University of Siena / Università di Siena
Department of Economics and Statistics
In the present paper I will focus on the notion of author as one of the more basic notion used in the historiography of philosophy. My purpose is to show how this notion, in spite of its widespread use in traditional historiography of... more
The focus of the talk is the status and, consequently, the tasks of historical epistemology. In particular, the question at stake is the following: can the history of an epistemic norm bear a normative value in turn? This question raises... more
Nel presente contributo rifletto sulla categoria di autore nella storiografia della filosofia contemporanea, domandandomi se, alla luce dell'incremento quantitativo della comunità filosofica successivo alla II Guerra Mondiale, questa... more
In the last seventy years, the philosophical community, i.e the people professionally engaged in philosophy, has faced an immense growth, due to huge public investments in universities and research after the Second World War in Western... more
Talk given at the Annual Evaluation Day of the Doctoral School in Philosophy and Human Sciences at the University of Milan.
Everyone who is interested in IHPS should tackle a number of methodological problems. Probably, the most urgent one is: which is the exact relationship between history of science and philosophy of science? This paper aims at... more
"How do we best design social institutions for the advancement of learning? The philosophers have ignored the social structure of science. The point, however, is to change it". Through this Marxian-flavoured plea, 27 years ago the... more
Che cosa distingue la scienza dalla pseudo-scienza? Questa domanda è nota in filosofia della scienza come “problema della demarcazione” e sarà l’oggetto principale del mio intervento. Il mio interesse non sarà spiegare perché le persone... more
Le point de départ de mon présentation sera la croissance exponentielle de la connaissance scientifique dans le dernier siècle : aujourd’hui 2 millions de nouveaux articles sont publiée chaque année dans les revues scientifiques... more
This is the introductionary talk to the Workshop "Comparative History of Philosophy", held at the University of Milano on June 9, 2017. I present Giulio Preti's view about historiography of philosophy, with a focus on two major themes:... more
The topic of my presentation will be the application of scientometrics (in particular co-citation analysis) to the reconstruction of the recent history of philosophy. In particular, I will focus on how scientometrics can contribute to... more
This is the abstract of the 20 hour course for Philosophy students at the Science and Technology Museum of Milan, that will take place between October and December 2017.
In my intervention today I would like to tell you about the research I am working on for my PhD in Milan. First, I will provide you with the path that brought me to deal with the “quantitative approach” I mention in the title. Then, I... more