8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2007)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 (2008) 012195
IOP Publishing
Design And Characterization Of A YBa2Cu3O7-δ dcSuperconducting Quantum Interference Device For Magnetic
A. Prigiobbo1 and E. Sarnelli
CNR - Istituto di Cibernetica “E. Caianiello”, via C. Flegrei 34, I-80078 Pozzuoli,
E-mail: a.prigiobbo@cib.na.cnr.it
Abstract. A dc-SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) based magnetometer
for magnetic microscopy applications has been designed and tested. A square loop has been
chosen as pick-up coil and a direct coupling configuration with the SQUID has been realized.
On this scale dimension, the strips connecting SQUID and pick-up coil induce a non-negligible
effect on the device performances. In particular, a reduction of the effective area is predicted. A
SQUID device has been fabricated on symmetric 30° [001]-tilt YBa2Cu3O7-x bicrystal and its
behavior has been tested. Characterization results in terms of current-voltage characteristics
and magnetic field response are reported. They well agree with expected behaviors. Moreover,
magnetometer response to a localized magnetic field has also been investigated.
1. Introduction
Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) based magnetometers have been widely
proved as a powerful tool in both fundamental and applied physics. A SQUID essentially acts as a
magnetic flux-to-voltage transducer and the sensed magnetic flux Ф is linked to the magnetic field B,
which is to be measured, by the expression
Φ = Aeff B
where Aeff is the device effective area. This parameter also affects the magnetometer spatial resolution
δ [1] that is one of the most relevant parameter in determining magnetometer performances in
applications fields such as Scanning Magnetic Microscopy (SMM) [2]. Beside the high temperature
operation, the interest in using High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) SQUID magnetometer in
SMM arises from the less stringent requirements in the thermal isolation of the sensor and the cooling
system. This allows to reduce operating costs and minimize the distance between the sensor and the
sample in case the latter is at room temperature.
Considering the sensor design, many constraints on SQUID parameters have to be observed. The
device inductance Ls cannot overcome an upper limit in order to avoid that thermal noise compromises
SQUID performance. Indeed, the flux noise δΦ n = k B TL s (where kB is the Boltzmann constant) has
to be kept smaller than the flux quantum Ф0 (≈ 2·10-15 Wb) [3]. In general, to keep small the
inductance of a superconducting loop, small geometric dimensions are required. This implies a
To whom any correspondence should be addressed
c 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd
8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2007)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 (2008) 012195
IOP Publishing
reduced effective area. In order to overcome this limitation, it is commonplace to produce SQUID
based magnetometers by coupling the bare SQUID to a superconducting loop (pickup coil).
In the case of direct coupling between SQUID and pickup coil, typical of HTS SQUIDs, the current
i p = Φ L p , which is induced in the pickup coil of inductance Lp by the applied magnetic flux Ф, also
flows in a part of the SQUID (e.g. see [4] and references therein). In this case the sensor effective area
to be considered is given by [4]
Aeff = As + kA p s
where Ap and As are the pickup loop and bare SQUID effective area, respectively. k is a coupling
coefficient and it is given by the L’ to Ls ratio, where L’ represents the inductance of the SQUID
portion in which ip flows.
Here, we propose a possible layout for HTS directly coupled SQUID based magnetometers when a
small pickup loop is required. However, because of small dimensions, the actual design introduces a
reduction of the sensor total effective area. This effect was experimentally verified by the magnetic
characterization of a YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) dc-SQUID. Moreover, the designed and fabricated
magnetometer was tested by applying to the device the magnetic field in two different ways: one of
them is uniform over the entire device, while the other one is applied only over a portion of the pickup
loop. As a result, a different sensor magnetic response depending on the way to apply the magnetic
field was observed. This confirmed the dependence of the effective area, and hence of the spatial
resolution, not only on the device layout, but also on the relative extension of the magnetic field to be
2. Effective area reduction
Here the layout of our directly coupled SQUID based magnetometer is reported. In figure 1(a) the
total sensor layout is depicted. A square-shaped pickup coil was chosen because of the simplicity of
determining both its inductance and effective area. In fact, if d and D are the inner and outer
dimension of the superconducting square loop, respectively (figure 1(a)), Ap ≈ dD [5] and
L p ≈ 1,25µ 0 d [6]. In our case d = 100 µm and D = 400 µm, and hence Ap ≈ 4·10-8 m2 and Lp ≈ 1.57·1010
H. In order to maximize the direct coupling, a rectangular shaped SQUID has been chosen. In figure
1(b) the used bare SQUID and the coupling region are shown and relative dimensions are reported too.
The inductance of the SQUID was evaluated by adding the geometric and the kinetic term: the former
was evaluated by using the formula valid for coplanar strips [7], and the latter was obtained by
following [8]. To determine the coupling coefficient k, the inductance of the part of the SQUID
containing the Josephson junctions, Lj, and the one of the part interested by the direct coupling, L’,
were determined separately. In this way we obtained: Lj ≈ 4.5 pH and L’ ≈ 33.5 pH, Ls ≈ 38 pH and
finally k = L’/Ls ≈ 0.88. The bare SQUID effective area As was roughly evaluated by considering the
inner half of the device as the area over which the magnetic field actually contributes to the magnetic
flux, as shown by the dashed line in figure 1(b). In our case As ≈ 7.6·10-10 m2.
In our sensor the connection between the bare SQUID and the pickup coil is realized by using two
strips parallel to the SQUID body for the most of their length, as shown in figure 1. In this
configuration the current i p = Bapp A p L p (where Bapp is the applied magnetic field) couples an
additional magnetic field to the bare SQUID by flowing in these strips. This contribution can be seen
as an extra magnetic flux that adds to the applied magnetic flux and to the one generated by the
flowing of ip in the portion of the SQUID. Because in the strips ip flows in opposite directions in
respect of the SQUID body, this extra flux has to be subtracted. The magnetic field has been estimated
as generated by a straight wire laying in the middle of the strips. The flux has been obtained
integrating such a field in the interval [r1, r2] along the SQUID eight l (see figure 1(b)). The total
magnetometer effective area can be expressed as [9]:
8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2007)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 (2008) 012195
IOP Publishing
Figure 1. (a) Final magnetometer layout and pickup loop dimensions; (b)The bare
SQUID layout and coupling region with geometric dimensions (wj=4µm, t=4µm, ws=8µm
lj=6µm, lsl=55µm); the dashed closed line in the SQUID body represents the edges of the
SQUID effective area; the bicrystal line is also shown.
= As + k
Ls − 2
µ 0 Ap
l log 2
2π L p
It is worth to notice that the contribution is doubled because of the presence of two connecting strips.
The values obtained for the total effective area by using this latter expression are quite different as
compared to the results obtainable by applying expression (2). For the device reported here we
obtained: Aeff ≈ 9.3·10-9 m2 and Atoteff ≈ 4.5·10-9 m2 with a total reduction of the effective area of about
Let us consider a square superconducting loop of inner and outer dimensions d and D respectively,
as the pickup coil used in our device. As long as the applied magnetic field is uniform over the entire
loop the effective area introduced in previous sections still holds, i.e. Ap ≈ dD . But if the magnetic
field is present only in a reduced region of the pick-up loop, let say in a circular region of radius rm,
the Ap expression has to be reconsidered. In particular, if
i.e. if the magnetic field is present in a region less than the inner half of the pickup loop, the effective
area to be considered is now Ap = πrm2. As a consequence this reflects in a variation of the total
effective area via the redefinition of Ap.
3. Experimental results
In order to verify the studied effective area reduction effects, a HTS SQUID magnetometer was
realized following the design of section 2 and its response to an applied magnetic field was studied.
The sensor was fabricated in a 180 nm thick YBCO thin film deposited on a symmetric [001] oriented
SrTiO3 (STO) bicrystal substrate with an in plane misorientation angle of 30°. Low-resistance electric
contacts were obtained by the deposition of a 100 nm thick gold layer. The characterization was
carried out in a shielded environment assured by three µ-metal cylinders surrounding a liquid nitrogen
Dewar. Moreover, a 1 cm thick aluminum box encloses all the system. The device was characterized
in terms of current-voltage (IV) curves and magnetic response, i.e. voltage vs. applied magnetic field
(VB). All the characterizations have been carried out at T = 77K.
8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2007)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 (2008) 012195
IOP Publishing
The transport measurements were performed with low noise home-made electronics. The IV curve
shown in figure 2 was carried out by a classical four-probe technique. The magnetometer exhibited a
critical current 2Ic ≈ 70 µA, where Ic is the critical current of a single junction. This corresponds to a
critical current density Jc ≈ 4.9 ·103 A/cm2. Moreover, the devices showed a normal resistance Rn ≈ 4.8
Ω. All the data are in good agreement with results reported in literature [10].
The sensor magnetic response, and hence the information about the effective area, was obtained by
applying a magnetic field by means of a long solenoid surrounding the chip containing the sample. In
this way field uniformity over the device was ensured. The output voltage was recorded as a function
of the applied magnetic field for different bias currents. The obtained results are reported in figure 3,
where the typical periodic behavior of the voltage as a function of the magnetic field may be observed.
The characteristics present a non symmetric behavior as a function of the applied magnetic field, that
may be explained by considering intrinsic asymmetries typically affecting HTS devices, such as
critical current and normal resistance asymmetric values. Additionally, asymmetric current feed also
induces shift of the VB curves. The magnetic field needed to couple a single quantum flux Ф0 to the
magnetometer has been evaluated. For our device we obtained BT ≈ 3.7 mG, which implied Aeff ≈
5.4·10-9 m2. By comparing this value with the results obtained in section 2 for the two different
derivations of the effective area of our device, the reduction effect due to the proposed layout was
I = 96,4uA
I = 91,3uA
I = 86,2uA
I = 81,2uA
I = 76,1uA
V [µV]
I [µA]
V [µV]
Figure 2. IV curve of the tested
B [mG]
Figure 3. Magnetic response in uniform magnetic field
for different bias currents
In order to experimentally verify the variation of the effective area as a function of the geometric
features of the applied magnetic field, a home-made micro-solenoid was used. It was realized by
rounding in ten coils a copper wire of about 120 µm of diameter. The internal diameter of this solenoid
was 120 µm and its eight was about 1.3 mm. The magnetic field generated by the solenoid was tested
by means of a square washer SQUID with an inner hole dimension of 8 µm and an outer one of 12 µm.
Successively, the micro-solenoid was placed on the pickup coil of our magnetometer. The applied
magnetic field was geometrically limited to a circular region of radius rm = 60µm, in agreement with
relation (4). So expression (3) was adapted to the new configuration, i.e. Ap was now evaluated as Ap =
πrm2 ≈ 1.13·10-8m2. This time As = 0 because the localized magnetic field was not applied to the bare
SQUID. It is worth observing that this situation (As ≈ 0) is common in SMM applications, where
magnetometers usually are operated with the SQUID shielded by a superconducting layer. Following
equation (2), the final effective area of our device resulted Aefftot,l ≈ 1·10-9m2. The magnetometer was
then characterized again in terms of the magnetic response to both the uniform and the localized
magnetic field. Both the results are reported and compared in figure 4. The measurements were both
carried out by biasing the magnetometer by the same current, namely Ib ≈ 82 µA.
8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2007)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 (2008) 012195
IOP Publishing
As expected the period of the voltage oscillations as a function of the applied magnetic field
resulted quite different in the two cases. In particular BTu ≈ 3.6 mG and BTl ≈ 17 mG, where u and l
stand for uniform and localized applied field respectively. These values correspond respectively, to
Aeffu ≈ 5.5·10-9m2 and Aeffl ≈ 1.2·10-9m2, which are in very good agreement with the expected values.
V [uV]
uniform field
localized field
10 15 20
B [mG]
Figure 4. Comparison between the magnetic
responses obtained by applying an uniform
(dotted line) and a localized (continuous line)
magnetic field
4. Conclusions
An HTS SQUID based directly coupled magnetometer was designed and characterized. The proposed
layout introduces an effective area reduction effect that was theoretically studied and experimentally
verified on an YBCO bicrystal device. This effect has to be taken into account when in specific
applications a small pick-up loop is directly coupled to the SQUID. Moreover, the response of the
sensor to magnetic fields applied over different extensions was studied. A reduction of the
magnetometer total effective area, as a consequence of the variation of the pickup coil effective area,
was experimentally confirmed.
5. Acknowledgements
This work has been partially supported by MIUR under the project DG236RIC "NDA". We thank Dr.
C. Nappi for fruitful discussions and C. Salinas for invaluable technical support.
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8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2007)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 (2008) 012195
IOP Publishing
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