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Chapter 1 Do we really need a guide? I. Apparent Triumph of Democracy A. first half of 20th century pre-modern anti democratic governments lost legitimacy monarchy, herititary aristocracy, oligarchy with narrow suffrage B. second half of 20th Century Main alternatives either disappeared, became eccentric survivals, Or retreated and "hunkered down in last strongholds" Nazism, Fascism, Communism Military dictatorships - even Latin America - democratic face Had Democracy at last won? II. Anti Democratic Currents A. Antidemocratic belief and movements continued (This book predates post 9 -11 awareness of Muslim fanaticism Democratic governments existed in fewer than half the countries Less than half the world's population B. concerns about "Crisis of Democracy" in established democracies like the U.S. III. Challenges of Democracy Divide countries into three rough groups A. Antidemocratic Challenge is to make transition to democracy B. Newly Democratic Challenge is to strengthen or consolidate democratic practices and institutions C. Established, Older Democracies Challenge is to perfect and deepen democracy IV. Confusion of Meanings A. What is democracy 2500 year history, means different things to different people B. Ancient Greeks and Romans 500 B.C. C. New Representative Democracy with universal suffrage Is mostly a 20th century phenomenon V. Topics What is democracy? Why is democracy desirable? How democratic are today's democracies? Why are some countries democracies and others are not? Chapter 2 History Where and How did Democracy Develop? just what do we mean by “democracy?” democracy has been discussed off and on for 2500 years, but little agreement on meaning. lengthy history contributes to confusion. different people mean different things. But until only 200 years ago, few examples of functioning democracies Mostly an idea, an unpopular idea…so more an idea for philosophers I. Introduction: Invention of Democracy A. Myth of growth Invented and then continuously advanced, spread inevitably and gradually Why false? After early centuries in Greece and Rome Popular government's disappeared B. Mistake to assume Democracy was invented once and for all 1. Diffusion Some expansion of democrdacy is diffusion of democratic ideas and practices from one place to another. Copying and adaptation 2. Rather independently invented by various groups (like fire) invented in more than one time and place 3. Primitive Democracy A kind of democracy probably existed in tribal governments back into pre historical times. Push to democracy develops out of the logic of equality Studies on nonliterate tribal societies - forms of primitive democracy Dahl speculates it is the most natural political system. Note philosophical idea of State of Nature 4. Hierarchy When people settled into fixed communities circumstances favorable to equality waned hierarchy and inequality and domination became more natural. Tribal democracies replaced by monarchies, aristocracies etc. C. Democracy as we first know it Around 500 B.C. conditions favorable to democracy reappeared in several places. Primitive Democracy reinvented in a more advanced form in Europe II. MEDITERRANEAN A. Ancient Greece Athens 507 B.C. democracy lasted about 200 yrs. coined term democracy demos people kratos people who were “the people” sometimes meant whole population, sometimes commoners, sometimes poor But only citizens not slaves or women All served in Assembly, juries, offices by lot more direct form of democracy Aristotle’s classification: in public interest in selfish interest of rulers by one monarchy tyranny by few aristocracy oligarchy by many polity democracy B. Ancient Rome also about 500 B.C. end of kings Roman “republic” res = thing or affair, publicus = public republic was a thing or affair that belonged to the people (a commonwealth.) Senate, consuls, tribunes changing institutions conflict between patricians and plebians undermined by empire, growth in provinces, army, emperors 44 B.C. Julius Ceasar C. Late Medieval Italy Northern Italian City States 1100-1500 A.D. Florence, Venice, Milan, Pisa etc. walled cities, free from aristocrats, middle class dominate, nobles feuding independent, no nation state, shifting “international” alliances senates, councils etc. 1300’s rise of tyrants/princes, then dominance of France and Spain D. A Word about Words 1. Popular government Democracy republic Do they refer to different things? 2. Madison confused matters in 1787 Federalist Papers "pure democracy" vs. republic republic = scheme of representation Dahl says this distinction had no previous history Madison wanted to answer charges Of Antifederalists that Constitution was not democratic enough Dahl says roman Republic fit better into Madison's "democracy Dahl says the difference is only difference between Greek and Latin 3. However Madison's distinction stands today Modern Republic is taken to mean a representative democracy III. NORTHERN EUROPE A. What was absent in popular governments of Ancient world? 1. national parliament 2. composed of elected representatives 3. popularly chosen local governments This combination evolved in Britain, Scandinavia, Low countries, Switzerland B. Local Assemblies 1. Vikings Norwegians Boat shaped ring of large stones 600 - 1,000 A.D. Viking freemen met Called Ting Typically held in an open field. Large vertical stones Settled disputes, debated laws, approved or rejected king. Vikings knew nothing about ancient democracy. Invented on their own from the "logic of equality" Considerable Inequality Men/women; wealth and status , slaves, aristocratic class, king 2. Other parts of Northern Europe a. Swiss cantons 800 A.D. isolated pastoral, equality C. From Local Assemblies to Parliaments 1. Iceland Viking settlers transplanted practices 930 A.D. created a super-Thing Althing or national assembly Source of Icelandic law for 3 centuries. 2. Norway, Denmark, Sweden similar developments regional assemblies arose and then national rise in power of king led to reduction of their importance. 3. Later 15th Century Sweden a kind of revived tradition King called together meetings of representatives from different sectors of society , nobility, clergy, burghers, commoners Needed money Riksdagor parliament 4. Similar development in Netherlands Rulers needed funds, called representatives of middle classes Estates - did not evolve directly into parliaments D. Atlantic Democratic Tradition 1. England Greatest influence by far King called parliament/assembly, for revenue 1272, 1300's Evolution of British Parliemnt-- long story Medieval England: Growth of Parliament English nobles 1200’s, 1300’s Magna Carta Civil War Glorious Revolution Cabinet System By 1700 Evolved into a constitutional system in which king and parliament were each limited by authority of the other. Parliament consisted of hereditary House of Lords and elected (very limited suffrage) House of Commons Mixed government King ---Lords --- Parliament Admired throughout the world Montesquieu 2. America colonial legislatures, evolved unto state governments Continental Congress into Congress of Confederation and Constitution Writers of U.S. Constitution admired British system Wanted to create a system with the benefits of English system But avoided defects on monarchy and aristocracy E. DEMOCRATIZATION: ON THE WAY, BUT ONLY ON THE WAY 1. By early 1700 political ideas and practices had appeared in Europe that would be part of later democratic ideas and practices a. local assemblies - from logic of equality b. idea that governments need the consent of the governed originally about taxes, later laws in general c. need to govern a larger area - representation d. How to choose representatives elections 2. What had not been achieved? a. great inequalities remained status, hierarchy social enequalities remained b. The whole people were not represented inequality of voting rights exclusion of majority c. Assemblies did not control Kings far from democratic next step to control kings ministers parliaments were bastions of privilege d. until 1800's democratic ideals not understood or widely shared democracy seen as a bad thing jacksonian Democracy of 1830's French Revolution Also parties condemned Elections corrupted by crown Few people believed in democracy Conditions needed to change Conclusion Democracy did not proceed on an inevitable path We can't count on inevitability of democracy Depends on conditions Demcracy is a bit chancy. Depends on what we do. CHAPTER 3 what lies ahead Democracy as Ideal and actuality A word about words: empirical judgments/ value judgments questions to be asked: p. 29 CHAPTER 4 goals and ideals WHAT IS DEMOCRACY CHAPTER 5 goals and ideals WHY DEMOCRACY CHAPTER 6 goals and ideals WHY POLITICAL EQUALITY I: INTRINSIC EQUALITY CHAPTER 7goals and ideals WHY POLITICAL EQUALITY I: CIVIC COMPETENCE CHAPTER 8 What Political Institutions Does Large-Scale Democracy Require? (ch. 8 p. 83) CHAPTER 9 Varieties I Democracy on Different Scales (ch. 9 p. 100) Greek vs. Modern Assembly democracy vs. representative democracy Democracy reconfigured as Representative democracy: Why? Chapter 10 Varieties II Constitutions Do differences in Constitutions of democratic countries really matter? Looks at older democracies first. Constitutions defined broadly to include unwritten. Chapter 11 Varieties III: Parties and Electoral Systems Chapter 12 What Underlying Conditions Favor Democracy? ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS FOR DEMOCRACY FAVORABLE CONDITIONS FOR DEMOCRACY INDIA AN IMPROBABLE DEMOCRACY WHY DID DEMOCRACY THRIVE IN 20TH CENTURY? Ch. 13 Why Market-Capitalism Favors Democracy Ch. 14 Why Market-Capitalism Harms Democracy Ch. 15 The Unfinished Journey CHALLENGE 1: THE ECONOMIC ORDER CHALLENGE 2: INTERNATIONALISM CHALLENGE 3: CULTURAL DIVERSITY CHALLENGE 4: CIVIC EDUCATION Chapter 1 Do we really need a guide? 1. Recent apparent spread of democracy. Has democracy triumphed? Not really anti democratic beliefs and movements democracy in less than half the countries/population crisis of democracy in established democratic countries. 2. Different challengs for different countries nondemocratic –how to make transition newly democratic – how to consolidate established democ – how to perfect & deepen 3. Democracy ancient and new 2500 years of democratic tradition relatively recent widespread experience with real democracy mainly a product of the 20th century 4. Basic questions need to be answered. 1. History Chapter 2 Where and How did Democracy Develop? A. Not a smooth, inevitable increase Not invented just once some diffusion from existing ideas and practices but Dahl also maintains independently invented (Scandanavian) Democracy grows out of logic of equality Tribal situations What undermines this basic equality A. The Mediterranean: Democracy self governing city states 1. Ancient Greece 500 B.C. democracy Add Aristotle’s classification in public interest in private interest one Monarchy Tyranny few Aristocracy Oligarchy many Polity Democracy Greek practices Citizens assembled to pass laws, judgments, elect officials Other officials chosen by lottery usually given as an example of direct democracy 2. Ancient Rome 500 B.C. a. republic Public Thing, Common Wealth Kings, republic, Emperor b. Institutions and practices 2 counsuls, occasional dictators 10 Tribunes – Popular Assemblies Senate b. Who participated? Problems with the system Empire but no representation – Italian citizens Direct Democracy corruption c. Lessons of Romans for Political Thought, Americans in particular direct democracy, popular participation dangerous…factionalism corruption, independence and virtu needed military …standing army bad, citizen militia good Small republics, Not empire Balance, separation of powers d. Madison’s Confusion of the terms Word about words p. 16: Popular government Democracy – direct participation Republic – scheme or representation no history of this distinction But we are stuck with it now. Often people/Pol Sci’s use Republic to mean Representative system or Representative democracy 3. Italian City-Republics 1100 A.D. – 1600’s City Republics Growth of cities, memory of the Romans Classes: Aristocracy Grandi Middle Class Popolo guilds Institutions: Senates or Grand Councils, Counsuls, Signori, Gonfalonier Undermined by tyrants/princes/ national monarchies of France, Spain Venice Examples for us: Factions, small republics Rise of tyrants B. Northern Europe : Representative Assemblies local self government combined with national assemblies 1. Vikings/Scandanavia Local Assemblies Ting Kings and nobles 2. From Assemblies to Parliaments a. Iceland Althing b. Netherlands, Flanders 3. England 1272-1307 Struggle for Parliamentary supremacy 1688 Growth of Cabinet system Montesquieu, Separation of Powers King, Lords, Commons 4. America postive and negative example of ancients positive and negative model of British Constitution 5. France C. By 1700 Representative Democracy Launcyed Pol ideas and practices established that would become elements of democratic beliefs and institutions What had not been achieved? Limitations: 1. Huge Inequalities 2. Parliaments and Assemblies themselves undemocratic did not control King’s ministers privileged still dominated 3. Unrepresentative whole people not really represented men, wealth 4. Democratic Beliefs not widely shared or understood democracy not a good thing until 1800’s Political opposition, freedom lacked legitimacy political parties condemned mass participation not encouraged deference to betters prevailed elections corrupt D. Democracy: Past and Future 1. Not inevitable march, setbacks 2. Not inevitable future depends on us. Democracy chancy. CHAPTER 3 what lies ahead 1. Democracy as Ideal and actuality 2. A word about words: empirical judgments/ value judgments 3. questions to be asked: p. 29 IDEAL Goals and ideals ACTUAL Actual demo gov’s What is demo? Why Demo? What pol institutions does demo require? What conditions favor democracy ch. 4 ch. 5-7 Part III Part IV CHAPTER 4 goals and ideals WHAT IS DEMOCRACY Some other definitions of democracy Literally rule by the people. …democracy as more than a people’s right to participate in governance, it means all people hold power and can exercise it to create our common world…citizens exercising power in all facets of public life.” Green book: p. 23 A democracy is more than a form of government; it is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience. …each has to refer his own actions to that of others, and to consider the action of others to give point and direction to his own…” (John Dewey: Democracy and Education, Free Press 1944. p. 87 Dahl p. 37 A. Definition all the members are to be treated as if they were equally qualified to participate in the process of making decisions about the policies the association will pursue. Key element is political equality B. Criteria for a Democratic Process 1. Effective Participation 2. Voting Equality 3. Enlightened Understanding 4. Control of the Agenda 5. Inclusion of adults C. Some Crucial Questions 1. Can we apply the criteria to the government of a state? 2. Is it realistic to thin that an association could ever fully meet these criteria not really how does an unreachable ideal help us? 3. Are these criteria all we wouild need for designing democratic political institutions? 4. Why should we believe that Democracy is desirable, particularly in governing an association as important as the state? CHAPTER 5 goals and ideals WHY DEMOCRACY Democracy Produces Desirable Consequences 1. Avoiding Tyranny examples of tyrants fear of majority tyranny, majority harm. 2. Essential Rights Other rights must be granted for democracy to be effective effective participation…. 3. Personal Freedom Wide range of personal freedoms What do anarchists say? What is Anarchy? Anarchy and Public Achievement. 4. Protecting Personal Interests: Democracy helps people protect their fundamental interests. 5. Self Determination: Only democracy can provide a maximum opportunity for persons to exercise the freedom of self-determinations – that is to live under laws of their own choosing. pg. 53-54 6. Moral Autonomy: max opportunity for moral responsibility Moral responsibility: you adopt your moral principles and make decisions that depend on these principles only after you have engaged in a thoughtful process. 7. Human Development Dahl says this is an empirical claim, more controversial characteristics we want to foster: honesty, courage, fairness, love 8. Political Equality Foster a high degree of pol equality In addition modern democracies produce 9. Peace-seeking counting the wars Why? 10. Prosperity asssociaiton with affinity between representative democracy and a market economy foster high education rule of law, independent courts, property rights dependence on communication CHAPTER 6 goals and ideals WHY POLITICAL EQUALITY I: INTRINSIC EQUALITY A. Is Equality Self Evident Declaration of Independence possible meanings B. Intrinsic Equality: A Moral Judgment not an empirical statement but a statement of how people ought to be treated. (as if they were equal) C. Why should we adopt the moral principle of intrinsic Equality? 1. Ethical and religious grounds 2. Weakness of an Alternative Principle 3. Prudence government has great power for good, but also for harm governing process that put you in privileged position could turn on you. 3. Acceptability more people will accept this idea. If you accept it they may too. CHAPTER 7 goals and ideals WHY POLITICAL EQUALITY I: CIVIC COMPETENCE A. THE COUNTER CLAIM OF GUARDIANSHIP 1. What is guardianship and how argued? based on the analogy of doctor, pilot 2. Problems with the analogy a. personal decisions by individuals not equivalent to decisions by government b. to govern a state requires more than strictly scientific knowledge (ethical judgments) c. good ends often conflict with each other –trade offs needed d. Even where agreement prevails on the ends, Much conflict and disagreement about the means Thus to govern a state well takes more than knowledge e. even if guardians have superior knowledge, power will corrupt f. to design a utopia is not to implement it How will guardians be chosen? 3. The Competence of Citizens to govern Rejecting guardianship leads to this conclusion: Among adults, no persons are so definitely better qualified than others to govern that they should be entrusted with compete and final authority over the government of a state. every adult should be allowed to judge what is best for his our her own good or interests. a. Adults not children b. not all adults 4. Fifth Democratic Standard: Inclusion If you are deprived of an equal voice in government chances are high your interests will be neglected. John Stuart Mill and the working class Slaves, women Full inclusion: citizen body in a democratically governed state must include all persons subject to the laws of that state, except transients and persons proved to be incapable of caring for themselves. 6. Unsettled Problems a. Importance of Expertise vis a vis democratic decision making b. Citizen competence and Civic Education p. 70 – IMPORTANT FOR PA perfect conclusion for PA p. 80. CHAPTER 8 What Political Institutions Does Large-Scale Democracy Require? (ch. 8 p. 83) A. Word about words Arrangements Practices Institutions B. How can we know? look at countries that have become/made transition to democracy look at countries generally considered to be democratic reflect on a specific country, group of countries, or a hypothetical country Either way same set of democratic institutions C. The Instutions 1. Elected Officials 2. Free, fair, frequent elections 3. Freedom of expression 4. Access to alternative sources of information 5. Associational autonomy 6. Inclusive Citizenship D. Political Institutions in perspective 1. Historical development of democracy Which institutions came first brief account of first political parties Jeffersonians 2. Word about words: “polyarchy” democracy traditionally meant only some men could vote modern democracy that meets all 6 criteria is new Dahl calls it polyarchical democracy 3. Are some of the institutions simply a product of historical development and not really necessary for democracy? E. The Factor of Size all the institutions necessary for a democratic country would not\ always be required for a unit much smaller than a country. Governments of small organizations would not have to be full-fledged representative governments. F. Institutions and Criteria in a country these insititutions are necessary to meet the following democratic criteria How to apply this in small groups like PA? 1. Elected Officials Effective Participation Control of the Agenda 2. Free, fair, frequent elections Voting Equality Control of the Agenda 3. Freedom of expression Effective Participation Enlightened Understanding Control of the Agenda 4. Access to alternative sources of information Effective Participation Enlightened Understanding Control of the Agenda 5. Associational autonomy Effective Participation Enlightened Understanding Control of the Agenda 6. Inclusive Citizenship Full Inclusion G. Questions about the Criteria 1. Why and when does Democracy require Elected Representatives? early town meeting democracy earlier view of democracy and republics: direct participation representative democracy was a contradiction in terms America (and Britain) Representative Republic older tradition forgotten 2. Why does Democracy require free, fair and frequent elections? Equal and effective Participation Free Fair Frequent 3. Why does Democracy require Free Expression? To Participate Effectively….. must be able to make your views known, to persuade others must be able to hear what others have to say, to be persuaded Civic Competence and Enlightened understanding need free expression Can’t affect the Agenda if can’t have free expression 4. Why does Democracy Require the Availability of Alternative and Independent Sources of Information? same 5. Why does Democracy Require Independent Associations? Need to organize and conduct elections, if one group, why not others? Politics need not stop between elections Associations contribute to understanding, civic competence 6. Why does Democracy Require Inclusive Citizenship? H. Polyarchical Democracy ideal or less than ideal? depends on current status of democracy: older democracies to go beyond newer to achieve this ideal CHAPTER 9 Varieties I Democracy on Different Scales (ch. 9 p. 100) 1. Democracy Greek vs. Modern Two differences a. inclusion b. election of representatives Greek democracy was a primary or assembly or town meeting democracy 2. Assembly democracy vs. representative democracy a. Dahl reminds us that assembly democracy was main democratic idea for a long time Other thnkers Rosseau Representation had a shady past: not democratic in intent representation is not really self government: ordinary citizens don’t have opportunities for participating effectively in decisions b. Democracy reconfigured as Representative democracy: Why? 1. Representation already existed – medieval estates, could evolve into a kind of democracy - opportunity for reformers. Destutt de Tracy, James Mill 1820: Representation the grand discovery of modern times. 2. nation state obviously too large for assembly democracy 3. Size and Democracy number of persons and extent of territory territorial problem could be solved by electronic democracy but number of citizens naturally limits ability to discuss What is ideal size for democracy? How big is too big? Greek city state 2,000-10,000 Athens 60,000 Table 1 shows as size increases, time for discussion becomes impossible Even in an assembly democracy a de facto kind of representation takes place not everyone speaks. Some listen and judge 4. Democratic Limits of Representative Government great democratic defect of Rep gov time it would take for constitutents to communicate with representative. U.S. representative would need 130 days to meet for 10 mins with all constit’s Law of time and numbers affects both assembly democracy and rep demo 5. Fundamental Democratic Dilemma goal should be: -to establish a demo system that provides maximum opportunities for citizens to participate in political decisions and - maximum scope to deal effectively with problems of greatest concern to citizens smaller unit: more participation/ less important problems a. Small is Beautiful…sometimes Town Meetings: Limits and possibilities citizens stay home when unimportant issues only on agenda b. Bigger is Better..sometimes Achilles heel of small state –0 military weakness vs large state also: economics, traffic, transportaion, communication, health etc. Is it possible to see a world where large states have vanished, replaced only by small populations? No 6. Dark Side of Democracy: Bargaining among elites citizens delegate enormous discretionary authority to elites this is a nondemocratic process 7. Can International Organizations be Democratic? Dahl thinks this is harder than even for national state. Bargaining, hierarchy and markets even more important 8. Robust Pluralistic Society within Democratic countries municipal governments, also states or regions Democratic principles on p. 118 suggest possible democratic governments for associations Chapter 10 Varieties II Constitutions Do differences in Constitutions of democratic countries really matter? Looks at older democracies first. Constitutions defined broadly to include unwritten. A. What are the important Variations? 1. Written or unwritten? 2. Bill of Rights? 3. Social and Economic Rights? 4. Federal or Unitary? 5. Unicameral or bicameral legislature? 6. Judicial Review? 7. Tenure of judges for life, or limited term? 8. Referenda? 9. Presidential or Parliamentary? 10. Electoral System? B. How Constitutions make a difference 1. Stability 2. Fundamental Rights 3. Neutrality 4. Accountability 5. Fair Representation 6. Informed Consensus 7. Effective Government 8. Competent Decisions 9. Transparency and Comprehensibility 10. Resiliency 11. Legitimacy C. How Much of a Difference Do the Differences Make? additional evidence from newer democracies and failed democracies. Each of these variations has existed in a stable democracy; Therefore: 1. If underlying conditions highly favorable, stability is likely with any constitutional variation. 2. If underlying conditions highly unfavorable, no constitutional variations can provide stability. 3. Where conditions neither favorable nor unfavorable, where democracy chancy, but not impossible, the choice of constitutional design might matter. a well designed constitution might help democracy to survive, whereas a poorly designed constitution might contribute to breakdown of democracy. Other values besides stability fairness of representation effectiveness of government legitimacy of government Chapter 11 Varieties III: Parties and Electoral Systems Political Parties and electoral systems, some of the most impactful political arrangements. I. ELECTORAL SYSTEMS A. Proportional Representation B. First Past the Post (SMDP) C. Two systems evaluated 1. Fairness example explaining its unfairness of FPTP More evenly distributed, more unfairness (51% in every district means 100% in legislature) 2. Number of Parties debate over relative merits of two or multi party systems advantages of each mirror its disadvantages a. two party system simplifies choices b. two party system leads to effective government II. SOME BASIC OPTIONS FOR DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONS A. Continental European Option: Parliamentary gov + PR B. British or Westminster Option: Parliamentary Gov + FPTP C. The U.S. Option: Presidential Gov + FPTP D. Latin American Option: Presidential Gov + PR E. Mixed Options French Fifth Republic Pres + parl + modified FPTP III. THINKING AOBUT DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONS: SOME GUIDELINES A. most of the basic problems of a country can’t be solved by constitutional design Underlying Conditions very important B. Democratic Stability is not the only criterion Fair representation; transparency; comprehensibility; responsiveness; effective government C. All Constitutional Arrangements have disadvantages There is no perfect constitution D. U.S. System is exceedingly complicated works OK here through pol culture, skills, practices But U.S. probably should not be imitated E. Latin American Combination may be associated with breakdowns. Thomas Jefferson: Revolution every 20 years? Dahl: No, but maybe a constitutional review Chapter 12 What Underlying Conditions Favor Democracy? I. ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS FOR DEMOCRACY A. No Strong Foreign Control Hostile to Democracy B. Control of Military and Police by Elected Officials C. Democratic Beliefs and Political Culture What are these beliefs? p. 157 How are they created? II. FAVORABLE CONDITIONS FOR DEMOCRACY A. Modern Market Economy and Society B. Weak Subcultural Pluralism How to deal with subcultures? 1. Assimilation (U.S.) or repression (U.S. & Soviet) 2. Consensus -veto to minorities 3. Electoral Systems to require support of more than one group 4. Separation a. federalism or confederalism but subgroups must be geographically separated problem of Quebec b. secession and independence not a real solution III. INDIA AN IMPROBABLE DEMOCRACY A. India does not meet many of the conditions B. some of the conditions are met control of military and police popular support for democracy minorities too small and intermingled to rule alone IV. WHY DID DEMOCRACY THRIVE IN 20TH CENTURY? A. danger of intervention by outside powers hostile to democracy declined B. Lure of military dictatorships declined C. new democracies somewhat homogenous D. Visible failures of totalitarian systems, military dictatorships E. Spread of Market Capitalism Ch. 13 Why Market-Capitalism Favors Democracy A. Five important conclusions (two here, three next chapter) 1. Polyarchal democracy has enured only in countries with predominantly market capitalist economies. It has never endured in a country with apredominantly nonmarket economy 2. Certain features of market-capitalism make it favorable to democracy Certain features on nonmarket economy harmful to democratic process a. markets led to economic growth, cut acute poverty, reduce social and pol conflict provides resources for non zero sum solutions b. social and political consequences creates a large middle class of property owners who seek education, personal freedom, rule of law, property rights, and participation in government c. Command economy puts incredible power in hands of political elites power corrupts….. market economy avoids this temptation B. Some Qualifications 1. Market Capitalism has existed in nondemocratic countries In Taiwan, S. Korea it undermined authoritarian regiemes China: “denomouement of a momentous historical drama” will market capitalism undermine and democratize communism? 2. Market capitalism need not be industrial or post industrial to be fav. for demo agricultural Economy was highly decentralized 3. War time exceptions to decentralized economy Ch. 14 Why Market-Capitalism Harms Democracy Return to five important conclusions: 3. Democracy and Market-capitalism are locked in a persistent conflict in which each modifies and limits the other a. market capitalism’s suffering and widespread suffrage led to regulation b. basic institutions of market capitalism require extensive regulation and intervention without intervention and regulation, economy inflicts serious harm on some, and they demand intervention Note: list of interventions on pl. 176 4. Because market capitalism inevitably creates inequalities, it limits the democratic potential of polyarchal democracy by generating inequalities in distribution of political resources. 5. market capitalism favors democratic development up to level of polyarchal democracy. But because of its adverse consequences for political equality It is unfavorable to development of democracy beyond the level of polyarchy Ch. 15 The Unfinished Journey What lies ahead? 20th century -often appeared dark period for democracy -Turned out to be an era of unparalleled triumph Yet Democracy has been rare to human experience Future is uncertain: Will it be replaced by a non-democratic system? Guardianship in some form? Will it continue its global expansion? Will democracy become broader in reach and shallower in depth? confidence to predict certain problems or challenges will remain, grow more daunting. Nature and quality of democracy will depend on how well democratic citizens and leaders meet these challenges: 1. CHALLENGE 1: THE ECONOMIC ORDER A. Market-capitalism unlikely to be displaced 1. labor/socialist parties abandoned nationalization as goal communism collapsed B. the “antagonistic cohabitation will persist 1) internal governments of capitalist firms are undemocratic, despotisms profits distributed in highly unequal fashion 2) worker ownership and management “economic democracy?” Only experiment ended with Yugoslavia Trade Unions not pushing for internal democracy 2. CHALLENGE 2: INTERNATIONALISM Internationalism, globalization likely to expand domain of decisions made by political and bureaucratic elites need is to find ways to hold bureaucratic elites accountable, and remember the costs to democracy. 3. CHALLENGE 3: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Moderate level of cultural homogeneity favorable to democracy Older democracies dealt with diversity in undemocratic ways in the past. Diversity seems likely to increase A. Increasing Demands Those who had been discriminated against joined movements of cultural identity that sought to protect their rights and interests Women, color, language minorities, immigrants, homosexuals, ethnic minorities in historic regions B. Immigration from poorer countries to older democracies business needs for cheap labor impossibility of sealing off border 4. CHALLENGE 4: CIVIC EDUCATION recall one basic criterion for democracy: enlightened understanding A. How do citizens acquire civic education in older democracies? 1. Formal education Dahl: for literacy I add: direct socialization indirect socialization 2. Mass Media widespread info available cheaply I add: What about infotainment, popular culture, cynicism and incivility? does extra info lead to declining party Id? 2. Political Parties competition between office seekers and parties parties also as low cost voting cue reduce need for much political information 4. Interest Groups associations seeking particular concerns special kind of representation I’d add internal communication and mobilization 5. Incrementalism step by step policy changes, rational in uncertain environment How does this relate to civic education? B. Three interrelated developments likely to render these standard solutions deficient 1. Changes in Scale internationalization decisions are being made that cover more and more people over larger and larger areas 2. Complexity while formal education levels has risen complexity of issues has increased even more 3. Communications sheer amount of information available has increased But may not lead to greater competence or understanding 3. Robert Dahl, On Democracy p 40 of 40