Professor Adjunto de Direito Civil da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Doutor e Mestre em Direito Civil pela UERJ. Advogado, árbitro e parecerista. Sócio de Galdino & Coelho, Pimenta, Takemi, Ayoub Advogados. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Tepedino
RESUMO: O presente estudo é orientado pela hipótese consistente na possibilidade de expansão, em ... more RESUMO: O presente estudo é orientado pela hipótese consistente na possibilidade de expansão, em sede interpretativa e por via analógica, do cabimento dos remédios ao inadimplemento contratual para além das hipóteses objeto de previsão legal expressa. A enunciação de tal hipótese remonta à identificação da situação-problema relativa à circunstância de o direito brasileiro não conter previsão legal expressa acerca do cabimento de certos remédios para determinadas hipóteses de inadimplemento que se afigurem funcionalmente similares (ou idênticas) a outras hipóteses para as quais os mesmos remédios tenham sido previstos. Para o propugnado desiderato de sistematização dos remédios ao inadimplemento contratual, o estudo se pauta na metodologia do direito civil-constitucional, desenvolvendo-se a partir de consulta às fontes bibliográficas e jurisprudenciais nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: Abstract: The present study is guided by the hypothesis regarding the possibility of expanding, in an interpretative and analogical way, the suitability of remedies for breach of contract beyond the situations object of express legal provision. The enunciation of this hypothesis goes back to the identification of the fact that Brazilian law doesn’t contain an express legal provision regarding the appropriateness of certain remedies for hypotheses of default that appear functionally similar (or identical) to other hypotheses for which the same remedies have been provided. For the proposed aim of systematization of remedies for breach of contract, the study is based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, and develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
RESUMO: O presente estudo tem por escopo a investigação da polissemia da expressão “responsabilid... more RESUMO: O presente estudo tem por escopo a investigação da polissemia da expressão “responsabilidade contratual”. A hipótese norteadora da investigação consiste no reconhecimento da distinção conceitual e funcional entre dois dos principais possíveis sentidos da responsabilidade contratual – a responsabilidade pelo (in)adimplemento contratual e a responsabilidade civil contratual (ou responsabilidade por danos decorrentes do inadimplemento contratual). Nessa investigação, desempenha papel de destaque a análise do tratamento conferido pelo Direito do Consumidor às categorias do vício do produto ou serviço vis-à-vis do fato do produto ou serviço, a auxiliar na compreensão das repercussões da supramencionada distinção entre as principais acepções da responsabilidade contratual. O estudo se pauta no método lógico-dedutivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial acerca do direito brasileiro.
ABSTRACT: The scope of this study is to investigate the polysemy of the expression “contractual liability”. The guiding hypothesis of the investigation is the recognition of the conceptual and functional distinction between two of the main possible meanings of contractual liability – liability for breach of contract and contractual civil liability (or liability for damages resulting from breach of contract). In this investigation, the analysis of the treatment given by Consumer Law to the categories of inappropriateness of product or service vis-à-vis the fact of product or service plays a prominent role, helping to understand the repercussions of the aforementioned distinction between the main meanings of the contractual liability. The study is based on the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographical and jurisprudential research on Brazilian law.
RESUMO: O presente estudo examina o art. 412 do Código Civil, que limita o valor da cominação pre... more RESUMO: O presente estudo examina o art. 412 do Código Civil, que limita o valor da cominação prevista na cláusula penal ao “valor da obrigação principal”. Assim como o art. 413 do Código Civil, a norma tem por objetivo coibir abusos na fixação da penal. Todavia, em que pese o louvável propósito subjacente ao art. 412 do Código Civil, nota-se o estabelecimento de um limite rígido e artificial, que já era objeto de crítica à época do Código Civil de 1916. Entre outras percepções, tem-se que muitas vezes a obrigação principal não tem um preço definido no contrato, ao que se soma a preliminar dificuldade de se definir qual obrigação pode ser considerada principal. Ao enfrentar o tema, o presente estudo sustenta que a expressão “valor da obrigação principal” não seja automaticamente identificada com o preço porventura pactuado a título de contraprestação pecuniária. O “valor da obrigação principal” deve ser buscado a partir do conteúdo econômico do contrato, inclusive levando-se em consideração o resultado útil legitimamente associado ao programa contratual. O estudo empreendido, pautado na análise da bibliografia nacional, se desenvolve a partir do método lógico-dedutivo.
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes article 412 of the Civil Code, which limits the commination’s value of the penalty clause to the “value of the primary obligation”. As in article 413 of the Civil Code, this rule has the objective of preventing abuses in the penalty clause provision. Despite the laudable underlying purpose of article 412 of the Civil Code, a rigid and artificial limit is set, which was already criticized under the Civil Code of 1916. Among other perceptions, the primary obligation often does not have a fixed price in the contract, which adds to the preliminary difficulty of defining which duty should be considered the primary obligation. Facing this issue, the paper proposes that the expression “value of the primary obligation” should not be automatically interpreted as the price that may have been agreed as pecuniary consideration. The “value of the primary obligation” should be fixed taking into consideration the economic content of the contract, which includes the useful result legitimately associated with the contractual program. This work was developed using the deductive reasoning method, based on national authors.
RESUMO: A complexidade das questões concernentes à definição do regime de prescrição no contexto ... more RESUMO: A complexidade das questões concernentes à definição do regime de prescrição no contexto de relações securitárias é inversamente proporcional à aparente simplicidade dos dispositivos que o Código Civil dispensa ao tema. O presente artigo se propõe a analisar a normativa dispensada pelo Código Civil às diversas pretensões que podem surgir entre as partes e terceiros beneficiários e prejudicados no âmbito dos contratos de seguro de dano e de responsabilidade civil. Confere-se particular destaque ao caso da seguradora sub-rogada nos direitos do segurado no seguro de dano e das repercussões em matéria de prescrição dessa sub-rogação.
ABSTRACT: The complexity of the issues concerning the definition of the statute of limitations in the context of insurance relations is inversely proportional to the apparent simplicity of the provisions that the Civil Code provides for the matter. This article aims to analyze the regulations waived by the Civil Code for the various claims that may arise between the parties and third parties who benefit and are harmed within the scope of damage and civil liability insurance contracts. The paper emphasizes the case of the subrogated insurer on the rights of the insured in damage insurance contracts and the repercussions in terms of limitations of such subrogation.
RESUMO: RESUMO: O presente estudo tem por objetivo central perquirir a compatibilidade prima faci... more RESUMO: RESUMO: O presente estudo tem por objetivo central perquirir a compatibilidade prima facie das cláusulas de cross-default e de cross-acceleration com o direito brasileiro. Para tanto, a investigação se inicia com uma análise sobre os conceitos, as estruturas e as distintas funções de cada uma das referidas cláusulas, por meio das quais os particulares estabelecem o que se poderia traduzir por “inadimplemento cruzado” (cross-default) e “vencimento antecipado cruzado” (cross-acceleration). Na sequência, examinam-se possíveis fundamentos para a admissibilidade de tais disposições contratuais, o que não prescinde de uma atenta reflexão sobre o espaço para legítima atuação da autonomia privada em matéria de conformação de figuras como o inadimplemento contratual (e o correlato remédio da resolução) e o vencimento antecipado das obrigações. Por fim, após a confirmação da hipótese norteadora do estudo, passam-se em revista alguns relevantes parâmetros para o controle funcional de validade das cláusulas de cross-default e de cross-acceleration à luz de potenciais vicissitudes dos casos concretos. O estudo, pautado na análise da bibliografia nacional e estrangeira, se desenvolve a partir do método lógico-dedutivo.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study is to investigate the prima facie compatibility of cross-default and cross-acceleration clauses with Brazilian law. To this purpose, the investigation begins with an analysis of the concepts, structures and different functions of each of such clauses, through which the individuals establish what could be translated by “cross-default” and “cross-acceleration”. Next, the study examines possible grounds for the admissibility of such contractual provisions, which is related to a careful reflection regarding the space for the legitimate action of private autonomy in matters of conformation of figures such as contractual default (and the related remedy of resolution) and acceleration of obligations. Finally, after confirming the study's guiding hypothesis, it reviews some relevant parameters for functional control of the validity of cross-default and cross-acceleration clauses in the light of potential vicissitudes in concrete cases. The study, based on the analysis of national and foreign bibliography, is developed from the logical-deductive method.
RESUMO: O atual cenário de ampla disseminação das plataformas de apostas esportivas suscita algun... more RESUMO: O atual cenário de ampla disseminação das plataformas de apostas esportivas suscita alguns relevantes questionamentos, tais como os ora enunciados: como devem ser qualificados os contratos celebrados com casas de apostas esportivas online – trata-se de apostas proibidas, toleradas ou permitidas? As dívidas oriundas de apostas esportivas online constituem meras obrigações naturais (portanto, juridicamente inexigíveis)? Após fazer aposta sobre o resultado de determinado jogo de futebol e vir a acertá-lo, o apostador poderá socorrer-se do Poder Judiciário para compelir a casa de apostas ao pagamento do prêmio prometido caso ela não o faça voluntariamente? Ao enfrentamento de tais questões se dedica este breve ensaio, motivado essencialmente pelo propósito de, a partir de ponderações iniciais sobre o tema, indicar diretrizes potencialmente úteis para o enfrentamento do problema à luz do direito brasileiro, com destaque para a modalidade lotérica de apostas de quota fixa criada pela Lei nº 13.756/2018.
ABSTRACT: The current scenario of wide dissemination of sports betting platforms raises some relevant questions, such as the ones set out below: how should contracts with online sports betting houses be qualified – are they prohibited, tolerated or permitted bets? Do debts arising from online sports betting constitute mere natural obligations (therefore, legally unenforceable)? After placing a bet on the result of a certain soccer match and getting it right, can the player resort to the Judiciary to compel the bookmaker to pay the promised prize if he does not voluntarily do so? This brief essay is dedicated to address such questions, essentially motivated by the purpose of, based on initial reflections on the subject, indicating potentially useful guidelines for addressing the problem in the light of Brazilian law, with emphasis on lottery modality of betting with fixed quotas created by Law nº 13.756/2018.
RESUMO: O presente estudo busca tecer algumas considerações sobre as dificuldades hermenêuticas o... more RESUMO: O presente estudo busca tecer algumas considerações sobre as dificuldades hermenêuticas oriundas da progressiva atribuição de novas funções à reparação civil – as quais prejudicam a autonomia conceitual da indenização e ocasionam frequentes equívocos na qualificação de situações concretas. Sem o intuito de sistematizar todas as numerosas propostas contemporâneas de novos perfis funcionais da responsabilidade civil, busca-se indicar, em perspectiva crítica, algumas dificuldades de implementação da função punitiva e da função preventiva, bem como a inadequação da confusão entre reparação e restituição. Ao final, propõe-se o exemplo prático da qualificação das previsões legislativas de restituição em dobro do indébito como hipótese em que as distinções funcionais mencionadas se mostram imprescindíveis à identificação da normativa adequada.
ABSTRACT: This study seeks to present some considerations on the hermeneutical difficulties that arise from the progressive attribution of new functions to civil liability – which impair the conceptual autonomy of damages and make room for frequent mistakes in the process of qualifying concrete situations. Without any intent of systematizing the numerous contemporary proposals relating to new functional profiles of civil liability, this article seeks to identify, in a critical perspective, some of the difficulties in implementing the so-called punitive and preventive functions, as well as the inadequacy of the confusion between reparation and restitution. In the end, it proposes the practical example of the qualification of legal dispositions on the doubled restitution of undue payments as a hypothesis in which the aforementioned functional distinctions play a decisive role in identifying the right legal discipline.
RESUMO: O presente estudo, pautado no método lógico-dedutivo e na pesquisa bibliográfica, investi... more RESUMO: O presente estudo, pautado no método lógico-dedutivo e na pesquisa bibliográfica, investiga novas perspectivas da eficácia horizontal dos direitos fundamentais, tendo como objeto central a análise acerca da aplicabilidade do contraditório e da ampla defesa como limites procedimentais à exclusão de perfis e/ou conteúdos de usuários particulares por provedores de redes sociais virtuais. Inicialmente, busca-se examinar os novos desafios à tutela dos direitos fundamentais no âmbito das redes sociais virtuais. Ato contínuo, passam-se em revista algumas das principais vertentes teóricas acerca da eficácia horizontal dos direitos fundamentais. Com base nesse percurso teórico, investiga-se a possibilidade de reconhecimento da aplicabilidade de garantias processuais no âmbito da exclusão de perfis e conteúdos por provedores de redes sociais virtuais.
RESUMO: O escopo do presente estudo consiste em destacar possíveis contributos para o aprimoramen... more RESUMO: O escopo do presente estudo consiste em destacar possíveis contributos para o aprimoramento das reflexões acerca do Direito Securitário a partir da identificação da íntima correlação existente entre a alocação consensual de riscos e a configuração do princípio do equilíbrio contratual. Para tanto, parte-se de uma breve contextualização da principiologia contratual contemporânea, à que se segue uma análise sobre o sentido atribuído pelo direito brasileiro ao princípio do equilíbrio contratual. Na sequência, investiga-se a relevância da alocação consensual de riscos para a configuração do equilíbrio contratual, destacando-se a dupla dimensão assumida pelo equilíbrio nas relações securitárias. O estudo se pauta no método lógico-dedutivo, com recurso a fontes jurisprudenciais nacionais e a fontes bibliográficas nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify and address the new challenges to the protection of persona... more ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify and address the new challenges to the protection of personal data arising from the use of artificial intelligence and big data in combating the Covid-19 pandemic in the Luso-Brazilian context. This research proposes to investigate the parameters for an effective patient protection in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, with regard to the appropriate assignment of civil liability for damages possibly caused by the use of the aforementioned technologies and to the delineation of guidelines for the implementation of artificial intelligence in strict compliance with personal data protection policy (in particular, sensitive personal data). For this purpose, this study adopts the logical-deductive method, particularly using Brazilian and Portuguese bibliographic sources. This theoretical path leads to the recognition that, despite the potential benefits, the algorithms developed for the diagnosis of Covid-19 can cause particularly onerous results, mainly due to their significant degree of inaccuracy. Furthermore, in the medical field, when it comes to the processing of sensitive personal data, among the main risks are the irregular processing of personal data, automated decisions in the processing of such data and the lack of information or consent on how the personal data was collected, processed and shared. Thus, it is extremely important to investigate compliance within these new frameworks of medical activities, in light of Brazilian and Portuguese laws concerning the protection of personal data. Ultimately, this study aims to formulate some possible hermeneutical canons to assist the interpreter-enforcer of the law in the task of ensuring the protection of human rights in the face of new technologies, without inhibiting their continuous development, whose importance is daily substantiated by the difficulty of combating the Covid-19 pandemic.
RESUMO: O presente estudo almeja investigar a aptidão do conceito de inadimplemento contratual a ... more RESUMO: O presente estudo almeja investigar a aptidão do conceito de inadimplemento contratual a justificar a qualificação de variadas vicissitudes contratuais supervenientes como autênticas hipóteses fáticas de inadimplemento, sem embargo da pluralidade de terminologias adotadas para se fazer menção a tais fattispecie. Para tanto, afigura-se indispensável a perquirição da amplitude do conceito de inadimplemento contratual à luz do direito brasileiro, com a identificação de alguns dos seus principais caracteres constitutivos, tais como a imputabilidade do descumprimento e a composição do interesse útil do credor (cânone da aferição do inadimplemento e da distinção entre as suas modalidades) a partir da conjugação do interesse na prestação com o interesse no resultado. Tais premissas propiciam, ao final do percurso, o reconhecimento de que o conceito de inadimplemento contratual ostenta uma força centrípeta que impõe a convergência, em torno da noção de inadimplemento, de fattispecie usualmente tratadas em apartado e sob terminologias variadas, de que constituem exemplos os vícios redibitórios, a evicção, o vício do produto ou do serviço e a impossibilidade superveniente culposa. O estudo, pautado na metodologia do direito civil-constitucional, desenvolve-se a partir de consulta às fontes bibliográficas nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: The present study aims to investigate the capability of the concept of breach of contract to justify the qualification of various supervening contractual vicissitudes as authentic factual hypotheses of breach of contract, notwithstanding the plurality of terminologies adopted to mention such fattispecie. To this end, it is essential to investigate the extension of the concept of contractual default in the light of Brazilian law, with the identification of some of its main constituent characteristics, such as breach’s imputability and the composition of the useful interest of the creditor (canon of the assessment of default and the distinction between its modalities) from the combination of the interest in the provision with the interest in the result. Such premises allow, at the end of the journey, recognizing that the concept of breach of contract has a centripetal force that imposes the convergence, around the notion of contractual default, of fattispecie usually treated separately and under varied terminologies, as redhibitory defect, eviction, defect of the product or the service and the culpable supervening impossibility. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic sources.
RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar os atributos que conformam o e... more RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar os atributos que conformam o enriquecimento na qualidade de pressuposto positivo da cláusula geral do dever de restituir contida no artigo 884 do Código Civil. Para isso, inicia-se por uma análise das modalidades e espécies de que usualmente se cogita em matéria de enriquecimento sem causa. Na sequência, passa-se em revista a formulação tradicional que aparta o dito enriquecimento real do dito enriquecimento patrimonial. Propõe-se, a partir de uma preliminar precisão conceitual, o reconhecimento de que tanto a realidade quanto a patrimonialidade são atributos do enriquecimento restituível. Por fim, lançam-se alguns possíveis questionamentos acerca da certeza ou probabilidade do enriquecimento, com base no cotejo com a disciplina dos lucros cessantes no âmbito da responsabilidade civil. O estudo adota o método lógico-dedutivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial acerca do direito brasileiro.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of the present study is to investigate the attributes that make up the enrichment as a positive requirement of the general clause of the duty of restitution contained in article 884 of the Civil Code. For this, it begins with an analysis of the modalities and species that are usually considered in matters of unjust enrichment. Following is a review of the traditional formulation that departs from the said real enrichment of the said patrimonial enrichment. It is proposed, based on a preliminary conceptual precision, the recognition that both reality and patrimoniality are attributes of refundable enrichment. Finally, some possible questions are raised about the certainty or probability of enrichment, based on the comparison with the discipline of loss of profit in the scope of civil liability. The study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographic and jurisprudential research regarding Brazilian law.
RESUMO: A partir da análise do acórdão proferido pela Terceira Turma do Superior Tribunal de Just... more RESUMO: A partir da análise do acórdão proferido pela Terceira Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça no julgamento do REsp 1.966.556/SP, o presente trabalho busca analisar algumas controvérsias relativas ao denominado “arbitramento de aluguel” na hipótese de uso exclusivo de coisa comum, em especial no caso de violência doméstica praticada contra a mulher coproprietária da coisa indivisa. Adota-se, para tanto, a premissa teórica de pontual convergência entre a responsabilidade civil e a vedação ao enriquecimento sem causa especificamente no que diz respeito ao atributo da injustiça (do dano reparável e do enriquecimento restituível, respectivamente), sem embargo das distinções funcionais centrais que demarcam as fronteiras dogmáticas entre os referidos institutos. O percurso teórico trilhado conduz ao reconhecimento de que, embora a obrigação pecuniária deflagrada pelo uso exclusivo da coisa comum indivisa se adeque mais propriamente ao regime da responsabilidade civil, também a disciplina da vedação ao enriquecimento conduziria a resultado similar – no que diz respeito à impossibilidade de deflagração do dever de pagar “aluguel” – a partir da assunção metodológica do paradigma da injustiça.
Revista Brasileira de Direito Civil (RBDCivil), 2021
RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar as respostas fornecidas pela d... more RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar as respostas fornecidas pela dogmática do dano moral no direito brasileiro a dilemas contemporâneos na matéria. Para tanto, analisam-se, inicialmente, as imprecisões comumente presentes na enunciação teórica de “novos” danos extrapatrimoniais. Passam-se, então, em revista as noções de dano estético e dano existencial à luz unidade dogmática do dano moral. Na sequência, analisam-se criticamente as noções de dano moral in re ipsa e de dano moral da pessoa jurídica. Por fim, investigam-se aspectos relevantes para a necessária distinção funcional entre danos morais, com a identificação de possíveis reflexos em relação à liquidação e à prescrição da pretensão reparatória. O estudo, pautado na metodologia do direito civil-constitucional, desenvolve-se a partir de consulta às fontes bibliográficas e jurisprudenciais nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate the answers provided by the dogmatic of moral damage in Brazilian law to contemporary dilemmas in the matter. In order to achieve this purpose, the study initially analyzes the inaccuracies commonly present in the theoretical enunciation of “new” non-material damages. Subsequently, the study reviews the notions of aesthetic damage and existential damage in the light of the dogmatic unity of moral damage. In the sequence, the study analyzes critically the notions of moral damage “in re ipsa” and moral damage of the legal entity. Finally, aspects relevant to the necessary functional distinction between moral damages are investigated, with the identification of possible consequences regarding quantification and prescription of reparatory claim. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar algumas perspectivas (e os cor... more RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar algumas perspectivas (e os correlatos riscos e dificuldades) de incorporação da inteligência artificial e dos smart contracts para a regulação convencional do risco contratual. Tal empreitada parte da perspectiva de a gestão do risco contratual por intermédio da inteligência artificial ocorrer, entre outras manifestações, ora para sua utilização para a delimitação inicial de elementos das prestações a cargo das partes, ora para a revisão das suas prestações diante de superveniências contratuais. Analisam-se, por fim, algumas repercussões dos smart contracts sobre a execução contratual e, em especial, sobre a atuação dos remédios ao inadimplemento. Para tanto, o presente estudo adota o método lógico-dedutivo, a partir do exame bibliográfico da doutrina nacional e, a título ilustrativo, da doutrina estrangeira.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate some perspectives (and the related risks and difficulties) of incorporating
artificial intelligence and smart contracts for the conventional regulation of contractual risk. This work begins with the investigation of the perspectives for contractual risk management through artificial intelligence to occur, among other manifestations, sometimes for its use for the initial delimitation of elements of the obligations under the responsibility of the parties, sometimes for the review of their obligations in light of new events in contractual performance. Finally, the study analyzes some repercussions of smart contracts on contractual performance and, in particular, on the operation of remedies for breach of contract. For this endeavor, the present study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on the bibliographic examination of both national and, as an illustration, foreign doctrine.
RESUMO: O escopo do presente consiste em promover um diálogo entre a metodologia do direito civil... more RESUMO: O escopo do presente consiste em promover um diálogo entre a metodologia do direito civil-constitucional e o sistema brasileiro de controle de constitucionalidade das leis e atos normativos do Poder Públicos, com especial enfoque nas proposições da doutrina constitucionalistas destinadas a justificar a superação ou afastamento excepcional de uma norma-regra jurídica. Nessa empreitada, delimitar-se-ão certas premissas teóricas relevantes ao presente estudo, notadamente no que diz respeito à relação entre as noções de enunciado normativo e norma com a noção de ordenamento do caso concreto, bem como a atual compreensão das regras e dos princípios como distintas (conquanto complementares) espécies normativas, ambas sujeitas à incidência imperativa da técnica da ponderação. Na sequência, examinar-se-ão em revista alguns aspectos atinentes à insuficiência do controle abstrato de constitucionalidade. Ao fim, passar-se-ão em revista as principais proposições teóricas concebidas para justificar o dito afastamento excepcional da regra nos casos em que sua aplicação subsuntiva produziria resultado incompatível com a Constituição, buscando destacar a compatibilidade entre a finalidade usualmente subjacente às propostas desenvolvidas na doutrina constitucionalista e os postulados da metodologia do direito civil-constitucional. O estudo adota o método lógico-dedutivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial acerca do direito brasileiro.
ABSTRACT: The scope of this study is to promote a dialogue between the methodology of civil-constitutional law and the Brazilian system of constitutionality review, with special focus on the constitutionalist doctrine proposals aimed at justifying the exceptional overcoming of a legal rule-norm. In this endeavor, certain theoretical premises relevant to the present study will be delimited, notably with regard to the relationship between the notions of normative statement and norm with the notion of concrete case order, as well as the current understanding of the rules and principles as distinct (although complementary) normative species, both subject to the incidence of the balancing technique. Afterwards, some aspects related to the insufficiency of the abstract control of constitutionality will be reviewed. In the end, the study will review the main theoretical propositions designed to justify the said exceptional overcoming of the rule in cases where its strict application would produce a result incompatible with the Constitution, seeking to highlight the compatibility between the purpose usually underlying the proposals developed in constitutionalist doctrine and the postulates of the methodology of civil-constitutional law. The study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographic and jurisprudential research regarding Brazilian law.
RESUMO: O presente estudo se pauta na investigação do escopo primordial do princípio do equilíbri... more RESUMO: O presente estudo se pauta na investigação do escopo primordial do princípio do equilíbrio contratual no direito brasileiro. Para tanto, após a identificação da insuficiência das formulações tradicionais (referidas por autorreferenciada e heterorreferenciada) para a compreensão do equilíbrio contratual, o estudo passa em revista o dado normativo e as principais formulações teóricas pertinentes ao tema. Tal análise conduz ao reconhecimento de que o princípio do equilíbrio contratual encontra nas vicissitudes contratuais supervenientes seu locus de atuação por excelência. Nessa medida, o princípio em comento constitui, a partir de uma releitura funcional, autêntico corolário da obrigatoriedade dos pactos (pacta sunt servanda), a impor a mais eficiente possível realização do programa de interesses originária e validamente entabulado pelas partes. A complexidade de tal programa de interesses (cuja promoção dinâmica é imposta pelo princípio do equilíbrio contratual) reclama uma análise de índole funcional, atenta, entre outros fatores, à alocação consensual de riscos porventura existente. O raciocínio desenvolvido auxilia, ao final, na sedimentação das bases para um necessário esforço de sistematização das vicissitudes contratuais supervenientes, bem como dos correlatos remédios vocacionados à tutela do desequilíbrio contratual.
ABSTRACT: This study is based on the investigation of the primordial scope of the principle of contractual balance in Brazilian law. Therefore, after identifying the insufficiency of traditional formulations (referred to as self-referenced and hetero-referenced) for understanding the contractual equilibrium, the study reviews the normative system and the main theoretical formulations relevant to the topic. Such analysis leads to the recognition that the principle of contractual equilibrium finds its locus of performance par excellence in the supervening contractual vicissitudes. To that extent, the principle under discussion constitutes, from a functional reinterpretation, an authentic corollary of the obligation of the pacts (pacta sunt servanda), to impose the most efficient possible implementation of the program of interests originally and validly established by the parties. The complexity of such a program of interests (whose dynamic promotion is imposed by the principle of contractual equilibrium) calls for an analysis of a functional nature, that takes into consideration, among other factors, the consensual allocation of risks that may exist. The reasoning developed helps, in the end, in laying the foundations for a necessary effort to systematize the supervening contractual vicissitudes, as well as the related remedies aimed at protecting the contractual disequilibrium.
RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar o sentido a ser atribuído à no... more RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar o sentido a ser atribuído à noção de ausência de justa causa (contida no art. 884 do Código Civil) à luz de uma comparação entre o estágio atual das reflexões sobre o enriquecimento sem causa e sobre a responsabilidade civil no direito brasileiro. Para tanto, investigam-se, inicialmente, as causas de justificação tradicionalmente reconhecidas pela civilística, bem como os possíveis influxos de uma renovada análise funcional e funcionalizada sobre a compreensão do requisito da ausência de justa causa. Tal percurso teórico possibilita o enfrentamento da hipótese norteadora do presente estudo: a possibilidade de reconhecimento de um novo paradigma de injustiça do enriquecimento à luz da legalidade constitucional. Por fim, exemplifica-se o raciocínio propugnado com base na análise da problemática do enriquecimento forçado (ou imposto), que permite o reconhecimento da redobrada importância das reflexões relativas à análise de (in)justiça do enriquecimento. O estudo, pautado na metodologia do direito civil-constitucional, desenvolve-se a partir de consulta às fontes bibliográficas e jurisprudenciais nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate the meaning to be attributed to the notion of absence of just cause (contained in article 884 of the Civil Code) in the light of a comparison between the current stage of reflections on unjust enrichment and on civil liability in Brazilian law. In order to achieve this purpose, the study analyzes the causes of justification traditionally recognized by doctrine, as well as the possible influences of a renewed functional and functionalized analysis on the understanding of the requirement of the absence of just cause. This theoretical path makes it possible to face the guiding hypothesis of the present study: the possibility of recognizing a new paradigm of injustice in enrichment in the light of constitutional legality. Finally, the reasoning proposed is exemplified based on the analysis of the problem of forced (or imposed) enrichment, which allows the recognition of the redoubled importance of the reflections related to the analysis of (in)justice of enrichment. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
RESUMO: O presente estudo é orientado pela hipótese consistente na possibilidade de expansão, em ... more RESUMO: O presente estudo é orientado pela hipótese consistente na possibilidade de expansão, em sede interpretativa e por via analógica, do cabimento dos remédios ao inadimplemento contratual para além das hipóteses objeto de previsão legal expressa. A enunciação de tal hipótese remonta à identificação da situação-problema relativa à circunstância de o direito brasileiro não conter previsão legal expressa acerca do cabimento de certos remédios para determinadas hipóteses de inadimplemento que se afigurem funcionalmente similares (ou idênticas) a outras hipóteses para as quais os mesmos remédios tenham sido previstos. Para o propugnado desiderato de sistematização dos remédios ao inadimplemento contratual, o estudo se pauta na metodologia do direito civil-constitucional, desenvolvendo-se a partir de consulta às fontes bibliográficas e jurisprudenciais nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: Abstract: The present study is guided by the hypothesis regarding the possibility of expanding, in an interpretative and analogical way, the suitability of remedies for breach of contract beyond the situations object of express legal provision. The enunciation of this hypothesis goes back to the identification of the fact that Brazilian law doesn’t contain an express legal provision regarding the appropriateness of certain remedies for hypotheses of default that appear functionally similar (or identical) to other hypotheses for which the same remedies have been provided. For the proposed aim of systematization of remedies for breach of contract, the study is based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, and develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
RESUMO: O presente estudo tem por escopo a investigação da polissemia da expressão “responsabilid... more RESUMO: O presente estudo tem por escopo a investigação da polissemia da expressão “responsabilidade contratual”. A hipótese norteadora da investigação consiste no reconhecimento da distinção conceitual e funcional entre dois dos principais possíveis sentidos da responsabilidade contratual – a responsabilidade pelo (in)adimplemento contratual e a responsabilidade civil contratual (ou responsabilidade por danos decorrentes do inadimplemento contratual). Nessa investigação, desempenha papel de destaque a análise do tratamento conferido pelo Direito do Consumidor às categorias do vício do produto ou serviço vis-à-vis do fato do produto ou serviço, a auxiliar na compreensão das repercussões da supramencionada distinção entre as principais acepções da responsabilidade contratual. O estudo se pauta no método lógico-dedutivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial acerca do direito brasileiro.
ABSTRACT: The scope of this study is to investigate the polysemy of the expression “contractual liability”. The guiding hypothesis of the investigation is the recognition of the conceptual and functional distinction between two of the main possible meanings of contractual liability – liability for breach of contract and contractual civil liability (or liability for damages resulting from breach of contract). In this investigation, the analysis of the treatment given by Consumer Law to the categories of inappropriateness of product or service vis-à-vis the fact of product or service plays a prominent role, helping to understand the repercussions of the aforementioned distinction between the main meanings of the contractual liability. The study is based on the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographical and jurisprudential research on Brazilian law.
RESUMO: O presente estudo examina o art. 412 do Código Civil, que limita o valor da cominação pre... more RESUMO: O presente estudo examina o art. 412 do Código Civil, que limita o valor da cominação prevista na cláusula penal ao “valor da obrigação principal”. Assim como o art. 413 do Código Civil, a norma tem por objetivo coibir abusos na fixação da penal. Todavia, em que pese o louvável propósito subjacente ao art. 412 do Código Civil, nota-se o estabelecimento de um limite rígido e artificial, que já era objeto de crítica à época do Código Civil de 1916. Entre outras percepções, tem-se que muitas vezes a obrigação principal não tem um preço definido no contrato, ao que se soma a preliminar dificuldade de se definir qual obrigação pode ser considerada principal. Ao enfrentar o tema, o presente estudo sustenta que a expressão “valor da obrigação principal” não seja automaticamente identificada com o preço porventura pactuado a título de contraprestação pecuniária. O “valor da obrigação principal” deve ser buscado a partir do conteúdo econômico do contrato, inclusive levando-se em consideração o resultado útil legitimamente associado ao programa contratual. O estudo empreendido, pautado na análise da bibliografia nacional, se desenvolve a partir do método lógico-dedutivo.
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes article 412 of the Civil Code, which limits the commination’s value of the penalty clause to the “value of the primary obligation”. As in article 413 of the Civil Code, this rule has the objective of preventing abuses in the penalty clause provision. Despite the laudable underlying purpose of article 412 of the Civil Code, a rigid and artificial limit is set, which was already criticized under the Civil Code of 1916. Among other perceptions, the primary obligation often does not have a fixed price in the contract, which adds to the preliminary difficulty of defining which duty should be considered the primary obligation. Facing this issue, the paper proposes that the expression “value of the primary obligation” should not be automatically interpreted as the price that may have been agreed as pecuniary consideration. The “value of the primary obligation” should be fixed taking into consideration the economic content of the contract, which includes the useful result legitimately associated with the contractual program. This work was developed using the deductive reasoning method, based on national authors.
RESUMO: A complexidade das questões concernentes à definição do regime de prescrição no contexto ... more RESUMO: A complexidade das questões concernentes à definição do regime de prescrição no contexto de relações securitárias é inversamente proporcional à aparente simplicidade dos dispositivos que o Código Civil dispensa ao tema. O presente artigo se propõe a analisar a normativa dispensada pelo Código Civil às diversas pretensões que podem surgir entre as partes e terceiros beneficiários e prejudicados no âmbito dos contratos de seguro de dano e de responsabilidade civil. Confere-se particular destaque ao caso da seguradora sub-rogada nos direitos do segurado no seguro de dano e das repercussões em matéria de prescrição dessa sub-rogação.
ABSTRACT: The complexity of the issues concerning the definition of the statute of limitations in the context of insurance relations is inversely proportional to the apparent simplicity of the provisions that the Civil Code provides for the matter. This article aims to analyze the regulations waived by the Civil Code for the various claims that may arise between the parties and third parties who benefit and are harmed within the scope of damage and civil liability insurance contracts. The paper emphasizes the case of the subrogated insurer on the rights of the insured in damage insurance contracts and the repercussions in terms of limitations of such subrogation.
RESUMO: RESUMO: O presente estudo tem por objetivo central perquirir a compatibilidade prima faci... more RESUMO: RESUMO: O presente estudo tem por objetivo central perquirir a compatibilidade prima facie das cláusulas de cross-default e de cross-acceleration com o direito brasileiro. Para tanto, a investigação se inicia com uma análise sobre os conceitos, as estruturas e as distintas funções de cada uma das referidas cláusulas, por meio das quais os particulares estabelecem o que se poderia traduzir por “inadimplemento cruzado” (cross-default) e “vencimento antecipado cruzado” (cross-acceleration). Na sequência, examinam-se possíveis fundamentos para a admissibilidade de tais disposições contratuais, o que não prescinde de uma atenta reflexão sobre o espaço para legítima atuação da autonomia privada em matéria de conformação de figuras como o inadimplemento contratual (e o correlato remédio da resolução) e o vencimento antecipado das obrigações. Por fim, após a confirmação da hipótese norteadora do estudo, passam-se em revista alguns relevantes parâmetros para o controle funcional de validade das cláusulas de cross-default e de cross-acceleration à luz de potenciais vicissitudes dos casos concretos. O estudo, pautado na análise da bibliografia nacional e estrangeira, se desenvolve a partir do método lógico-dedutivo.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study is to investigate the prima facie compatibility of cross-default and cross-acceleration clauses with Brazilian law. To this purpose, the investigation begins with an analysis of the concepts, structures and different functions of each of such clauses, through which the individuals establish what could be translated by “cross-default” and “cross-acceleration”. Next, the study examines possible grounds for the admissibility of such contractual provisions, which is related to a careful reflection regarding the space for the legitimate action of private autonomy in matters of conformation of figures such as contractual default (and the related remedy of resolution) and acceleration of obligations. Finally, after confirming the study's guiding hypothesis, it reviews some relevant parameters for functional control of the validity of cross-default and cross-acceleration clauses in the light of potential vicissitudes in concrete cases. The study, based on the analysis of national and foreign bibliography, is developed from the logical-deductive method.
RESUMO: O atual cenário de ampla disseminação das plataformas de apostas esportivas suscita algun... more RESUMO: O atual cenário de ampla disseminação das plataformas de apostas esportivas suscita alguns relevantes questionamentos, tais como os ora enunciados: como devem ser qualificados os contratos celebrados com casas de apostas esportivas online – trata-se de apostas proibidas, toleradas ou permitidas? As dívidas oriundas de apostas esportivas online constituem meras obrigações naturais (portanto, juridicamente inexigíveis)? Após fazer aposta sobre o resultado de determinado jogo de futebol e vir a acertá-lo, o apostador poderá socorrer-se do Poder Judiciário para compelir a casa de apostas ao pagamento do prêmio prometido caso ela não o faça voluntariamente? Ao enfrentamento de tais questões se dedica este breve ensaio, motivado essencialmente pelo propósito de, a partir de ponderações iniciais sobre o tema, indicar diretrizes potencialmente úteis para o enfrentamento do problema à luz do direito brasileiro, com destaque para a modalidade lotérica de apostas de quota fixa criada pela Lei nº 13.756/2018.
ABSTRACT: The current scenario of wide dissemination of sports betting platforms raises some relevant questions, such as the ones set out below: how should contracts with online sports betting houses be qualified – are they prohibited, tolerated or permitted bets? Do debts arising from online sports betting constitute mere natural obligations (therefore, legally unenforceable)? After placing a bet on the result of a certain soccer match and getting it right, can the player resort to the Judiciary to compel the bookmaker to pay the promised prize if he does not voluntarily do so? This brief essay is dedicated to address such questions, essentially motivated by the purpose of, based on initial reflections on the subject, indicating potentially useful guidelines for addressing the problem in the light of Brazilian law, with emphasis on lottery modality of betting with fixed quotas created by Law nº 13.756/2018.
RESUMO: O presente estudo busca tecer algumas considerações sobre as dificuldades hermenêuticas o... more RESUMO: O presente estudo busca tecer algumas considerações sobre as dificuldades hermenêuticas oriundas da progressiva atribuição de novas funções à reparação civil – as quais prejudicam a autonomia conceitual da indenização e ocasionam frequentes equívocos na qualificação de situações concretas. Sem o intuito de sistematizar todas as numerosas propostas contemporâneas de novos perfis funcionais da responsabilidade civil, busca-se indicar, em perspectiva crítica, algumas dificuldades de implementação da função punitiva e da função preventiva, bem como a inadequação da confusão entre reparação e restituição. Ao final, propõe-se o exemplo prático da qualificação das previsões legislativas de restituição em dobro do indébito como hipótese em que as distinções funcionais mencionadas se mostram imprescindíveis à identificação da normativa adequada.
ABSTRACT: This study seeks to present some considerations on the hermeneutical difficulties that arise from the progressive attribution of new functions to civil liability – which impair the conceptual autonomy of damages and make room for frequent mistakes in the process of qualifying concrete situations. Without any intent of systematizing the numerous contemporary proposals relating to new functional profiles of civil liability, this article seeks to identify, in a critical perspective, some of the difficulties in implementing the so-called punitive and preventive functions, as well as the inadequacy of the confusion between reparation and restitution. In the end, it proposes the practical example of the qualification of legal dispositions on the doubled restitution of undue payments as a hypothesis in which the aforementioned functional distinctions play a decisive role in identifying the right legal discipline.
RESUMO: O presente estudo, pautado no método lógico-dedutivo e na pesquisa bibliográfica, investi... more RESUMO: O presente estudo, pautado no método lógico-dedutivo e na pesquisa bibliográfica, investiga novas perspectivas da eficácia horizontal dos direitos fundamentais, tendo como objeto central a análise acerca da aplicabilidade do contraditório e da ampla defesa como limites procedimentais à exclusão de perfis e/ou conteúdos de usuários particulares por provedores de redes sociais virtuais. Inicialmente, busca-se examinar os novos desafios à tutela dos direitos fundamentais no âmbito das redes sociais virtuais. Ato contínuo, passam-se em revista algumas das principais vertentes teóricas acerca da eficácia horizontal dos direitos fundamentais. Com base nesse percurso teórico, investiga-se a possibilidade de reconhecimento da aplicabilidade de garantias processuais no âmbito da exclusão de perfis e conteúdos por provedores de redes sociais virtuais.
RESUMO: O escopo do presente estudo consiste em destacar possíveis contributos para o aprimoramen... more RESUMO: O escopo do presente estudo consiste em destacar possíveis contributos para o aprimoramento das reflexões acerca do Direito Securitário a partir da identificação da íntima correlação existente entre a alocação consensual de riscos e a configuração do princípio do equilíbrio contratual. Para tanto, parte-se de uma breve contextualização da principiologia contratual contemporânea, à que se segue uma análise sobre o sentido atribuído pelo direito brasileiro ao princípio do equilíbrio contratual. Na sequência, investiga-se a relevância da alocação consensual de riscos para a configuração do equilíbrio contratual, destacando-se a dupla dimensão assumida pelo equilíbrio nas relações securitárias. O estudo se pauta no método lógico-dedutivo, com recurso a fontes jurisprudenciais nacionais e a fontes bibliográficas nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify and address the new challenges to the protection of persona... more ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify and address the new challenges to the protection of personal data arising from the use of artificial intelligence and big data in combating the Covid-19 pandemic in the Luso-Brazilian context. This research proposes to investigate the parameters for an effective patient protection in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, with regard to the appropriate assignment of civil liability for damages possibly caused by the use of the aforementioned technologies and to the delineation of guidelines for the implementation of artificial intelligence in strict compliance with personal data protection policy (in particular, sensitive personal data). For this purpose, this study adopts the logical-deductive method, particularly using Brazilian and Portuguese bibliographic sources. This theoretical path leads to the recognition that, despite the potential benefits, the algorithms developed for the diagnosis of Covid-19 can cause particularly onerous results, mainly due to their significant degree of inaccuracy. Furthermore, in the medical field, when it comes to the processing of sensitive personal data, among the main risks are the irregular processing of personal data, automated decisions in the processing of such data and the lack of information or consent on how the personal data was collected, processed and shared. Thus, it is extremely important to investigate compliance within these new frameworks of medical activities, in light of Brazilian and Portuguese laws concerning the protection of personal data. Ultimately, this study aims to formulate some possible hermeneutical canons to assist the interpreter-enforcer of the law in the task of ensuring the protection of human rights in the face of new technologies, without inhibiting their continuous development, whose importance is daily substantiated by the difficulty of combating the Covid-19 pandemic.
RESUMO: O presente estudo almeja investigar a aptidão do conceito de inadimplemento contratual a ... more RESUMO: O presente estudo almeja investigar a aptidão do conceito de inadimplemento contratual a justificar a qualificação de variadas vicissitudes contratuais supervenientes como autênticas hipóteses fáticas de inadimplemento, sem embargo da pluralidade de terminologias adotadas para se fazer menção a tais fattispecie. Para tanto, afigura-se indispensável a perquirição da amplitude do conceito de inadimplemento contratual à luz do direito brasileiro, com a identificação de alguns dos seus principais caracteres constitutivos, tais como a imputabilidade do descumprimento e a composição do interesse útil do credor (cânone da aferição do inadimplemento e da distinção entre as suas modalidades) a partir da conjugação do interesse na prestação com o interesse no resultado. Tais premissas propiciam, ao final do percurso, o reconhecimento de que o conceito de inadimplemento contratual ostenta uma força centrípeta que impõe a convergência, em torno da noção de inadimplemento, de fattispecie usualmente tratadas em apartado e sob terminologias variadas, de que constituem exemplos os vícios redibitórios, a evicção, o vício do produto ou do serviço e a impossibilidade superveniente culposa. O estudo, pautado na metodologia do direito civil-constitucional, desenvolve-se a partir de consulta às fontes bibliográficas nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: The present study aims to investigate the capability of the concept of breach of contract to justify the qualification of various supervening contractual vicissitudes as authentic factual hypotheses of breach of contract, notwithstanding the plurality of terminologies adopted to mention such fattispecie. To this end, it is essential to investigate the extension of the concept of contractual default in the light of Brazilian law, with the identification of some of its main constituent characteristics, such as breach’s imputability and the composition of the useful interest of the creditor (canon of the assessment of default and the distinction between its modalities) from the combination of the interest in the provision with the interest in the result. Such premises allow, at the end of the journey, recognizing that the concept of breach of contract has a centripetal force that imposes the convergence, around the notion of contractual default, of fattispecie usually treated separately and under varied terminologies, as redhibitory defect, eviction, defect of the product or the service and the culpable supervening impossibility. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic sources.
RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar os atributos que conformam o e... more RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar os atributos que conformam o enriquecimento na qualidade de pressuposto positivo da cláusula geral do dever de restituir contida no artigo 884 do Código Civil. Para isso, inicia-se por uma análise das modalidades e espécies de que usualmente se cogita em matéria de enriquecimento sem causa. Na sequência, passa-se em revista a formulação tradicional que aparta o dito enriquecimento real do dito enriquecimento patrimonial. Propõe-se, a partir de uma preliminar precisão conceitual, o reconhecimento de que tanto a realidade quanto a patrimonialidade são atributos do enriquecimento restituível. Por fim, lançam-se alguns possíveis questionamentos acerca da certeza ou probabilidade do enriquecimento, com base no cotejo com a disciplina dos lucros cessantes no âmbito da responsabilidade civil. O estudo adota o método lógico-dedutivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial acerca do direito brasileiro.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of the present study is to investigate the attributes that make up the enrichment as a positive requirement of the general clause of the duty of restitution contained in article 884 of the Civil Code. For this, it begins with an analysis of the modalities and species that are usually considered in matters of unjust enrichment. Following is a review of the traditional formulation that departs from the said real enrichment of the said patrimonial enrichment. It is proposed, based on a preliminary conceptual precision, the recognition that both reality and patrimoniality are attributes of refundable enrichment. Finally, some possible questions are raised about the certainty or probability of enrichment, based on the comparison with the discipline of loss of profit in the scope of civil liability. The study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographic and jurisprudential research regarding Brazilian law.
RESUMO: A partir da análise do acórdão proferido pela Terceira Turma do Superior Tribunal de Just... more RESUMO: A partir da análise do acórdão proferido pela Terceira Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça no julgamento do REsp 1.966.556/SP, o presente trabalho busca analisar algumas controvérsias relativas ao denominado “arbitramento de aluguel” na hipótese de uso exclusivo de coisa comum, em especial no caso de violência doméstica praticada contra a mulher coproprietária da coisa indivisa. Adota-se, para tanto, a premissa teórica de pontual convergência entre a responsabilidade civil e a vedação ao enriquecimento sem causa especificamente no que diz respeito ao atributo da injustiça (do dano reparável e do enriquecimento restituível, respectivamente), sem embargo das distinções funcionais centrais que demarcam as fronteiras dogmáticas entre os referidos institutos. O percurso teórico trilhado conduz ao reconhecimento de que, embora a obrigação pecuniária deflagrada pelo uso exclusivo da coisa comum indivisa se adeque mais propriamente ao regime da responsabilidade civil, também a disciplina da vedação ao enriquecimento conduziria a resultado similar – no que diz respeito à impossibilidade de deflagração do dever de pagar “aluguel” – a partir da assunção metodológica do paradigma da injustiça.
Revista Brasileira de Direito Civil (RBDCivil), 2021
RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar as respostas fornecidas pela d... more RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar as respostas fornecidas pela dogmática do dano moral no direito brasileiro a dilemas contemporâneos na matéria. Para tanto, analisam-se, inicialmente, as imprecisões comumente presentes na enunciação teórica de “novos” danos extrapatrimoniais. Passam-se, então, em revista as noções de dano estético e dano existencial à luz unidade dogmática do dano moral. Na sequência, analisam-se criticamente as noções de dano moral in re ipsa e de dano moral da pessoa jurídica. Por fim, investigam-se aspectos relevantes para a necessária distinção funcional entre danos morais, com a identificação de possíveis reflexos em relação à liquidação e à prescrição da pretensão reparatória. O estudo, pautado na metodologia do direito civil-constitucional, desenvolve-se a partir de consulta às fontes bibliográficas e jurisprudenciais nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate the answers provided by the dogmatic of moral damage in Brazilian law to contemporary dilemmas in the matter. In order to achieve this purpose, the study initially analyzes the inaccuracies commonly present in the theoretical enunciation of “new” non-material damages. Subsequently, the study reviews the notions of aesthetic damage and existential damage in the light of the dogmatic unity of moral damage. In the sequence, the study analyzes critically the notions of moral damage “in re ipsa” and moral damage of the legal entity. Finally, aspects relevant to the necessary functional distinction between moral damages are investigated, with the identification of possible consequences regarding quantification and prescription of reparatory claim. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar algumas perspectivas (e os cor... more RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar algumas perspectivas (e os correlatos riscos e dificuldades) de incorporação da inteligência artificial e dos smart contracts para a regulação convencional do risco contratual. Tal empreitada parte da perspectiva de a gestão do risco contratual por intermédio da inteligência artificial ocorrer, entre outras manifestações, ora para sua utilização para a delimitação inicial de elementos das prestações a cargo das partes, ora para a revisão das suas prestações diante de superveniências contratuais. Analisam-se, por fim, algumas repercussões dos smart contracts sobre a execução contratual e, em especial, sobre a atuação dos remédios ao inadimplemento. Para tanto, o presente estudo adota o método lógico-dedutivo, a partir do exame bibliográfico da doutrina nacional e, a título ilustrativo, da doutrina estrangeira.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate some perspectives (and the related risks and difficulties) of incorporating
artificial intelligence and smart contracts for the conventional regulation of contractual risk. This work begins with the investigation of the perspectives for contractual risk management through artificial intelligence to occur, among other manifestations, sometimes for its use for the initial delimitation of elements of the obligations under the responsibility of the parties, sometimes for the review of their obligations in light of new events in contractual performance. Finally, the study analyzes some repercussions of smart contracts on contractual performance and, in particular, on the operation of remedies for breach of contract. For this endeavor, the present study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on the bibliographic examination of both national and, as an illustration, foreign doctrine.
RESUMO: O escopo do presente consiste em promover um diálogo entre a metodologia do direito civil... more RESUMO: O escopo do presente consiste em promover um diálogo entre a metodologia do direito civil-constitucional e o sistema brasileiro de controle de constitucionalidade das leis e atos normativos do Poder Públicos, com especial enfoque nas proposições da doutrina constitucionalistas destinadas a justificar a superação ou afastamento excepcional de uma norma-regra jurídica. Nessa empreitada, delimitar-se-ão certas premissas teóricas relevantes ao presente estudo, notadamente no que diz respeito à relação entre as noções de enunciado normativo e norma com a noção de ordenamento do caso concreto, bem como a atual compreensão das regras e dos princípios como distintas (conquanto complementares) espécies normativas, ambas sujeitas à incidência imperativa da técnica da ponderação. Na sequência, examinar-se-ão em revista alguns aspectos atinentes à insuficiência do controle abstrato de constitucionalidade. Ao fim, passar-se-ão em revista as principais proposições teóricas concebidas para justificar o dito afastamento excepcional da regra nos casos em que sua aplicação subsuntiva produziria resultado incompatível com a Constituição, buscando destacar a compatibilidade entre a finalidade usualmente subjacente às propostas desenvolvidas na doutrina constitucionalista e os postulados da metodologia do direito civil-constitucional. O estudo adota o método lógico-dedutivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial acerca do direito brasileiro.
ABSTRACT: The scope of this study is to promote a dialogue between the methodology of civil-constitutional law and the Brazilian system of constitutionality review, with special focus on the constitutionalist doctrine proposals aimed at justifying the exceptional overcoming of a legal rule-norm. In this endeavor, certain theoretical premises relevant to the present study will be delimited, notably with regard to the relationship between the notions of normative statement and norm with the notion of concrete case order, as well as the current understanding of the rules and principles as distinct (although complementary) normative species, both subject to the incidence of the balancing technique. Afterwards, some aspects related to the insufficiency of the abstract control of constitutionality will be reviewed. In the end, the study will review the main theoretical propositions designed to justify the said exceptional overcoming of the rule in cases where its strict application would produce a result incompatible with the Constitution, seeking to highlight the compatibility between the purpose usually underlying the proposals developed in constitutionalist doctrine and the postulates of the methodology of civil-constitutional law. The study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographic and jurisprudential research regarding Brazilian law.
RESUMO: O presente estudo se pauta na investigação do escopo primordial do princípio do equilíbri... more RESUMO: O presente estudo se pauta na investigação do escopo primordial do princípio do equilíbrio contratual no direito brasileiro. Para tanto, após a identificação da insuficiência das formulações tradicionais (referidas por autorreferenciada e heterorreferenciada) para a compreensão do equilíbrio contratual, o estudo passa em revista o dado normativo e as principais formulações teóricas pertinentes ao tema. Tal análise conduz ao reconhecimento de que o princípio do equilíbrio contratual encontra nas vicissitudes contratuais supervenientes seu locus de atuação por excelência. Nessa medida, o princípio em comento constitui, a partir de uma releitura funcional, autêntico corolário da obrigatoriedade dos pactos (pacta sunt servanda), a impor a mais eficiente possível realização do programa de interesses originária e validamente entabulado pelas partes. A complexidade de tal programa de interesses (cuja promoção dinâmica é imposta pelo princípio do equilíbrio contratual) reclama uma análise de índole funcional, atenta, entre outros fatores, à alocação consensual de riscos porventura existente. O raciocínio desenvolvido auxilia, ao final, na sedimentação das bases para um necessário esforço de sistematização das vicissitudes contratuais supervenientes, bem como dos correlatos remédios vocacionados à tutela do desequilíbrio contratual.
ABSTRACT: This study is based on the investigation of the primordial scope of the principle of contractual balance in Brazilian law. Therefore, after identifying the insufficiency of traditional formulations (referred to as self-referenced and hetero-referenced) for understanding the contractual equilibrium, the study reviews the normative system and the main theoretical formulations relevant to the topic. Such analysis leads to the recognition that the principle of contractual equilibrium finds its locus of performance par excellence in the supervening contractual vicissitudes. To that extent, the principle under discussion constitutes, from a functional reinterpretation, an authentic corollary of the obligation of the pacts (pacta sunt servanda), to impose the most efficient possible implementation of the program of interests originally and validly established by the parties. The complexity of such a program of interests (whose dynamic promotion is imposed by the principle of contractual equilibrium) calls for an analysis of a functional nature, that takes into consideration, among other factors, the consensual allocation of risks that may exist. The reasoning developed helps, in the end, in laying the foundations for a necessary effort to systematize the supervening contractual vicissitudes, as well as the related remedies aimed at protecting the contractual disequilibrium.
RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar o sentido a ser atribuído à no... more RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste em investigar o sentido a ser atribuído à noção de ausência de justa causa (contida no art. 884 do Código Civil) à luz de uma comparação entre o estágio atual das reflexões sobre o enriquecimento sem causa e sobre a responsabilidade civil no direito brasileiro. Para tanto, investigam-se, inicialmente, as causas de justificação tradicionalmente reconhecidas pela civilística, bem como os possíveis influxos de uma renovada análise funcional e funcionalizada sobre a compreensão do requisito da ausência de justa causa. Tal percurso teórico possibilita o enfrentamento da hipótese norteadora do presente estudo: a possibilidade de reconhecimento de um novo paradigma de injustiça do enriquecimento à luz da legalidade constitucional. Por fim, exemplifica-se o raciocínio propugnado com base na análise da problemática do enriquecimento forçado (ou imposto), que permite o reconhecimento da redobrada importância das reflexões relativas à análise de (in)justiça do enriquecimento. O estudo, pautado na metodologia do direito civil-constitucional, desenvolve-se a partir de consulta às fontes bibliográficas e jurisprudenciais nacionais e estrangeiras.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate the meaning to be attributed to the notion of absence of just cause (contained in article 884 of the Civil Code) in the light of a comparison between the current stage of reflections on unjust enrichment and on civil liability in Brazilian law. In order to achieve this purpose, the study analyzes the causes of justification traditionally recognized by doctrine, as well as the possible influences of a renewed functional and functionalized analysis on the understanding of the requirement of the absence of just cause. This theoretical path makes it possible to face the guiding hypothesis of the present study: the possibility of recognizing a new paradigm of injustice in enrichment in the light of constitutional legality. Finally, the reasoning proposed is exemplified based on the analysis of the problem of forced (or imposed) enrichment, which allows the recognition of the redoubled importance of the reflections related to the analysis of (in)justice of enrichment. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
The paper aims to investigate the indemnification of the so-called damages due to deprivation of ... more The paper aims to investigate the indemnification of the so-called damages due to deprivation of use. Deprivation of use represents a tort that is able to cause various kinds of damages to the consumer – both moral and material damages. The study of this subject relies on a systematic analysis of the damages derived from the temporary suppression of the faculty of use. The premises of this study are the unfair damage paradigm and the recognition of the autonomous protection granted by Law to the faculty of use.
Plano do curso "Direito Civil II (Teoria Geral do Direito Civil)", disciplina obrigatória ministr... more Plano do curso "Direito Civil II (Teoria Geral do Direito Civil)", disciplina obrigatória ministrada, a título de estágio docente supervisionado pelo Prof. Dr. Gustavo Tepedino, para o curso de graduação em Direito da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Semestre letivo 2017.2.
O Direito das Obrigações transformou-se profundamente nas últimas décadas, sobressaindo o aspecto... more O Direito das Obrigações transformou-se profundamente nas últimas décadas, sobressaindo o aspecto funcional e dinâmico da relação obrigacional, que determina o conteúdo e justifica a estrutura de cada fato jurídico ou modelo de negócio. Na lição de Pietro Perlingieri, impõe-se a "investigação em chave funcional, isto é, que tenha em conta a valoração dos interesses considerados não genericamente", mas sim "singularmente e concretamente". 1 Tal alteração metodológica encontra especial acolhimento em tema de inadimplemento, tradicionalmente tratado, a partir de técnica herdada do direito romano, de modo exclusivamente estrutural. Em tal perspectiva, o estudo do (des)cumprimento da prestação, voltado à perquirição de responsabilidade contratual, deve ser efetuado à luz do propósito efetivamente perseguido pelas partes com a constituição da relação in concreto, a apresentar disciplina subordinada às circunstâncias específicas relacionadas à causa do negócio, ao grau e ao impacto do inadimplemento no interesse útil do credor, à natureza da obrigação inadimplida e à presença de convenção entre as partes no sentido de limitar, reduzir ou afastar indenização. Examinado sob lentes contemporâneas, o inadimplemento passa por relevante transformação conceitual, que, além de dar ensejo a renovadas figuras conceituais, como o denominado inadimplemento antecipado, o adimplemento substancial e a violação positiva do contrato, exige leitura atenta das consequências possíveis diante do inadimplemento, como fase patológica da relação obrigacional. Tal abordagem global dos possíveis cenários em que se situa o descumprimento obrigacional procurou ser construída pelo Prof. Rodrigo da Guia Silva nesta substanciosa obra dedicada aos "Remédios ao inadimplemento dos contratos: princípio do equilíbrio e tutela do programa contratual", fruto de sua Tese de doutoramento junto à Faculdade de Direito da UERJ, cuja defesa, submetida à Banca examinadora formada pelos ilustres professores Milena Donato Oliva (UERJ), Carlos Nelson Konder (UERJ), Gabriel Rocha Furtado (UFPI) e Bruno Miragem (UFRGS), e pelo signatário, como orientador, mereceu a nota máxima, 10, com louvor e distinção.
da vasta pluralidade de temas e de disposições normativas atinentes ao estudo dos remédios ao ina... more da vasta pluralidade de temas e de disposições normativas atinentes ao estudo dos remédios ao inadimplemento contratual, considerei oportuna a * * * Firme na convicção de que um texto somente se perfaz de sentido a partir da experiência única de leitura vivenciada por cada leitor, agradeço, de antemão, por todos os comentários, sugestões e críticas que me possam gentilmente ser encaminhados. Niterói-RJ, outono de 2023.
O direito dos seguros desfruta de posição de destaque no que diz respeito à difusão de inovações ... more O direito dos seguros desfruta de posição de destaque no que diz respeito à difusão de inovações no campo do direito privado. 1 De fato, o estudo dos seguros frequentemente reflete (por vezes, antecipa) aspectos do desenvolvimento teórico das relações obrigacionais em geral, o que permite aludir à existência de autênticos caminhos cruzados entre o direito dos seguros e as transformações gerais do direito das obrigações. 2 Circunstâncias como a difusão da heterointegração e a consagração do papel central da boa-fé objetiva nas relações securitárias revelam-se de grande valia para a compreensão das relações obrigacionais em geral. 3 De plano, a centralidade da boa-fé objetiva para a conformação do programa contratual encontra manifestação emblemática na disciplina das relações securitárias. Não por acaso, fala-se historicamente em incidência reforçada do princípio da boa-fé objetiva para se aludir à proeminência da boa-fé objetiva -e dos correlatos deveres -na disciplina dos seguros. 4
Papers by Rodrigo da Guia Silva
ABSTRACT: Abstract: The present study is guided by the hypothesis regarding the possibility of expanding, in an interpretative and analogical way, the suitability of remedies for breach of contract beyond the situations object of express legal provision. The enunciation of this hypothesis goes back to the identification of the fact that Brazilian law doesn’t contain an express legal provision regarding the appropriateness of certain remedies for hypotheses of default that appear functionally similar (or identical) to other hypotheses for which the same remedies have been provided. For the proposed aim of systematization of remedies for breach of contract, the study is based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, and develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
ABSTRACT: The scope of this study is to investigate the polysemy of the expression “contractual liability”. The guiding hypothesis of the investigation is the recognition of the conceptual and functional distinction between two of the main possible meanings of contractual liability – liability for breach of contract and contractual civil liability (or liability for damages resulting from breach of contract). In this investigation, the analysis of the treatment given by Consumer Law to the categories of inappropriateness of product or service vis-à-vis the fact of product or service plays a prominent role, helping to understand the repercussions of the aforementioned distinction between the main meanings of the contractual liability. The study is based on the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographical and jurisprudential research on Brazilian law.
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes article 412 of the Civil Code, which limits the commination’s value of the penalty clause to the “value of the primary obligation”. As in article 413 of the Civil Code, this rule has the objective of preventing abuses in the penalty clause provision. Despite the laudable underlying purpose of article 412 of the Civil Code, a rigid and artificial limit is set, which was already criticized under the Civil Code of 1916. Among other perceptions, the primary obligation often does not have a fixed price in the contract, which adds to the preliminary difficulty of defining which duty should be considered the primary obligation. Facing this issue, the paper proposes that the expression “value of the primary obligation” should not be automatically interpreted as the price that may have been agreed as pecuniary consideration. The “value of the primary obligation” should be fixed taking into consideration the economic content of the contract, which includes the useful result legitimately associated with the contractual program. This work was developed using the deductive reasoning method, based on national authors.
ABSTRACT: The complexity of the issues concerning the definition of the statute of limitations in the context of insurance relations is inversely proportional to the apparent simplicity of the provisions that the Civil Code provides for the matter. This article aims to analyze the regulations waived by the Civil Code for the various claims that may arise between the parties and third parties who benefit and are harmed within the scope of damage and civil liability insurance contracts. The paper emphasizes the case of the subrogated insurer on the rights of the insured in damage insurance contracts and the repercussions in terms of limitations of such subrogation.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study is to investigate the prima facie compatibility of cross-default and cross-acceleration clauses with Brazilian law. To this purpose, the investigation begins with an analysis of the concepts, structures and different functions of each of such clauses, through which the individuals establish what could be translated by “cross-default” and “cross-acceleration”. Next, the study examines possible grounds for the admissibility of such contractual provisions, which is related to a careful reflection regarding the space for the legitimate action of private autonomy in matters of conformation of figures such as contractual default (and the related remedy of resolution) and acceleration of obligations. Finally, after confirming the study's guiding hypothesis, it reviews some relevant parameters for functional control of the validity of cross-default and cross-acceleration clauses in the light of potential vicissitudes in concrete cases. The study, based on the analysis of national and foreign bibliography, is developed from the logical-deductive method.
ABSTRACT: The current scenario of wide dissemination of sports betting platforms raises some relevant questions, such as the ones set out below: how should contracts with online sports betting houses be qualified – are they prohibited, tolerated or permitted bets? Do debts arising from online sports betting constitute mere natural obligations (therefore, legally unenforceable)? After placing a bet on the result of a certain soccer match and getting it right, can the player resort to the Judiciary to compel the bookmaker to pay the promised prize if he does not voluntarily do so? This brief essay is dedicated to address such questions, essentially motivated by the purpose of, based on initial reflections on the subject, indicating potentially useful guidelines for addressing the problem in the light of Brazilian law, with emphasis on lottery modality of betting with fixed quotas created by Law nº 13.756/2018.
ABSTRACT: This study seeks to present some considerations on the hermeneutical difficulties that arise from the progressive attribution of new functions to civil liability – which impair the conceptual autonomy of damages and make room for frequent mistakes in the process of qualifying concrete situations. Without any intent of systematizing the numerous contemporary proposals relating to new functional profiles of civil liability, this article seeks to identify, in a critical perspective, some of the difficulties in implementing the so-called punitive and preventive functions, as well as the inadequacy of the confusion between reparation and restitution. In the end, it proposes the practical example of the qualification of legal dispositions on the doubled restitution of undue payments as a hypothesis in which the aforementioned functional distinctions play a decisive role in identifying the right legal discipline.
ABSTRACT: The present study aims to investigate the capability of the concept of breach of contract to justify the qualification of various supervening contractual vicissitudes as authentic factual hypotheses of breach of contract, notwithstanding the plurality of terminologies adopted to mention such fattispecie. To this end, it is essential to investigate the extension of the concept of contractual default in the light of Brazilian law, with the identification of some of its main constituent characteristics, such as breach’s imputability and the composition of the useful interest of the creditor (canon of the assessment of default and the distinction between its modalities) from the combination of the interest in the provision with the interest in the result. Such premises allow, at the end of the journey, recognizing that the concept of breach of contract has a centripetal force that imposes the convergence, around the notion of contractual default, of fattispecie usually treated separately and under varied terminologies, as redhibitory defect, eviction, defect of the product or the service and the culpable supervening impossibility. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic sources.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of the present study is to investigate the attributes that make up the enrichment as a positive requirement of the general clause of the duty of restitution contained in article 884 of the Civil Code. For this, it begins with an analysis of the modalities and species that are usually considered in matters of unjust enrichment. Following is a review of the traditional formulation that departs from the said real enrichment of the said patrimonial enrichment. It is proposed, based on a preliminary conceptual precision, the recognition that both reality and patrimoniality are attributes of refundable enrichment. Finally, some possible questions are raised about the certainty or probability of enrichment, based on the comparison with the discipline of loss of profit in the scope of civil liability. The study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographic and jurisprudential research regarding Brazilian law.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate the answers provided by the dogmatic of moral damage in Brazilian law to contemporary dilemmas in the matter. In order to achieve this purpose, the study initially analyzes the inaccuracies commonly present in the theoretical enunciation of “new” non-material damages. Subsequently, the study reviews the notions of aesthetic damage and existential damage in the light of the dogmatic unity of moral damage. In the sequence, the study analyzes critically the notions of moral damage “in re ipsa” and moral damage of the legal entity. Finally, aspects relevant to the necessary functional distinction between moral damages are investigated, with the identification of possible consequences regarding quantification and prescription of reparatory claim. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate some perspectives (and the related risks and difficulties) of incorporating
artificial intelligence and smart contracts for the conventional regulation of contractual risk. This work begins with the investigation of the perspectives for contractual risk management through artificial intelligence to occur, among other manifestations, sometimes for its use for the initial delimitation of elements of the obligations under the responsibility of the parties, sometimes for the review of their obligations in light of new events in contractual performance. Finally, the study analyzes some repercussions of smart contracts on contractual performance and, in particular, on the operation of remedies for breach of contract. For this endeavor, the present study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on the bibliographic examination of both national and, as an illustration, foreign doctrine.
ABSTRACT: The scope of this study is to promote a dialogue between the methodology of civil-constitutional law and the Brazilian system of constitutionality review, with special focus on the constitutionalist doctrine proposals aimed at justifying the exceptional overcoming of a legal rule-norm. In this endeavor, certain theoretical premises relevant to the present study will be delimited, notably with regard to the relationship between the notions of normative statement and norm with the notion of concrete case order, as well as the current understanding of the rules and principles as distinct (although complementary) normative species, both subject to the incidence of the balancing technique. Afterwards, some aspects related to the insufficiency of the abstract control of constitutionality will be reviewed. In the end, the study will review the main theoretical propositions designed to justify the said exceptional overcoming of the rule in cases where its strict application would produce a result incompatible with the Constitution, seeking to highlight the compatibility between the purpose usually underlying the proposals developed in constitutionalist doctrine and the postulates of the methodology of civil-constitutional law. The study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographic and jurisprudential research regarding Brazilian law.
ABSTRACT: This study is based on the investigation of the primordial scope of the principle of contractual balance in Brazilian law. Therefore, after identifying the insufficiency of traditional formulations (referred to as self-referenced and hetero-referenced) for understanding the contractual equilibrium, the study reviews the normative system and the main theoretical formulations relevant to the topic. Such analysis leads to the recognition that the principle of contractual equilibrium finds its locus of performance par excellence in the supervening contractual vicissitudes. To that extent, the principle under discussion constitutes, from a functional reinterpretation, an authentic corollary of the obligation of the pacts (pacta sunt servanda), to impose the most efficient possible implementation of the program of interests originally and validly established by the parties. The complexity of such a program of interests (whose dynamic promotion is imposed by the principle of contractual equilibrium) calls for an analysis of a functional nature, that takes into consideration, among other factors, the consensual allocation of risks that may exist. The reasoning developed helps, in the end, in laying the foundations for a necessary effort to systematize the supervening contractual vicissitudes, as well as the related remedies aimed at protecting the contractual disequilibrium.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate the meaning to be attributed to the notion of absence of just cause (contained in article 884 of the Civil Code) in the light of a comparison between the current stage of reflections on unjust enrichment and on civil liability in Brazilian law. In order to achieve this purpose, the study analyzes the causes of justification traditionally recognized by doctrine, as well as the possible influences of a renewed functional and functionalized analysis on the understanding of the requirement of the absence of just cause. This theoretical path makes it possible to face the guiding hypothesis of the present study: the possibility of recognizing a new paradigm of injustice in enrichment in the light of constitutional legality. Finally, the reasoning proposed is exemplified based on the analysis of the problem of forced (or imposed) enrichment, which allows the recognition of the redoubled importance of the reflections related to the analysis of (in)justice of enrichment. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
ABSTRACT: Abstract: The present study is guided by the hypothesis regarding the possibility of expanding, in an interpretative and analogical way, the suitability of remedies for breach of contract beyond the situations object of express legal provision. The enunciation of this hypothesis goes back to the identification of the fact that Brazilian law doesn’t contain an express legal provision regarding the appropriateness of certain remedies for hypotheses of default that appear functionally similar (or identical) to other hypotheses for which the same remedies have been provided. For the proposed aim of systematization of remedies for breach of contract, the study is based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, and develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
ABSTRACT: The scope of this study is to investigate the polysemy of the expression “contractual liability”. The guiding hypothesis of the investigation is the recognition of the conceptual and functional distinction between two of the main possible meanings of contractual liability – liability for breach of contract and contractual civil liability (or liability for damages resulting from breach of contract). In this investigation, the analysis of the treatment given by Consumer Law to the categories of inappropriateness of product or service vis-à-vis the fact of product or service plays a prominent role, helping to understand the repercussions of the aforementioned distinction between the main meanings of the contractual liability. The study is based on the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographical and jurisprudential research on Brazilian law.
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes article 412 of the Civil Code, which limits the commination’s value of the penalty clause to the “value of the primary obligation”. As in article 413 of the Civil Code, this rule has the objective of preventing abuses in the penalty clause provision. Despite the laudable underlying purpose of article 412 of the Civil Code, a rigid and artificial limit is set, which was already criticized under the Civil Code of 1916. Among other perceptions, the primary obligation often does not have a fixed price in the contract, which adds to the preliminary difficulty of defining which duty should be considered the primary obligation. Facing this issue, the paper proposes that the expression “value of the primary obligation” should not be automatically interpreted as the price that may have been agreed as pecuniary consideration. The “value of the primary obligation” should be fixed taking into consideration the economic content of the contract, which includes the useful result legitimately associated with the contractual program. This work was developed using the deductive reasoning method, based on national authors.
ABSTRACT: The complexity of the issues concerning the definition of the statute of limitations in the context of insurance relations is inversely proportional to the apparent simplicity of the provisions that the Civil Code provides for the matter. This article aims to analyze the regulations waived by the Civil Code for the various claims that may arise between the parties and third parties who benefit and are harmed within the scope of damage and civil liability insurance contracts. The paper emphasizes the case of the subrogated insurer on the rights of the insured in damage insurance contracts and the repercussions in terms of limitations of such subrogation.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study is to investigate the prima facie compatibility of cross-default and cross-acceleration clauses with Brazilian law. To this purpose, the investigation begins with an analysis of the concepts, structures and different functions of each of such clauses, through which the individuals establish what could be translated by “cross-default” and “cross-acceleration”. Next, the study examines possible grounds for the admissibility of such contractual provisions, which is related to a careful reflection regarding the space for the legitimate action of private autonomy in matters of conformation of figures such as contractual default (and the related remedy of resolution) and acceleration of obligations. Finally, after confirming the study's guiding hypothesis, it reviews some relevant parameters for functional control of the validity of cross-default and cross-acceleration clauses in the light of potential vicissitudes in concrete cases. The study, based on the analysis of national and foreign bibliography, is developed from the logical-deductive method.
ABSTRACT: The current scenario of wide dissemination of sports betting platforms raises some relevant questions, such as the ones set out below: how should contracts with online sports betting houses be qualified – are they prohibited, tolerated or permitted bets? Do debts arising from online sports betting constitute mere natural obligations (therefore, legally unenforceable)? After placing a bet on the result of a certain soccer match and getting it right, can the player resort to the Judiciary to compel the bookmaker to pay the promised prize if he does not voluntarily do so? This brief essay is dedicated to address such questions, essentially motivated by the purpose of, based on initial reflections on the subject, indicating potentially useful guidelines for addressing the problem in the light of Brazilian law, with emphasis on lottery modality of betting with fixed quotas created by Law nº 13.756/2018.
ABSTRACT: This study seeks to present some considerations on the hermeneutical difficulties that arise from the progressive attribution of new functions to civil liability – which impair the conceptual autonomy of damages and make room for frequent mistakes in the process of qualifying concrete situations. Without any intent of systematizing the numerous contemporary proposals relating to new functional profiles of civil liability, this article seeks to identify, in a critical perspective, some of the difficulties in implementing the so-called punitive and preventive functions, as well as the inadequacy of the confusion between reparation and restitution. In the end, it proposes the practical example of the qualification of legal dispositions on the doubled restitution of undue payments as a hypothesis in which the aforementioned functional distinctions play a decisive role in identifying the right legal discipline.
ABSTRACT: The present study aims to investigate the capability of the concept of breach of contract to justify the qualification of various supervening contractual vicissitudes as authentic factual hypotheses of breach of contract, notwithstanding the plurality of terminologies adopted to mention such fattispecie. To this end, it is essential to investigate the extension of the concept of contractual default in the light of Brazilian law, with the identification of some of its main constituent characteristics, such as breach’s imputability and the composition of the useful interest of the creditor (canon of the assessment of default and the distinction between its modalities) from the combination of the interest in the provision with the interest in the result. Such premises allow, at the end of the journey, recognizing that the concept of breach of contract has a centripetal force that imposes the convergence, around the notion of contractual default, of fattispecie usually treated separately and under varied terminologies, as redhibitory defect, eviction, defect of the product or the service and the culpable supervening impossibility. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic sources.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of the present study is to investigate the attributes that make up the enrichment as a positive requirement of the general clause of the duty of restitution contained in article 884 of the Civil Code. For this, it begins with an analysis of the modalities and species that are usually considered in matters of unjust enrichment. Following is a review of the traditional formulation that departs from the said real enrichment of the said patrimonial enrichment. It is proposed, based on a preliminary conceptual precision, the recognition that both reality and patrimoniality are attributes of refundable enrichment. Finally, some possible questions are raised about the certainty or probability of enrichment, based on the comparison with the discipline of loss of profit in the scope of civil liability. The study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographic and jurisprudential research regarding Brazilian law.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate the answers provided by the dogmatic of moral damage in Brazilian law to contemporary dilemmas in the matter. In order to achieve this purpose, the study initially analyzes the inaccuracies commonly present in the theoretical enunciation of “new” non-material damages. Subsequently, the study reviews the notions of aesthetic damage and existential damage in the light of the dogmatic unity of moral damage. In the sequence, the study analyzes critically the notions of moral damage “in re ipsa” and moral damage of the legal entity. Finally, aspects relevant to the necessary functional distinction between moral damages are investigated, with the identification of possible consequences regarding quantification and prescription of reparatory claim. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate some perspectives (and the related risks and difficulties) of incorporating
artificial intelligence and smart contracts for the conventional regulation of contractual risk. This work begins with the investigation of the perspectives for contractual risk management through artificial intelligence to occur, among other manifestations, sometimes for its use for the initial delimitation of elements of the obligations under the responsibility of the parties, sometimes for the review of their obligations in light of new events in contractual performance. Finally, the study analyzes some repercussions of smart contracts on contractual performance and, in particular, on the operation of remedies for breach of contract. For this endeavor, the present study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on the bibliographic examination of both national and, as an illustration, foreign doctrine.
ABSTRACT: The scope of this study is to promote a dialogue between the methodology of civil-constitutional law and the Brazilian system of constitutionality review, with special focus on the constitutionalist doctrine proposals aimed at justifying the exceptional overcoming of a legal rule-norm. In this endeavor, certain theoretical premises relevant to the present study will be delimited, notably with regard to the relationship between the notions of normative statement and norm with the notion of concrete case order, as well as the current understanding of the rules and principles as distinct (although complementary) normative species, both subject to the incidence of the balancing technique. Afterwards, some aspects related to the insufficiency of the abstract control of constitutionality will be reviewed. In the end, the study will review the main theoretical propositions designed to justify the said exceptional overcoming of the rule in cases where its strict application would produce a result incompatible with the Constitution, seeking to highlight the compatibility between the purpose usually underlying the proposals developed in constitutionalist doctrine and the postulates of the methodology of civil-constitutional law. The study adopts the logical-deductive method, based on bibliographic and jurisprudential research regarding Brazilian law.
ABSTRACT: This study is based on the investigation of the primordial scope of the principle of contractual balance in Brazilian law. Therefore, after identifying the insufficiency of traditional formulations (referred to as self-referenced and hetero-referenced) for understanding the contractual equilibrium, the study reviews the normative system and the main theoretical formulations relevant to the topic. Such analysis leads to the recognition that the principle of contractual equilibrium finds its locus of performance par excellence in the supervening contractual vicissitudes. To that extent, the principle under discussion constitutes, from a functional reinterpretation, an authentic corollary of the obligation of the pacts (pacta sunt servanda), to impose the most efficient possible implementation of the program of interests originally and validly established by the parties. The complexity of such a program of interests (whose dynamic promotion is imposed by the principle of contractual equilibrium) calls for an analysis of a functional nature, that takes into consideration, among other factors, the consensual allocation of risks that may exist. The reasoning developed helps, in the end, in laying the foundations for a necessary effort to systematize the supervening contractual vicissitudes, as well as the related remedies aimed at protecting the contractual disequilibrium.
ABSTRACT: The central scope of this study is to investigate the meaning to be attributed to the notion of absence of just cause (contained in article 884 of the Civil Code) in the light of a comparison between the current stage of reflections on unjust enrichment and on civil liability in Brazilian law. In order to achieve this purpose, the study analyzes the causes of justification traditionally recognized by doctrine, as well as the possible influences of a renewed functional and functionalized analysis on the understanding of the requirement of the absence of just cause. This theoretical path makes it possible to face the guiding hypothesis of the present study: the possibility of recognizing a new paradigm of injustice in enrichment in the light of constitutional legality. Finally, the reasoning proposed is exemplified based on the analysis of the problem of forced (or imposed) enrichment, which allows the recognition of the redoubled importance of the reflections related to the analysis of (in)justice of enrichment. Based on the methodology of civil-constitutional law, the study develops itself from analysis of national and foreign bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.