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Food and Experience

CALL FOR CHAPTERS Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies on Food Experiences: Insights for Marketing, Retail and Events: Editors: • Adrienne Steffen, Hochschule Fresenius Heidelberg. • Susanne Doppler, Hochschule Fresenius Heidelberg. Publisher: Elsevier Overview: We would like to invite you to submit a chapter proposal to Elsevier’s new series on Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing (Series Editors: Alessio Cavicchi and Cristina Santini). This new volume presents the challenges customers face in their away-from-home food shopping and consumption experiences and explores how customer food experiences can be created. The book addresses several related topics, including food design, food service design, the creation of customer loyalty through experiences, communication strategies like food promotion and event management, and defining product positioning in a competitive environment.

Food and Experience By Adrienne Steffen and Susanne Doppler Adrienne Steffen and Susanne Doppler call for cases; Proposal deadline 15 Nov. 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CALL FOR CHAPTERS Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies on Food Experiences: Insights for Marketing, Retail and Events: Editors: • Ad ie e “teffe , Hochschule Fresenius Heidelberg. • “usa e Dopple , Hochschule Fresenius Heidelberg. Publisher: Elsevier Overview: We would like to invite you to submit a chapter proposal to Else ie s e se ies o Co su e “ ie e a d Strategic Marketing (Series Editors: Alessio Cavicchi and Cristina Santini). This new volume presents the challenges customers face in their away-from-home food shopping and consumption experiences and explores how customer food experiences can be created. The book addresses several related topics, including food design, food service design, the creation of customer loyalty through experiences, communication strategies like food promotion and event management, and defining product positioning in a competitive environment. Broken into four parts, this book explores food and experience based on a literature review and theoretical background and contains case studies on shopping for the food experience, food consumption experience in restaurants, and food experience and events. The book also includes insights on the methodological tools adopted throughout. Industry professionals in the food and beverage sectors, including those who work in marketing, communication, hospitality, and management, as well as students studying business management, tourism management, event management, and/or marketing and academics developing courses in the fields of consumer behavior, event marketing, or applied marketing or business strategy, are sure to benefit from this reference. This book: • P ese ts the halle ges usto e s fa e i thei a a -from-home food shopping • E plai s ho usto e food e pe ie es a e eated • Co tai s est p a ti e e a ples of ho food o pa ies a hie e a o petiti e ad a tage memorable customer experiences eati g The book will consist of a series of case studies organized by theme. The exact themes will depend on the accepted submissions, but the following provides an outline indication of potential topics: Part I: Food and Experience: Literature review and theoretical background (these chapters should not be casebased) • Introduction to consumer food choices (e.g. Bonaiuto et al. (2012); Gjerris et al. (2016); Caputo, V.; Sacchi, G. and Lagoudakis, A. (2017)) • The role of food in creating experiences (e.g. Kauppinen-Räisänen et al. (2013); Chimhundu (2018); Perullo (2016), Fuller (2011)) • Marketers unintended consequences of improving the consumer food experience (serving large portions, aggressive food marketing and the consequences thereof e.g. overeating, overweight, obesity) (e.g. Howlett et al. (2016); Young and Nestle (2002); Elizabeth (2006); Hawkes (2007) Part II: Case studies on the Shopping for Food Experience • In-Store (customer selection between alternatives, in-store ambience pricing, strategic in- store product placement, the role of the five senses, mass customization), (e.g. Lang and Hooker (2013), Choudhary and Singh (2017), Hogarth-Scott and Rice (1994) • • On the local market, at farm shop or local producer (e.g. Kauppinen-Räisänen et al. (2013), Mirosa and Lawson (2012), Vannoppen et al. (2002) On the Internet (e.g., order process, web-site design, delivery, mass customization) (e.g. Alamelu and Meena (2015), Nagpal et al. (2015)) Part III: Case studies on the Food Consumption Experience in Restaurants • • • • The role of restaurant ambience (e.g., in a fast food restaurant, expensive setting fast food vs. slow food, the role of the five senses) (e.g. Stroebele (2004), Kowtko (2007), Sims (2009), Hall (2012), Frost and Laing (2013), O Neill , Rombach and Bitsch (2015), Lutz and Schachinger (2013), Kauppi e ‐ Räisänen et al. (2013), Björk & Kauppinen- Räisänen, 2013), Omar et al. (2015)) The gourmet / luxury experiences (e.g. live cooking) in restaurants; (e.g. Hermelin, et al. (2017); Chu (2014); (Hartmann et al. 2016) The role of food quality in creating a customer experience (e.g. Wolf (2014)) Food consumption experiences of people with voluntary or involuntary dietary restrictions, e.g., vegetarians, vegans (e.g. Mahr et al. (2013); MacKenzie et al. (2010); Hoek et al. (2017)) Part IV: Cases on Food Experience and Events • • • Food experiences at events (e.g., food quality, food presentation, food variety, sustainably produced food) Experiencing food events, (e.g., street food events, food festivals) The role of food-related events in business development, marketing and sales, e.g. the role of cooking classes, whiskey tasting, chocolate tasting (e.g. Lupton (1994), Sims (2009), Kim et al. (2011), Pettigrew et al. (2012); Mason and Paggiaro (2012); Rusher (2013); Cavicchi and Santini (2014); Getz and Robinson (2014); Getz et al. (2015) Hall and Sharples, (2008); Seo et al. (2013)) This is not an exhaustive list and interested authors are invited to propose chapters which lie outside the areas above, but which lie firmly rooted within the remit of away from home food retailing experiences. Submissions from both an organizational and a consumer perspective are invited. Given the scope of the book, and in line with the objectives of the series, the implications of each case study for consumers and/or organizational strategy should be emphasized by authors – either by having an explicit focus on these issues throughout the chapter, or by including a dedicated i pli atio s fo o su e s su -section towards the end of the chapter. Chapter length: 4,000 words maximum (excluding the reference list) Submission process: By 15 November 2018, potential authors are invited to submit a proposal of 750 words maximum (plus references) which sets out the case study focus, background and intended contribution. A title page should be included which includes all author names, institutional affiliations and full contact details. Please also include a short CV including your reference list. Submitted proposals must relate to new work which has not been published elsewhere previously, accepted for publication or is currently under consideration for publication. Authors should adopt a style which is accessible to those from beyond academia. Key dates: • Chapter outlines due (by email to both editors): 15 November 2018. • Potential authors advised of acceptance: 15 December 2018. • First drafts due by: 15 April 2019. • Final drafts due by: 15 September 2019. • Target publication: March 2020. Contact: • Ad ie e “teffe adrienne.steffen@hs-fresenius.de) • “usa e Dopple susanne.doppler@hs-fresenius.de) References • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Alamelu, R. & Meena, L. (2015), "Store and Online Grocery Shopping- A Customer Value Perspective", TSM Business Review, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 54-68. Björk, P. and Kauppinen-Räisänen, H. Culi a -gastronomic tourism – a search for local food e pe ie es , Nut itio & Food “ ie e, , pp. –309. Bonaiuto, M., Caddeo, P., Carrus, G., De Dominicis, S., Maroni, B. & Bonnes, M. (2012), "Food reputation impacts on consumer's food choice", Corporate Communications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 462-482. Caputo, V.; Sacchi, G. and Lagoudakis, A. (2017) Traditional Food Products and Consumer Chioices: A Review in Cavicchi, A. and Santini, C. (2017). Case Studies in the Traditional Food Sector. Kent: Elsevier Science. Cavicchi, A. and Santini, C. (2014) Food and wine events in Europe: A stakeholder approach, Food and Wine Events in Europe: A Stakeholder Approach. Chimhundu, R. (2018). Marketing Food Brands, [SI] Springer International, PU. Choudhary, S. & Singh, T. 2017, "Role of Retail Store Attributes on Store and Customer Engagement in Food Industry", International Journal of Marketing & Business Communication, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1-10. Chu, Y. A ‘e ie of “tudies o Lu u Hotels O e the Past T o De ades , I te atio al Jou al fo Management Science and Terchnology, 1(2), pp. 30–35. Elizabeth, T.Q. (2006), "Mega, monster or misplaced? Do portion size brand extensions meet consumer needs?", The Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 123-124. F ost, W. a d Lai g, J. Co u i ati g pe suasi e essages th ough slo food festi als , Jou al of Vacation Marketing, 19(1), pp. 67–74. Fuller, G. (2011). New food product development. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis. Getz, D. a d ‘o i so , ‘. N. “. Foodies a d Food E e ts , “ a di a ia Jou al of Hospitalit a d Tourism, 14(3), pp. 315–330. Getz, D. et al. Food e e ts i lifest le a d t a el , E e t Ma age e t, , pp. –419. Gjerris, M., Gamborg, C. and Saxe, H., (2016) What to Buy? On the Complexity of Being a Critical Consumer. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 29(1), pp. 81-102. Hall, C. M. The Co t adi tio s a d Pa ado es of “lo Food: E i o e tal Cha ge, “ustai a ilit a d the Co se atio of Taste , i “lo Tou is : E pe ie es a d Mo ilities, pp. –68 Hall, C. M. and Sharples, L. (2008) Food and wine festivals and events around the world: Development, management and markets, Food and Wine Festivals and Events Around the World: Development, Management and Markets. Hall, C. M., Sharpless, L., Mitchell, R., Macionis, N., Cambourne, B. (2003) Food tourism around the world, (Butterworth Heinemann, Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg) Hartmann, L. H., Nitzko, S. and Spiller, A. ( The sig ifi a e of defi itio al di e sio s of lu u food , B itish Food Jou al, , pp. –1998. Hawkes, C., PhD. (2007), "Regulating Food Marketing to Young People Worldwide: Trends and Policy Drivers", American Journal of Public Health, vol. 97, no. 11, pp. 1962-73. He eli , B., Hi h liffe, G. a d “te a ka, “. The aki g of the gou et estau ateu –masculine ideolog , ide tit a d pe fo a e , NO‘MA, , pp. –64. Hoek, A. C. et al. “h i ki g the food-print: A qualitative study into consumer perceptions, e pe ie es a d attitudes to a ds health a d e i o e tall f ie dl food eha iou s , Appetite, , pp. 117–131. Hogarth-Scott, S. & Rice, S.P. (1994), "The new food discounters: Are they a threat to the major multiples?", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 20. Howlett, E., Davis, C. & Burton, S. (2016), "From Food Desert to Food Oasis: The Potential Influence of Food Retailers on Childhood Obesity Rates", Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 139, no. 2, pp. 215-224. Johnston, Robert; Kong, Xiangyu (2011): The customer experience: a roadmap for improvement. In: Managing Service Quality. Vol. 21, 2011, No. 1, S. 5-24. Kauppinen-Räisänen, H., Gummerus, J. & Lehtola, K. (2013), "Remembered eating experiences described by the self, place, food, context and time", British Food Journal, vol. 115, no. 5, pp. 666-685. Kershen, J. A. (2002) The future of food tourism: foodies, experiences, exclusivity, visions, and political capital (New York: Routledge) Ki , Y. H. et al. The ole of o e : The i pa t o food tou ists satisfa tio a d i te tio to e isit food e e ts , Jou al of Culi a “ ie e a d Te h olog , , pp. –98. doi: 10.1080/15428052.2011.580708. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kowtko, S. 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