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International Journal of Social Science and Human Research ISSN (print): 2644-0679, ISSN (online): 2644-0695 Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024 DOI: 10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-106, Impact factor- 6.686 Page No: 816-826 Perception of Learners and Facilitators on the Best Practices for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Courses in Open and Distance Education Professor Chibuogwu V. Nnaka Faculty of Education National Open University of Nigeria ABSTRACT: The study investigated the perceptions of learners and facilitators on the best practices for effective teaching and learning of science courses in open and distance learning. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. Eight research questions were posed to guide the study. A total of 180 students and 30 tutorial facilitators selected by purposive sampling from study centres in the South-east and South-south geopolitical zones in Nigeria constituted the sample. Two different questionnaires were used for data collection. Data was analyzed using means and percentage frequencies. Findings reveal that using practical demonstration, engagement with hands on activities and use of examples constitute the best practices for teaching science courses in open and distance learning mode as perceived by the facilitators. Availability of functional internet facilities, using practical demonstrations and availability of personal computers/laptops for tutorials are among the instructional modes that students perceive as best practices for learning science courses in open and distance learning . Facilitators and students perceive lack of well-equipped laboratory as a constraint to the attainment of best practices in the teaching and learning of science courses in open and distance. Recommendations were made based on the findings. INTRODUCTION Science is a systematic body of knowledge derived through observations and experimentations. Scientific knowledge differs in both content and forms from other forms of knowledge such as religion and art. Science disciplines are systematic, provable, and reliable and supported by evidence. De Haro (2020) defined science as a systematic method of investigation of nature, understanding and harnessing it to serve human needs. This implies that through the study of science subjects, such as biology, physics, chemistry, nations are able to understand, explore and control their environment. Thus, the success or failure of science subjects’ instructions at any level of education has critical implications for the society. Effective teaching and learning of science subjects equips students with skills and knowledge for successful science careers in the future, thereby contributing to the much needed scientific and technological advancement of Nigeria. On the other hand, ineffective teaching and learning of science subjects will have negative consequences to the quest for development of manpower in science-based occupations and the overall development of the nation. It is for these reasons that effective teaching of science subjects should be emphasized at all levels of the educational system both in the conventional and in the open and distance learning mode Effectiveness refers to the degree to which intended objectives are achieved and the capacity of producing a desired result. Effective teaching entails providing maximum opportunities for all students to learn. It can be defined as teaching which leads to improved student achievement using outcomes that matter to their future success. Thus student progress is the yardstick by which teacher effectiveness can be assessed. Bulger (2013) and Sean (2002) identified Four Aces of effective teaching as –outcomes, clarity, engagement and enthusiasm. The aces represent principles that when systematically implemented can enhance student learning and can be used as a vehicle for improving instructional effectiveness. Effective teaching strategies help to engage students in developing critical thinking skills and keep students on tasks. It engenders sustained and useful classroom interaction and in general enables and enhances the learning of the course content. Goodrum (2019) identified six main principles of effective teaching of science, these include:1. Dealing with students ideas and conceptions, 2. Encouraging students to apply new concepts or skills into different contexts. 3. Encouraging student participation in lessons. 4. Encouraging student enquiry. 5. Encouraging co-operative learning among student and IJSSHR, Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024 www.ijsshr.in Page 816 Perception of Learners and Facilitators on the Best Practices for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Courses in Open and Distance Education 6. Offering continuous assessment and providing corrective feedback. Effective teaching and learning in science subjects is a continuous procedure and does not happen at once. Hence, Boettcher (2011) observed that planning an effective learning environment needs a conception and understanding of mental procedures, knowledge and pedagogic principles and basic learning theories that define the effectiveness and its value OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING Open and distance learning (ODL) has become globally accepted as an integral part of higher education. This system came into existence because of the universal demand for education, thirst for knowledge and the failure of the conventional education system to cater for the demand for higher education. Consequently, open and distance learning in recent times has emerged as an alternative to the conventional system, as it has not only proved to be cost effective but also has the potential to reach out to a large segment of the unreached, the marginalized and the needy. Hence, many developing countries such as India, South Africa and recently Nigeria have embraced this mode of learning .Open and distance learning refers to approaches to learning that focus on freeing learners from the constraints of time and place, while offering flexible learning opportunities (UNESCO 2002). Saykili (2018) defined open and distance learning as the type of education that takes place outside the conventional school system. It is impacted without necessarily having a personal interaction with the learners. It is a process of education in which all or most of the teaching is conducted by someone geographically removed from the learner. Most of the instruction between the learner and the instructor are conducted through electronic or print media. Open and distance learning is an amalgam of two approaches to education that focuses on expanding access to learning and the use of multimodal delivery systems such as technology and printed modules. It is characterized by two factors – its philosophy and its use of technology (Chikuya, 2007; Freeman, 2004). The philosophy of open and distance learning aims to remove barriers to education to allow students study what they want, when they want and where they want. This philosophy implies that education should be made available to all regardless of time, place and age. (Freeman, 2004; Rowe, 1994). Mudasiru(2006) defined open and distance learning as a term used to describe the student centeredness of distance education and it deals with the use of print and electronic technology to present individual lessons to learners at a distance .The success of open and distance learning (ODL) has driven universities to increase the courses offered online including science courses. Some challenges arise when teaching science courses to students who are not physically co-located and have individual learning schedules. However in open and distance learning, for the field of science and engineering, the practical sessions have been conducted by some open and distance learning providers, based on an existing practical model and often by setting up laboratories at the study centres. Incorporating practical work into open and distance learning of science subjects is a worldwide challenge that calls for careful planning and creative curriculum development. While most science educators would agree that studying science without any exposure to practical work would result in a rather idiosyncratic qualification (Bennett, Metcalfe, Scarron, Thomas and Williams, 1995), there has been growing realization that the laboratory is not the only place in which the objectives of science can be achieved. Consensus is spreading that the benefits students derive from practical work cannot necessarily be measured by the number of hours spent in a laboratory. Ezekannagha (2007) describes science as an attempt by human beings to organize their experiences about nature into meaningful systems of explanations. Science subjects therefore when properly offered to learners is expected to produce in them qualities such as scientific and technological knowledge, skills and attitudes such as keen observation, manipulation, open mindedness, patience, tolerance, aptness, curiosity, critical mindedness, objectivity etc. to enable them operate completely in their environment. The offering of science subjects in open and distance learning is to give citizens such scientific knowledge, skills and qualities that would enable them improve in their day to day living within their society and for the nation to move forward in self-reliance and sustainable development. Iwasan (2017) pointed out the benefits of science and technology education as follows;  Ability of man to produce high quality goods and services has improved tremendously.  New drugs, vaccines, sophisticated equipment and tools have been produced which are helping in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases thereby enhancing longevity.  High yielding varieties of crops and animals as well as disease-resistant varieties have been developed.  Through science and technology transportation and communication have improved remarkably, sophisticated buildings that provide comfortable accommodation for people have also been constructed. This important role of science subjects have been clearly expressed in the National Policy of Education (FME 2013). The National Policy on Education states as part of its goals of education, the need to develop in the individual a sound basis of scientific and reflective thinking ability to solve personal and social problems using the methods of intelligence and adaptability to his changing societal environment. The development of scientific literacy in individuals still remains the central concern of science education in all its ramifications. Science subjects should therefore help to prepare individuals to be informed in science as well as to be active participants in civic life, productive workers and life-long learners who will be able to influence their society positively. QUALITY OF LEARNING AND STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN SCIENCES IN OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING IJSSHR, Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024 www.ijsshr.in Page 817 Perception of Learners and Facilitators on the Best Practices for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Courses in Open and Distance Education Regarding the quality of learning through open and distance learning, much of the research has concluded that learning in open and distance learning is as good as the learning in face-to- face (traditional classroom) education(Hong,2000; Kleinman &Entin,2002; Rovai,2002). Kleinman and Eitin (2002) compared the performance and attitude of in-class and distance learning students in an introductory computer science course. The analysis of students’ data indicates that there is no significant difference between the two groups in their learning outcomes. Likewise, Landis (2006) found that there was no significant difference between distance learning students and traditional on-campus students in allied healthcare education. However, Gary (2004) compared course performance overtime between online and traditional classroom students in a required management information systems course included in the Business School’s common professional component. The online delivery method was found to be effective but the performance as measured by final grades showed a lower score than students enrolled in traditional sections of the course. Ngaruko, Saria and Jiwaji (2012) found that open and distance learning undergraduate students in physical sciences at the Open University of Tanzania, exhibited poor academic performance. They suggested that the performance could be improved if the mode of study is complemented with occasional face –to- face sessions and online dialogue between the tutors and the students through teleconferencing. Adewara, Adeleke, Ogundeji and Ahani (2010) compared the performance of distance learning students with fulltime students at the University of Lagos. The results indicate that there was a statistical significant difference in the final grade of these groups of students. Literature review reveals various results from individual comparative studies on whether students’ achievement in distance education is better or worse than in face- to –face education. A good many reviews of the literature on distance education effectiveness have concluded that distance education courses are as effective as face-to –face courses (Cavanaugh 2001, Zhao &Tan 2004). This study will therefore investigate the perceptions of facilitators and learners on the best practices for teaching and learning of science courses in the open and distance learning mode at the National Open University of Nigeria. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The need to incorporate modern trends in science teaching and learning to meet global best practices cannot be underestimated in today’s changing world. Open and distance learning has ushered in a new system of imparting scientific knowledge to students who are physically separated from the instructors. Challenges arise in teaching science students who are not physically co-located and have individual teaching schedules. Teaching science subjects involve high level of demonstration and interactivity between the instructor and the students. For instance, hands-on experiences and mathematical calculations are required in practical physics, chemistry and biology for effective teaching and learning to take place. However, better demonstration and interactivity can also be achieved by using flash technologies, animated simulations and employing synchronous communication technology which works as collaborative platforms to allow the instructor and students to have real time application and sharing of information. This research work is therefore focused on finding out the best practices in the teaching and learning of science subjects in open and distance learning mode. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The aim of this study is to determine the best practices in the teaching and learning of science subjects in open and distance learning mode. Specifically, the study sought to determine: RESEARCH QUESTIONS The research was guided by the following research questions: 1. What are the instructional modes/strategies that constitute the best method of teaching science in open and distance learning? 2. What are the instructional modes/strategies that constitute the best method of learning science in open and distance learning? 3. To what extent do facilitators use these instructional modes in teaching science courses in open and distance learning? 4. To what extent do students utilize these instructional modes in the learning of science courses? 5. What are the existing constraints towards attaining best practices for teaching and learning science courses as perceived by Students? 6. What are the existing constraints towards attaining best practices for teaching and learning science courses as perceived by Facilitators? 7. What are the suggestions towards attaining best practices in the teaching and learning of science courses in ODL as perceived by students? 8. What are the suggestions towards attaining best practices in the teaching and learning of science courses in ODL as perceived by facilitators? SCOPE OF THE STUDY IJSSHR, Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024 www.ijsshr.in Page 818 Perception of Learners and Facilitators on the Best Practices for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Courses in Open and Distance Education The study was mainly concerned with the perception of learners and facilitators on the best practices for teaching and learning of science courses in open and distance learning mode . The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) which has over one hundred and twenty (120) study centres located across the country was used for the study. METHODOLOGY The study was a descriptive study carried out in six study centres in the South- East and South –South geopolitical zones. The population covered all NOUN students who have registered for science courses either in the faculty of science or in the department of science education. Purposive sampling was used to select 180 students pursuing B.Sc. degree in science and science education and 30 facilitators who facilitate science courses in the six centres. Two questionnaires were used namely –Questionnaire on Best Practices for Teaching and Learning Science in ODL ( Facilitators ) and Best Practices for Learning Science in ODL( for students) .Each of the questionnaire had four sections.-Section A and B require responses on a four point scale of –Very Large Extent,(VLE), Large Extent(LE(. Moderate Extent (ME) and Small Extent (SM) . Section C & D of the instrument require open – ended responses from the respondents. Experts in ODL and science education validated the instrument. The reliability of the instrument was determined using the Test –Retest method. A reliability coefficient of 0.86 was obtained using Spearman Brown’s Formula. The data was collected from the facilitators and learners by administering the instruments and collecting them back through the research assistants / counselors at the different study centres. The responses were tallied and the frequencies and mean scores for each item was computed. The mean scores / frequencies were used in answering the research questions. A mean rating of 2.50 and above implies acceptance/agree while a mean score below 2.50 implies rejection/disagree. ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS Research Question 1: What are the instructional modes/strategies that constitute the best method of teaching science in open and distance learning? Table 1: Mean Response of Facilitators on the extent to which the under-listed modes/strategies constitute best practices for teaching science courses in ODL. S/ Item VLE LE ME SE N Mean Remark N 1 Using practical demonstrations 15 15 30 3.5 Accepted 2 Engagement with hands-on activities 10 15 5 30 3.17 Accepted 3 Use of examples 18 10 2 30 3.53 Accepted 4 Regular feedback on exercises done 10 18 2 30 3.27 Accepted 5 Effective use of communication skills 8 10 10 2 30 2.80 Accepted 6 Use of diagrammatic illustrations 8 11 10 1 30 2.87 Accepted Use of real objects 12 15 3 30 3.3 Accepted 8 Use of improvised objects 8 8 10 4 30 2.67 Accepted 9 Availability of functional internet facilities 10 15 5 30 3.17 Accepted 10 11 12 13 14 15 Available personal computers /laptops for our tutorials Access to internet facilities /connectivity Multimedia projectors are used for power point presentations in classes. Regular electricity supply Offering learners’ support Offering counseling services 10 18 2 14 5 15 10 1 10 6 4 6 18 14 10 4 10 10 30 3.27 Accepted 5 30 30 3.43 2.50 Accepted Accepted 2 2 4 30 30 30 2.93 2.67 2.60 Accepted Accepted Accepted Responses from Table 1 indicated that all the mean ratings were greater than the cut-off point of 2.50, which implies that all the items were accepted as capable of engendering best practices in the teaching of science courses in ODL as perceived by the facilitators used for the study. Engagement with hands-on activities and use of examples were among the instructional modes/strategies rated very highly by the facilitators. Table 2: Mean Response of students on the extent to which the under-listed modes/strategies constitute best practices for learning science courses in ODL. S/N Item VLE LE ME SE N Mean Remark IJSSHR, Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024 www.ijsshr.in Page 819 Perception of Learners and Facilitators on the Best Practices for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Courses in Open and Distance Education 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Using practical demonstrations Engagement with hands-on activities Use of examples Regular feedback on exercises done Effective use of communication skills Use of diagrammatic illustrations Use of real objects Use of improvised objects Availability of functional internet facilities 40 35 30 35 30 14 50 30 90 110 100 110 65 50 66 50 40 50 30 40 30 60 74 80 60 50 36 5 10 20 26 20 20 60 4 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 3.06 2.92 2.89 2.64 2.47 2.41 2.72 2.22 3.26 Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Rejected Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted 10 Available personal computers /laptops for our tutorials Access to internet facilities /connectivity Multimedia projectors are used for power point presentations in classes. Regular electricity supply Offering learners’ support Offering counseling services 65 75 26 14 180 3.06 Accepted 60 40 80 50 20 53 20 37 180 180 3.00 2.52 Accepted Accepted 35 60 55 55 80 85 55 15 25 35 25 15 180 180 180 2.50 2.97 3.00 Accepted Accepted Accepted 11 12 13 14 15 Responses from Table 2 indicated that with the exception of items 5, 6, and 8 all the mean ratings were greater than the cut-off point of 2.50, which implies that all the other items were accepted as capable of engendering best practices in the learning of science courses in ODL as perceived by the students used for the study Table 3: Mean responses of facilitators on the extent to which they use the under-listed modes/strategies for teaching science courses in ODL. S/N Item VLE LE ME SE N Mean Remark 16 Using practical demonstrations 10 12 8 30 3.07 Accepted 17 Engagement with hands-on activities 11 12 4 3 30 3.03 Accepted 18 Use of examples 8 15 7 30 3.03 Accepted 19 Regular feedback on exercises done 7 18 5 30 3.07 Accepted 20 Effective use of communication skills 5 15 8 2 30 2.77 Accepted 21 Use of diagrammatic illustrations 7 14 4 6 30 2.80 Accepted 22 Use of real objects 10 12 6 2 30 3.00 Accepted 23 Use of improvised objects 10 10 4 6 30 2.80 Accepted 24 Availability of functional internet facilities 8 10 7 5 30 2.70 Accepted 25 Available personal computers /laptops for 10 14 6 30 3.13 Accepted our tutorials 26 Access to internet facilities /connectivity 10 20 30 3.33 Accepted 27 Multimedia projectors are used for power 5 15 8 2 30 2.77 Accepted point presentations in classes. 28 Regular electricity supply 8 10 7 5 30 2.70 Accepted 29 Offering learners’ support 8 10 5 7 30 2.63 Accepted 30 Offering counseling services 6 14 4 6 30 2.60 Accepted Responses from Table 3, indicated that all the mean ratings were greater than the cut-off point of 2.50, which implies that all the items were accepted as being used by the facilitators for engendering best practices in the teaching of science courses in ODL. The item means ranged from 2.60 for item 30, to 3.33 for item 26. Using practical demonstrations, access to internet facilities/connectivity and availability of personal computers /laptops for tutorials were among the instructional modes/strategies utilized and rated very highly by the facilitators . Table 4: Mean Response of Students on the Extent to which they use the Under-listed modes/strategies for learning science courses in ODL. S/N Item VLE LE ME SE N mean Remark 16 Using practical demonstrations 40 100 30 10 180 2.94 Accepted 17 Engagement with hands-on activities 45 90 40 5 180 2.97 Accepted 18 Use of examples 40 100 30 10 180 2.94 Accepted 19 Regular feedback on exercises done 50 60 50 20 180 2.78 Accepted IJSSHR, Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024 www.ijsshr.in Page 820 Perception of Learners and Facilitators on the Best Practices for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Courses in Open and Distance Education 20 21 22 23 24 25 Effective use of communication skills Use of diagrammatic illustrations Use of real objects Use of improvised objects Availability of functional internet facilities Available personal computers /laptops for our tutorials Access to internet facilities /connectivity Multimedia projectors are used for power point presentations in classes. Regular electricity supply Offering learners’ support Offering counseling services 26 27 28 29 30 30 14 50 40 80 70 60 76 50 40 50 70 64 70 60 50 36 26 26 20 20 50 14 14 180 180 180 180 180 180 2.52 2.47 2.72 2.39 3.09 3.09 Accepted Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted Accepted 60 40 70 70 25 33 25 37 180 180 2.92 2.63 Accepted Accepted 35 40 55 65 100 80 40 15 25 40 25 20 180 180 180 2.53 2.86 2.94 Accepted Accepted Accepted Responses from Table 4, indicated that all the mean ratings except for items 21 and 23 were greater than the cut-off point of 2.50, which implies that all the other items were accepted as being used by the students for engendering best practices in the learning of science courses in ODL. Table 5: Percentage & Frequencies of Existing Constraints towards attaining best practices for teaching and learning science courses as perceived by students (N= 180). S/N Existing Constraints encountered by students Frequencies Percentage 1. No problems encountered while in 18 10% practical science activities. 2 Problems of adjusting to time for practical 36 20% classes 3 Inability to understand the practical classes 27 15% properly 4 No residential facility in the 9 5% study center 5 Practical classes are done superficially 22 12% 6 Communication problems at the study center 14 8% 7 Large number of students engage in practicals 9 5% at a time 8 problem to understand the 9 5% Language used in the practical class. 9 Absence of functional laboratories in some 36 20% study centres Responses from Table 5, indicated the existing constraints towards attaining best practices for teaching and learning science courses in ODL as perceived by students. The major constraints as perceived by the students included absence of functional laboratories in some study centres, Problems of adjusting to time for practical classes and shallow treatment of practical courses. Table 6: Percentage Frequencies of Existing Constraints towards attaining best practices for teaching and learning science courses as perceived by Facilitators.(N=30) Existing Constraints towards attaining best practices in teaching Frequencies Percentage S/N science at ODL 1. No major problem while guiding the learners for their practical 12 40% activities. 2 Learners are irregular in attending practical classes in science 6 20% 3 4 5 Learners are very less aware about the theory part of the practical There is lack of well-equipped laboratory for the ODL learners No provision for repeat/practice of the practical activities/experiments; 6 5 1 20% 15% 5% Responses from Table 6, indicated the existing constraints towards attaining best practices for teaching and learning science courses in ODL as perceived by the facilitators. The major constraints as perceived by the facilitators included lack of well-equipped IJSSHR, Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024 www.ijsshr.in Page 821 Perception of Learners and Facilitators on the Best Practices for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Courses in Open and Distance Education laboratory for the ODL learners at study centres, irregularity of students in attending to practical classes in science, paucity of students’ awareness about the theory part of the practical. Table 7: Percentage Frequencies of Suggestions towards attaining best practices for teaching and learning science courses as perceived by students. (N=180) S/N Suggestions towards attaining Best Practices Frequencies Percentage in teaching/learning science 1 No suggestion was indicated towards effective 45 25% implementation of practical based courses under ODL system 2 Timing of the practical should be designed 45 25% according to the needs of the learners 3 Home based practical should be conducted 36 20% 4 Study center should have its own 18 10% practical instruments and laboratory 5 Practical should be conducted in small groups 18 10% 6 7 Practical should be conducted during the holiday time E-based practical should be encouraged. 9 5% 9 5% Responses from Table 7 indicate students’ suggestions towards attaining best practices in the teaching and learning of science courses in ODL. The major suggestions included:i. timing of the practical sessions should be designed according to the needs of the learners, ii. home based practicals should be conducted, iii. study centres should have its own practical instruments and laboratory iv. practicals should be conducted in small groups Table 8: Percentage Frequencies of Suggestions towards attaining best practices for teaching and learning science courses as perceived by Facilitators (N=30). S/N Suggestions towards attaining Best Practices Frequencies Percentage in teaching/learning science 1 No suggestion was indicated regarding effective 9 30% implementation of practical based courses under ODL system. 2 Theory part of the practical should 6 20% be properly taught before doing practical 3 Special practical arrangement may be done for 5 16.67% candidates who could not adjust to scheduled time due to their job. 4 Sufficient number of practical classes should 5 16.67% be allotted on the time table 5 Laboratory technicians and counselors should 5 16.67% be well trained about ODL system. Responses from Table 8 indicate facilitators’ suggestions towards attaining best practices in the teaching and learning of science courses in ODL. The major suggestions included:i. Theory part of the practical should be taught properly before carrying out the practical, ii. Special practical arrangement may be done for candidates who could not adjust to scheduled time due to their job, iii. Laboratory technicians and counselors should be well trained about ODL system a nd sufficient number of practical classes should be allotted in the time table. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS I. Instructional modes/strategies that constitute best practices for teaching /learning of science courses IJSSHR, Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024 www.ijsshr.in Page 822 Perception of Learners and Facilitators on the Best Practices for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Courses in Open and Distance Education A- Findings from Table 1, indicate that using practical demonstrations, engagement with hands-on activities and use of examples were highly rated and accepted as best practices in the teaching of science courses in ODL as perceived by the facilitators. This finding concurs with Hodson (2014) who posits that quality practical work can engage students, develop their understanding of concepts and also enable them to understand the process of scientific investigation. B –With regards to the findings from Table 2, the use of practical demonstrations, availability of functional internet facilities, and availability of personal computers /laptops for tutorials were among the instructional modes/strategies that the students rated very high. With the recent introduction of “noun i-learn” and online facilitation in NOUN the role of personal computers/laptops and internet availability in ODL cannot be over emphasized in enhancing students’ learning. Ani (2015) explained the importance of the internet in this digital age. He noted that the internet is the cheapest and fastest means of sourcing, providing and compiling information across the globe and from varied sources. In the absence of computers/laptops and functional internet facilities, the students are disadvantaged and little or no learning will take place. II. Extent of use of the instructional modes/strategies in teaching/learning science courses. C- Findings from Table 3, reveals that the facilitators rated using practical demonstrations, access to internet facilities/connectivity and availability of personal computers /laptops for tutorials very highly as instructional strategies for best practices in teaching of science courses. This correlates with Sung et al (2016) whose research studies confirm that integrating computer, laptop and mobile devices with teaching and learning enhances students’ performance. D- Table 4 reveals that engagement with hands-on activities, access to internet facilities/connectivity and availability of personal computers /laptops for tutorials were among the instructional modes/strategies utilized and rated very highly by the students .Owoyemi and Akinsete (2012) in their study on “Learning science at a distance- NOUN students perception of practical work in learning science” found that the students were of the opinion that it is more challenging to learn science without any practical work. Their work also revealed that NOUN students were of the view that it is essential for a science course to include practical sessions even though the course materials have been delivered to them III. Constraints hindering the attainment of the best practices for teaching/learning of science courses. E - Findings from Table 5 emphasize the major constraints that hinder the attainment of best practices for learning science courses in ODL as perceived by the students. These include absence of functional laboratories in some study centres, problems of adjusting to time for practical classes and shallow treatment of some practical courses. Nnaka (2016) noted that lack of science laboratories and lack of internet facilities constitute major challenges to teaching and learning of science in ODL. Moreover available evidence and visit to NOUN study centres reveals that most of them lack the physical infrastructure to accommodate a science laboratory. F- Findings from Table 6 indicate that the major constraints towards attaining best practices for teaching science courses in ODL as perceived by the facilitators include lack of well-equipped laboratory for learners at study centres, irregularity of students in attending to practical classes and paucity of students’ awareness about the theory part of the practical. Records from study centre time tables shows that practical sessions are usually scheduled from 1.00pm to 4.00pm .This is very inconvenient for the students most of whom are employed, consequently the attendance is usually very low. IV. Suggestions of Facilitators and Students towards attaining best practices in teaching/learning of science courses. G. Major suggestions by students towards attaining best practices for learning science courses as shown in Table 7 includei. Timing of the practical should be designed according to the needs of the learners. ii. Home based practical should be conducted. iii Study centres should have their own practical instruments and laboratory. iv. Practical should be conducted in small groups. This agrees with Owoyemi & Akinsete (2012) Nnaka (2013) who emphasized that any meaningful teaching and learning of science must include practical work. The practical can be done in the laboratory or at home through various multimedia. H. Findings from Table 8 shows that the facilitators indicated that the major suggestions towards attaining best practices for teaching science courses includei. Theory part of the practical should be taught properly before doing practical. ii Special practical arrangement may be done for candidates who could not adjust to the scheduled time due to their job. iii Laboratory technicians and counselors should be well trained about ODL system and iv . Sufficient number of practical classes should be scheduled on the time table. Kandamby (2019) in his study on –“Effectiveness of Laboratory Practical for Students’ Learning” noted that students’ active involvement in learning before the commencement of practical with the assistance of the instructor observing physical outcomes have shown better results in students’ learning outcome. Therefore the theory part of the science courses should be thoroughly taught to the students before the practical begins. IJSSHR, Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024 www.ijsshr.in Page 823 Perception of Learners and Facilitators on the Best Practices for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Courses in Open and Distance Education CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Utilizing the best practices in teaching and learning of science courses in ODL is a desirable goal and is achievable. The study revealed that for the facilitators the use of practical demonstration, engagement with hands-on-activities, and use of examples were perceived as the best practices in the teaching of science courses in ODL. The students perceived using practical demonstration, availability of functional internet facilities and possession of personal computer/laptop for tutorials as best practices for the learning of science courses in ODL. The instructional modes/strategies that ought to be utilized for science teaching in ODL include the use of practical demonstration, provision of access to internet facilities and availability of personal computers/laptop , while engagement with hands-on-activities, access to the internet and possession of personal computer/laptop were rated highly as instructional modes/strategies for the learning of science courses in ODL. The major constraints that hinder the attainment of the best practices in teaching /learning of science courses in ODL includeabsence of functional laboratory in most study centres and problem of adjusting the practical time – table to meet the needs of students. Finally, in order to attain the best practices for teaching/learning of sciences courses in ODL, establishment of science laboratories in study centres, home based practical, timing of the practical to suit the needs of the students, conducting of the practical in small groups and training of laboratory technicians in ODL systems were suggested. Best practices in the teaching/learning of science courses can be attained if the identified constraints are eliminated and the suggestions implemented. Based on the findings of the study the following recommendations were:i. NOUN Study Centres that have adequate physical infrastructure should have fully equipped science laboratories. ii. All NOUN Study Centres should be equipped with functional internet facilities, so that students and facilitators can make use of any multimedia facility that is available. iii. It is necessary for NOUN to partner with information and communication technology companies in the country to assist students to acquire their personal computers/laptops iv. Training and retraining of science tutorial facilitators and laboratory technicians on the use of various electronic media for instructional delivery. REFERENCES 1) Adewara, J.A., Adeleke, I.A. Ogundeji, R.K. & Ahani, E.B. (2010). Comparison of Academic Performance of Distance Learning Students and Full-Time Students in University of Lagos, American Journal of Business Education, Vol. 3(9) (Sept. 2010), p . 17-21 2) Ally, M. (2004). Foundations of Theory for Online Learning. In Terry Anderson and Fattil Elloumi (eds.) Theory and Practice of Online Learning, 1, 31, Athabasca University, Canada 3) Amita, N. & Vibha, J. (2007). 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