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Entropy, 2021
Many small biological objects, such as viruses, survive in a water environment and cannot remain active in dry air without condensation of water vapor. From a physical point of view, these objects belong to the mesoscale, where small thermal fluctuations with the characteristic kinetic energy of kBT (where kB is the Boltzmann’s constant and T is the absolute temperature) play a significant role. The self-assembly of viruses, including protein folding and the formation of a protein capsid and lipid bilayer membrane, is controlled by hydrophobic forces (i.e., the repulsing forces between hydrophobic particles and regions of molecules) in a water environment. Hydrophobic forces are entropic, and they are driven by a system’s tendency to attain the maximum disordered state. On the other hand, in information systems, entropic forces are responsible for erasing information, if the energy barrier between two states of a switch is on the order of kBT, which is referred to as Landauer’s prin...
“Bartın Halk” gazetesinin pek muhterem karileri bu haftaki yazımızda yeni yayımlanan bir kitap hakkında çeşitli mütalaalarda bulunmak istek ve arzusundayız. Yalnız derhal belirtelim ki kitap yeni olmakla birlikte içindeki bilgilerin ve münakaşaların tam 111 yıllık bir geçmişi var. “Yeniçağ” gazetesinin kuvvetli kalemi ve araştırmacı-yazar Dr. Arslan Tekin, çeşitli yeni ilavelerle büyük düşünür, aydın ve tarihçi Yusuf Akçura’nın “Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset” adlı eserini yeniden yayımladı. Daha önceki baskılarına nazaran geniş çaplı bir araştırma temelinde neşredilen eser, herhalde “Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset”in en geniş kapsamlı yayımı oldu. Çünkü Sayın Tekin, tafsilatlı bazı açıklamalardan sonra Yusuf Akçura, Ali Kemal ve Ahmed Ferid Bey’in 1904 yılında kaleme aldıkları makaleleri iyi bir Osmanlı Türkçesi temelinde Latin harflerine çevirmiş ve bütün bu metinlerin bir de sadeleştirilmiş şeklini esas metnin arkasına eklemiştir. Akabinde “Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset”in daha önceki yayımlarında görülmeyen ancak o devirlerde bu fikir tartışmasına öyle ya da böyle katılmış başka yazar ve düşünürlerin makalelerine de kitabında yer vermiştir. Nihayet kitabın en sonuna “Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset”in Osmanlı Türkçesi, orijinal Arap alfabeli şekli de derc edilmiştir.
International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy (IJMRA), 2024
In today's digital landscape and dynamic business needs, deeper customer engagement is imperative for organizational success. In-order to achieve that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) stands as an integral part of any organizational strategies. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the way business interacts with customers is up for a giant leap. Integration of AI with CRM empowers businesses to forge deeper customer engagement, harness the potential of predictive analytics and offer personalized customer experiences. This article explores the study on how AI technologies such as machine learning , natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis would revolutionize customer interactions along with sales forecasting and marketing strategies recommendations. Furthermore, the article discusses the importance & usage of AI driven Chatbots and Virtual Assistant with CRM and how it can improve efficiency of customer support processes and improve customer satisfaction.
Eruditio : Indonesia Journal of Food and Drug Safety
Produk sediaan steril merupakan sediaan yang harus memenuhi persyaratan fisika, kimia serta harus memenuhi persyaratan bebas dari mikroorganisme baik bakteri maupun jamur. Uji sterilitas digunakan sebagai salah satu parameter untuk pelulusan produk dari pabrik, walaupun bukan untuk menjamin bahwa satu bets produk memenuhi syarat steril. Sediaan steril dibuat di fasilitas yang memiliki karakteristik lingkungan yang ketat untuk memperkecil risiko kontaminasi mikroba ke dalam produk. Pengujian produk steril juga memerlukan fasilitas ruangan tertentu atau isolator untuk menghindari terjadinya kontaminasi mikroba (hasil positif palsu), karena pengujian sterilitas hanya dapat dilakukan pengulangan pengujian jika terdapat kesalahan pada laboratorium penguji. Hasil uji sterilitas yang memberikan hasil tidak steril perlu direview apakah hasil yang diperoleh dihasilkan dari produk atau karena kesalahan laboratorium. Fasilitas atau instrumen pengujian yang mahal menyebabkan laboratorium uji s...
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2023
This article provides a systematic literature review of the hospitality, leisure, tourism, business, and management literature on luxury hospitality. We use a data-driven quantitative method (i.e., bibliometric review) to provide an integrated view of extant luxury hospitality research. The bibliographic coupling analysis allowed us to outline the field's intellectual structure and identified six clusters: (1) digital interactions, online reviews, and complaint handling; (2) brand attributes and service encounters; (3) status consumption and premium pricing; (4) service quality and consumer experiences; (5) sustainable practices and workplace environment; and (6) workforce-related traits. Furthermore, we identified 114 theoretical lenses, with the most frequently used theories being: (1) social exchange theory; (2) social identity theory; (3) theory of leisure class; (4) stimulus-organism-response theory; and (5) theory of uniqueness. Finally, building on our analyses, we outline a further research agenda.
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Packaging Technology and Science, 2010
Sosyal Bilimler Alanında Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Süreçleri, 2021
Communications in Algebra, 2010
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2000
Annals of Vascular Surgery, 2013
Swiss Medical Weekly