In this paper, a variant of the T-X(Y) generator was developed by suppressing the scale parameter... more In this paper, a variant of the T-X(Y) generator was developed by suppressing the scale parameter of the classical Lomax distribution in the quantile function. Uniquely, the reduction of the number of parameters essentially accounts for the parsimony of the attendant model. The study considered the Exponential distribution as the transformer and consequently obtained the New Reduced Quantile Exponential-G (NRQE-G) family. The Type-II Gumbel distribution was deployed as the baseline to obtain a special sub-model known as the New Reduced Quantile Exponential Type-II Gumbel (NRQE-T2G) model. Some functional properties of the distribution namely, moment and its related measures such as the mean, variance, second, third, and fourth moments were obtained. The Mode, skewness, Kurtosis, index of dispersion, coeffi cient of variation, order statistics, survival, hazard, and quantile function were also derived. The maximum likelihood estimation method was used to estimate its parameters. The model's credibility, applicability, and fl exibility were proven using two real-life datasets.
Scholars journal of physics, mathematics and statistics, Sep 29, 2023
In this article, the Rani distribution has been modified to a more flexible variant. The new mode... more In this article, the Rani distribution has been modified to a more flexible variant. The new model is called "the XRani distribution" and it is also a one-parameter distribution just as the parent distribution-Rani. The properties of the XRani distribution were derived and an analysis of the behaviour was conducted. The parameter was estimated using the maximum likelihood procedure. Four lifetime data sets were used to illustrate the importance of the proposed model. From the results, the proposed model competes favorably among the members of the Lindley class of distributions.
Scholars journal of physics, mathematics and statistics, Sep 29, 2023
Review Article In this paper, a new lifetime distribution in the class of Lindley is developed an... more Review Article In this paper, a new lifetime distribution in the class of Lindley is developed and it is called "Doje Distribution". It is flexible in modeling lifetime data. The mathematical properties which include moments, the shape of the distribution, Quantile function, hazard function, survival function, stochastic ordering, mean deviation, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve, order statistic, and Renyi entropy have been studied. The maximum likelihood estimation has also been discussed. Twolifetime data sets were utilized to demonstrate its usefulness. The results show that the proposed Doje distribution is better than Lindley, Ishita, Pareto, Chris-Jerry, Sushila, and Rama's distribution in the instances of the data used.
Scholars journal of engineering and technology, Sep 29, 2023
This article is an improvement on the XShanker distribution having a single parameter which is th... more This article is an improvement on the XShanker distribution having a single parameter which is the scale parameter and also in the class of Lindley distributions. It is named Double XShanker following the approach that generated it. The distributional properties which include the non-central moment with the associated statistics, the moment generating function, characteristic function, mean residual life function, stress-strength reliability function, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve functions, odd function, stochastic ordering, distribution of order statistics, and Reny entropy. The parameter was estimated using the method of maximum likelihood. Some visualizations based on theoretical values were presented. Some statistics were computed from theoretical values with convergence behavior recorded. A simulation study was conducted with 1000 samples of different sizes and the behavior observed is that as sample size increases the estimates decrease indicating precision. Data on rainfall and Vinyl chloride were used to validate the usefulness of the suggested distribution.
In this paper, a new distribution is proposed by a mixture of two distributions; Exponential and ... more In this paper, a new distribution is proposed by a mixture of two distributions; Exponential and Exponential-Rama the proposed distribution is referred to as the Double XRama distribution. It is flexible in modeling lifetime data. The properties of the XRama distribution were derived and an analysis of the behaviour was conducted. The mathematical properties which include moments, the shape of the distribution, Quantile function, hazard function, survival function, stochastic ordering, mean deviation, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve, order statistic, and Renyi entropy have been studied. From the results, the proposed model competes favorably among the members of the XRama class of distributions.
In this paper, a variant of the T-X(Y) generator was developed by suppressing the scale parameter... more In this paper, a variant of the T-X(Y) generator was developed by suppressing the scale parameter of the classical Lomax distribution in the quantile function. Uniquely, the reduction of the number of parameters essentially accounts for the parsimony of the attendant model. The study considered the Exponential distribution as the transformer and consequently obtained the New Reduced Quantile Exponential-G (NRQE-G) family. The Type-II Gumbel distribution was deployed as the baseline to obtain a special sub-model known as the New Reduced Quantile Exponential Type-II Gumbel (NRQE-T2G) model. Some functional properties of the distribution namely, moment and its related measures such as the mean, variance, second, third, and fourth moments were obtained. The Mode, skewness, Kurtosis, index of dispersion, coeffi cient of variation, order statistics, survival, hazard, and quantile function were also derived. The maximum likelihood estimation method was used to estimate its parameters. The model's credibility, applicability, and fl exibility were proven using two real-life datasets.
Objective To assess whether traditional birth attendants, drug-shop vendors, community reproducti... more Objective To assess whether traditional birth attendants, drug-shop vendors, community reproductive-health workers, or adolescent peer mobilizers could administer intermittent preventive treatment (IPTp) for malaria with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine to pregnant women. Methods A non-randomized community trial was implemented in 21 community clusters (intervention) and four clusters where health units provided routine IPTp (control). The primary outcome measures were access and adherence to IPTp, number of malaria episodes, prevalence of anaemia, and birth weight. Numbers of live births, abortions, still births, and maternal and child deaths were secondary endpoints. Findings 1404 (67.5%) of 2081 with the new delivery system received two doses of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine versus 281 (39.9%) of 704 with health units (P < 0.0001). The prevalence of malaria episodes decreased from 906 (49.5%) of 1830 to 160 (17.6%) of 909 (P < 0.001) with the new delivery system and from 161 (39.1%) of 412 to 13 (13.1%) of 99 (P < 0.001) with health units. Anaemia was significantly less prevalent in both arms. There was a lower proportion of low birth weight 6.0% with the new delivery system versus 8.3% with health units (P < 0.03). Few abortions and stillbirths were recorded in either arm. Fewer children and women who accessed IPTp with health units died than in the intervention group. Conclusion The new approaches were associated with early access and increased adherence to IPTp. Health units were, however, more effective in reducing parasitaemia and malaria episodes. We recommend further studies to assess programming modalities linking the new approaches and health units.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 19, 2023
In this paper, a new lifetime distribution known as the Marshall-Olkin Chris-Jerry (MOCJ) distrib... more In this paper, a new lifetime distribution known as the Marshall-Olkin Chris-Jerry (MOCJ) distribution is proposed. The proposition is motivated by Marshall-Olkin family of distributions and the oneparameter Chris-Jerry distribution. Some of its useful mathematical properties were derived and the derivation of the Pietra measure of inequality lends this distribution to wider application especially in income and population distributions. Two real data sets were used to illustrate the proposed model. From the results, the MOCJ distribution performed better than the other fitted distributions.
Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2023
Review Article This article is an improvement on the XShanker distribution having a single parame... more Review Article This article is an improvement on the XShanker distribution having a single parameter which is the scale parameter and also in the class of Lindley distributions. It is named Double XShanker following the approach that generated it. The distributional properties which include the non-central moment with the associated statistics, the moment generating function, characteristic function, mean residual life function, stress-strength reliability function, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve functions, odd function, stochastic ordering, distribution of order statistics, and Reny entropy. The parameter was estimated using the method of maximum likelihood. Some visualizations based on theoretical values were presented. Some statistics were computed from theoretical values with convergence behavior recorded. A simulation study was conducted with 1000 samples of different sizes and the behavior observed is that as sample size increases the estimates decrease indicating precision. Data on rainfall and Vinyl chloride were used to validate the usefulness of the suggested distribution.
Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, 2023
Review Article In this article, the Rani distribution has been modified to a more flexible varian... more Review Article In this article, the Rani distribution has been modified to a more flexible variant. The new model is called "the XRani distribution" and it is also a one-parameter distribution just as the parent distribution-Rani. The properties of the XRani distribution were derived and an analysis of the behaviour was conducted. The parameter was estimated using the maximum likelihood procedure. Four lifetime data sets were used to illustrate the importance of the proposed model. From the results, the proposed model competes favorably among the members of the Lindley class of distributions.
jScholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, 2023
Review Article In this paper, a new lifetime distribution in the class of Lindley is developed an... more Review Article In this paper, a new lifetime distribution in the class of Lindley is developed and it is called "Doje Distribution". It is flexible in modeling lifetime data. The mathematical properties which include moments, the shape of the distribution, Quantile function, hazard function, survival function, stochastic ordering, mean deviation, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve, order statistic, and Renyi entropy have been studied. The maximum likelihood estimation has also been discussed. Twolifetime data sets were utilized to demonstrate its usefulness. The results show that the proposed Doje distribution is better than Lindley, Ishita, Pareto, Chris-Jerry, Sushila, and Rama's distribution in the instances of the data used.
ratio type estimators for population means are in vogue. Researchers, over the years, have been m... more ratio type estimators for population means are in vogue. Researchers, over the years, have been making efforts to improve the efficiency of these estimators. Year after year they introduce modified estimators which they claimed performed better than other ratio estimators in literature. There is need to carrying out empirical study to determine the best of these estimators, the circumstance at which it performs best; and also, to find out if the estimators are distribution sensitive, compared the estimator to ascertain if they are affected by sample size. A simulation study was carried out and the result showed that the tenth estimator is the most efficient of the twenty estimators considered; it performed better than others irrespective of the distribution of the study and auxiliary variables; and also, that the efficiency of the estimators increases as sample size increases.
Primary and secondary schools. It has occurred that for the past years, people in Anambra state h... more Primary and secondary schools. It has occurred that for the past years, people in Anambra state has been battling with lack of knowledge on the rate or pattern in which students in primary and secondary school enroll. And the rate at which male and female enroll in these institutions. It becomes necessary to determine the trend at which students enroll into primary and secondary schools in Anambra state in each of the Local Government Area. The data used for this work is secondary in nature. They were obtained from Anambra State Statistical Year Book from 2001 to 2015. The statistical methods used in data analysis are Trend analysis and student t-test. The data were tested for normality using Shapiro-Wilk test and the result showed that the date is normally distributed. Homogeneity of variance was also tested using Bartlet test and Levene test, data was found to be homogenous. Test of Independence, showed that the data set are independent. Trend Analysis was carried out using Least Square Method. The results showed that significant difference exists between the enrollment of the male and the female students in the state. Finally, that as eight states has increment in 2020 while thirteen states will have a decrement in the student's enrollment in the year 2020. Special attention should be placed on this local government Area with decrement in their enrolment in 2020 to actually know why there the decrement exist.
A study on placental malaria in 2007 reported a prevalence of 64.4% in pregnant women in Anambra ... more A study on placental malaria in 2007 reported a prevalence of 64.4% in pregnant women in Anambra State, Nigeria, more than 5 years after Abuja Declaration to half malaria burden by 50% in 2010. Pregnant women in subSaharan Africa are an important vulnerable group and are targeted to receive special care including intermittent preventive treatment of malaria (IPT). The objective of the study was to determine the types of drug used for IPT of malaria in pregnancy as well as factors determining the choice of a particular drug by the health care provider. Pre-tested structured questionnaire designed to elicit information on drugs used for preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy was administered to health care providers attending to pregnant women during antenatal care (ANC) visits in Anambra State, Nigeria. Data obtained were analysed statistically using Chi square test of equality of proportion and SPSS version 15.0. Of the one hundred health care providers sampled, 50% use chloroquine (CQ), 20% sulphadoxine pyrimethamine (SP), 5% artemisinin-based drug (ACT), 5% metakelfin. The rest used combination of these drugs. There was a high significant difference between the use of CQ and SP. Factors that determine the choice of drug were statistically significant and include safety (100%), cost (30%), compliance (20%), malaria parasite test (20%), clinical illness (20%), efficacy (10%), drug availability (10%), and patients preferred route of administration (10%). Seventy per cent of the respondents were trained medical doctors, and 30% midwives. Scaling up the use of SP for IPT of malaria in pregnancy is advocated. This may be achieved through training workshops for health care providers. Evaluation of the usefulness of chloroquine for IPT is recommended.
Flow of people can be affected by geographical location. In location of industry, these two are t... more Flow of people can be affected by geographical location. In location of industry, these two are taken into consideration to reduce loss and maximize profit. In banking industry, flow of customers in a banking sector can be affected by location. This research is set to investigate possible variation in queuing model of banks with respect to geographical location. For this study, four banks were randomly selected. Primary data were used for the study. The results of the analysis shows that the queue models depend on location of the bank and banks cited in similar location have similar models. In like manner, blocking probability was investigated using Hayward Approximation Estimate, Jagarman Estimate and Recursion Estimate. Blocking Probability computed revealed that irrespective of location, Recursion Estimate is lower than any other method used which implies that the method is highly sensitive to the detection of blocking probability.
Queuing system or waiting line theory is primarily concerned with processes characterized by rand... more Queuing system or waiting line theory is primarily concerned with processes characterized by random arrivals (i.e., arrival at random time interval); the servicing of the customer is also a random process. Obtaining a good model for a queuing system requires an understanding of key components of the queuing system from which the system characteristics are derived. Flow of customers in a banking sector can be affected by location. The research is set to investigate possible variation in queuing model of banks with respect to geographical location. Two rural banks and two urban banks were selected. Queuing model were used of the data collected. The results showed that the queue models depend on location of the bank and banks cited in similar location have similar models.
Queuing system or waiting line theory is primarily concerned with processes characterized by rand... more Queuing system or waiting line theory is primarily concerned with processes characterized by random arrivals (i.e., arrival at random time interval); the servicing of the customer is also a random process. Obtaining a good model for a queuing system requires an understanding of key components of the queuing system from which the system characteristics are derived. Flow of customers in a banking sector can be affected by location. The research is set to investigate possible variation in queuing model of banks with respect to geographical location. Two rural banks and two urban banks were selected. Queuing model were used of the data collected. The results showed that the queue models depend on location of the bank and banks cited in similar location have similar models.
In this paper, a variant of the T-X(Y) generator was developed by suppressing the scale parameter... more In this paper, a variant of the T-X(Y) generator was developed by suppressing the scale parameter of the classical Lomax distribution in the quantile function. Uniquely, the reduction of the number of parameters essentially accounts for the parsimony of the attendant model. The study considered the Exponential distribution as the transformer and consequently obtained the New Reduced Quantile Exponential-G (NRQE-G) family. The Type-II Gumbel distribution was deployed as the baseline to obtain a special sub-model known as the New Reduced Quantile Exponential Type-II Gumbel (NRQE-T2G) model. Some functional properties of the distribution namely, moment and its related measures such as the mean, variance, second, third, and fourth moments were obtained. The Mode, skewness, Kurtosis, index of dispersion, coeffi cient of variation, order statistics, survival, hazard, and quantile function were also derived. The maximum likelihood estimation method was used to estimate its parameters. The model&#39;s credibility, applicability, and fl exibility were proven using two real-life datasets.
Scholars journal of physics, mathematics and statistics, Sep 29, 2023
In this article, the Rani distribution has been modified to a more flexible variant. The new mode... more In this article, the Rani distribution has been modified to a more flexible variant. The new model is called "the XRani distribution" and it is also a one-parameter distribution just as the parent distribution-Rani. The properties of the XRani distribution were derived and an analysis of the behaviour was conducted. The parameter was estimated using the maximum likelihood procedure. Four lifetime data sets were used to illustrate the importance of the proposed model. From the results, the proposed model competes favorably among the members of the Lindley class of distributions.
Scholars journal of physics, mathematics and statistics, Sep 29, 2023
Review Article In this paper, a new lifetime distribution in the class of Lindley is developed an... more Review Article In this paper, a new lifetime distribution in the class of Lindley is developed and it is called "Doje Distribution". It is flexible in modeling lifetime data. The mathematical properties which include moments, the shape of the distribution, Quantile function, hazard function, survival function, stochastic ordering, mean deviation, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve, order statistic, and Renyi entropy have been studied. The maximum likelihood estimation has also been discussed. Twolifetime data sets were utilized to demonstrate its usefulness. The results show that the proposed Doje distribution is better than Lindley, Ishita, Pareto, Chris-Jerry, Sushila, and Rama's distribution in the instances of the data used.
Scholars journal of engineering and technology, Sep 29, 2023
This article is an improvement on the XShanker distribution having a single parameter which is th... more This article is an improvement on the XShanker distribution having a single parameter which is the scale parameter and also in the class of Lindley distributions. It is named Double XShanker following the approach that generated it. The distributional properties which include the non-central moment with the associated statistics, the moment generating function, characteristic function, mean residual life function, stress-strength reliability function, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve functions, odd function, stochastic ordering, distribution of order statistics, and Reny entropy. The parameter was estimated using the method of maximum likelihood. Some visualizations based on theoretical values were presented. Some statistics were computed from theoretical values with convergence behavior recorded. A simulation study was conducted with 1000 samples of different sizes and the behavior observed is that as sample size increases the estimates decrease indicating precision. Data on rainfall and Vinyl chloride were used to validate the usefulness of the suggested distribution.
In this paper, a new distribution is proposed by a mixture of two distributions; Exponential and ... more In this paper, a new distribution is proposed by a mixture of two distributions; Exponential and Exponential-Rama the proposed distribution is referred to as the Double XRama distribution. It is flexible in modeling lifetime data. The properties of the XRama distribution were derived and an analysis of the behaviour was conducted. The mathematical properties which include moments, the shape of the distribution, Quantile function, hazard function, survival function, stochastic ordering, mean deviation, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve, order statistic, and Renyi entropy have been studied. From the results, the proposed model competes favorably among the members of the XRama class of distributions.
In this paper, a variant of the T-X(Y) generator was developed by suppressing the scale parameter... more In this paper, a variant of the T-X(Y) generator was developed by suppressing the scale parameter of the classical Lomax distribution in the quantile function. Uniquely, the reduction of the number of parameters essentially accounts for the parsimony of the attendant model. The study considered the Exponential distribution as the transformer and consequently obtained the New Reduced Quantile Exponential-G (NRQE-G) family. The Type-II Gumbel distribution was deployed as the baseline to obtain a special sub-model known as the New Reduced Quantile Exponential Type-II Gumbel (NRQE-T2G) model. Some functional properties of the distribution namely, moment and its related measures such as the mean, variance, second, third, and fourth moments were obtained. The Mode, skewness, Kurtosis, index of dispersion, coeffi cient of variation, order statistics, survival, hazard, and quantile function were also derived. The maximum likelihood estimation method was used to estimate its parameters. The model's credibility, applicability, and fl exibility were proven using two real-life datasets.
Objective To assess whether traditional birth attendants, drug-shop vendors, community reproducti... more Objective To assess whether traditional birth attendants, drug-shop vendors, community reproductive-health workers, or adolescent peer mobilizers could administer intermittent preventive treatment (IPTp) for malaria with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine to pregnant women. Methods A non-randomized community trial was implemented in 21 community clusters (intervention) and four clusters where health units provided routine IPTp (control). The primary outcome measures were access and adherence to IPTp, number of malaria episodes, prevalence of anaemia, and birth weight. Numbers of live births, abortions, still births, and maternal and child deaths were secondary endpoints. Findings 1404 (67.5%) of 2081 with the new delivery system received two doses of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine versus 281 (39.9%) of 704 with health units (P < 0.0001). The prevalence of malaria episodes decreased from 906 (49.5%) of 1830 to 160 (17.6%) of 909 (P < 0.001) with the new delivery system and from 161 (39.1%) of 412 to 13 (13.1%) of 99 (P < 0.001) with health units. Anaemia was significantly less prevalent in both arms. There was a lower proportion of low birth weight 6.0% with the new delivery system versus 8.3% with health units (P < 0.03). Few abortions and stillbirths were recorded in either arm. Fewer children and women who accessed IPTp with health units died than in the intervention group. Conclusion The new approaches were associated with early access and increased adherence to IPTp. Health units were, however, more effective in reducing parasitaemia and malaria episodes. We recommend further studies to assess programming modalities linking the new approaches and health units.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 19, 2023
In this paper, a new lifetime distribution known as the Marshall-Olkin Chris-Jerry (MOCJ) distrib... more In this paper, a new lifetime distribution known as the Marshall-Olkin Chris-Jerry (MOCJ) distribution is proposed. The proposition is motivated by Marshall-Olkin family of distributions and the oneparameter Chris-Jerry distribution. Some of its useful mathematical properties were derived and the derivation of the Pietra measure of inequality lends this distribution to wider application especially in income and population distributions. Two real data sets were used to illustrate the proposed model. From the results, the MOCJ distribution performed better than the other fitted distributions.
Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2023
Review Article This article is an improvement on the XShanker distribution having a single parame... more Review Article This article is an improvement on the XShanker distribution having a single parameter which is the scale parameter and also in the class of Lindley distributions. It is named Double XShanker following the approach that generated it. The distributional properties which include the non-central moment with the associated statistics, the moment generating function, characteristic function, mean residual life function, stress-strength reliability function, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve functions, odd function, stochastic ordering, distribution of order statistics, and Reny entropy. The parameter was estimated using the method of maximum likelihood. Some visualizations based on theoretical values were presented. Some statistics were computed from theoretical values with convergence behavior recorded. A simulation study was conducted with 1000 samples of different sizes and the behavior observed is that as sample size increases the estimates decrease indicating precision. Data on rainfall and Vinyl chloride were used to validate the usefulness of the suggested distribution.
Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, 2023
Review Article In this article, the Rani distribution has been modified to a more flexible varian... more Review Article In this article, the Rani distribution has been modified to a more flexible variant. The new model is called "the XRani distribution" and it is also a one-parameter distribution just as the parent distribution-Rani. The properties of the XRani distribution were derived and an analysis of the behaviour was conducted. The parameter was estimated using the maximum likelihood procedure. Four lifetime data sets were used to illustrate the importance of the proposed model. From the results, the proposed model competes favorably among the members of the Lindley class of distributions.
jScholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, 2023
Review Article In this paper, a new lifetime distribution in the class of Lindley is developed an... more Review Article In this paper, a new lifetime distribution in the class of Lindley is developed and it is called "Doje Distribution". It is flexible in modeling lifetime data. The mathematical properties which include moments, the shape of the distribution, Quantile function, hazard function, survival function, stochastic ordering, mean deviation, Bonferroni and Lorenz curve, order statistic, and Renyi entropy have been studied. The maximum likelihood estimation has also been discussed. Twolifetime data sets were utilized to demonstrate its usefulness. The results show that the proposed Doje distribution is better than Lindley, Ishita, Pareto, Chris-Jerry, Sushila, and Rama's distribution in the instances of the data used.
ratio type estimators for population means are in vogue. Researchers, over the years, have been m... more ratio type estimators for population means are in vogue. Researchers, over the years, have been making efforts to improve the efficiency of these estimators. Year after year they introduce modified estimators which they claimed performed better than other ratio estimators in literature. There is need to carrying out empirical study to determine the best of these estimators, the circumstance at which it performs best; and also, to find out if the estimators are distribution sensitive, compared the estimator to ascertain if they are affected by sample size. A simulation study was carried out and the result showed that the tenth estimator is the most efficient of the twenty estimators considered; it performed better than others irrespective of the distribution of the study and auxiliary variables; and also, that the efficiency of the estimators increases as sample size increases.
Primary and secondary schools. It has occurred that for the past years, people in Anambra state h... more Primary and secondary schools. It has occurred that for the past years, people in Anambra state has been battling with lack of knowledge on the rate or pattern in which students in primary and secondary school enroll. And the rate at which male and female enroll in these institutions. It becomes necessary to determine the trend at which students enroll into primary and secondary schools in Anambra state in each of the Local Government Area. The data used for this work is secondary in nature. They were obtained from Anambra State Statistical Year Book from 2001 to 2015. The statistical methods used in data analysis are Trend analysis and student t-test. The data were tested for normality using Shapiro-Wilk test and the result showed that the date is normally distributed. Homogeneity of variance was also tested using Bartlet test and Levene test, data was found to be homogenous. Test of Independence, showed that the data set are independent. Trend Analysis was carried out using Least Square Method. The results showed that significant difference exists between the enrollment of the male and the female students in the state. Finally, that as eight states has increment in 2020 while thirteen states will have a decrement in the student's enrollment in the year 2020. Special attention should be placed on this local government Area with decrement in their enrolment in 2020 to actually know why there the decrement exist.
A study on placental malaria in 2007 reported a prevalence of 64.4% in pregnant women in Anambra ... more A study on placental malaria in 2007 reported a prevalence of 64.4% in pregnant women in Anambra State, Nigeria, more than 5 years after Abuja Declaration to half malaria burden by 50% in 2010. Pregnant women in subSaharan Africa are an important vulnerable group and are targeted to receive special care including intermittent preventive treatment of malaria (IPT). The objective of the study was to determine the types of drug used for IPT of malaria in pregnancy as well as factors determining the choice of a particular drug by the health care provider. Pre-tested structured questionnaire designed to elicit information on drugs used for preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy was administered to health care providers attending to pregnant women during antenatal care (ANC) visits in Anambra State, Nigeria. Data obtained were analysed statistically using Chi square test of equality of proportion and SPSS version 15.0. Of the one hundred health care providers sampled, 50% use chloroquine (CQ), 20% sulphadoxine pyrimethamine (SP), 5% artemisinin-based drug (ACT), 5% metakelfin. The rest used combination of these drugs. There was a high significant difference between the use of CQ and SP. Factors that determine the choice of drug were statistically significant and include safety (100%), cost (30%), compliance (20%), malaria parasite test (20%), clinical illness (20%), efficacy (10%), drug availability (10%), and patients preferred route of administration (10%). Seventy per cent of the respondents were trained medical doctors, and 30% midwives. Scaling up the use of SP for IPT of malaria in pregnancy is advocated. This may be achieved through training workshops for health care providers. Evaluation of the usefulness of chloroquine for IPT is recommended.
Flow of people can be affected by geographical location. In location of industry, these two are t... more Flow of people can be affected by geographical location. In location of industry, these two are taken into consideration to reduce loss and maximize profit. In banking industry, flow of customers in a banking sector can be affected by location. This research is set to investigate possible variation in queuing model of banks with respect to geographical location. For this study, four banks were randomly selected. Primary data were used for the study. The results of the analysis shows that the queue models depend on location of the bank and banks cited in similar location have similar models. In like manner, blocking probability was investigated using Hayward Approximation Estimate, Jagarman Estimate and Recursion Estimate. Blocking Probability computed revealed that irrespective of location, Recursion Estimate is lower than any other method used which implies that the method is highly sensitive to the detection of blocking probability.
Queuing system or waiting line theory is primarily concerned with processes characterized by rand... more Queuing system or waiting line theory is primarily concerned with processes characterized by random arrivals (i.e., arrival at random time interval); the servicing of the customer is also a random process. Obtaining a good model for a queuing system requires an understanding of key components of the queuing system from which the system characteristics are derived. Flow of customers in a banking sector can be affected by location. The research is set to investigate possible variation in queuing model of banks with respect to geographical location. Two rural banks and two urban banks were selected. Queuing model were used of the data collected. The results showed that the queue models depend on location of the bank and banks cited in similar location have similar models.
Queuing system or waiting line theory is primarily concerned with processes characterized by rand... more Queuing system or waiting line theory is primarily concerned with processes characterized by random arrivals (i.e., arrival at random time interval); the servicing of the customer is also a random process. Obtaining a good model for a queuing system requires an understanding of key components of the queuing system from which the system characteristics are derived. Flow of customers in a banking sector can be affected by location. The research is set to investigate possible variation in queuing model of banks with respect to geographical location. Two rural banks and two urban banks were selected. Queuing model were used of the data collected. The results showed that the queue models depend on location of the bank and banks cited in similar location have similar models.
Papers by Etaga Harrison