A growing understanding of music therapy with patients with disorders of consciousness has developed from observing behavioral changes and using these to gain new ways of experiencing this research environment and setting. Neuroscience... more
A growing understanding of music therapy with patients with disorders of consciousness has developed from observing behavioral changes and using these to gain new ways of experiencing this research environment and setting. Neuroscience provides further insight into the effects of music therapy; however, various studies with similar protocols show different results. The neuroanthropological approach is informed by anthropological and philosophical frameworks. It puts emphasis on a research with and not just on human beings concerning the subject/object question within a research process. It examines relational aspects and outcomes in the context of working in an interdisciplinary team. This allows a broader view of music therapy in a reflective process and leads to a careful interpretation of behavioral reactions and imaging results. This article discusses the importance of the neuroanthropological perspective on our way of obtaining knowledge and its influence on therapeutic practice. It is important to consider how knowledge is generated as it influences the results. Data from two cases will be presented to illustrate the neuroanthropological approach by comparing quantitative PET data with qualitative results of video analyses.
Der stetige technologische Fortschritt und die Errungenschaften der Medizin ermöglichen neue Formen der Gesundheitsversorgung die mit einer Personalisierung einhergehen. Unter personalisierter Medizin wird eine auf Patientinnen und... more
Der stetige technologische Fortschritt und die Errungenschaften der Medizin ermöglichen neue Formen der Gesundheitsversorgung die mit einer Personalisierung einhergehen. Unter personalisierter Medizin wird eine auf Patientinnen und Patienten maßgeschneiderte medizinische Versorgung verstanden. Obwohl die Forderung nach einem Einsatz von personalisierter Medizin immer stärker wird, gibt es bisher vergleichsweise wenig Diskurs über personalisierte (nicht-pharmakologischer) Therapie. Eine Möglichkeit die nicht-pharmakologische Therapien zu personalisieren ist die Berücksichtigung des optimalen Therapiezeitraumes, also der individuellen Möglichkeiten der Patientinnen und Patienten um von einer therapeutischen Maßnahme maximal profitieren zu können. Da bisher unklar ist, wodurch optimale Therapiezeiträume angezeigt werden, wollten wir Indikatoren für optimale Therapiezeiträume identifizieren. Im Rahmen des Josef Ressel Zentrums für die Grundlegung einer personalisierten Musiktherapie wur...
Interdisciplinary research into the underlying neural processes of music therapy (MT) and subjective experiences of patients and therapists are largely lacking. The aim of the current study was to assess the feasibility of newly developed... more
Interdisciplinary research into the underlying neural processes of music therapy (MT) and subjective experiences of patients and therapists are largely lacking. The aim of the current study was to assess the feasibility of newly developed procedures (including EEG/ECG hyperscanning, synchronous audio-video monitoring, and qualitative interviews) to study the personal experiences and neuronal dynamics of moments of interest during MT with stroke survivors. The feasibility of our mobile set-up and procedures as well as their clinical implementation in a rehabilitation centre and an acute hospital ward were tested with four phase C patients. Protocols and interviews were used for the documentation and analysis of the feasibility. Recruiting patients for MT sessions was feasible, although data collection on three consecutive weeks was not always possible due to organisational constraints, especially in the hospital with acute ward routines. Research procedures were successfully implemen...