Bondarevskaya I. Citizenship identity model / I. Bondarevskaya // Proceedings of the 4th
international scientific and practical seminar: Psychology of political and economic self-constitution
(Kyiv, Ukraine). – P. 18 – 23.
Citizenship identity model
I. Bondarevskaya
Institute of Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine
(Kyiv, Ukraine)
Introduction. Citizenship identity concept is becoming more and more
important in the context of current political processes which result in formation of
multicultural societies with necessity to adopt some general social identity. The
European Union for example is constantly spreading its borders by accepting new
member states as well as facing intense immigration. Acceptance of new cultures
requires development of mutually accepted identity like a “citizen of the European
Union”. Obviously, processes which require different cultures co-existence on the
territory of one political entity happen not only in the European Union but in different
parts of the world with inherent political, economic, cultural peculiarities for the
Citizenship identity can be considered as a type of social identity co-existing in
the system of social identities with other social identities like gender identity,
professional identity, regional identity, ethnic identity and so on.
Objectives. The objective of this study is to offer a model of citizenship identity
as a type of social identity to be further checked and probably revised in empirical
studies conducted in different countries.
Results. According to H. Tajfel (1978), H. Tajfel and J.C. Turner (1979) social
identity is a “part of self-concept which derives from his / her knowledge of his / her
membership of social group (or groups), together with the value and emotional
significance attached to that membership”. Each social identity is formed as a result
of group (ingroup) membership and opposition to other, outgroup. Processes of social
Bondarevskaya I. Citizenship identity model / I. Bondarevskaya // Proceedings of the 4th
international scientific and practical seminar: Psychology of political and economic self-constitution
(Kyiv, Ukraine). – P. 18 – 23.
comparison lie in the basis of social identity formation. People evaluate believes and
abilities comparing themselves with others in the process of social interaction.
Ingroup is compared to similar or different outgroup, parameters of comparison
are social categorizations which are stereotypical constructs as they determine
borders of group membership (Festinger, 1954). People also need to define value of
their group in comparison to another group by intergroup comparison. Motivation for
such comparison lies in the need for positive social identity: the one which shows
positive distinctive features of a person and ingroup according to significant
R. Jenkins (1996) and K. Korostelina (2003) share the point of view that both
social and personal identities are intrinsically social though social identity is usually
considered in terms of group similarity and is connected to group membership,
meanwhile personal identity is determined as a set of individual characteristics and
underlines personal distinctions from other people. Personal behavior is formed as a
result of interaction between personal and social identities.
K.V. Korostelina (2003) determines social identity as a system reflecting the
following types of identity: basic, local, and situational. Basic identities are relatively
stable and dominant, some of them exist during the whole life. Local identities are
variant, changes happen quite often in them. Situational identities are connected to
concrete situations and depend on them.
According to K.V. Korostelina (2003) social identity should fulfill the following
functions: self-esteem, social status, personal security, guarantee of social defense,
possibility of personal growth. If due to social changes social identity stops fulfilling
its functions such identity gradually loses its meaning and disappears. Even weak
influence can break equilibrium in such an open system as identity. Formation of new
outgroups, change of group status lead to restructure of system of identities,
formation of new identities, contradiction between them, what cause changes in
Bondarevskaya I. Citizenship identity model / I. Bondarevskaya // Proceedings of the 4th
international scientific and practical seminar: Psychology of political and economic self-constitution
(Kyiv, Ukraine). – P. 18 – 23.
social behavior of a person. If new identity fulfills necessary functions it quickly
replaces the elder one (Korostelina, 2003).
G. Duveen and B. Lloyd (1986) underline meaning of culture in analyzing social
identities. They offer to consider social identities as internalization of social
representations of groups to which individuals belong.
P. du Gay (1996; 1997) looks at identity problems through the prism of culture.
He points out that identities are constructed, consumed and regulated inside culture
creating meanings through symbolic systems of identity positions representation.
M. A. Hogg and D. Abrams (1988) describe the role of power relations and
status between groups in identity formation. Domineering group possesses power to
impose system of values and ideology. J. Rutherford (1990) also draws attention to
relations of domineering and subordination in identity formation. He also shows that
identity determines connection between our past and present social, cultural and
economic relations as well as overlapping everyday life and political relations of
domineering and subordination.
Following S. Skevington (1989) we would like to emphasize place of emotions
in social identity theory. In Tajfel’s (1978) definition of social identity “emotional
significance attached to membership” in a group is mentioned. The intensity and
valence of emotional attachment to the group together with cognitive self-definition
of membership form the basis for intergroup behavior (Skevington, 1989).
Social constructivist approach underlines importance of context in analyzing
emotions in social identity (Coulter, 1986; Averill, 1986). Due to the context
requirements people are to feel certain emotions instead of others (Coulter, 1986), e.
g. anger instead of sadness. Another relevant emotional feature concerning social
identity is that shift in values, group membership is connected to emotional
readjustment (Averill, 1986).
The proposed model of citizenship identity is shown on Figure 1. It consists of
meaning content, citizenship activity in which it is revealed and behavior in concrete
Bondarevskaya I. Citizenship identity model / I. Bondarevskaya // Proceedings of the 4th
international scientific and practical seminar: Psychology of political and economic self-constitution
(Kyiv, Ukraine). – P. 18 – 23.
situation of interaction. Meaning content includes system of citizenship values and
citizenship attitudes, while citizenship values lie in the center (the most stable
component), citizenship attitudes (more apt to changes) lie in the layer next to the
center. Third layer, citizenship activity, is even more apt to changes than the previous
ones. The outer layer, behaviour in concrete situation, is the most apt for changes.
Figure 1. Citizenship identity model.
Among proposed methods for empirical research we would like to offer the
following: Schwartz’s Value Inventory, open-end statements, experiments. Especially
interesting is to measure affective components of attitudes. Quite often cognitive
components are more neutral and much less negative than affective.
A method developed in 1980s in Leningrad Scientific Research PsychoNeurological Institute named after V. M. Behterev can reveal affective components
of such attitudes. This method is called “Colour test of attitude” based on 8-colour M.
Lüscher Test (Bazhyn, Etkind, 1985).
A subject is asked to range colours according to personal preference from the
most pleasant to the most unpleasant. Then he/she is asked to associate a notion
Bondarevskaya I. Citizenship identity model / I. Bondarevskaya // Proceedings of the 4th
international scientific and practical seminar: Psychology of political and economic self-constitution
(Kyiv, Ukraine). – P. 18 – 23.
(outgroup member) with a definite colour. Several notions can be proposed at once
and colours can be repeated.
This test reveals valence: association with the1st, 2nd, 3rd place of colour in
personal preference range means emotional acceptance, 4th, 5th – emotionally neutral
attitude, 6th, 7th, and 8th – emotional rejection.
Normativity of notion is defined by comparing the chosen association colour
with normative sequence of colours which is the following: “34251607” where 1 –
blue, 2 – green, 3 – red, 4 – yellow, 5 – violate, 6 – brown, 7 – black, 0 – grey. As in
case with valence, the1st, 2nd, 3rd place of colour in normative sequence means
acceptance of the notion as a social stimulus, 4th, 5th – neutral attitude, 6th, 7th, and 8th
– rejection as a social stimulus.
Program of behavior is determined referring associated colour to the personal
preference range: the 1st, 2nd position are connected to future behavior program, 3 rd,
4th – present, 5th, 6th – potential, 7th, 8th – rejected behavior program.
It could be especially interesting to compare results in multiethnic societies with
different levels of economic prosperity, different levels of interethnic tension, and
peculiarities of political trust.
Conclusions. Citizenship identity model does not include so far such an
important component as political trust. S. Poznyak (2013) defines political trust as
feeling trust towards state, government and other institutes by citizens. As political
trust is essential factor defining some forms of citizenship activity in our further
theoretical and empirical studies we will determine interrelation between political
trust and components of the citizenship identity model.