Modern Greek dialects
A preliminary classification*
Peter Trudgill
Fribourg University
Although there are many works on individual Modern Greek dialects, there
are very few overall descriptions, classifications, or cartographical representations of Greek dialects available in the literature. This paper discusses some
possible reasons for these lacunae, having to do with dialect methodology,
and Greek history and geography. It then moves on to employ the work of
Kontossopoulos and Newton in an attempt to arrive at a more detailed
classification of Greek dialects than has hitherto been attempted, using a
small number of phonological criteria, and to provide a map, based on this
classification, of the overall geographical configuration of Greek dialects.
Keywords: Modern Greek dialects, dialectology, traditional dialects, dialect
Tzitzilis (2000, 2001) divides the history of the study of Greek dialects into three
chronological phases. First, there was work on individual dialects with a
historical linguistic orientation focussing mainly on phonological features. (We
can note that some of this early work, such as that by Psicharis and Hadzidakis,
was from time to time coloured by linguistic-ideological preferences related to
the diglossic situation.) The second period saw the development of structural
dialectology focussing not only on phonology but also on the lexicon. Thirdly,
he cites the move into generative dialectology signalled by Newton’s pioneering
book (1972). As also pointed out by Sifianou (Forthcoming), however, Tzitzilis
indicates that there has been very little research on social variation (Sella 1994 is
essentially a discussion of registers and argots only), or on syntax, and no linguistic
atlases at all except for the one produced for Crete by Kontossopoulos (1988).
Journal of Greek Linguistics 4 (2003), 45–64.
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issn 1566–5844 / e-issn 1569–9846© John Benjamins Publishing Company
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Peter Trudgill
This paper focuses on another very remarkable absence from the Greek
dialectology scene which is not unconnected with the absence of a Greek dialect
atlas project. An examination of the literature on the dialects of Modern Greek
reveals the interesting fact that, while there are many publications on individual
dialects of the three types outlined by Tzitzilis, there are very few works dealing
with the dialects of Greek as a whole and, in particular, very few maps attempting to portray the major divisions and subdivisions of these dialects. There are
certainly no generally agreed or widely used categorisations, and no widely
published maps such as one can very readily find in works on, say, German
dialects or varieties of American English.
In what follows, I first discuss reasons, of both a linguistic and social nature,
for this absence. I then move on to attempt to fill this gap by supplying an
overall categorisation and map of my own.
2. Problems
A number of reasons can be suggested for the relative dearth of overall dialect
classifications and maps for Modern Greek.
1. One obvious factor has to do with the topography of Greece. While the
geography of much of the Greek mainland does not pose any more, or any
fewer, problems for dialectologists than anywhere else in Europe (though see
below on mountainous areas), the islands certainly do. Most usually, when
plotting dialect boundaries, dialectologists are content to investigate a sample
of locations and, where appropriate, draw isoglosses between them, without
concerning themselves overly about the accuracy of the absolutely precise
location of the isogloss. Lines are most often drawn on maps between the
sampling points used in particular dialect surveys, without further investigations on the ground to find out in more detail what happens between these
sampling points. Overall maps of German dialects will show, for example, the
well-known maken-machen line between northern and southern dialects, but it
will generally not be possible to deduce from these maps exactly where the line
runs in terms of, say, precisely which villages occur on one side of the line and
which occur on the other. Similarly, in Trudgill (1999) I have drawn many
English dialect maps showing isoglosses running between one English town and
another. These towns, however, are very often, say, 75 kilometres apart, and it
is not possible to tell from the maps exactly where the isogloss really runs; or
even if there is actually an isogloss there at all, as such, rather than a zone of
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Modern Greek dialects
variability (cf. Charalambakis 1991: 289f.). Most often, this is a reflection of the
fact that I simply did not have sufficiently detailed information about the
precise situation on the ground, but for a geographical area like England this
does not constitute a serious mapping problem.
Island terrain does not so readily permit this approach. Drawing an isogloss
between one island and another is an unmistakable claim that the one island
has a dialect feature which the other lacks. In any given case, instead of drawing
a rather vague line across a certain area, one is forced to consider whether a
particular island lies to one side of an isogloss or the other. This means that
maps cannot be drawn for some areas until field investigations, ideally, have
been carried out on every single island. Greece has scores of inhabited islands in
the Adriatic and Aegean seas — in this article alone I mention almost 60 — and
it is unfortunately not the case that dialectologists have worked on all of them
in equal depth, or even at all.
2. There are also many locations on the mainland which have not been sufficiently investigated either (see Tzitzilis 2000). The rugged mountainous terrain
of some of mainland Greece, and lack of reliable transport at earlier times, was
no doubt a deterrent. Moreover, as just noted, unlike in most other European
countries, there has been no organised dialect atlas work. Triandaphyllidis’s
complaint to this effect (1938: 66) is repeated sixty years later by Delveroudi
(1999: 562) with equal validity.
3. In some cases, moreover, it will now be too late to make good this deficiency,
the dialects in question, such as Old Athenian (see below), having been replaced
by Standard or Standard-like Greek (Delveroudi 1999). In other cases, even if
it is actually not too late at the moment, it soon will be, since the dialects in
question are undergoing contraction (Malikouti-Drachman 1999, 2000).
4. The history of the modern Greek nation also constitutes a problem. Greece
became an independent nation only in 1830, and the modern borders were
fixed as recently as 1947. Some areas with significant indigenous Greek-speaking populations, namely Cyprus and southern Albania, remain outside the
borders of Greece, a fact which has from time to time led to sometimes very
serious political and diplomatic difficulties. Moreover, as a result of conflicts
between Greece, Turkey, and other Balkan nations, especially during the first
three decades of the twentieth century and thus within the living memory of the
very oldest members of the population, large and often traumatic exchanges of
populations took place of a type we might today refer to as ‘ethnic cleansing’. As
a consequence, many areas of what is now Turkey used to be Greek dialectDownloaded from Brill.com06/19/2020 11:59:42AM
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Peter Trudgill
speaking but no longer are so, a fact that has eventually led, in most cases
(although after the preservation of some of these dialects for a few generations
in Greece itself) to dialect death. A notable exception is Pontic, which, far from
its Black Sea coastal homeland, still has 300,000 speakers in Greece today
(Drettas 1999: 91).
It is perhaps not surprising if linguists have on occasion been deterred by
these traumas and difficulties from carrying out work on the overall dialect
patterns of the Greek-speaking territories.
5. Similarly, there are a number of areas of Greece that were not originally
Greek-speaking and therefore have no truly local dialects. Any dialect map
would have to recognise this fact, and it is perhaps not too far-fetched to suggest
that the graphic cartographic portrayal of the absence of traditional dialects of
Greek from rather large areas of Greece might, in previous generations, have
caused political difficulties with certain Greek nationalists for the dialectologist;1 witness the suspiciously straight line between Greek dialects and nonGreek-speaking areas to the north of them on Newton’s map (1972). Many of
these areas have, it is true, in the last century received Greek-speaking populations, mainly from formerly Greek-speaking areas in Asia Minor and Bulgaria,
but this has led to dialect-mixture and koinéisation and the development of
somewhat uniform near-standard forms of Greek which would have been of
relatively little interest to students of traditional dialects.
I suggest that one solution to problems 4 and 5 is to recognise that any
classification of traditional Greek dialects that aims at portraying and summarising the full extent of our knowledge of the geographical configuration of these
dialects should ideally be based on a description of the situation existing
between, say, 1820 and 1920, when they were at their fullest extent, rather than
on the situation today. There are a number of precedents for this sort of procedure:
works on German dialects, for instance, typically cover areas of what is now
Poland, Lithuania, and Russia, where German dialects are no longer spoken; Polish
dialect maps similarly deal with areas of Lithuania and Ukraine, most of which are
no longer Polish dialect-speaking; and books on Danish dialects include
Scania/Skåne, which has been part of Sweden since the seventeenth century.
In what follows I have therefore selected the notional date of 1900 for a
representation of the maximum state of our knowledge about Greek dialects
and their geographical distribution. Maps will of necessity then have to incorporate some areas of what are now Albania and Turkey and omit some areas of
what is now Greece.
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3. Greek dialect classification
Having suggested some general reasons for the paucity of overall classifications
and maps of Greek dialects, and a solution to at least some of the difficulties
involved, we now move on to the question of to what extent it is possible to
develop a classification of this type of any significance. In examining this
question, we shall not be employing the usefully descriptive, but for our
purposes irrelevant, distinction made by many Greek writers, such as Kontossopoulos (1994) and Argiriadis (1990), between dialekti and idiomata. ‘Dialekti’
are those varieties that are linguistically very different from Standard Greek:
Tsakonian, Southern Italian Greek, Pontic, and Cappadocian. ‘Idiomata’ are all
the other varieties. This distinction is reminiscent of the one introduced for
English by Wells (1982) between traditional-dialects and others, with the
‘traditional dialects’ being, like ‘dialekti’, linguistically divergent.
The earliest serious attempt to produce a Greek dialect classification seems
to have been that of Hadzidakis (1892), who distinguished two major dialect
groups, north and south, on the basis of High Vowel Loss (see below). This was
followed up by Triandaphyllidis (1938: 66–68). Although he briefly discusses a
number of diagnostic dialect features in this section of his book, his map,
reproduced in Tzitzilis (2001: 170), employs only three of them: the use of
‘object’ pronoun forms as indirect objects; the absence of pre-nasalisation in
voiced stops; and High Vowel Loss. Dawkins (1940) lacks a map.
Argiriadis (1990: 192–208) also lacks a map, but he does attempt an
hierarchical classification. After making a preliminary division into dialekti and
idiomata, he then divides the idiomata into northern and southern, following
Hadzidakis and Triandaphyllidis. His lower level subdivision of the southern
varieties, however, turns out to be unsatisfactory. This subdivision is into: Old
Athenian (see below) plus Mani; Peloponnese; Cyclades; Crete; Dodecanese;
Cyprus; and Ionian (Heptonesian). This means that, with the exception of the
first category, he has simply used prior-existing geographical categories and
ascribed particular dialect features to these areas. As we shall see below, this has
little validity.
Kontossopoulos (1983–4) attempts a classification based on the two major
regional variants of the word for “what”, ti being mostly mainland and inda
mostly insular. He produces an overall map based on two features: this difference between ti and inda; and High Vowel Loss.
Newton (1972: xii) has also produced an overall map. This map of Newton’s
is very helpful, but it is not totally justified, in the text of the book, in terms of
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Peter Trudgill
the presence or absence of individual linguistic features. For example, one of the
areas Newton portrays on the map is Cretan-Cycladic, but nowhere in the book
is there a listing of features that are distinctive of this particular area and of no
other. Newton’s classification of Greek dialects is into six subgroups: in
addition to Cretan-Cycladic, there are Peloponnesian-Ionian, South-eastern,
Northern, Old Athenian, and Maniot (see also his discussion pp. 13–15). His
classification is followed by Horrocks (1997: 300) who, however, adds Tsakonian, as well as two varieties spoken outside the contiguous Greek-speaking
area, Pontic and South Italian.
I now examine the validity of these different divisions with respect to the
contiguous Greek-speaking area and attempt a preliminary classification of my
own. This classification is based on phonological features only. (Obviously, it is
very desirable that lexical, morphological, and syntactic features should also be
incorporated as soon as possible.) It is entirely derived from the work of others
— primarily from the work of the doyen of Greek dialectology, Kontossopoulos
(1994), but also from Newton (1972), a book based on enormous amounts of
fieldwork. These scholars were of course writing well after the year of 1900 that
I have selected as a reference point, as was also Triandaphyllidis, but Kontossopoulos in particular, in his book, refers to earlier works and to investigations
carried out in the period before the major population movements. Where
Kontossopoulos and Newton disagree, I have chosen to go with Kontossopoulos
if it seems clear that he is describing a more conservative situation that was no
longer available to Newton. Although Newton provides only an outline map, as
I have just noted, and Kontossopoulos provides no overall map at all in his
book, these two works contain an enormous wealth of data from which maps
can be derived. It is, then, the interpretations of the data of these two scholars
that are my own. Note that I have not included at this stage the Greek-speaking
enclaves in southern Italy, Corsica, Bulgaria, the Bosphorous, the Black Sea
coastline, Istanbul, Syria, or the Cappadocian dialects of central Asia Minor (see
Christidis 1999a, Arapopoulou 2001), although I acknowledge that this should
certainly be done as soon as possible.
4. The Greek-speaking area
Map 1 delimits the Greek dialect-speaking area under review at the turn of the
nineteenth century (see above) for which my classification is proposed. It is
based on Trudgill (2000). I have attempted here to portray a fairly accurate
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borderline between areas that were predominantly Greek-dialect speaking in
1900, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, areas where speakers of dialects
of other languages were predominant — the word ‘predominant’ is important
here because in most areas there was no clear-cut division. This attempt at
accuracy, however unsuccessful it might be, contrasts with the schematic and
presumably deliberately vague northern boundary of the mainland Greek
dialect area shown on Newton’s (1972) map, as mentioned above.
Note the following features of Map 1:
a. Cyprus has been ‘relocated’ to the west in order to facilitate cartographic
b. Areas of what is now southern Albania — northern Epirus — were at the
time that we are focussing on — and still are to a certain extent — Greek
dialect speaking, and are therefore included in the area.
c. Much of rural inland Macedonia and Thrace were predominantly Slavic
and/or Turkish speaking before 1910. On the limits of the Slavic-speaking
area of Macedonia, see Gounaris (1997: 78).
d. An area of north-central Greece was (and still is to a certain extent) predominantly Vlach, i.e. Arumanian, speaking (Beis & Christopoulos 2001).
Of course, at the time relevant here, members of both the Christian
Slavic-speaking communities (Gounaris 1997) of Macedonia (as opposed
to the Moslem Pomaks of Thrace) and of the Vlach-speaking communities
of the Pindus mountains may have been at least somewhat culturally Greek;
and urban areas would have had many non-dialectal-Greek speakers. But
the local rural dialects would for the most part not have been Greek.
e. Much of Attica, Biotia/Boetia, Argolida, and neighbouring islands were
Arvanitika, i.e. Albanian, speaking in 1900. This same area is shown on
Kontossopoulos’s map (1983–4) as “régions ex-albanophones”, but my
reading of Empirikos & Tsitselikis (2001) suggests that his “ex” is somewhat
premature. (My own research in the early 1970s — see Trudgill & Tzavaras
1975 — revealed even then a fluent Albanian-speaking population in Attica
and Biotia of about 30,000.)
There were four Greek dialect-speaking ‘islands’ among or on the edge of
this ‘sea’ of Albanian (Kontossopoulos 1994: 84): the Kimi area of Evia/
Euboea; the Megara area west of Athens; the island of Aegina; and Athens
itself. According to Newton (1972: 14) “before the War of Independence
Athens was an insignificant village whose Greek inhabitants spoke a dialect,
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Peter Trudgill
Old Athenian”, with which the dialects of the other three areas had a
number of similarities (Newton 1972), suggesting that they had originally
formed part of a larger, unified area, before the late mediaeval arrival of
Albanian-speakers (see further below) separated them one from the other.
All four dialects are now extinct (Newton 1972).
g. A number of peninsulas of what is now western Turkey were Greek dialectspeaking (see Newton 1972: 15, Kontossopoulos 1994: 113–119), as was the
island of Imbros.
5. Phonological features
In order to produce a meaningful characterisation of the main groupings of
Greek dialects, I have selected a number of the phonological features discussed
by Newton and Kontossopoulos. Unfortunately there are relatively few features
Map 1.
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that are available for use in this way. Naturally, I have been able to use only
those features for which full, detailed geographical information is available.
Some important and well-known features have therefore had to be rejected. For
example, a striking and important feature of many Aegean dialects is voiced
fricative deletion, i.e. the loss of intervocalic /v, ð, >/ so that, for example,
/me>Áalo/ “big” is /meÁalo/ (Newton 1972: 60–61). However, in discussing this
feature, Kontossopoulos (1994) gives a list of islands where it is found and then
writes “and maybe others” (p.58). Newton also cites a number of islands where it
is found, but he does not tell us where it is not found. (Argiriadis (1990:204) cites
this feature as characterising all and only the Dodecanese, but it is clear from the
works of Kontossopoulos and Newton that this is not correct.) We cannot
therefore have sufficient confidence about our knowledge of the geographical
incidence of this feature to employ it cartographically or in our classification.
However, careful study reveals that there are six phonological features in
Kontossopoulos’s book which, when supplemented by the work of Newton, are
outlined in sufficient geographical detail for our doubts to be relatively few, and
which can therefore be used cartographically. I have in this preliminary classification not given more or less weight to any of these individual features.
We now discuss each of these six features in turn.
5.1 High vowel loss
We begin with a well-known feature associated with northern Greek dialects
(see Newton 1972: 182 ff.). These dialects are divided by Kontossopoulos (1994)
into three subgroups. Extreme Northern dialects delete all unstressed /i, u/ and
raise unstressed /e, o/ to /i, u/, respectively. This gives pronunciations such as
‘Thessaloniki’ /θesalonÁiki/ > /θisalunÁik/. Northern dialects delete only wordfinal unstressed /i, u/ and raise unstressed /e, o/. Finally, Semi-northern dialects
also delete only unstressed word-final /i, u/ but do not raise unstressed /e, o/.
High vowel loss is clearly a dialectal innovation that is shared by these northern
areas and that has not reached other areas further south. Kontossopoulos’s
discussion of these three sub-types of northern dialects is very helpful
(pp. 95–112), but he does not give sufficient geographical detail for us to be able
to distinguish between them cartographically (though we are told, for example,
that Lefkada, Skiros, and Mykonos are semi-northern). Nor does Argiriadis
(1990: 202). Kontossopoulos’s map (1983–4) for this feature also leaves something to be desired cartographically. We therefore treat all three types together
here, and outline the entire area where word-final unstressed /i, u/ are lost. This
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Peter Trudgill
resembles the northern area described by Hadzidakis. The maps provided for
this feature by Triandaphyllidis and Newton, however, disagree with the
information given by Kontossopoulos, who specifically excludes the western
area of Epirus around Igoumenitsa, i.e. Thesprotia. Map 2 follows Kontossopoulos’s information, including his map 9 (p. 93), rather than that of Triandaphyllidis and Newton. We should recognise, however, that the accuracy of this
well-known isogloss has been called into question by Pantelidis (2001a), who
indicates that high vowel loss is, or at least was, also found in the Peloponnese.
Note that Samos also has this northern feature, in spite of its relatively southern
position. This, as Newton tells us (1972: 14), is the result of the resettlement of
the Samos by northern dialect-speakers in the fifteenth century.
5.2 Ypsilon > /u/
Ancient Greek υ and οι have become /i/ in nearly all varieties of Modern Greek
(Newton 1972: 16). As outlined in some detail by Newton, however, a number
of areas have /u/, as also shown on Map 2. They are: the four ‘oasis’ dialects on
the edges of or surrounded by the Arvanitika-speaking area, as described above
— Kimi, Aegina, Megara, and Old Athenian; the Mani peninsula of the southern Peloponnese; and Tsakonian. Tsakonian is generally reckoned to be the
only modern dialect that is not descended from the Ancient Greek Koiné and it
is aberrant in very many respects. One obvious conclusion from the geographical configuration revealed by the map is that the four, now extinct, ‘oasis’ dialects
are the last remnants of a large, single area over all of which this feature was
once found, before the penetration of Arvanitika (Karatzas 1940) had the effect
of dividing and separating these four relic areas from one another.
5.3 Palatalisation of velars
All varieties of Modern Greek front velar consonants in the environment before
front vowels and /j/. However, a well-known feature associated with southern
Greek dialects is the extreme palatalisation and (af)frication of velar consonants
in this same position. Specifically, /k, g, x, >/ are fronted before /i, e, j/ to [t,, dŒ,
,, Œ] or to [tw, dŠ, w, Š]. This is a well-known feature of Cretan, where the former
(alveolo-palatal) pronunciations are more common, and in Cyprus, where the
latter (palato-alveolar) realisations are usual. (Many descriptions of Greek do
not distinguish between the two types, but my own observations indicate this
phonetic difference. For Cypriot, see also Malikouti-Drachman 2000: 25, 93). It
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Map 2.
has been claimed that some remote mountainous areas of Sfakia, southwestern
Crete, do not have this feature (see the discussion in Kontossopoulos 1994: 30),
but, as in one or two other cases, I have taken the decision, for the sake of
clarity, not to indicate intra-island differences. (Kontossopoulos 1994 discusses
a number of cases of intra-island regional variation, including in some cases
with maps, for Crete, Cyprus, Rhodes, and elsewhere.)
According to Newton (1972) and to Kontossopoulos (1994), this feature is
also found in Mani, a dialect that has other affinities with Cretan; on Kithira
and Antikithira; and on some of the southern Cyclades and Dodecanese islands.
Dialects vary in the extent to which of the four velar consonants are affected by
velar palatalisation (Newton 1972: 126ff.). The geographically most widespread
palatalisation is of /k/ — i.e. some dialects have palatalisation and affrication of
/k/ but not of the other velars — and it is areas with this feature that are shown
on Map 3 (on the inclusion of Milos in this area, see below). Note that the Kimi
area of Evia also has velar palatalisation (see further below).
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5.4 Tsitakism
In a region to the immediate north of the velar palatalisation area, we find a
feature known to Greek linguists as tsitakismos. This involves the further
fronting of original /k/ before /i, e, j/ to /ts/, which Newton refers to as
‘depalatalization’. This may lead (Newton 1972: 133) to a merger of /k/ and /ts/.
In some places this extends also to /x, g/ > /s, dz/, but here we confine our
attention to the /k/ > /ts/ area. This area includes most of the Cyclades islands
that do not have velar palatalisation. Tsitakism is also found in three of the
‘oasis’ dialects of Aegina, Old Athenian, and Megara (but not in Kimi). Both
velar palatalisation and tsitakism are clearly dialectal innovations.
The geographical configuration of the tsitakism area, also illustrated on
Map 3, together with the presence of velar palatalisation to the north of this
zone, in Kimi, suggests rather strongly a pattern of fronting of velars that began
somewhere in the tsitakism area, including the present Arvanitika area, and
Map 3.
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then spread north and south from there, reaching Kimi and Crete in a less
extreme form, and geographically peripheral Cyprus, which has [tw] rather than
[t,], in an even less extreme form. That is, we postulate a change sequence [k]
> [tw] > [t,] > [ts], with only the core tsitakismos area having the full degree of
fronting, and with the velar palatalisation areas, further removed from the core
area, having less.
5.5 Geminates
Another feature which is well known to exist in Cypriot Greek is the preservation of Ancient Greek geminates. This feature obviously represents a retention
as compared to Standard Greek. However, Cypriot also demonstrates the
development of new geminates, including in word-initial position. In the case
of fricatives, nasals, and approximants, this gemination takes the form of simple
length, e.g. nai “yes” as /nne/. In the case of voiceless plosives, however, it is
manifested as not only length (which of course is inaudible in absolute initial
position), but also as aspiration. Cypriot minimal pairs (Newton 1972: 91)
include /filla/ “leaves” vs. /fila/ “kiss!”; and /mmatin/ “eye” vs. /matin/ “coat”.
The important point for our purposes, however, is that the presence of
geminates is not confined to Cyprus but extends to many of the other islands of the
southeast. The areas that are listed by Kontossopoulos as having this feature — and
he does give a definitive list of islands plus a map — are shown on Map 4.
5.6 Final /n/ retention
Our last feature, which is also typical of Cyprus, is the retention of original
word-final /n/. Again this feature actually extends well beyond Cyprus: “One of
the characteristic features of the southeastern dialect complex is the retention
of an ancient final nasal in various groups of words. For instance, ‘he said’
appears as [ipen] before a pause” (Newton 1972: 99). The area that has this
feature, according to Kontossopoulos, is also shown in Map 4. (Again,
Kontossopoulos is very clear about which islands have and do not have final /n/
retention.) This area, too, clearly represents a zone with a shared retention as
compared to Standard Greek.
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Map 4.
6. Summary
Map 5 represents a summary of the information given on Maps 2–4. It can be seen
that it does not entirely tally with the map presented by Newton, although it owes
much to the enormous amounts of data collected by Newton during his years of
fieldwork. In particular, Cretan-Cycladic appears not to be a single unit.
The map permits us to divide the contiguous Greek dialect-speaking area at
the turn of the nineteenth century into fifteen areas, as follows:
1. Central
Western Epirus, Corfu, Kephalonia, Zakinthos, the Peloponnese. This area
corresponds more or less to Newton’s Peloponnesian-Ionian area and has
none of the six features we have been employing as criteria. This is not
surprising in view of the fact that the Ionian islands and the Peloponnese
are generally agreed to have supplied most of the input into Standard
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Greek (Horrocks 1997: 300), although this has been disputed, at least for
the Peloponnese, by Pantelidis (2001b). Of course, I do not intend to
suggest that there is no geographical differentiation within this area —
naturally, there is plenty — but simply that the unity is more important
than internal differences.
2. Northern
The northern area is characterised by high vowel loss and consists of: the
northern mainland, Lefkada, northern Evia, Thassos, Samothraki, Imbros,
Lesbos, Limnos, Skiros, Skiathos, Skopelos, Alonissos (and the other smaller
northern Sporades). As we have noted, there is also considerable regional
variation within this area in the extent to which this rule is carried through.
This area corresponds to Newton’s northern area, with the difference, as noted
above, that we have excluded Thesprotia, following Kontossopoulos.
2a. Samos
Samos also has high vowel loss. This is classed as a separate sub-area solely
because of its geographical separation from area 2.
3. Mani
Mani has /u/ from ypsilon plus velar palatalisation. This area is identical
with the one outlined by Newton.
4. Tsakonian.
As we have noted, this dialect is very different from all other Greek dialects
in that it does not descend from the Koiné.
5. Old Athenian
This dialect is represented by three separate areas: Aegina, Megara, and the
Old Athenian proper of Athens itself. These areas have /u/ from ypsilon
and tsitakismos.
6. Kimi
Kimi has /u/ from ypsilon plus velar palatalisation, like Mani. Note that
areas 5 and 6 correspond to the single Old Athenian area of Newton.
7. Arvanitika
This is the non-Greek-dialect, Arvanitika-speaking area.
8. Southern
This area has velar palatalisation as the only one of our six features: Crete,
Kithira, Antikithira, and Santorini (Thira). I have also, in spite of a lack of
information, ventured to include Anaphi in this area on the grounds of
geographical probability: it is situated about 40 kilometres east of Santorini.
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Peter Trudgill
This may, however, be an error. Milos, too, has been included. This island is
not discussed in Newton’s book, and information is lacking for it for most of
our six features. Kontossopoulos, however, briefly discusses the linguistic
consequences of the proximity of Milos to Crete and to Cretan settlement
there (1994:57), and I have taken that as sufficient, if tentative, justification.
9. Southeastern
Cyprus, Rhodes, Karpathos, Kasos, Kastellorizo, Kos, Leros, Patmos. These
islands have velar palatalisation and geminates as well as final /n/ retention.
Note that this area is considerably smaller than Newton’s South-eastern area.
10. Eastern
Simi, Tilos, Nissiros, Kalimnos, Ikaria, Astipalea, Chios, and adjacent areas
of the Asia Minor mainland. This area has geminates and final /n/ retention, but not velar palatalisation.
11. Smyrna
The Smyrna area of Asia Minor, according to Kontossopoulos, had a
number of distinguishing features, but not any of the selected six
(1994: 113–114). In this respect it is identical with area 1.
12. Central Cyclades
Amorgos, Iraklia, Schinoussa, Keros, Kouphonisi, and Donoussa. These
islands have final /n/ retention, geminates, and tsitakism. Argiriadis
(1990: 204) claims geminates for the Dodecanese, but fails to mention that
they occur beyond this area.
13. Western Cyclades
Sifnos, Kimolos, and Serifos have geminates and velar palatalisation, but
not tsitakism. Argiriadis (1990: 203) claims tsitakism for all of the Cyclades,
but Kontossopoulos shows that this is not correct.
14. Mykonos
Mykonos is alone in having northern high vowel loss and central Cycladean
15. Northern Cyclades
Andros, Tinos, Kea, Kithnos, Siros, Naxos, Paros, Antiparos, Ios, and
Folegandros. Of the six features, these islands have only tsitakism. In spite
of the absence of information, I have guessed that it is also legitimate to
include Sikinos in this area, on purely geographical grounds: it is situated
between Ios and Folegandros.
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Modern Greek dialects
Map 5.
7. Conclusion
This paper is, as stated above, a preliminary attempt at a more detailed classification and cartographic representation of Modern Greek dialects than has
hitherto been available. It surely contains many errors. Those who know more
about individual Greek dialects, or about Greek dialects in general, than I do —
and there are many such — will hopefully be able to correct at least some of
them. It is also clear that, in the future, further research on those less-explored
Modern Greek dialects that are still extant needs to be carried out. It would be
desirable, too, to include in a broader classification the additional dialects
mentioned at the beginning of this paper from outside the contiguous area,
such as Cappadocian. It would also be helpful to include grammatical and
lexical features such as some of those dealt with by Triandaphyllidis (1938) and
Kontossopoulos (1983–4), if full and detailed geographical information is
available. A further goal would be to acknowledge that the categorisation
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Peter Trudgill
outlined above is one-dimensional, and to consider the possibility of providing
a further hierarchical ranking of divisions and subdivisions.
*I am very grateful to the following for their very helpful comments on earlier drafts of this
paper and for other forms of help and advice: Mark Janse, Brian Joseph, Dimitris Papazachariou, and Maria Sifianou.
1. When I was planning sociolinguistic research on the Arvanitika/Albanian-speaking
communities of Attica and Biotia in the 1970s, I approached the Greek Embassy in London
for information, and was told that there were no such communities.
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