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Wadi Ramm : A Preliminary Report

2013, S. Fares (ed.), Des Déserte et Des Hommes: Wādi Ramm (Jordanie). Histoire, Économie, Religieuse, Social et Environmental. Actes des colloduev international à Wādi Ramm. les 11, 12 et 13 Novembre 2011. Études anciennes 52. Nancy: A.D.R.A.

In 2003 Saba Fares and Fawzi Zaydine continued their archaeological excavations and surveys in the areas of wādī Sābiṭ and Huḍayb al-Rīḥ in the wādī Ramm region . The main objective of the project is to study the history of the Arabs before Islam; in other words to investigate "the Archaeology of the nomads"; by focusing on registering and studying all rock inscriptions and rock art carvings or drawings, visible in the area under study .Nevertheless, they have also conducted archaeological survey and sounded few sites in the area such as Huḍayb al-Rīḥ Apparently, during the test excavations and the surveys, an assemblage of pottery sherds were either excavated or collected. This paper aims at presenting a study of this collection of pottery sherds. But before presenting our study of the either excavated or surveyed sherds, below is a brief study of the stratigraphical sequence as published by the excavators of some of the sounded sites.

Kafafi, Zeidan 2013; Pottery Sherds from Test Excavations and Surveys at Wadi Ramm: A Preliminary Report. Pp. 79-131 in S. Fares (ed.), Des Déserte et Des Hommes: Wādi Ramm (Jordanie). Histoire, Économie, Religieuse, Social et Environmental. Actes des colloduev international à Wādi Ramm. les 11, 12 et 13 Novembre 2011. Études anciennes 52. Nancy: A.D.R.A. Pottery Sherds from Test Excavations and Surveys at Wadi Ramm : A Preliminary Report Zeidan A. Kafafi* * Yarmouk University, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Irbid - Jordan Introduction In 2003 Saba Fares and Fawzi Zaydine (2001; 2004) continued their archaeological excavations and surveys in the areas of wādī Sābiṭ and Huḍayb al-Rīḥ in the wādī Ramm region (Figure 1). The main objective of the project is to study the history of the Arabs before Islam; in other words to investigate "the Archaeology of the nomads"; by focusing on registering and studying all rock inscriptions and rock art carvings or drawings, visible in the area under study (Fares-Drappeau and Zaydine 2004: 357).Nevertheless, they have also conducted archaeological survey and sounded few sites in the area such as Huḍayb al-Rīḥ (Figure 2) Apparently, during the test excavations and the surveys, an assemblage of pottery sherds were either excavated or collected. This paper aims at presenting a study of this collection of pottery sherds. But before presenting our study of the either excavated or surveyed sherds, below is a brief study of the stratigraphical sequence as published by the excavators of some of the sounded sites. Stratigraphy: As mentioned above, the directors of the project conducted six soundings, which were distributed over the three wādīs: wādī Ramm, ad-Dīsī, and wādī Sābiṭ. Three sites were tested in wādī Ramm, two at the foot of the sandstone mountains of Ramm and Umm 'Ishrīn, one on a tumulus very close to the first two ones, a fourth one at Al-Kharaza in the northern part of the ad-Dīsī plain, the fifth at Huḍayb ar-Rīḥ (wādī Sābiṭ), and the sixth at Rways Salīm (Fares-Drappeau and Zaydin 2004: 366). Figure 1: A map showing the Location of wādī Ramm Region (© S. Farès) Figure 2: General View of the Site Huḍayb ar-Rīḥ ((© S. Fares) Figure 3: General View of the wādīs under Study (© S. Farès) The soundings took place at wādī Ramm revealed the presence of thirty square enclosures constructed of aligned stones. Unfortunately, no material evidence has been explored in the excavated trenches. The fourth test trench was excavated at the Kharaza Station, which is situated at the junction of track-ways connecting al-Quwayra, ad-Dīsī and Ramm village. The excavated soundings were placed inside a building which was partially disturbed by treasure hunters. However, the excavated test trench was dug in the undisturbed part of the building. In addition to the excavated Nabataean and Roman pottery sherds, other parallel one was collected from the vicinity of the building. The excavators recognized 9 layers as the followings: Layer 1 = formed the tumble of the building. Layers 2-5 = correspond to the deposit after the abandonment of the building. Layer 6= beaten earth of yellowish color. Layer 7= a charcoal layer/burnt layer. Layer 8= no description is provided by the excavators. Layer 9= represents the phase of construction. It has been published that Layers 6-9 yielded only three Nabataean pottery sherds (Fares-Drappeau and Zaydine 2004: 368). A sounding, measuring 1m by 1m, has been undertaken at a curved line of stones, next to a cave inscribed with Thamudic inscriptions, and located at Rways Salīm (Figure 4). This sounding produced fragmented animal bones and pottery sherds, which indicate a domestic use of this probed area. Unfortunately, no date has been given by the excavators to this sounding. Figure 4: General View of the Site Ruways Salīm ((© S. Farès) Moreover, another sounding has been dug at Huḍayb al-Rīḥ (wādī Sābiṭ) and was conducted at a corner of a rectangular structure. A bench formed of slabs of stones and pottery sherds were registered in this test trench (Figure 5a and b). The excavated pottery sherds are of fine light red clay. The assemblage consists mostly of body sherds and one of them is distinguished by having applied decorations with nail impressions. Nevertheless, several excavated pottery sherds at Huḍayb al-Rīḥ were excavated in situ (Figure 6a). Some of them are belonging to cooking pots and were excavated spread around fire places (Figure 6b). The survey team recognized in the area under study several cairns (tumuli) and decided to conduct a test trench at the one called ‘Ayn Abu ‘Uwayna. Though, the excavators found out that it was used as a tomb, but except the skeletal remains no archaeological material were found (Fares-Drappeau and Zaydine 2004: 33-70). Figure 5a: A view of the excavated two structures in which Pottery sherds were encountered (© S. Farès) Figure 5b: Top Plan of Structure 1, drawing: S. Sorin and A.Goulon Figure 6a: Pottery Sherds and Fire Place, (© S. Farès) Figure 6b: In Situ Pottery Sherds, (© S. Farès) Chronology: As regard to the dating evidence, the excavators obtained three C14 dates, which are as the followings: No. 11: St 1 F4 (4 1), Foyer 4040/35 bp (2834-2472). No. 2: US 109 (20 1), Foyer 6295/35 bp (5342-5213). No. 3: US 207 ( 16 1), Foyer 6225/35 bp (5302-5063). Another two C14 dates were obtained from a tomb excavated at Huḍayb ar-Rīḥ and they are as follows: To elaborate on these two Iron Age II dates the excavators of the tomb informed the author of this study that they did not encounter any pottery sherds either in the tomb or its vicinity. A Study of the Surveyed and Excavated Pottery: This study aims at presenting a discussion of both the surveyed and the excavated pottery sherds found in the area under study. Excavated Pottery: An assemblage consisted of 16 pottery sherds were encountered inside a domestic building at Rways Salīm (01.XXXVIII) and consisted of hole-mouth jars and bowls. The majority of the sherds are belonging to hole-mouth jars. Traces of smoke and firing are still visible on the surfaces of the pots, which mean that they were used as cooking pots (Figure 7). The first reading of those pottery sherds pointed out to the late sixth through the fifth millennia BC. Figure 7: Late Neolithic Pottery Hole-mouth cooking Pots In 2002 season, a larger amount of pottery sherds was excavated at Huḍayb ar-Rīḥ (wādī Sābiṭ). The sherds were revealed in soundings dug inside structures (Figure 5a and b). The forms and wares of those sherds indicated that they belong to several periods, ranging from the Early Bronze Age I, Roman, Nabataean, Byzantine and Islamic periods "Late Umayyad/Abbassid" (figs.. 8-12). The EBI collection consists mostly of bowls and cooking pots. Figure 8: Cooking Pots Sherds (Late Neolithic Through the EBI Periods) Figure 9: Early Bronze Age I and Unidentified Sherds (Possibly Iron Age). Figure 10: Roman Pottery Sherds Figure 11: An Ottoman Smoking Pipe Fragment (1) and a Probable Byzantine Sherd. One of the found EBI sherds is belonging to a large jar and has an applied robe-molding with thumb indentation decorations or degenerated ledge-handle (Figure 12a: 1; 12b). Others (Figure 13) are belonging to large jars, one of them (No.1) has a ledge handle. Figure 12: Early Bronze Age I Sherds Figure 13: Two possible Early Bronze Age I sherds from wādī Sābiṭ At Huḍayb ar-Rīḥ very few sherds are belonging to the type so-called Black Ware were encountered in Stratum 15 Lot 19, Stratum 9 Lot 1 and Stratum 6 Lot 29 (figs. 14: 1-6; 15:5-7, 10-11). One of those excavated in Lot 29 is a large bowl has ribbing decorations. This type of ware is dated to the Late Umayyad/Early Abbasid Period (Walmsely: Personnel Communication). Figure 14: Nos. 1-6 Abbasid, No.7 Roman collected at Huḍayb al-Rīḥ Figure 15: Nos. 5-7; 10-11 Abbaside; 1-4; 8-9 Roman The Surveyed Pottery Sherds During the 2001-2003 seasons at wādī Ramm, the Surveying team visited several archaeological sites and collected an assemblage of pottery sherds. These are dated to the Early Bronze Age I (figs. 16-17), and the Roman Period (Figure 18). Figure 16: Early Bronze Age I Hole-mouth Jars Figure 17: Early Bronze Age I and Unidentified Sherds from the Site 46.01.LII Figure 18: Roman and Nabataean Pottery Sherds Collected at Site 04-46 Figure 19: Two sherds belonging to the Early Bronze Age I from wādī Ḥafīr Moreover, at wādī Ḥafīr (2001, Lot XXV) Early Bronze Age I and Roman pottery sherds were collected. Two of them are belonging to hole-mouth jars (Figure 19: 1-2). In addition, the Nabataean-Roman pottery sherds were dominant amongst those surveyed at the sites of Lajj al-Ḥamām, Kharaza Post, wādī Rūmī (Figure 20), and Abu Najaleh (figs. 21-22). However, one of the Abbasside Ware pottery sherds was found in the 2002 season at Umm Sābaṭa. Figure 20: Nabataean and Roman Pottery sherds Surveyed at wādī Rūmī-Halte Figure 21: Early Bronze Age I Hole-mouth Jars from Abu Najaleh Figure 22: Intact Jar found accidently in 2010 at Abu Nujayla A Parallel Study The excavated and surveyed pottery sherds from the wādī Ramm regions indicate that groups of people settled in this area either permanently or seasonally from the Neolithic period tell present. The results of the excavation at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of 'Ayn Abu Nukhayla where a number of curvilinear houses were uncovered (Henry ), and the excavated structures at the site Hudeib er-Rih in which in situ pottery sherds were found enforces this claim. The forms of the pottery sherds under study indicate the nature of life the people they belonged to, the types are mostly cooking-pots and bowls. Moreover, most, if not all, of the Late Neolithic through the Early Bronze Age I cooking pots were handmade and have chert, lime and straw inclusions. The pottery sherds belonging to the Roman and Nabataean cultures were all wheel made, have thin and fine wares. Some of the Nabataean sherds were either painted (Figure 21:1) or rolled (Figure 10:13). It is obvious from the number of the excavated and surveyed sherds encountered in the area under study, that this region was heavily occupied and visited during the Early Bronze Age I, Roman, Nabataean, and the Abbasid periods. In addition, very few possible Iron Age pottery sherds were visible in the assemblage found at the site Huḍayb ar-Rīḥ. As is cited above, two c14 dates were obtained from the site and belonging to the eight and tenth century BC. The area of wādī Ramm subjugated to several archaeological field studies during the last decades. Most of them were dedicated to understand the prehistory of this part of Jordan. This is obvious in the publications of the investigators of the area. One of the best excavated and published prehistoric site is the site of ‘ayn Abou Nukhayla, which was first explored by D. Kirkbride (1978) and systematically excavated by Donald Henry and others (1999). As a result of this several Prehistoric and historic sites were recorded and registered but not a single pottery assemblage has been published. Nevertheless, D. O. Henry who surveyed a large area of the southern part of Jordan mentioned that he encountered a great number of sites dated back to the Chalcolithic period (Henry 1995:13). In addition, he published information about an assemblage of pottery of sherds that were uncovered in a test trench at a pit-house at Jabal al-Jill (J14) besides to five small in number samples surveyed at other long-term campsites. Unfortunately, Henry did not publish any line-drawings or photos of any sherd of this assemblage, but he offers a general description to the assemblage as follows: "the sherds are uniform in representing thick, heavily tempered plain wares that were generally fired at low temperature for short duration. Tempering largely consists of chert fragments" (Henry 1995: 367). This description applies to the Late Neolithic through the Early Bronze Age I pottery sherds, but not to those from the classical and Islamic periods. He added that the forms of the vessels consist of the most part of hole-mouth and short neck jars. Moreover, very few of the sherds show soot on their surfaces, which means that they were used as cooking-pots. He argues that most of the vessels would appear to have served as storage containers. To study, the above description matches the pottery sherds assemblage from the test excavations and surveys from Wadi Ramm and under study (cf. the annexed wādī Ramm pottery sherds description). Actually, such a collection of pottery utensils must be used by a population that practiced pastoral nomadism who settled in villages-based-on- transhumance. In addition to the brief description of the pottery assemblage surveyed and/or excavated at wādī Judaid and published by D. O. Henry (1995:367-368), S. Kerner (2002; 2003) published another assemblage found at Hujarat al-Ghuzlan and Wadi Al-Yutum in the Aqaba region. Few parallels, especially the hole-mouth jars dated to the Late Neolithic through the Early Bronze Age I are observable amongst the published pottery assemblage (Khalil and Eichmann 1999: Figs: 9 – 10). Large Jars or Pithoi similar to the one excavated in 2010 at the site Abu Najaleh/Wadi Ramm were uncovered at Hujayrat al-Ghuzlan in the Aqaba region (Kerner 2009: Photo 15a). During the eighties of the last centuary W. J. Jobling surveyed the area extending between the two cities Ma'an and Aqaba in south Jordan (Jobling 1985; 1986). Actually in 1985 Jobling announced (1985: 211, fotnote 1) that Ina Kehrberg is drawing and describing of the surveyed lithics and pottery sherds. Unfortunately, Jobling passed away and nothing is published, yet. Conclusion The excavated pottery sherds excavated at Rways Salīm and Huḍayb ar-Rīḥ indicate that the uncovered structures were originally built during the Late Neolithic and continued to be used in the Early Bronze Ag I. However, the area under study in the wādī Ramm seems to be heavily occupied or used by the Nabataean, Roman and Byzantine periods. However, the presence of the Late Umayyad/Early Abbasside Ware sherds indicate that it was still an important path for the caravans passing by either to the north of the Arabian Peninsula or somewhere else. Acknowledgments Sincere thanks are due to the followings: Dr. Fawzi Zayadine and Dr. Saba Fares the directors of the project for giving me the opportunity to study the excavated and survey pottery sherds from wādī Ramm, and for providing me with the necessary photos. The author is indebted to the followings: Ali Omari and Iyad Kan'an for drawing the sherds and Yousef Zu'bi for photographing them. Sincere Thanks are also due to Dr. Yahya al-Shawabkeh of the Hashmite University for helping in arranging the illustrations of the article. Bibliography: Fares-Drapeau, S. and Zaydine, F. 2001; Preliminary Report of the Fourth Season of the Wadi Iram Epigraphical, Geographical and Archaeological Survey. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 45: 205 -216. Fares-Drapeau, S. and Zaydine, F. 2004; Preliminary Report of the Sixth Archaeological and Epigraphical Survey at Wadi RammlIram. Annual of the Department of antiquities of Jordan 48: 357-371. Jobling, W. J. 1985; Preliminary Report of the Sixth Season of the 'Aqaba-Ma'an Epigraphic and Archaeological Survey. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 29: 211-221. Jobling, W.J. 1986; North Arabian (Thamudic) Inscriptions and Rock Art from the 'Aqaba-Ma'an Area of Southern Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 30: 261-285. Henry, D. O. 1995; Prehistoric Cultural Ecology and Evolution. Insights from Southern Jordan. New York and London: Plenum Press. Henry, D.O. et al 1999; Investigation of the Early Neolithic Site of Ain Abu Nekheileh (J 701), 1999 Season. Neo-Lithics 3/99. A Newsletter of Southwest Asian Lithic Research. Berlin: ex oriente. Khalil, L. and Eichmann, R. 1999; Archaeological Survey and Excavation at Wadi al-Yutum and Tall Al-Maqass Area – Aqaba (ASEYM): A Preliminary Report on the First Season 1998. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLIII: 501 – 521. Kerner, S. 2002; The Pottery Assemblage from Hujarat al-Ghuzlan and Wadi Al-Yutum B. Pp. 244-256 in R. Eichmann (ed.), Orient-Archäologie Band 5: Ausgrabungen und Surveys im Vorderen Orient. Berlin: Deutsch Archäologisch Institut. Kerner, S. 2003; Appendix: The Pottery of Hujairat al-Ghuzlan 2000 to 2003. A First Summary. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 47:175-182. Kerner, S. 2009; The Pottery of Hujairat al-Ghuzlan 2000 to 2003. Pp. 127 – 233in L. Khalil and K. Schmidt (eds.), Prehistorica 'Aqaba I. Orient – Archäologie, Band 23. Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf. Kirkbride, D. 1978; The Neolithic in Wadi Rumm: 'ain abu Nekheileh. Pp. 1-10 in R. Moorey and P. Parr (eds.), Archaeology in the Levant. Warminister: Aris and Phillips. Alan Walmesly; Personal Communication. Line Drawings of the Pottery Sherds Pottery Sherds Description: No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 W. Salim 01 1+2 XXXVIII 1,4 Hand made 10R 2.5/1 reddish black 2.5YR light reddish brown 2-3mm straw Cooking pot Hole mouth 2 W. Salim 01 3 XXXVIII 4 Hand made 2.5YR 3/2 dusky red 10R 5/4 weak red Cooking pot Hole mouth (thickened) 3 W. Salim 01 4 XXXVIII 7 Hand made 10R 4/2 weak red 10R 5/4 weak red 8-12mm white Cooking pot Hole mouth (thickened) 4 W. Salim 01 5 XXXVIII 6 Hand made 10R 2.5 5/1 reddish black 10R 5/4 weak red 1.7-2m white Cooking pot Hole mouth 5 W. Salim 01 6 XXXVIII 8 Hand made 10R 6/4 pale red 10R 5/2 weak red 2-3.1 mm white Cooking pot Hole mouth (thickened) 6 W. Salim 01 7 XXXVIII 9 Hand made 10R 4/1 dark reddish gray 10R 4/2 weak red 0.5-0.7mm white Hole mouth cooking pot Hole mouth 7 W. Salim 01 Hand made 10R 2.5/1 reddish black 10R 4/2 weak red Bowl OR cooking pot led Simple broad 8 W. Salim 01 9 XXXVIII 3 Hand made 10R 2 5/1 reddish black 2.5YR 6/6 light red 0.5-4mm white Cooking pot Hole mouth (irregular) No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 W. RUMI HALTE 10 3 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 6/1 reddish gray 5YR 5/4 reddish brown 1-2mm white Jar Outward folded thickened broad 2 W. RUMI HALTE 11 1 001 Slip: 5YR 8/4 pink Incising: groove on rim Wheel made 7.5YR 8/3 pink Int. 7.5YR 6/6 light brown Deep bowl Broad grooved 3 W. RUMI HALTE 12 7 001 Incising: traces of rotating on ex. Wheel made 2.5YR 5/6 light red 2.5YR 5/6 light red Small bowl Simple grooved 4 W. RUMI HALTI 13 5 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 6/6 light red 2.5YR 6/6 light red Small jar Inward folded, broad, grooved 5 W. RUMI HALTE 14 2 001 Incising: groove on top of rim and under Wheel made 2.5YR 7/1 light reddish gray 2.5YR 6/6 light red 0.5mm white, red, brown Small jar Outward folded thickened with grooves on top and bottom 6 W. RUMI HALTE 15 10 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 5/6 red 2.5YR 5/6 red Small jug let Outward folded simple with ridge on inside 7 W. RUMI HALTE 16 8 001 Slip: 2.5YR 8/4 pink Wheel made 2.5YR 6/6 light red 2.5YR 5/4 reddish brown 05-07mm white Small jar Outward folded, simple grooved on ext. With flared bottom 8 W. RUMI HALTE 17 16 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 6/8 light red Small bowl Ring 9 W. RUMI HALTE 18 17 001 Slip: 7.5YR 7/4 Pink Wheel made 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown Int. 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow Jar Ring 10 W. RUMI HALTI 19 5 001 Wheel made 5YR 5/2 reddish gray 5YR 5/2 reddish gray Small jug let Simple averted 11 W. RUMI HALTE 20 9 001 Wheel made 5 YR 5/4 reddish brown 0.2 -03mm white Cup Simple 12 W. RUMI HALTE 21 11 001 Slip: 2.5YR 4/6 red Paint: 2.5YR 4/6 red Hand made 2.5YR 7/6 light red 2.5YR 4/6 red Jug Loop 13 W. RUMI HALTE 22 13 001 Slip: 7.5YR 8/4 pink Hand made/ Wheel made 2.5YR 5/6 red Int. 2.5YR 6/6 light red S. jar-jug Loop 14 W. RUMI HALTE 23 15 001 Slip: 2.5YR 7/4 light reddish brown Hand/Wheel made 2.5YR 5/8 red 2.5YR 5/4 reddish brown Jug, S. Jar Loop 15 W. RUMI HALTE 24 18 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 6/6 light red 2.5YR 6/6 light red 0.5 01 sand Jug let Disk string cut 16 W. RUMI HALTE 25 4 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 6/6 light red 2.5YR 6/6 light red Bow Simple (In-ward folded) 17 W. RUMI HALTE 26 12 001 Hand made 2.5YR 6/6 light red 2.5YR 6/6 light red 0.5 -3mm sand Jug let Loop No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 HR ST9 I 27 1 002 Others: wide ribbing on ext. Wheel made 2.5YR 2.5YR 6/2 pale red 2.5YR 5/2 week red Bowl Averted/thickened outward folded 2 HR ST9 I 28 2 X3 002 Others: Wide ribbing on ext. Wheel made 2.5YR 6/2 pale red 2.5YR 6/3 light reddish brown 2.5YR 5/2 weak red Bowl Averted/ thickened 3 W. SHR. ST1 7 29 Hand made 2.5YR 5/1 reddish gray 2.5YR 6\4 light reddish brown Jar Flat 4 128.19 30 19 001 Others: covered with soot on ext. Wheel made 2.5YR 5/4 red 2.5YR 7/4 light reddish brown Cooking pot Triangular 5 128 31 17 001 Traces of wash: 2.5YR 7/4 light reddish brown Wheel made 2.5YR 6/6 light red 2.5YR 7/3 light reddish brown Jug let Grooved disk 6 128 32 18 001 Paint: 2.5YR 5/6 red (on rim only) Wheel made 2.5YR 5/8 red 5YR 7/4 pink S. jug let Simple/averted 7 128 33 20 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 5/6 red 2.5YR 6/4+4 light reddish braw Cooking pot Triangular 8 128 34 21 001 Wheel/ hand made 5YR 7/4 pink 2.5YR 8/3 pink Part of jug neck Traces of loop 9 128 35 22 001 Slip: 2.5YR 3/1 dark reddish gray Wheel made 2.5YR 5/6 red 2.5YR 3/1 dark reddish gray Small jug Broad outward folded 10 128 36 23 001 Slip: Int. 2.5 7/3 light reddish brown Wheel made 2.5YR 6/1 reddish gray 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow S. bowl Simple/ Triangular 11 128 37 24 001 Incising: on ext. Wheel made 2.9 YR 611 reddish gray 2.5YR 6/6 light red Cup Simple averted 12 128 38 25 001 Others: Ridge on shoulder Wheel made 5YR 5/6 red 10YR 6/4 light yellowish brown 0.3-1mm sand + gorge Carina Ted bowl Simple/ thickened/ averted (Inward folded) 13 128 39 26 001 Wheel/ Hand made 10YR 5/4 yellow brown S. jug let Simple/ averted Loop 14 128 40 27 001 Traces of wash: 10YR 5/4 yellow brown Wheel/ Hand made 10YR 6/4 brownih yellow Int. 10YR 6/4 S. jug let Simple/ averted Loop 15 128 41 28 001 Traces of wash: 2.5YR light reddish brown Wheel made 2.5YR 6/6 light red 2.5YR 5/8 red Jug let Thickened Inward folded 16 128 42 29 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 6/8 light red 0.4-1mm white lime Jug let High ring 17 128 43 30 001 Slip: 2.5YR 5/8 red Wheel made 2.5YR 5/8 red Int. 2.5YR 6/6 light red Body shard 18 128 44 31 001 Traces of wash: 2.5YR 7/4 light reddish brown Wheel made 2.5YR 5/1 reddish gray 2.5YR 5/2 weak red Bowl High ring 19 128 45 32 001 Traces of wash: 2.5YR 5/2 weak red Wheel made 2.5YR 6/3 light reddish brown Int. 2.5YR 6/4 reddish brown S. Jug let Triangular 20 128 46 33 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 3/1 dark reddish gray Int. 2.5YR 5/2 weak red 0.1-0.5mm lime Potter Simple ridged on int. 21 128 47 34 001 Incising: role ting on ext. Others: effected with soot Wheel made 2.5YR 3/1 dark reddish gray 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown Body shard 22 128 48 35 001 Wheel made 2.5YR 5/6 red 2.5YR light red 05-1m white + brown Part of handle Loop 23 128 49 36 001 Incising: groove under neck Wheel made 2.5YR 6/8 light red Int. 2.5YR 6/6 light red Vase Triangular No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 38,58 50 2 Hand made 2-5YR 3/2 dusky red 2.5YR 4/2 week red Boer Cutoff simple 2 N. Salim X L1 51 1+2 001 Hand made 2-5YR 5/1 reddish gray 2.5YR 4/2 week red Cooking pot Hole mouth 1 W. SABIT 6 52 Incising: Traces of ribbing on-ext. Others: Applied triangular bar vertically from rim to shoulder Wheel made 2.5YR 3/2 dusky red 2.5YR 4/2 week red L. bowl Thickened broad in ward folded 2 46-01 L11 53 1 Wadi Sabit 2001 Wheel made 2.5YR 4/1 dark reddish gray 2.5YR 6/6 light red 0.2-17mm sand Cooking pot Hole mouth No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 46-01 L11 54 4 Hand made 2.5YR 4/3 reddish brown 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown o.3-27mm white + crystal Jar Outward folded rounded 2 46.01 L11 55 2 Hand made 2.5YR 611 reddish gray 2.5YR 6/6 light red 0.2-44mm flints Jar Hole mouth 3 46.01 L11 56 5 Hand made 2.5YR 5/1 reddish gray 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown 0.3-20mm white lime wet Jar Hole mouth 4 46-01-L11 57 6 Hand made 2.5 YR 511 reddish gray 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown 0.3 -20mm white lime wet flint Jar Hole mouth 5 46-01-L11 57 6 Hand made 2.5YR 5/1 reddish gray 2-5YR 6/6 light red S. jar Flat 6 46.01 L11 58 7 Hand made 2-5YR 5/4 reddish brown 2.5YR 6/4 light reddish brown Jug Bar-loop handle 7 46-01 L11 59 3 Hand made 2.5YR 3/1 dark reddish gray 2.5YR 6/4 light reddish brown 2-5mm grass 0.5-25mm stones Jar Simple broad No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Tech. Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 WSHR st 11-18 60 8 002 Traces of wash 5YR 4/4 reddish brown Incising: Ribbing on ext. Wheel made 5YR 4/4 reddish brown 5YR 4/4 reddish brown 0.2-2mm white Body shard 3 WS HR st. 15 61 14 002 Wheel made 5YR 5/2 reddish gray 5YR 6/2 pinkish gray Jar High ring 2 WS NR st6 62 10 002 Slip: 5YR 5/1 reddish brown Incising: eye form Mould 5YR 5/1 gray Int. 5YR 17/2 pinkish gray Pipe frag. No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 W.S HR st4 63 11 Slaw wheel 5YR 5/1 gray 7.5YR 6/4 light brown 04-2mm angular flints Platter Flat board In-ward folded 2 HR st9 VII 64 1 Slip: 5YR 4/2 dark reddish gray Handmade 5YR 5/1 gray 5YR dark reddish gray Jar/ cooking pot Hole mouth 3 HR st5 VII 65 9 Slip: 5YR 7/4 pink. Incising: groove in rim ext. Wheel made 2.5YR 6/6 light red Int. 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow Bowl Simple 3 W. SABIT XVII 01 66 3 Hand made 7.5 4/1 dark gray 7.5YR 5/3 brown 02-2.5mm white Jar Flat 4 WSHR st15 19 67 002 Wheel made 7.5YR 6/2 pinkish gray 7.5YR 5/2 brown 02-1.5mm white Bowl Ring 5 WS HR st15 19 68 002 Slip:7.5YR 4/1 dark gray Hand made 7.5YR 6-5/1 gray 7.5YR 5/2 brown Jar Strap loop handle 6 HR US. 1003 ST1 70 3 Hand made 7.5YR 4/1 dark gray 7.5YR 6/3 light brown 1-4mm basalt + white + gorge Jar Flat 7 W.S HR5 305-308 1 71 Hand made 5YR 5/4 reddish brown Int. 2-5YR 6/6 light red 0.5-3.6mm white Jar Flat No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 4 W. SABIT 51 001 72 50 Hand made 2.5YR 6/6 light red 2.5YR 7/4 light reddish brown Jar Ledge thumb1 pressed on edge 5 W. SABIT 51 001 73 51 Hand made 2.5YR 6/1 reddish gray 2.5YR 6/4+6 light reddish brown + light red 0.2-1.5mm white Jar Ledge No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 57-01 Liv 74 1 Hand made 2.5YR 6/4 light reddish brown 2.5YR 4/2 dark reddish gray 2.5YR 6/6 light red 1-2mm white Loop handle 2 64.01XX 75 7 Others: Intended applied robe under trim Hand made 2.5YR light reddish brown 5YR 5/4 reddish brown 0.2-3.1mm flints Bowl Simple 3 64.01 XX 76 4 Hand made 2.5YR 6/4 light reddish brown 0.2-5mm flint + gorge + lime Jar Hole mouth No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 W. HAFIR XXV 01 77 Others: smooth on int. Handmade 2.5YR 4/1 dark reddish 2.5YR 6/4 light reddish brown glass 2-3m white 05-1m Body shard of bowl? Ledge Handle 2 78 Traces of wash: 5YR 5+4 yellowish red Incising: grave under rim Wheel made 5YR 5/4 reddish brown 5YR 5+4 yellowish red 0.2-1mm white Bowl Broader 3 79 Handmade 5YR 4/1 dark grey 5YR 5/6 yellowish red Grass 1.5-2.5m white 0.2 -1mm Bowl Simple 4 80 Handmade 5YR 5/2 reddish grey 5YR 6/4 reddish yellow Bowl Simple 8 WS HR 304-7 81 Hand made 2.5YR 5/6 red Int. 2.5YR 6/6 light red 2-4mm white Jar (cooking pot) Hole mouth 9 WS HR 304.3 82 Hand made 2.5YR 5/8 red 0.2-3mm white Jar (Hole mouth cooking pot) Hole mouth 10 WS HR 306.2 83 Hand made 2.5YR 4/1 dark reddish gray 2.5YR 6/4 light reddish brown Cooking pot Hole mouth 11 WS HR ST 1.17 84 Wheel made 2.5YR light reddish brown 5YR 6/3 light reddish brown 0.1-05mm brown + black Juglet Thickened (outward folded) 12 HR ST9 II 85 1 002 Slip: 2.5YR 5/2 weak red Wheel made 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow 2.5YR 5/6 red Bawl Simple 13 HR ST9 12 86 002 Wheel made 2-5YR 5/6 red S. Jar/ Jug let Simple Remains of Loop 14 WS HR st9. 15 87 002 Wheel made 2.5YR 6/2 pale red 2.5YR 5/3 reddish brown 0.1-1.2mm white s. Jar Impious No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Tech. Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 04-46 88 Wheel made 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow Plate Simple 2 04.42 89 Wheel made 5YR 5/2+3 reddish, gray, brown 5YR 5/2 reddish gray S. bowl Simple ridged on ext. 3 04.45 90 Wheel made 5YR 5/8 yellowish red 5YR 7/4 pink Jug Loop 4 04.47 91 Wheel made 5YR 5/6 yellowish red 5YR 7/3 pink V. Bowl Simple 5 04.39 92 Wheel made 5YR 4/6 yellowish red 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown Bowl Simple thickened averted 6 04-40 93 Wheel made 5YR 5/1 gray 5YR 4/2 dark reddish gray Jar Ring 7 04-44 94 Wheel made 5YR 5/6 yellowish red 5YR 6/3 light reddish brown 0.3 - 1.5mm white + brown few Jar Triangular 8 04-41 95 Wheel made 5YR 5/4 reddish brown 5YR 7/4 pink S. jug let Simple averted 9 04-41 96 Wheel made 2-5YR 5/6 red 5YR 6/4 reddish brown Jar Amphilous 10 04.43 97 Wheel made 2.5YR 5/6 red 2.5YR 7/4 light reddish brown Small jar Simple averted 4 06.04.1 98 004 Slip: 5YR 511 dark gray Handmade 5YR 511 gray 5YR 4/1 dark gray Jar Stab loop handle 5 06-04.2 99 004 Slip: 10YR 5/2 grayish brown Wheel made 10YR 511 gray I at 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown Small jar Simple thickened on outward 15 HR 17/04.1 101 Slip: 205YR 4/3 reddish brown Hand made 2.5YR 4/1 dark reddish gray 2.5YR 5/2 weak red 02-1.5mm white Jar Hole mouth 16 HR 17/04.2 102 Wheel made 2.5YR light red 2.5YR 6/6 light red S. jug let Ring 7 08B.041 103 004 Others: shallow grooves under rim Wheel made 2-5YR 7/6 light red 2.5YR 7/6 light red Bowl Simple 8 05/04.1 104 004 Handmade 5YR 6/2 pinkish gray 2-5YR 5/2 weak red 0.2-1mm white + brown Cup/bowl Simple 17 08A-04.1 105 Hudayed al-Rih 004 Hand made 5YR 4/2 dark reddish brown 5YR 5/2 reddish gray Jar Strab loop handle 18 08A-04.2 106 Hudayed al –Rih Hand made 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown Jar, jug Loop 19 02-04.1 107 Hudayeb al-Rih 2004 Hand made 7.5YR 511 gray 7.5YR 5/3 brown 0.3-3mm flint + brown Jar Flat 20 2.2-04.1 108 Hudayed al-Rih Hand made 7.5YR 4/2 brown 7.5YR 5/3 brown 0.2-2mm white Jar Hole mouth (Inward folded) 21 22-04.2 109 Hudayed er-Rih 2004 Hand made 705YR 6/1 gray 7.5YR 6/4 light brown 7.5YR 411 dark gray 0.3-4.5 white + gray + brown Hole mouth (Inward folded) 22 HR 04.1 110 Hand made 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow 7.5YR 6/4 light brown Jar Loop No. Site Identification Surf. Treatment Technique Ware Form Base Rim Handle Parallel Serial No. Area & Locus Season Firing Color Inclusion Hardness 1 09.04 1 111 Um Nujaleh 2004 Wheel made 2.5YR 5/3 reddish brown 2.5YR 5/4 Bowl Simple thickened (Inward folded) 2 09.04.2 112 Um Nujaleh 2004 Hand made 2.5YR 4/2 weak red 2.5YR 5/4 reddish brown 0.5-3mm white Jar Flat 3 09.04.3 113 Um Nujaleh 2004 Slip: 2.5YR 5/4 reddish brown Hand made 5YR 5/4 reddish brown 7.5YR light brown 0.5-3.5mm white Jar Hole mouth PAGE 112 Z. Kafafi Pottery Sherds from Test Excavations and Surveys PAGE 113