Accounting Historians lou mal
Volume 38, Number 2
December 2011
pp. 105-124
Alan Sangster
Greg N. Stoner
Patricia McCarthy
Abstract: This paper responds to Basil Yamey's paper in the December
2010 issue of this journaL In that paper, Professor Yamey contradicts
some of the points made in our 2008 paper, also in this journal, in
which we conclude that Pacioli's Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita (1494) was written primarily for
merchants and their sons. He does so by attempting to explain why
Pacioli's exposition of double-entry bookkeeping, De Computis et
Scripturis, was neither an effective reference text for merchants nor a
satisfactory school text for their sons. We are unconvinced by Professor Yamey's argument and counter it in this paper by demonstrating
that, if anything, Pacoli's bookkeeping treatise was even more fit-forplll-pose than we previously indicated.
We welcome the commentary by Professor Basil Yamey
[2010] on our paper [Sangster et al., 2008], in which we concluded that the Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni
et Proportionalita (Summa) of Luca Pacioli [1494] was written
primarily for merchants and their sons. We are grateful for this
opportunity to revisit our work with a new purpose, adding
evidence to our previous arguments and, not least, to correct
at least one error in our ·paper that has troubled us since it appeared in print.
Some of Professor Yamey's comments focus on our paper
and some on De Computis et Scripturis (De Scripturis), Pacioli's
treatise on double-entry bookkeeping (DEB). We shall endeavor
to address both sets of comments. First, however, we must consider Yamey's overall conclusion and the method by which he
attempts to justify reaching it.
Yamey states that he is not persuaded by our conclusion that
Summa was written for merchants and their sons. To support
this position, he focuses solely upon consideration of De Scriptuns [Yamey, 2010, p. 146, footnote I] to demonstrate that De
Accounting Historians Journal, December 2011
Scripturis was "seriously inadequate and defective" (pp. 145-146).
We do not accept that Yamey succeeds in demonstrating the
inadequacy of De Scripturis and, consequently, we do not believe
that he is correct in questioning the validity of our conclusion
concerning the intended market for Summa. We also do not
believe that focusing solely upon De Scripturis rather than on
Summa in its entirety is appropriate, particularly in this case as
our paper considered the market for the entire book, not solely
De Scripturis. Nor do we believe it is possible to reach such a
conclusion while ignoring relevant characteristics of the time
and place in which it was printed. We first revisit the main
theme of our 2008 paper.
At the beginning of his commentary, Yamey [2010, p. 145]
reiterates what he said in his article on De Computis in 2004: "...
it is unlikely that merchants, even Italian merchants, were major
purchasers of the Summa." In this earlier article, Yamey [2004,
p. 144] concluded that, "The fact that so many copies have survived to the present day is best explained in terms of purchases
by mathematicians and other learned individuals rather than
by merchants." We addressed these issues in our 2008 paper
and concluded that a print run of 1,000 or more copies' made it
inconceivable that purchases of Summa were mainly by mathematicians and other learned individuals. Along with a number
of other factors, this left the merchant class as the likely purchasers of Summa, a market that is consistent with the number
of extant copies of the book.
Yamey appears to have overlooked the fact that our conclusion (that the motivation for the publication of Summa was to
provide an instructional and reference text for merchants and
their sons) was based upon the content of Summa as a whole.
His commentary appears to imply that he believes that we identified that market on the assumption that Summa would have
sold into it because 27 of its 615 pages (4% of the book) consisted of a treatise on DEB that was "fit-for-purpose," and that
he believes that merchants would not have bought Summa if the
treatise were not "fit-for-purpose." If so, he is incorrect on both
Any such statement ought to be based upon a compadson of the number of
copies printed with the number that have survived. When Yamey wrote his 2004
paper, it was believed that only 300 copies of Summa had been printed [Antinori, 1980]. Antono.-i revised this estimate to 1,200 in 1994 (in conversation with
Hernandez-Esteve, 2009), but never said so in print. Sangster [2007] estimated
that 1,000 to 2,000 copies may have been printed.
Sangstet· eta/, In Defense of Pacioli
The need to consider Summa as a whole when analyzing the
market for the book is supported by the mathematician Smith
[2008, p. 143; see also Rankin, 1992], whose Ph.D. in 1992 was
on Pacioli and his mathematics: "[Summa] was [written] with
the aim of completeness: to furnish the merchant, and anyone
interested in mathematics generally, with the tools necessary
for the efficient running of a commercial business." We made a
similar point in our paper [Sangster et al., 2008, p. 130]:
The bookkeeping treatise was not only intended to
be read and used by merchants and their sons, it was
designed specifically for them. Further analysis of the
content and sequencing of [Summa] indicates that the
entire book was written primarily as a reference text for
merchants and as a school text for their sons.
While some merchants may, as Yamey [2010, p. 146] suggests,
have purchased Summa "primarily for its pages on bookkeeping and accounts," anyone reading even the first two pages of
Smith's [2008] article would appreciate that the relevance of the
rest of Summa to any merchant makes that extremely unlikely.
Pacioli clearly saw De Scripturis as an integral part of
Summa. As Pacioli [Geijsbeek (trans.), 1914, p. 33] writes in his
introduction to the treatise:
The second thing necessary in business is to be a good
bookkeeper and ready mathematician. To become such
we have given above [in the foregoing sections of the
book] the rules and canons necessary to each transaction, so that any diligent reader can understand it all by
himself. If one has not understood this first part well, it
will be useless for him to read the following.
The undeniable and important link between bookkeeping and
mathematics is also found in the comments of the mathematical
historian Heeffer [2009, pp. 2, 13] on the development of both
subjects in the 14th and 15th centuries:
These two developments of the fourteenth and fifteenth
century were both instrumental in the objectivation
of value and they supported the reciprocal relations of
exchange on which mercantilism depended ... [Pacioli's]
Summa literally brings together all important aspects of
knowledge in such a mercantile society, including algebra and double-entry bookkeeping.
Accounting Historians Journal, December 2011
This link between bookkeeping and mathematics is longstanding and is not confined to the 14th and 15th centuries.
The bookkeeping treatise by John Mellis [1588] is followed by
a treatise on arithmetic which includes a chapter on barter calculations and a chapter on calculating currency exchange. I t is
also evident in Edwards' [2009] discussion of the way that DEB
was taught as applied algebra in late 18th and early 19th century
England, and by the frequent inclusion of bookkeeping in U.K.
school mathematics texts, such as Hutton's text from 1802. Even
today, many U.K. universities require accounting students to
obtain passes in high-school mathematics examinations as a
prerequisite for admission to study accounting.
We are perplexed that Yamey appears so unwilling to accept
our conclusion concerning the market for Summa. However, as
he chooses to focus on De Scripturis in his commentary, we shall
endeavor to demonstrate that he is incorrect in dismissing its
relevance and usefulness to merchants and their sons, particularly in Venice where the book was printed. In order to do so,
we must place some of the issues raised by Yamey in context, in
particular printing and education.
Printing: Summa was published only 40 years after the first
book was printed in Mainz on the newly invented Gutenberg
press. In those early years of printing, typesetting was crude
and inconsistent, and proofreading was prone to inaccuracy,
if it took place at all [Sangster, 2007, p. 134]. Developments in
printing in the Renaissance occuned over a lengthy period. For
example, the Venetian-based printer Erhard Ratdolt was the first
to discover how to print graphics in the margins of pages and
then used the technique (which was crucial in the printing of
Summa) in his printing of Euclid's Elementa Geometriae in 1482
[Baldasso, 2010, p. 91], the book Pacioli is using in his famous
portrait currently in Naples [Mackinnon, 1993].
De Scripturis suffers in places from poor typesetting. Yet, if
a student of bookkeeping in 2010, using Geijsbeek's [1914] similarly presented translation of De Scripturis, feels that De Scripturis merits being described as "amazing" and another states, "I
feel that the double entry process is very easy when using this
book as it makes clear sense" [Sangster et al., 2010], what would
the students or merchants of the late 15th century for whom
it was written have thought about it? We do not know, but we
can surmise which generation of students would be more likely
to relate to the content and style of the text, and it is not those
Sangster et at, In Defense of Pacioli
studying the subject in 2010.
In terms of representing bookkeeping in print, compared
with Pacioli's De Scripturis of 1494, we see improvements in
Tagliente's two somewhat unsophisticated texts on double entry
in the journal (for gentlemen and merchants) [1525a] and single
entry in a ledger (for merchants and artisans) [1525b], 2 and
many more in Manzoni's [1540] textbook, Quademo doppio ... ,
published some 40 years after Summa. Yamey elects to compare the 1540 edition of Manzoni's book to De Scripturis, but he
makes no a1lowance for the increased sophistication of printing
or professionalism of printers and typesetters that appear to
have occurred during the 46 years that passed between their
publications. He also fails to take into account that readers of
printed textbooks in 1494 were not accustomed to the virtually
perfect typesetting of the 21st century. As was previously mentioned, typesetting was erratic; and it was no less prone to error
than text in scribal manuscripts. A present-day reader would
possibly find some of the typesetting in De Scripturis confusing
and irritating, but would a merchant have done so in 1494 and
would it have left him "perplexed," as Yamey [2010, p. 146] suggests? Surely, not to the same extent as it might today and not to
the extent that anyone reading the actual text would be confused
for long [Sangster, 201 0].
Education: Leonardo Pisano's [1202] Liber Abai, a manusclipt book of applied mathematics, was the first of its type. It
spawned not only many abridged versions, but a completely
new branch of education: the abba co schools of Northern Italy, 3
schools for sons of merchants and other craftsmen [Grendler,
1989]. Summa was a school textbook. Yamey [2010, p. 150] cites
Raymond de Roover [1944] to that effect and, as we explained
[Sangster et al., 2008, pp. 124, 128], the schools for which it
was prepared were the abbaco schools. Ulivi [2002, p. 11] offers
an alternative view, suggesting that texts such as Summa were
principally intended as aide memoires for those who had already
studied in an abbaco school, if anything, reinforcing what we
wrote concerning the market for the book. As the book was
printed in Venice, it would have been sold mainly in that region,
an assumption we implicitly made in our consideration of the
market and in our discussion of teachers and students in the abbaco school system.
2 See Gordon ( 1914, pp. I 56-I 57].
The abbaco school system operated in the north of the country in cities like
Florence, Lucca, Parma, Pe.-ugia, Pisa, Siena, and Venice.
II 0
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De Roover [1944, p. 398] discusses the omission of topics
from De Scripturis but accepts that this is justified. Yamey [20 10,
pp. 145-146] is of a different opinion and uses the absence of
some topics from De Scripturis as partial justification for stating
that De Scripturis was deficient and not fit-for-purpose, either
for merchants or, disagreeing with de Roover, for their sons.
How can anyone possibly know if this was the case? We contend
that there is good reason to believe that De Scripturis actually
covers all the basic principles of DEB clearly enough to be used
by merchants and used effectively in a classroom, even 500
years ago. We also believe that Yamey is wrong in how he interprets the relevance of the content and presentation of material
in De Scripturis.
Sum.m.a and De Scripturis must be judged through a 15th
century lens, not a modern one, and judged as a whole. We
believe that in limiting his assessment of our conclusion concerning the market for Sum.m.a to a critique of De Script uris,
Professor Yamey has used a lens that is neither of that period
nor modern, and is overwhelmingly myopic. In many p laces, he
also takes no or insufficient note of the importance of analyzing
and/or critiquing the contents of De Scripturis from a perspective that is sympathetic to the technological, cultural, educational, and mercantile context of the time and place of Summa's
genesis. We also believe that he is too willing to dismiss opinion
which challenges the views he holds.
To illustrate this last point, Lane [1945, p. 44] compared
research conducted by de Roover [1941] on the ledger accounts
of Florentine cloth manufacturers with his own on the ledger accounts of Venetian merchants in the 15th and 16th centuries. He
found that the accounts maintained, the timing and frequency
of account closure, the accounting techniques applied, and the
key focus of accounting activity were not the same. Bookkeeping in the 15th century was performed according to the needs
of the enterprise and to meet the decision-making needs of the
managers, and these were clearly different in these two centers
of business activity.
Yamey [2010, p. 151] asserts that the differences between
the practice of bookkeepi ng and accounting in various parts
of Italy were not significant, a reasonable statement if we are
considering solely the principles of DEB. However, it seems that
Yamey (p. 158) has the wider discipline of accounting in mind
for he completely ignores the significantly different accounting
Sangster eta/, /11 Defense of Pacioli
priorities and techniques in use in Florence compared to Venice
and uses the word "Italy" when he should have used "Florence."
The substitution is misleading, to say the least, and it results
in his continuing a line of argument that we believe to be fundamentally flawed. This argument, as we discuss later in this
paper, goes to the core of his view that De Scripturis was not fitfor-purpose.
Yamey raises a number of issues criticizing De Scripturis, including its lack of appropriate example entries and the
omission of crucially important bookkeeping and accounting
techniques that were in use at that time. Before addressing the
issues he raises in more detail, we shall first bliefly clarify the
criticism he makes concerning example entlies and then offer
some initial background concerning the omission of topics in
the context of the time when Summa was published. We will
return to both these topics later.
Examples: De Scripturis does not include a surfeit of examples
of bookkeeping entries, but it does have more than many realize. It contains 25 examples of journal entries, not just the seven
in Chapter 12, virtually one per page of text. Similarly, the text
contains several examples of ledger entries, sufficient for Yamey
[20 10, p. 153] to state that there was no need for more. What
Yamey (p. 14 7) is concerned about is the Jack of a model set of
entries in account books (i.e., journal and ledger), such as that
contained in Manzoni's textbook of 1540, not work.ed examples
such as would typically appear in a modern textbook. In this
case, as we shall explain later, we believe he is focusing on the
wrong learning resource and overestimating the instn1ctional
benefits of examples without detailed explanations.
Important Omissions: Whatever the merits of Yamey's (p. 150)
position concerning topics not covered in De Scripturis, incomplete coverage was typical of such books at that time. As Grafton [2008, p. 29] observes:
Again and again, publisher, authors and readers of
textbooks in technical fields noted, often with rancor,
that the textbook [of the 15th and 16th centuries] could
not provide all of the information or instruct in all of
the techniques that one needed to practice in a given
field ... .In general, textbooks [of that period] on technical subjects were always liable to be incomplete.
Accounting Historians Joumal, December 20 11
Even if Professor Yamey were correct, does being guilty of the
same "crime" as all these other textbooks render De Scripturis
(and consequently, in Yamey's eyes, Summa) unfit as an instructional manual or reference text for merchants and their sons
and, in particular, merchants of Venice?
1. Yamey [2010, p. 144] contends that our statement
that the "bookkeeping treatise would have been
invaluable to many merchants in various ways"
[Sangster et al. , 2008, pp. 128-129] rests on the assumption by us that De Scripturis was an effective
exposition of the double-entry method and guide to
its practice in Venice.
It is inaccurate of Yamey to imply that we made such an
assumption. Indeed, we acknowledged (p. 113) deficiencies in
the treatise, deficiencies that are the basis of many of the points
he raises, adding that, "Anyone using the bookkeeping treatise
to learn how to do bookkeeping would need to have either been
in business himself or, as suggested by Yamey [1978, p. 580],
to have known someone he could ask for help in following it."
However, our position has changed since 2008. While we stilJ
subsct·ibe to the view that such access or help wou ld have been
useful, we are no longer so convinced that it would have been
necessary, as we explain in the following sections.
2. Yamey [20 10, p. 150] is doubtful that "an exposition
directed at experienced merchants would also serve
as an introductory basic text for inexperienced
young beginners."
This statement ignores the emphasis upon merchants, not
their sons, in Pacioli's statement in the Introduction to De Scriptuns [Geijsbeek, 1914, p. 33], that he has prepared his treatise:
"In order that [merchants]. .. may have all the rules that a good
merchant needs, I decided to compile ... a special treatise which
is much needed ... to enable them to keep all their accounts and
books in an orderly way." Pacioli clearly believed that sufficient
merchants in late-15th century Venice were not experienced
in the use of DEB, and thus justified including the treatise in
Summa. Has Yamey any reason for implying that Venetian
merchants generally did have this experience, or that they were
more experienced in the use of DEB than their sons? He gives
none, and Pacioli ought to have had an informed view on that,
having worked for a Venetian merchant for six years 30 years
Sangster et a/, In Defense of Pacioli
earlier [Taylor, 1942].
3. The treatise is not sufficie ntly detailed to have be en
of practical use to merchants.
As alluded to previously, Yamey [2010, p. 150] lists anumber of facets and techniques of 15th century accounting practice
omitted by Pacioli, including compound journal entries, closing
and reversed opening balance accounts, doubtful debts, balancing of merchandise accounts, nostro and vostro accounts, and
fixed-asset accounts. He suggests that the items he lists would
have been welcomed, even by "experienced merchants" (presumably "experienced" in DEB) using his treatise to guide them.
We accept that the items listed by Yamey were used in practice
at that time, but "in Florence" not, as stated by Yamey, "in Italy,"
and not typically "in Venice."
For example, not only was the concept of periodic closing
of the ledger as practiced in Florence only infrequently observed
by Venetian merchants (so making the inclusion of illustrations
of balance accounts in De Scripturis much less important than
in Florence), venture accounting, as Lane [ 1945, p. 164] notes,
rather than manufactw·ing accounting, was of primary importance in Venice. "The Venetians, being mainly exporters and
importers, were concerned chiefly with keeping track of wares
shipped, wares received, and amounts owed by or to agents." It
is, therefore, unsurprising that Lane [1945, p. 173] ascribed the
popularity of the "Venetian method" to the quality of Venetian
accounting tutors, the printed textbook, and to the fact that,
"The venture system of accounting used at Venice was the most
practical form for merchants much of whose wealth was coming
and going on the seas." De Scripturis deals with how to record
such transactions and is clearly focused upon meeting the needs
of merchants of Venice, not those in Florence, or elsewhere.
In addition, merchants had access to transactions, and they
already knew how to maintain single entry, mainly cash records.
Pacioli gave them the tools to convert to a three-book, doubleentry system - memoriale, giornale, and quademo - that was
simple and straightforward to apply and that also gave them
a means of systematically managing records of their ventures,
their debtors, and their creditors. These were surely useful benefits for merchants adopting his Venetian method.
As for the "omitted items," once the underlying principles
of the method are known and understood, any of these could
be added if the merchant wished. All he had to do was ask
someone to demonstrate how to do so or employ a bookkeeper
Accou111i11g Historians Journal, December 2011
who already knew. How long, for example, would it take such a
merchant to learn bow to prepare a compound journal entry, the
first item in Yamey's list, but not something Tagliente [1525a, b]
or Manzoni [ 1540] included in the examples in their Venetian
textbooks? I t seems strange that Yamey saw the absence of any
such entries in De Scripturis as being something that would have
frustrated a Venetian merchant.
Among topics not mentioned by Yamey, two surely ought
to have been part of any treatise on DEB and accounting at that
time - multiple currencies and barter. Pacioli deals appropriately with the former in De Scripturis but, for barter, he chooses
to split his coverage, placing most of it in a separate part of
Summa (the 15-page Distinctio 9, Tractatus 4 [Pacioli, 1494, ff.
161 r-168r]), with some other examples elsewhere [Smith, 2008].
How to record such transactions is covered in Chapter 20 of De
Scripturis, along with a reference back to the earlier tractatus
[Pacioli, 1494, f. 204v]. Merchants would surely have been delighted to see the extent of Pacioli's coverage of this topic.
Any assessment of the fitness for purpose of De Scripturis
ought to include mention of the coverage of these two extremely
important topics for 15th century merchants. Pacioli's coverage of barter also demonstrates the questionability of Yamey's
decision not to take the rest of Summa into account when considering subject coverage and relevance to merchants, a strange
decision given that the subheading he used for this section of his
Commentary is, "Important Omissions From The Summa." If
we are going to criticize something, we ought to also give credit
where credit is due, othervvise our critique risks being overly
selective and biased.
4. Yamey [2010, pp. 151-152] questions our suggestion
that De Scripturis could have standardized the practice of DEB because the typesetting of the example
journal entries in Chapter 12 would have caused too
much confusion.
Sangster et al. [2008, p. 129] were referring to standardization within a single merchant's business: "The merchant could
also use the bookkeeping treatise as a guide to ensure that his
bookkeeper was actually recording inventory and transactions
in the appropriate manner... [Summa ] effectively gave merchants
the capability to audit their bookkeepers through standardizing the DEB method in use." Yamey's conclusion is excessively
negative when read in that context, but it is also excessively
negative if his interpretation of our wording (as if we referred to
Sangste1· et al, In Defense of Pacioli
I 15
widespread standardization) is used. Any reader of De Scripturis
can see that the example journal entries in that chapter are incorrectly presented and deduce how they ought to appear fTom
Pacioli's description of the layout to adopt. 4
5. The treatise is not sufficiently clear to have been of
practical use to merchants.
Yamey suggests that Manzoni's book of 1540 demonstrates
how this topic could have been presented in a manner that
is clearer than Pacioli's, principally because it contains 300
example entries into model account books compared with the
much smaller number of examples that appear in the text of De
Scripturis rather than in model account books.
We believe that Pacioli's treatise is considerably clearer than
Manzoni's for anyone who wished to learn and understand the
method and then to apply what they had learned in their own
businesses because he explains the principles of the method better. Manzoni's narrative text is less detailed than Pacioli's and
contains many fewer examples within the dialogue. Those that
are included are merged into the text with no attempt made to
show how they should be entered in the account books. This
is perhaps why readers of Manzoni needed the presentation of
example entries in the form of a complete journal and ledger
while, as we suggest, readers of De Scripturis did not.
6. Yamey [2010, p. 152] disagrees with our view that it
would have been too costly and complex to include
a set of model account books in De Scripturis.
In this case, Yamey has misunderstood us. Sangster et al.
[2008, p. 114, emphasis added] were not referring to adding
a set of model account books, but to adding some worked examples:
Including worked examples would have significantly increased the length of the bookkeeping treatise, perhaps
by as much as 30% if modern texts are a guide. It would
also have considerably increased the complexity, and
therefore the cost, of the typesetting and required many
costly wood blocks to be carved or metal plates to be
cast. It is unlikely to have been an accident that the journal entries shown on the last page appear after all the text.
In the final sentence, we were suggesting that those extra entries
may have appeared on the final page because it was easier to
• See, Sangster [20 1O) for a detailed discussion of this issue.
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print them without any surrounding text. What we had in mind
was not a set of model account books but, in keeping with Pacioli's pedagogy, worked examples of each of the main types of
entries placed in the text, as they would be in a modem text, or
presented in the margin, as was done extensively in Volume 2 of
However, is it realistic to think that Pacioli's typesetter
would have been capable of doing so with or without the use
of wooden or metal blocks? Ability of the typesetter aside, the
cost of adding this level of complexity may have been prohibitive in the context of this book, irrespective of whether or not
Pacioli truly did not perceive a need to add any more to the
treatise. Perhaps Yamey is correct that the examples we had in
mind would not require very complex typesetting, but looking at
Manzoni's journal entries and comparing them with Pacioli's in
Chapter 12 suggests to us that even that level of complexity was
beyond the ability of Pacioli's typesetter (who could not even
manage to include'//' in the text [Yamey, 2010, p . 151]), and it is
that level of complexity that we had in mind.
7. Yamey [2010, p . 149] states that we misinterpret
the passage in De Scripturis in which Pacioli wrote:
"For if we wanted to give you an example of all the
ways in which merchants do business ...this would
make our treatise very long... ," and that we use it
erroneously as an explanation for why Pacioli did
not include a set of examples in the manner of Man•
Yamey correctly identified what Pacioli was referring to calculating amounts to be entered in the journal. However, he has
misunderstood both what we had in mind (worked examples
not model account books) and our reason for using this quotation, which was simply evidence that supported our contention
[Sangster et al., 2008, p. 114] that, "For pragmatic economic reasons, if material was not considered essential in a printed book
in the late 15th century, it was omitted."
8. Yamey [2010, p. 149] believes that the lack of a
model set of account books, combined with the seriously confusing and internally inconsistent Chapter
34, rendered De Scripturis unfit for the purposes
we claimed for it.
Yamey made this statement after describing Manzoni's
inclusion of a model journal and ledger containing entiies for
300 transactions, which Yamey [2010, p. 147] believes is the best
Sangster eta!, In Defense of Pacioli
I 17
element of Manzoni's textbook from which to learn this subject:
"We can be sure that merchants, bookkeepers and schoolboys
were much better served by the model set of account books included as an integrated part of Manzoni's treatise than by Manzorn's rule and, indeed, by much of his written text."
As Yamey mentions, Manzoni was not the only person to
include an exemplar of this type. Neither, in fact, was he the
first. Tagliente's two brief texts [1525a, b) are virtually devoid of
textual discussion of principles. In the first, he starts with a brief
statement that each entry in the journal is posted to the ledger,
once to the debit side of an account and once to the credit side.
He then relies almost exclusively upon teaching from example
entries in a journal. He does the same in the second book, which
shows how to record each of a series of entries in a book for
debtors and creditors maintained under single entry. In contrast,
Pietra's [1586] textbook is replete with discursive text and also
includes over 800 examples in a model set of books covering an
entire year. Yamey mentions Ympyn [1543a, b, 1547] and North
[ 1714] as two others whose textbooks contain both text and a
set of model account books. Presumably, it was expected that
learners seeking confirmation that they have learned everything
correctly would look no further than the model set of books.
This is not the same as learning leading to understanding.
I t is, however, the equivalent of having a deaf and mute tutor
at your side as you set about making entries in your account
books. Yamey is certainly correct in asserting that including a
model set of account books, such as those in Manzoni's text,
would have improved Pacioli's treatise. But was the inclusion
of such an exemplar a necessary addition if De Scripturis was to
have been fit-for-purpose?
Pacioli was intent upon merchants learning, understanding,
and then applying the principles of DEB from a few simple generalizable statements and examples rather than initially learning
and then testing learning using a set of model entries in account
books. As Geijsbeek [1914, p. 33] translates Pacioli's Chapter 1
of De Scripturis [ 1494, f. 198v]:
I have written this treatise, in which, step by step, the
method is given of making all sorts of entries. Although
one cannot write out every essential detail for all cases,
nevertheless a careful mind will be able, from what is
given, to make the application to any particular case.
Pacioli was not alone. Roger North [1714, p. 13] and Malachy
Postlethwayt [1751, p. 317] expressed similar views concerning
Accowuing Historians lou mal, December 20 I I
I 18
the importance of learning principles, understanding them, and
then applying them, and that this is achievable with the support
of an appropriate (and small) number of examples.
We suggest that Yamey places too much emphasis on the
learning that may be obtained from the inclusion of a model set
of account books. Such exemplars are useful for drill and practice exercises, and theit· presence in Manzoni's text may even
have encouraged a standardization of the presentation of entries
in account books in Venice when it was ptinted. But they do not
teach the method; they do not engage learning even if each of
them is explained in the text, which they are not in Manzoni's
exemplar ledger; and they are not a necessary condition/provision for the learning of principles. The p1inciples of DEB are
simply too straightforward to require such lengthy and detailed
exposure to examples. Students learn far better by preparing the
entries for themselves, applying the principles of double entry
they have been taught. This is what Pacioli did and promoted,
and this is what, 500 years ャ。エ・セ@
we do today. De Scripturis as
it stands is, we believe, sufficient for that phase of learning. As
for Chapter 34, which is about closing ledgers and preparing a
Summa Summarum, we address this comment in point 10.
9. Yamey [2010, pp. 146-147] complains that De S cripturis does not include any general rule or rules purporting to guide the reader a s to which account to
d e bit and which to credit in a particular case, having previously quoted Manzoni [1540]: "the whole
difficulty of the art of double entry bookkeeping is
to know how to discern in e ach transaction which
account is to be debited and which to be credited."
Many students and most accountants we have ever met, including ourselves, would agree that the difficulty in double entry
lies in identifying whether to debit or credit a particular account.
Yamey [2010, p. 147] initially offers a single rule given by Manzoni as a possible solution to the problem: ''[The] rule is to debit
the receiver or the thing received, and to credit the giver or the
thing given."5
While Yamey is absolutely correct in saying that this rule is
evident in many texts, and we have colleagues who were taught
it, a single rule capable of use in all circumstances is something
of a "holy grail" for writers and teachet·s of double entry. Recognizing a problem, Yamey [2010, p. 147] indicates limitations
As discussed by Geijsbeek [ 1914, pp. 84-85], this is by no means the only rule
contained in Manzoni's text.
Sangster et at, In Defense o( Pacioli
I 19
in Manzoni's rule with a very apposite example and switches
his focus to Manzoni's use of exemplar account books. Yamey
seems to believe that "rules" for this purpose can only be of
the style offered by Manzoni, but rules can be presented in the
form of generalizable guidance, which is what Pacioli does. His
approach is very simple. Within the space of six pages, Pacioli
[1494, ff.20lr-204r] indicates when to credit the capital account
(when it increases), when to credit the cash account (when
its value decreases), when to credit a personal account (when
its value to the business decreases), when to debit a merchandise account (when its value increases) and when to debit the
cash account (when its value increases). He thus focuses upon
capital, cash, and credit in explaining how to decide whether to
make a credit or debit entry to a particular account. It is then
simply a matter of identifying how these principles apply to
each transaction and treating the entries accordingly. The correct entries for Yamey's example of giving discount to a debtor
who pays his debt early, which cannot be correctly posted using
Manzoni's rule, are obvious - a personal account has decreased
in value to the business, so you credit the account of the debtor;
the debit entry must be to the other account involved in the
transaction - discount.
Modem textbooks do not mirror Manzoni's approach of
rules plus exemplar account books; they more commonly mirror
Pacioli's with, in some cases, the inclusion of explicit rules. For
example, Wood and Sangster [2008], the largest selling introductory financial accounting textbook outside North America, has
seven pages dedicated to double entry, containing simple ru les
for debiting and crediting accounts for assets, liabilities, and
capital, which is many fewer than the number of rules offered
by Manzoni - his general rule in four parts and then eight more
rules in one chapter [Geijsbeek, 1914, p. 85]. As in Pacioli's treatise, the side of an account on which entries are made depends
solely upon whether the account amount increases or decreases.
These simple rules are then followed by a worked example involving four transactions relating to a simple business start-up.
A second worked example follows, looking at recording a month's
trading involving nine transactions. There is not a single compound journal entry among them. At that point, the authors
state that the student should now be able to record transactions
in T-accounts. The basic principles of double entry are contained in those seven pages, virtually as many pages as that used
by Pacioli in covering those same points.
This comparison suggested that Pacioli's approach might
Accou11ti11g Historia11s Journal, December 2011
work with modern-day students, with worked examples being
added by the ゥョウエイオ」oャセ@
just as they were likely to have been
added by teachers of bookkeeping 500 years ago. Accordingly,
in order to assess whether Pacioli's approach to teaching double
entry was effective, De Scripturis was used as the sole text in a
series of classes on DEB to over 200 first-year U.K. undergraduate students [Sangster et al., 201 0]. The students outperformed
the previous year's cohort (which had used a modern text) on all
aspects of their assessment.
We therefore find no grounds for accepting Yamey's assertion that Pacioli's treatise was unfit as a teaching text, either for
the Jack of a "general rule" or, as discussed earlier, for the lack of
exemplar account books. However, we willingly accept that had
Pacioli been more explicit in the rules to follow on this topic,
learning may have been facilitated in some cases. As to the addition of worked examples or a model set of account books, while
the former would almost certainly have improved the ability of
readers to learn from and understand the text a nd the latter may
have helped some learners confir-m their learning, neither was
an essential component for De Scripturis to have been fit-forpurpose.
10. Yamey [2010, p . 147) repeats his previously expressed view [Yamey, 1994, p. 163] that Pacioli's
Summa Summarum could not s erve a useful purpose and that Pacioli's Chapter 34, in which it is described, is "confused and confusing."
Rather than going into these points in detail, we refer to
Peragallo's extensive work on early books on accounting. Peragallo [1956] accepts a lack of clality in Pacioli's text concerning
the distinction bet'vveen the trial balance and the Summa Summ.arum. However, they are covered in different chapters of De
Scripturis, and he believed that Pacioli knew very well how to
prepare a trial balance, how to prepare a Summa Summarum,
and of the differences between them. He also believed that Pacioli knew very well how to close a ledger and open a new one, the
Summa Summarum being the last stage of doing so. Peragallo
believed that Pacioli was describing a Venetian practice (the
Summa Summarum) in Chapter 34, andthat he included both
the trial balance (Chapter 36) and the Summa Summarum in De
Scripturis because doing so was consistent with Venetian best
practice at the time.
Peragallo believed that use of the Summa Summarum was
short-lived and that it was being replaced in Venice by a "bal-
Sangster eta/, In Defense of Pacioli
ance account" (which is not included in De Scripturis although
Peragallo [ 1956, p. 394] believed that Pacioli was aware of it).
He noted that 40 years later, Manzoni included an example of
a Summa Summarum after his model ledger in his text, but,
unfortunately, he was under the impression that it was a trial
balance. 6
As to whether or not the Summa Summarum was useful,?
its inclusion in De Scripturis was appropriate at that time, and
the description of it in Chapter 34 of De Scripturis is consistent with its presentation in Manzonj [1540], even if Manzoni
thought he was presenting an example of a trial balance. Perhaps that is an example of the dangers of learning mainly from
exemplar account books rather than from learning, understanding, and then applying principles.
11. Yamey [2010, pp. 152-153] comments on our description of the example entries at the end of the
treatise as "journal entries" and states that they are,
in fact, "four ledger accounts in which entries are
shown for five inter-related transactions."
We unreservedly acknowledge that we were incorrect in
describing these entries as "journal entries." We also do not believe that they are entries in the Ledger, but this is not the place
for that discussion. 8
We welcome Professor Yamey's comments on our paper
[Sangster et al., 2008]. While we recognize that there is considerable room for debate on the issues raised and discussed by Yamey, we present here what we consider to be a more appropriate analysis than that offered by him. In doing so, we place De
Scripturis firmly within its context as a part of Summa and consider the whole of Summa within the technological, cultural, educational, and mercantile context of the time and place in which
it was created by Pacioli and his printer. We have demonstrated
the intrinsic pedagogical merits of De Scripturis itself, considering it in the context of education at the time of its publication
Peragallo [ 1956, pp. 392-393) describes how Manzoni discussed the trial balance (copying Pacioli verbatim) and directed readers to his model Summa Summarum as an example of it.
Peragallo [ 1971] discusses Vigan6 [ 1968], the source refen·ed to by Yamey
when making this point. Peragallo does not appear to change any of his own opinions concerning the Summa Summarum from those he held in 1956.
8 See Sangster et al. [2012].
Accounting Historians Journal, December 2011
and drawing attention to Pacioli's focus upon the importance of
teaching students to understand (rather than simply memorize
rules and practices through rote learning from cases).
Yamey's apparent treatment of 15th century Venetian accounting practice as if it were the same as Tuscan practice, as
we argued at the outset of this paper, resulted in his pursuing a
line of argument that is fundamentally flawed and consequently
undermines his case for stating that De Scripturis was not fitfor-purpose. Pacioli's text focused appropriately upon the bookkeeping and accounting needs of late 15th century Venetian
merchants. It was more than sufficient for someone to learn and
understand the principles of DEB as was appropriate in Venice
at that time. Yamey's criticisms of the treatise have been shown
to be overstated or invalid, and he has demonstrably failed in
his attempt to dismiss De Scripturis as not fit-for-purpose.
With respect to our 2008 paper, we have presented a plausible interpretation of events and text that justifies and explains
Pacioli's motivation for the inclusion of De Scripturis in Summa
and reinforces what we said in that paper about the intended
market for Summa - the merchants of Venice and their sons.
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