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Recent studies carried out at national and international levels indicate that ICT use in the Italian school system is lagging in a number of ways. Observation of the situation in lower secondary schools has prompted us to conduct an... more
Recent studies carried out at national and international levels indicate that ICT use in the Italian school system is lagging in a number of ways. Observation of the situation in lower secondary schools has prompted us to conduct an investigation focusing on three different areas: teachers’ knowledge and use of technology, sharing of contents and processes, and the adoption of collaborative strategies for learning and teaching. This paper combines the quantitative data collected from different research studies into digital technologies in the Italian school system with the results of a survey we conducted into the professional profile of teachers in the Liguria region. The aim is to reveal the actual level of technology usage and to bring to light critical issues involved. This ultimate goal of this undertaking is to support the sharing and uptake of innovative practices through teacher-centred professional development that promotes inclusive education.
Recent studies carried out at national and international levels indicate that ICT use in the Italian school system is lagging in a number of ways. Observation of the situation in lower secondary schools has prompted us to conduct an... more
Recent studies carried out at national and international levels indicate that ICT use in the Italian school system is lagging in a number of ways. Observation of the situation in lower secondary schools has prompted us to conduct an investigation focusing on three different areas: teachers’ knowledge and use of technology, sharing of contents and processes, and the adoption of collaborative strategies for learning and teaching. This paper combines the quantitative data collected from different research studies into digital technologies in the Italian school system with the results of a survey we conducted into the professional profile of teachers in the Liguria region. The aim is to reveal the actual level of technology usage and to bring to light critical issues involved. This ultimate goal of this undertaking is to support the sharing and uptake of innovative practices through teacher-centred professional development that promotes inclusive education.
According to recent surveys on pedagogical innovation and teachers’ professional development, Italy lags behind most OECD countries when it comes to equipment and usage of information and communication technology (ICT) in school. Schools... more
According to recent surveys on pedagogical innovation and teachers’ professional development, Italy lags behind most OECD countries when it comes to equipment and usage of information and communication technology (ICT) in school. Schools need to support professional development and new training models, so that teachers who are less proficient in the use of technology can acquire proper skills and strategies. This study aims at investigating: lower secondary teachers’ familiarity with ICT pedagogical usage and active learning strategies; teachers’ difficulties in introducing ICT in school, which might be associated with their professional profile; teachers’ self-efficacy perception, which might be associated with computer technologies training. In order to achieve this goal, an informal blended training course supported by Cloud Computing Applications and Services has been organized and monitored. Data collection tools and evaluation questionnaires were arranged and partly submitted....
This study is framed within a research doctorate program, whose aim is to investigate: 1. Italian lower secondary teachers’ familiarity with ICT, active teaching and peer sharing; 2. teachers’ profile and its correlation with difficulties... more
This study is framed within a research doctorate program, whose aim is to investigate: 1. Italian lower secondary teachers’ familiarity with ICT, active teaching and peer sharing; 2. teachers’ profile and its correlation with difficulties in ICT integration and pedagogical innovation; 3. teachers’ self-efficacy perception and its correlation with professional development and training opportunities. On account of these goals, we have been trying to arrange a few initiatives of informal training in enhanced environment, built upon a cooperative task-based approach. This training model is meant to reskill educational professionals in technological advances, but also to grow teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions, which are important variables, affecting behavior and goal orientation, and are proved to predict intentions in ICT adoption. Possible significant contribution in this model relies on two aspects: providing blended interactive environment for peer training; encouraging technologi...
This paper describes the use of focus group discussion as a supplementary qualitative method for educational research. The study is part of a research project involving lower-secondary school teachers based in Genoa, who used a... more
This paper describes the use of focus group discussion as a supplementary qualitative method for educational research. The study is part of a research project involving lower-secondary school teachers based in Genoa, who used a cloud-based training environment. Focus groups represented one of the various data collection tools adopted, for the purpose of in-depth qualitative analysis of teachers’ self-efficacy constructs and representations. Indications emerging from the study suggest that focus group discussion may serve not only as a research tool, but also as a means for professional development. According to observation and analysis, focus groups proved to be crucial in generating discussion and self-reflection among teachers, thus sustaining peer-learning and professional development within the professional community.
Il contributo descrive l’utilizzo del focus group come strumento integrativo di raccolta di informazioni, nell’ambito di un progetto di ricerca che ha coinvolto i docenti della scuola secondaria di primo grado del Comune di Genova, e che... more
Il contributo descrive l’utilizzo del focus group come strumento integrativo di raccolta di informazioni, nell’ambito di un progetto di ricerca che ha coinvolto i docenti della scuola secondaria di primo grado del Comune di Genova, e che ha attivato iniziative di confronto e condivisione tra pari in un ambiente di apprendimento cloud-based. Tra i diversi dispositivi di raccolta dati predisposti nel corso del progetto, lo scopo dei focus group era quello di sondare in profondità il concetto di autoefficacia dei docenti e le rappresentazioni ad esso correlate. Dall’esperienza condotta sono emersi alcuni elementi che sembrano indicare la valenza del focus group non soltanto come dispositivo di ricerca, ma anche come dispositivo formativo all’interno di un percorso di apprendimento professionale. Sulla base dell’osservazione e dell’analisi effettuata, lo strumento si è rivelato determinante sia per la costruzione degli indicatori del dispositivo di indagine conclusivo, sia per generare occasioni di discussione e autoriflessione tra docenti, sostenendo la diffusione di nuclei di sviluppo formativo e di apprendimento tra pari all’interno della comunità professionale.
This paper describes the use of focus group discussion as a supplementary qualitative method for educational research. The study is part of a research project involving lower-secondary school teachers based in Genoa, who used a cloud-based training environment. Focus groups represented one of the various data collection tools adopted, for the purpose of in-depth qualitative analysis of teachers’ self-efficacy constructs and representations. Indications emerging from the study suggest that focus group discussion may serve not only as a research tool, but also as a means for professional development. According to observation and analysis, focus groups proved to be crucial in generating discussion and self-reflection among teachers, thus sustaining peer-learning and professional development within the professional community.
La valutazione del processo traduttivo, con finalità didattiche, si realizza attraverso i modelli pedagogico e funzionale. Alcuni studi recenti analizzano come e per quale destinatario sia opportuno sviluppare un metodo di valutazione... more
La valutazione del processo traduttivo, con finalità didattiche, si realizza attraverso i modelli pedagogico e funzionale. Alcuni studi recenti analizzano come e per quale destinatario sia opportuno sviluppare un metodo di valutazione della traduzione. Tali modelli sono applicabili in ambito elettronico, in particolare nel contesto della formazione a distanza o dell'auto-apprendimento? Alcuni esempi e un breve cenno sugli strumenti didattici e informatici che potrebbero intervenire nel procedimento della valutazione a sostegno delle esigenze di discenti e formatori.
Sulla base delle recenti indagini degli organismi nazionali ed internazionali, la situazione italiana risulta deficitaria rispetto alla diffusione delle TIC nel sistema educativo, a diversi livelli. L'osservazione del contesto scolastico... more
Sulla base delle recenti indagini degli organismi nazionali ed internazionali, la situazione italiana risulta deficitaria rispetto alla diffusione delle TIC nel sistema educativo, a diversi livelli. L'osservazione del contesto scolastico attuale, con riferimento alla scuola secondaria di primo grado, ci ha portato a formulare una domanda di ricerca focalizzata su tre distinti aspetti: le modalità di appropriazione e di utilizzo delle tecnologie da parte dei docenti, la condivisione dei contenuti e dei processi, l'adozione di strategie di apprendimento e di lavoro collaborative. Questo contributo intende integrare i dati quantitativi, raccolti dai precedenti studi sulla disponibilità di risorse tecnologiche nella scuola, con i risultati dell'indagine oggetto dell'articolo sul profilo professionale del docente nella realtà ligure considerata, al fine di fare emergere il livello di appropriazione delle tecnologie in ambito educativo e gli eventuali aspetti critici nell'uso delle stesse, mettendoli in relazione con il profilo di competenze delineato. Tale studio ha come obiettivo di sostenere la diffusione di protocolli didattici innovativi, fondati sulla formazione partecipata dei docenti e finalizzati all'inclusione di tutti i soggetti coinvolti nell'apprendimento.
Recent studies carried out at national and international levels indicate that ICT use in the Italian school system is lagging in a number of ways. Observation of the situation in lower secondary schools has prompted us to conduct an investigation focusing on three different areas: teachers' knowledge and use of technology, sharing of contents and processes, and the adoption of collaborative strategies for learning and teaching. This paper combines the quantitative data collected from different research studies into digital technologies in the Italian school system with the results of a survey we conducted into the professional profile of teachers in the Liguria region. The aim is to reveal the actual level of technology usage and to bring to light critical issues involved. This ultimate goal of this undertaking is to support the sharing and uptake of innovative practices through teacher-centred professional development that promotes inclusive education.