Transport Futures. A co-evolutionary view
Abstract of paper for 6th Greening of industry Conference, Santa Barbara, Nov 16-19, 1997
RenC Kemp / MERIT, Maastricht University and FWT,University of Twente, the Netherlands. Contact
address: MERIT, P.O.Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, Tel: +31 43 3883864, Fax +31 43 3216518, Email
R.Kemp @ MEl2TT.unimaas.M
The present transport system is not sustainable. Problems of road congestion, accidents, vehicles noise, and
pollution are pressing car manufacturers, transport authorities, and transport users to change course. Although
the directions of sustainable development are more or less clear (greater safety, less congestion, less pollution
and noise), it is unclear what solutions are best. Which solution is best will differ from one’s perspective.
Different trajectories are possible.
In the paper we will describe three sociotechnical scenarios for inland passenger transport. The
scenarios are: (1) the integration of public and private transport; (2) a system in which internal combustion
vehicles will prevail but large market niches will be developed for alternative fuel vehicles; and (3) a radical
upgrading of the existing system in terms of vehicle energy efficiency and exhaust emissions.
The first system amounts to a regime shift (a transformation of the existing regimes of car-based and
public transport), the second to a transformation of part of the car-based system, and the third to a
modification of the car-based system along existing trajectories of development.
The future transport system for inland personal transport is analysed through the so-called coevolutionary sociotechnical (CEST) scenario method. The CEST scenario method is a new method which
combines elements of different futures studies, in particular scenario analysis and cross impact studies. A key
element of the co-evolutionary sociotechnical scenarios is that the interaction between technologies and
society is endogenised instead of being exogenous as in traditional scenario analysis and technology
assessment studies. In the scenarios we describe how technologies and society co-evolve and change through
a process of interaction. Technical change is not autonomous but the result of ongoing interactions of
different actors in multiple market places and policy arenas. Actor strategies. including government policies,
are not exogenous but endogenous to the process: they build on previous experiences with technologies and
investments in transport technologies and telematics infrastructure. Our method thus differs from traditional
futures studies in which technical change and government policies are autonomous and prespecified.
The paper applies insights from evolutionary theories of sociotechnical change (Nelson and Winter, Rip,
Kemp) to the problem of the future transport system. In terms of the themes of the conference, it addresses
the topics of technological breakthroughs and transformation toward a sustainable society.
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