience) undertaken by Guattari; 2) the politicization of the concept of machine, which also requires a sort of ontologization; and 3) the technological bifurcation of the same concept in the last formulations of the author. While presenting itself as an independent paper, it is also the second part of a more general work on the conceptual, ontological, techno-logical and political ecological status of Guattarian machines. The first part, “Machinic Untimeliness I. Machine Becomings and Conceptual Machinations”, is presented jointly with this article, which is not a simple linear continuation of the previous one, but a perspectival integration, which is made of echoes and refrains, and which in some way claims to further machinate the genealogy of the concept.
The article presents locality in the light of Bernard Stiegler’s philosophy, placing particular e... more The article presents locality in the light of Bernard Stiegler’s philosophy, placing particular emphasis on the non-spatial (non-territorial) dimension of locality, as well as on its relationship to temporality, idiomaticity, sense-making, and knowledge production. Such locality is thus more about what gives or produces place than what protects it. The concept of locality described in the article is a counterweight to discourses presenting locality as a cure for globalization and its dangers, in which locality appears as a constitutive, sustainable, harmonious, and originating place, prior to the technological exploitation of nature.
This article analyses some of the governmental issues at stake in contemporary institutional poli... more This article analyses some of the governmental issues at stake in contemporary institutional politics in its confrontation with the challenges of digitalisation. Through notions such as algorithmic governmentality (Rouvroy and Berns), platformisation (Bratton, Stiegler), extractivism, and the affect theory (Massumi), and following a symptomatologic method, we will try to establish and discuss some key points that could be useful in order to update certain concepts regarding micro- and biopolitics (Deleuze and Guattari, Foucault), the public sphere, and the management of social and individual bodies.Finally, we will try to understand how the manipulation of affects via the staging of possible catastrophic futures (Parisi) is used as a powerful neurosensory weapon, with performative effects for governing and modelling behaviours. If contemporary capitalism is capable of abstracting and extracting affects, of accumulating them and of creating value through this, which policies should we apply in this situation of uncertainty and of the manipulation of affectivity? Is there any place left for public institutions, or is the market the sole political actor left?
En este ensayo analizamos el estado de salud de la razón contemporánea y, en particular, su deven... more En este ensayo analizamos el estado de salud de la razón contemporánea y, en particular, su devenir estúpida con respecto a su relación con las tecnologías. La parte sintomatológica del texto se teje en una confrontación de los análisis de Félix Guattari con aquellos de Bernard Stiegler, para así resaltar la condición de imposibilidad de pensar y actuar que parece inmovilizar a los individuos (psíquicos y colectivos) a presente, la pars construens se armará en línea con la "farmacología positiva" de Stiegler y sus propuestas para cuidar de la razón, con y a través de las tecnologías, tanto en la sociedad que en las instituciones educativas, y así hacer posible el cambio necesario que nos proyectaría hacia un nuevo arte de vivir.
The following are responses to comments and questions posed by Sara Baranzoni, Paolo Vignola and ... more The following are responses to comments and questions posed by Sara Baranzoni, Paolo Vignola and audience members following Jon McKenzie’s plenary multimedia presentation, “Cosmography, Storytelling, and Performance Design Thinking,” given at Cumulus Virtual Guayaquil: Arts imagining communities to come. Cumulus Association of Art and Design Education and Research, Universidad de las Artes del Ecuador (UArtes), 2021. You can find a link to the full presentation here: The presentation provides an engaging overview of McKenzie’s StudioLab work and the theoretical frameworks underlying it, including his earlier work in Perform or Else. The recording of the presentation is an essential companion to this issue, and we are grateful for the permission to make it available here for the issue’s readers.
The paper aims to give an insight on various concepts created and developed within the Caribbean ... more The paper aims to give an insight on various concepts created and developed within the Caribbean literary context, in order to find some strategic elements capable of allowing us reframe the idea and meaning of locality. The necessity of such an operation lies in the urgency of rethinking the political dimension of locality due to its reactionary and repressive use by alt-right and fascist movements, in particular in Europe and the US. In this vein, concepts such as "polyrhythm", "metaarchipelago" (Benítez Rojo), "tidalectics" (Brathwaite), "poetics of relation", "creolization", "transnation" and "commonplace" (Glissant), become of strategic use as a way of opening up the idea of locality, which we aim to conceive precisely as a kind of social openness. Beside this conceptual reframing of locality, developed through the analysis of Benítez Rojo and Kamau Brathwaite's rhythmical concepts, the reader can find, o...
Deleuze and Guattari's concept of "dividual", as the result of a process of individ... more Deleuze and Guattari's concept of "dividual", as the result of a process of individualization and the digital codification of social life within societies of control, is one of the most discussed concepts in this first part of the 21st century. According to Thomas Berns and Antoinette Rouv- roy, a new form of power and control is emerging, "Algorithmic Governmentality", which causes several theoretical problems for earlier perspectives on politics and technology, and in which the dividual amounts to a symptom, felt by individuals as an an-aesthetization of both sensibility and thinking (Montani). Taking care of this symptom means taking care of the whole of contempor- ary philosophy and its "process of individuation" (Simondon). The article, which starts from Montani's last works on bio-aesthetics, aims to describe the relationships between Berns and Rouvroy's theory and Stiegler's analysis of what he calls "Automatic Society",...
Trump and the city. A model of Anthropocene The Anthropocene, as defective concept, is an ambiguo... more Trump and the city. A model of Anthropocene The Anthropocene, as defective concept, is an ambiguous notion questioning not only a type of humanity, but also geopolitical inequalities, economic issues and social relations. Beyond all the possibilities of redefinition, related to its origins, causes and consequences, we propose here to take into account the politics of Donald Trump as a symptom, one that take place in the city as the theatre of an Urban Anthropocene.
The paper aims to diagnose the expressive and political power of Deleuze & Guattari's A Thous... more The paper aims to diagnose the expressive and political power of Deleuze & Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus, when faced with technological acceleration under the conditions of platform capitalism. In order to develop such a diagnosis, A Thousand Plateaus has been treated as a particular milieu of desire, conceived following Deleuze's instructions on how to read Nietzschean texts, that is to machining the text with the reactive and active forces that affect it from outside. Within such a perspective, the outside of the book is constituted by the forces organized by digital capitalism, and through a reading of some critical thinkers (Rouvroy, Lazzarato, Berardi, Stiegler, Crary) the paper attempts to show how such forces are short-circuiting elements of Deleuze & Guattari's micropolitics. Far from denouncing a sort of weakness in A Thousand Plateaus, this diagnosis suggests that we continue the writing of this book, by differentiating its contents, that is to say, by develop...
All'interno del dibattito francese sull'Antropocene, dove, diversamente dall'Italia, ... more All'interno del dibattito francese sull'Antropocene, dove, diversamente dall'Italia, già tante voci si sono alternate e sovrapposte nell'interpretazione del fenomeno epistemico che tale termine ha generato, il filosofo Frédéric Neyrat si è distinto nel provare, con una serie di articoli, interviste, ed in particolare con il suo ultimo libro 1 , a dar conto del sostrato di quello che prontamente si è imposto come l'approccio dominante. Seguendo Neyrat, scopriamo che non si tratta in realtà di un discorso unitario, quanto piuttosto di una tendenza che sembra attraversare e tenere insieme diverse linee filosofiche, economiche e scientifiche, e che egli riassume nell'appellativo comune di geo-costruttivismo. Da «ingegneri e architetti che vorrebbero trasformare la Terra in macchina pilotabile», a «biologi che credono sia meglio resuscitare specie scomparse piuttosto che proteggere quelle ancora esistenti», a «politologi che offrono ricette per una governance glob...
Il titolo di questo intervento si è palesato in modo inevitabile ancor prima di qualsiasi pensier... more Il titolo di questo intervento si è palesato in modo inevitabile ancor prima di qualsiasi pensiero, apparendo letteralmente ad ogni atto iniziale dell'accendere il (un) computer. È stata infatti la ricorrenza dei termini "performance" e "creativity", che si ripetono singolarmente o in coppia in quelle formule retoriche aziendali presenti nelle schermate di avvio di ogni dispositivo digitale a far segno verso questa associazione. Un emblema: l'Inspire creativity and performance di Samsung. Lo shock del ripresentarsi di questi sostantivi, sulle cui pratiche stavo riflettendo da tempo, ma sempre in parallelo, ha richiesto appunto il cominciare a pensarli insieme, come aspetti complementari di un unico fenomeno che, dal marketing alla cultura, dal management alla tecnologia più hard, assembla una vasta rete di discorsi, pratiche e forze, di cui l'emergere di performance 1 e creatività come parole chiave del brand/product marketing tecnologico è soltanto i...
Propósito/Contexto. Este artículo tiene como propósito analizar los fenómenos de adicción digital... more Propósito/Contexto. Este artículo tiene como propósito analizar los fenómenos de adicción digital en el contexto contemporáneo, que se caracteriza por transformaciones tecnológicas en continua expansión. Metodología/Enfoque. El análisis se lleva a cabo desde el punto de vista de la filosofía de la tecnología y siguiendo la perspectiva farmacológica que formula el filósofo Bernard Stiegler en el marco de los estudios digitales, esto es, una visión de la tecnología, siempre y al mismo tiempo, como veneno y remedio para el ser humano. Resultados/Hallazgos. El artículo arroja luz sobre los orígenes y las consecuencias de semejante situación adictogénica, enfocándose en las causas socioeconómicas y en las posibilidades de escape que la tecnología misma nos proporciona; el problema ético se pone en relación con los estilos de vida de los usuarios y la pregunta es si las tecnologías actuales dejan lugar para un mejoramiento de las condiciones cotidianas o si solo amplifican el malestar que...
L’Antropocene – espressione coniata nel 2000 dal chimico ambientale Paul Crutzen – è l’era geolog... more L’Antropocene – espressione coniata nel 2000 dal chimico ambientale Paul Crutzen – è l’era geologica in cui viviamo, un’era soggetta a preoccupanti trasformazioni geofisiche di cui l’umanità sarebbe la principale artefice. Questa nozione è dunque anche un concetto polemico e interdisciplinare. I saggi qui raccolti, composti da filosofi e studiosi impegnati da anni nella discussione critica dell’Antropocene, offrono gli elementi per una nuova immagine del pensiero, orientata verso un’inedita relazione tra tecnologia, ambiente e legami sociali: un futuro da costruire, un altro mondo pensabile.
The present writing was drafted and read by Obsolete Capitalism on the occasion of the ninth Inte... more The present writing was drafted and read by Obsolete Capitalism on the occasion of the ninth International Conference of Deleuze Studies in Rome last July 2016 at the department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts of Roma Tre University. The edition, organized by Daniela Angelucci and Ivelise Perniola in collaboration with Deleuze Studies Journal, edited by Ian Buchanan for the Edinburgh University Press, was entitled "Virtuality, Becoming and Life". The essay Deleuze and the Algorithm of the Revolution was presented on the 13th July in the panel Countless Life For a Liberation of Thought Wherever It Is Imprisoned, proposed by the online journal of philosophy La Deleuziana. In the appendix of the book it is the introduction to the panel by Paolo Vignola and Sara Baranzoni and the participants’ abstracts: Emilia Marra, Alexander Wilson, Anaïs Nony, Benoît Dillet, Sara Baranzoni, Obsolete Capitalism, Paolo Vignola. Obsolete Capitalism thanks the organizational team of the conference in Rome, the editors of Deleuze Studies Journal and Deleuze Connections and Plateaus - New Directions in Deleuze Studies of the Edinburgh University Press, the participants to the pa- nel, the journal “La Deleuziana” and the eager attending audience.
Questo testo di Obsolete Capitalism è stato presentato alla nona conferenza mondiale dei Deleuze ... more Questo testo di Obsolete Capitalism è stato presentato alla nona conferenza mondiale dei Deleuze Studies, tenutasi a Roma dall’11 al 13 luglio 2016 presso la facoltà di Filosofia, Comunicazione e Arti visive di Roma Tre. L’edizione organizzata da Daniela Angelucci e Ivelise Perniola dell’Università degli Studi di Roma, “La Sapienza”, in collaborazione con il Deleuze Studies Journal - rivista che il filosofo Ian Buchanan cura per la Edinburgh University Press - era intitolata «Virtuality, Becoming and Life». Il saggio «Deleuze e l’algoritmo della rivoluzione» è stato presentato il 13 luglio all’interno dello stream «Countless Life. For a Liberation of Thought Wherever It Is Imprisoned» organizzato dalla rivista di filosofia «La Deleuziana». Il testo di presentazione dello stream «Countless Life» a cura di Paolo Vignola e Sara Baranzoni e gli abstract dei partecipanti al panel - Emilia Marra, Alexander Wilson, Anais Nony, Benoit Dillet, Sara Baranzoni, Obsolete Capitalism, Paolo Vignola - sono riportati in appendice al presente saggio. Grafica Fantuzzi Gabriele
On the occasion of the international conference entitled Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 (Virtual... more On the occasion of the international conference entitled Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 (Virtuality, becoming and life, 11-13 July 2016) that will take place at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts of University Tre in Rome, the collective Obsolete Capitalism presents a «Deleuze in Rome 2016/Remix Version» of the book «Moneta, rivoluzione e filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista in Deleuze, Foucault, Guattari, Klossowski» with contributions in Italian and English language. Our conference will be on13th July 2016, from 2 to 3.30 pm in Room 13, along with the panel entitled “Countless Life. For a Liberation of Thought Wherever it is imprisoned - Deterritorializing Nietzsche" (chair: Charles Stivale). The panel Countless Life has been proposed and elaborated by the online philosophical magazine «La Deleuziana».
Contributors: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Luca Roccatagliati, Letizia Rustichelli, Oliver Smith, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.
Il libro “Moneta, rivoluzione e filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista... more Il libro “Moneta, rivoluzione e filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista in Deleuze, Foucault, Guattari, Klossowski” prende le mosse da un oscuro frammento di Nietzsche - I forti dell’avvenire - incastonato nel celebre passaggio dell’“accelerare il processo” situato nel punto cruciale di una delle opere filosofiche più dirompenti del secolo scorso: L’anti-Edipo di Deleuze e Guattari. Nell’antologia assemblata da Obsolete Capitalism a partire da Nietzsche emerge ciò che si potrebbe definire “accelerazionismo pulsionale” oppure accelerazionismo quantico che si esprime tramite una nuova politica di corpi, onde e forze e il cui rapporto con la «tecnologia» è mediato dal bricolage e dal do-it-yourself, dunque dalla «strada» e dalla «sperimentazione».
Ciò che passa non è un progetto, ma un’intensità, un campo di forze trasmettibili grazie a un contagio intermittente di onde pulsionali in continua propagazione. Si tratta di un’informe e deviata koinè, politica e artistica allo stesso tempo, una sorta di lingua franca urbana senza codici che attraversa il tempo ripetendosi nella variazione, grazie a comunità artistiche sediziose e irregolari il cui tratto distintivo è la differenziazione. Una koinè innumerevole, che porta ad un nuovo infinito, incommensurabile, ritmico.
Autori: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Letizia Rustichelli, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.
Alice e lo Specchio. Jeune-Fille e divenire-donna negli schermi contemporanei.
Alice and the Mirr... more Alice e lo Specchio. Jeune-Fille e divenire-donna negli schermi contemporanei. Alice and the Mirror. Jeune Fille and becoming-woman in contemporary screens Alice et le Miroir. Jeune-Fille et devenir femme dans les écrans contemporains
In occasione del centenario dalla nascita e del trentennale dalla morte di Gilles Deleuze (1925-1... more In occasione del centenario dalla nascita e del trentennale dalla morte di Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), il numero XLI de Lo Sguardo intende approfondire la relazione del pensatore francese con la storia della filosofia, la cui complessità intrinseca, per quanto già abbondantemente studiata, non cessa di offrire spunti e questioni dirimenti per la filosofia.
In this call for papers, La Deleuziana proposes to outline a practical philosophy adequate to the... more In this call for papers, La Deleuziana proposes to outline a practical philosophy adequate to the task of deconstructing the prism of fear which inhabits us today… To achieve this, we encourage a collective reflection on the concept of excess, historically linked to Georges Bataille, in order to refashion it into a weapon able to parry and ward off the anxiety, uncertainty and pain we suffer from today. The urgency with which our daily lives call for alternatives-both materially and vitally-is in fact without precedent. Yet it is precisely through this articulation between consciousness and its projects, on the one hand, and our intimate animal existence, on the other, that we can start to create[/compose] a collective becoming. This is perhaps the most important lesson Deleuze taught us. What connects us today, globally, is that we are all currently questioning and redefining what in life is useful, essential, necessary, and inalienable. The ease and speed with which all these notions have been rethought globally forces us to consider the following double headed theorem. Firstly, as philosophers of biopolitics have correctly pointed out, on the socio-anthropological plane nothing is immune to the invocation of a state of exception, according to which all preventative measures can be implemented in the name of survival. Secondly, and parallel to this (albeit also in a way opposed), the fear of death comes to take the place of the struggle for survival, a fear that Bataille had precisely defined in terms of the dissolution of the real and of its stability. Following this second line of analysis further, that of an anthropology of fear (as Bataille put it), we discover a radical critique of utility, a falsehood tied to capitalist notions of acquisition and conservation. The inalienable and unproductive dimension of expenditure-that of the dissolution of the order of things-reveals to us the paradoxical foundations and functioning of this order, which is to say of consciousness. By objectifying and traumatically separating itself from the real (and from the real subject), the constituted subject attributes a transcendent status to these illusory socio-politico-economic objects (Law, State, Capital) that only exist relative to itself (and vice versa). On the basis of this movement, the ego which lies at the heart of any genealogy-'as unreal as it is the origin in a Cartesian space' (Bourdieu)-recognises
Whether we think of the RNF radio broadcast of Ravel’s Bolero on 3rd September 1939 to encourage... more Whether we think of the RNF radio broadcast of Ravel’s Bolero on 3rd September 1939 to encourage the deployment of French troops the day France and England declared war on Germany (Criton, 1998), or whether we think, more recently, of the way in which a Stanley Kubrick was able to make cinematographically perceptible the perverse and military uses of musical figuration inherent to any politics, it is difficult today to affirm that music leads to “the softening of manners”, as Gustave Flaubert had remarked in his own time (Flaubert, 1913). Thus what politics is exempt from an appeal to leitmotifs or patterns, equally aural and visual, specific to each epoch and by which it manipulates them? One’s ability to analyse these relationships undoubtedly depends on one’s ability to resist being caught up in the game’s apparent simplicity. To do so, one must disregard the appearance of immediacy designed to interpellate and subjugate (through order-words) those to whom this appearance is targeted. But to analyse this, and in order to make it conceptually visible, one must keep one’s distance from the propensity of every politician to re-imagine the facts of a given epoch, by means of masked artifices that are both historical and geographic. For the purposes of such an analysis , it may be useful to draw on Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari who formed the concept of the refrain [Ritornello, Ritournelle] (Deleuze and Guattari, 1980, 1991. Guattari, 1979). When properly understood, this concept is irreducible to its reactionary and reterritorialising anti-democratic uses (Dantec, 2001; Rancière, 2005), inviting us to flee from received ideas about music, war and the earth, whether in terms of class (Lazzarato, 2014), of race (Bona, 2016) or of gender (Ronell, 2002).
Deadlines: Please submit your Abstract (1,500 characters) before May 30 2017 and Full text (20,000-50,000 characters, spaces included) are expected July 30 2017.
Que l’on songe à la diffusion radiophonique du Boléro de Ravel le 3 septembre 1939 par la RNF [Ra... more Que l’on songe à la diffusion radiophonique du Boléro de Ravel le 3 septembre 1939 par la RNF [Radiodiffusion Nationale Française] pour encourager le déploiement des troupes françaises lors de la déclaration de guerre à l’Allemagne par la France et l’Angleterre (Criton; 1998), ou à la manière dont, depuis, un Stanley Kubrick a pu rendre cinématographiquement perceptible les usages figuratifs pervers et militaires musicaux inhérents à toute politique, il reste difficile aujourd’hui d’affirmer, comme l’avait déjà remarqué en son temps Gustave Flaubert, que la musique adoucisse les mœurs (Flaubert ; 1913). Dans son rapport aux faits, quelle politique peut donc se dire exempte d’un recours à des leitmotivs ou patterns, tant visuels qu’auditifs, propres à chaque époque et par lesquels elle les manipule ? Toute la difficulté dans l’analyse d’un tel rapport repose sans doute sur la capacité à ne pas se laisser prendre au jeu de son apparente simplicité. Analyser la revendication d’un rapport direct aux faits, c’est se déprendre de son apparence d’immédiateté destinée à mobiliser, sur le mode de l’identification et de l’obéissance à des mots d’ordres, celles et ceux auxquels elle s’adresse. Mais c’est, par là même, chercher à mettre à distance, pour la rendre conceptuellement visible, la propension qu’a toute politique à se figurer, au moyen d’artifices tout en le masquant, les faits d’une époque donnée, historiquement et géographiquement située. Dans cette perspective, il revient à Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari d’avoir formé un concept de ritournelle susceptible d’être utile aux fins d’une telle analyse (Deleuze, Guattari; 1980, 1991. Guattari; 1979). Irréductible à ses usages reterritorialisant réactionnaires et antidémocratiques (Dantec; 2001. Rancière; 2005), ce concept bien compris invite à fuir les idées reçues sur la musique, la guerre et la terre, tant en termes de classe (Lazzarato; 2014), de race (Bona; 2016) que de genre (Ronell; 2002).
Dates limites: Svp nous faire parvenir un Résumé (1 500 caractères) avant le 30 mai 2017 et le Texte intégral (20 000 – 50 000 caractères, espaces incluses) avant le 30 juillet 2017.
Che si pensi alla diffusione radiofonica del Bolero di Ravel il 3 settembre 1939 attraverso la RN... more Che si pensi alla diffusione radiofonica del Bolero di Ravel il 3 settembre 1939 attraverso la RNF [Radiodiffusion Nationale Française], per incoraggiare lo spiegamento delle truppe francesi in vista della dichiarazione di guerra alla Germania da parte di Francia e Inghilterra (Criton 1998), o alla maniera in cui, in seguito, Stanley Kubrick ha potuto rendere cinematograficamente percettibili gli usi figurativi perversi e militari della musica inerenti ad ogni politica, resta difficile oggi affermare, come già Gustave Flaubert aveva a suo tempo constatato, che «la musica addolcisce i costumi» (Flaubert 1913). In effetti, e nel suo rapporto con i fatti, quale politica potrebbe dichiararsi esente dal ricorso a leitmotivs o patterns propri di ciascun’epoca, tanto visivi quanto auditivi, come strumento della loro manipolazione? Tutte le difficoltà nell’analisi di tale rapporto risiedono senza dubbio nella capacità di non lasciarsi ingannare dalla sua apparente semplicità. Analizzare la rivendicazione di un rapporto diretto coi fatti corrisponde al liberarsi dalla loro apparente immediatezza, destinata a mobilizzare, grazie al suo incidere sul piano dell’identificazione e dell’adesione a parole d’ordine, coloro ai quali si rivolge. Ma è anche, allo stesso tempo, il tentativo di mettere a distanza, al fine di renderla concettualmente visibile, la propensione di ogni politica a figurarsi, attraverso artifici di mascheramento, i fatti di una data epoca così come storicamente e geograficamente situati. In questa prospettiva, si riconosce a Deleuze e Guattari il merito di aver formato un concetto di ritornello utile ai fini di tale analisi (Deleuze, Guattari; 1980, 1991. Guattari; 1979). Irriducibile ai suoi utilizzi riterritorializzanti, reazionari e antidemocratici (Dantec; 2001. Rancière; 2005), tale concetto, se compreso in profondità, invita a fuggire le idee prestabilite tanto sulla musica, quanto sulla guerra e sulla stessa terra, sia in termini di classe (Lazzarato; 2014), che di razza (Touam Bona; 2016) e di genere (Ronell; 2002).
Deadlines: Si prega di inviare un Abstract (1,500 caratteri) entro il 30 Maggio 2017. Per il testo completo (20,000-50,000 caratteri, spazi inclusi) la data limite è il 30 Luglio 2017.
Edited by Benoît Dillet
In this special issue, La Deleuziana would like to pursue this hypothesi... more Edited by Benoît Dillet
In this special issue, La Deleuziana would like to pursue this hypothesis by integrating into new questions arising from the philosophical and ecological literature on the Anthropocene. With the advent of the Anthropocene in philosophical discourse, conceptual work needs to be done to rethink and extend the relation between the earth and thought, a new ecological thought that neither fetishises nature nor simply cancels it out of the equation. Geopower would be the alternative concept to think not of the age of the human (Anthropocene) but the birth of new powers that attack the strata. Nature is a battlefield composed of geophysical, geohistorical, geoeconomic, geophilosophical and geo-fictional forces. We lack a critique of geocapitalism.
In the year 2000, Paul Crutzen made the explosive proposal that the name Anthropocene be adopted ... more In the year 2000, Paul Crutzen made the explosive proposal that the name Anthropocene be adopted to describe a new geological era whose specific characteristic is the centrality of humankind as a factor in geophysical systems. The term immediately implied a question not just of beginnings but of endings: the advent of something that would also be an encounter with limits, in the first place ecological, but also economic, political, technological and conceptual. Nevertheless, what seems to have no limits, is the life of this very term: it has disseminated and gathered ground well beyond the scientific fields to which it is most immediately relevant. This may be viewed as a conquest of intellectual territory by this geological term, but it perhaps serves more to indicate the degree to which the concept has become a site of contest rather than conquest, as scholars in every field wrestle with a term that seems lodged between prematurity and lateness, death knell, prophecy and call to arms. “Azimuth” invites researchers and scholars from philosophy, sociology, sciences, media studies, cultural studies and related disciplinary fields to contribute to the issue, by taking up one of three possible topics: [SEE FULL PDF]
The term “Anthropocene”, ever since its rise to scientific, intellectual or public visibility, ha... more The term “Anthropocene”, ever since its rise to scientific, intellectual or public visibility, has been presented as an event (Bonneuil, Fressoz), both as a kind of shock produced and experienced by humankind, and in terms of the response this shock has elicited from diverse disciplines. “Anthropocene” is a term coined in 2000 by the Nobel Prize-winning atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen that refers to a new, current geological era, one that would therefore supposedly have succeeded the Holocene, a new epoch in which the human being will have become the main factor involved in the transformation of terrestrial conditions. First emerging from the hard sciences, during the last fifteen years the Anthropocene has been taken up widely in the social sciences, but also in the humanities and philosophy, and for a powerful reason: while at a technical or superficial level it is concerned directly with the climate change brought about by industrialization, it inevitably leads to profound issues involving the entire Western tradition. That is, it involves cruxes of thought that may have been confronted in the past, for instance through the upheavals provoked by Nietzschean thought, but which we continue to face today: in the first place the opposition between nature and culture, and then, like a cascade, the issues of anthropocentrism, ethnocentrism, androcentrism, Prometheanism, Enlightenment reason, the very idea of telos and the idea of universal history in its intrinsic relation with the Neolithic. Finally, the Anthropocene seems to call natural scientists, philosophers, economists and politicians to respond to the possibility and the necessity of thinking the future as such.
Fin dal suo esordio, il termine “Antropocene” si è presentato come un evento (Bonneuil, Fressoz),... more Fin dal suo esordio, il termine “Antropocene” si è presentato come un evento (Bonneuil, Fressoz), tanto nel senso di uno shock rispetto all’umanità, quanto per ciò che concerne le risposte provenienti da discipline anche molto distanti tra loro. Coniato dal Nobel per la chimica Paul Crutzen nel 2000, e indicante la supposta era geologica, successiva all’Olocene, in cui l’uomo sarebbe diventato il principale fattore di trasformazione delle condizioni ambientali terrestri, l’Antropocene ha conosciuto negli ultimi quindici anni un enorme successo anche nelle scienze sociali e in filosofia.
Jeune Fille and becoming-woman in contemporary screens
Jeune-Fille et devenir femme dans les écr... more Jeune Fille and becoming-woman in contemporary screens
Jeune-Fille et devenir femme dans les écrans contemporains
Jeune-Fille e divenire-donna negli schermi contemporanei
( Dalla presentazione del libro Mille Piani, Orthotes 2017, a cura di Paolo Vignola ) :: La pubbl... more ( Dalla presentazione del libro Mille Piani, Orthotes 2017, a cura di Paolo Vignola ) :: La pubblicazione di Mille piani, nel 1980, è da considerarsi un evento del linguaggio e del pensiero, scioccante nel colpire e impercettibile nella sua azione trasformatrice, che ancora oggi continua ad agire sui corpi, individuali e collettivi. Come ogni evento, è dovuto scorrere del tempo - e forse altro ne passerà - perché la densità e la centralità dei temi di quest'opera venissero recepiti in tutta la loro importanza. Le scosse telluriche prodotte da questa «geologia della morale» riguardano svariati ambiti della relazione tra sapere, potere e desiderio, tanto nel campo umanistico, quanto in quello scientifico, economico e politico.
L'episteme della tradizione - storica, politica, coloniale, patriarcale - viene colpita implacabilmente dal fuoco amico delle macchine da guerra filosofiche. E tra le fiamme delle immagini dogmatiche del pensiero, un rigoglio incantevole di suoni, luci, brezze, piante rizomatiche, vespe e orchidee, sciamani e animali di ogni sorta, esprime la complicità con un «popolo che manca», una comunità in divenire appena tratteggiata, che fa delle differenze e delle minoranze il cemento del domani.
Paper co-authored with Sara Baranzoni and Paolo Vignola, delivered to a general audience in Ibarr... more Paper co-authored with Sara Baranzoni and Paolo Vignola, delivered to a general audience in Ibarra, 3 June 2015.
Paper co-authored with Sara Baranzoni and Paolo Vignola, delivered to the Social Sciences Departm... more Paper co-authored with Sara Baranzoni and Paolo Vignola, delivered to the Social Sciences Department at Yachay Tech on 22 May 2015.
Accepted stream for Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 (Rome).
This stream aims to develop a meaning... more Accepted stream for Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 (Rome). This stream aims to develop a meaningful path through three of the main topics in Deleuze, from the point of view of our philosophical and political present: Life, Control, Acceleration. Through this path it will become possible to describe the adventures of Life as immanence in a way capable of dealing with both the dramatic actualizations of control societies and the anthropomorphization of the very Earth, which leads to the so-called Anthropocene as a completion of Nietzschean nihilism through hyper-industrialized capitalism. It is precisely in that " geological " era, dangerously shaped by a hegemonic model of the " human " , that a wide set of Deleuzian concepts may allow us not only to criticize the present world (as neo-liberal, polluting, cruel, anthropocentric, etc.), but to imagine a future world in which to believe, a world no longer either anthropocentric or white-western-male, as is the basis of financial totalitarianism. But in order to avoid the risk of confining Deleuze's concepts within a useless rhetorical dimension – that is, repetition without difference – these concepts must be extracted from the contingency of our reality and thrust towards the creation of new, multiple differences. From such a perspective, concepts, such as becoming, immanence, virtuality, quasi-causality, event, haecceitas, difference and nomadology, will be drawn into a constellation with a set of ongoing processes that threaten all the qualities and things most loved by Deleuze: affects, thinking, desire, singularity, animals and the Earth.
Pubblichiamo come terza lettura estiva di Effimera, un denso e importante saggio di Sara Baranzon... more Pubblichiamo come terza lettura estiva di Effimera, un denso e importante saggio di Sara Baranzoni e Paolo Vignola tratto dal libro, a cura di Obsolete Capitalism, Moneta, rivoluzione, filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista in Deleuze, Foucault, Klossowski, Guattari (Obsolete Capitalism Free Press-Rizosfera, 2016). Il testo discute le tesi del Manifesto per una politica accelerazionista di Srnicek e Williams. L’analisi critica della teoria dell’accelerazionismo verte sulla seguente domanda: è possibile applicare il costante sviluppo della techne alla soggettività umana? D’altro lato, come interpretare la proletarizzazione del General Intellect, cioè la deprivazione del sapere sociale consentita dalla governamentalità algoritmica? E ancora: che cosa è l’Antropocene se non compimento del capitalismo? Le analisi di Bernard Stiegler, Franco Berardi e di Maurizio Lazzarato ci mostrano che il cognitivismo umano è spesso impregnato da Nichilismo organologico che non sempre consente un progressivo e costante sviluppo dell’appropriazione tecnologica. Su questa biforcazione si gioca il futuro della “sinistra”. Non siamo forse, tra tanta complessità, posti di fronte all’occasione di “ripensare l’umano e l’inumano, il fuori e il dentro, l’agency e le affordances, la stessa sinistra, nonché i processi d’individuazione psichica e collettiva”?
Giorgio Griziotti, autore del libro Neurocapitalismo. Mediazioni tecnologiche e linee di fuga (Mi... more Giorgio Griziotti, autore del libro Neurocapitalismo. Mediazioni tecnologiche e linee di fuga (Mimesis, 2016), ha scritto alcune note intorno al saggio di Sara Baranzoni e Paolo Vignola “Biforcare alla radice. Su alcuni disagi dell’accelerazione”, tratto dal libro Moneta, rivoluzione, filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista in Deleuze, Foucault, Klossowski, Guattari (Obsolete Capitalism Free Press-Rizosfera, 2016). Il testo di Baranzoni e Vignola è stato proposto da Effimera come lettura d’agosto. Pubblichiamo le considerazioni di Griziotti, congiuntamente alla risposta dei due autori di “Biforcare alla radice”. Si tratta di una discussione teorico-politica estremamente importante, che pone l’accento su temi dirimenti: dal ruolo delle tecnologie e delle sue interazioni con l’umano alla proletarizzazione del General Intellect (precariato neoliberale attuale).
Fin dal suo esordio, il termine ‘Antropocene’ si è presentato come un ‘evento’ (secondo la defini... more Fin dal suo esordio, il termine ‘Antropocene’ si è presentato come un ‘evento’ (secondo la definizione data da Christophe Bonneuil e Jean-Baptiste Fressoz nel loro L’Evénement Anthropocène. La Terre, l’histoire et nous, edito nel 2013 per i tipi Seuil), tanto nel senso di uno shock rispetto all’umanità, quanto per ciò che concerne le risposte provenienti da discipline anche molto distanti tra loro. Coniato dal Nobel per la chimica Paul Crutzen nel 2000, e indicante la supposta era geologica, successiva all’Olocene, in cui l’uomo sarebbe diventato il principale fattore di trasformazione delle condizioni ambientali terrestri, l’Antropocene ha conosciuto negli ultimi quindici anni un enorme successo anche nelle scienze sociali e in filosofia. Se lo strato più superficiale del suo significato è direttamente connesso con il cambiamento climatico indotto dall’industrializzazione, le questioni soggiacenti riguardano, infatti, diversi nodi problematici su cui si è retta e continua a reggersi l’attitudine del pensiero occidentale, nonostante le scosse telluriche ricevute almeno da Nietzsche in poi: in primis l’opposizione tra natura e cultura e, come in un effetto a valanga, l’antropocentrismo, l’etnocentrismo, l’androcentrismo, il prometeismo, la razionalità illuministica, la stessa idea di telos e di storia universale nei suoi rapporti intrinseci con il Neolitico. In ultimo, ciò a cui l’Antropocene sembra chiamare, dagli scienziati naturali fino ai filosofi, agli economisti e alla politica, è la possibilità/necessità di pensare il futuro in quanto tale.
A l'occasion d'une rencontre exceptionelle entre les co-fondateurs de la revue internationale LaD... more A l'occasion d'une rencontre exceptionelle entre les co-fondateurs de la revue internationale LaDeleuziana, les membres de sa rédaction et de multiples invités, nous vous convions à venir discuter collectivement du microfascime, des milieux alternatifs du désir et du dehors aujourd'hui.
En présence de: Raquel Albarrán, Anne Alombert, Emily Apter, Sara Baranzoni, Quentin Badaire, Riccardo Baldissone, Jeanne Etelain, Jean-Sebastien Laberge, Federico Luisetti, Emilia Marra, Victor Petit, Giulio Piatti, Anne Sauvagnargues, Bernard Stiegler, Paolo Vignola, Francesco Vitale, Judith Wambacq... and more!!
Conçu comme un grand débat orchestré par les acteurs de la revue, l'évènement sera également transmis en live et facilitera la participation du plus grand nombre pour penser/panser politiquement et collectivement le futur que l'on souhaite construire ensemble.
Cet évènement est co-sponsorisé par le Collectif Nootechnics, l'Institut de Recherche et d'Innovation, et le Winthrop-King Institute à Florida State University.
Papers by Sara Baranzoni
co-edited by Stefano Oliva and Obsolete Capitalism
CFP Ritmo, Caos E Uomo Non Pulsato. Per Una Filosofia Caosmotica
CFP Rythme, Chaos Et Homme Non Pulsé. Vers Une Philosophie Chaosmique
Obsolete Capitalism thanks the organizational team of the conference in Rome, the editors of Deleuze Studies Journal and Deleuze Connections and Plateaus - New Directions in Deleuze Studies of the Edinburgh University Press, the participants to the pa- nel, the journal “La Deleuziana” and the eager attending audience.
Contributors: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Luca Roccatagliati, Letizia Rustichelli, Oliver Smith, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.
Ciò che passa non è un progetto, ma un’intensità, un campo di forze trasmettibili grazie a un contagio intermittente di onde pulsionali in continua propagazione. Si tratta di un’informe e deviata koinè, politica e artistica allo stesso tempo, una sorta di lingua franca urbana senza codici che attraversa il tempo ripetendosi nella variazione, grazie a comunità artistiche sediziose e irregolari il cui tratto distintivo è la differenziazione. Una koinè innumerevole, che porta ad un nuovo infinito, incommensurabile, ritmico.
Autori: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Letizia Rustichelli, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.
Alice and the Mirror. Jeune Fille and becoming-woman in contemporary screens
Alice et le Miroir. Jeune-Fille et devenir femme dans les écrans contemporains
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Deadlines: Please submit your Abstract (1,500 characters) before May 30 2017 and Full text (20,000-50,000 characters, spaces included) are expected July 30 2017.
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Dates limites: Svp nous faire parvenir un Résumé (1 500 caractères) avant le 30 mai 2017 et le Texte intégral (20 000 – 50 000 caractères, espaces incluses) avant le 30 juillet 2017.
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Deadlines: Si prega di inviare un Abstract (1,500 caratteri) entro il 30 Maggio 2017. Per il testo completo (20,000-50,000 caratteri, spazi inclusi) la data limite è il 30 Luglio 2017.
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Si prega di consultare qui le nostre regole di pubblicazione e politiche di valutazione.
In this special issue, La Deleuziana would like to pursue this hypothesis by integrating into new questions arising from the philosophical and ecological literature on the Anthropocene. With the advent of the Anthropocene in philosophical discourse, conceptual work needs to be done to rethink and extend the relation between the earth and thought, a new ecological thought that neither fetishises nature nor simply cancels it out of the equation. Geopower would be the alternative concept to think not of the age of the human (Anthropocene) but the birth of new powers that attack the strata. Nature is a battlefield composed of geophysical, geohistorical, geoeconomic, geophilosophical and geo-fictional forces. We lack a critique of geocapitalism.
Nevertheless, what seems to have no limits, is the life of this very term: it has disseminated and gathered ground well beyond the scientific fields to which it is most immediately relevant. This may be viewed as a conquest of intellectual territory by this geological term, but it perhaps serves more to indicate the degree to which the concept has become a site of contest rather than conquest, as scholars in every field wrestle with a term that seems lodged between prematurity and lateness, death knell, prophecy and call to arms.
“Azimuth” invites researchers and scholars from philosophy, sociology, sciences, media studies, cultural studies and related disciplinary fields to contribute to the issue, by taking up one of three possible topics: [SEE FULL PDF]
Jeune-Fille et devenir femme dans les écrans contemporains
Jeune-Fille e divenire-donna negli schermi contemporanei
L'episteme della tradizione - storica, politica, coloniale, patriarcale - viene colpita implacabilmente dal fuoco amico delle macchine da guerra filosofiche. E tra le fiamme delle immagini dogmatiche del pensiero, un rigoglio incantevole di suoni, luci, brezze, piante rizomatiche, vespe e orchidee, sciamani e animali di ogni sorta, esprime la complicità con un «popolo che manca», una comunità in divenire appena tratteggiata, che fa delle differenze e delle minoranze il cemento del domani.
This stream aims to develop a meaningful path through three of the main topics in Deleuze, from the point of view of our philosophical and political present: Life, Control, Acceleration. Through this path it will become possible to describe the adventures of Life as immanence in a way capable of dealing with both the dramatic actualizations of control societies and the anthropomorphization of the very Earth, which leads to the so-called Anthropocene as a completion of Nietzschean nihilism through hyper-industrialized capitalism. It is precisely in that " geological " era, dangerously shaped by a hegemonic model of the " human " , that a wide set of Deleuzian concepts may allow us not only to criticize the present world (as neo-liberal, polluting, cruel, anthropocentric, etc.), but to imagine a future world in which to believe, a world no longer either anthropocentric or white-western-male, as is the basis of financial totalitarianism. But in order to avoid the risk of confining Deleuze's concepts within a useless rhetorical dimension – that is, repetition without difference – these concepts must be extracted from the contingency of our reality and thrust towards the creation of new, multiple differences. From such a perspective, concepts, such as becoming, immanence, virtuality, quasi-causality, event, haecceitas, difference and nomadology, will be drawn into a constellation with a set of ongoing processes that threaten all the qualities and things most loved by Deleuze: affects, thinking, desire, singularity, animals and the Earth.
Vignola tratto dal libro, a cura di Obsolete Capitalism, Moneta, rivoluzione, filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la
politica accelerazionista in Deleuze, Foucault, Klossowski, Guattari (Obsolete Capitalism Free Press-Rizosfera,
2016). Il testo discute le tesi del Manifesto per una politica accelerazionista di Srnicek e Williams. L’analisi critica
della teoria dell’accelerazionismo verte sulla seguente domanda: è possibile applicare il costante sviluppo della
techne alla soggettività umana? D’altro lato, come interpretare la proletarizzazione del General Intellect, cioè la
deprivazione del sapere sociale consentita dalla governamentalità algoritmica? E ancora: che cosa è l’Antropocene
se non compimento del capitalismo? Le analisi di Bernard Stiegler, Franco Berardi e di Maurizio Lazzarato ci
mostrano che il cognitivismo umano è spesso impregnato da Nichilismo organologico che non sempre consente un
progressivo e costante sviluppo dell’appropriazione tecnologica. Su questa biforcazione si gioca il futuro della
“sinistra”. Non siamo forse, tra tanta complessità, posti di fronte all’occasione di “ripensare l’umano e l’inumano, il
fuori e il dentro, l’agency e le affordances, la stessa sinistra, nonché i processi d’individuazione psichica e
scritto alcune note intorno al saggio di Sara Baranzoni e Paolo Vignola “Biforcare alla radice. Su alcuni disagi
dell’accelerazione”, tratto dal libro Moneta, rivoluzione, filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista
in Deleuze, Foucault, Klossowski, Guattari (Obsolete Capitalism Free Press-Rizosfera, 2016). Il testo di Baranzoni
e Vignola è stato proposto da Effimera come lettura d’agosto.
Pubblichiamo le considerazioni di Griziotti, congiuntamente alla risposta dei due autori di “Biforcare alla radice”. Si
tratta di una discussione teorico-politica estremamente importante, che pone l’accento su temi dirimenti: dal ruolo
delle tecnologie e delle sue interazioni con l’umano alla proletarizzazione del General Intellect (precariato
neoliberale attuale).
En présence de: Raquel Albarrán, Anne Alombert, Emily Apter, Sara Baranzoni, Quentin Badaire, Riccardo Baldissone, Jeanne Etelain, Jean-Sebastien Laberge, Federico Luisetti, Emilia Marra, Victor Petit, Giulio Piatti, Anne Sauvagnargues, Bernard Stiegler, Paolo Vignola, Francesco Vitale, Judith Wambacq... and more!!
Conçu comme un grand débat orchestré par les acteurs de la revue, l'évènement sera également transmis en live et facilitera la participation du plus grand nombre pour penser/panser politiquement et collectivement le futur que l'on souhaite construire ensemble.
Cet évènement est co-sponsorisé par le Collectif Nootechnics, l'Institut de Recherche et d'Innovation, et le Winthrop-King Institute à Florida State University.
Evènement: 18 Dec, 2018 de 14h à 18h, Centre Georges Pompidou, salle triangle (dehors, sur le parvis, à droite de la librairie)
Live streaming: