Anthropologist based in Bolivia since 1976, PhD in Human Geography. I was an adviser for the peasant movement and indigenous organizations until those became coopted by the MAS government. Currently member of the CENDA council, researcher and lecturer at the UMSS University (cochabamba, Bolivia). I live now in a peasant community not far from Raqaypampa, the place where I did most of my work. Address: Cochabamba, Bolivia
En este volumen…
Las instituciones que propician esta publicación pensamos que ha llegado el mome... more En este volumen… Las instituciones que propician esta publicación pensamos que ha llegado el momento de contribuir con reflexiones teóricas sobre las diferentes dimensiones de la gestión educativa, que articulen los aportes prácticos de la gestión local y sirvan de referente para futuras prácticas y reflexiones en este espacio en constante construcción. Es por eso que se ha propuesto la publicación de este segundo volumen que contiene aportes desde la teoría y desde la práctica, de profesionales que trabajan en proyectos educativos en diferentes ámbitos, niveles y contextos del país. Romel Cano, Milca Mamani, Simón Choque, María del Carmen Bolívar, Marcia Mandepora, Jaime Zambrana, Marina Arratia, Rafael Puente y Pablo Regalsky Disponible también en:
Why did questions of indigenous rights and new indigenous development
models emerge within the di... more Why did questions of indigenous rights and new indigenous development models emerge within the discourse of international agencies in this particular period? One important explanation is found in the historical context of Latin America at the time. According to Van Cott (2008), new political movements emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a response to existing political parties’ failure to reduce poverty and inequality, the failure to protect citizens from crime and violence, and the failure to promote economic developmentand to protect human rights. The indigenous movements offered a critique ofneo-liberalism, of corruption as well as foreign, economic exploitation. Moreimportantly, they offered an alternative vision of respect for nature, government accountability, economic justice, social solidarity, collective identity and sovereignty
Period of annalysis: the previous tensions between Andean communities and the neoliberal governme... more Period of annalysis: the previous tensions between Andean communities and the neoliberal governments that gave place to self rule and to the Constituent Assembly demand on the part of the indigenous peoples. Only Chapter II
Présentation du travail de l'équipe du CENDA(CENtre de communication et de Développement Andi... more Présentation du travail de l'équipe du CENDA(CENtre de communication et de Développement Andin) réalisé avec le concours des habitants des communautés de la région de Raqaypampa sur les hautes terres de Mizque(Andes centrales, Bolivie) de ...
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing eBooks, Sep 15, 2010
Nation states as dominant political structures in Latin America are facing huge challenges as the... more Nation states as dominant political structures in Latin America are facing huge challenges as they undergo a process of declining hegemony. As actors in the current scenario of political crisis, the indigenous people insurgence in Bolivia and, more generally, in Latin America, bring forward singular outcomes. For the first time in more than five centuries, the current president of Bolivia has an indigenous background. In order to understand the previous circumstances that made possible this important political change, this book offers a vivid image of how this process took place at different scales, taking advantage of a multidimensional approach, including a case study on the crisis of the state rural school within an indigenous territory. This book should interest social scientists concerned with the socio-political and cultural processes taking place in the Andean region.
The indigenous social movements that propelled Evo Morales and the Movimiento al Socialismo (Move... more The indigenous social movements that propelled Evo Morales and the Movimiento al Socialismo (Movement Toward Socialism—MAS) into power in Bolivia questioned the legitimacy of the nation-state, its territorial configuration, and its system of political representation. The MAS, rather than responding to these concerns, is attempting to balance indigenous demands with those of the dominant and still powerful landowning class in a new configuration of the state. As part of this process indigenous leaders have been co-opted into municipal administration, which has subordinated their organizations to the state and the established system of party politics. The constituent assembly that created the constitution adopted in 2009 failed to democratize property and control over natural resources as indigenous peoples have been demanding since 2000.
En este volumen…
Las instituciones que propician esta publicación pensamos que ha llegado el mome... more En este volumen… Las instituciones que propician esta publicación pensamos que ha llegado el momento de contribuir con reflexiones teóricas sobre las diferentes dimensiones de la gestión educativa, que articulen los aportes prácticos de la gestión local y sirvan de referente para futuras prácticas y reflexiones en este espacio en constante construcción. Es por eso que se ha propuesto la publicación de este segundo volumen que contiene aportes desde la teoría y desde la práctica, de profesionales que trabajan en proyectos educativos en diferentes ámbitos, niveles y contextos del país. Romel Cano, Milca Mamani, Simón Choque, María del Carmen Bolívar, Marcia Mandepora, Jaime Zambrana, Marina Arratia, Rafael Puente y Pablo Regalsky Disponible también en:
Why did questions of indigenous rights and new indigenous development
models emerge within the di... more Why did questions of indigenous rights and new indigenous development models emerge within the discourse of international agencies in this particular period? One important explanation is found in the historical context of Latin America at the time. According to Van Cott (2008), new political movements emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a response to existing political parties’ failure to reduce poverty and inequality, the failure to protect citizens from crime and violence, and the failure to promote economic developmentand to protect human rights. The indigenous movements offered a critique ofneo-liberalism, of corruption as well as foreign, economic exploitation. Moreimportantly, they offered an alternative vision of respect for nature, government accountability, economic justice, social solidarity, collective identity and sovereignty
Period of annalysis: the previous tensions between Andean communities and the neoliberal governme... more Period of annalysis: the previous tensions between Andean communities and the neoliberal governments that gave place to self rule and to the Constituent Assembly demand on the part of the indigenous peoples. Only Chapter II
Présentation du travail de l'équipe du CENDA(CENtre de communication et de Développement Andi... more Présentation du travail de l'équipe du CENDA(CENtre de communication et de Développement Andin) réalisé avec le concours des habitants des communautés de la région de Raqaypampa sur les hautes terres de Mizque(Andes centrales, Bolivie) de ...
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing eBooks, Sep 15, 2010
Nation states as dominant political structures in Latin America are facing huge challenges as the... more Nation states as dominant political structures in Latin America are facing huge challenges as they undergo a process of declining hegemony. As actors in the current scenario of political crisis, the indigenous people insurgence in Bolivia and, more generally, in Latin America, bring forward singular outcomes. For the first time in more than five centuries, the current president of Bolivia has an indigenous background. In order to understand the previous circumstances that made possible this important political change, this book offers a vivid image of how this process took place at different scales, taking advantage of a multidimensional approach, including a case study on the crisis of the state rural school within an indigenous territory. This book should interest social scientists concerned with the socio-political and cultural processes taking place in the Andean region.
The indigenous social movements that propelled Evo Morales and the Movimiento al Socialismo (Move... more The indigenous social movements that propelled Evo Morales and the Movimiento al Socialismo (Movement Toward Socialism—MAS) into power in Bolivia questioned the legitimacy of the nation-state, its territorial configuration, and its system of political representation. The MAS, rather than responding to these concerns, is attempting to balance indigenous demands with those of the dominant and still powerful landowning class in a new configuration of the state. As part of this process indigenous leaders have been co-opted into municipal administration, which has subordinated their organizations to the state and the established system of party politics. The constituent assembly that created the constitution adopted in 2009 failed to democratize property and control over natural resources as indigenous peoples have been demanding since 2000.
This thesis explores decentralisation in the context of the emergence of indigenous peasant movem... more This thesis explores decentralisation in the context of the emergence of indigenous peasant movements in Bolivia. It examines the Bolivian state territorial reconfiguration through decentralisation, with a focus on the impact the process of municipalisation had on indigenous territoriality and social differentiation within Andean communities. It is argued in this thesis that the scope of the Popular Participation Law proves to be more complex in practice than the aims stated by the promoters of the law and by the associated literature. The thesis shows how the municipalisation in fact comes to play a concomitant role in the neoliberal strategy of land property structure modernisation. It also explores how the incorporation of rural Andean indigenous communities into 'national life' as an element of the neoliberal strategies framed on widening the reach of the market come to affect Andean strategies of space management.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles): presently working on a book exploring t... more CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles): presently working on a book exploring the same themes as this working paper. In Fall 2005 she was a visiting fellow at the Kellogg Institute.
Revista Mutirõ. Folhetim de Geografias Agrárias do Sul
El actual ciclo político inaugurado por la subida del MAS al gobierno en enero 2006, es usualment... more El actual ciclo político inaugurado por la subida del MAS al gobierno en enero 2006, es usualmente retratado como un cambio importante en el carácter del Estado boliviano. En esta presentación pongo el acento en el impacto que ha producido el cambio de gobierno en los movimientos sociales, principalmente en el movimiento campesino que conforma la base social propia de dicho gobierno. Una de las características salientes de este cambio es la transformación que atraviesan una gran mayoría de los campesinos cuyas comunidades y organizaciones estaban embarcados hasta hace poco en procesos de emergencia étnica y de construcción de autonomías territoriales, de lucha por Tierra y Territorio. Dichos procesos de movilización social y étnica llegaron a configurarse como crisis revolucionaria en 2003.La superación de la crisis de Estadocon la subida del MAS al gobierno produce un giro completo en la sociedad, puesto que ha significado volcar la relación de fuerzas que, hasta 2005, favorecía a ...
Nation states as dominant political structures in Latin America are facing huge challenges as the... more Nation states as dominant political structures in Latin America are facing huge challenges as they undergo a process of declining hegemony. As actors in the current scenario of political crisis, the indigenous people insurgence in Bolivia and, more generally, in Latin America, bring forward singular outcomes. For the first time in more than five centuries, the current president of Bolivia has an indigenous background. In order to understand the previous circumstances that made possible this important political change, this book offers a vivid image of how this process took place at different scales, taking advantage of a multidimensional approach, including a case study on the crisis of the state rural school within an indigenous territory. This book should interest social scientists concerned with the socio-political and cultural processes taking place in the Andean region.
Current demands for departmental autonomy for the “Media Luna” which is constituted by Bolivia’s ... more Current demands for departmental autonomy for the “Media Luna” which is constituted by Bolivia’s Oriental departaments, are being led by businessmen. On the other hand, indigenous movements’ proposals for territorial autonomy require a definition of the actual situation of state crisis for a better understanding of the territorial reconfiguration in process. This process not only affects governance but the nation state itself is put into question as a result of indigenous demands for the establishment of a plurinational state through the Constituent Assembly now functioning. This is a process with roots and ramifications well beyond the country’s borders.
El texto aprobado por la Asamblea Constituyente en Oruro el 9 de diciembre de 2007 es un triunfo ... more El texto aprobado por la Asamblea Constituyente en Oruro el 9 de diciembre de 2007 es un triunfo importante para los movimientos indigenas, que excede el plano puramente discursivo y de “papel mojado” al que quedan generalmente reducidas las constituciones en America Latina. Por un lado, lo que plantea el texto del proyecto de Constitucion tiene importancia. Pone en cuestion el sistema liberal de control estatal sobre los pueblos oprimidos. Coloca nuevamente en el tablero, no solo nacional sino mundial, el tema del reconocimiento de los derechos colectivos, el derecho a la autodeterminacion de los pueblos oprimidos, y pone en discusion el sistema opresivo y homogeneizante del Estado-nacion. Ademas de esto, establece de la forma mas taxativa posible un conjunto de derechos individuales que parece colocar a Bolivia -al menos en el plano de la teoriaen el puesto mas avanzado de la civilizacion humana actual. Por otro lado, la circunstancia de este triunfo, independientemente del valor ...
El actual ciclo político inaugurado por la subida del MAS al gobierno en enero de 2006, es retrat... more El actual ciclo político inaugurado por la subida del MAS al gobierno en enero de 2006, es retratado como un cambio importante en el carácter del Estado boliviano. En esta presentación, por el contrario, pongo el acento en el impacto que ha producido el cambio de gobierno en los movimientos sociales, principalmente en el movimiento campesino que conforma la base social propia de dicho gobierno. Sostengo que, en consecuencia, el Estado semicolonial pre-existente se ha consolidado.
This thesis explores decentralisation in the context of the emergence of indigenous peasant movem... more This thesis explores decentralisation in the context of the emergence of indigenous peasant movements in Bolivia. It examines the Bolivian state territorial reconfiguration through decentralisation, with a focus on the impact the process of municipalisation had on indigenous territoriality and social differentiation within Andean communities. It is argued in this thesis that the scope of the Popular Participation Law proves to be more complex in practice than the aims stated by the promoters of the law and by the associated literature. The thesis shows how the municipalisation in fact comes to play a concomitant role in the neoliberal strategy of land property structure modernisation. It also explores how the incorporation of rural Andean indigenous communities into 'national life' as an element of the neoliberal strategies framed on widening the reach of the market come to affect Andean strategies of space management.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingd
Books by Pablo Regalsky
Las instituciones que propician esta publicación pensamos que ha llegado el momento de contribuir con reflexiones teóricas sobre las diferentes dimensiones de la gestión educativa, que articulen los aportes prácticos de la gestión local y sirvan de referente para futuras prácticas y reflexiones en este espacio en constante construcción. Es por eso que se ha propuesto la publicación de este segundo volumen que contiene aportes desde la teoría y desde la práctica, de profesionales que trabajan en proyectos educativos en diferentes ámbitos, niveles y contextos del país.
Romel Cano, Milca Mamani, Simón Choque, María del Carmen Bolívar, Marcia Mandepora, Jaime Zambrana, Marina Arratia, Rafael Puente y Pablo Regalsky
Disponible también en:
models emerge within the discourse of international agencies in this particular period? One important explanation is found in the historical context of Latin America at the time. According to Van Cott (2008), new political movements emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a response to existing political parties’ failure to reduce poverty and inequality, the failure to protect citizens from crime and violence, and the failure to promote economic developmentand to protect human rights. The indigenous movements offered a critique ofneo-liberalism, of corruption as well as foreign, economic exploitation. Moreimportantly, they offered an alternative vision of respect for nature, government accountability, economic justice, social solidarity, collective identity and sovereignty
Papers by Pablo Regalsky
Las instituciones que propician esta publicación pensamos que ha llegado el momento de contribuir con reflexiones teóricas sobre las diferentes dimensiones de la gestión educativa, que articulen los aportes prácticos de la gestión local y sirvan de referente para futuras prácticas y reflexiones en este espacio en constante construcción. Es por eso que se ha propuesto la publicación de este segundo volumen que contiene aportes desde la teoría y desde la práctica, de profesionales que trabajan en proyectos educativos en diferentes ámbitos, niveles y contextos del país.
Romel Cano, Milca Mamani, Simón Choque, María del Carmen Bolívar, Marcia Mandepora, Jaime Zambrana, Marina Arratia, Rafael Puente y Pablo Regalsky
Disponible también en:
models emerge within the discourse of international agencies in this particular period? One important explanation is found in the historical context of Latin America at the time. According to Van Cott (2008), new political movements emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a response to existing political parties’ failure to reduce poverty and inequality, the failure to protect citizens from crime and violence, and the failure to promote economic developmentand to protect human rights. The indigenous movements offered a critique ofneo-liberalism, of corruption as well as foreign, economic exploitation. Moreimportantly, they offered an alternative vision of respect for nature, government accountability, economic justice, social solidarity, collective identity and sovereignty