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Extrajudicial Killings Committed by the Russians in Bucha & Other Parts of Ukraine

2023, Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group

A submission to the International Criminal Court containing information on intentional killings committed between February 24, 2022, and July 31, 2023. This paper is a logical continuation of the work carried out from 2014 to 2022 and concerned crimes allegedly committed in Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions during the armed conflict. [Role: Editor]

EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLINGS COMMITTED BY THE RUSSIANS IN BUCHA & OTHER PARTS OF UKRAINE KHARKIV HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION GROUP 2023 This publication made possible by the generous support of the American people, provided through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of the “Human Rights in Action” Program, which is performed by the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights. The views and interpretations presented in this document are do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the U.S. Government, or UHSPR. The responsibility for the content of the publication lies solely with the authors and the KhPG Second edition General edition Kacper Zajac, Yevgeniy Zakharov Authors: Hanna Ovdiienko, Maksym Revyakin, Yevhen Zakharov Book’s cover photo: Depositphotos Extrajudicial killings committed by the russians in Bucha & other parts of Ukraine. Second edition / Hanna Ovdiienko, Maksym Revyakin, Yevhen Zakharov; CO “Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group”. — Kharkiv: LLB “Human Rights Publisher”, 2023. — 100 p. ISBN 978-617-8186-17-3 ISBN 978-617-8186-17-3 © Hanna Ovdiienko, Maksym Revyakin, Yevhen Zakharov, 2023 © CO «Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group», 2023 THE TABLES Of CONTENTS THE TABLES OF CONTENTS LIST Of ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................4 I ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................6 II INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................7 III METHODOLOGY ..............................................................................................................................9 IV THE BASIC INfORMATION fOR THE LEGAL QUALIfICATION ................................................... 20 V ANALYTICAL INfORMATION ....................................................................................................... 27 VI THE COURSE Of EVENTS ............................................................................................................ 32 VII DESCRIPTION Of 53 SEPARATE CASES WHERE VICTIMS ARE REPRESENTED BY KHPG LAWYERS ..................................................................................................................... 35 VIII CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................. 96 ANNEX forms of standardized documents used by KHPG in the process of collecting and processing information ....................................................... 97 3 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ATO Anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine DB T4P database DB0 KHPG database on events before the large-scale invasion GP- DPR prosecutor general’s office of the so-called lpr GP- LPR prosecutor general’s office of the so-called lpr GUR Defence Intelligence of Ukraine GS AF RF General Staff of the Armed forces of the Russian federation GS AFU General Staff of the Armed forces of Ukraine AP I GC Protocol Additional (I) to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 ECHR European Court of Human Rights GC Geneva Conventions LC The line of contact (until february 24, 2022) FL The frontline MoI- DPR Ministry of Interior of the so-called DPR MoI- LPR Ministry of Interior of the so-called LPR MIA Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine IHL International humanitarian law MFA Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine ICC International Criminal Court ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross HRMMU UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine MD RF Ministry of Defense of the Russian federation MoDU Ministry of Defense of Ukraine ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ME- DPR Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief of the so-called DPR ME- LPR Ministry of Emergencies and Disaster Relief of the so-called DPR PM- DPR People militia of the so-called DPR PM- LPR People militia of the so-called LPR NP settlement NPU National Police of Ukraine 4 LIST Of ABBREVIATIONS OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe OVA Regional Military Administration OGPU office of the prosecutor general of ukraine OG united territorial gromada (first-level administrative unit combining several small local communities) OMS local self-government body ORDLO Certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the areas not controlled by the Ukrainian Government before february 24, 2022 RS Rome Statute RF Russian federation SBU Security Service of Ukraine SKR Investigative Committee of the Russian federation So-called DPR the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic So-called LPR the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic OHCHR office of the un high commissioner for human rights KHPG Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group SLC Strategic Litigation Centre 5 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY on march 2, 2022, icc prosecutor karim a. a. khan announced the opening of an investigation into the Situation in Ukraine from November 21, 2013, onwards, thereby encompassing within its scope any past and present allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide committed on any part of the territory of Ukraine by any person. khpg submits to the office of the icc prosecutor the following communication, which contains information about the extrajudicial executions of civilians throughout Ukraine. Thos executions carry signs of a crime against humanity within the jurisdiction of the ICC under Article 7 of the Rome Statute. Chapter II, Introduction, provides brief information about KHPG and the Global Initiative “Tribunal for Putin,” of which KHPG was one of the founders. Also, it briefly describes the databases used and the activities that KHPG conducted to collect information on the killing of civilians. Chapter III, Methodology, describes the types of information sources used to prepare this Communication. in particular, it describes information retrieval from open sources, including verification of such sources, and from databases, interaction with the state authorities, methods of conducting monitoring field visits, and work of the khpg lawyers in certain criminal proceedings. chapter iV, the basic information for the legal qualification, provides an analysis of the contextual elements of war crimes, which can be used to qualify the murders of civilians presented in this Communication, describes the ICC practice concerning similar events, the rationale for the application of the ICC principles on such crimes to the episodes described in this Communication and the application of the principle of complementarity. Chapter V, Analytical information, provides general information about the killings of civilians in Ukraine, particularly the data collected by the KHPG documenters in the database, and presents the analysis of the collected data. Chapter VI, The course of events, briefly outlines the course of events and military operations since february 24, 2022, and describes in detail the events that took place in the city of Bucha, as most of the cases presented in this Communication relate to the killings of civilians in this particular settlement. Chapter VII, Description of 53 separate legal cases where KHPG lawyers represent victims, describes the criminal cases concerning the killings of civilians by the members of the Rf Armed forces where KHPG lawyers represent the victims. Chapter VIII, Conclusions, summarises the results based on the information and evidence presented in the Communication. The Annex to this Submission contains the standard document templates used by KHPG while documenting information directly from victims and witnesses of the alleged war crimes. 6 ii introduction II INTRODUCTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 Through this Communication, the KHPG presents information about the killings committed by the russian military and their affiliates during the large-scale russian military invasion of ukraine since february 2022. Information in this Communication is focused on intentional killings committed between february 24, 2022, and July 31, 2023. This paper is a logical continuation of the work carried out from 2014 to 2022 and concerned crimes allegedly committed in Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions during the armed conflict. this is the seventh communication the khpg has presented to the office of the icc prosecutor general. the previous communications had been filed before russia’s large-scale military offensive against ukraine as well as after it started. the first communication covered a wide range of war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed by the Russian military on the territory of Ukraine.1 The other two Communications were more narrowly focused and dealt with enforced disappearances and crimes against humanity committed against persons in the temporarily occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions who found themselves under the control of the Russian military and illegal armed groups.2 During the large-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian federation, the KHPG has already prepared and submitted two communications to the office of the icc prosecutor general. the first one concerned the severe restriction of civilians’ freedom in the Kharkiv region, and the other one pointed to the signs of genocide on the territory of Ukraine as part of the Russian federation’s large-scale policy. The KHPG also intends to submit Communications on other related issues in the foreseeable future. The KHPG was legally registered in 1992, but it had been operating as a human rights group of the kharkiv memorial society since 1989. khpg is dealing with specific cases of human rights violations, considering up to three thousand written appeals annually. The organisation raises awareness of the Ukrainian state and the public about human rights and monitors the observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Ukraine. KHPG activities aim to improve the human rights situation in Ukraine. The organisation works in such areas as the right to life, freedom from torture and inhuman treatment, freedom from arbitrary detention, freedom of speech and information, the right to privacy, and rights of vulnerable groups of people, including prisoners, people living with HIV/AIDS, drug addicts, asylum seekers, and others. Established in 2003, KHPG’s Strategic Litigation Centre has assisted in more than 200 important proceedings in international courts. The KHPG is one of the founders of the Global Initiative “Tribunal for Putin,” (T4P) which aims to bring crime perpetrators to justice. The organisation also provides humanitarian, legal, and psychological support to individuals who have been victims of war crimes throughout Ukraine. KHPG lawyers assist the victims at the level of national courts and international judicial and quasi-judicial organizations, including the UN Human Rights Committee, to the extent possible. Between february 24, 2022, and March 31, 2023, documenters and experts of the Global Initiative “Tribunal for Putin” succeeded in collecting and transmitting information about 804 cases of killings committed by the Russian military in the temporarily occupied areas of Ukraine. in 204 of these cases, specific victims were identified. these victims are provided with compreReference to those Communication. Reference to those Communication. 7 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE 7. 8. 8 hensive Support. They have expressed a desire to provide information about the killings to the ICC. The KHPG has recorded information on another 104 killings while monitoring the previous stage of the war between 2014 and 2018. In this Communication, such killings are considered within the framework of the Rome Statute and international jurisprudence. We cover events throughout Ukraine, including areas temporarily occupied before february 24, 2022. It is important to note that this Communication does not cover killings committed on the territory of the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea. It also may not contain complete information on the events in the areas that remain temporarily occupied, which limits access to relevant information. KHPG Director Yevhen Zakharov and KHPG experts Hanna Ovdiienko and Maksym Revyakin prepared this Communication. The study was conducted with the support of USAID. iii mEthodology III METHODOLOGY 9. The sources of information include: • The database of the T4P which contains information on 804 episodes of killings by small arms and other means other than artillery shelling (hereinafter — killings) as of July 31, 2023; • KHPG database, which contains information about 204 episodes of killings; • Documented testimonies from victims and witnesses obtained during targeted visits to the de-occupied settlements of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv regions, as well as to places of compact residence of IDPs to collect information about war crimes; • Materials of separate criminal proceedings where primary and secondary assistance to the victims is provided by the lawyers cooperating with the KHPG; • pre-verified messages in the media, social networks, and streaming services reporting the cases of killings; • official reports of international organizations and government agencies, including reports of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International. A. T4P DATABASE General information 10. 11. 12. 3 DB of the Global Initiative T4P is a relational database designed to collect, process, and analyse information on war crimes.3 db was developed in 2016–2017 and significantly upgraded in 2022 and 2023. DB contains tools to collect, verify, and systematically analyse the data entered and is based on the free MySQL database management system. Employees of the member organizations of the t4p initiative look for information about a specific event allowing them to believe that an alleged war crime has been committed (shelling of civilian objects, killing of civilians, torture, and other potential international crimes under the Rome Statute that fall under the jurisdiction of the ICC). To document such events, they use data received directly from witnesses and victims, as well as information from open sources (social media, media news, and government reports). once verified, data about each event is entered into our db as a specific case. information search prioritizes media files and personal data that can be subsequently verified using the open-source intelligence (OSINT) approach and/or through direct contact with victims and witnesses. Whenever possible, employees of the participating organisations record events at the field, take pictures of the destroyed buildings using drones, and personally interview witnesses. The database’s information is closed, personal data is additionally encrypted, but statistics are publicly available. The T4P approach is unique in the sense that the process of documentation of the suspected war crimes is organised on a regional principle: various NGOs are responsible for documentation in different regions of Ukraine. Usually, these NGOs collect information in the areas where they have worked for years and understand the local geography and specifics. in some regions, the t4p has collected more data on war crimes than is available for the Ukrainian government or international organisations. https://t4pua.org/1200 9 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE DB technical specifications 13. Until 24 february 2022, it had been a simple MySQL database located on an internal server in the khpg office and designed to convert data from spreadsheets to db, as well as to edit and enter data manually using a simple web interface. The DB also allowed outputting the statistical reports based on pre-prepared queries. When entering the database, personal data was reversibly encrypted (AES_ENCRYPT) using a key that can be changed at any time. After 24 february 2022, the need emerged to transfer DB to an external server to provide remote access for a large number of documenters working with it. To achieve this, an authorisation module was created for users with different access rights (guest, documenter, editor, lawyer, admin, with or without the right to view personal data). The DB is hosted on the server of MIROHOST (a Ukrainian company)4 whoseservers are physically located in Europe. The Ukrainian hosting has been selected to provide documenters in Ukraine with convenience and speed in interaction with the DB. at the first stage of the db’s operation, factors limiting its capacity to work in new conditions and solve new problems were identified. to overcome these limits, the db’s data structure and the web interface to work with it have continuously improved and developed following the tasks arising while documenting war crimes. In other words, the DB is being upgraded to meet the limited possibilities of documenting crimes in wartime, the growing threat to data security, and the need for different classifications and statistical data processing at any given time. The following technical improvements have been added to protect personal data and improve the DB’s performance. a) access to the folder where media files and documents (in the form of binary files) belonging to the “testimony” section are stored was terminated. Thus, one can view or download such files only by logging in to the db and entering the personal data encryption key. b) access to media files and documents (binary files) in the “casE” section of each episode is wholly prohibited except for the lawyer handling the case. c) The “hard binding” of data types to database tables has been changed. Instead, the possibility of expanding the categories embedded into the DB without changing its structure was introduced, but only by changing the configuration parameters, i.e., using a simple “category constructor” for the entered data. d) A module was created to record all changes in data records entered by documenters automatically. The history of changes is stored in the database in encrypted form and cannot be changed through the DB interface. That is, storage is based on the “black box” principle. e) A module has been created to automatically record views of individual episodes and personalities if they were viewed by a documenter who did not initially generate the record and by a lawyer who is not handling specific casE. the viewing history storage is based on the “black box” principle. f) A two-factor authorisation mechanism has been implemented, which provides for the entry of an additional code sent to the user’s email address after the user logs in with a username, password, and personal data encryption code. g) The module for registering all login attempts with failed authorization has been connected. When a specific limit of “authorisation errors” is reached, further attempts to log in from the 14. 15. 16. 4 https://mirohost.net/ua?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=324749329&utm_term=%d0%bc%d1%96%d1%80%d0%bE%d1%85%d0%bE%d1%81%d1%82&gclid=cj0kcQjwrmkmbhcjarisahuEapQrsb6Z-zedrj RN9tBzRqHALKmqKiSeAQG6lhCXh6jbqtZqWoTPK20aAtsDEALw_wcB 10 iii mEthodology 17. IP address of this user will be blocked. In addition, the time intervals between authorisation attempts have been increased. The DB administrator can unblock the IP address. h) To improve security and data storage, two regular checks were introduced: periodic analysis of the use of the DB interface program modules and removal of outdated modules that have lost their relevance; periodic removal of inactive users from the DB and/or change of user passwords. i) Most of the Security Lab’s technical recommendations to protect the DB from potential hacker attacks have been implemented. The collected information is stored in the online MySQL DB with a web interface that can be displayed in any Internet browser. from the server side, queries and commands to the DB are executed using scripts in the PHP-8 programming language. The KHPG created the DB and operates it now. Only a KHPG technician has access to the source code of the database and, therefore, the ability to modify its organizational structure. Access to DB 18. 19. Ordinary users have two options to access the DB. The access with the possibility to edit data is granted exclusively to KHPG-authorised documenters of the T4P. There is an exhaustive list of these documenters who work with the DB exclusively in person. The access to view the information stored in the database is granted exclusively by the KHPG permission. It is limited to an exhaustive list of persons and requires a clearly defined purpose (for example, giving “guest” access to officers of ukrainian law enforcement bodies). Only the KHPG technician can provide access to the DB upon the relevant order of the organisation’s Director. The use rules of the KHPG DB prohibit transferring the granted access to other persons. The DB can be accessed by login, password, and encryption key, which additionally protects personal data. Protection through two-factor authentication is also provided. Documenters 20. 21. Documenters from individual organisations-members of the T4P operate DB. All operators had previously undergone group and personal training in entering information. Also, the instructions for working with the DB were developed and approved to ensure correct and uniform data entry5. The documenting requires, in addition to technical skills, also basic knowledge of international humanitarian law. Thus, the KHPG conducted legal training on this topic for the documenters. In addition, training courses were organized for documenters on how to apply the new ICC Eurojust guidelines for civil society (2022) in their work. They were further required to conduct their work fully compliant with the standards studied. To meet this requirement, the information fed into the DB was controlled by professional supervisors, the most experienced documenters also knowledgeable in international humanitarian and criminal law. This procedure allowed the KHPG to minimise the number of mistakes made by documenters when entering information and to correct them promptly if detected. The DB operators were some 50 documenters of the T4P. Entering into the register information on incidents/alleged crimes 22. 5 The DB includes information on each event (so-called “episode”) of an extrajudicial killing that corresponds to the description of the essential elements of the crime in the ICC Elements of https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vRGz3y54Gk0euGrGskcIocyfRLqs-_4WJs5gna_ghkoLg8MrjKIM0Ufwhd-yHT1np9IX_mLDYfX14Vm/pub?urp=gmail_link 11 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE Crimes guide, including the date (interval, period, if the exact date is unknown), place, circumstances of the event, type of event, its preliminary qualification under the rome statute, and the persons involved (victims, witnesses, and perpetrators). An episode in the DB has the following features: • Each episode has a unique number and is associated with the event’s date (or probable time interval) as well as the event’s location or the affected object (address, coordinates). • Each episode can be accompanied by a testimony (textual information + any number of media files, i.e., videos and photos). • Each testimony also has its unique number and can be attached to any number of episodes. • Any number of “personalities” (personal data of individuals) can be added to each episode, specifying each person’s role in that episode. • The episode also contains marks selected by the documenter from the list and referring to the type of event, the affected object, the legal qualification of the event and damage as well as keywords. These data are used to compile statistical reports. • Each episode can have a section that includes information on the progress of the CASE opened in relation to this episode; it can also contain information and files with restricted access. • Each episode must contain data on the source of information on extrajudicial killings. 23. the software developed by khpg allows checking the correctness of addresses spelling, finding and indicating repetitions of the same episodes and protecting personal data by their automatic encoding and storage in the encoded form. By entering the access key, all personal data is decoded and can be processed. The DB security 24. 25. accordingly, the database contains tools to prevent illegal modification, deletion, or distortion of the information entered. The database records any actions related to adding new or editing previously entered information. Only the KHPG technician can view the change logs. Also, only the KHPG technician can delete the entered episodes. Other database users, including users with the right to edit data, do not have the right to delete previously entered episodes. all media files uploaded onto the db are simultaneously stored in two hosting sites: the main one is located in Ukraine and operated by Mirohost company; the backup one is located in Germany and operated by ionos firm. the database is backed up daily and the backups are stored in four storages. DB uses a two-factor user authentication scheme. Information filtering 26. 27. 12 db includes tools to analyse the collected data on the extrajudicial killings to answer specific search queries. there are filters that can distinguish episodes by certain parameters, such as location, time of the event (time period), type of event, and legal qualification. one can also search by keywords. DB allows for generating reports that display generalised information in tables (distribution of episodes for a certain period by location, type of losses, type of objects, and type of events) and in graphical form — on maps based on GOOGLEMAP. The DB also made it possible to separate episodes involving killing of persons of a specific gender and age (underage children) but still did not allow for a complete detailed classification of crimes against humanity and war crimes. iii mEthodology 28. therefore, the classification of information from the database was partly carried out manually by database operators who analysed each episode. Manual processing also made it possible to identify additional trends and features. B. KHPG DATABASE 29. 30. additionally, one more database is used to manage specific criminal proceedings in which the lawyers cooperating with KHPG provide primary and secondary assistance to victims. Access to it has only operators of this DB and lawyers representing victims. this db contains an additional field, casE, where all supporting documents in the case were entered: interrogation protocols, expert reports, necessary media files, etc. the database also contains service functions that allow to determine what lawyers handle certain cases. The KHPG DB is built on the same platform as the t4p database, with specific technical features noted below. Technical features of the KHPG DB 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. to provide for the confidentiality of information, only lawyers (attorneys) who handle the cases and a DB admin have access to the materials of individual cases in the database. Other DB users have access only to a brief description of the event (testimony), which allows them to get a general understanding of the event and its category but does not provide details of the investigation and extrajudicial killing or personal data. Initially, the information to be entered into the database is collected by documenters during direct communication with the victims. Then collected information is stored, digitised (if necessary) and transmitted via reliable digital communication channels to the database operators. The DB operators have access to a general (brief) description of the event, personal data of victims, witnesses, deceased persons, and initial statements of victims, including informed consent to transfer the case to the office of the icc prosecutor. operators cannot access criminal case files or other sensitive evidence or complete interview records,. such information is passed on by the documenters directly to the lawyers. The DB operator’s job includes creating a new episode (input) in the database, indicating the place, time, a brief description of the event, personal data of victims, witnesses, deceased, and perpetrators, and attaching technical documents (statements, informed consent forms). After the data are entered into the database, the operator notifies the documenter who initially provided them with the information about the episode. The documenter, in turn, compiles a list of persons interested in further cooperation with KHPG, including the provision of legal aid at the national level, provision of various types of legal assistance at the international level, transfer of information about alleged crimes to the office of the ICC Prosecutor. To be included in such a list, a person should provide informed consent. The KHPG management analyses the lists and distributes the cases among the lawyers cooperating with the organization. After receiving information about the case, the lawyer immediately notes it in the database by making a corresponding mark with their name. All uploaded materials on the case, information about its procedural status, and complete records of testimony from that moment on become inaccessible to other DB users. It allows the lawyer to upload any new information related to the case without threats to its confidentiality. The lawyer also contacts a documenter who has to transfer particularly sensitive materials obtained during communication with the person that were not entered into the DB due to their confidentiality. 13 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE C. INFORMATION RETRIEVAL FROM THE OPEN SOURCES 38. khpg analyses information from open sources which was especially relevant in the first months of the full-scale war when documenters were deprived of or significantly limited in their ability to access the territories where active hostilities occurred. this restriction stemmed primarily from a significant threat to the life and health of documenters which prevented them from freely recording events. the policy of the ukrainian authorities in the first months of the war also hindered the documenting process. official sources informed about a ban on recording the consequences of alleged crimes not only immediately after they occurred but also considerably later. Although such prohibitions were not, in fact, absolute, any work of a documenters was perceived by society as aiding the russian forces, possibly through an enemy fire adjustment or state treason.6 There were frequent physical attacks on documenters and others who took photos or videos or tried to conduct interviews. Given the public’s distrust of anyone directly conducting interviews, documenting alleged extrajudicial killings has become almost impossible. Therefore, the KHPG started to use other resources, especially online resources, to document alleged crimes. They contained information that witnesses themselves published for public access. In addition, most of the killings were committed in areas physically inaccessible to documenters for a long time due to the occupation by the Russian military. Even after the de-occupation, state authorities usually restricted access to these territories for months, making it impossible to record traces of crimes and interview witnesses or victims urgently. Over time, when public distrust decreased and the public authorities understood the need for documenters, the work with open sources became auxiliary. Open-source information helped create an impression of the widespread and systematic nature of the alleged crimes but provided almost no possibility to work with individual episodes. 39. 40. 41. 42. Categories of information from open sources 43. Information collection included analysis of the media, both national and international, websites of various Ukrainian and Russian government authorities, websites of quasi-governmental bodies of the so-called LPR and DPR,7 social media (facebook,8 Instagram,9 Twitter,10 Vkontakte11), streaming services and video hosting platforms (YouTube,12 TikTok13), channels and groups in messengers (Viber, Telegram). Ukrainian sources of information, Russian (and pro-Russian), and international sources were used for documenting. The work procedure with open sources aligned with international OSINT standards, such as the OSINT Guidelines prepared jointly by the EU Disinfo Lab, Check first, Center for Information Resilience, DfR Lab, Open facto, OSINT Curious, and Logically.14 The documenters were familiarized with the Berkeley Protocol.15 The process of documenting the extrajudicial killings from open sources includes: • Information search; 44. 45. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 https://vilnogirsk-rada.gov.ua/novyny-ta-oholoshennya/novyny/sbu-nadaye-informaciyu/ Link? https://www.facebook.com/ https://www.instagram.com/ https://twitter.com/ https://vk.com/ https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.tiktok.com/ https://i-intelligence.eu/uploads/public-documents/OSINT_Handbook_2020.pdf https://www.law.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Berkeley-Protocol-Ukrainian.pdf 14 iii mEthodology • Collection of information; • Verification of information; • Entering data into the DB. Information search 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Documenters were encouraged to use secure browsers through Tor and VPN services in their work. They also had to create separate work accounts to retrieve information from social media, messengers, video hosting and other sources that required a registration for a full-fledged work. Documenters had to be especially careful when working with Russian sources of information and sources created by the so-called LPR/DPR. The DB documenters had to perform all the above elements of the documenting process in order in the established sequence. No element was allowed to be skipped. there are two kinds of search in the documenter’s work: general and specific. the general search implies collecting information about events that can have signs of extrajudicial killing that occurred in a particular settlement (region). The general search is not aimed at collecting information about a specific episode but rather at creating the overall picture and searching for primary traces for further work. At this stage, any sources can be used, including state registers, which contain only general information about the victims (disappeared persons), as a starting point. Each documenter compiled a preliminary list of information sources that could contain data on the events they needed. such sources can be specific media outlets, channels, hosting sites, where videos were posted, etc. However, documenters must constantly look for new data sources to expand the range of their work and replace the already exhausted sources. further work involves clarification and detailing of the instances of disappearances found during the general search. General search provides information only about the general circumstances of the killing or only a record of a specific killing made in one of the state or non-state registers. then a documenter has to collect as much information as possible about the specific case. further work involves researching information sources to collect additional data about the killed person. The data collection aims at establishing a complete picture of the incident, but this is not always possible using open sources. In most cases, due to the limited number of open sources, it is possible to collect information about only part of the event circumstances. D. COLLECTION OF INFORMATION 51. 52. The information collection involves its preliminary storage in the form of a data set. The data set includes a link to the source or sources where information about the extrajudicial killing was found; screenshots of all records in the source(s) of information; media files (photos and videos retrieved from the source of information); a brief description of the event, and documenter’s notes. documenter must create a separate folder with working files and ensure its confidentiality. The work computer could be accessed only by password and the additional use of encryption keys was recommended. The work folder can also be accessed by password. for each case, a documenter must create a separate sub-folder in the work folder containing files with information concerning this case. Documenter can also group the folders in a certain way. Data collection is directly related to the verification stage, where the retrieved information is clarified and checked. Verification of information 53. the verification of information is conducted by searching for additional (alternative) information about the episode in the open sources, db, etc. the verification is intended to avoid the input of 15 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE fake reports into the db. it includes a search for additional sources of data which could confirm information about particularly significant (egregious) events or information about events that raised reasonable doubts. if the information cannot be verified, it is entered into the database with a corresponding note and subsequently considered cautiously. To properly verify information, retrieving at least two sources containing identical or similar information is necessary. by default, however, it was assumed that official sources, such as state registers, do not require additional verification. 54. Entering information and its archiving 55. Entering information into the database means transferring the collected data into the DB to form a specific episode. all files found, including screenshots of web pages where information was found, must be transferred. However, the information transferred to the DB is not deleted from the documenters’ personal computers but remains in a separate folder. To do this, the documenters have to create in their PC an archive folder where all materials uploaded in the DB are located. They can also transfer all or part of the information to external hard drives if necessary. Keeping a copy of the information in the cloud is not recommended. 56. E. KHPG monitoring field teams 57. Since July 2022, the KHPG team has been conducting systematic monitoring visits to the de-occupied territories in the Kharkiv, Sumy, Kyiv, and Chernihiv regions. The reception of victims was also organised in places of compact IDP residence in other areas, including Lviv, Ivano-frankivsk, and other regions. during the field visits, the team documented war crimes, including extrajudicial killings, interviewed victims and witnesses as well as provided primary humanitarian, legal, and psychological assistance to victims of war crimes. The information collected during the visits was entered into the database. In addition, during such visits, the KHPG team interacted with local authorities to obtain additional information about the events. 58. F. Interviews with victims and witnesses 59. During collecting information about killings, the KHPG paid particular attention to the interviews, considering this method to be the most reliable, complete and promising. The KHPG experts interviewed the identified victims of crimes, witnesses and other relevant persons. the interviews were conducted by qualified experts (journalists, lawyers) with experience working with victims of war crimes. All experts who worked with victims had passed a methodological training on the psychological and technical aspects of interviewing. The interviews were conducted following the KHPG Policy of interviewing witnesses/victims by journalists, documenters, lawyers, attorneys and others cooperating with the KHPG. This Policy was developed considering international standards, particularly ICC Eurojust guidelines, /16 Mendez principles17 and best practices of a trauma-conscious approach to interviewing. The basic 60. 61. 16 17 Documenting international crimes and human rights violations for accountability purposes: Guidelines for civil society organisations; chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.eurojust.europa.eu/sites/ default/files/assets/eurojust-icc-csos-guidelines.pdf Principles on Effective Interviewing for Investigations and Information Gathering; https://www.apt.ch/sites/default/ files/publications/apt_poEi_En_11.pdf 16 iii mEthodology principle of interviewing is to avoid harm to the victim or witness. Any deviation from this principle, even for legitimate purposes, has been considered unacceptable. Informed consent 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. Before an interview, each respondent signed an informed consent form specially designed for further submissions to the ICC, taking into account the ICC Eurojust Guidelines.18 Informed consent includes an agreement to: • tell what the person has experienced or witnessed; • transfer information, documentation or other items; • a video and audio recording of the interview; • the photographing and documenting of the bodily injuries; • publication of the interview. Informed consent implied an agreement to transfer information, documentation or physical items to the office of the icc prosecutor for use in criminal investigations and/or trials. the khpg has used a new template since December 2022. When obtaining informed consent, the KHPG representatives use the standard form (template) of such consent previously developed by the organisation. If it is impossible to use the template (for example, being in the field, having only online communication with the victim or witness, etc.), other ways of obtaining informed consent can be considered. for example, it can be an audio recording of the person’s consent after reading the text of the consent form to them. Informed consent implies that the person has been provided with complete information about how and for what purposes their data would be used as well as the risks and consequences of such an information transfer. The representatives of KHPG are responsible for providing and explaining this information to the interviewees and determining whether this person can fully understand what is being explained before accepting their consent. The person interviewed has the right to withdraw or change their informed consent at any time. Each interviewee is provided with a memo outlining the procedure and specific instructions on withdrawing consent. The interviewees also have the right to decide freely whether they want to consent to collecting information. The KHPG representatives create an environment where a person does not feel any coercion or pressure and has an opportunity to express their free will. Preparation and conduct of the interview 67. 68. 18 The KHPG documenters take all possible measures to ensure that a person is interviewed only once. At the pre-contact stage of initial acquaintance and communication with the victim or witness, they try to find out whether the person has already been interviewed before and by whom and establish, if possible, the amount of information obtained. If it was established that the interview has already been conducted in full, the KHPG documenters refused to repeat it. Otherwise, they start preparing and planning the survey. The preparation for the interviews includes assessing objective and subjective factors that can affect both its participants and the technical, resource or other possibility of interviewing due to external circumstances. the documenters have to find out as much information as possible about the interviewee’s cultural, ethnic, ethical, age and other characteristics to create the most comfortable setting for communication. Documenting international crimes and human rights violations for accountability purposes: Guidelines for civil society organisations; chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.eurojust.europa.eu/sites/ default/files/assets/eurojust-icc-csos-guidelines.pdf 17 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. The place, time, duration of the interview and the number of people to be interviewed must be clearly defined in advance. the khpg documenters are generally encouraged to conduct short interviews if it is established that the person has not been interviewed before, passing the collected information to the competent state authorities. A short interview should last no longer than 15–20 minutes. However, if the state authorities do not demonstrate any interest in the case and there is a real risk of loss of information, the KHPG representatives are allowed to conduct a full interview with the subsequent transfer of the collected data to the law enforcement authorities or international judicial institutions. At the initial stage of the interview, a documenter performs several important tasks. They meet with the interviewee, introduce themselves and explain the purpose and goals of the interview. If this has not been done before, the documenter must also explain the interview’s main aspects and offer to sign an informed consent form. During the meeting, the documenters always try to create a comfortable atmosphere for the interview. They answer all questions the interviewee might ask, especially concerning possible risks, the use of the information collected and the procedure for withdrawing consent. It is considered very important that the interviewee clearly understands the process and feels in control of their participation. In addition, KHPG documenters consider the interviewee’s unique needs and circumstances. A documenter should inform about possible methods of interview recording, such as audio, video or written recordings, and ensure the interviewee’s consent with the chosen method. During the entire interview, the documenters always provide for the safety and comfort of the interviewee. They carefully follow signs that might indicate trauma or discomfort and respond accordingly. If a situation develops that violate the interviewee’s safety, KHPG documenters take measures to eliminate it or wait until the situation changes for the better. The interview involves a free narration and questions according to the scheme approved by the khpg. however, in some cases, analysing the specific circumstances of the killing, the interviewers can deviate from the standardised set of questions by asking additional or clarifying questions. During interviews, preliminary consultations with experts in international humanitarian law are considered. Although it is essential to obtain chronologically consistent, detailed and clear information during the interview, the documenters have no right to pressure the interviewee for additional information. During the direct interview, the documenters must remember to minimise the possibility of retraumatising the relatives of the killed or witnesss to the killing. Before starting the direct interview, the KHPG documenters must give the victim or witness the space to tell their story. after the interviewee has finished telling their story, khpg documenters can move on to clarifying questions, which, however, should not be too specific or detached from the story. The KHPG documenters ask questions carefully and gently, especially avoid using such terms as loss, death, physical and sexual violence or other words that could be traumatising for the interviewee. During interviewing, all three types of questions are used: closed, open and focused. Completing the interview and analyzing the results 79. 18 at the final stage of the interview, the relatives of the killed or witnesses of the killing are again given the time and space to speak openly, and to provide additional information, if any. KHPG documenters check with the interviewee the conversation records before completion to correct any mistakes or misunderstandings. The interviewees are then asked if any information needs to iii mEthodology 80. 81. be added or clarified. then the khpg documenters inform the interviewee about the completion of the interview, explain how to contact representatives of the KHPG in the future and provide their contact data. The interview results are technically processed using special software. Each interview is transcribed, while some are translated and published. During the processing, special attention is paid to the confidentiality of the respondents. people who did not receive permission to access the interview cannot participate in this work. the materials of the interview (text notes, audio and video recordings) are saved in a confidential storage on the documenter’s personal computer. With the interviewee’s consent, they can be transferred to the lawyer who enters them into the KHPG database. The materials are transferred exclusively through secure communication channels. The prerequisite is to store a copy of the interview on local devices (computers, external hard drives), not just in the cloud environment. G. Participation in national criminal proceedings and interaction with law enforcement agencies 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. At the request of the victims of war crimes, KHPG lawyers provide them with secondary legal assistance representing them in national courts and preparing materials for submissions to the ICC. The criminal proceedings materials contain information on individual cases of killings beyond the testimony of victims. These materials also include the results of witness interviews, telecommunication network data on the location of the victim’s mobile device, intelligence data, etc. Thus, the materials of criminal proceedings has become one of the critical sources of information for this Communication. However, using such materials from national proceedings was subject to the victims’ consent and in strict accordance with national criminal procedure law. Within the framework of criminal proceedings, KHPG lawyers also initiated separate investigative (search) actions if the collected information is insufficient for a complete and reliable description of the case. Such motions are aimed at collecting information about the alleged crime. Also, since the beginning of the full-scale stage of the war, the KHPG has established a close cooperation with the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, particularly the Security Service of Ukraine — SBU (in certain regions) and the OGPU. Such cooperation implies a constant exchange of information on registered war crimes, joint visits to record war crimes, involvement of KHPG experts for interrogations of victims and witnesses and other investigative actions, etc. During the preparation of the Communication, the KHPG lawyers did not interact or almost did not interact with the Rf law enforcement agencies since such interaction did not lead to any legally significant actions on the russian part. 19 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE IV THE BASIC INFORMATION FOR THE LEGAL QUALIFICATION 87. In this Communication, murder is considered in the context of the provisions of the Rome Statute, the practice of international tribunals, judicial and quasi-judicial and treaty bodies, the theory of international criminal law as well as the theory of international humanitarian law. Murder as a crime against humanity is provided for in the Rome Statute, Articles 7(1)(a) According to the icc practice, the presence of the following contextual elements qualifies murder as a crime against humanity: 1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons. 2. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. 3. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population19. Accordingly, the so called contextual elements of crimes against humanity draw from the ‘chapeau’ of Article 7(1) of the Rome Statute and the concept of ‘attack’ under Article 7(2) of the Rome Statute. To that effect, as explained by the Rome Statute20 itself, an “’attack directed against any civilian population’ means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts […] against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack”. 88. 89. A. “The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population” International law norms and practice 90. Key features of all crimes against humanity are their widespread and systematic nature. Murder, as a crime against humanity, is no exception. Therefore, it must be considered in light of the relevant international legal practice. According to the position of the ICTY Appeals Chamber in the case of Prosecutor v. Kunarac, Kovac and Vukovic, “[i]n order to amount to a crime against humanity, the acts of an accused must be part of a widespread or systematic attack ‘directed against any civilian population’. This phrase has been interpreted […] as encompassing [...] elements: • There must be an attack; • The acts of the perpetrator must be part of the attack; • The attack must be directed against any civilian population; • The attack must be widespread or systematic”.21 In addition, in the ICTR case of Prosecutor v. Ndindiliyimana, Nzuwonemeye and Sagahutu, it was noted that “[t]he term ‘widespread’ refers to the large scale nature of the attack and the number of victims, whereas the term ‘systematic’ refers to ‘the organised nature of the acts of violence and 91. 92. 19 20 21 Elements of crimes; https://www.icc-cpi.int/sites/default/files/publications/Elements-of-crimes.pdf Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(a). prosecutor v. kunarac, kovac and Vukovic, it-96-23 & 23/1) 2002, para. 85. 20 iV thE basic information for thE lEgal Qualification 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 the improbability of their random occurrence’..22 In the Ongwen case,23 the ICC further elaborated that, in terms of the former, an assessment must be conducted in light of not only the sheer number of acts and their geographical scope, but also all other relevant facts; in terms of the latter, an assessment should focus on the existence of ‘patterns of crimes’ and the improbability of their random occurrence. Crucially, the ICC Trial Chamber24 also clarified that article 7 of the rome statute covered an overall flow of events rather than some isolated acts; as such, there must be a minimum number of acts forming a wider course of conduct. At this point it should be noted that, according to the Elements of Crimes,25 the “course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts” (one of the elements of crimes against humanity) must take place “pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack”; a ‘“policy to commit such attack” requires that the […] organization actively promote[s] or encourage[s] such an attack against a civilian population’. however, as clarified in the icc decision concerning situation in the republic of cote d’ivoire,,26 the policy in question does not have to have been developed ‘at the highest level of the State machinery’; policies developed at lower levels or within certain organisational units of the state also qualify. Importantly, according to the ICC,27 a policy may be based on a pre-planned design or it might crystallise only as events unfold; as such, the existence of a policy might be inferred from a variety of factors, such as: (i) a recurrent pattern of violence; (ii) the existence of preparations or collective mobilisation orchestrated and coordinated by the organisation; (iii) the use of public or private resources to further the policy; (iv) the involvement of organisational forces in the commission of crimes; (v) statements, instructions or documentation attributable to the organisation condoning or encouraging the commission of crimes; and (vi) an underlying motivation. That being said, the ICC28 has also recognised that a systematic manner in which attacks are conducted could be deemed as an indicator of “the existence of an organisational policy”. moreover, according to the position of the icty trial chamber in the case of prosecutor v. perišić, “[a]n ‘attack’ may be defined as a course of conduct involving the commission of acts of violence. In the context of crimes against humanity, an ‘attack’ is distinct from the concept of ‘armed conflict’ and not limited to the use of armed force. Rather, it may encompass any mistreatment of the civilian population. The attack may precede, outlast or continue during the armed conflict and need not be part of it”.29 regardless, as confirmed in the icty judgment in the case of prosecutor v. prlić, “the attack must be directed against a civilian population of any sort. The expression ‘directed against’ indicates that, in the event of a crime against humanity, the civilian population must constitute the primary target of the attack. In order to determine whether this was the case, the Trial Chamber must conprosecutor v. ndindiliyimana, nzuwonemeye and sagahutu (ictr-00-56-a) 201, para. 260. prosecutor v. dominic ongwen, trial judgment, 4 february 2021, icc-02/04-01/151762-red, paras. 2681-82. The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen, Trial Judgment, 4 february 2021, ICC-02/04-01/151762-Red, para. 2674 Elements of crimes, introduction to article 7, para. 3. Situation in the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, Corrigendum to “Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on the Authorisation of an Investigation into the Situation in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire”, 15.11.2011, ICC-02/11-14-Corr, para. 45. Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen, Trial Judgment, 4 february 2021, ICC-02/04-01/151762-Red, para. 2679 Situation in the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, Corrigendum to “Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on the Authorisation of an Investigation into the Situation in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire”, 15.11.2011, ICC-02/11-14-Corr, para. 100. prosecutor v. momčilo perišić (it-04-81-t) 201, para. 82. 21 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE 99. 100. sider, among other indicia, the means and methods employed during the attack, the status of the victims, their number, the discriminatory character of the attack, the nature of the crimes committed during the attack, the resistance to the assailants at the time, as well as the extent to which the attacking forces may be said to have complied or attempted to comply with the precautionary requirements of the laws of war”.30 Although the ICC31 has emphasised that for Article 7 of the Rome Statute the civilian population must be the primary target of the attack, the presence of individuals who do not qualify as ‘civilians’ among the group does not deprive the population of its overall civilian nature. At the same time, according to the ICC,32 as long as the attack is directed against the civilian population, it remains irrelevant who the actual victims of the attack are. as clarified by the icty,33 “[t]he Prosecution does not need to prove that the accused chose his victims for their civilian status. [...] The Prosecution must show that the perpetrator could not reasonably have believed that the victim was a member of the armed forces.” finally, according to the ICC,34 there must be a nexus between the pursuance of the attack and the hitting of civilian targets, which is to be assessed in light of the characteristics, aims, nature and consequences of the acts concerned. As explained by the ICTY,35 “[t]he acts of the accused need to be objectively part of the ‘attack’ against the civilian population, but need not be committed when that attack is at its height. These acts must not be isolated, but must form part of the attack. A crime committed several months after, or several kilometers away from, the main attack against the civilian population could still, if sufficiently connected, be part of that attack.” Crucially, a “crime would be regarded as an ‘isolated act’ when it is so far removed from that attack that, having considered the context and circumstances in which it was committed, it cannot reasonably be said to have been part of the attack.”36 Application of the principles mentioned above in this Communication 101. 103. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Killings of the civilian population in Ukraine by the Russian military are a widespread and systematic phenomenon within the meaning of international criminal law.37 The murders documented form a pattern of crimes across the occupied territories.38 102. The attacks against civilians were conducted with the use of small arms, tanks, missile and any other type of weapons known to men; further, individuals across the occupied territories were also subject to a direct infliction of bodily harm during beatings with truncheons, household items, etc. The attacks were directed against the local population who did not directly participate in hostilities. Targeting of civilians by the Russian forces was commonplace and widespread. The attacks were most often committed in the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions; attacking civilians was a characteristic feature of the conduct of the Russian military units based in these areas. However, attacks in the form of killing also happened in other areas seized by the Rf Armed forces, such as the Sumy, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions. prosecutor v. jadranko prlić (it-04-74-t) 2013, para. 36. prosecutor v. dominic ongwen, trial judgment, 4 february 2021, icc-02/04-01/151762-red, para. 2675. prosecutor v. dominic ongwen, trial judgment, 4 february 2021, icc-02/04-01/151762-red, para. 2675, referring to prosecutor v. bosco ntaganda, judgment, 8 july 2019, icc-01/04-02/06-2359, para. 669. prosecutor v. kunarac, kovac and Vukovic, appeals judgement, it-96-23-t and it-96-23/1-a, 12 june 2001, para. 103. prosecutor v. dominic ongwen, trial judgment, 4 february 2021, icc-02/04-01/151762-red, para. 2688. prosecutor v. krnojelac, “judgement”, it-97-25-t, 15 march 2002, para. 55. prosecutor v. kunarac, kovac and Vukovic, appeals judgement, it-96-23-t and it-96-23/1-a, 12 june 2001, para. 100; prosecutor v. tadić, judgement, it-94-1-t, 7 may 1997, para. 649. prosecutor v. ndindiliyimana, nzuwonemeye and sagahutu (ictr-00-56-a) 2014, para. 260. prosecutor v. dominic ongwen, trial judgment, 4 february 2021, icc-02/04-01/151762-red, paras. 2681-82. 22 iV thE basic information for thE lEgal Qualification 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. These attacks were characterized by mass murder, thus constituting terror against the local civilian population. Russian military sometimes forced the local civilians to clean up the corpses of the killed people while sometimes not allowing them to be buried. Still, they became a visual symbol of the danger for each settlement resident. Thus, the killings were a catalyst for terror and were part of a policy of intimidating potential resistance in the occupied territories. The killings resembled public executions, as they were carried out by the Rf Armed forces during the day, in front of other residents, and, in general, without any valid reason. A total of 804 killings have been reported since february 24, 2022. It should be emphasised that the actual number of civilian killings is higher, as the Luhansk region, parts of Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions remain under the Russian control. Due to the lack of access to these areas by ukrainian national law enforcement agencies, as well as the difficulty or impossibility for the local population to leave these areas, some (probably most) of the killings cannot be known until all occupied regions are fully liberated, and even for some time afterward. for the same reasons, it is impossible to learn in detail about all the circumstances of some of the killings of civilians, particularly to identify the persons involved, the place, time and method of committing the crime. However, even the information collected to date on the number of killings and their nature is sufficient to assert their systematic and large-scale nature. Crucially, it is clear that the murders carried out by the Russian forces in the occupied territories pursued and /or furthered the Russian “State or organizational policy” of widespread and systematic attack on Ukrainian civilians due to the recurring pattern of violence, comprehensive preparations in advance (such as proscription lists39) and the general lack of any condemnation of violence against civilians (to the contrary, those responsible were often officially rewarded by the Russian authorities40).41 B. “The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population” 109. 110. 111. 39 40 41 42 This element implies the perpetrator’s direct intent to participate in a large-scale and systematic attack on the civilian population or his attempts to be part of such an attack. according to the icty decision in prosecutor v. prlić, “[t]he perpetrator of the crime must have knowledge of the attack on the civilian population and of the fact that his act is part of that attack. However, it is not necessary that the perpetrator be informed of the details of the attack, or that he approves its purpose or the goal behind it. Moreover, it is irrelevant whether the perpetrator participated in the attack for purely personal reasons, as such reasons are relevant only during consideration of the sentence to be handed down, as aggravating or extenuating circumstances. Lastly, discriminatory intent is not required for crimes against humanity, with the exception of the offences for which it is expressly stipulated…”.42 furthermore, as clarified in the case of prosecutor v. kupreškić, “[t]he determination of the elements comprising the mens rea of crimes against humanity has proved particularly difficult and frontline, “’We Will find You:’ Russians Hunt Down Ukrainians on Lists”; https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/ russians-hunt-down-ukrainians-on-lists/; BBC, “US reveals claims of Russian ‘kill list’ if Moscow occupies Ukraine”; https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60472889 The Independent, “Putin awards medals to soldiers accused of Bucha massacre as victims buried in mass graves”; https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-war-putin-medals-bucha-b2060568.html prosecutor v. dominic ongwen, trial judgment, 4 february 2021, icc-02/04-01/151762-red, para. 2679. prosecutor v. jadranko prlić (it-04-74-t) 2013, para. 45. 23 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE 112. 113. controversial. Nevertheless, the requisite mens rea for crimes against humanity appears to be comprised by (1) the intent to commit the underlying offence, combined with (2) knowledge of the broader context in which that offence occurs”.43 However, according to the position of the ICTY Appeals Chamber in the case of Prosecutor v. Kunarac, Kovac and Vukovic, when it comes to criminal liability for crimes against humanity, “the motives of the accused for taking part in the attack are irrelevant and a crime against humanity may be committed for purely personal reasons; at the same time, “the accused need not share the purpose or goal behind the attack. It is also irrelevant whether the accused intended his acts to be directed against the targeted population or merely against his victim. It is the attack, not the acts of the accused, which must be directed against the target population and the accused need only know that his acts are part thereof. At most, evidence that he committed the acts for purely personal reasons could be indicative of a rebuttable assumption that he was not aware that his acts were part of that attack”.44. Thus, it can be concluded that to qualify for the crime against humanity of murder, it is not important whether the accused shared the motives and purpose of the attack. Their attitude concerning a large-scale and systematic policy of committing crimes also does not matter. What does matter is that they committed a crime that is considered a crime against humanity and knew that their actions were part of a widespread and systematic attack on the civilian population. Application of the principles mentioned above in this Communication 114. 115. It has already been demonstrated that the killings perpetrated by the Russian forces in occupied territories were part of a large-scale and systematic attack on the civilian population of Ukraine. They were also clearly included in the plan of such an attack to terrorise the local population to prevent any resistance to the occupying authorities and spread fear and panic. The perpetrators obviously had information about who was giving them orders and about the operation within which they were carrying out the killings. They, therefore, could not have but understood the criminal intent of their actions. Information about the Russian military offensive was widely known among the military, civilians who had defected to the enemy and other affiliated individuals. Besides, in the occupied NPs, killings were widespread and carried out by the same people. 116. The Russian forces responsible for those murders carried out orders as part of their regular military-political command structure. Inasmuch as they might not have been aware of the ultimate goal of the whole invasion, it is clear that they performed their part according to their orders; the motivation behind each murder remains irrelevant so long as they were part of a widespread and systematic attack against the civilians45 – and they were. C. “The perpetrator killed one or more persons” 117. 118. 43 44 45 This element characterises the direct objective aspect of the crime against humanity committed by a person. Murder generally means an encroachment on human life that results in the physical death of a person. the icty trial chamber noted in the case of prosecutor v. kupreškić that “[t]he constituent elements of murder under Article 5(a) of the Statute are well known. They comprise the death of the victim as a result of the acts or omissions of the accused, where the conduct of the accused was prosecutor v. kupreškić (it-95-16-t) 2000, para. 556. prosecutor v. kunarac, kovac and Vukovic (it-96-23 & 23/1) 2002, para. 103. prosecutor v. jadranko prlić (it-04-74-t) 2013, para. 45; prosecutor v. kupreškić (it-95-16-t) 2000, para. 556; prosecutor v. kunarac, kovac and Vukovic (it-96-23 & 23/1) 2002, para. 103. 24 iV thE basic information for thE lEgal Qualification 119. 120. 121. 119. 46 47 48 49 50 a substantial cause of the death of the victim. It can be said that the accused is guilty of murder if he or she engaging in conduct which is unlawful, intended to kill another person or to cause this person grievous bodily harm, and has caused the death of that person”.46 moreover, in the appeal judgment in the case of prosecutor v. tadić, the icty also noted that “’[i]t can be noted that some cases appear broadly to link the notion of common purpose to that of causation. In this regard, the Ponzano case, which concerned the killing of four British prisoners of war in violation of the rules of warfare, can be mentioned.’ It is necessary to consider ‘the requirement that an accused, before he can be found guilty, must have been concerned in the offence. [T]o be concerned in the commission of a criminal offence [...] does not only mean that you are the person who in fact inflicted the fatal injury and directly caused death, be it by shooting or by any other violent means; it also means an indirect degree of participation [...]. [I]n other words, he must be the cog in the wheel of events leading up to the result which in fact occurred. He can further that object not only by giving orders for a criminal offence to be committed, but he can further that object by a variety of other means’”.47 in addition, in the trial judgement, the icty aso confirmed that “[t]he trial chamber is cognisant of the fact that during the conflict there were widespread beatings and killings and indifferent, careless and even callous treatment of the dead. Dead prisoners were buried in makeshift graves and heaps of bodies were not infrequently to be seen in the grounds of the camps. Since these were not times of normalcy, it is inappropriate to apply rules of some national systems that require the production of a body as proof to death. However, there must be evidence to link injuries received to a resulting death. This the Prosecution has failed to do. Although the Defence has not raised this particular inadequacy of proof, it is incumbent upon the Trial Chamber to do so”.48 At the same time, the ICTY elaborated in the case of Prosecutor v. Krnojelac that the practice also shows the following basic requirements for the corpus delicti of the crime of murder: “It is necessary to have regard to two particular issues arising with respect to the law in this case. the first issue concerns the fact that the prosecution, although alleging that the victims in Schedule C were murdered at the KP Dom, has not been able to bring direct evidence before the trial chamber of their deaths, such as an identification of their bodies. The second issue concerns the death of one individual by suicide. the first issue can be dealt with quite simply. proof beyond reasonable doubt that a person was murdered does not necessarily require proof that the dead body of that person has been recovered. The Defence has not disputed this. It has accepted, quite rightly, that the fact of a victim’s death can be inferred circumstantially from all of the evidence presented to the Trial Chamber. All that is required to be established from that evidence is that the only reasonable inference from the evidence is that the victim is dead as a result of what occurred in the KP Dom”.49 at the same time, in the delalić case, the trial chamber indicated that “the remaining issue becomes the formulation of the elements of these crimes of ‘wilful killing’ and ‘murder’. It is apparent that it is a general principle of law that the establishment of criminal culpability requires an analysis of two aspects. the first of these may be termed the actus reus — the physical act necessary for the offence. In relation to homicide of all natures, this actus reus is clearly the death of the victim as a result of the actions of the accused”.50 prosecutor v. kupreškić et al. (it-95-16-t) 2000, para. 560. prosecutor v. tadić, appeals judgment, (it-94-1-a) 1999, para. 199. prosecutor v. tadić, judgment, (“”“”it-94-1-t) 1997, para. 240–241. prosecutor v. krnojelac, judgment, “” (it-97-25-t)2002, para. 324–326; prosecutor v. kvočka et al., judgment, (it98-30/1-)2001, para. 97–135. prosecutor v. delalić et al., judgement, (it-96-21-t) 1998, para. 424. 25 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE finally, it should be mentioned that “the case law of the ICTY has been consistent in not requiring premeditation as one of the elements of the crime of murder either as a violation of the laws or customs of war or as a crime against humanity. The elements of the crime of murder as a war crime […] have been established […] as follows: (i) the death of a victim taking no active part in hostilities; (ii) the death was the result of an act or omission of the perpetrator(s) or of one or more persons for whom the accused is criminally responsible; and (iii) the perpetrator intended to kill the victim or wilfully harm or inflict serious injury with reasonable knowledge that the attack was likely to result in death. These elements have been established to be identical to those required for murder as a crime against humanity […] with the exception that the general chapeau requirements for each be met.”51 Application of the principles mentioned above in this Communication 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 51 52 The Russian Af members committed most of the killings presented in this Communication through mass shootings of local residents with small arms. The only motive for such executions was to terrorise the population generally. In general, these executions were carried out by snipers or other authorized persons who implemented orders to shoot anyone who moved along the street, even if they were civilians. It is important to emphasise that the ban on coming out into the street had not been announced to civilians in any way. They learned about it only by being wounded or seeing the shootings with their own eyes. The local civilian population lived in an information vacuum due to the lack of phone and Internet connection and was unaware of the situation in the settlement. Therefore, most civilians could not foresee the adverse consequences of going out. When the russian military opened fire, they usually did not warn about the prohibition of being on the street or even make warning shots in the air. Moreover, when people stayed in homes without water and food, they had to go outside to find basic necessities, even understanding the possibility of being shot. These shootings were taking place during the daytime when there was no curfew. The killed residents were not wearing military uniforms and did not have weapons or other symbols that could create the impression that they belonged to the armed forces. Most of them were traveling on foot, so snipers could have easily seen them and identified them as civilians. the direct perpetrators of the shootings generally did not intend to kill a specific person but aimed to kill anyone who appeared on the street. the intent to kill a specific person was evident only in cases where a person was killed after being detained and tortured, becoming a victim of extrajudicial execution. In such case, the murder was motivated by the person’s pro-Ukrainian position or inappropriate behaviour, in the opinion of the Rf military, and other factors that might force the killing of a person who potentially could have provided resistance. The method of killing in such a case could have been shooting, but other methods could also have been used, such as strangulation, beating to death, etc. Executions on the street were generally carried out with small arms; sometimes, tanks or other weapons were used. Some of the victims managed to survive and were only wounded, but it is clear that the perpetrators intended to kill by shooting at vital organs. Accordingly, it is apparent that the murders committed by the Russian forces across the occupied territories as they resulted in death of persons who were civilians, that death was caused by the actions of the Russian Af and the death was an intended consequences of those actions pursuant to military and political orders issued within the relevant command structures.52 prosecutor v. Vlastimir dordevic, appeals judgement, 27 january 2014, para. 548. prosecutor v. Vlastimir dordevic, appeals judgement, 27 january 2014, para. 548. 26 V analytical information V ANALYTICAL INFORMATION A. Analysis of information published by international missions and other NGOs 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 53 54 55 56 To analyse the information collected by other NGOs and international missions, the KHPG turned to the most authoritative and reliable sources. These sources include openly-published reports, press conferences of the heads and members of organisations and other official materials. At the end of June 2023, the UN reported at least 77 executions of detainees by the Russian military.53 In December 2022, the UN published a report on the killings of civilians during the war in Ukraine.54 In its report, the UN concluded, inter alia, that the killings of civilians had happened in the parts of Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions under the military control of the Russian Af. These killings were not accidental but reflected a broader phenomenon that was not limited to certain areas, although cases documented by the OHCHR suggest that some areas were more affected. Based on the UN data available at that point, the report stated that the largest number of killings had occurred in Bucha and the Bucha district. The report cited 43 killings resulting from attacks on individual civilians. Most victims were targeted while traveling on foot or by bicycle, car, or minibus. They were shot while traveling to work, bringing food to others, visiting neighbours and relatives or trying to flee a combat zone. Some targeted cars were marked with white flags or had marks on the windshields indicating they were carrying children. in other cases, soldiers opened fire on households, piercing walls with largecalibre bullets or tank shells. In all documented cases, no attempts were revealed to observe the IHL principle of distinction or an obligation to take all possible precautions to avoid civilian deaths. Human Rights Watch reached similar conclusions in its report.55 HRW researchers visited 17 villages and small towns in the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions and investigated 22 cases of summary executions and nine other cases of unlawful killings. They documented war crimes, including killings committed during the temporary occupation of various NPs. HRW’s study did not cover the issue of accountability and the search for specific alleged perpetrators, focusing instead on state policy. furthermore, Amnesty International experts also studied premeditated killings in the Kyiv region.56 In April 2023, a team of Amnesty International researchers spent 12 days investigating killings that took place in the towns of Bucha, Borodyanka, Novyi Korohod, Andriivka, Zdvyzhivka, Vorzel, Makariv and Dmytrivka. In total, they interviewed 45 people who had witnessed or had personal knowledge of Russian soldiers’ killings of their relatives and neighbours, as well as 39 people who had witnessed air strikes at eight high-rise buildings or had information about these events. The researchers also collected and analysed physical evidence from the sites where the airstrikes and killings occurred and checked several digital materials related to their investigation. Unlike the previous two investigations, this one was directly aimed at establishing evidence of the commission of killings in the context of war, as evidenced by attempts to collect eyewitness accounts https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements-and-speeches/2023/06/detentions-civilians-context-armed-attack-russian-federation https://ukraine.un.org/uk/download/122952/210727 https://www.hrw.org/uk/news/2022/05/18/ukraine-executions-torture-during-russian-occupation https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/EUR5055612022UKRAINIAN.pdf 27 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE 129. 130. of the relevant events. The study found that murders and killings after torture (extrajudicial executions) had been committed against residents in the Kyiv region. The AI team collected evidence that such murders and executions were widespread and systematic. Thus, the international missions concluded that there were signs of the crimes of murder committed by the Russian military during the temporary occupation of some regions of Ukraine. They collected information mainly on the Chernihiv, Sumy and Kyiv regions. Although such studies could not fully replace criminal proceedings, they were intended to establish the general background and nature of the events. It should also be noted that this study was not comprehensive and limited to certain settlements only. Another obvious drawback was the limited mandate of the researchers who were not authorised to conduct investigative (search) actions. Therefore, although international missions contributed to documenting killings on the territory of Ukraine during the russian large-scale invasion, their results have not had a global practical significance for this Communication. As for the work of national NGOs, there is still no publication describing an investigation of the killings that could be properly used for the analysis in this Communication. B. Analysing previously collected information 131. 132. 133. Between 2014 and 2018, the KHPG collected and presented information about the killings committed in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions by the Russian Af. During that period, the KHPG documented 108 cases of killings in the East of Ukraine. Most killings were committed in 2014 – 71 cases, followed by 32 cases in 2015, three cases in 2016, and one in 2017. Of these, 17 cases involved the mass killing of civilians (two or more people were killed during one event). The documented killings were committed in a conflict area and along an entire contact line. The largest number of killings were recorded in the following NPs: Donetsk, Luhansk, Vuhlehirsk, Toretsk, Sloviansk, Maryinka. In addition, cases of mass murder of civilians in the city of Horlivka were also documents. The perpetrators of the crimes committed them in the context of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. The documented cases are directly related to the military conflict in eastern Ukraine. 83% of the murders we recorded were committed in an occupied territory and 17% in a government-controlled territory. The documented murders included extrajudicial executions, cases of single killings and torture to death. C. Analysing information collected in DB 134. 135. 136. 28 The KHPG analysed the information collected on 804 episodes of alleged murders. Of these, 306 murders were committed in the Kyiv region, 158 – in the Kharkiv region, 102 – in the Donetsk region, 79 – in the Chernihiv region, 67 – in the Kherson region, 40 – in the Sumy region, and the remaining 52 episodes were committed in the Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Mykolaiv regions. As can be seen, intentional killings occurred in all regions temporarily occupied. Still, according to the data, they were most widespread in the Kyiv, Kharkiv and Donetsk regions. See the visual representation of this information in the following graph. Both objective and subjective factors determined the number of documented episodes. Most important among the objective factors was the actual number of murders in a particular locality. This number correlated with the number of recorded cases. Still, it was impossible to record the entire array of actual killings due to the legislative system’s imperfection and NGOs’ lack of authority to do so. In addition, a documenting work was negatively affected by such subjective V analytical information factors as the displacement of the local population or unwillingness to communicate with NGO representatives due to prejudice, disbelief or fear. 1% 3% 8% 1% 10% 38% 5% 1% 20% 13% Kyiv region Chernihiv region 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. Donetsk region Kherson region Kharkiv region Zaporizhzhia region Luhansk region Mykolaiv region Sumy region Zhitomir region Also, the Russian military policy worked so that certain types of war crimes were characteristic of each region. for example, murder as a type of terror against a local population was most characteristic of the Kyiv region and, in many cases, the Chernihiv region. The reasons for this phenomenon are discussed below. The Kyiv region, as compared to other regions, is far ahead in terms of the number of murders. The largest number of killings, 256 out of 306, occurred in the Bucha district of the Kyiv region. There were also murders in the Vyshhorod district (24 cases), 20 cases in the Brovary district and isolated cases in the fastiv district, the city of Kyiv as well as the Boryspil district. Direct interviews with victims and witnesses of these alleged crimes provided the most information. one hundred fifty-eight alleged murders were recorded in the kharkiv region. of these, 78 were committed in the Izium district of the Kharkiv region, 34 in the Kupiansk district, 21 in the Kharkiv district, and 16 in the Chuhuiv district. Both direct communication with victims and witnesses and open sources were used to collect this information. In the Donetsk region, the largest number of alleged crimes occurred in the Mariupol district (46 cases), Krasnolimansky district (29 cases) and Sloviansk district (8 cases). In the Chernihiv region, alleged murders were committed in the Chernihiv district (53 cases), Nizhyn district (16 cases) and Pryluky district (8 cases). There were also isolated cases in other districts. In the Sumy region, 14 cases of alleged crimes were recorded in the city of Trostianets. Only isolated crimes happened in other districts and settlements of the Sumy region, in particular, in the Shostka district, the city of Sumy, urban-type settlement Chulakhivka, Romny city, Krasnopilska og, lebedynska og, seredynno-budskа og, yunakivskа og, okhtyrskа og, konotopskyi district, village Boromlya, village Bilka, village Velykyi Sambir, village Pogozha Krynytsia and others. In the Kherson region, the largest number of alleged crimes occurred in the city of Kherson (26 cases) as well as in the Beryslav district, Bilozersky district, Vysokopil district, Holoprystan district, the towns of Skadovsk and Nova Kakhovka, Oleshky district, Novorontsov district and other NPs. 29 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. During our study, we noticed a geographically uneven distribution of the number of alleged killings by the Russian military. While all the territories listed above were occupied for some time and lived under temporary the control of the Russian Af, the duration of the occupation did not correlate with the number of alleged crimes committed. for example, the Kyiv region NPs had been under the Russian control for only two months, but the number of murders there was three times higher than in the Kharkiv region NPs which had been occupied for almost eight months. The lack of information collected on some regions cannot explain this phenomenon. Although in some cases, such as in luhansk and donetsk regions, there could be insufficient reporting of crimes committed because part of the territory was under occupation, this did not explain an almost complete absence of murders in certain areas and their abundance in others. However, in the case of Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson regions, an increase in documented episodes is expected to occure after a full de-occupation of their territory. Moreover, it should be noted that, in the same region, for example, the Kyiv region, murders were committed in some settlements much more often than in others. for example, the highest number of murders was committed in the Bucha district, while torture and illegal deprivation of liberty prevailed in the Vyshhorod district, but executions there were rare. Therefore, it is concluded that the number of crimes in a particular area depended on the direct instructions of the Russian military leadership. It was not a chaotic extermination of the population; otherwise, the number of killings would have been the same or almost the same for all regions. Naturally, there must have been instructions for physically exterminating a population in certain territories or specific settlements. it could be assumed that it also depended on the units occupying this area, although local residents did not always confirm this theory. Regardless, the KHPG has recorded a high number of murders in certain areas, such as the Bucha district of the Kyiv region, the Izyum district of the Kharkiv region, the Trostianets district of the Sumy region, the Chernihiv district of the Chernihiv region. In total, more than half of all recorded murders were committed in these territorial communities. The analysis of the data stored in the database also showed that most of the victims were male. Out of 214 victims of 204 murder cases, only 33 cases involved women and 6 cases involved children. The killed men were generally of working age (18–60), although some victims were older. All children shot dead were teenagers who could be confused with adults. Women were killed either by accident (being near men) or due to targeted extrajudicial executions. 200 175 150 100 50 33 6 0 Men Women Number of victims by gender 30 Children V analytical information 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. There were two main scenarios for killing civilians: shootings in the streets and extrajudicial executions. Weapons of various calibres were used for shootings in the street, but mostly small arms. for extrajudicial executions, a variety of ways and methods were used. They included harrowing and torturous ones as well as beating to death, leaving to bleed to death, physical torture to death, etc. Victims of the extrajudicial executions were the most dangerous persons in the eyes of the occupation authorities. They included former military personnel, civil society activists, journalists, volunteers, and others. shootings in the streets followed a uniform scenario. the russian military most often fired at all passers-by and cars they saw. They did this, realising that they saw civilians. Witnesses to the shootings reported that the victims were driving in cars with white flags or the words “Children.” Those traveling on foot or bicycles neither had weapons or objects resembling weapons, nore wore any camouflage uniforms, nor committed any acts which could be construed as aggressive by the Russian military. Before the shooting, the Russian military almost never talked to the victims. However, there were cases when the victim was shot after the conversation, for example, after checking documents or in response to a refusal to switch from Ukrainian to Russian language. Thus, it is clear that the shootings occurring on the streets were not carried out according to specific lists but were chaotic and directed more against the group of people than against its particular members. This group included men of working age who could resist. It is very likely that in certain areas, commanders instructed the Russian military to shoot such individuals if they moved through the streets. They almost never carried out mass shootings in local residents’ homes, except in the cases of targeted extrajudicial executions. Accordingly, based on the results of the study, the following has been estabished: a. Systematic killings were committed only in certain settlements where the military probably received corresponding orders; b. The victims of the killings were men of working age; c. killings were implemented in the form of extrajudicial executions (if there was a specific motive) and shootings in the streets (without apparent reason) While in many cases, it was not possible to find an apparent reason for the execution of a particular person, it can nevertheless be said that a common motive uniting all crimes was the suppression of resistance and a terror of the local population. Residents, aware that other civilians had been shot, were afraid to go out or even attempt evacuating. Shootings in the streets took place both during the day and at night. The curfew was either not officially declared or the civilian population did not have an objective opportunity to learn about the restrictions imposed by the occupation authorities due to the lack of access to communication means. The killings that took place during the time that the occupation authorities considered curfew and during which movement was restricted cannot be justified by such restrictions. Even if the curfew was not officially declared, most local residents all the same did not leave their homes at night. However, this did not contribute to their security in any way, as the vast majority of victims were shot during the day. 31 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE VI THE COURSE OF EVENTS On february 24, 2022, the Russian federation launched a large-scale armed attack on Ukraine. Russian troops struck across the country and entered the territory of Ukraine in ten areas: Kyiv, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Zaporizhzhia, and Zhytomyr regions. The Russian attack was supported by the armed groups of the self-proclaimed lpr and dpr affiliated with russia. The invasion launched a new, most brutal and global stage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. It resulted in a rapid increase in civilian casualties, far exceeding the number of civilian casualties in the conflict in eastern Ukraine from 2014 to 2022. Russia’s ground offensive on the northern front against the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, started with numerous incursions from the Russian federation and Belarus territory. The main direction of attack was led by units of the Rf Af Eastern Military District, particularly units of the 29th, 35th, and 36th Combined Arms Armies and the National Guard. On february 24, 2022, Russian military helicopters crossed the Belarusian-Ukrainian border in an attempt to seize the Antonov plant airport in Hostomel, northwest of Kyiv. This was followed by a ground invasion of troops through the Kyiv region along the western bank of the Dnipro River. The Russian military quickly seized territory and settlements along the way, reaching the northwestern outskirts of Kyiv in early March 2022. On february 24, 2022, on the Dnipro River’s eastern bank, the Rf Af opened a northeastern front led by troops of the Central Military District, including the 41st and 2nd Combined Arms Armies and the National Guard units. These forces entered the northern and northwestern parts of the Chernihiv region and began to surround the regional center. On the same day, the Russian military advanced toward the regional center of the Sumy region and seized the strategic M02 highway. By early March 2022, the Russian Armed forces had advanced from the Chernihiv region to the Kyiv region and approached the eastern outskirts of Kyiv. The city of Kharkiv, as well as NPs in the northern and eastern districts of the Kharkiv region, quickly became the scene of heavy and intense hostilities, including within some NPs. In the Kharkiv region, the Rf Armed forces seized the following large NPs: on february 27, 2022, the city of Kupiansk was occupied, and on march 4, 2022, – the city of balakliia. on april 1, 2022, the rf troops finally captured the city of Izyum, meaning that the entire east and part of the north of the Kharkiv region were occupied. About a month later, the offensive on Kyiv from various directions stopped. The Ukrainian Armed forces managed to retain control of the cities of Chernihiv and Sumy. The Russian military began to retreat from these three regions. By early April 2022, the Rf Af had withdrawn entirely from Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy regions. The Russian federation effectively controlled a large part of these three regions from february 24 till the beginning of April 2022. In May 2022, the Russian Armed forces retreated from the outskirts of Kharkiv due to the Ukrainian counteroffensive. In September 2022, the Ukrainian Armed forces launched a major counterattack on the northeastern front, liberating all major NPs in the Kharkiv region. The Russian federation effectively controlled a large part of the Kharkiv region from february 24 to September 2022. Soon after the retreat of the Russian Army from various NPs in these regions, local residents, authorities, and law enforcement officers began to find many bodies of dead civilians. these bodies were found on the streets, in fields, parks, forests, houses, in the rubble of destroyed buildings, in destroyed or burned vehicles on roads and highways, in basements and pits, and numerous makeshift graves, both individual and collective. 32 Vi thE coursE of EVEnts According to the National Police of Ukraine, 1,356 bodies of civilians were found in the Kyiv region alone, and 207 civilians remain missing57. In at least 700 cases, the cause of death was bullet wounds58. Hundreds of civilian bodies found after the de-occupation in these four regions (Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, and Kharkiv) bore such marks as bruises and cuts, bullet wounds, and bound hands. Sometimes, bodies have been almost burned. These marks indicated that the victims may have been intentionally killed. all cases of killings can be broadly divided into two categories. the first includes civilians who were detained and then killed in places of detention. The second includes civilians attacked and shot while traveling on foot, on bicycles, and in vehicles in the occupied NPs. The killings of civilians in the above regions, which were under the effective control of the Russian federation, were probably not random and reflected a widespread phenomenon that was not limited to certain areas. However, some areas suffered much more than others, such as the city of Bucha and the Bucha district of the Kyiv region. In our opinion, this is primarily due to the resistance faced by the Russian Armed forces in a particular region. In regions where such resistance was strong and the objectives of Russian military operations were not achieved, the Russian Armed forces perceived the civilian population as a potential danger and systematically used lethal force against them. THIS COMMUNICATION FOCUSES ON THE EVENTS IN THE TOWN OF BUCHA AND THE BUCHA DISTRICT The Rf Armed forces launched a large-scale offensive against the Kyiv region, particularly the city of Bucha. On february 27, 2022, the Russian army entered Bucha. Russian military units included paratroopers, armored forces, engineering units, and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Reaction Detachment (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some Russian military units managed to break through Bucha and advance to the neighbouring town of Irpin. from february 28, 2022, to march 03, 2022, fierce fighting took place in bucha between the russian military and the Ukrainian Armed forces. The city was not effectively controlled by any of the parties to the conflict. However, most of this time, most of the city was under the control of the Rf Armed forces. on march 03, 2022, the rf army finally captured bucha. from March 03, 2022, until March 31, 2022, Bucha was entirely controlled by the Rf Armed forces. On March 31, 2022, the Russian Armed forces ultimately left Bucha. On April 01, 2022, the Armed forces of Ukraine regained control of the city. the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha: • 36th, 37th, and 64th Separate Guard Motorized Rifle Brigades; • 104th, 234th, and 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards Parachute Regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • 14th and 45th Guards Separate Special Purpose Parachute Brigades; 57 58 “Hands tied, eyes closed: Kyiv police found the body of a civilian killed by the occupiers”. Police of the Kyiv region. facebook post of september 01, 2022. facebook (official page of gunp in the kyiv region). https://m.facebook.com/ watch/?v=852834479035487&_rdr “Andriy Nebytov: Irpin and Bucha have become the centers of aggressive actions of the Russian army. The Police of the Kyiv region have already documented more than 3 thousand war crimes of the occupier”. Police of the Kyiv region. facebook post of june 10, 2022. facebook (official page of gunp in the kyiv region). https://www.facebook.com/pol. kyivregion/posts/pfbid0XyMmGuwZKU7UH9QJpYSqXS1y4wJmjzmRp7v9BEHcbgrg3yXnLSHWiwXnM9HxPaezl 33 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE • 155th Separate Marine Brigade; • 656th Operational Regiment; • 604th Red Banner Special Purpose Centre “Vityaz” and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the special purpose detachment (OMON) “Akhmat-Grozny”. during the fighting and occupation of bucha, the russian military was engaged in systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not participate in hostilities. A large number of national and international investigations confirm this. most of the killings in bucha were committed near the following streets: Novoyablonska, Sklozavodska, Tarasivska, Tsentralna, Vodoprovodna, Vokzalna, and, especially, Yablonska. These streets were close to the nearby town of Irpin, which Russian forces attempted to capture in March. In this area was a particularly high concentration of Russian military, and local residents could be shot simply for appearing on the street. 34 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs VII DESCRIPTION OF 53 SEPARATE CASES WHERE VICTIMS ARE REPRESENTED BY KHPG LAWYERS 46 CASES ON KYIV REGION Episode No. 42740 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 9676 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 9677 Date of the crime 05 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Ms. M. lived in Babintsi village, Bucha district, Kyiv region. Her brother, Mr. Mk. lived separately in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, but at the end of february 2022 he moved to Babintsi village, Kyiv region, and stayed with her, as the family believed that it would be safer to live in the village during the hostilities than in the city. The Russian Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022 The Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder Around 5 March 2022 (Ms. M. cannot recall a more precise date), her brother, Mr. Mk. went to Bucha, Kyiv region, on foot, explaining that he needed to help his elderly father who lived in the city. He intended to provide food to his father, stay with him for some time (possibly planning to stay for several days) and return to Ms. M. At that time, mobile phone service was still partially available in Bucha, but Mr. M. stopped picking up the phone almost immediately after leaving home. However, Mrs. M. did not immediately raise the alarm, as she thought that the lack of answering the phone was due to the complete absence of mobile communication. It was only a day later that Ms. M. realized she had lost contact with her brother, not knowing whether he had reached his father’s place of residence. She was also unable to contact her father due to the lack of mobile phone service, and she could not risk going on foot to find her brother. 35 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE Around 9 March 2022, Ms. M. and her family left the Bucha district of Kyiv region through the “green corridor” to evacuate. At that time, she still did not know anything about her brother’s fate. All the acquaintances Ms. M. tried to ask said that they had not seen Mr. Mk. After the de-occupation of the settlement, in early April 2022, Ms. M. discovered that her brother had not contacted her. So she started searching for him, turning to law enforcement agencies and social networks and media. In one of the posts on facebook, she saw a photo of a man who looked like her brother, mr. mk. she contacted the police, and later identified her brother’s body with gunshot wounds on his body. The body of Ms. M.’s brother was found in the middle of the city of Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, on Vodoprovodna Street. This street was on the way to her father’s place of residence, so most likely Mr. Mk. died on the way to his father’s place of residence. No witnesses to Mr. M.’s death could be found. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder Law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations found that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha and Bucha district. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Detachment (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. Episode No. 36977 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8144 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8145 Date of the crime 05 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Ms. V. lived in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, at 3 Peremohy Street. Her father, Mr. B., also lived in the same settlement at the same address. The Rf Armed forces conducted an all-out offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the town of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Rf Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 5, 2022, Ms. V. decided to leave Bucha with her entire family (herself, her husband, children, and father). However, her father, Mr. B., decided at the last minute to refuse such an evacuation and stay in the town. On the day of the evacuation, he accompanied the family to the Zhyraf shopping and enter- 36 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs tainment center in the center of Bucha, said goodbye and later rode his own bicycle towards his home. The family never saw him again. Ms. V. only saw Mr. B. riding his bike away from the evacuation site. Ms. V. had no contact with her father, Mr. B., after that, but attributed this to the complete lack of communication in Bucha. On March 6, 2022, Ms. V. received a call from her neighbor, Mr. Vl., who informed her that Mr. B. had been killed and that his body was at the intersection of Yablunska and Vokzalna streets in Bucha. There, the body was lying together with the bicycle Mr. B. used to get around the city. Mrs. V. assumes that the murder took place on the day Mr. B. was accompanying his family to evacuate, but she cannot be sure. Mr. B.’s corpse remained at the crossroads for almost forty days, as the Russian Armed forces forbade local residents to take it away and bury it. this subsequently made it difficult to establish the cause of Mr. B’s death. A witness, Mr. Sh., told Ms. V. on March 10, 2022, that he had taken photographs of Mr. B.’s body, in which Ms. V. recognized her father’s body. Mr. Sh. did not see the moment of Mr. B.’s death, but only discovered his body. According to the forensic medical examination, Mr. B.’s death was caused by perforating gunshot wounds. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. Episode No. 37053 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8189 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8190 Date of the crime 04 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the outbreak of hostilities, Ms. N. lived in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, with her husband, Mr. N. Later, she decided to move to live with her mother-in-law, Ms. S., for safety reasons for herself and her minor child, while her husband, Mr. N., remained in their shared apartment in the residential complex “Continent” because he wanted to continue working. Mr. N. was an IT specialist, and since the residential complex still had internet and mobile phone service, he could continue working. Mr. N. and his family refused to evacuate, not fully understanding the danger of the hostilities. Meanwhile, the Russian Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive in Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Rf Armed forces entered the city of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. 37 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE The Russian Armed forces deployed their soldiers and positions on the territory of the Continent Residential Complex, from where they systematically shelled the surrounding settlements. The military of the Russian Armed forces systematically attacked the local population of the residential complex, prohibited civilians from moving freely on its territory, checked documents, and threatened them. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 6, 2022, around 1-2 p.m., a massive shelling of the territory of the Continent residential complex began, forcing most of the residents to take refuge in the basement. However, Mr. N. remained in his own apartment. at that moment, a shell hit the apartment on the floor below and a fire started in the apartment. at that time, the fire and rescue services were not working, and a large amount of smoke and soot entered Mr. N.’s apartment, but, as it became clear later, he never left it. after the fire, mr. n. stopped getting in touch. his mother, ms. s., came to the kontinent residential Complex the next day, where neighbors told her that her son was not leaving the apartment and had disappeared. They thought that Mr. N. had left the apartment to visit his relatives, so they did not worry. Ms. S., along with her neighbors, entered the apartment and found the body of her son, Mr. N., with signs of violent death. Mr. N.’s body was on the threshold from the corridor to the kitchen, he was halfdressed in a jacket and had lost one boot. It seemed that Mr. N. was trying to escape from something or someone. However, the apartment door was locked from the inside and there were no signs of a struggle in the apartment. According to Mrs. N., most likely, her husband was looking out the window during the shelling, which he often did, and was shot with small arms. According to the conclusions of the forensic medical examination, Mr. N. died as a result of a perforating gunshot wound to the torso with damage to internal organs and skeletal bones. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. Episode No. 35899 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8179 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8181 Date of the crime 15 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute 38 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Ms. M. lived in Bucha, Kyiv region, with her son, Mr. M., who lived in a separate house from Ms. M., but in the same settlement. The Russian federation Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022 The Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 5, 2022, Ms. M. spoke to her son, Mr. M., for the last time. He said that he was going to visit her that day (i.e., move around Bucha). After that, the son did not answer the phone anymore. According to residents of Bucha, on or about March 10, 2022, Mr. M. was shot by the Russian Armed forces while driving a civilian Skoda Spacebask made in 2014 (owned by Mr. M.). The shooting took place near the Kolibri store in Bucha (at 10b Heroiv Maidanu Street). According to a witness, Mr. I., he saw a tank chasing the car and then shooting at the car. He saw that the person behind the wheel was killed, and the car was left standing in the middle of the street. Later, the Russian military moved the car to the side of the road. According to medical records, the cause of death was a gunshot wound to the head and chest. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. Episode No. 42557 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 9716 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 9717 Date of the crime 22 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. D. lived in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region. 39 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE The Rf Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 0 March 2022, the Rf Armed forces entered the city of Bucha and Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 22 March 2022, Mr. D. left his home in Bucha, Kyiv region, where he lived with his wife, mother-inlaw and other relatives. he wanted to find out about the situation in the town, as it seemed to him that the shelling had stopped and that there was silence. He hoped that it was safe to go out. The family was running out of food, so Mr. D. planned to buy some if he could. however, as witnesses later testified, mr. d. reached Vodoprovodna street in bucha, bucha district, Kyiv region, where he met the military of the Russian Armed forces (probably the so-called ‘Kadyrov’s men’, according to the witness), who ordered Mr. D. to kneel. As the latter refused to do so, according to witnesses, shots were heard and Mr. D.’s body was later found, i.e. he was most likely shot because of such disobedience. According to the results of the forensic medical examination, the cause of Mr. D’s death was a gunshot wound to the chest. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. Episode No. 37001 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8158 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8159 Date of the crime 09 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. L. lived in Bucha, Kyiv region, at 54-A Vodorovidna Street. Subsequently, his friends moved there as the shelling in the area of their permanent residence became much more intense. The Russian Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive in Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. 40 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder Ms. L. (Mr. L.’s mother) lived in Bucha, Kyiv region, but at a different address than her son, Mr. L. On february 27, 2022, Ms. L. saw her son for the last time when he came to her place of registration and brought her and her husband food. After that, the son left, but Ms. L. continued to keep in touch with him by phone. On March 4, 2022, in the morning, Ms. L. spoke to her son for the last time by phone. After that, the connection was cut off. Therefore, on March 9, 2022, Ms. L’s husband went to the place of residence of her son, Mr. L, to look for him. However, his friends, who temporarily lived at the same address, reported that the day before (March 8, 2022), Mr. L. had gone to his parents’ house to provide them with food and had not returned. from March 9 to 13, 2022, Ms. L. and her husband systematically searched for their son in Bucha, but no mention of him was found, including no information from the Russian Armed forces who agreed to talk to them. After that, the couple evacuated the settlement and could not continue to search for Mr. L. due to the lack of mobile phone service and other means of communication. On April 5, 2022, Ms. L. received a call from her friend, Ms. N., who said that Mr. L.’s body had been found on Vodoprovodna Street in Bucha with signs of violent death. Ms. L. arrived in the city the next day and was able to identify Mr. L’s body. A forensic medical examination of Mr. L.’s body revealed gunshot wounds to his face and head, as well as bruises and abrasions all over his body. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. Episode No. 37001 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 9892 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 9893 Date of the crime 06 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute 41 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. S. lived with his mother, Ms. S., in Bucha, Kyiv region (the “Lesnaya Bucha” district). This area is located on the outskirts of Bucha, in close proximity to the Zhytomyr highway, which was used by the columns of the Russian Armed forces. The Russian Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive against the Kyiv region, in particular, the town of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 6, 2022, Mr. S. decided to walk to the center of Bucha, Kyiv region, as he and his mother, Mrs. S., were not connected to the outside world and did not know anything about the hostilities. They had heard that the shelling of the city had stopped, so they hoped that the hostilities in the settlement had ceased. Mr. S. incorrectly assessed the level of threat of being injured or killed because he had no connection with the outside world. Mr. S. took his phone and bank card with him and left. He never returned home. According to residents of Bucha, he was killed by the Russian Armed forces. One of the residents, Mr. A., saw from his own window how Mr. S. was shot by the Russian military after he allegedly refused to switch to Russian in a conversation. According to the results of the forensic medical examination, the cause of Mr. S.’s death was a gunshot wound. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. Episode No. 36944 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8134 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8135 Date of the crime 07 March 2022 Place of the crime Gostomel, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute 42 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. Ye. lived with his wife, Ms. B., in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region. The Rf Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder In March 2022, Ms. B decided to evacuate Bucha, and her husband stayed at home. Mrs. B’s husband, Mr. Ye., was engaged in caring for the households of his neighbors, in particular, looking after their pets, and also keeping an eye on the neighboring houses to ensure that they were not robbed by looters. Therefore, he repeatedly left the house and walked the streets of the city. However, even so, he did not assess the real threat of being killed or injured by the Russian Armed forces. On March 7, 2022, Mr. Ye. was driving a car through the town of Bucha to feed the dogs of local residents, and on the way he came across an APC of the Russian Armed forces. The military began to pursue his car for no apparent reason. Probably due to fear and confusion, the man did not stop the car. After some time, according to Ms. B, the Russian military managed to trap her husband in a dead end, after which he was unlawfully detained. Mr. Ye. was charged with assisting the Armed forces of Ukraine, namely, passing on information about the location of Russian military units and equipment. They explained such suspicions by Mr. Y.’s constant movements around the city, which seemed very suspicious to the Russian Armed forces, and by Mr. Y.’s feeding of animals as a cover for other activities. As far as we know, Mr. Y. never committed the above actions and was a civilian. After her husband’s detention, Ms. B. was held in Vorzel, Kyiv region, in a pit (exact location unknown) together with other civilian prisoners. After some time (exact time is unknown), Mr. Y. was transferred to the Gostomel airport in Gostomel, Buchan6 district, Kyiv region, where he was held in one of the cells for detainees. The man was tortured to death on the territory of the Gostomel airport, as reported by another prisoner, Mr. A., a witness who was held in the same place. However, he was unable to indicate exactly what kind of torture was used against Mr. Yevhen, as he was held separately from Mr. Yevhen. According to the results of the forensic medical examination, the cause of Mr. Yevhen’s death was a gunshot wound and numerous internal injuries. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. 43 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE Episode No. 36961 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8139 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8140 Date of the crime 09 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. V. lived in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region. The Russian Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive against Kyiv region, in particular, the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 4, 2022, Ms. V. (Mr. V.’s wife) left Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, with her adult children for evacuation. Mrs. V’s husband did not want to participate in the evacuation, as his elderly mother remained in Irpin, Kyiv region (not far from Bucha). So he decided to stay in the city to help his mother with food delivery and other physical assistance. On March 9, 2022, Mr. V. went to his mother’s place of residence to pick her up and move to a bomb shelter in Bucha together, as the shelling of the city was intensifying. He informed his neighbors of his intentions. Mr. V. left in the afternoon of March 9, 2022 and has not been in contact since then. On April 10, 2022, Mr. V.’s daughter received a message from law enforcement agencies about the death of her father from a gunshot wound. Later, Ms. V. returned to the city of Bucha, where she was able to identify Mr. V.’s corpse. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s daughter. 44 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs Episode No. 36960 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8141 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8142 Date of the crime 18 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES legal qualification under the rome statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the beginning of the hostilities, Mr. V. lived in Bucha, Kyiv region. The Rf Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive on the Kyiv region, in particular, on the town of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder Ms. V., Mr. V.’s mother, said that her son lived on Tsentralna Street in Bucha, Kyiv region, not far from the Yablunka kindergarten, where the Russian military headquarters was located, along with military equipment. On March 18, 2022, Mr. V.’s son was unlawfully detained by the Russian Armed forces in the middle of Tsentralna Street and taken against his will to the basement of a neighboring house near Mr. V.’s residence. The exact grounds for the detention have not been established, but it is possible that the reason for the detention was the man’s pro-Ukrainian position and suspicions of his assistance to the Ukrainian Armed forces. However, in fact, Mr. V. was a civilian and did not provide any assistance to the military. After Mr. V.’s detention, he disappeared, and contact with him was lost. Contact with him was not restored after the de-occupation of Bucha. Later, after the de-occupation of the settlement, Mr. V.’s body, along with the bodies of his two friends, was found in the basement with traces of gunshot wounds. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s daughter. 45 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE Episode No. 45558 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 10857 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 10856 Date of the crime 27 february 2022 Place of the crime Zdvyzhivka village, Vyshgorod district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. S. lived and worked in a construction crew in the Vyshhorod district, Kyiv region. The Rf Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive in Kyiv region, in particular, in Vyshhorod district. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and largescale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the Russian Armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder At the beginning of the active phase of hostilities, at the end of february 2022, Mr. S. and other employees of the work crew decided to evacuate to safe areas of Kyiv region. for some time, they stayed in a shelter in the town of Dymer, Vyshhorod district, and then went to the village of Zdvyzhivka, Vyshhorod district. On february 27, 2022, in the said village, near the Mriya dacha complex, Mr. S. and his team, driving a car, came across a column of Russian tanks. One of the Russian tanks was manned by servicemen of the Russian Armed forces, who shot at the car with Mr. S. The man died on the spot from his injuries. On April 11, 2022, Mr. S.’s body was found buried in a ditch near the car shot by the Russian military. Episode No. 38076 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8468 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8467 Date of the crime 2 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute 46 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. I. lived in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region. The Rf Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive on Kyiv region, in particular, on the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 02 March 2022, a tank convoy was coming from the Republic of Belarus and moving through the city of Bucha, Kyiv region. At that time, Mr. I. was in the yard of his house with his neighbor, Mr. Sh., in Bucha, Kyiv region. one of the tanks passing by the house suddenly opened fire on the residential sector, one of the shells hit Mr. I’s yard, killing him. His death was witnessed by a neighbor who was wounded by the shelling. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s daughter. Episode No. 35129 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 7423 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 7424 Date of the crime 4 March 2022 Place of the crime Kalynivka village, Bucha district, Kyiv region Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. Ch. lived in the village of Kalynivka, Makariv territorial community, Bucha district, Kyiv region. The Russian Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the village of kalynivka. however, the official date of entry of russian troops into the village is unknown. according to unofficial sources, the russian military entered the village on march 4, 2022. 47 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 4, 2022, Russian soldiers entered the village of Kalynivka, Kyiv region. It was impossible to establish the exact ethnicity of the soldiers, but according to Ms. K., Mr. Ch.’s grandmother, there were many Buryats among them. She recognized the Buryats by their characteristic appearance, in particular, facial features. At the time of the occupation of Kalynivka village, Ms. K. was in the basement, hiding from the shelling. mr. ch. was moving around the village trying to find food. On March 4, 2022, Mr. Ch. was shot dead by the military of the Rf Armed forces while driving a car near the OKKO gas station in the village of Kalynivka. According to Ms. K., the reason for the shooting was that her grandson had previously served in the Armed forces of Ukraine, and he could have had relevant documents on him. Usually, Mr. Ch. always carried such documents with him. The next day, Mr. Ch.’s body was found by villagers, moved to his house and buried in the garden. The forensic medical examination established that Mr. Ch. had been shot with a small arms and received eight gunshot wounds to the back. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. Episode No. 42631 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 9779 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 9778 Date of the crime 28 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. K. lived in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, at 8 Sklozavodska Street. He lived at this address with his wife, Ms. K. The Rf Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive on the Kyiv region, in particular, on the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. 48 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 28, 2022, at about eight in the morning, Mr. K went out to the yard to chop wood with his dog. While outside, he met an acquaintance, Mr. C., with whom he started a conversation about the need to bring drinking water, as there had been no water supply in the city for a long time. Mr. Ch. was a driver of a drinking water tanker, so Mr. K. planned to arrange with him to deliver it to the apartment building in bulk. ms. k. was at home at the time and suddenly heard the sounds of machine gun fire coming from Yablunska Street. After that, Ms. K. heard the dog, who had been outside with Mr. K. earlier, scratching at the door of her apartment. Ms. K. ran the dog and hid back inside her apartment, because at that moment she discovered that Russian soldiers were in the building, purposefully going through all the apartments. When they left, ms. k. waited until the sounds of gunfire stopped and ran out into the yard. there, she saw a large fire and her husband’s jacket with some documents thrown next to it. Ms. Klimtsova then approached the car with the water tank. Mr. Ch. was lying dead next to the car with his head crushed. Mrs. K. started looking for her husband, thinking that he had managed to hide, when she suddenly saw his body on the driver’s seat with a gunshot wound to the heart. Neighbors helped Mrs. K. pull her husband’s body out of the car and bury it near the garages. The exhumation of Mrs. K’s husband’s body took place on 11.04.2022, after which it was established that he had died of a gunshot wound to the chest. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. Episode No. 38133 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8504 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8505 Date of the crime 28 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Mr. N. lived in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, at 33 Tsentralna Street. He lived at this address with his wife, Ms. N. 49 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE The Rf Armed forces conducted a large-scale offensive on the Kyiv region, in particular, on the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and largescale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the Russian Armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 18, 2022, during the curfew, Russian soldiers came to the apartment where Mr. and Mrs. N. lived. Without explaining the reason, they announced the detention of Mr. N. They also began to search the apartment. Among the people who arrived at the building were three young soldiers. Later, they were joined by a fourth, whom Ms. N. recognized as a commander, as he gave orders. A Chechen soldier also arrived, whom Ms. N. recognized by his facial features and language. This Chechen soldier stood next to Mr. N., who was knocked to the floor, and the military commander was sitting next to Mrs. N. and asking where her children were. At that time, to avoid danger, Ms. N. and Mr. N.’s children left Bucha using the “green corridor”. Mrs. N. assumes that the reason for Mr. N.’s arrest was that he participated in the organization of the territorial defense of Bucha. Ms. N. assumes that someone could have passed information about their family to the Russian Armed forces. in the apartment, the russian armed forces first interrogated ms. n. and then mr. n. all documents found in the apartment during the search were also taken by the military Then Mr. N. and Mrs. N. were taken out of the apartment. The couple was taken to Tsentralna Street in Bucha to house 33 B, near which there was a Russian military headquarters. In the said building, they began to beat Mr. N in front of his wife, after which Mrs. N was taken out of the room. Mrs. N heard her husband being beaten again, trying to find out information about local residents who helped the ukrainian Armed forces. Mr. N. was then taken from the building on Tsentralna Street and transferred to the headquarters of the Russian military. Ms. N. was held in the building at 33-V Tsentralna Street for three days, and only on March 21, 2022, at five in the morning, she was taken out of the building and allowed to return to her apartment. ms. n. was not informed about the fate of her husband. On March 31, 2022, the military of the Russian Armed forces began to leave the territory of Bucha, Kyiv region. Mrs. N. learned that they had released the prisoners and hoped that her husband, Mr. N., would also return home, but this did not happen. The body of Mr. N. was found in the basement of the house 33 A on Tsentralna Street in Bucha with signs of torture. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder. 50 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs Episode No. 39311 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8822 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8823 Date of the crime 04 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the outbreak of the war, Ms. A. (hereinafter — the applicant) and her civilian husband, Mr. A. (hereinafter — the applicant’s husband), lived in a private house on Kyivo-Myrotska Street in Bucha. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 4, the Russian Armed forces entered Bucha from several directions, including from the village of Myrotske, west of the city. A convoy of Russian federation airborne vehicles entered KyivoMyrotska Street at 9:11 am. The Rf Armed forces were recorded by a surveillance camera of one of the enterprises at the beginning of the street. In the video, the Russian Armed forces’ airborne vehicles are seen driving down Kyivo-Myrotska Street towards the center of Bucha. A few minutes later, the Russians noticed the camera and shot it, but the video survived. Also, at 10:20 a.m., a surveillance camera of a small shop located on Kyivo-Myrotska Street — between the entrance to Bucha from the village of Myrotskyi and the applicant’s house. Myrotskoho village and the applicant’s house, recorded five soldiers, who, as the investigation later established, were from the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Armed forces, wearing white armbands and St. George’s ribbons on their clothes, armed with AK-type assault rifles with ammunition and military equipment of the Russian Armed forces. They inspected the street and slowly walked forward in the direction of the applicant’s house. They were followed by a BMD-4 of the Rf Armed forces. The recording stopped at 10:23. On that day, the applicant, her husband and two grandchildren were hiding in the house when they suddenly noticed that something was burning in front of their house. The husband told the applicant: “I’ll go look, because maybe people are burning. Maybe they need help”. a mitsubishi Eclipse was on fire near the applicant’s house on kyivo-myrotska street. the driver, an elderly man, was injured but managed to escape. The applicant and her husband did not know about it. When the applicant’s husband went outside to see if anyone was alive, the applicant heard several shots. The applicant realized that her husband had been killed. 51 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE The applicant’s husband was killed by the military of the Russian Armed forces with two aimed shots from an ak firearm in the head. Next to the body of the applicant’s husband was a broken phone, which a month later was repaired and photos were found in it, which the applicant’s husband had managed to take before his death. The last photo was taken by the applicant’s husband at 10:42 a.m. It depicts the combat vehicles of the Russian Armed forces landing party, whose path was blocked by an excavator. Earlier, the same photos were taken by locals. These armored personnel carriers are standing in the direction of the center of Bucha. The photo taken by the applicant’s husband before his death showed the same combat vehicle of the Russian Armed forces that was recorded on the store’s camera at 10:20. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement authorities of Ukraine, using video surveillance footage, witness statements and the testimony of a Russian prisoner of war, established that at the time of the murder of the applicant’s husband, there were soldiers of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Russian Armed forces (military unit No. 32515) on kyivo-myrotska street. in particular, the investigation identified the commander, deputy commander and servicemen of the said unit who were at the scene of the murder of the applicant’s husband at the time and were allegedly involved in it: • Vadym Dosyagayev, born on 04 September 1989, who at the time was the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Vadym Shevelev, who at the time was the deputy commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Darmograi Yevhen, born on 25 January 1984, who at the time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Burduli Heorhii, born on 31 July 1998, who at that time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Rf Armed forces; • Makarenko David, born on 12 June 1999, who at that time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Russian federation; • Zahaynov Oleksiy, born on 22 May 1979, who at the time was a serviceman serving in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces. Episode No. 36932 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8128 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8129 Date of the crime March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute 52 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive against the Kyiv region, in particular, the city of Bucha. from 25 february 2022 and throughout the period of active hostilities and occupation of Bucha, the applicant stayed in the basement of the house of her husband’s cousin, Ms. ZO, together with her and other relatives at 282 Yablunska Street, Bucha. At that time, her husband, Mr. Denys Bernatskyi, remained in the applicant’s apartment at 10G Tarasivska Street. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. On 04 March 2022, the Rf Armed forces entered the house of Ms. ZO, where the applicant was staying, on military vehicles. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 11 March 2022, the applicant’s husband came to visit her and her relatives at a house on Tarasivska Street. On that day, the applicant saw her husband for the last time. On 30 March 2022, when the Russian Armed forces began to leave Bucha, the applicant, together with her husband’s cousin, went to the applicant’s apartment on Tarasivska Street, where her husband had been staying all this time, to find him. they did not find him in the apartment, but on the wall of the apartment on a tear-off calendar there was a date of 15 March 2022. The applicant’s neighbors also informed her that her husband had been killed by representatives of the Russian Armed forces approximately 2 weeks ago near the fora supermarket at 203B Yablunska Street, Bucha, and that his body was still at that address. Then the applicant and Ms. ZO found the body of Mr. BD with two bullet wounds on his chest near the fora supermarket. After that, with the help of Mr. ZS, they carried the corpse to Ms. ZO’s house on Yablunska Street, where they buried it in the yard. The path from the house where her husband was at the time to the applicant’s house runs along Yablonska Street through the fora supermarket, where her husband was shot. Most likely, he was shot by representatives of the Russian Armed forces on his way from the house where he was to the house where the applicant was. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards airborne division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula airborne division; • The 331st Guards Parachute Regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards Separate Special forces Parachute Brigades; and the 155th Separate Marine Brigade; • The 656th Operational Regiment; 53 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE • The 604th Red Banner Special forces Center “Vityaz” and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the special purpose detachment (OMON) “Akhmat-Grozny”. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of Mr. BD. Episode No. 36933 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8130 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8131 Date of the crime 3 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES legal qualification under the rome statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. The applicant’s brother lived at the following address: 3 Ivana Vyhovskoho Street, ap. 83. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 3, 2022, when the Russian Armed forces were checking documents of civilians at the above address, according to the witness (Yevheniia), who was in the apartment with the applicant’s brother, the Russian Armed forces entered the apartment and killed a dog. After that, the applicant’s brother and Yevheniia were taken to different rooms for interrogation. Yevheniia also heard that the applicant’s brother was beaten and called a “corrector”. After some time, Yevheniia was taken to the basement of the house, where other citizens were staying, and the Rf Armed forces servicemen told her that she would not see the applicant’s brother again. On or about March 05, 2022, the head of the house where the applicant’s brother lived informed the applicant that his brother’s dog had been killed by the Russian Armed forces and that the applicant’s brother had disappeared. On April 05, 2022, the applicant and his father came to Bucha to look for his brother and any other information about him. first, they went to the applicant’s brother’s apartment where he lived. In the apartment, they saw a lot of blood, shell casings and body parts on the wall. Then, they found a grave behind the house, next to which their sheet was lying, and after a while, together with police officers, they began to exhume the body. Thus, in the said grave was the applicant’s brother, whom he recognized. The body of the applicant’s brother was dressed in a military uniform of the Rf Armed forces with a chevron of the Rf National Guard (Rosgvardia). 54 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s brother. Episode No. 39330 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8835 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8836 Date of the crime 13 March 2022 Place of the crime Blystavyitsia village, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators NO Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the outbreak of the war, Ms. B. (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) lived at 38 Unity Street, Blystavytsia village, Bucha district, Kyiv region, and her father, Mr. B., and her mother lived on the next street at 68 Soborna Street, Bucha district, Kyiv region. Mr. B. had a group 2 disability and heart problems. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rf Af) conducted a largescale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the village of Blystavitsa. On february 24, 2022, the Rf Armed forces completely occupied the village of Blystavytsia, Bucha district. from february 24, 2022 April 01, 2022, the Rf Armed forces fully controlled the village of Blystavytsia. Law enforcement agencies of Ukraine found that during the occupation of the village of Blystavitsa, Russian Armed forces servicemen systematically entered civilian homes and illegally burned their private property, using violence against civilians who owned such property. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 2022, during the occupation of the village of Blystavitsa by the Rf Af, the Rf Af entered the yard of the house where Mr. B. lived, took him outside the house and began beating him with weapon butts, legs and arms. Mr. B. died on the spot from his injuries, and the Rf Af servicemen took his phone. The applicant’s uncle, A, was a direct witness to the beating of Mr. B. 55 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE On the same day, A. brought the corpse of Mr. B. in a wheelbarrow to the yard of the house where he lived. On 14 March 2022, Mr. B.’s body was buried in the yard of a house at 68 Soborna Street, Bucha district, Kyiv region. Episode No. 42658 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 9789 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 9790 Name of the Witness(es) (No. of personality in the 1002028 database) Date of the crime 04 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive against the Kyiv region, in particular, the city of Bucha. At the outbreak of the war, Ms. K. (hereinafter — the applicant), together with her son D. (hereinafter — the applicant’s son) and other family members, lived at 203-B Yablunska Street. from the first days of the war, civilians were hiding from shelling in the basement of the house at the above address, and the applicant’s son helped people in the basement by delivering food there. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 04 March 2022, at about 16:45, a convoy of military vehicles of the Russian Armed forces entered the territory of the apartment building where the applicant lived with her son and other family members. On the same day, at approximately 18:00, the applicant’s neighbor, Mr. A., while in the bathroom of his apartment, heard a shot near the house at 203-B Yablunska Street, after which one of the military of the Russian Armed forces called to another: “Valodia, Valodia”, and a minute later Mr. A. heard 2 more shots. After that, Mr. A. approached the window in the kitchen of his apartment and saw two soldiers of the Russian Armed forces with white bandages on their arms walking away from the house, and the applicant’s son lying dead on the stairs leading to the basement of the house, where the soldiers were leaving. Other residents of the house also witnessed the murder of the applicant’s son. The investigation later established that the applicant’s son’s death had been caused by numerous blind and penetrating gunshot wounds. 56 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs Around the second half of March 2022, when Mr. A. was returning to his apartment at around 3 p.m., he saw a large number of Russian Armed forces servicemen and residents of the building 203G on Yablunska Street. One of the servicemen ordered Mr. A. to sit on a bench to check his documents and cell phones. After checking Mr. A.’s documents, the serviceman began to examine Mr. A.’s phone. While looking through Mr. A.’s phone, he asked the Rf Af serviceman what his name was, to which he replied “Nikita”. During Mr. A.’s conversation with Mykyta, the latter told him that a sniper had killed their commander and that filtration measures were being taken. after a while, mr. a. heard screams near the fourth entrance, turned his head and saw that another serviceman of the Rf Armed forces put a knife to the collarbone of his friend Mr. S. and ordered him to provide documents for verification, but he refused to provide documents and the rf armed forces serviceman started shouting that he would kill Mr. A.’s friend. At that moment, another resident of the house, Mr. D., approached a serviceman of the Rf Armed forces named Nikita, who was inspecting Mr. A.’s phone, and asked him to talk to his friend so that he would not kill Mr. S. After that, the Rf Armed forces serviceman named Nikita started shouting “Valodia, Valodia, don’t touch him”, and then approached him and said something, after which the Rf Armed forces serviceman named Vladimir Mr. S. At that moment, Mr. A. realized that the person who checked his phone and Vladimir were most likely involved in the murder of the applicant’s son and noticed that the Rf Armed forces servicemen Nikita and Vladimir were the same height as the servicemen who were walking away from the corpse of the applicant’s son whom Mr. A. had seen. Subsequently, a serviceman of the Russian federation Armed forces named Vladimir approached Mr. A. He took his phone, looked through it, and then threw it on the asphalt and broke it. After that, the Rf Af serviceman named Vladimir asked Mr. A if he had any questions, and Mr. A replied that he did not. During the conversation with the Rf Af servicemen Mykyta and Volodymyr, Mr. A. remembered their external features. A serviceman of the Rf Af named Mykyta, 175–180 cm tall, European appearance, slim build, short black hair, dark complexion, brown eyes, oval face, aged 25–30 years. A serviceman of the Rf Armed forces named Volodymyr, 185–190 cm tall, European appearance, blond hair, athletic build, oval face, 25–30 years old. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The applicant’s son was allegedly murdered by Russian Armed forces servicemen named Nikita and Vladimir: • A serviceman of the Rf Armed forces named Nikita, 175–180 cm tall, European appearance, slim build, short black hair, dark complexion, brown eyes, oval face, 25–30 years old; • A serviceman of the Rf Armed forces named Volodymyr, 185–190 cm tall, European appearance, blond hair, athletic build, oval face, 25–30 years old. the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • the 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representa- 57 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE tives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s husband. The Rf Armed forces servicemen Volodymyr and Mykola probably belong to one of the above-mentioned units of the Rf Armed forces involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha. Episode No. 35141 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 7442 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 7441 Date of the crime 02 March 2022 Place of the crime Andriivka village, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators NO Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in Kyiv region, in particular, in Bucha district. On 27 february 2022, the Rf Armed forces occupied the village of Andriivka, Bucha district, Kyiv region. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 02 March 2022, Ms. K. (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) and her husband (hereinafter referred to as the applicant’s husband) were in the garden of their own home. Suddenly, the shelling started and the applicant and her husband ran to the house and hid in one of the rooms. At approximately 16.15 on 02 March 2022, the applicant’s husband saw a tank of the Russian Armed forces stop near their house. Soon after, about 30 Russian Kadyrov’s soldiers burst into the yard and, threatening the applicant and her husband with assault rifles, took them outside. Subsequently, the applicant’s husband was taken outside the yard, while she remained standing with her hands up at the entrance to the house. When she heard the shots, the applicant ran outside the yard, where she saw her husband lying dead in a pool of blood. After a while, several armed Russian soldiers came out of the yard and again forced the applicant to raise her arms, after which they threw her to the ground and ordered her to lie face down. After holding the applicant in this position for about 5 minutes, she was lifted and placed against a fence. The Russian Armed forces said that the applicant’s husband had been killed for passing information about the movement of the Russian Armed forces to the Armed forces of Ukraine, and then left, ordering her to lock herself in the cellar for 2 days. Two days later, a Kadyrovite entered the basement of the applicant’s home and ordered her to give him her deceased husband’s phone, having previously unlocked it. There was no information on the phone that would be of interest to the Rf Armed forces serviceman. After that, representatives of the Rf Armed forces periodically entered the applicant’s house and robbed it, took things, etc. The body of the applicant’s husband was brought into the house by Russian soldiers, as none of the neighbors wanted to leave their house. 58 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs Episode No. 44500 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 10520 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 10521, 10522 Date of the crime 05 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. Since the beginning of the hostilities, the applicant’s sons have been engaged in volunteer activities in Bucha, helping civilians with food and basic necessities. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. On 05 March 2022, the applicant last communicated with his sons by phone. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 05 March 2022, the applicant’s son tried to evacuate from Bucha towards Irpin, but he was unable to do so due to constant shelling. On the same day, returning home, the applicant’s sons were shot with small arms. As a result, they died. After the de-occupation, the bodies of the applicant’s sons were found in a mass grave on the territory of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine “St. Andrew the first-Called”. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • the 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some represen- 59 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE tatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s sons. Episode No. 39430 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8914 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8915 Date of the crime 06 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the outbreak of the war, Ms. M. (hereinafter — the applicant) and her daughter left home and hid in a bomb shelter, while her husband, Mr. M., and the applicant’s brother stayed at home at 12 Sklozavodska Street, apartment 56, Bucha, to take care of the applicant’s sick father. All of them were civilians. In early March 2022, near the Stekol garage cooperative, which was located on Sklozavodska Street, Bucha, at the exit from Yablonska Street, the military of the Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rf Af) erected a checkpoint near the railway tracks. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 06 March 2022 the applicant’s husband left the house to bring the applicant and her daughter food in the bomb shelter, after which he was shot dead with small arms at a checkpoint of the Russian Armed forces on Steklozavodska Street, Bucha, near the Stekol garage cooperative. On 07 April 2022, after the de-occupation of Bucha, the body of the applicant’s husband was found near the Stekol garage cooperative near the railway tracks with gunshot wounds to the torso and limbs. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s husband. 60 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs Episode No. 46285 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 11244 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 11245 Date of the crime 12 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive against the Kyiv region, in particular, the city of Bucha. At the beginning of the war, the applicant’s father lived in a private house on Makym Rydzanych Lane. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The applicant’s father took photos and videos of the events in Bucha during the occupation on his cell phone. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 12 March 2022, according to witness D., who was hiding from the Rf Armed forces behind the fence of a house on Ivan franko Street, which was not far from the applicant’s father’s house, the Rf Armed forces took the applicant’s father out of the house and during their loud argument a shot was fired, as a result of which the applicant’s father died. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s father. 61 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE Episode No. 37057 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8193 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8745 Date of the crime second half of March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rf Armed forces) conducted a large-scale offensive in Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 10 March 2022, Ms. P. (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) evacuated from Bucha, and her husband stayed at home with his mother. The applicant’s husband was engaged in the burial of persons killed by the military of the Rf Armed forces or killed as a result of military emergencies, brought medicines from the local hospital for those who needed medical care. Every day, the applicant and her husband kept in touch via cell phones. On 17.03.2022, the applicant’s husband said that he was going to get medicine for local residents and promised to call her back in the evening. However, the applicant’s husband did not call her at the promised time. after that, the applicant tried to find him and learned that someone had seen her husband with an arm injury near the Bucha crossing (railway junction). Later, the applicant’s husband’s body was found with traces of torture and gunshot wounds. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as 62 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s sons. Episode No. 45237 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 11218 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 10721 Date of the crime 04 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, the applicant and her daughter lived at 122 Vokzalna Street. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On february 27, 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered Bucha. The Rf Armed forces consisted of paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Reaction Detachment (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces (OMON), two special police units of the Russian National Guard. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 27 february 2022, the applicant and her daughter were in the yard of their home, doing household chores. At approximately 09:00, the applicant’s daughter saw a large convoy of APCs and other vehicles with personnel moving down Vokzalna Street, not far from their house. Neither the applicant nor her daughter saw any insignia, including on the uniforms of the soldiers, flags or other military paraphernalia, or the faces of the soldiers. The applicant’s daughter told her to run and hide, while she would go and take a closer look at the military, hoping that they were part of the Armed forces of Ukraine. The applicant’s daughter ran closer to the fence, trying to see the military men riding on top of it, and at that moment they began to fire at the residential area with heavy and small arms. The applicant, sitting in a shelter, saw that the military spotted her daughter and opened fire on her with firearms. the applicant’s daughter died on the spot from her wounds. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and international organizations established that on february 27, 2022, paratroopers, tanks, engineering units and reserves of the 36th Combined Arms Army invaded and took part in military operations in the city of Bucha. The Russian forces also included units of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) and the Mobile Special forces Unit (OMON), as well as two special police units of the Russian National Guard. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s daughter. 63 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE Episode No. 39445 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8952 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8953 Date of the crime About 23 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rf Armed forces) conducted a large-scale offensive in Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. from 24 february 2022 and throughout the entire period of occupation of Bucha, Ms. R. (hereinafter — the applicant), together with her husband and child, were in the basement of a multi-storey building at 318a Yablunska Street. During this period, servicemen of the Rf Armed forces repeatedly came to the applicant’s house and checked her documents. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 18 March 2022, the applicant’s husband left the basement of the house at the above address without informing her of his intentions and never returned. On that day, he was wearing a bright yellow jacket and gray pants. After some time, the applicant started looking for her husband near the house and asking neighbors, but they did not know or see anything. On or about March 27–28, 2022, during the document check, the applicant asked the Russian Armed forces if they had seen her husband and told them how he looked and what he was wearing, to which she received a response from representatives of the Russian Armed forces that they were not taking anyone away and did not need such actions. After some time, the serviceman of the Rf Armed forces with whom the applicant was talking came to the house accompanied by two other servicemen and told the applicant that “It’s war and don’t wait for your husband anymore”. At that moment, the applicant began to ask about her husband again and received a response from the serviceman that “i will not tell you anything else, he fits the description”. In early April, after the de-occupation of Bucha, the applicant’s husband was found in the street with a crushed head. 64 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s husband. Episode No. 4806 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 11217 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 5164 Date of the crime 04 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. from february 24, 2022, the applicant’s daughter was engaged in volunteer activities in a BMW car. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 04.03.2022, at 09:00, the applicant’s daughter’s boyfriend called his mother and told her that he was in Kyiv and was going to Bucha to bring medicine to his mother’s house on Kyivo-Myrotska Street. On 04.03.2022, the Russian Armed forces entered Bucha from several directions, including the village of Myrotske, west of the city. A convoy of airborne vehicles of the Rf Armed forces entered KyivoMyrotska Street at 9:11 am. The Rf Armed forces were recorded by a surveillance camera of one of the 65 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE enterprises at the beginning of the street. In the video, the Russian Armed forces’ airborne vehicles are seen driving down Kyivo-Myrotska Street towards the center of Bucha. A few minutes later, the Russians noticed the camera and shot it, but the video survived. Also, at 10:20 a.m., a surveillance camera of a small shop located on Kyivo-Myrotska Street — between the entrance to Bucha from the village of Myrotskyi and the house of the applicant’s brother’s mother. Myrotskoho village and the house of the applicant’s brother’s mother, recorded five soldiers, as later established by the investigation, from the 104th air assault regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Armed forces, wearing white armbands and St. George’s ribbons on their clothes, armed with AK-type assault rifles with ammunition and military equipment of the Russian Armed forces. They inspected the street and slowly walked forward in the direction of the applicant’s house. They were followed by a BMD-4 of the Rf Armed forces. The recording stopped at 10:23. As established by the investigation after reviewing the video recordings from the applicant’s daughter’s phone, at 11:43 a.m. the car she was driving turned near the NOVUS supermarket on KyivoMyrotska Street. At about 11:45 a.m., when the applicant’s daughter and her boyfriend were near his mother’s house on Kyivo-Myrotska Street, the car in which they were traveling was shot by the Russian Armed forces, as a result of which the applicant’s daughter died on the spot. Subsequently, the investigation established that 90 bullets from an automatic weapon of the “AK” type had hit the car in which the applicant’s daughter was traveling, and the applicant’s daughter received six bullet wounds. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement authorities of Ukraine, using CCTV footage, witness statements and the testimony of a Russian prisoner of war, established that at the time of the murder of the applicant’s husband, there were soldiers of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Russian Armed forces (military unit No. 32515) on Kyivo-Myrotska street. in particular, the investigation identified the commander, deputy commander and servicemen of the said unit who were at the scene of the murder of the applicant’s daughter at the time and were allegedly involved in it: • Vadym Dosiagayev, born on 04 September 1989, who at the time was the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Vadym Shevelev, who at the time was the deputy commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Darmograi Yevhen, born on 25 January 1984, who at the time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Burduli Heorhii, born on 31 July 1998, who at that time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Rf Armed forces; • Makarenko David, born on 12 June 1999, who at that time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Russian federation; • Zahaynov Oleksiy, born on 22 May 1979, who at the time was a serviceman serving in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces. 66 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs Episode No. 42784 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 9894 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 9895 Date of the crime 03 March 2022 Place of the crime Borodyanka town, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators NO Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES legal qualification under the rome statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rf Af) conducted a largescale offensive in Kyiv region, in particular, in the village of Borodyanka. On 26 february 2022, the Rf Armed forces entered Borodyanka and occupied the village. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 03 March 2022, the younger and older sons of Mrs. S. (hereinafter — the applicant) were traveling by car to their parents. On 03 March 2022, at approximately 10.00 a.m., the applicant’s sons met a convoy of military equipment of the russian armed forces at an intersection in the village of borodyanka, which opened fire on them. The applicant’s elder son did not stop the car, trying to escape, but drove into the fence of a local house. The applicant’s younger son died from his injuries. Episode No. 39463 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8962 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8963 Name of the Witness(es) (No. of person in the da8964 tabase) Date of the crime 26 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. 67 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE At the outbreak of the war, Ms. SN (hereinafter — the applicant), together with her son, a civilian, SD, and other relatives, lived at 12 Gorky Street, Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive against the Kyiv region, in particular, the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. During the entire period of active hostilities and occupation of the city of Bucha by the armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af), the applicant, together with her son and other family members, stayed in the house at the above address. The applicant’s son sometimes visited his ex-wife and young daughter at 29 Tsentralna Street, Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine, bringing them food. Usually the applicant’s son would go to his ex-wife’s house in the evening, stay there overnight and return to the applicant in the morning. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 26.03.2022, in the morning, Mr. SD once again left the applicant’s house to go to his ex-wife’s house. He walked across the railroad tracks opposite the applicant’s house. When they turned onto Pivdenna Street in Bucha, the applicant’s son and several other civilians were detained by the Russian Armed forces. All the detainees were laid on the ground near a transformer box at the intersection of Pivdenna and Sadova streets, stripped and searched for tattoos on their bodies. After that, one civilian was released. As he was leaving, the released civilian heard several shots coming from the direction of the transformer box where the other civilians were lying, and it is likely that one of these shots killed Mr. SD. On 31 March 2022, the Rf Armed forces completely left Bucha. Later, in early April 2022, during the exhumation of bodies from a mass grave near the Church of St. Andrew the first-Called in Bucha, the body of Mr. SD was found with gunshot wounds. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; • The 656th operational regiment; • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of Mr. SD. 68 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs Episode No. 35385 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 7603 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 7604 Date of the crime 2 March 2022 Place of the crime Berezivka village, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators NO Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive against the Kyiv region, in particular, against the Bucha territorial community. from 24.02.2022, Ms. T. (hereinafter — the applicant) and her husband Mr. T. (hereinafter — the applicant’s husband) stayed in their private house in the village of Berezivka. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 27 february 2022, the applicant’s neighbor, who was engaged in providing volunteer assistance to local residents, was killed. On 02 March 2022, Russian military personnel — Buryats — came to the applicant’s house, showed her some documents related to the deceased volunteer and illegally detained her husband. After the detention, the applicant’s husband was taken to the deceased volunteer’s house, where his family lived. The family members were informed about the death of the volunteer, after which the applicant’s husband was taken to the prison. The applicant notes that she is aware of the use of physical violence against her husband before the murder, possibly torture. The applicant’s husband was killed by the Russian military in the landing zone. On 11 March 2022, the body of the applicant’s husband was found near the location of the headquarters of the Russian Armed forces in Buzova village near a gas station. Епізод № 36988 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8535 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8155 Name of the Witness(es) (No. of person in the data8154, 8846 base) Date of the crime 04 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES legal qualification under the rome statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. 69 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of war, T. (hereinafter — the applicant) lived in Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine. The applicant’s father K. and her mother K. L. also lived in Bucha at that time. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive against the Kyiv region, in particular, the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 03 March 2022, members of the Russian Armed forces moved towards Sklozavodska Street in Bucha in APCs with the “V” symbol, after which they left the vehicles on Sklozavodska Street and walked down Yablunska Street and entered the applicant’s neighborhood “Yablunka”. According to the applicant, they were Buryats. There were approximately 6 vehicles. On 04 March 2022 at 17:00, the applicant’s parents were at home, more precisely, in the cellar located in the yard on the right side of the house, located at the intersection of Vodoprovodna and Yablunska streets. At that time, Russian servicemen, moving through the gardens of the houses on Yablunska Street, entered the yard of the applicant’s parents’ house. Once in the yard, they began to break the windows of the house and entered the house through the broken window. After that, the applicant’s father came out of the cellar to call his friend. After 5–7 minutes, the applicant’s mother heard a single shot. After that, the applicant’s mother continued to sit in the cellar. About 5–7 minutes later, the applicant’s mother heard someone come to the cellar and say: “Come out, whoever is there, or I will throw a grenade”. After that, the applicant’s mother came out of the cellar and saw a serviceman in the uniform of the Russian Armed forces, aged about 30 years, of medium build, who asked if there was anyone else in the cellar. The applicant’s mother replied that there was no one there and asked the serviceman where her husband was, to which the serviceman replied that if the applicant’s mother wanted to live, she should go back down to the cellar and not come out. The applicant’s mother went down to the cellar and stayed there until 20:00. At 20:00, the applicant’s mother came out of the cellar and went to inspect the adjacent territory to find her husband. during the inspection of the territory, the applicant’s mother noticed the body of her husband, who was lying with his head towards the house, face down with a bullet wound to the head, there was a pool of blood near his head. Also near K.’s body was his hat, which had two bullet holes in it. The applicant’s mother covered her husband’s body with a large towel. On 05 March 2022, at approximately 09:00, the military of the Russian Armed forces came to the territory of the applicant’s parents’ house and told the applicant’s mother to go to the basement of her neighbor, Mr. Zh. However, after some time, Mr. Zh. himself offered the applicant’s mother to move to his basement, to which she agreed. The applicant’s mother stayed in the neighbor’s basement until 08.03.2022. During her stay in the basement, Russian military personnel were there with her. According to the applicant’s mother, it was the headquarters of the Russian Armed forces. During her stay in the basement, the Russian Armed forces gave the applicant’s mother the documents of her murdered husband. 70 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs On 08 March 2022, at lunchtime, the applicant came to her parents’ house, where she was met by the military of the Russian Armed forces. The applicant asked the servicemen to take her mother. The servicemen of the Rf Armed forces allowed the applicant to take her mother. The applicant said goodbye to her murdered father and they, together with her mother, went to the applicant’s home. On 09 March 2022 the applicant and her mother returned to the property of the applicant’s parents to bury the body of her father. When the applicant and her mother arrived at the property, they met a serviceman of the Russian Armed forces who offered to bury the body of the applicant’s father. The applicant and her mother agreed and her father was buried in the garden near the applicant’s parents’ house. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • The 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of Mr. K. Episode No. 4798 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 11209 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 5165 Date of the crime 04 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. from february 24, 2022, the applicant’s brother was engaged in volunteer activities in a BMW car owned by his girlfriend. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. 71 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 04 March 2022 at 09:00 the applicant’s brother called his mother and informed her that he was in Kyiv and was going to Bucha to bring medicines to his mother’s house on Kyivo-Myrotska Street. On 04 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered Bucha from several directions, including the village of Myrotske, west of the city. A convoy of airborne vehicles of the Rf Armed forces entered KyivoMyrotska Street at 9:11 am. The Rf Armed forces were recorded by a surveillance camera of one of the enterprises at the beginning of the street. In the video, the Rf Armed forces’ airborne vehicles are seen driving down Kyivo-Myrotska Street towards the center of Bucha. A few minutes later, the Russians noticed the camera and shot it, but the video survived. Also, at 10:20 a.m., a surveillance camera of a small shop located on Kyivo-Myrotska Street — between the entrance to Bucha from the village of Myrotskyi and the house of the applicant’s brother’s mother, recorded five soldiers, as later established by the investigation, from the 104th air assault regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Armed forces, wearing white armbands and St. George’s ribbons on their clothes, armed with AK-type assault rifles with ammunition and military equipment of the Russian Armed forces. They inspected the street and slowly walked forward in the direction of the applicant’s house. They were followed by a BMD-4 of the Rf Armed forces. The recording stopped at 10:23. Around 11:45 a.m., when the applicant’s brother was already near his mother’s house on KyivoMyrotska Street, the car in which he was traveling was shot by the Russian Armed forces, killing him on the spot. Subsequently, the investigation established that 90 bullets from an automatic weapon of the “AK” type had hit the car in which the applicant’s brother was driving, and the applicant’s brother received nine bullet wounds. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement authorities of Ukraine, using CCTV footage, witness statements and the testimony of a Russian prisoner of war, established that at the time of the murder of the applicant’s husband, there were soldiers of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Russian Armed forces (military unit No. 32515) on Kyivo-Myrotska street. in particular, the investigation identified the commander, deputy commander and servicemen of the said unit, who were at the scene of the murder of the applicant’s brother at the time and were allegedly involved in it: • Vadym Dosiagayev, born on 04 September 1989, who at the time was the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Vadym Shevelev, who at the time was the deputy commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Darmograi Yevhen, born on 25 January 1984, who at the time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Burduli Heorhii, born on 31 July 1998, who at that time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Rf Armed forces; • Makarenko David, born on 12 June 1999, who at that time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Russian federation; 72 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs • Zahaynov Oleksiy, born on 22 May 1979, who at the time was a serviceman serving in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces. Episode No. 38360 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8630 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8631 Date of the crime 6 March 2022 Place of the crime Stoyanka village, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES legal qualification under the rome statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the Bucha district. the applicant’s husband, a retired law enforcement officer, former special forces officer, lived with his family in Bucha, and on 24 february 2022 he and his daughter moved to Stoyanka village, Bucha district. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder The applicant lost contact with her husband on March 06, 2022. The applicant’s husband’s body was found in the village of Stoyanka, Bucha district, with signs of torture and numerous gunshot wounds to the head. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of the Bucha district, as well as in mass killings: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representa- 73 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE tives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s husband. Episode No. 37294 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8269 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8270 Date of the crime 7 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. The applicant’s son lived in Bucha in a private house. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 7, 2022, in the morning, the applicant’s son and his brother were cooking at their neighbors’ house, as they still had liquefied gas (the central electricity and gas supply had been cut off). the applicant’s son decided to return to his house to get some food. When the applicant’s son was crossing the road from the neighboring house to his house, he was shot with an assault rifle by a Russian military. The Russian military did not allow relatives and neighbors to take the body for 3 days. Subsequently, the applicant’s son was buried in a private yard. After the de-occupation, the body was exhumed, examined by experts and reburied. Three gunshot wounds were found on the body of the applicant’s son on the stomach. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; 74 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s brother. Episode No. 47715 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 11498 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 11499 Date of the crime 31 March 2022 Place of the crime Katyuzhanka village, Vyshgorod district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the village of Katyuzhanka, Vyshgorod district. The applicant’s husband lived in the village of Katyuzhanka, Vyshgorod district. the village of katyuzhanka was occupied in the first days of the full-scale invasion. the headquarters of the Russian Armed forces groups that occupied Kyiv region was located there. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Russian Armed forces. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 31, 2022, the applicant’s husband rode a bicycle and was shot by the military of the Russian Armed forces (gunshot wound to the abdomen) Episode No. 38447 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8665 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8667 Date of the crime 25 march 2022 року Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. 75 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. The applicant’s 70-year-old grandmother lived in Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder on march 25, 2022, civilians were cooking on a fire near the house (there was no electricity, water, or gas supply at the time). Military vehicles of the Russian Armed forces entered the area near the house. Residents began to hide in their apartments. When entering her own home, the applicant’s 70-year-old grandmother was killed through the door by a shot from a Kalashnikov rifle. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s brother. Episode No. 37489 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8307 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8270 Date of the crime 27 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. 76 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs The applicant’s husband lived in Bucha. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 24–25, 2022, the applicant’s husband was severely beaten at a checkpoint by servicemen of the Russian Armed forces, after which he died 2-3 days later. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • The 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s brother. Episode No. 37136 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8217 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8218 Date of the crime 4 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. The applicant’s son lived in Bucha at 24-A Lermontova Street. On 03 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered the town of Bucha and the Bucha district and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. 77 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE The period of occupation of the Bucha district was also accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 3, 2022, the applicant’s son, Mr. V., left his home and went to meet his employer on Vokzalna Street in Bucha. However, Mr. V. did not return home for the next 2 days. On March 5, 2022, the Applicant and his younger son went in search of Mr. V. on the same day, they managed to find the body of mr. V. with traces of gunshot wounds at the intersection of Lermontov Street and Zaliznychna Street. Due to the active hostilities, the applicant and his younger son failed to transport the body of Mr. V. to the local morgue on the same day. On March 7, 2022 the applicant, together with his younger son, managed to transport the body of his son Mr. V to the local morgue in Bucha. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • The 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s son. Episode No. 39464 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8965 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8966 Date of the crime 5 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Armed forces) conducted a largescale offensive on the Kyiv region, in particular, on the city of Bucha. The applicant and her husband lived in Bucha at 36 Ostrozkyi Street, apartment 19. 78 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 5, 2022, due to active hostilities in Bucha, the applicant and her husband, Mr. S., decided to evacuate from Bucha using the green corridor. At approximately 8.10 a.m. the applicant and her husband, Mr. S., got into their Skoda Rapid car and left their place of residence. At approximately 8.25 a.m., the applicant and her husband arrived at the Yablunsky railway crossing (actual address: Zaliznychny lane), where they came under small arms fire from russian military personnel. As a result of the shooting with small arms by the Russian military Mr. S. died and the Applicant sustained a gunshot wound. During the shooting of the car, the Applicant saw 6 (six) Russian servicemen, on both sides of the car, who were shooting. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • The 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s husband. Episode No. 37058 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8194 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8195 Date of the crime 5 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Armed forces) conducted a largescale offensive on the Kyiv region, in particular, on the city of Bucha. The applicant and her husband lived in Bucha at 11 Sadova Street. 79 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On february 24, 2022, with the start of a large-scale offensive by the Russian Armed forces against Bucha and the beginning of the occupation, the applicant went to a safer place to her friend’s private house at 18 Pershetravneva Street. The applicant’s husband, Mr. R., remained in his house at 11 Sadova Street. The applicant last communicated with her husband on february 26, 2022 by mobile phone. On March 10, 2022, the applicant left Bucha using the “green” corridor. On March 20, 2022, the applicant received a call from her friends who reported that they had seen the body of her husband, Mr. R., on Yablunska Street, near the fora store. It was on Yablunska Street, near the fora store, that the headquarters of the Russian Armed forces was located. On April 8, 2022, within the framework of the criminal proceedings of April 4, 2022, the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine inspected the territory of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine “St. Andrew the first-Called” in the city of Bucha, where a mass grave was discovered as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian federation. Among the exhumed bodies, the corpse of an unknown man was found. The man’s approximate age at the initial examination was 67 years old, and he was later identified as the body of mr. r. on april 13, 2022, the forensic expert of the boyarsky branch of the kyiv regional office of forensic Expertise established that Mr. R.’s death occurred on March 5, 2022, as a result of a gunshot wound to the head. The shot to the head was made with a small arms. on april 21, 2022 the applicant identified the body of mr. r. and took it for further burial from the morgue in boyarka. the applicant was also issued a certificate of mr. r’s death. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, and participated in the massacres: 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; the 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s husband. Episode No. 38194 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8540 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8541 Date of the crime March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute 80 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Armed forces) conducted a largescale offensive on the Kyiv region, in particular, on the city of Bucha. The applicant and his son lived in Bucha at 340 Yablunkska Street. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 05, 2022, Russian servicemen entered the Applicant’s house at 340 Yablonska Street, Bucha, and carried out an unauthorized arrest of the Applicant’s son, Mr. Kh-ev, and took him to an unknown location without informing him of the reasons for his arrest and the charges against him. Since the abduction of Mr. Kh-ev by the Russian military, the Applicant has had no information about the whereabouts of her son. On April 3, 2022, Mr. P. and his son returned to their house after the de-occupation in Bucha and found the corpse of an unknown man covered with a carpet in the yard. On the same day, after discovering the corpse, Mr. P. immediately called the National Police of Ukraine, reporting the crime and the corpse he had found in his yard. On April 14, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., an investigator of the National Police of Ukraine, together with a forensic scientist, inspected the scene on the territory of Mr. P.’s household in Bucha. After the above-mentioned inspection of the scene, the corpse of an unknown man was found behind the garage premises. On the same day, the investigator of the National Police of Ukraine initiated a forensic medical examination to establish the date and cause of death of the man’s body found during the inspection of the scene. On April 21, 2022, the Applicant’s granddaughter, Ms. R., found a photo of the deceased Mr. Kh-ev in open sources on the Internet. On the same day, the Applicant and her granddaughter went to the morgue to identify the body of Mr. Kh-ev. On April 21, 2022, the morgue of the Irpin branch of the Kyiv Regional Bureau of the SME examined the corpse of Mr. Kh-ev: perforating gunshot wounds to the head and upper extremities. During the autopsy of Mr. Kh-ev.s body, a metal object similar to a bullet fragment was found. After the examination of the corpse of Mr. Kh-ev.-, it was established that the cause of death was perforating gunshot wounds to the head. It was also established that the death of Mr. Kh-ev — occurred in March 2022. On April 26, 2022, the investigator of the National Police of Ukraine initiated a forensic ballistics examination in order to identify the weapon used to shoot Mr. Kh-ev. On June 6, 2022, after a forensic ballistics examination, it was established that the metal object removed from mr. kh-ev’s body was a spent bullet with a steel core of 5.45 × 39 mm caliber. it was also established that this bullet had been fired from a rifled firearm — an assault rifle (machine gun), kalashnikov design (rpk-74, ak-74, aks-74 and its modern modifications of 5.45 × 39 mm caliber). on may 2, 2022, the applicant received a death certificate for mr. kh-ev with the established cause of death. On the same day, the Applicant buried her son at the local cemetery in Bucha. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, and participated in the massacres: 81 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE • • • • • • • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; The 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s son. Episode № 39372 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 10536 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 8874 Date of the crime 6 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Armed forces) conducted a largescale offensive on the Kyiv region, in particular, on the city of Bucha. The applicant and his brother lived in Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On february 28, 2022, the Applicant moved to a safer place in Bucha. On the same day, she saw her brother, Mr. Luk-ko, for the last time. On 01 March 2022 the Applicant had her last communication with her brother, Mr. Luk-ko, by telephone. On April 06, 2022, the Applicant applied to the National Police of Ukraine to search for her brother, Mr. Lukko. On the same day, the Applicant provided her DNA materials. on april 11, 2022, officers of the national police of ukraine, during an inspection of the territory of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine named after the Holy Apostle Andrew the first-Called, discovered a mass grave with signs of violent acts as a result of aggression by the military and other armed groups of the russian federation. during the inspection, the corpse of an unidentified male person of unspecified age was found. On April 11, 2022, an investigator of the National Police of Ukraine initiated a forensic medical examination to determine the date and cause of death of the found corpse. On the same day, the investigator of the National Police of Ukraine initiated the collection of DNA samples from the found corpse. 82 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs on april 12, 2022, the body was examined at the morgue in Vyshhorod, kyiv region, and later identified as that of Mr. Luk-ko. On the same day, DNA samples were obtained from the corpse of Mr. Luk-ko. On April 27, 2022, a forensic molecular genetic examination was initiated. On the same day, the forensic expert, after conducting the above-mentioned examination, found that the discovered corpse of an unidentified male person of unspecified age was the corpse of Mr. Lukko. On May 17, 2022 the National Police of Ukraine informed the Applicant that among the exhumed corpses from the mass grave on the territory of the Church of the Holy Apostle named after “Andrew the first-Called”. On May 20, 2022, a medical examiner found that Mr. Luk-ko died on March 6, 2022 as a result of multiple gunshot wounds to the chest. on may 20, 2022, the applicant was issued with a medical death certificate together with a certificate of the cause of Mr. Luk-ko’s death. On the same day, the Applicant buried her brother at the local cemetery in Bucha. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, as well as in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • The 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s brother. Episode No. 45241 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 1002090 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 10725 Date of the crime March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. 83 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Armed forces) conducted a largescale offensive on the Kyiv region, in particular, on the city of Bucha. The Applicant’s father, Mr. Pav-ko, lived in Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 09 March 2022 the Applicant saw his father, Mr. Pav-ko V., for the last time in Irpin, when the latter came to visit him. On the same day, the Applicant’s father, Mr. Pav-ko V, successfully returned to his home in Bucha and informed the Applicant about it by mobile phone. According to the information established during the pre-trial investigation, on 12 March 2022 the servicemen of the Rf Armed forces came to the house of Mr. Pav-ko V. to “check documents” and conduct a search in the house of Mr. Pav-ko V. During the inspection of Mr. Pav-ko V.’s documents, the Russian federation Armed forces seized his cell phone to check the data on the mobile device. While checking the data on Mr. Pav-ko V.’s mobile device, the Rf Af servicemen accused him of collaborating with the AfU. Then, the Rf Af servicemen took Mr. Pav-ko V. out of the yard of his house and onto the roadway of a neighboring house, where they killed him with small arms. on april 7, 2022, officers of the national police of ukraine found the body of a man at naberezhna street, 2-a, in bucha, which was later identified as the corpse of mr. pav-ko V. On 19 April 2022, the body of Mr. Pav-ko V. was examined at the morgue in Kyiv. On the same day, after the aforementioned examination, the investigator of the Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine initiated a forensic medical examination to establish the date and cause of death of Mr. Pav-ko V. on 25 april 2022 the applicant was summoned to identify the corpse. the applicant identified the corpse as that of his father, Mr. Pav-ko V. On 26.04.2022, a medical examiner found that the death of Mr. Pav-ko V.’s death was caused by multiple bullet wounds. on the same day, the applicant was issued a medical death certificate together with a certificate of the cause of death of Mr. Pavko V. On the same day, the Applicant buried his brother at the local cemetery in Bucha. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, and participated in the massacres: • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; • 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; • 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; • 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; • The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; • The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; • The 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s father. 84 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs Episode No. 1002079 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 1002091 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 102092 Date of the crime 4 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 04 March 2022 at 09:00 the applicant’s son called her and informed her that he was in Kyiv and was going to Bucha to bring his friend’s mother’s medication to the house on on Kyivo-Myrotska Street. On 04 March 2022, the Russian Armed forces entered Bucha from several directions, including the village of Myrotske, west of the city. A convoy of airborne vehicles of the Russian Armed forces entered Kyivo-Myrotska Street at 9:11 am. The Russian Armed forces were recorded on a surveillance camera at one of the of the enterprises at the beginning of the street. In the video, the Russian Armed forces’ airborne vehicles are seen driving down Kyivo-Myrotska Street towards the center of Bucha. A few minutes later, the Russians noticed the camera and shot it, but the video survived. Also, at 10:20 a.m., a surveillance camera of a small shop located on Kyivo-Myrotska Street, between the entrance to Bucha from the village of Myrotske and the house of the applicant’s friend’s mother, recorded five soldiers, later identified by the investigation as members of the 104th air assault regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian federation Airborne forces, wearing white armbands and St. George’s ribbons on their clothes, armed with AK-type assault rifles with ammunition and military equipment of the Russian federation Armed forces. They inspected the street and slowly walked forward in the direction of the applicant’s house. They were followed by a BMD-4 of the Rf Armed forces. The recording stopped at 10:23. At about 11:45 a.m., when the applicant’s brother was already near the house on Kyivo-Myrotska Street, the car in which he was riding was shot by the Russian Armed forces, killing him on the spot. Subsequently, the investigation established that 90 bullets from an AK-type automatic weapon had hit the car in which the applicant’s brother was traveling, and the applicant’s brother received nine bullet wounds. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder The law enforcement authorities of Ukraine, using CCTV footage, witness statements and the testimony of a Russian prisoner of war, established that at the time of the murder of the applicant’s husband, there were soldiers of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Russian Armed forces (military unit No. 32515) on Kyivo-Myrotska street. in particular, the investigation identified the commander, deputy commander and servicemen of the said unit, who were at the scene of the murder of the applicant’s brother at the time and were allegedly involved in it: • Vadym Dosiagayev, born on 04 September 1989, who at the time was the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; 85 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE • Vadym Shevelev, who at the time was the deputy commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Darmograi Yevhen, born on 25 January 1984, who at the time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces; • Burduli Heorhii, born on 31 July 1998, who at that time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Rf Armed forces; • Makarenko David, born on 12 June 1999, who at that time was a serviceman who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Airborne forces of the Russian federation; • Zahaynov Oleksiy, born on 22 May 1979, who at the time was a serviceman serving in the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Air Assault Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division of the Russian Airborne forces. Episode No. 43908 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 10342 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 10343, 10344 Date of the crime 4 March 2022 Place of the crime Bucha, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Armed forces) conducted a largescale offensive on the Kyiv region, in particular, on the city of Bucha. The applicant’s parents lived in Bucha at 3-A Tarasivka Street. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 4, 2022, the applicant communicated with her parents for the last time by telephone. On March 5, 2022, due to active hostilities in Bucha, the applicant decided to evacuate from Bucha using the “green” corridor. On April 8, 2022, the National Police of Ukraine found the bodies of the applicant’s parents — Mr. V and Mrs. N., with signs of gunshot wounds. On April 11, 2022, after a forensic medical examination, it was established that the applicant’s parents, Mr. V. and Mrs. N., had died as a result of numerous gunshot wounds to the body. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Bucha, and participated in the massacres: 86 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs • • • • • • • 36th, 37th, 64th separate Guards motorized rifle brigades; 104th, 234th, 237th air assault regiments of the 76th Guards Airborne Division; 137th Guards parachute regiment of the 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division; 331st Guards parachute regiment of the 98th Guards Airborne Division; The 14th and 45th Guards separate special-purpose parachute brigades; The 155th separate marine brigade; the 656th operational regiment; the 604th Vityaz Red Banner Special Purpose Center and other units of the National Guard (Rosgvardia), as well as the Akhmat-Grozny special-purpose detachment. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of the applicant’s parents. 2 CASES IN SUMY REGION Episode No. 1000050 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 1000051 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 1000050 Date of the crime 10 March 2022 Place of the crime Trostyanets city, Sumy region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators NO Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rf Armed forces) conducted a large-scale offensive in Sumy region, in particular, in the city of Trostianets. On the evening of february 24, 2022, columns of military equipment of the Rf Armed forces approached the outskirts of Trostyanets from several directions and set up checkpoints. fighting took place in the city and on the outskirts. The Rf Armed forces shelled with heavy artillery and dropped bombs on the settlements of the Trostianets ATC. On March 1, the Rf Armed forces entered Trostyanets in three columns and occupied the town. The city of Trostianets was liberated by the Armed forces of Ukraine on March 26, 2022. During the occupation of Trostianets ATC, the Russian Armed forces lived in civilian homes, deployed their equipment in residential areas, looted homes, medical facilities, educational institutions, etc., stole vehicles, took civilians prisoner, tortured them, and shot unarmed pensioners on the street. Hundreds of buildings have been destroyed, many homes damaged, critical infrastructure and architectural monuments destroyed. According to preliminary data, Russians killed 49 civilians, 3 of whom were tortured, and 2 children (13 and 14 years old). (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder The applicant’s son lived in the village of Boromlia, Okhtyrka district, Sumy region, which is located north of Trostianets and south of Sumy. The village of Boromlia was occupied as early as 24 february 87 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE 2022. Since the beginning of the war, the applicant’s son had been helping to evacuate people with his own car, traveling to Sumy, which remained under Ukrainian control, to buy medicines, baby food and hygiene products for children. On March 10, 2022, the applicant’s son brought groceries to his sister and other relatives in Trostianets and was supposed to return home to Boromlia village. Since the applicant’s son did not return home, the relatives called him on the phone, but another man answered, who introduced himself as a soldier of the Russian Armed forces and said that he had been detained and that if the applicant’s son did not tell everything, his family would not see him again. During the occupation of Trostyanets, the relatives saw the applicant’s son’s car driven by Russian military. On March 27, 2022, the second day after his release, the applicant’s son’s body was found in a garage behind the local administration with multiple injuries, including skull and bone fractures. The exact date of death has not been established, but the relatives believe that he died on the day of his disappearance, i.e. on 10 March 2022, and believe that the reason for the torture and murder may be the provision of information about the military of the Russian Armed forces to the military of the Armed forces of Ukraine. Episode No. 1000024 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 1000026 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 1000040 Name of the Witness(es) (No. of person in the database) Date of the crime 03 March 2022 Place of the crime Bilka village, Okhtyrka district, Sumy region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The applicant and her husband lived in the village of Bilka, which was located in the area of active hostilities. In late february, the village was occupied by Russian troops and liberated on March 20-21, 2022. This happened against the backdrop of Russian offensives in northern Ukraine. All this time, there were hostilities in and around the town, and Russian troops committed violence against the civilian population of Okhtyrka and the settlements of the Okhtyrka district. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 03, 2022, during the shelling of Bilka village, the victim, Ms. S., together with her family, consisting of six children and her husband, was in the cellar of her house on Shkilna Street. The husband left the cellar to check the situation and did not return. Throughout March, Bilka village was under occupation and no search operations were carried out. Later, on March 21, 2022, when Bilka village was liberated by the Ukrainian armed forces, Mr. S.’s body was found in a forest belt near the village with traces of gunshot wounds to the head and heart. In addition, traces of blows to the face and torso were found. 88 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of the Okhtyrka district of Sumy region, as well as participated in mass killings: 1st Guards Red Banner Tank Army (1 TA, units 73621, 11161); 96th Separate Reconnaissance Brigade; 4th Guards Tank Kantemyriv Red Banner Division named after Yuri Andropov (4 TD, unit 19612); 423rd Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment of Yampil Red Banner, Order of Lenin and Order of Kutuzov (423rd SMR, unit 91701). Individual representatives and commanders of these units were probably involved in the murder of Mr. S. 4 CASES IN KHARKIV REGION Episode No. 41244 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 8160 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 9355 Name of the Witness(es) (No. of person in the database) Date of the crime 22 August 2022 Place of the crime Dibrova village, Izyum district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute. On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. The applicant and his family lived in the village of Dibrova, which was occupied during the aggressive actions of the Russian military. In late february, the village was occupied by Russian troops and liberated in September 2022. This happened against the backdrop of Russia’s offensive in eastern Ukraine. All this time, there were hostilities in and around the town, and Russian troops committed violence against the civilian population of Izyum and the settlements of the Izyum district. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On August 22, 2022, the applicant’s son, Mr. Sh., went missing after leaving home. Due to the fact that the village was occupied, no search operations were carried out. On September 15, 2022, when the village was de-occupied, the body of Mr. Sh.’s son was found in the cemetery on Shmydta Street among unmarked graves under the number 439. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder law enforcement agencies of ukraine and international organizations have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Izium district of Kharkiv region, as well as participated in mass killings: 89 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE • 2nd Guards Motorized Rifle Taman Division of the Order of the October Revolution, Order • • • • • • of the Red Banner of the Order of Suvorov named after Mikhail Kalinin (2 MSD, military unit 23626); 1st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment of Sevastopol, Order of Alexander Nevsky, Order of the 60th Anniversary of the USSR (1 MSP, military unit 31135); The 1st Guards Chortkiv Tank Regiment named after Marshal of Armored Troops M.Ye. Katukov (1st Tank Regiment, military unit 16544); 4th Guards Tank Kantemyriv Red Banner Division named after Yuri Andropov (4th Tank Division, military unit 19612); 13th Guards Shepetivka Tank Regiment of Red Banner, Suvorov and Kutuzov Orders (13th Tank Regiment, military unit 32010); 47th Guards Nizhnedniprovsk Tank Division of the Red Banner, Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky (47th TD); 61st Separate Kirkenes Red Banner Marine Brigade (61st Separate Marine Brigade, military unit 38643); 76th Guards Air Assault Chernihiv Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Division (76th Air Assault Division); 106th Guards Airborne Tula Red Banner, Order of Kutuzov Division (106th Airborne Division, military unit 55599); 60th separate motorized rifle battalion “Vitirany”. Some representatives and commanders of these units were allegedly involved in the murder of Mr. S. Episode No. 28658 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 10440 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 5772 Date of the crime 07 May 2022 Place of the crime Izyum city, Kharkiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. In April 2022, the city of Izyum, Kharkiv region, was seized by illegal armed groups of regular military units of the Russian federation. Since then, and until September 10, 2022, this territory was under temporary occupation, and the residents of Izyum were almost all the time in shelters, basements and cellars, without means of subsistence, as fierce fighting was taking place in the city. The period of occupation of the city of Izyum, Kharkiv region, was accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the Russian Armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 07 May 2022, Mr. Z. was at his workplace on the territory of the Izyum Central Hospital. At about 13:00 on the same day, a Russian serviceman of Caucasus appearance entered the pathology department of the Izyum Central City Hospital, introduced himself as a Chechen named Akhmed, was dressed in Russian camouflage, and was carrying an assault rifle. According to Akhmed, he was in his 90 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs 20s. Ahmed was also accompanied by another Russian soldier, dressed in a Russian-style uniform, who introduced himself as Ruslan. After talking to Mr. Z., Akhmed became aggressive, started beating fedir Gavrilovic Zdebskyi, and then shot him with an AKS-74U. Mr. Z. died as a result of the gunshot wounds. Mr. Z. was killed in the pathology department of the Izyum Central City Hospital at his workplace by a Russian serviceman of Caucasus appearance who introduced himself as a Chechen named Akhmed, dressed in Russian camouflage and carrying an assault rifle. According to witnesses, it was established that on the same day, in the afternoon, representatives of the military commandant’s office arrived at the laboratory. these persons inspected the premises and recorded the injuries on Z’s body. The examination of the scene and the victim’s body revealed the following injuries a perforating gunshot wound in the abdomen, just below the left rib arch, an exit wound in the sacrum (lower back), two gunshot wounds in the neck towards the skull, round-shaped abrasions on the left side of the face (near the cheekbones), lacerations in the front surface of the shoulder joint, multiple bruises and abrasions on the face and torso. After examining the crime scene, the body of Mr. Z. was placed by the military of the Rf Armed forces in the Izyum section of the morgue. Subsequently, according to representatives of the military commandant’s office, mr. Z.’s body was sent to the city of belgorod, rf, for a forensic medical examination. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder Russian serviceman of Caucasus appearance Duduev Akhmed Khanpashaevich, born 21 April 1996, place of birth: Russia, Republic of Dagestan, Khasavyurt; passport issued on 27 April 2016 by 050011 of the federal Migration Service of Russia in the Republic of Dagestan, Khasavyurt. Episode No. 16247 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 11451 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 3496 Name of the Witness(es) (No. of person in the da1000001 tabase) Date of the crime 28 March 2022 Place of the crime Vilkhivka village, Kharkiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. On March 25, 2022, the village of Vilkhivka, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, was seized by illegal armed groups of regular military units of the Russian federation. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On March 27, 2022, Ohorodniychuk Oleksandr Vitaliyovych went missing while performing a combat mission in the village of Vilkhivka, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region. On March 28, 2022, Ohorodniychuk 91 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE Oleksandr Vitaliyovych was captured and killed by a Russian serviceman with the call sign “Angel” on the instructions of a russian serviceman with the call sign “shaman”. these circumstances are confirmed by the testimony of witnesses in criminal proceedings no. 22023220000000809 dated june 19, 2022. According to the witness, Shaternyk Andriy Ivanovych, born on August 30, 1963, on March 27, 2022, he was in a barn at 43 Studentska Street, Vilkhivka village, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, where he was taken by Russian servicemen. Together with him, three Ukrainian servicemen were found in the basement with their hands and feet tied with plastic ties. On this day, March 27, 2022, Russian servicemen dragged Oleksandr Vitaliyovych Ogorodniychuk by the hands to the barn and threw him on the floor near the witness. At that time, Ohorodniychuk Oleksandr Vitaliyovych had a wound to the right side of his chest, blood was coming out of his chest, but he was still alive. He was not provided with medical care, although he was in great need of it. It was very cold in the shed where the Russian military kept the prisoners, there were constant drafts. On March 28, 2022, a Russian serviceman with the call sign “Shaman” arrived at the yard at 43 Studencna Street, Vilkhivka village, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region. The Russian serviceman with the call sign “Shaman” was dressed in black military clothing, approximately 170 cm tall, and had a dense build. from the behavior of the other Russian servicemen, the witness concluded that the serviceman with the call sign ‘Shaman’ was their leader or ‘senior’. All the Ukrainian servicemen, except for Ohorodniychuk Oleksandr Vitaliyovych, together with the witness, were lifted from the ground and subjected to physical and psychological violence. A Russian serviceman with the call sign ‘Shaman’ pointed to Ohorodniychuk, who was lying in a corner in a barn, and asked the Russian servicemen who he was. One of the Russian servicemen present said that he was the one who had shot at them. At the same time, ‘Shaman’ made sure that Ogorodniychuk was still alive. After that, the witness and three Ukrainian servicemen were taken out of the barn and led to the cars. At that time, only Ohorodniychuk was left in the barn. At this point, one of the Russian servicemen asked the Russian serviceman with the call sign “Shaman” what to do with the man who remained in the barn (Ohorodniychuk Oleksandr Vitaliyovych), to which “Shaman” replied: “Waste him” (direct quote). Then a Russian serviceman with the call sign “Angel” (aged about 30–35 years, about 190 cm tall, thin, slightly stooped, had a short haircut) took off his assault rifle from his shoulder and entered the barn. A few seconds later, the witness heard the sound of a gunshot. On May 20, 2022, at approximately 12:00 a.m., while photographing the places where the bodies of the dead Ukrainian servicemen were removed, in a barn at 43 Studentska Street, Vilkhivka village, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, witness Yuriy Demyanenko, born on June 26, 1977, photographed the removal of the body of an unidentified ukrainian serviceman with two bullet wounds in the chest, which was located in that room. as a result of the presentation of the corpse of an unidentified ukrainian serviceman with two bullet wounds in the chest area for identification, it was established that it was the corpse of ogorodniychuk Oleksandr Vitaliyovych. as a result of a photo identification, it was established that the russian serviceman with the call sign “Shaman” who ordered the murder of prisoner Ohorodniychuk Oleksandr Vitaliyovych was Vladimir Demchenko, born on January 18, 1966. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder Russian serviceman Demchenko Vladimir Aleksandrovich, born on January 18, 1966, call sign ‘Shaman’. Russian serviceman with the call sign ‘Angel’. 92 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs Episode No. 39463 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 9924 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 9925 Name of the Witness(es) (No. of person in the database) Date of the crime 15 March 2022 Place of the crime Hrakove village, Chuguyiv district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES legal qualification under the rome statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the time of the outbreak of the war, Ms. T. (hereinafter — the applicant) lived in the village of Hrakove, Chuguyiv district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine. The applicant’s husband, Mr. I., also lived in Hrakove, Chuguyiv district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) conducted a large-scale offensive against the Kharkiv region, in particular, the city of Kharkiv. On 24.02.2022, the Rf Armed forces entered the village of Hrakove, Chuguyiv district, Kharkiv region, and occupied it. The occupation was accompanied by active military operations of the Rf Armed forces. Also, the period of occupation of the village of Hrakove, Chuguyiv district, Kharkiv region and other settlements of the Kharkiv region was accompanied by systematic and large-scale killings of civilians who did not take part in hostilities by the russian armed forces, which is confirmed by a large number of national and international investigations. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder On 26 february 2022, the Russian military began to deploy in the village of Hrakove, Chuguyiv district, Kharkiv region. Mrs. T.’s husband, Mr. I., was a civilian, engaged in agricultural activities, did not serve and was not involved in military service because he had heart problems. On 02.03.2022, Ms. T. and her two children moved to a safer area due to constant shelling of their village by the Rf Af. Mr. I. stayed at home because he had to take care of the household. Tanya T. was constantly in touch with her husband, Mr. I., who told her that since the beginning of March 2022, the Russian Armed forces began to come to Mr. I.’s house every day to conduct searches, without telling him what they were looking for. During the searches, the servicemen of the Rf Armed forces used physical and psychological violence against Mr. I., namely, beatings and beatings with a rifle butt. for example, one day, the Rf Armed forces took Mr. I. to the highway and beat him severely, threatening to kill him. Ms. T.’s mother, Ms. R., lived not far from Mr. I.’s house. According to her, Mr. I. came to her and told her: “Ma, they took me to the highway, made me kneel: “Confess”. I asked: “What do I have to confess?”. And they said: “You’re a Nazi!” He’s Korean, how can he be a Nazi? Mr. I. had a Gazelle car in his yard, and the Rf Af servicemen asked Mr. I. about it, but did not take the keys. 93 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE On March 13 and 14, 2022, the Rf Armed forces did not visit Mr. I. On March 15, 2022, at 13 hrs. 50 min. Ms. T. was talking on the phone with Mr. I. when someone started knocking on the door, Mr. I. said he would call back and hid the phone because it was dangerous to use it. But Mr. I. never called back and did not answer the phone. On that day, neighbors saw two armed servicemen in balaclavas walking down the street where the incident took place at the same time. Ms. T. asked the neighbors to inspect the house, but they found nothing. The next day, on 16 March 2022, Mr. I.’s brother came to the house and saw Mr. I. dead with signs of violent death. Ms. T.’s mother, Ms. R., went to a neighbor’s house to help wash the body. After washing him, she said: “Apparently, the bullet went through — there was a huge hole in the body”. On the same day, Ms. T. came to Hrakove village. On 17 March 2022, Mr. I. was buried. Mr. I.’s documents remained in the house, the military of the Rf Armed forces did not steal anything, everything remained in its place. After that, the servicemen came to Mr. I.’s house, the neighbors saw the servicemen of the Rf Armed forces coming to the house, taking things out of the house: clothes, food, furniture. 1 CASE IN CHERNIHIV REGION Episode No. 1000321 Applicant name (No. of personality in the database) 1000323 Victim name (No. of personality in the database) 1000324 Date of the crime 04 March 2022 Place of the crime Lisova street of Yahidne village, Chernihiv district, Chernihiv region, Ukraine Facts Premeditated murder Information about the perpetrators YES Legal representation of the NGO KHPG YES Legal qualification under the Rome Statute Art 7(1)(a) Rome Statute On 24 february 2022 The Russian federation has launched a large-scale military offensive on the territory of Ukraine. At the outbreak of the war, Y. (hereinafter — the applicant) lived in Borova, Kyiv region, Ukraine. The applicant’s son, together with her parents, lived in the village of Yahidne, Chernihiv region. The Armed forces of the Russian federation (hereinafter — the Rf Af) were conducting a large-scale offensive in the Chernihiv region. The village of Yahidne was occupied in early March 2022. During the invasion, Russian troops took men, women, and children from their homes at gunpoint and took them to the basement of a local school, where they held them for four weeks. for 28 days, from March 3 to March 31, 2022, 350 villagers were held in the 197 m² basement, during which 10 people died. In the village, the military of the Russian Armed forces also committed other illegal (criminal) acts, including the killing of villagers. (i) Circumstances surrounding the murder During the occupation of the village of Yahidne, the applicant’s son A was killed. Since the applicant lived separately from her son, for less than a week after the start of the fullscale invasion of Russia, she spoke with him by phone, and he informed her that explosions were 94 Vii dEscription of 53 sEparatE casEs WhErE Victims arE rEprEsEntEd by khpg laWyErs constantly heard in the village of Yahidne. On March 01, 2022, communication with him completely disappeared. In the evening of April 03, 2022, the applicant received a call from the godmother of A.’s child and was informed that he had died. On April 16, 2022, the applicant arrived in the village of Yahidne, where she learned from her mother that A.’s body had been lying at the gate of their house for about 9 days, and then the Russian Armed forces took the body by car to the forest and left it there. There was no information about the specific perpetrators of her son’s murder or the circumstances. according to a local resident, M., the Rf Af military told him that they shot A. because he refused to follow their order to lie down on the ground. A.’s body was exhumed on April 15, 2022, after which he was buried at the local cemetery. (ii) Alleged or identified perpetrators of the murder the law enforcement agencies and other structures of ukraine have identified the following units of the Russian Armed forces that were involved in the hostilities and occupation of Yahidne village, as well as those involved in the killing of civilians: Battalion Tactical Group of the 228th Motorized Rifle Regiment with the 9th Tank Company of the 3rd Tank Battalion of the 80th Tank Regiment, reinforced tactical groups of the 400th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment of the 90th Tank Division, as well as individual servicemen from the 35th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade and the 74th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 41st Military District of the Central Military District. The supply convoys were escorted by the combined battalion tactical group of the 55th separate motorized rifle brigade of the 41st Central Military District. The shelling could have been carried out by the forces and means of the 950th artillery regiment of the 2nd MD of the Central Military District. Individual representatives and commanders of these units were probably involved in the murder of A. 95 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE VIII CONCLUSIONS A large number of the killings described in the Communication were the result of the actions of members of the Russian Armed forces. These actions were violent and massive. there were no specific reasons that could justify such a cruel measure as executions. their goal, it seems, was to cause general fear and panic among the local population. The perpetrators of the executions were primarily snipers and other individuals with military experience who were authorized to shoot anyone who appeared on the streets. This underscores the intent to use lethal force without distinction between civilians and military personnel. Many of the victims of these shootings were civilians of working age who did not pose a threat to the Russian Armed forces and were not part of the armed conflict. Local residents were not adequately informed about the ban on going outside, so they could not foresee the risks and were injured or killed. An information vacuum due to the lack of telephone and Internet connection further complicated the situation for the local population and limited their ability to receive information about the danger. the shootings took place both during the day and at night despite the absence of an official curfew. This raised additional fears among the local population and instilled in residents uncertainty about their safety. The general motive for these killings was to suppress resistance and terrorize the local population. Killings were committed in the context of the conflict and were intended to emphasize the power and superiority of the Armed forces of the Russian federation. 96 VIII CONCLUSIONS ANNEX. Forms of standardized documents used by KHPG in the process of collecting and processing information from victims and witnesses of ill-treatment59 FORM 1. THE FORM OF APPLICATION FOR THE PROVISION F LEGAL ASSISTANCE60 To the Director of the non-governmental organization “Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group” Zakharov Ye. Yu. [fULL NAME Of THE APPLICANT] [ADDRESS Of RESIDENCE] [CONTACT DATA (PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL)] Application For the provision of legal assistance I, [SURNAME, NAME, PATRONYMIC], [DATE Of BIRTH], phone number [CONTACT PHONE NUMBER], request to provide me the secondary legal defence due to the fact that [BRIEf SUMMARY Of THE CIRCUMSTANCES] [DATE] 27 28 [SIGNATURE] [fULL NAME] in the forms provided in this annex, the information in square brackets [ ] shall be filled in by the applicant. on the basis of this application a person receives qualified legal assistance from khpg, which includes, in particular, but not exclusively, assistance during national procedures in Ukraine (initiation and representation during pre-trial investigation), assistance in legal communication with the authorities of the Russian federation, appeal to international human rights mechanisms (UN treaty bodies), submission of testimony to the ICC, etc. 97 Extrajudicial killings committEd by thE russians in bucha & othEr parts of ukrainE FORM 2. THE FORM OF CONSENT TO PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA61 To the Director of the non-governmental organization “Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group” Zakharov Ye. Yu. [fULL NAME Of THE APPLICANT] [ADDRESS Of RESIDENCE] [CONTACT DATA (PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL)] Consent to processing of personal data I [SURNAME, NAME, PATRONYMIC], born on [DATE Of BIRTH], passport series [PASSPORT SERIES] No. [PASSPORT NUMBER], issued by [THE BODY THAT ISSUED THE PASSPORT] In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”, in order to provide me with legal, psychological and humanitarian assistance, record (document) war crimes, prepare statistical, administrative and other information on personnel issues, I consent to: • processing of my personal data from primary sources to the extent of the following, in particular, information about my profession, passport data, personal information (age, gender, marital status, family composition), information about my registered or actual place of residence, information related to my health status within the limits determined by law, information on benefits and special social statuses • use of personal data, which involves any actions of the owner of personal data to process such data, their protection, as well as actions to grant partial or full rights to process personal data to other subjects of relations related to personal data, carried out with the consent of the subject of relations related to personal data, carried out with the consent of the personal data subject or in accordance with the law (Article 10 of the said Law); • dissemination of personal data, which involves actions to transfer information about an individual with the consent of the subject of personal data (Article 14 of the said Law; • in case of changes in my personal data, I undertake to provide, as soon as possible, updated, reliable information and originals of the relevant documents to supplement my personal data. [DATE] 29 [SIGNATURE] [fULL NAME ] Drafted in accordance with the requirements of the domestic legislation of Ukraine on ensuring the observance of the right to personal data protection; used by KHPG in proceedings at the national level. 98 Інформаційне видання Євгеній Захаров, Ганна Овдієнко, Максим Ревякин ПОЗАСУДОВІ СТРАТИ, ВЧИНЕНІ РОСІЯНАМИ У БУЧІ ТА ІНШИХ ЧАСТИНАХ УКРАЇНІ Друга редакція, виправлена та доповнена (англійською мовою) Відповідальний за випуск та редактор Євгеній Захаров Підписано до друку 21.11.2023 Формат 60 × 84 1/8. Папір офсетний. Умов. друк. арк. 11,62. Гарнітура roboto Наклад — 100 прим. ГО «ХАРКІВСЬКА ПРАВОЗАХИСНА ГРУПА» 61002, Харків, а/с 10430 khpg.org та library.khpg.org Друк: ТОВ «ВИДАВНИЦТВО ПРАВА ЛЮДИНИ» 61002, Харків, вул. Дарвіна, 7, кв. 35 Свідоцтво Державного комітету телебачення і радіомовлення України серія ДК № 4783 від 23.10.2014 р. ел. пошта: distribution.hr.publisher@gmail.com publisher@khpg.org