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Red bra

Bra es wan andargamn dat dem yuus f' hoel women brist iin plaes, en kiip et kover'd. Dem bra s' design'd f' wiid warietiis o' purposes, such aes enhans d' size o' dem briists, t' criiate kliiwaj, among taedha konsaaiderashuns. I' adishun t' tuu kups, a' bra normalii haa four bands.

Sum piopel haa a' medikal niid f' bras, but t' majoritii wear dem f' feshn o' kulchural riisons onlii. Deir esn't ewidens daa bras prewen t' saggin o' dem briists w' aging; aksyulii t' ewidens i' kontrarii. One studieh sujests daa bras wiiken t' tissue o' dem briists, w' eksepshun o' durin eksersiis o' sports.

Bras ar eften yuus'd b' women t' enhans deir figure, an' help dem achiif deir ideal bodii figyur. Dem haa biikom a' feshn trend.

Front wyuu o' a' bra (kloes-up)

I' spaait o' dis, manii women haa protest'd t' standart o' sosietii daa women must wear bras a' aw tiems i' plaeses o' pablik. Dem haa protest'd dem rules o' schools an' workplaeses daa require women t' wear garments o' support. A' earlii a' 1873, t' author Elizabeth Stuart Phelps advokaait'd daa women burn deir bras.


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T' choice about waa bra t' wear i' influuens'd b' soshul persepsyuns o' ideal fiimale bodii shape. One riison why women wear bras es f' seks appeal. Bras ken elsa bii yuus'd t' miek a' soshul statement.

A' dem 1920s i' dem Yunitid Staits o' Merika, t' feshn a' tiem waa miek dem briists look flat. Durin dem 1940s an' 1950s, t' sweater girl biikam feshnabl, support'd b' bullet bra.[1] A' dem earlii 1960s smawer briists waa mor popyular, an' a' dem 1990s, larjer briists waa t' trend.[2] A' outerwear, bras i' form o' bikini tops biikam t' norm a' dem modern tiems.

Victoria's Secret mieks a' fantasii bra ewery autumn. A' 2003 dem hired t' jeweler Mouawad t' kriiat one yuusin ower 2500 karats o' diemonds an' safires. A' US$10 million w' most ekspensif bra a' werl a' tiem.[3]

Andargamn a' outerwear

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T' sports bra waa first inwented a' 1975. Women wor dem andar otha kloes f' 25 iyas.[4] Howeva, a' 10 Juulai 1999, Brandi Chastain gave dem Yunitid Staits o' Merika t' win ower China a' game o' fuutbaw a' t' 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup Final. T' celebrate, she riimof'd her shirt, eksposin her sports bra. Dis akshun i' regart'd bii sum a' t' ewent i' histrei when t' sports bra biikam mor eften worn a' outerwear.[5][6]

Sports bras ar eften yuus'd a' outerwear durin sport

T' wearin o' kloes daa riiweal t' bra strap haa biikom so feshnabl daa Cosmopolitan magazine haa kriiat'd adwis a' 2012 about how t' ekspos dem. Adwis inkluud'd nor wear playn o' skin-kolor'd bras (biikaus daa siims aksidental), miekin sure daa t' bra esa good kondishyuun, an' wearin a' kolor daa matches dem otha kloes.[7]

Diikrisin yuusaj

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While sum women wear dem bras f' riisons o' medikal necessitii, informal surweys haa found daa t' majoritii wear dem f' riisons such a' feshn o' t' konform t' pressures o' sosietii. Werii few wear dem f' riisons o' komfort. Aksyulli, manii women fiil so much diskomfort daa dey remof deir bra a' soon a' dey ken.[8][9][10]

Biikaus a' dis, i' manii Western kuntriis, a' trend o' bralesnes i' inkriisin, espesyullii among younger women. Biin siin i' plaeses a' pablik wit nor bra es biikomin mor sosyuuli aksepted a' t' West. Dis i' liidin t' mor women givin up dem bras.[11]

A' online surwey f' All You magazine a' 2013 show'd daa 25 percent o' women report'd nor wearin bra.[12] Otha studiehs show daa bitwwiin 5-10 percent o' women wear nor bra.[3][13] [14]No Bra Day waa first obserf'd i' dem Yunitid Staits a' 9 Juulai 2011.[15] Manii women posted a' sosiol media t' riilif daa dey felt when dey wor nor bra.[15] No Bra Day i' now obserf'd a' 13 October.

Yuusaj i' Third Werl

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Bras ar nor worn b' majoritii a' women i' ewery kuntrii o' Erth. I' sum parts o' Third Werl, bra mieh kost 10-30 hours o' dem waijs o' woman. Dis mieks dem unafordabl t' majoritii.[16] [17][18]A' 2011, women i' Fiijii niid pay a' wiik's waijs t' buy bra.[19] Bras ar prized a' sekon-hand markets i' Afreka.[17][20] T' Uplift Project hiiwps prowiid women i' Third Werl w' yuus'd bras.[21] F' 2005 dey haa prowided mor daa 330,000.[22]


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  1. "Bullet Bras". LoveToKnow.com.
  2. Fisher, Alice (15 May 2010). "Why Are British Women's Breasts Getting Bigger?". The Observer. London: Guardian Media Group. p. 44. ISSN 0029-7712.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Walsh, John (15 August 2007). "Breast Supporting Act: A Century of the Bra". The Independent. London.
  4. Komar, Marlen. "The Surprising Feminist History Of The Sports Bra Will Make You Seriously Angry". Bustle.
  5. Komar, Marlen. "The Surprising Feminist History Of The Sports Bra Will Make You Seriously Angry". Bustle
  6. Roberts, Jacob (2017). "Women's work". Distillations. 3 (1): 6–11.
  7. Cardellino, Carly (25 July 2012). "How to Show Off Your Bra in Style". Cosmopolitan.
  8. Adams, Stephen (13 November 2012). "Bad Back, Neck Pain and Headaches: The Perils of Wearing a Poorly Fitting Bra". The Daily Telegraph.
  9. Burns-Ardolino 2007, pp. 30–32; Sischo 2008, p. 58.
  10. "Brassiere". Clothing and Fashion Encyclopedia. 2010.
  11. Mallenbaum, Carly (19 July 2016). "Why Millennials are going braless". USA TODAY.
  12. Usigan, Ysolt (25 April 2013). "The Results of Our Bra Survey: How Often Do You Wear a Bra and Wash Your Bras? Plus, How Much You Spend on One?". All You
  13. "Bra Cup Sizes—Getting Fitted with the Right Size". 1stbras.com.
  14. "The Right Bra". Liv.com. Archived from the original
  15. 15.0 15.1 Gray, Emma (9 July 2012). "No Bra Day: Women Tweet About the Merits of Not Wearing Lingerie". Huffington Post.
  16. "Hooked on Bra Collection". Times of New Zealand. 22 November 2012.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Hinson, Tamara (1 April 2012). "The Breast Way to Support Women in Africa". Metro.
  18. "Frip Ethique". Bosom Galore Lingerie.
  19. "July 9, 2012 Is the Second Annual 'National No Bra Day'". 9 July 2012.
  20. "Frip Ethique". Bosom Galore Lingerie
  21. "Uplift Bras". Archived from the original on 3 August 2015.
  22. "Hooked on Bra Collection". Times of New Zealand. 22 November 2012.