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776 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 25, NO. 8, APRIL 15, 2013 Fast Sensing and Quenching of CMOS SPADs for Minimal Afterpulsing Effects Danilo Bronzi, Simone Tisa, Federica Villa, Simone Bellisai, Alberto Tosi, Member, IEEE, and Franco Zappa, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract— We present a single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) front-end circuitry, in a cost-effective 0.35 µm CMOS technology, for single-photon detection in the visible wavelength range, aimed at speeding up the sensing of detector ignition and at promptly quenching the avalanche current buildup. The circuit allows the reduction in detrimental effects of afterpulsing through reducing any delays in the electronics intervention on the detector and through a proper time-varying action of the MOS transistors on the different SPAD’s operating conditions. The sensing time is reduced down to a few hundreds of picoseconds, with an active quenching transition of about 1 ns for 6 V excess bias, and a final reset in just 3 ns. Index Terms— Avalanche photodiodes, CMOS imagers, CMOS technology, photon counting, photodetectors, single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD). I. I NTRODUCTION INGLE-PHOTON Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) are solidstate detectors employed in several fields requiring advanced photon counting or photon timing performance, with sensitivities at the single-photon level in the visible or near infrared ranges and with few tens of picoseconds time-jitter in detecting photons arrival time, hence in reconstructing very fast waveforms. State-of-the-art SPADs are fabricated in custom technologies [1], [2]. However there is a growing interest to develop SPAD imagers for 2D imaging [3] and also 3D ranging [4] or fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) [5] applications, in scaled CMOS technologies [6]–[8]. Multi-pixel photon-counting applications need high signalto-noise ratio (SNR) and wide dynamic range; to this purpose, the SPAD detectors should have low dark count rate (DCR) and low optical crosstalk. Dark counts can be either uncorrelated or correlated to signal photons. The former contribution is due to ignitions caused by carriers generated through either thermal or Shockley-Read-Hall processes. Instead the correlated noise is caused by carriers that get trapped during an avalanche ignition and are then released igniting an S Manuscript received October 31, 2012; revised February 15, 2013; accepted February 27, 2013. Date of publication March 11, 2013; date of current version March 29, 2013. This work was supported in part by the “MiSPiA” Project, under the ICT theme of the EC FP7 Framework, under Grant Agreement 257646. D. Bronzi, F. Villa, S. Bellisai, A. Tosi, and F. Zappa are with the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Milano 20133, Italy (e-mail: bronzi@elet.polimi.it; villa@elet.polimi.it; bellisai@elet.polimi.it; alberto.tosi@polimi.it; franco.zappa@polimi.it). S. Tisa is with Micro Photon Device srl, Bolzano 39100, Italy (e-mail: stisa@micro-photon-devices.com). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2013.2251621 “afterpulse” [9], [10]. Eventually, optical crosstalk is caused by the spurious ignition of a SPAD, due to photons emitted by other SPADs of the array, when the hot-carriers flow during the avalanche process triggered therein [10]. From the device standpoint, DCR can be lowered by reducing impurities and defect concentrations, i.e., by choosing high-quality starting materials and technology processes. Whereas crosstalk can be mitigated by placing either trenches, opaque or doped structures between neighboring detectors. Furthermore, from the electronic standpoint, it is possible to reduce afterpulsing and crosstalk by minimizing the charge amount flowing through the SPAD after avalanche ignition [11], through the design of a proper analog front-end circuit, with minimum capacitive loading and fast quenching [9]. We report a quenching and reset front-end, devised to implement the aforementioned features with additional fastreset capability in order to boost SPAD performance. II. C IRCUIT D ESIGN The SPAD is a p-n junction reverse-biased at a voltage VPOL above the breakdown voltage VBD , so that, when a photon is absorbed the photogenerated carrier triggers an avalanche current build-up; the resulting macroscopic current is sustained by the high electric field and keeps flowing until a proper front-end circuit quenches it. In [12] we presented a quenching circuit devised to reduce the anode capacitive loading and area occupation. The circuit relied on the progressive pinch-off of the avalanche current, until starvation, through a time-varying active load, namely a variable-load quenching circuit (VLQC), which left very small, though not nil, residual afterpulsing. We now present an improved circuitry aimed at minimizing the avalanche current flowing through the SPAD, for considerably reducing trapped charge (leading to afterpulsing), hot-carriers (causing photon emission and optical crosstalk) and also self- heating (yielding distortions and detection non linearity). Fig. 1 shows the schematics of the CMOS front-end; only three high-voltage MOSFETs are connected to the SPAD, each with a different role: MS senses the avalanche current and eventually quenches it; MT flags the photon arrival, by triggering the following electronics; MR restores the SPAD bias conditions. Transistors MS and MT are designed with minimum-size (W = Wmin , L = Lmin ), thus reducing loading capacitance and keeping the quiescence on-resistance of MS to few tens of k, providing an effective initial passive quenching [9]. 1041-1135/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE BRONZI et al.: FAST SENSING AND QUENCHING OF CMOS SPADs 777 Fig. 1. CMOS front-end. The stray capacitance CTOT includes also the anode-to-ground and anode-to-cathode SPAD intrinsic capacitances. The working operation is described in Fig. 2: when a photon triggers the SPAD, the avalanche current builds up, and the SPAD experiences a passive quenching transition due to MS . When MT turns on and lowers node B, MS goes off and actively pinches off the current path to ground; since transistors MS and MT form a positive feedback loop, the active quenching is readily assessed in about 1 ns (Fig. 4). Shortly after node B goes below the NOR threshold, the output node goes high causing MU to turn off (thus preventing a short-circuit through MT ), and node D lowers to ground with time-constant τHOLD = RHOLD × CHOLD. Since we expected a considerable increase of afterpulses with hold-off times below few tens of ns, we set the capacitor dimensions to 10 µm2 , thus limiting the minimum hold-off time to a value of 20 ns. A single Schmitt-trigger inverter TS is exploited to both enforce the hold-off time after each ignition (depending on its lower threshold) and the adequate reset time (higher threshold). Moreover, TS restores the signal waveform and swiftly enables transistor MR after node D crosses its lower threshold. Once the low on-resistance (few tens of ohms) transistor MR (W = 11 · Wmin , L = Lmin ) goes on, the sensing node A is rapidly discharged (active reset) and the NOR gate forces MU to drive node B to VDD , as soon as MT turns off. After a short transient, node D goes high and causes MR to switch off, thus ending the reset phase. The time elapsed from switching MS off to switching MR on is the hold-off time, during which the SPAD is kept off. Such hold-off time can be modified through RHOLD , which is an n-MOS transistor, whose gate voltage is adjustable by the user. In order to properly simulate circuit operation (verified over all process corners from −30 °C to 80 °C), we employed the SPAD model reported in [13], which allowed us to foresee non-standard operation issues and to conceive the proper circuit design. For example, Fig. 2 (dashed lines) shows how the circuit manages a photon that hits the SPAD during reset (i.e., when MR is on) and ignites a second avalanche. In that situation, the second triggering prevents the anode voltage to lower since the current keeps flowing through the SPAD until MR goes off, i.e., as soon as node E lowers to ground; then, since node B is at a low voltage, the NOR output rises to VDD , thus Fig. 2. Timing diagrams, according to simulations. Solid lines: normal operation. Dashed lines: further operations performed when a triggering event occurs during the reset phase. signaling the photon arrival and starting a new hold-off phase. This behavior ensures high detection linearity because no photon (even if absorbed during reset) is missed, hence the number of counts correctly increases with the photon rate and eventually saturates to the inverse of the sum THOLD−OFF + TRESET , about 50 Mcps (counts per second). III. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS We fabricated linear arrays of SPADs, each paired to the presented front-end in a 0.35 µm CMOS technology. The layout of each array is pad-limited and the overall dimension of a single cell (SPAD and front-end circuit) is 160 µm × 70 µm, whereas each quenching circuit (18 transistors) occupies an area of 28 µm × 24 µm (Fig. 3) and each SPAD has an active area diameter of 20 µm. This yields a fill-factor of 2.8%. We then performed full electrical and functional tests and characterizations. Full characterization of SPAD inherent performances, i.e., dark-counts vs. temperature and photon detection efficiency vs. excess bias, are reported in [17], In this letter, instead, we focus on quenching circuit related parame- 778 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 25, NO. 8, APRIL 15, 2013 TABLE I S UMMARY OF A FTERPULSING , DYNAMIC R ANGE (C ALCULATED AT 1 s OF I NTEGRATION T IME ) AND DCR P ERFORMANCES FOR VARIOUS SPAD S AND Q UENCHING C IRCUITS AVAILABLE IN L ITERATURE Tech. Node (nm) [12] 350 [15] 350 [16] 350 [18] 180 [7] 150 [8] 130 [19] 130 [6] 90 This Work 350 Work Diameter (µm) 20 10 20 8 10 8 8 6.4 20 T HOLD−OFF (ns) 100 40 500 6 30 100 5.4 15 20 V EX (V) QAV (pC) AP (%) 5 3.3 4 3.5 5 1 2.6 0.4 6 1.6 0.14 0.04 1 27 23 4.5 ~0 2.1 0.02 1.28 0.375 1.3 Fig. 3. Micrograph of a portion of the linear array showing the 20 µm SPAD and the presented front-end circuit, with their respective dimensions. Fig. 4. Cathode current waveform acquired from a scope. Inset: exponential fitting of the quenching phase. ters, i.e., circuit hold-off time and total charge per avalanche, which influence afterpulsing probability and crosstalk. At the extreme conditions of about 50 Mcps and an excess bias voltage of 6 V above breakdown (VBD = 25 V), the current consumption is 83 µA from VDD and 142 µA from VPOL , mainly due to the reset current. The avalanche current waveform was measured at the cathode, using a Tektronix MSO 4104 oscilloscope (Fig. 4): the leading trail caused by the avalanche build-up triggers the front-end electronics, which readily starts to starve the current; after about 1 ns the active quenching phase ends (i.e., MS turns off) and a change in the current slope occurs (point 1); from now on, the current charges the capacitances only through Peak PDE (%) 42 40 33 20 31 28 44 55 DCR (cps) 4900 750 3000 180 230 25 410 100 25 Dynamic Range (dB) 100 117 120 133 127 126 139 136 140 Circuit Area (µm2 ) 1500 1250 60 136 672 the SPAD internal resistance RS (self-quenching phase), so the current exponentially decays towards a steady-state value. Eventually, when such a value becomes low enough, the avalanche current cannot self-sustain any longer, due to the statistics of the avalanche process, so it happens that none of the carriers crossing the high-field region impact ionizes (statistical quenching (point 2))[9]. An estimation of the total avalanche charge can be made considering Fig. 4: the first part of the transient is dominated by an inductive response, determined by the setup topology (lead wire, PCB trace, cable), which, soon after, evolves in the aforementioned exponential decay. We interpolated the data from the scope to fit the curve (Fig. 4, inset) and we found a decay constant of 294.12 ps; then, we measured RS (1750) with a curve tracer and we computed the total capacitance CTOT = 167.85 fF. The overall avalanche charge (QAV ) is CTOT × VEX = 1 pC at 6 V excess bias when the circuit is used with the aforementioned 20 µm diameter SPAD. We underline here that, because of the finite bandwidth of the scope, the decay constant and, consequently, the overall avalanche charge are overestimated. We also measured the afterpulsing probability (AP), through Time-Correlated Carrier Counting (TCCC) [14], by varying both hold-off time and excess bias. The measurements were performed at room temperature and by illuminating the SPAD with a 570 nm LED; at this condition the SPAD has a Photon Detection Efficiency (PDE) of 28% and a DCR of 25 cps [17]. Results are reported in Fig. 5 and they prove that SPADs have negligible afterpulsing probability (< 1.3%). This is the lowest value measured in a 0.35 µm CMOS technology, with the highest excess bias and the shortest hold-off time (Table I). Compared with more scaled technologies, the measured AP is higher; as Table I suggests, this depends on two main factors: lower excess bias conditions and miniaturization of SPADs and electronics (smaller capacitances), which reduce the avalanche charge (QAV ) and, as a consequence, the afterpulses. Nonetheless, the dynamic range (140 dB) and the peak PDE (55%) are the highest ever reported for a CMOS SPAD, as a result of the high maximum count rate and high excess bias condition, low DCR and low afterpulsing. Finally, we measured the optical crosstalk probability by evaluating the correlation between the output signals of two cells distant 100 µm from each other, at an excess bias voltage BRONZI et al.: FAST SENSING AND QUENCHING OF CMOS SPADs Fig. 5. Afterpulsing probability, at different hold-off times and excess biases, for a 20 µm SPAD. of VEX = 5 V. The crosstalk probability was found to be negligible (0.03%). Thanks to its excellent performance and small area occupation the reported quenching circuit was integrated within a CMOS smart pixel for indirect time-of-flight range-finding [20]. IV. C ONCLUSION We reported the design and the characterization of a novel front-end for active quench and reset of SPADs, fabricated in a standard high-voltage 0.35 µm CMOS technology. The circuit consists of only 18 transistors and can operate the SPAD up to 6 V above its breakdown voltage, at a maximum counting rate of 50 Mcps. The circuit has low stray capacitance and provides fast mixed passive-active quenching through a prompt positive feedback on the quenching transistor. These features considerably minimize the avalanche current flow through the detector; hence almost vanishing afterpulsing issues, while boosting the counting dynamic range of CMOS SPAD imagers. R EFERENCES [1] F. Panzeri, A. Gulinatti, I. Rech, M. Ghioni, and S. 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