Born 1956.*MA degree in Polish Language and Literature (1983) at the University of Florence (Faculty of Letters and Philosophy).*Ph.D. in Slavic Studies at the "Sapienza" University of Rome (1991).*march 1992-october 1994 researcher/assistant professor at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, 2nd University of Rome "Tor Vergata"*1994-: full professor of Slavistics (Polish Language and Literature) at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Rome "La Sapienza", where he has been Director of the Specialization Course in Literary Translation (1997-1999) and first Coordinator of the Ph.D. Programme in " Central and Eastern Europe Comparative Literature and Philological Studies " (2000-2003).*2003-: honorary member of the Literary Association "Adam Mickiewicz", Warsaw.*2005-:foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN - Warsaw) and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU - Cracow).*2007: granted the "Gloria Artis" golden medal, the highest Polish cultural award, for his distinguished contributions to Polish culture.*2009-2010: Vice Dean of the Faculty of Humanistic Sciences (FSU) at Villa Mirafiori, "Sapienza" University of Rome.*2011-march 2017: Chairman of the Foreign Languages Library ("Sapienza" University of Rome) Advisory Board.*2012-: member of the Steering Committee of the University Theatre Center (CTA), University "La Sapienza".*2013-january 2017: in charge of the curriculum "Intercultural Studies" within the Ph.D. Program "Scienze del testo" (Text Sciences), "Sapienza" University in Rome.* 2014: granted the Polish Republic Merit Cross of Officer by the President Bronislaw Komorowski.* 2014-2015: PhD honoris causa of the Jagellonian University Cracow (deliberation of the Academic Senate - 24 september 2014; *2018 member of the Steering Committee of SBS (Sapienza Library System); since march 2016 till 31 october 2019 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Sapienza University of Rome; from 1st november 2019 to 3rd may 2021 Director of the Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies (DSEAI).
Una vecchia recensione alla pubblicazione in volume dei principali articoli polonistici di Giovan... more Una vecchia recensione alla pubblicazione in volume dei principali articoli polonistici di Giovanni Maver
Brief presentation of the series "leo - laboratorio est/ovest" - texts (critical essays, translat... more Brief presentation of the series "leo - laboratorio est/ovest" - texts (critical essays, translations and miscellanies) on Central and Eastern Europe, that I have been directing since 2008 for Lithos Publisher in Rome. Thirty-five volumes have come out so far, including by very prestigious authors.
This short text is dedicated to the memory of Canio Milano, bookseller, publisher, a very cultured and simple man, with whom the idea of a series on "Other Europe" was born then, and with whom many other ideas and publishing initiatives were born, such as the first printed series of " - Italian review of Polish topics" (3 volumes for about 2,350 pages all deicated to Poland, its culture, language, literature, art, history, economy and Italian-Polish relations.
In this article I mention the many names of those who over time have contributed in various ways to these publishing initiatives, to whom, of course, I will always remain very grateful.
Breve presentazione della collana "leo - laboratorio est/ovest" - testi (saggi critici, traduzioni e miscellanee) sull'Europa centro-orientale che dirigo dal 2008 per l'Editore Lithos di Roma. Sono usciti finora 35 volumi, anche di autori molto prestigiosi.
Questo breve testo è dedicato alla memoria di Canio Milano, libraio, editore, uomo molto colto e semplice, con cui nacque allora l'idea di una collana sull'"Altra Europa", e col quale nacquero tante altre idee e iniziative editoriali, come la prima serie a stampa di " - rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi" (3 volumi per circa 2.350 pagine tutte dedicate alla Polonia, alla sua cultura, lingua, letteratura, arte, storia, economia e ai rapporti italo-polacchi.
In quest'articolo faccio i molti nomi di coloro che nel tempo hanno contribuito in vario modo a queste iniziative editoriali, ai quali ovviamente resterò sempre molto grato.
An Inconceivable Coincidence: Szymborska and Lem
In the article, I review the life events of Wi... more An Inconceivable Coincidence: Szymborska and Lem
In the article, I review the life events of Wisława Szymborska and Stanislaw Lem – who were close in age – that brought their fates together after the war. I aim to highlight the similarities in their perspectives on certain fundamental issues. Sometimes, these convergences seem to lead to intertextual connections between the otherwise very different works by the two writers. I pay special attention to the similarities between the concepts expressed by Lem in Summa technologiae and some of Szymborska’s “ontological” poems, with particular reference to the themes of “chance,” “individual identity,” “evolution,” the shared suspicion of metaphysics, their generally nonanthropocentric vision, and the importance of rationalism and irony as keys to reading the world.
Dai pochi ai molti. Studi in onore di Roberto Antonelli, 2014
Between canon and multiplicity: literature and minorities -
A (somewhat pretentious) attempt ... more Between canon and multiplicity: literature and minorities -
A (somewhat pretentious) attempt at synthesis on the topic of the relationship between "literature and minorities," understood as a socio-political and more specifically economic problem. The focus of the article thus lies on such nodal issues as:
1. literature as a possible expression of minorities, voices and gazes of "difference";
2. historicity and relativity of the concepts of "minority" and "majority."
3. the teaching of literature and its institutional apparatuses (such as the canon) as "democratic" instruments of education to respect and love even the so-called minorities.
The discussion here leans theoretically on the thought of some important contemporary critics and in particular some exponents of poststructuralist and postcolonial thought such as Deleuze and Guattari, Robert Young, Homi Bhabha, Clifford Geertz, Edward Said, Frantz Fanon, Richard Rorty, Tzvetan Todorov and others.
As for literature and its teaching as a "democratic" tool of education to respect minorities (and in particular lgbtq+ minorities), the author specifically takes up Richard Rorty's notion of "overcoming the self" and "solidarity," as well as Nietzsche's "Become what you are!", to finally emphasize the "inherently minority" character of great literature as an autonomous, heretical and revolutionary expression of the economic structure.
This article is thus part of a triptych by the same author on the problems of the literary canon, "minor" literatures and minorities, which aspires to be a small theoretical contribution to the fundamental theme of literature and its study as an instrument of freedom.
Il concetto di ibrido evoca l'indicibile, lo spazio di silenzio, di mistero e di paura che c'è tr... more Il concetto di ibrido evoca l'indicibile, lo spazio di silenzio, di mistero e di paura che c'è tra una (labile) convinzione e l'altra degli uomini. L'ibrido, per sua natura, rimanda il pensiero al limite, al limite dei limiti, cioè alla morte. Gli ibridi spezzano, scindono certezze e confi ni (e relativi dominî) prestabiliti, spezzano cioè le cinture di sicurezza della vita e della società. Gli uomini per questo hanno pensato spesso esseri ibridi come dei mostri: gli zombie, i vampiri, i cyborg, gli androidi sono esseri mostruosi e maligni (o piuttosto tacciati di essere tali) che si collocano al confi ne tra la vita e la morte. E per questo fanno paura. Di una simile paura si è nutrita da sempre in Europa la macchina mitologica antisemita. Né meraviglierà-credo-che io parli qui di zombie e vampiri: come narra Anna Foa, "la prima accusa documentata di cannibalismo rituale fu quella di Fulda in Germania [dove] nel 1235 trentaquattro ebrei furono bruciati perché accusati di avere ucciso dei cristiani allo scopo di utilizzarne ritualmente il sangue" (Foa 2004: 17). Quanto a cyborg e androidi, e all'implementazione tecnologica dell'atavica paura umana del 'diverso' e dell''ignoto' (su questi temi rifl etteva Furio Jesi nel suo libro sull''accusa del sangue', cf. Jesi 1993: 52), Laura Quercioli Mincer in questo libro sui frankisti avverte che in Polonia questi ultimi hanno "fi nito per simboleggiare e riassumere l'intera sfera problematica relativa ai neofi tie , se vogliamo, ogni elemento percepito come 'diverso' e straniero-e alla possibilità e volontà […] di accettarli e integrarli" (Quercioli Mincer 2008: 121). Un ebreo-polacco esperto, in quanto tale, di confi ni e sconfi namenti identitari, politici, geo-culturali, ha scritto recentemente, dopo Delumeau, un libro sulla paura. E l'ha chiamato (come tutti i suo libri più recenti) 'paura liquida' 1. Ma noi potremmo anche ulteriormente metaforizzare e pensare alla paura del 'passaggio del Mar Rosso', cioè del futuro.
Descrizione e discussione del complesso e sofferto rapporto di Aleksander Wat con la Russia, e in... more Descrizione e discussione del complesso e sofferto rapporto di Aleksander Wat con la Russia, e in particolare con la letteratura russa, nell'ambito della tradizionale dicotomia della russofobia polacca e della polonofobia russa
Presentazione del dramma/cabaret Macabra Dolorosa sui temi dell'infanticidio e dello sfruttam... more Presentazione del dramma/cabaret Macabra Dolorosa sui temi dell'infanticidio e dello sfruttamento mass-mediatico della tragedia, fra "antico" e "post-verità"
Dante and Polish Writers (ed. A. Ceccherelli), 2024
In the sphere of twentieth-century poetic Danteism, the work of Czesław Miłosz (1911-2004) occupi... more In the sphere of twentieth-century poetic Danteism, the work of Czesław Miłosz (1911-2004) occupies a central position among numerous lines of intertextual and intercultural relations. Within that complex context of relations, the article aims to identify some of the constants and variants with respect to the multiple cultural and literary options, lines and interrelationships in which, directly or indirectly, Miłosz's Danteism is situated as a broad and luminous 'space of intersection'. The study of some important "nodes" that connect these lines (e.g. the Dante-Eliot-Miłosz node, the Dante-Conrad-Milosz node, the Dante-Gombrowicz-Milosz node) can be particularly interesting and innovative, as well as the investigation of the influence on Milosz's Dantism of writers-bridges between different cultures and orientations, all of them translingual, expatriates, exiles or stateless, such as Conrad, Eliot, Pound, Brzozowski, Brodskij, Heaney, and first and foremost Oscar Milosz, his initiator into knowledge of the Divine Comedy. So the judgement that Eliot made of his own Dantism certainly applies to Milosz's as well: «the important debt to Dante does not lie in a poet’s borrowings, or adaptation from Dante», but «is the kind of debt which goes on accumulating, the kind which is not the debt of one period or another of one’s life».
On "untranslatability," translation as conflict, impropriety of the concept of "bridge" as applie... more On "untranslatability," translation as conflict, impropriety of the concept of "bridge" as applied to intercultural study, translation as a "plunge" into language and sometimes as cheating. A somewhat theoretical, somewhat rhetorical, and somewhat joking tribute to Evgenij Solonovich.
Critica del testo ("Tra dispersione e riconoscimento: l'Io lirico nella contemporaneità"), 2002
"The Keyless Door". Scattered notes on the lyric "I" in contemporary Polish poetry between testi... more "The Keyless Door". Scattered notes on the lyric "I" in contemporary Polish poetry between testimony, confession and challenge (Miłosz, Herbert, Szymborska)
C. B a c k v i s, "Manieryzm" czyli barok u schyłku XVI wieku na przykładzie Sępa-Szarzyńskiego, ... more C. B a c k v i s, "Manieryzm" czyli barok u schyłku XVI wieku na przykładzie Sępa-Szarzyńskiego, [w:] t e g o ż, Szkice o kulturze staropolskiej, Warszawa 1975, s. 176-177. 7 P. W i l c z e k, Czy Sęp Szarzyński przemówił po angielsku? Uwagi na marginesie tłumaczeń sonetów, [w:] AAVV, Wieniec dla Mikołaja Sępa Szarzyńskiego…, s. 158. 8 R. G r z e ś k o w i a k, A. K a r p i ń s k i, K. M r o w c e w i c z, dz. cyt., s. 8.
Indagine sul rapporto artistico tra l'opera pittorica e letteraria di Bruno Schulz e il teatr... more Indagine sul rapporto artistico tra l'opera pittorica e letteraria di Bruno Schulz e il teatro di Tadeusz Kanto
Concordanze e affinità temmatico-stilistiche e della visione del mondo nell'opera di Tadeusz ... more Concordanze e affinità temmatico-stilistiche e della visione del mondo nell'opera di Tadeusz Kantor e Samuel Becket
“A Belated Handyman Philologist”: Sante Graciotti and “Ricerche slavistiche”
The essay presents t... more “A Belated Handyman Philologist”: Sante Graciotti and “Ricerche slavistiche” The essay presents the biographical and scientific profile of Sante Graciotti, one of the greatest Slavists of the last seventy years and for many years editor in chief of “Ricerche slavistiche”. The author retraces the development of Graciotti’s university career and outlines the main themes that interested the scholar, stressing his incessant effort towards the recovery of the idea of a Slavia equally receptive to the treasures of the East and West of Europe. The essay is accompanied by a complete bibliography of Sante Graciotti’s publications in “Ricerche slavistiche” and a survey of particularly memorable and inspirational quotations taken from his essays.
Una vecchia recensione alla pubblicazione in volume dei principali articoli polonistici di Giovan... more Una vecchia recensione alla pubblicazione in volume dei principali articoli polonistici di Giovanni Maver
Brief presentation of the series "leo - laboratorio est/ovest" - texts (critical essays, translat... more Brief presentation of the series "leo - laboratorio est/ovest" - texts (critical essays, translations and miscellanies) on Central and Eastern Europe, that I have been directing since 2008 for Lithos Publisher in Rome. Thirty-five volumes have come out so far, including by very prestigious authors.
This short text is dedicated to the memory of Canio Milano, bookseller, publisher, a very cultured and simple man, with whom the idea of a series on "Other Europe" was born then, and with whom many other ideas and publishing initiatives were born, such as the first printed series of " - Italian review of Polish topics" (3 volumes for about 2,350 pages all deicated to Poland, its culture, language, literature, art, history, economy and Italian-Polish relations.
In this article I mention the many names of those who over time have contributed in various ways to these publishing initiatives, to whom, of course, I will always remain very grateful.
Breve presentazione della collana "leo - laboratorio est/ovest" - testi (saggi critici, traduzioni e miscellanee) sull'Europa centro-orientale che dirigo dal 2008 per l'Editore Lithos di Roma. Sono usciti finora 35 volumi, anche di autori molto prestigiosi.
Questo breve testo è dedicato alla memoria di Canio Milano, libraio, editore, uomo molto colto e semplice, con cui nacque allora l'idea di una collana sull'"Altra Europa", e col quale nacquero tante altre idee e iniziative editoriali, come la prima serie a stampa di " - rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi" (3 volumi per circa 2.350 pagine tutte dedicate alla Polonia, alla sua cultura, lingua, letteratura, arte, storia, economia e ai rapporti italo-polacchi.
In quest'articolo faccio i molti nomi di coloro che nel tempo hanno contribuito in vario modo a queste iniziative editoriali, ai quali ovviamente resterò sempre molto grato.
An Inconceivable Coincidence: Szymborska and Lem
In the article, I review the life events of Wi... more An Inconceivable Coincidence: Szymborska and Lem
In the article, I review the life events of Wisława Szymborska and Stanislaw Lem – who were close in age – that brought their fates together after the war. I aim to highlight the similarities in their perspectives on certain fundamental issues. Sometimes, these convergences seem to lead to intertextual connections between the otherwise very different works by the two writers. I pay special attention to the similarities between the concepts expressed by Lem in Summa technologiae and some of Szymborska’s “ontological” poems, with particular reference to the themes of “chance,” “individual identity,” “evolution,” the shared suspicion of metaphysics, their generally nonanthropocentric vision, and the importance of rationalism and irony as keys to reading the world.
Dai pochi ai molti. Studi in onore di Roberto Antonelli, 2014
Between canon and multiplicity: literature and minorities -
A (somewhat pretentious) attempt ... more Between canon and multiplicity: literature and minorities -
A (somewhat pretentious) attempt at synthesis on the topic of the relationship between "literature and minorities," understood as a socio-political and more specifically economic problem. The focus of the article thus lies on such nodal issues as:
1. literature as a possible expression of minorities, voices and gazes of "difference";
2. historicity and relativity of the concepts of "minority" and "majority."
3. the teaching of literature and its institutional apparatuses (such as the canon) as "democratic" instruments of education to respect and love even the so-called minorities.
The discussion here leans theoretically on the thought of some important contemporary critics and in particular some exponents of poststructuralist and postcolonial thought such as Deleuze and Guattari, Robert Young, Homi Bhabha, Clifford Geertz, Edward Said, Frantz Fanon, Richard Rorty, Tzvetan Todorov and others.
As for literature and its teaching as a "democratic" tool of education to respect minorities (and in particular lgbtq+ minorities), the author specifically takes up Richard Rorty's notion of "overcoming the self" and "solidarity," as well as Nietzsche's "Become what you are!", to finally emphasize the "inherently minority" character of great literature as an autonomous, heretical and revolutionary expression of the economic structure.
This article is thus part of a triptych by the same author on the problems of the literary canon, "minor" literatures and minorities, which aspires to be a small theoretical contribution to the fundamental theme of literature and its study as an instrument of freedom.
Il concetto di ibrido evoca l'indicibile, lo spazio di silenzio, di mistero e di paura che c'è tr... more Il concetto di ibrido evoca l'indicibile, lo spazio di silenzio, di mistero e di paura che c'è tra una (labile) convinzione e l'altra degli uomini. L'ibrido, per sua natura, rimanda il pensiero al limite, al limite dei limiti, cioè alla morte. Gli ibridi spezzano, scindono certezze e confi ni (e relativi dominî) prestabiliti, spezzano cioè le cinture di sicurezza della vita e della società. Gli uomini per questo hanno pensato spesso esseri ibridi come dei mostri: gli zombie, i vampiri, i cyborg, gli androidi sono esseri mostruosi e maligni (o piuttosto tacciati di essere tali) che si collocano al confi ne tra la vita e la morte. E per questo fanno paura. Di una simile paura si è nutrita da sempre in Europa la macchina mitologica antisemita. Né meraviglierà-credo-che io parli qui di zombie e vampiri: come narra Anna Foa, "la prima accusa documentata di cannibalismo rituale fu quella di Fulda in Germania [dove] nel 1235 trentaquattro ebrei furono bruciati perché accusati di avere ucciso dei cristiani allo scopo di utilizzarne ritualmente il sangue" (Foa 2004: 17). Quanto a cyborg e androidi, e all'implementazione tecnologica dell'atavica paura umana del 'diverso' e dell''ignoto' (su questi temi rifl etteva Furio Jesi nel suo libro sull''accusa del sangue', cf. Jesi 1993: 52), Laura Quercioli Mincer in questo libro sui frankisti avverte che in Polonia questi ultimi hanno "fi nito per simboleggiare e riassumere l'intera sfera problematica relativa ai neofi tie , se vogliamo, ogni elemento percepito come 'diverso' e straniero-e alla possibilità e volontà […] di accettarli e integrarli" (Quercioli Mincer 2008: 121). Un ebreo-polacco esperto, in quanto tale, di confi ni e sconfi namenti identitari, politici, geo-culturali, ha scritto recentemente, dopo Delumeau, un libro sulla paura. E l'ha chiamato (come tutti i suo libri più recenti) 'paura liquida' 1. Ma noi potremmo anche ulteriormente metaforizzare e pensare alla paura del 'passaggio del Mar Rosso', cioè del futuro.
Descrizione e discussione del complesso e sofferto rapporto di Aleksander Wat con la Russia, e in... more Descrizione e discussione del complesso e sofferto rapporto di Aleksander Wat con la Russia, e in particolare con la letteratura russa, nell'ambito della tradizionale dicotomia della russofobia polacca e della polonofobia russa
Presentazione del dramma/cabaret Macabra Dolorosa sui temi dell'infanticidio e dello sfruttam... more Presentazione del dramma/cabaret Macabra Dolorosa sui temi dell'infanticidio e dello sfruttamento mass-mediatico della tragedia, fra "antico" e "post-verità"
Dante and Polish Writers (ed. A. Ceccherelli), 2024
In the sphere of twentieth-century poetic Danteism, the work of Czesław Miłosz (1911-2004) occupi... more In the sphere of twentieth-century poetic Danteism, the work of Czesław Miłosz (1911-2004) occupies a central position among numerous lines of intertextual and intercultural relations. Within that complex context of relations, the article aims to identify some of the constants and variants with respect to the multiple cultural and literary options, lines and interrelationships in which, directly or indirectly, Miłosz's Danteism is situated as a broad and luminous 'space of intersection'. The study of some important "nodes" that connect these lines (e.g. the Dante-Eliot-Miłosz node, the Dante-Conrad-Milosz node, the Dante-Gombrowicz-Milosz node) can be particularly interesting and innovative, as well as the investigation of the influence on Milosz's Dantism of writers-bridges between different cultures and orientations, all of them translingual, expatriates, exiles or stateless, such as Conrad, Eliot, Pound, Brzozowski, Brodskij, Heaney, and first and foremost Oscar Milosz, his initiator into knowledge of the Divine Comedy. So the judgement that Eliot made of his own Dantism certainly applies to Milosz's as well: «the important debt to Dante does not lie in a poet’s borrowings, or adaptation from Dante», but «is the kind of debt which goes on accumulating, the kind which is not the debt of one period or another of one’s life».
On "untranslatability," translation as conflict, impropriety of the concept of "bridge" as applie... more On "untranslatability," translation as conflict, impropriety of the concept of "bridge" as applied to intercultural study, translation as a "plunge" into language and sometimes as cheating. A somewhat theoretical, somewhat rhetorical, and somewhat joking tribute to Evgenij Solonovich.
Critica del testo ("Tra dispersione e riconoscimento: l'Io lirico nella contemporaneità"), 2002
"The Keyless Door". Scattered notes on the lyric "I" in contemporary Polish poetry between testi... more "The Keyless Door". Scattered notes on the lyric "I" in contemporary Polish poetry between testimony, confession and challenge (Miłosz, Herbert, Szymborska)
C. B a c k v i s, "Manieryzm" czyli barok u schyłku XVI wieku na przykładzie Sępa-Szarzyńskiego, ... more C. B a c k v i s, "Manieryzm" czyli barok u schyłku XVI wieku na przykładzie Sępa-Szarzyńskiego, [w:] t e g o ż, Szkice o kulturze staropolskiej, Warszawa 1975, s. 176-177. 7 P. W i l c z e k, Czy Sęp Szarzyński przemówił po angielsku? Uwagi na marginesie tłumaczeń sonetów, [w:] AAVV, Wieniec dla Mikołaja Sępa Szarzyńskiego…, s. 158. 8 R. G r z e ś k o w i a k, A. K a r p i ń s k i, K. M r o w c e w i c z, dz. cyt., s. 8.
Indagine sul rapporto artistico tra l'opera pittorica e letteraria di Bruno Schulz e il teatr... more Indagine sul rapporto artistico tra l'opera pittorica e letteraria di Bruno Schulz e il teatro di Tadeusz Kanto
Concordanze e affinità temmatico-stilistiche e della visione del mondo nell'opera di Tadeusz ... more Concordanze e affinità temmatico-stilistiche e della visione del mondo nell'opera di Tadeusz Kantor e Samuel Becket
“A Belated Handyman Philologist”: Sante Graciotti and “Ricerche slavistiche”
The essay presents t... more “A Belated Handyman Philologist”: Sante Graciotti and “Ricerche slavistiche” The essay presents the biographical and scientific profile of Sante Graciotti, one of the greatest Slavists of the last seventy years and for many years editor in chief of “Ricerche slavistiche”. The author retraces the development of Graciotti’s university career and outlines the main themes that interested the scholar, stressing his incessant effort towards the recovery of the idea of a Slavia equally receptive to the treasures of the East and West of Europe. The essay is accompanied by a complete bibliography of Sante Graciotti’s publications in “Ricerche slavistiche” and a survey of particularly memorable and inspirational quotations taken from his essays.
Il tempo degli altri a cura di Luigi Marinelli, Matilde Mastrangelo, Barbara Ronche i, 2018
Questo saggio affronta il ‘tempo degli altri’ nella particolare accezione di ‘tempo-altro’, cerca... more Questo saggio affronta il ‘tempo degli altri’ nella particolare accezione di ‘tempo-altro’, cercando di far luce su una idea novecentesca, per cui pensare il tempo significa individuare un luogo di discontinuità e di impossibilia. Luogo e tempo impossibili sono proprio per questo considerati strategie di sopravvivenza in un oggi invivibile. Il tempo-altro rimanda all’evenienza di uno spazio-altro, da declinare in forme di utopia o atopia. Queste ca- tegorie si caricano di una valenza rivoluzionaria, o almeno libertaria, nei tempi bui dell’umanità. L’avvento del tempo-altro è sospeso in una polarità costante tra distruzione e salvezza, thanatos ed eros. Si propone un percorso a raverso le cesure del novecento, esami- nando alcune con gurazioni della discontinuità in Walter Benjamin e Paul Klee, Rainer Maria Rilke e Pablo Picasso, le atopìe anarchiche di Kropotkin e Landauer riprese da Paul Celan, le utopie di Ingeborg Bachmann ed Ernst Bloch. Si cerca una risposta alla questione, nel cor- so del secolo sempre più stringente, se sia possibile opporsi ai tempi bui della distruzione e del totalitarismo, e poi della stagione post-trau- matica, con i mezzi di un’alterità dirompente, dell’interruzione della continuità, in una parola: della rivoluzione intesa come avvento del tempo-altro. O se invece, alla luce degli esiti di ne secolo, le immagini proposte dall’arte del novecento nelle gure della precarietà e del ‘salto’ libertario non abbiano reso evidente, in e e i, un limite nella trasformabilità delle immagini e delle pratiche artistiche in praxis politica, esibendo le contraddizioni già mostrate in pieno dalla diale ica dell’Illuminismo e della rivoluzione francese, ampli cate dal trauma provocato dall’orrore concentrazionario. Si segue quindi un tragitto che esplora le figure del tempo-altro per ipotizzare, in una palinodia nale, una prassi del tempo-proprio, facendo riferimento all’idea di vita activa di Hannah Arendt e agli esiti estremi della ricerca poetica rilkiana, nelle ultime due Elegie Duinesi (IX, X)
il volume pubblica contributi di Paola Bianchi, Karolina CZerska, Katarzyna Faza, Helga Finter,Gi... more il volume pubblica contributi di Paola Bianchi, Karolina CZerska, Katarzyna Faza, Helga Finter,Gianni Iorio Giannoli, Cristina Grazioli,Michal Kobialka, Moni Ovadia, Renato Palazzi, Didier Plassard, e atri.... Testi che illuminano la dimensione interdisciplinare e interculturale dell'opera di Kantor avviando una nuova fase di analisi, discussione e ricerca intorno al grande artista e uomo di teatro polacco.
Czesław Miłosz’s “Native Realm” between Šeteniai and San Francisco Bay
The article takes up the ... more Czesław Miłosz’s “Native Realm” between Šeteniai and San Francisco Bay
The article takes up the essential motif of European identity and memory, in Czesław Miłosz’s creativity and biography. The author aims to reconstruct Miłosz’s ideas of his own sense of belonging to Central and Eastern part of the old continent, of ‘the other Europe’, that in the writer’s memory served as an important reference point, even in the periods of depression or feeling of loss of identity caused by long emigration. Having analysed the convictions expressed by Miłosz in Native Realm, the author of the article aims to present the specific way of viewing the Nobel Laureate’s concept of Polish identity as well as European identity.
Papers by Luigi Marinelli
This short text is dedicated to the memory of Canio Milano, bookseller, publisher, a very cultured and simple man, with whom the idea of a series on "Other Europe" was born then, and with whom many other ideas and publishing initiatives were born, such as the first printed series of " - Italian review of Polish topics" (3 volumes for about 2,350 pages all deicated to Poland, its culture, language, literature, art, history, economy and Italian-Polish relations.
In this article I mention the many names of those who over time have contributed in various ways to these publishing initiatives, to whom, of course, I will always remain very grateful.
Breve presentazione della collana "leo - laboratorio est/ovest" - testi (saggi critici, traduzioni e miscellanee) sull'Europa centro-orientale che dirigo dal 2008 per l'Editore Lithos di Roma. Sono usciti finora 35 volumi, anche di autori molto prestigiosi.
Questo breve testo è dedicato alla memoria di Canio Milano, libraio, editore, uomo molto colto e semplice, con cui nacque allora l'idea di una collana sull'"Altra Europa", e col quale nacquero tante altre idee e iniziative editoriali, come la prima serie a stampa di " - rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi" (3 volumi per circa 2.350 pagine tutte dedicate alla Polonia, alla sua cultura, lingua, letteratura, arte, storia, economia e ai rapporti italo-polacchi.
In quest'articolo faccio i molti nomi di coloro che nel tempo hanno contribuito in vario modo a queste iniziative editoriali, ai quali ovviamente resterò sempre molto grato.
In the article, I review the life events of Wisława Szymborska and Stanislaw Lem – who were close in age – that brought their fates together after the war. I aim to highlight the similarities in their perspectives on certain fundamental issues. Sometimes, these convergences seem to lead to intertextual connections between the otherwise very different works by the two writers. I pay special attention to the similarities between the concepts expressed by Lem in Summa technologiae and some of Szymborska’s “ontological” poems, with particular reference to the themes of “chance,” “individual identity,” “evolution,” the shared suspicion of metaphysics, their generally nonanthropocentric vision, and the importance of rationalism and irony as keys to reading the world.
A (somewhat pretentious) attempt at synthesis on the topic of the relationship between "literature and minorities," understood as a socio-political and more specifically economic problem. The focus of the article thus lies on such nodal issues as:
1. literature as a possible expression of minorities, voices and gazes of "difference";
2. historicity and relativity of the concepts of "minority" and "majority."
3. the teaching of literature and its institutional apparatuses (such as the canon) as "democratic" instruments of education to respect and love even the so-called minorities.
The discussion here leans theoretically on the thought of some important contemporary critics and in particular some exponents of poststructuralist and postcolonial thought such as Deleuze and Guattari, Robert Young, Homi Bhabha, Clifford Geertz, Edward Said, Frantz Fanon, Richard Rorty, Tzvetan Todorov and others.
As for literature and its teaching as a "democratic" tool of education to respect minorities (and in particular lgbtq+ minorities), the author specifically takes up Richard Rorty's notion of "overcoming the self" and "solidarity," as well as Nietzsche's "Become what you are!", to finally emphasize the "inherently minority" character of great literature as an autonomous, heretical and revolutionary expression of the economic structure.
This article is thus part of a triptych by the same author on the problems of the literary canon, "minor" literatures and minorities, which aspires to be a small theoretical contribution to the fundamental theme of literature and its study as an instrument of freedom.
A somewhat theoretical, somewhat rhetorical, and somewhat joking tribute to Evgenij Solonovich.
The essay presents the biographical and scientific profile of Sante Graciotti, one of
the greatest Slavists of the last seventy years and for many years editor in chief of
“Ricerche slavistiche”. The author retraces the development of Graciotti’s university
career and outlines the main themes that interested the scholar, stressing his incessant effort towards the recovery of the idea of a Slavia equally receptive to the treasures of the East and West of Europe. The essay is accompanied by a complete bibliography of Sante Graciotti’s publications in “Ricerche slavistiche” and a survey of particularly memorable and inspirational quotations taken from his essays.
This short text is dedicated to the memory of Canio Milano, bookseller, publisher, a very cultured and simple man, with whom the idea of a series on "Other Europe" was born then, and with whom many other ideas and publishing initiatives were born, such as the first printed series of " - Italian review of Polish topics" (3 volumes for about 2,350 pages all deicated to Poland, its culture, language, literature, art, history, economy and Italian-Polish relations.
In this article I mention the many names of those who over time have contributed in various ways to these publishing initiatives, to whom, of course, I will always remain very grateful.
Breve presentazione della collana "leo - laboratorio est/ovest" - testi (saggi critici, traduzioni e miscellanee) sull'Europa centro-orientale che dirigo dal 2008 per l'Editore Lithos di Roma. Sono usciti finora 35 volumi, anche di autori molto prestigiosi.
Questo breve testo è dedicato alla memoria di Canio Milano, libraio, editore, uomo molto colto e semplice, con cui nacque allora l'idea di una collana sull'"Altra Europa", e col quale nacquero tante altre idee e iniziative editoriali, come la prima serie a stampa di " - rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi" (3 volumi per circa 2.350 pagine tutte dedicate alla Polonia, alla sua cultura, lingua, letteratura, arte, storia, economia e ai rapporti italo-polacchi.
In quest'articolo faccio i molti nomi di coloro che nel tempo hanno contribuito in vario modo a queste iniziative editoriali, ai quali ovviamente resterò sempre molto grato.
In the article, I review the life events of Wisława Szymborska and Stanislaw Lem – who were close in age – that brought their fates together after the war. I aim to highlight the similarities in their perspectives on certain fundamental issues. Sometimes, these convergences seem to lead to intertextual connections between the otherwise very different works by the two writers. I pay special attention to the similarities between the concepts expressed by Lem in Summa technologiae and some of Szymborska’s “ontological” poems, with particular reference to the themes of “chance,” “individual identity,” “evolution,” the shared suspicion of metaphysics, their generally nonanthropocentric vision, and the importance of rationalism and irony as keys to reading the world.
A (somewhat pretentious) attempt at synthesis on the topic of the relationship between "literature and minorities," understood as a socio-political and more specifically economic problem. The focus of the article thus lies on such nodal issues as:
1. literature as a possible expression of minorities, voices and gazes of "difference";
2. historicity and relativity of the concepts of "minority" and "majority."
3. the teaching of literature and its institutional apparatuses (such as the canon) as "democratic" instruments of education to respect and love even the so-called minorities.
The discussion here leans theoretically on the thought of some important contemporary critics and in particular some exponents of poststructuralist and postcolonial thought such as Deleuze and Guattari, Robert Young, Homi Bhabha, Clifford Geertz, Edward Said, Frantz Fanon, Richard Rorty, Tzvetan Todorov and others.
As for literature and its teaching as a "democratic" tool of education to respect minorities (and in particular lgbtq+ minorities), the author specifically takes up Richard Rorty's notion of "overcoming the self" and "solidarity," as well as Nietzsche's "Become what you are!", to finally emphasize the "inherently minority" character of great literature as an autonomous, heretical and revolutionary expression of the economic structure.
This article is thus part of a triptych by the same author on the problems of the literary canon, "minor" literatures and minorities, which aspires to be a small theoretical contribution to the fundamental theme of literature and its study as an instrument of freedom.
A somewhat theoretical, somewhat rhetorical, and somewhat joking tribute to Evgenij Solonovich.
The essay presents the biographical and scientific profile of Sante Graciotti, one of
the greatest Slavists of the last seventy years and for many years editor in chief of
“Ricerche slavistiche”. The author retraces the development of Graciotti’s university
career and outlines the main themes that interested the scholar, stressing his incessant effort towards the recovery of the idea of a Slavia equally receptive to the treasures of the East and West of Europe. The essay is accompanied by a complete bibliography of Sante Graciotti’s publications in “Ricerche slavistiche” and a survey of particularly memorable and inspirational quotations taken from his essays.
Si propone un percorso a raverso le cesure del novecento, esami- nando alcune con gurazioni della discontinuità in Walter Benjamin e Paul Klee, Rainer Maria Rilke e Pablo Picasso, le atopìe anarchiche di Kropotkin e Landauer riprese da Paul Celan, le utopie di Ingeborg Bachmann ed Ernst Bloch. Si cerca una risposta alla questione, nel cor- so del secolo sempre più stringente, se sia possibile opporsi ai tempi bui della distruzione e del totalitarismo, e poi della stagione post-trau- matica, con i mezzi di un’alterità dirompente, dell’interruzione della continuità, in una parola: della rivoluzione intesa come avvento del tempo-altro. O se invece, alla luce degli esiti di ne secolo, le immagini proposte dall’arte del novecento nelle gure della precarietà e del ‘salto’ libertario non abbiano reso evidente, in e e i, un limite nella trasformabilità delle immagini e delle pratiche artistiche in praxis politica, esibendo le contraddizioni già mostrate in pieno dalla diale ica dell’Illuminismo e della rivoluzione francese, ampli cate dal trauma provocato dall’orrore concentrazionario.
Si segue quindi un tragitto che esplora le figure del tempo-altro per ipotizzare, in una palinodia nale, una prassi del tempo-proprio, facendo riferimento all’idea di vita activa di Hannah Arendt e agli esiti estremi della ricerca poetica rilkiana, nelle ultime due Elegie Duinesi (IX, X)
The article takes up the essential motif of European identity and memory, in Czesław Miłosz’s creativity and biography. The author aims to reconstruct Miłosz’s ideas of his own sense of belonging to Central and Eastern part of the old continent, of ‘the other Europe’, that in the writer’s memory served as an important reference point, even in the periods of depression or feeling of loss of identity caused by long emigration. Having analysed the convictions expressed by Miłosz in Native Realm, the author of the article aims to present the specific way of viewing the Nobel Laureate’s concept of Polish identity as well as European identity.